LF411 LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier Literature Number: SNOSBH6C LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier General Description Features These devices are low cost, high speed, JFET input operational amplifiers with very low input offset voltage and guaranteed input offset voltage drift. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain bandwidth product and fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input bias and offset currents. The LF411 is pin compatible with the standard LM741 allowing designers to immediately upgrade the overall performance of existing designs. These amplifiers may be used in applications such as high speed integrators, fast D/A converters, sample and hold circuits and many other circuits requiring low input offset voltage and drift, low input bias current, high input impedance, high slew rate and wide bandwidth. n n n n n n n n n n n Typical Connection Connection Diagrams Internally trimmed offset voltage: Input offset voltage drift: Low input bias current: Low input noise current: Wide gain bandwidth: High slew rate: Low supply current: High input impedance: Low total harmonic distortion: Low 1/f noise corner: Fast settling time to 0.01%: 0.5 mV(max) 10 µV/˚C(max) 50 pA 0.01 pA/√Hz 3 MHz(min) 10V/µs(min) 1.8 mA 1012Ω ≤0.02% 50 Hz 2 µs Metal Can Package 00565505 Note: Pin 4 connected to case. 00565501 Top View Order Number LF411ACH or LF411MH/883 (Note 11) See NS Package Number H08A Dual-In-Line Package Ordering Information LF411XYZ X indicates electrical grade Y indicates temperature range “M” for military “C” for commercial Z indicates package type “H” or “N” 00565507 Top View Order Number LF411ACN, LF411CN See NS Package Number N08E BI-FET II™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. © 2004 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005655 www.national.com LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier August 2000 LF411 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) H Package Tjmax If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. LF411A LF411 ± 22V ± 38V ± 18V ± 30V Supply Voltage Differential Input Voltage θjA N Package 150˚C 115˚C 162˚C/W (Still Air) 120˚C/W 65˚C/W (400 LF/min Air Flow) θ jC Input Voltage Range 20˚C/W Operating Temp. ± 19V (Note 2) ± 15V Range Output Short Circuit (Note 4) (Note 4) Storage Temp. Duration Continuous Continuous −65˚C≤TA≤150˚C −65˚C≤TA≤150˚C Range Lead Temp. H Package N Package (Soldering, 10 sec.) 670 mW 670 mW ESD Tolerance Power Dissipation (Notes 3, 10) DC Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter 260˚C 260˚C Rating to be determined. (Note 5) Conditions LF411A Min LF411 Typ Max Min Units Typ Max VOS Input Offset Voltage RS=10 kΩ, TA=25˚C 0.3 0.5 0.8 2.0 mV ∆VOS/∆T Average TC of Input RS=10 kΩ (Note 6) 7 10 7 20 µV/˚C Offset Voltage IOS Input Offset Current (Note 6) VS= ± 15V Tj=25˚C (Notes 5, 7) Tj=70˚C VS= ± 15V Tj=25˚C (Notes 5, 7) Tj=70˚C 4 4 nA Tj=125˚C 50 50 nA 25 Input Bias Current RIN AVOL VO VCM Input Resistance Tj=25˚C 25 2 Tj=125˚C IB 100 25 50 200 50 1012 100 pA 2 nA 25 nA 200 pA 1012 Ω 200 V/mV Large Signal Voltage VS= ± 15V, VO= ± 10V, Gain RL=2k, TA=25˚C Over Temperature 25 200 15 200 V/mV Output Voltage Swing VS= ± 15V, RL=10k ± 12 ± 16 ± 13.5 ± 12 ± 11 ± 13.5 V 50 Input Common-Mode Voltage Range CMRR Common-Mode PSRR Supply Voltage 200 25 +19.5 −16.5 +14.5 V −11.5 V RS≤10k 80 100 70 100 dB (Note 8) 80 100 70 100 dB Rejection Ratio Rejection Ratio IS Supply Current 1.8 AC Electrical Characteristic Symbol Parameter 2.8 1.8 3.4 mA (Note 5) Conditions LF411A Min Typ LF411 Max Min Typ Units Max SR Slew Rate VS= ± 15V, TA=25˚C 10 15 8 15 V/µs GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product VS= ± 15V, TA=25˚C 3 4 2.7 4 MHz en Equivalent Input Noise Voltage TA=25˚C, RS=100Ω, f=1 kHz in Equivalent Input Noise Current TA=25˚C, f=1 kHz www.national.com 2 25 25 0.01 0.01 Symbol Parameter LF411 AC Electrical Characteristic (Note 5) (Continued) Conditions LF411A Min THD Total Harmonic Distortion AV=+10, RL=10k, VO=20 Vp-p, BW=20 Hz−20 kHz Typ LF411 Max Min < 0.02 Typ Units Max < 0.02 % Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Note 2: Unless otherwise specified the absolute maximum negative input voltage is equal to the negative power supply voltage. Note 3: For operating at elevated temperature, these devices must be derated based on a thermal resistance of θjA. Note 4: These devices are available in both the commercial temperature range 0˚C≤TA≤70˚C and the military temperature range −55˚C≤TA≤125˚C. The temperature range is designated by the position just before the package type in the device number. A “C” indicates the commercial temperature range and an “M” indicates the military temperature range. The military temperature range is available in “H” package only. Note 5: Unless otherwise specified, the specifications apply over the full temperature range and for VS= ± 20V for the LF411A and for VS= ± 15V for the LF411. VOS, IB, and IOS are measured at VCM=0. Note 6: The LF411A is 100% tested to this specification. The LF411 is sample tested to insure at least 90% of the units meet this specification. Note 7: The input bias currents are junction leakage currents which approximately double for every 10˚C increase in the junction temperature, Tj. Due to limited production test time, the input bias currents measured are correlated to junction temperature. In normal operation the junction temperature rises above the ambient temperature as a result of internal power dissipation, PD. Tj=TA+θjA PD where θjA is the thermal resistance from junction to ambient. Use of a heat sink is recommended if input bias current is to be kept to a minimum. Note 8: Supply voltage rejection ratio is measured for both supply magnitudes increasing or decreasing simultaneously in accordance with common practice, from ± 15V to ± 5V for the LF411 and from ± 20V to ± 5V for the LF411A. Note 9: RETS 411X for LF411MH and LF411MJ military specifications. Note 10: Max. Power Dissipation is defined by the package characteristics. Operating the part near the Max. Power Dissipation may cause the part to operate outside guaranteed limits. Typical Performance Characteristics Input Bias Current Input Bias Current 00565511 00565512 3 www.national.com LF411 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Positive Common-Mode Input Voltage Limit Supply Current 00565513 00565514 Negative Common-Mode Input Voltage Limit Positive Current Limit 00565515 00565516 Negative Current Limit Output Voltage Swing 00565517 www.national.com 00565518 4 LF411 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Output Voltage Swing Gain Bandwidth 00565519 00565520 Bode Plot Slew Rate 00565522 00565521 Undistorted Output Voltage Swing Distortion vs Frequency 00565523 00565524 5 www.national.com LF411 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Open Loop Frequency Response Common-Mode Rejection Ratio 00565525 00565526 Power Supply Rejection Ratio Equivalent Input Noise Voltage 00565527 00565528 Open Loop Voltage Gain Output Impedance 00565529 www.national.com 00565530 6 LF411 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) Inverter Settling Time 00565531 Pulse Response RL=2 kΩ, CL10 pF Large Signal Inverting Small Signal Inverting 00565541 00565539 Large Signal Non-Inverting Small Signal Non-Inverting 00565542 00565540 7 www.national.com LF411 Pulse Response RL=2 kΩ, CL10 pF (Continued) Current Limit (RL=100Ω) 00565543 The LF411 will drive a 2 kΩ load resistance to ± 10V over the full temperature range. If the amplifier is forced to drive heavier load currents, however, an increase in input offset voltage may occur on the negative voltage swing and finally reach an active current limit on both positive and negative swings. Precautions should be taken to ensure that the power supply for the integrated circuit never becomes reversed in polarity or that the unit is not inadvertently installed backwards in a socket as an unlimited current surge through the resulting forward diode within the IC could cause fusing of the internal conductors and result in a destroyed unit. As with most amplifiers, care should be taken with lead dress, component placement and supply decoupling in order to ensure stability. For example, resistors from the output to an input should be placed with the body close to the input to minimize “pick-up” and maximize the frequency of the feedback pole by minimizing the capacitance from the input to ground. Application Hints The LF411 series of internally trimmed JFET input op amps ( BI-FET II™ ) provide very low input offset voltage and guaranteed input offset voltage drift. These JFETs have large reverse breakdown voltages from gate to source and drain eliminating the need for clamps across the inputs. Therefore, large differential input voltages can easily be accommodated without a large increase in input current. The maximum differential input voltage is independent of the supply voltages. However, neither of the input voltages should be allowed to exceed the negative supply as this will cause large currents to flow which can result in a destroyed unit. Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on either input will force the output to a high state, potentially causing a reversal of phase to the output. Exceeding the negative common-mode limit on both inputs will force the amplifier output to a high state. In neither case does a latch occur since raising the input back within the common-mode range again puts the input stage and thus the amplifier in a normal operating mode. Exceeding the positive common-mode limit on a single input will not change the phase of the output; however, if both inputs exceed the limit, the output of the amplifier may be forced to a high state. The amplifier will operate with a common-mode input voltage equal to the positive supply; however, the gain bandwidth and slew rate may be decreased in this condition. When the negative common-mode voltage swings to within 3V of the negative supply, an increase in input offset voltage may occur. The LF411 is biased by a zener reference which allows normal circuit operation on ± 4.5V power supplies. Supply voltages less than these may result in lower gain bandwidth and slew rate. www.national.com A feedback pole is created when the feedback around any amplifier is resistive. The parallel resistance and capacitance from the input of the device (usually the inverting input) to AC ground set the frequency of the pole. In many instances the frequency of this pole is much greater than the expected 3 dB frequency of the closed loop gain and consequently there is negligible effect on stability margin. However, if the feedback pole is less than approximately 6 times the expected 3 dB frequency, a lead capacitor should be placed from the output to the input of the op amp. The value of the added capacitor should be such that the RC time constant of this capacitor and the resistance it parallels is greater than or equal to the original feedback pole time constant. 8 LF411 Typical Applications High Speed Current Booster 00565509 PNP=2N2905 NPN=2N2219 unless noted TO-5 heat sinks for Q6-Q7 9 www.national.com LF411 Typical Applications (Continued) 10-Bit Linear DAC with No VOS Adjust 00565532 where AN=1 if the AN digital input is high AN=0 if the AN digital input is low Single Supply Analog Switch with Buffered Output 00565533 www.national.com 10 LF411 Simplified Schematic 00565506 Note 11: Available per JM38510/11904 Detailed Schematic 00565534 11 www.national.com LF411 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Metal Can Package (H) Order Number LF411MH/883 or LF411ACH NS Package Number H08A Molded Dual-In-Line Package (N) Order Number LF411ACN or LF411CN NS Package Number N08E www.national.com 12 LF411 Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational Amplifier Notes LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCE National Semiconductor certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification (CSP-9-111C2) and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification (CSP-9-111S2) and contain no ‘‘Banned Substances’’ as defined in CSP-9-111S2. National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support Center Email: new.feedback@nsc.com Tel: 1-800-272-9959 www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Customer Support Center Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 Email: europe.support@nsc.com Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 24 0 2171 Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790 National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support Center Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Customer Support Center Fax: 81-3-5639-7507 Email: jpn.feedback@nsc.com Tel: 81-3-5639-7560 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. 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