Delta Sheet DS7, 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® Quad E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications PEF 22554 HT Version 2.1 PEF 22554 E Version 2.1 Preface This document describes the changes implemented in the QuadFALC® Version 2.1 related to the previous version 1.3. All functions not mentioned in this document remain unchanged. QuadFALC® Version 2.1 is a pin-compatible replacement of QuadFALC® Version 1.x. Severe errata of QuadFALC® Version 1.3 are fixed. For more information please contact your local sales office. Organization of this Document • • • • Chapter 1, Overview Gives a general description of the product differences to its predecessor. Chapter 2, Electrical Characteristics Shows the differences in electrical behavior. Chapter 2.4, Changed Supply Power Test Conditions T1/J1 Shows the mechanical dimensions of the new BGA package. Chapter 3, Appendix Shows a screenshot of the available software tool. Related Documentation Data Sheet PEF 22554 Version 2.1 Errata Sheet PEB 22554 Version 1.3 Addendum PEB 22554 Version 1.3 Revision History: Previous Version: Preliminray Delta Sheet DS 6, 2002-08-19 Major Changes: “Functional Changes” on Page 2: Additional compare status field (CCR5.6) “Changed DC Characteristics” on Page 26: Power Supply Currents & LOS Limits, Delta Sheet 1/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1 Overview 1.1 Functional Changes The following function has been changed: • • • • • • • • • Version status in register VSTR changed from 02H to 05H The boundary scan part number changed to 142, the boundary scan ID changed to 1. A new BSDL file is required. The pulse mask programming (registers XPM(2:0)) has to be adjusted. The MCLK reference clock programming (registers GCM(8:1)) has to be changed. Variable master clock frequency function always enabled (GCM2(4) = 1). New feature “automatic short haul/long haul adjustment” available by setting LIM0.EQON = 1. Additional automatic resynchronization mode for T1 (new bit: FMR2.7 = AFRS). Additional compare status field (mode 2) in SS7 mode (new bit: CCR5.6 = CSF2). 2048 kHz synchronization interface according o ITU-T G.703 Sec. 13 (E1). For more information refer to online Application Notes 1.2 Correction of Errata All severe errata of QuadFALC® Version 1.3 have been fixed. For more information please contact your local sales office. 1.3 Modified Pin Functions QuadFALC® Version 2.1 is pin-compatible with QuadFALC® Version 1.x. However, some pin functions have been modified as detailed below: • • No 5 V input levels are allowed due to technology restrictions (see Page 24). The currently unused ("N.C.") pins on V1.3 devices are used as "Core Voltage Supply" (VDDC) pins and "Voltage Selection" (VSEL) pin on V2.x devices. Due to the new technology the core voltage is 1.8 V (see Chapter 1.5). 1.4 Package In addition to the P-TQFP-144-8 package, a P-BGA-160-1 package with a ball pitch of 1.0 mm and a size of 15 mm × 15 mm is supported (see Figure 4). 1.5 Power Supply The Version 2.1 device requires two supply voltages, 3.3 V and 1.8 V. For compatibility reasons, it is possible to operate the device off a single 3.3 V supply, with the 1.8 V Delta Sheet 2/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview supply being generated internally using an on-chip voltage regulator. In order to minimize power consumption, it is also possible to operate the device using separate external 3.3 V and 1.8 V supplies. Please note that the 1.8 V supply requires de-coupling whether generated on-chip or externally. Supply voltage selection is done by using pin VSEL. See Figure 1 and Figure 2. • 3.3 V 3.3 V VDD VDDX VDDR VDDP VDDC VDDC VDD, VDDP, VDDX, VDDR > VDDC (can be left open) QuadFALC® VSS VSSP VSSX VSSR must always be guaranteed, also during power on and power down sequences. Figure 1 VSEL F0248 Single Voltage Supply • 1.8 V 3.3 V VDD VDDX VDDR VDDP VDDC VDDC VDD, VDDP, VDDX, VDDR > VDDC QuadFALC® VSS VSSP VSSX VSSR must always be guaranteed, also during power on and power down sequences. Figure 2 Delta Sheet VSEL F0249 Dual Voltage Supply 3/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Pinout VSSX D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 VSS VDD D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 VSS VDD D2 D1 D0 BHE/BLE CS RD/DS WR/RW A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 VSSX 1.6 108 109 104 100 96 92 88 84 80 76 73 72 112 68 116 64 120 60 124 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 V2.1 128 56 52 132 48 136 44 140 40 144 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 37 36 VSSX XDI1 SXLKX1 RPA1 RPB1 RPC1 RPD1 SCLKR1 RDO1 VDD VSS RDO2 SCLKR2 RPA2 RPB2 RPC2 RPD2 XDI2 SCLKX2 XDI3 SCLKX3 RPA3 RPB3 RPC3 RPD3 SCLKR3 RDO3 VDD VSS RDO4 SCLKR4 RPA4 RPB4 RPC4 RPD4 VSSX XL1_1/XDOP1/XOID1 VDDX XL2_1/XDON1/XFM1 TDI TDO VDDR RL1_1/RDIP1/ROID1 RL2_1/RDIN1/RCLKI1 VSSR VDDC RCLK1 XPA1 XPB1 XPC1 XPD1 VDDP VSS XPA2 XPB2 XPC2 XPD2 RCLK2 TRS VDDP MCLK VSEL VSSP VSSR RL2_2/RDIN2/RCLKI2 RL1_2/RDIP2/ROID2 VDDR TCK TMS XL2_2/XDON2/XFM2 VDDX XL1_2/XDOP2/XOID2 Figure 3 Delta Sheet XL1_4/XDOP4/XOID4 VDDX XL2_4/XDON4/XFM4 SEC/FSC IM VDDR RL1_4/RDIP4/ROID4 RL2_4/RDIN4/RCLKI4 VSSR VDDC ALE RCLK4 XPD4 XPC4 XPB4 XPA4 VSS VDD XPD3 XPC3 XPB3 XPA3 SCLKX4 XDI4 SYNC RCLK3 RES VSSR RL2_3/RDIN3/RCLKI3 RL1_3/RDIP3/ROID3 VDDR INT DBW XL2_3/XDON3/XFM3 VDDX XL1_3/XDOP3/XOID3 F0213 Pin Configuration P-TQFP-144-8, Top View 4/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 XL1_2 XL2_2 VDDR VSSR RL1_2 RL2_2 RL2_1 RL1_1 VSSR VDDR XL2_1 XL1_1 A B VSSX VSSX XDI1 MCLK XPC2 TRS XPD2 VDD XPA1 VDDP XPB1 D15 VSSX C VDDX VDDX D RPC1 SCLKX 1 TCK VSSP VDDP XPA2 XPB2 XPC1 VDDC TDO D14 VDDX VDDX RPA1 RPB1 RPD1 TMS VSS XPD1 RCLK1 TDI D12 D13 D11 E RDO1 SCLKR 1 VDD VDD VSS VDD VDD D10 F RDO2 VSS SCLKR RPA2 2 D9 D7 D8 D6 G RPC2 RPB2 SCLKX RPD2 2 H XDI3 SCLKX 3 XDI2 RPA3 J RPB3 RPD3 RPC3 K RDO3 VSS L VSEL RCLK2 VSSX VSS VSS D5 VDD D4 D3 VSS VSS D2 VSS D0 D1 SCLKR 3 BHE/ BLE CS W R/ RW RD/DS VDD RDO4 A9 A8 A6 A7 SCLKR RPB4 4 RPA4 DBW A2 A4 M VDDX VDDX RPC4 INT RES N VSSX RPD4 XDI4 XPC3 P VSSX XPD3 XPB4 ALE SEC/ FSC A5 A3 SCLKX 4 VDD VDD XPD4 VDDC IM A1 VDDX VDDX SYNC XPB3 XPA4 RCLK4 VSS XPC4 A0 VSSX RCLK3 XPA3 VSSX XL1_3 XL2_3 VDDR VSSR RL1_3 RL2_3 RL2_4 RL1_4 VSSR VDDR XL2_4 XL1_4 F0213_2 Figure 4 Delta Sheet Ball Layout P-BGA-160-1, Top View 5/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 14 A 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 XL1_1 XL2_1 VDDR VSSR RL1_1 RL2_1 RL2_2 RL1_2 VSSR VDDR XL2_2 XL1_2 B VSSX VSSX D15 XPB1 VDDP XPA1 VDD XPD2 TRS XPC2 MCLK C VDDX VDDX D14 TDO VDDC XPC1 XPB2 XPA2 VDDP VSSP TCK RCLK1 XPD1 VSS TMS RPD1 RPB1 XDI1 VSSX SCLKX VDDX VDDX 1 D D11 D13 D12 TDI E D10 VDD VDD VSS VDD VDD F D6 D8 D7 D9 RPA2 SCLKR 2 G D3 D4 VDD D5 VSS VSS RPD2 SCLKX RPB2 2 H D1 D0 VSS D2 VSS VSS RPA3 J RD/DS W R/ RW CS BHE/ BLE K A7 A6 A8 A9 L A4 A2 A3 A5 SEC/ FSC ALE XPB4 XPD3 XPD4 VDD VDD SCLKX 4 RES RCLK4 XPA4 XPB3 SYNC XPC3 VDDX VDDX A1 IM VDDC N VSSX A0 XPC4 VSS P XDI2 SCLKR RPC3 3 M VSSX RCLK2 VSEL VSSX RPA1 RPC1 SCLKR RDO1 1 VSS RDO2 RPC2 SCLKX 3 XDI3 RPD3 RPB3 RDO4 VDD VSS RDO3 XPA3 RCLK3 DBW RPA4 RPB4 SCLKR 4 INT RPC4 VDDX VDDX XDI4 RPD4 VSSX VSSX XL1_4 XL2_4 VDDR VSSR RL1_4 RL2_4 RL2_3 RL1_3 VSSR VDDR XL2_3 XL1_3 F0213_3 Figure 5 Delta Sheet Ball Layout P-BGA-160-1, Bottom View 6/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.7 Pin Description Table 1 Additional Pin Functions VSEL I + PU Voltage Select Enables the internal voltage regulator for 3.3 V-only operation mode if connected to VDD (recommended) or left open. Disables the internal voltage regulator for dual power supply mode if connected to VSS. VDDC S Positive Power Supply for the digital core (1.8 V) These pins can either be positive power supply input or output depending on the VSEL input condition. If the VSEL pin is connected to VSS, these pins are inputs and must both be connected to the same 1.8 V power supply and require decoupling. If the VSEL pin is connected to VDD (3.3 V), these pins will both be 1.8 V power supply outputs and must be decoupled to VSS. Attention: These pins must not be used to supply external devices. VDDP S Positive Power Supply for the analog PLL (3.3 V) VSSP S Power Supply Ground for the analog PLL (0 V) A short pin list of the BGA package is given in Table 2. For a complete signal description refer to the QuadFALC® V2.1 Preliminary Data Sheet. Table 2 BGA Pin Assignment Ball No. BGA Pin No. TQFP Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) N12 74 A0 I + PU Address Bus M12 75 A1 I + PU Address Bus L13 76 A2 I + PU Address Bus L12 77 A3 I + PU Address Bus L14 78 A4 I + PU Address Bus L11 79 A5 I + PU Address Bus K13 80 A6 I + PU Address Bus K14 81 A7 I + PU Address Bus Delta Sheet 7/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 2 BGA Pin Assignment (cont’d) Ball No. BGA Pin No. TQFP Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) K12 82 A8 I + PU Address Bus K11 83 A9 I + PU Address Bus B12 107 D15 I/O + PU Data Bus C12 106 D14 I/O + PU Data Bus D13 105 D13 I/O + PU Data Bus D12 104 D12 I/O + PU Data Bus D14 103 D11 I/O + PU Data Bus E14 100 D10 I/O + PU Data Bus F11 99 D9 I/O + PU Data Bus F13 98 D8 I/O + PU Data Bus F12 97 D7 I/O + PU Data Bus F14 96 D6 I/O + PU Data Bus G11 95 D5 I/O + PU Data Bus G13 94 D4 I/O + PU Data Bus G14 93 D3 I/O + PU Data Bus H11 90 D2 I/O + PU Data Bus H14 89 D1 I/O + PU Data Bus H13 88 D0 I/O + PU Data Bus L9 62 ALE I + PU Address Latch Enable J14 85 RD/DS I + PU Read Enable Data Strobe J13 84 WR/RW I + PU Write Enable Read/Write Enable L4 40 DBW I + PU Data Bus Width M11 68 IM I + PU Interface Mode J12 86 CS I + PU Chip Select J11 87 BHE/BLE I + PU Bus High Enable Bus Low Enable M4 41 INT O/oD Interrupt Request A9 115 RL1.1 I (analog) Line Receiver 1, Channel 1 Delta Sheet 8/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 2 BGA Pin Assignment (cont’d) Ball No. BGA Pin No. TQFP Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) A6 138 RL1.2 I (analog) Line Receiver 1, Channel 2 P6 43 RL1.3 I (analog) Line Receiver 1, Channel 3 P9 66 RL1.4 I (analog) Line Receiver 1, Channel 4 A8 116 RL2.1 I (analog) Line Receiver 2, Channel 1 A7 137 RL2.2 I (analog) Line Receiver 2, Channel 2 P7 44 RL2.3 I (analog) Line Receiver 2, Channel 3 P8 65 RL2.4 I (analog) Line Receiver 2, Channel 4 A13 109 XL1.1 O (analog) Transmit Line 1, Channel 1 A2 144 XL1.2 O (analog) Transmit Line 1, Channel 2 P2 37 XL1.3 O (analog) Transmit Line 1, Channel 3 P13 72 XL1.4 O (analog) Transmit Line 1, Channel 4 A12 111 XL2.1 O (analog) Transmit Line 2, Channel 1 A3 142 XL2.2 O (analog) Transmit Line 2, Channel 2 P3 39 XL2.3 O (analog) Transmit Line 2, Channel 3 P12 70 XL2.4 O (analog) Transmit Line 2, Channel 4 B4 133 MCLK I Master Clock N6 48 SYNC I + PU Clock Synchronization of DCO-R L10 69 SEC/FSC I/O + PU One-Second Timer Input One-Second Timer Output 8 kHz Frame Synchronization Output D10 119 RCLK1 O + PU Receive Clock, Channel 1 D7 130 RCLK2 O + PU Receive Clock, Channel 2 L5 47 RCLK3 O + PU Receive Clock, Channel 3 N9 61 RCLK4 O + PU Receive Clock, Channel 4 E1 9 RDO1 O Receive Data Out, Channel 1 F1 12 RDO2 O Receive Data Out, Channel 2 K1 27 RDO3 O Receive Data Out, Channel 3 K4 30 RDO4 O Receive Data Out, Channel 4 E2 8 SCLKR1 I/O + PU System Clock Receive, Ch. 1 Delta Sheet 9/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 2 BGA Pin Assignment (cont’d) Ball No. BGA Pin No. TQFP Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) F3 13 SCLKR2 I/O + PU System Clock Receive, Ch. 2 J4 26 SCLKR3 I/O + PU System Clock Receive, Ch. 3 L1 31 SCLKR4 I/O + PU System Clock Receive, Ch. 4 D2 4 RPA1 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port A, Ch. 1 F4 14 RPA2 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port A, Ch. 2 H4 22 RPA3 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port A, Ch. 3 L3 32 RPA4 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port A, Ch. 4 D3 5 RPB1 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port B, Ch. 1 G2 15 RPB2 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port B, Ch. 2 J1 23 RPB3 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port B, Ch. 3 L2 33 RPB4 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port B, Ch. 4 D1 6 RPC1 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port C, Ch. 1 G1 16 RPC2 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port C, Ch. 2 J3 24 RPC3 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port C, Ch. 3 M3 34 RPC4 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port C, Ch. 4 D4 7 RPD1 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port D, Ch. 1 G4 17 RPD2 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port D, Ch. 2 J2 25 RPD3 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port D, Ch. 3 N3 35 RPD4 I/O + PU Receive Multifunction Port D, Ch. 4 B3 2 XDI1 I Transmit Data In, Channel 1 H3 18 XDI2 I Transmit Data In, Channel 2 H1 20 XDI3 I Transmit Data In, Channel 3 N4 49 XDI4 I Transmit Data In, Channel 4 C3 3 SCLKX1 I/O + PU System Clock Transmit, Ch. 1 G3 19 SCLKX2 I/O + PU System Clock Transmit, Ch. 2 H2 21 SCLKX3 I/O + PU System Clock Transmit, Ch. 3 M6 50 SCLKX4 I/O + PU System Clock Transmit, Ch. 4 B9 120 XPA1 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port A, Ch. 1 C7 126 XPA2 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port A, Ch. 2 Delta Sheet 10/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 2 BGA Pin Assignment (cont’d) Ball No. BGA Pin No. TQFP Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) L6 51 XPA3 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port A, Ch. 3 N8 57 XPA4 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port A, Ch. 4 B11 121 XPB1 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port B, Ch. 1 C8 127 XPB2 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port B, Ch. 2 N7 52 XPB3 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port B, Ch. 3 L8 58 XPB4 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port B, Ch. 4 C9 122 XPC1 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port C, Ch. 1 B5 128 XPC2 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port C, Ch. 2 N5 53 XPC3 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port C, Ch. 3 N11 59 XPC4 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port C, Ch. 4 D9 123 XPD1 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port D, Ch. 1 B7 129 XPD2 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port D, Ch. 2 L7 54 XPD3 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port D, Ch. 3 M9 60 XPD4 I/O + PU Transmit Multifunction Port D, Ch. 4 B6 131 TRS I + PU Test Reset for Boundary Scan D11 112 TDI I + PU Test Data Input D5 141 TMS I + PU Test Mode Select C4 140 TCK I + PU Test Clock C11 113 TDO O Test Data Output M5 46 RES I Reset D6 134 VSEL I + PU Voltage Select A11 114 VDDR S Power Supply for analog receiver 1 A4 139 VDDR S Power Supply for analog receiver 2 P4 42 VDDR S Power Supply for analog receiver 3 P11 67 VDDR S Power Supply for analog receiver 4 A10 117 VSSR S Ground for analog receiver 1 A5 136 VSSR S Ground for analog receiver 2 P5 45 VSSR S Ground for analog receiver 3 P10 64 VSSR S Ground for analog receiver 4 Delta Sheet 11/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 2 Ball No. BGA BGA Pin Assignment (cont’d) Symbol Input(I) Function Output(O) Supply(S) C13, C14 110 VDDX S Power Supply for analog transmitter 1 C1, C2 143 VDDX S Power Supply for analog transmitter 2 M1, M2 38 VDDX S Power Supply for analog transmitter 3 M13, M14 71 VDDX S Power Supply for analog transmitter 4 B13, B14 108 VSSX S Ground for analog transmitter 1 B1, B2 1 VSSX S Ground for analog transmitter 2 N1, N2 36 VSSX S Ground for analog transmitter 3 N13, N14 73 VSSX S Ground for analog transmitter 4 E3, E4 10 VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V K3 28 VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V M7, M8 55 VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V G12 91 VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V E12, E13 101 VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V B8 --- VDD S Pad Power Supply 3.3 V B10 124 VDDP S Analog PLL Power Supply 3.3 V C6 132 VDDP S Analog PLL Power Supply 3.3 V M10 63 VDDC S Core Power Supply 1.8 V C10 118 VDDC S Core Power Supply 1.8 V C5 135 VSSP S Ground for analog PLL F2 11 VSS S Ground K2 29 VSS S Ground N10 56 VSS S Ground H12 92 VSS S Ground E11 102 VSS S Ground D8 125 VSS S Ground G7, G8, H7, H8 --- VSS S Ground Delta Sheet Pin No. TQFP 12/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.8 Decoupling Capacitors To gain best performance, the following values are recommended for the external decoupling capacitors between VDDC and VSS. There is one decoupling capacitor required on each VDDC pin. Table 3 Decoupling Capacitor Parameters Parameter Value Capacitance 470 nF ± 20 %, alternatively: 2 x 220 nF ± 20 % Capacitor material ceramic, type X7R or compatible ESR < 30 mΩ Loop inductance (LL) between VDDC, capacitor and next VSS pin < 10 nH 118 VDDC VDDC 63 LL LL 125 Figure 6 Delta Sheet VDD VSS VSS VDD 56 F0252 Decoupling Capacitor Placement 13/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.9 Operation Description E1/T1/J1 Note: Write access to unused register addresses: should be avoided, or set to “00” hex in address range. up to xA9; must be avoided in address range above xA9 if not defined elsewhere (for example in Table 4). To achieve optimum receiver sensitivity in E1 long haul mode (> 38 dB) the following sequence must be run: Table 4 Receive Line Interface Initialization (E1) Address Data BBH 17H BCH 55H BBH 97H BBH 11H BCH AAH BBH 91H BBH 12H BCH 55H BBH 92H BBH 0CH BCH 00H BBH 8CH Note: Sequence must be repeated whenever receiver reset (CMDR.RRES) of arbitrary channel was performed (e.g. after setting bit LIM1.EQON). Delta Sheet 14/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.10 Device Marking Pattern The sales code changed from PEB 22554 Version 1.3 to PEF 22554 Version 2.1. The new marking pattern is: Engineering Samples PTQFP: Final Devices PTQFP: PEF 22554 HT V2.1 QuadFALC ES A21 PEF 22554 HT V2.1 QuadFALC A21 Engineering Samples PBGA: Final Devices PBGA: PEF 22554 E V2.1 QuadFALC ES A21 PEF 22554 E V2.1 QuadFALC A21 F0200 Figure 7 Delta Sheet Marking Pattern 15/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.11 Flexible Clock Mode Settings The register settings for flexible master clock can be calculated as follows. For some standard frequencies see Table 5 below. The variables used in these calculations are located in registers GCM1 to GCM8. 1. PLL_M and PLL_N must fulfill the equations: a. for PLL_M = 0 to 31: f MCLK f pdref = ---------------------------PLL_M + 1 b. for PLL_N = 25 to 63: 1.0 MHz ≤ f pdref ≤ 6.0 MHz for PLL_N = 0 to 24: 5.0 MHz ≤ f pdref ≤ 15.0 MHz Attention: To decrease sensitivity of PLL to noise on VDDP and/or VSSP adjust fpdref as high as possible. c. 4 × ( PLL_N + 1 ) 260 MHz ≤ f MCLK × ----------------------------------------- ≤ 395.26 MHz PLL_M + 1 (as high as possible within this range) 2. Selection of dividing mode to best fulfill: 4 × ( PLL_N + 1 ) f outE1 = f MCLK × ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ≅ 2 × 16.384 MHz æ PHSN_E1 + PHSX_E1 -------------------------ö × ( PLL_M + 1 ) è ø 6 4 × ( PLL_N + 1 ) f outT1 = f MCLK × ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ≅ 2 × 12.352 MHz æ PHSN_T1 + PHSX_T1 -------------------------ö × ( PLL_M + 1 ) è ø 6 Though the target frequency might not be met directly, the dividing mode has to be selected to reach a frequency which is as near as possible to the target frequency. Delta Sheet 16/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview PHSN_E1, PHSN_T1: 1 to 15; PHSX_E1, PHSX_T1: 0 to 5 3. Calculation of correction value for frequency mismatch correction: f MCLK PHSX_E1 4 × ( PLL_N + 1 ) PHD_E1 = 12288 × æ PHSN_E1 + -------------------------ö – ----------------------------------------- × --------------------------------------è ø 2 × 16.384 MHz 6 PLL_M + 1 f MCLK PHSX_T1 4 × ( PLL_N + 1 ) PHD_T1 = 12288 × æ PHSN_T1 + -------------------------ö – ----------------------------------------- × --------------------------------------è ø 6 2 × 12.352 MHz PLL_M + 1 The result of these equations will be in the range of -2048...+2047. Negative values are represented in 2s-complement format (e.g., -2000D = 830H ; +2000D = 7D0H). To achieve optimal QuadFALC® performance values < -1023 and > +1023 must be applied. Negative values are favored. Table 5 Clock Mode Register Settings for E1 and T1/J1 fMCLK[MHz] GCM1 GCM2 GCM3 GCM4 GCM5 GCM6 GCM7 GCM8 1.544 00 15 00 08 00 3F 9C DF 2.048 00 18 FB 0B 00 2F DB DF 8.192 00 18 FB 0B 00 0B DB DF 10.000 40 1B 3D 0A 00 07 C9 DC 12.352 00 19 00 08 01 0A 98 DA 16.384 00 18 FB 0B 01 0B DB DF Note: All values are given in hexadecimal notation. To support the necessary calculations, an easy-to-use PC tool is available for free (see Page 29 for details). Delta Sheet 17/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview 1.12 Register Modifications Framer Mode Register 2 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 FMR2 AFRS AFRS 0 MCSP SSP DAIS SAIS PLB AXRA EXZE (x1E) Automatic Force Resynchronization Search for next candidate automatically, if multiple candidates are present and the current candidate is incorrect. (This bit is available in T1/J1 F12 mode only). Line Interface Mode 2 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 20H 7 LIM2 LBO2 LBO(2:0) 0 LBO1 SLT1 SLT0 SCF ELT LOS1 (x3A) Line Build-Out To meet the line build-out defined by ANSI T1.403 registers XPM(2:0) should be programmed as follows: 00 0 dB 01 -7.5 dB → XPM(2:0) = 00H, 01H, 8CH 10 -15 dB → XPM(2:0) = 01H, 11H, 8CH 11 -22.5 dB → XPM(2:0) = 00H, 01H, 07H (This bits are available in T1/J1 mode only). Delta Sheet 18/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Line Interface Mode 0 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 LIM0 XFB 0 XDOS 0 0 EQON RLM LL MAS (x36) By setting EQON = 1 the QuadFALC® is able to adjust short haul or long haul mode automatically. After changing the value of EQON a receiver reset (CMDR.RRES) is required. For E1 mode please note sequence as specified in Table 4 on Page 14. EQON Note: When using EQON = 1 together with RLM = 1, LIM1.RIL(2:0) must be set to 001B. Line Interface Mode 1 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 LIM1 CLOS DRS 0 RIL2 RIL1 RIL0 JATT RL DRS (x37) Dual Rail Select Note: LIM0.EQON must be set to 0 when DRS = 1 Version Status Register (Read) 7 VSTR 0 VN(7:0) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 (4A) Version Number of Chip 05H…Version 2.1 Port Configuration 5 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 20H 7 0 PC5 PC5.2 CXMFS 0 CSRP CRP (x84) reserved Must be cleared. Delta Sheet 19/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Common Configuration Register 5 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 CCR5 1) 0 CSF2 SUET CSF AFX CR1) EPR1) (x8D) T1 mode only CSF2 Compare Status Field - Mode 2 If the status fields of consecutive LSSUs are equal, only the first is stored and every following is ignored. Exception: if identical FISUs are received, two of them are stored, 0 Compare disabled. 1 Compare enabled. Note: Only valid if SS7 is selected Global Clock Mode Register 2 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM2 0 0 0 0 1 PHD_E1 PHD_E1 PHD_E1 PHD_E1 11 10 9 8 (93) GCM2(7:5) removed bits GCM2(4) must be set to 1, details for calculate of the remaining GCM values can be found in Chapter 1.11. Global Clock Mode Register 4 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM4 GCM4(7:5) Delta Sheet 0 0 0 0 0 PHD_T1 PHD_T1 PHD_T1 PHD_T1 11 10 9 8 (95) removed bits 20/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Global Clock Mode Register 5 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM5 0 GCM5.7 0 0 0 PLLM_4 PLLM_3 PLLM_2 PLL_M1 PLL_M0 (96) removed bit, to be set to 0 Global Clock Mode Register 6 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM6 0 GCM6.5 0 0 PLLN_5 PLLN_4 PLLN_3 PLLN_2 PLL_N1 PLL_N0 (97) added bit Attention: Write operations to GCM5 and/or GCM6 register must be performed before any port configuration is done. If this is not possible set LIM0.DRS (if not set) of every channel seperately before writing to these registers and reset LiM0.DRS (if it was not set before) after these write operations. Global Clock Mode Register 7 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM7 1 0 PHSX_ E12 PHSX_ E11 PHSX_ E10 GCM7.7 added bit, to be set to 1 PHSX_E1(2:0) added bits PHSN_E1(3:0) added bits Delta Sheet PHSN_ E13 21/30 PHSN_ E12 PHSN_ E11 PHSN_ E10 (98) 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Global Clock Mode Register 8 (Read/Write) Value after reset: 00H 7 GCM8 0 1 PHSX_ T12 PHSX_ T11 PHSX_ T10 GCM8.7 added bit, to be set to 1 PHSX_T1(2:0) added bits PHSN_T1(3:0) added bits PHSN_ T13 PHSN_ T12 PHSN_ T11 PHSN_ T10 (99) Channel Interrupt Status Register (Read) 7 CIS 0 PLLL CIS.7 0 0 0 GIS4 GIS3 GIS2 GIS1 (6F) PLL Locked Status 1 if PLL is locked, 0 if PLL is unlocked Note:This bit is only updated when a clock is available on pin MCLK Transmit Pulse Mask 2…0 (Read/Write) Value after RESET: 7BH, 03H, 40H 7 0 XPM0 XP12 XP11 XP10 XP04 XP03 XP02 XP01 XP00 (x26) XPM1 XP30 XP24 XP23 XP22 XP21 XP20 XP14 XP13 (x27) XPM2 XLLP XLT DAXLT XP34 XP33 XP32 XP31 (x28) XP24XP20 XP34XP30 C Table 6 Range in m Pulse Shaper Programming (T1/J1)1) Range in ft. XPM0 XPM1 XPM2 XP04- XP14XP00 XP10 hexadecimal decimal 0 to 40 0 to 133 95 16 01 21 20 5 2 40 to 81 133 to 266 B6 9E 01 22 21 7 3 Delta Sheet 22/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Overview Table 6 Pulse Shaper Programming (T1/J1)1) Range in m Range in ft. 81 to 122 XPM1 XPM2 XP04- XP14XP00 XP10 XP24XP20 XP34XP30 266 to 399 D9 26 01 25 22 9 2 122 to 162 399 to 533 FC 36 01 28 23 13 2 162 to 200 533 to 655 3F CB 01 31 28 18 3 1) XPM0 Register values of V1.3 may also be used. For optimum results V2.1 values must be applied Example for E1 120 Ω interface: Programming values for XPM(2:0): 00H, 03H, 9CH. XPM0(4:0): 1CH or 28 decimal XPM1(4:0): 1CH or 28 decimal XPM2(4:0): 00H XPM3(4:0): 00H Delta Sheet 23/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Electrical Characteristics 2 Electrical Characteristics Due to the change of silicon technology some of the electrical characteristics have changed. 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Ambient temperature under bias Storage temperature IC supply voltage (pads, digital) IC supply voltage (core, digital) IC supply voltage PLL (analog) IC supply voltage receive (analog) IC supply voltage transmit (analog) Voltage on any pin with respect to ground1) Symbol TA Tstg VDD VDDC VDDP VDDR VDDX VS Limit Values Unit min. max. – 40 85 °C – 65 125 °C – 0.3 3.60 V – 0.3 1.98 V – 0.3 3.60 V – 0.3 3.60 V – 0.3 3.60 V – 0.3 3.60 V ESD robustness HBM: 1.5 kΩ, 100 pF2) CDM 3) VESD,HBM - 2000 V VESD,CDM - 500 V Moisture level 3 --- 2254) °C 2455) °C 1) Except VDDC 2) According to JEDEC standard EIA/JESD22-A114-B-1997. 3) According to EOS/ESD Assn.Standard DS5.3-1993 4) According to IPS J-STD 020 5) According to IFX internal standard Attention: If the 1.8 V power supply is externally driven on VDDC, the voltage on this pin must never exceed the 3.3 V supply voltages on pins VDD, VDDP, VDDX and VDDR, even during power up and power down of the circuit. Attention: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Delta Sheet 24/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Electrical Characteristics 2.2 Operating Range Parameter Ambient temperature Supply voltages Analog input voltages Digital input voltages Ground Symbol TA VDD VDDP1) VDDR1) VDDC VDDX1) VIA VID VSS VSSP VSSR VSSX Limit Values Unit Notes min. max. -40 85 °C 3.13 3.46 V 3.3 V ± 5% 3.13 3.46 V 3.3 V ± 5% 3.13 3.46 V 3.3 V ± 5% 1.62 1.98 V 1.8 V ± 10% 3.13 3.46 V 3.3 V ± 5% 0 3.602) V 3.3 V ± 5% 0 3.46 V 3.3 V ± 5% 0 0 V 1) Voltage ripple less than 50 mV on these 3.3V supplies 2) Depending on the applied power supply level, signal clipping may occur due to activation of the ESD protection diodes if the signal level exceeds VDDR + 0.3 V Note: In the operating range, the functions given in the circuit description are fulfilled. VDD, VDDP, VDDR and VDDX have to be connected to the same voltage level, VSS, VSSP, VSSR, and VSSX have to be connected to ground level. VDD and VDDC refer to the same ground level VSS. Delta Sheet 25/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Electrical Characteristics 2.3 Changed DC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Notes min. max. 2.0 3.46 V 290 mA E1 application LIM1.DRS = 0 IDDT1 285 mA T1 application LIM1.DRS = 0 Average power supply current (digital line interface mode) IDD3.3V IDDC 201) mA LIM1.DRS = 12) 90 mA Transmitter leakage current ITL 15.0 µA XL1/2 = VDDX; XPM2.XLT = 1 15.0 µA XL1/2 = VSSX; XPM2.XLT = 1 433) dB RL1, RL2 LIM0.EQON = 1 1.25 2.25 V RIL(2:0) = 0006) 0.84 1.07 RIL(2:0) = 0016) 0.45 0.58 RIL(2:0) = 0107) 0.26 0.33 RIL(2:0) = 0116) 0.15 0.21 RIL(2:0) = 1006) 0.10 0.14 RIL(2:0) = 1016) 0.07 0.09 RIL(2:0) = 1106) 0.04 0.06 RIL(2:0) = 1116) Input high voltage Average power supply current (analog line interface mode) VIH IDDE1 Receiver sensitivity E1 long haul SRLH Loss of signal (LOS) detection limit4)5) VLOS 1) In single voltage supply mode (see Figure 1) maximum IDD3.3V = 110 mA 2) System interface at 16 MHz; all-ones data; TA = 85 °C 3) To achieve maximum receiver sensitivity of -43 dB (E1) take special care on sufficient attenuation of crosstalk between Rx and Tx on board (e.g. in transformer) and run sequence as specified in Table 4 on Page 14 4) Differential input voltage between pins RL1 and RL2 5) Values only valid for LIM0.EQON = 1, LOS detection limits set to PCR = 15H, PCD = AH, applied signal sequence +1,0,-1,0,... 6) Parameter not tested in production 7) Value measured in production to fulfil ITU-T G.775 Delta Sheet 26/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Electrical Characteristics 2.4 Changed Supply Power Test Conditions T1/J1 Parameter Symbol Pulse Mask Programming XPM2 01H XPM1 16H XPM0 95H Delta Sheet 27/30 Test Values Unit Notes 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Electrical Characteristics 2.5 Package Outlines P-BGA-160-1 (Plastic Ball Grid Array Package) GPA09369 You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: Dimensions in mm SMD = Surface Mounted Device Delta Sheet 28/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Appendix 3 Appendix The calculation of the GCM register values is supported by a PC-based tool which is available for free. A screenshot is shown in Figure 8 below. F0260 Figure 8 Delta Sheet Flexible Master Clock Calculator 29/30 2002-09-16 QuadFALC® PEF 22554 Appendix F0234 Figure 9 Delta Sheet Application Wizard 30/30 2002-09-16