DC/DC Converters
THB 6 Series, 6 Watt
◆ Ultra compact DIP-24 package
◆Wide 2:1 input voltage ranges
◆I/O isolation voltage 4000 VACrms
◆Reinforced insulation rated for working
UL 60950-1
UL 60601-1
voltage 300 VAC
◆Industrial and medical safety approvals
◆Low leakage current
◆ Short circuit protection
◆Input filter to meet EN 55022, Class A
◆3-year product warranty
The THB 6 series is a new range of high performance, regulated DC/DC converters
in a DIP-24 plastic package. A reinforced I/O-isolation system and a wide 2:1 input
voltage range make this product the best choice for many demanding applications
like transportation systems, industrial controls, medical equipment, instrumentation,
everywhere where high basic-, supplementary- or reinforced insulation is required
to meet requested safety standards.
A high efficiency allows safe operation in a temperature range of –40°C to +71°C.
Other features of this product are over voltage protection and internal EMI-input
filter to meet EN 55022 class A without additional components. Full SMD-design
with exclusive use of ceramic capacitors ensures a very high reliability and a long
product lifetime.
Order code
Input voltage range
THB 6-1211
Output voltage
Output current max.
Efficiency typ.
1000 mA
75 %
12 VDC
500 mA
78 %
±12 VDC
±250 mA
78 %
THB 6-1223
±15 VDC
±200 mA
78 %
THB 6-2411
1000 mA
77 %
12 VDC
500 mA
80 %
±12 VDC
±250 mA
80 %
±15 VDC
±200 mA
80 %
1000 mA
77 %
12 VDC
500 mA
80 %
±12 VDC
±250 mA
80 %
±15 VDC
±200 mA
80 %
THB 6-1212
THB 6-1222
THB 6-2412
THB 6-2422
9 - 18 VDC
(12 VDC nominal)
18 - 36 VDC
(24 VDC nominal)
THB 6-2423
THB 6-4811
THB 6-4812
THB 6-4822
THB 6-4823
36 - 75 VDC
(48 VDC nominal)
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DC/DC Converters
THB 6 Series
6 Watt
Input Specifications
Input current at no load / full load
12 Vin; 5 VDC model:
12 Vin; other models:
24 Vin; 5 VDC model:
24 Vin; other models:
48 Vin; 5 VDC model:
48 Vin; other models:
30 mA typ. / 570mA typ.
30 mA typ. / 640mA typ.
20 mA typ. / 280mA typ.
20 mA typ. / 315mA typ.
10 mA typ. / 140mA typ.
10 mA typ. / 155mA typ.
Start-up voltage / under voltage shut down
12 Vin models: 9 VDC / 8.5 VDC typ.
24 Vin models: 18 VDC / 16 VDC typ.
48 Vin models: 36 VDC / 34 VDC typ.
Recommanded input fuse (slow blow)
12 Vin models: 1.2 A
24 Vin models: 0.6 A
48 Vin models: 0.3 A
Surge voltage (1 sec. max.) 12 Vin models: 25 VDC max.
24 Vin models: 50 VDC max.
48 Vin models: 100 VDC max.
Input filter EN 55022 class A
Output Specifications
Voltage set accuracy ±1.0 %
– Input variation Vin min. to Vin max. 1.0 % max.
– Load variation 25 – 100 %: single output models: 1.0 % max.
dual output models: 2.0 % max. balanced load
Minimum load 20 % of rated max. output current.
(Operation at lower load is safe but major
deviations to specified data may occur)
Ripple and noise (20 MHz bandwidth)
5 VDC models: 100 mVp-p max.
other models: 150 mVp-p max.
Transient Response (25% load step change) 500 µs max.
Current limitation >120 % Iout max.
Short circuit protection indefinite (automatic recovery)
Capacitive load
5 VDC output models: 1000 µF max.
12 VDC output models: 470 µF max.
dual output models: 220 µF max. (each output)
Isolation / Safety Standards
Isolation test voltage (flash tested 1 sec.) 6000 Vpk
I/O isolation voltage (50Hz, 60sec.) 4000 VACrms
Leakage current (at 240VAC, 60Hz) 2 µA
I/O isolation capacity (at 100KHz, 1V) 7 pF typ.
I/O isolation resistance (at 500VDC) >1000 Mohm
Safety standards IEC/EN 60950-1, UL 60950-1
IEC/EN 60601-1, UL 60601-1
Safety approvals (pending) CB-report, CSA
All specifications valid at nominal input voltage, full load and +25°C after warm-up time unless otherwise stated.
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DC/DC Converters
THB 6 Series
6 Watt
General Specifications
Temperature ranges
– Operating –40°C to +71°C
– Casing +95°C max.
– Storage –40°C to +125°C
Derating 3.0 %/K above 60°C
Humidity (non condensing) 95 % rel H max.
Temperature coefficient ±0.02 %/K typ.
Reliability, calculated MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217F @ 25°C, ground benign) >700’000 h
Switching frequency 150 kHz typ. (puls width modulation)
Casing material non conductive plastic (UL 94V-0-rated)
Potting material Silicon TSE 3331 (UL 94V-0-rated)
Weight 18 g (0.63 oz)
Soldering temperature max. 265°C / 10 sec.
Outline Dimensions
20.32 (0.8)
20.3 (0.8)
Bottom view
24 23
+Vin (Vcc)
+Vin (Vcc)
No pin
No pin
No pin
–Vin (GND)
–Vin (GND)
–Vin (GND)
–Vin (GND)
11 12
15.2 (0.6)
0.5 (0.02)
12.0 (0.47)
31.8 (1.25)
Dimensions in [mm], () = Inch
Pin diameter ø 0.6 ±0.05 (0.024 ±0.002)
Tolerances ±0.25 (±0.01)
Pin pich tolerances ±0.13 (±0.005)
Specifications can be changed any time without notice.
Rev. 06/09
Jenatschstrasse 1 · CH-8002 Zurich · Switzerland
Tel. +41 43 311 45 11 · Fax +41 43 311 45 45 · ·
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