PC727 PC727 Low Input Current Drive Type Photocoupler ■ Features ■ Outline Dimensions 1. Low input current drive type (IF : 50 µ A) 2. Current transfer ratio (CTR : MIN. 60%) 1.2 6 Internal connection diagram 4 5 (Unit : mm) 6 5 4 1 Cathode Assured within operating temperature range (Ta=-25 to +60˚C) 2 Anode 6.5 PC727 3 NC 4 Emitter ■ Applications 1 2 1 3 2 3 5 Collector 6 NC 1. ISDNs 2. Telephone sets 7.62 Example of ISDN terminal configuration DSU 2.54 0.5 3.4 3.7 3.5 9.22 0.26 0.5 Modular jack Send * DSU : Digital Service Unit (line terminal equipment) Receive * TE terminal : Terminal Equipment (standard terminal) TE terminal Receive Send Rotary driver /receiver IC 5V Feed (from station) : 40V (+5/-20%) (32 to 42V) PC727 connection detection to C-MOS IC ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings *1 *2 Input *1 Output *3 *3 *4 *5 Parameter Forward current Peak forward current Reverse voltage Power dissipation Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-collector voltage Collector current Collector power dissipation Total power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Isolation voltage Soldering temperature (Ta=25˚C) Symbol IF IFM VR ICEO VCEO VECO IC PC Ptot Topr Tstg Viso Tsol Rating 5 300 6 40 35 6 50 150 170 - 30 to + 100 - 55 to + 125 2 500 260 Unit mA mA V mW V V mA mW mW ˚C ˚C Vrms ˚C *1 Ta=-30 to +100˚C *2 Pulse width <=100 µs, Duty ratio=0.01 (Refer to Fig. 3) *3 Decrease in the ambient temperature range of the Absolute Max. Rating : Shown in Figs.1 and 2. *4 40 to 60% RH, AC for 1 minute *5 For 10 seconds “ In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that occur in equipment using any of SHARP's devices, shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest version of the device specification sheets before using any SHARP's device.” PC727 ■ Electro-optical Characteristics (Ta=25˚C) Parameter Symbol Forward voltage VF Input VFM IR Ct ICEO BVCEO BVECO Ic VCE(sat) RISO fc tr tf Peak forward voltage Reverse current Terminal capacitance *6 Dark current Output Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-collector breakdown voltage *6 Collector current Collector-emitter saturation voltage Transfer Insulation resistance Cut-off frequency characteristics Response time (rise) Response time (fall) Conditions IF = 50 µ A IF = 5mA IFM = 300mA VR = 4V V = 0, f = 1kHz VCE = 10V, IF = 0 Ic = 0.1mA, I F = 0 IE = 0.01mA, I F = 0 IF = 50 µ A, VCE = 5V IF = 100 µ A, I c = 50 µ A DC500V, 40to 60% RH V = 0, f = 1MHz VCE = 2V, Ic = 2mA RL = 100Ω MIN. TYP. MAX. 1.2 1.4 1.6 2 10 80 3 35 6 30 1 5 x 1010 1 x 1011 0.6 20 25 - Unit V V µA pF µA V V µA V Ω pF µs *6 Ta = - 25 to + 60˚C Fig. 1 Collector Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 2 Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Total power dissipation Ptot (mW) Collector power dissipation Pc (mW) 200 150 100 50 0 - 30 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient temperature Ta (˚C) Pulse width<=100 µs Ta = 25˚C Peak forward current I FM (mA) 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 200 170 150 100 50 0 - 30 0 25 50 75 Ambient temperature Ta (˚C) Fig. 3 Peak Forward Current vs. Duty Ratio 1 000 250 100 Duty ratio ● Please refer to the chapter "Precautions for Use." 100 125