APPLICATION NOTE Connecting SP5301 to MPC850 PowerQUICC™ Processors in the Motorola MPC850 PowerQUICC™ family support one USB host port at a 12Mbit/sec data rate. They require an external USB transceiver, such as the SP5301, to provide the analog interface to the Universal Serial Bus. Vcc = +3.3V Motorola MPC850 PowerQUICC 12Mbps USB Host Controller V_BUS = +5V USBTXP (7) USBTXN (6) USBOE# (14) USBRXD (15) USBRXP (11) USBRXM (10) NC RERR /OE RCV SIPEX VP SP5301 VM SUSPND GND 48MHz Ref. Clock VMO USB Connector VPO Vcc 1.5K D+ DSPEED RSE0 22 ohm NC V_BUS D+ DGND Vcc = +3.3V Not shown: 0.1uF Bypass capacitor on Vcc Float RERR and RSE0 (No Connect) The USB controller on the MPC850 uses six signals. Additional signals such as SUSPEND and SPEED can be driven using general purpose outputs if desired. Signal MPC USBTXN USBTXP USBOE# USBRXD USBRXP USBRXN Optional Signals Dir → → → ← ← ← → → ← Signal SP5301 VMO VPO OE# RCV VP VM SUSP SPEED RERR ← RSE0 Rev. 7/15/2004 Function Data outputs from Host, Inputs to Transceiver, Driven onto D- and D+ Output Enable, controls SP5301 transmit or receive Differential Receive Single Ended Receive. Gated version of D+ and D-. Used to detect Single-ended Zero (EOF and Reset) Drive high to put SP5301 into low power state Drive low to adjust driver slew rate for Low Speed (1.5Mbps) Outputs high if D+ and D- are 11 (illegal state). Leave unconnected if not used Outputs high if D+ and D- are 00 (SE0). Leave unconnected if not used © Copyright 2004 Sipex Corporation