FEATURES PANEL INDICATOR LEDs - Ø8.0mm Mounting 327 SERIES PACK QUANTITY = 20 PIECES l Unobtrusive lens for flush mounting l Flying lead terminations and low current versions l Sealed to IP40 l Supplied complete with mounting hardware l Product illustrated 327-501-21 available SPECIFICATIONS Ordering Information & Typical Technical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Mean Time Between Failure Typically = 100,000 Hours. PART NUMBER COLOUR Luminous intensity figures refer to the unmodified discrete LED. LENS VOLTAGE DC Vopr CURRENT DC lopr LUMINOUS INTENSITY lv@20mA WAVE OPERATING STORAGE LENGTH TEMP TEMP 660/590 -40 ~ +85^ -40 ~ +85 λp Topr Tstg HIGH INTENSITY 327-000-21-50 Red/Yellow White Diffused 12 20 900/4300 Yes 327-000-21-53 Red/Green White Diffused 12 20 900/7800 660/525 -40 ~ +85^ -40 ~ +85 Yes 327-000-21-55 Yellow/Green White Diffused 12 20 4300/7800 590/525 -40 ~ +85^ -40 ~ +85 Yes 327-501-21 Red Colour Diffused 12 20 11000 643 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-521-21 Yellow Colour Diffused 12 20 16000 591 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-532-21 Green Colour Diffused 12 20 23000 527 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-930-21 Blue Colour Diffused 12 20 7000 470 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-997-21 Cold White Colour Diffused 12 20 14000 *see below -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-501-23 Red Colour Diffused 24-28 20 11000 643 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-521-23 Yellow Colour Diffused 24-28 20 16000 591 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-532-23 Green Colour Diffused 24-28 20 23000 527 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-930-23 Blue Colour Diffused 24-28 20 7000 470 -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes 327-997-23 Cold White Colour Diffused 24-28 20 14000 *see below -40 ~ +95^ -40 ~ +100 Yes Vdc mA mcd nm 0 UNITS 997F-C *Typical emission colour cold white x 0.245 0.361 0.356 0.264 y 0.229 0.385 0.351 0.220 C C 0 Intensities (lv) and colour shades of white (x,y co-ordinates) may vary between LEDs within a batch. ^ = Products must be derated according to the derating information. Each derating graph refers to specific LEDs. Appropriate LED numbers shown. Refer to page 3. How to Order: website: www.marl.co.uk • email: sales@marl.co.uk • • Telephone +44 (0)1229 582430 • Fax: +44 (0)1229 585155 The information contained in this datasheet does not constitute part of any order or contract and should not be regarded as a representation relating to either products or service. for products or service. Marl International reserve the right to alter without notice the specification or any conditions of supply © MARL INTERNATIONAL LTD 2007 : DS080/07 Issue 1 SAMPLES AVAILABLE Page 1 of 4 327 Series Colour dot denotes LED colour Common Anode Dimensions in mm (Typical) MOUNTING HOLE Anode termination indicated by long tag Not to scale for single colour, high intensity devices MATERIALS PUSH-ON CONNECTORS Body Nylon 6 909-000-00 is gold plated Panel Washer Neoprene for use with 327 series. Termination Pins Tin on Nickel Plated Phosphor Bronze Retaining Clip Spring steel Fresnel lens Polycarbonate Header PTFE 910-000-00 is tin plated Suitable for wire sizes from 0.15mm² to 0.38mm² cross sectional area. Dual metal contact design provides low resistance Dimensions in mm (Typical) and gas tight electrical Not to scale contact. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS SERIES MAXIMUM MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION PANEL REVERSE CUTOUT VOLTAGE 327 625 3 8.0 UNITS mW Vdc mm MINIMUM MOUNTING MIN/MAX. PANEL CENTRES THICKNESS mm mm 17.0 13.0 OPTIONAL FLYING LEAD TERMINATIONS ORDER CODE SUFFIX SUPPLY WIRE VOLTAGE WIRE COLOUR LENGTH 13 DC Products Red-anode / Black-cathode 150mm 13 AC Products Brown-live / Blue-neutral 150mm 17 DC Products Red-anode / Black-cathode 1000mm 17 AC Products Brown-live / Blue-neutral 1000mm NO/DIAMETER DIAMETER CONDUCTORS INSULATION 7/0.2mm 1.2mm OF OVER COMMENTS Customised lengths available PROTECTION DIODE ORDER CODE SUFFIX CIRCUIT COMMENTS 01 Available on all indicators except Bi-Colour devices and when diode test is specified. How to Order: website: www.marl.co.uk • email: sales@marl.co.uk • • Telephone +44 (0)1229 582430 • Fax: +44 (0)1229 585155 The information contained in this datasheet does not constitute part of any order or contract and should not be regarded as a representation relating to either products or service. for products or service. Marl International reserve the right to alter without notice the specification or any conditions of supply © MARL INTERNATIONAL LTD 2007 : DS 080/07 Issue 1 SAMPLES AVAILABLE BS EN ISO 9001:2000 Approved Manufacturer Page 2 of 4 Diode Test Facility ORDER CODE TERMINATION 03 3 PINS 09 1000mm of flying leads colours as shown SUFFIX 05 CIRCUIT 150mm of flying leads colours as shown 04 3 PINS 10 1000mm of flying leads colours as shown 06 150mm of flying leads colours as shown TEST POSITIVE TEST COMMENTS Not available with Bi-colour LED NEGATIVE Test Positive Test Negative Cathode Anode Test Cathode Anode Test Identification Identification Mark Mark De-rating Information 505, 511, 532, 930 & 997 512 & 514 535 521 501 How to Order: website: www.marl.co.uk • email: sales@marl.co.uk • • Telephone +44 (0)1229 582430 • Fax: +44 (0)1229 585155 The information contained in this datasheet does not constitute part of any order or contract and should not be regarded as a representation relating to either products or service. for products or service. Marl International reserve the right to alter without notice the specification or any conditions of supply © MARL INTERNATIONAL LTD 2007 : DS 080/07 Issue 1 SAMPLES AVAILABLE BS EN ISO 9001:2000 Approved Manufacturer Page 3 of 4 327 Series Part numbers also available in the 327 Series: PART NO. COLOUR VOLTAGE 327-000-21-51 Yellow/Yellow 12Vdc PART NO. COLOUR VOLTAGE 327-512-04 Green 20mA (Vdc) Vopr (Vdc) Vopr 327-000-21-54 Red/Red 12Vdc 327-512-04-03 Green 20mA 327-000-22-50 Red/Red 24Vdc 327-512-20 Green 5/6Vdc 327-000-22-51 Red/Yellow 24Vdc 327-512-22 Green 24Vdc 327-000-22-54 Red/Yellow 24Vdc 327-512-48-50 Green 60Vdc 327-000-22-55 Red/Green 24Vdc 327-514-48-50 Green 60Vdc 327-000-22-61 Red/Green 24Vdc 327-521-04 Yellow 20mA 327-000-22-62 Red/Red 24Vdc 327-521-21 Yellow 12Vdc 327-000-22-63 Red/Yellow 24Vdc 327-521-22 Yellow 24Vdc 327-000-22-64 Yellow/Green 24Vdc 327-521-22-50 Yellow 24Vdc 327-000-22-65 Yellow/Green 24Vdc 327-521-24 Yellow 48Vdc 327-501-04 Red 20mA 327-521-42-50 Yellow 15Vdc 327-501-20-50 Red 5/6Vdc 327-521-60 Yellow 75Vdc 327-501-21 Red 12Vdc 327-521-75 Yellow 110Vac 327-501-22 Red 24Vdc 327-532-04 Green 20mA 327-501-22-50 Red 24Vdc 327-532-20 Green 5/6Vdc 327-501-22-51 Red 24Vdc 327-532-22 Green 24Vdc 327-501-24 Red 48Vdc 327-532-22-50 Green 24Vdc 327-501-25 Red 110Vdc 327-532-24 Green 48Vdc 327-501-76-19 Red 230Vac 327-532-25 Green 110Vdc 327-502-22 Red 24Vdc 327-532-76-13 Green 230Vac 327-502-22-02 Red 24Vdc 327-532-76-19 Green 230Vac 327-502-22-50 Red 24Vdc 327-535-22-35 Green 24Vdc 327-502-42 Red 15Vdc 327-930-04 Blue 20mA 327-502-42-02 Red 15Vdc 327-930-21 Blue 12Vdc 327-502-53 Red 50Vdc 327-930-22 Blue 24Vdc 327-502-75 Red 110Vac 327-930-75 Blue 110Vac 327-503-04-21 Red 20mA 327-997-04 White 20mA 327-503-22 Red 24Vdc 327-997-22 White 24Vdc 327-503-24 Red 48Vdc 327-997-76-15 White 230Vac 327-505-04-03 Red 20mA 327-997-76-50 White 230Vac White 230Vac 327-509-22 Yellow 24Vdc 327-997-76-51 327-509-42 Yellow 15Vdc UNITS 327-511-04-03 Green 20mA UNITS The products listed above illustrate all of the options available to order. These products may have custom modifications that alter their operation beyond the generic information contained within this datasheet. Please contact sales for further information. How to Order: website: www.marl.co.uk • email: sales@marl.co.uk • • Telephone +44 (0)1229 582430 • Fax: +44 (0)1229 585155 The information contained in this datasheet does not constitute part of any order or contract and should not be regarded as a representation relating to either products or service. for products or service. Marl International reserve the right to alter without notice the specification or any conditions of supply © MARL INTERNATIONAL LTD 2007 : DS 080/07 Issue 1 SAMPLES AVAILABLE BS EN ISO 9001:2000 Approved Manufacturer Page 4 of 4