Standard Products UT63M147 MIL-STD-1553A/B Bus Transceiver Data Sheet May 2006 FEATURES INTRODUCTION 5-volt only operation (+10%) The monolithic UT63M147 Transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs for MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B applications. Encoder and decoder interfaces are idle low. Fit and functionally compatible to industry standard transceiver The receiver section of the UT63M147 series accepts biphasemodulated Manchester II bipolar data from a MIL-STD-1553 data bus and produces TTL-level signal data at its RXOUT and RXOUT outputs. An external RXEN input enables or disables the receiver outputs. Idle low transmitter inputs and receiver outputs Dual-channel 50-mil center 24-lead Flatpack Dual-channel 100-mil center 36-pin DIP Full military operating temperature range, -55°C to +125°C, screened to QML Q or QML V requirements Radiation hardened to 1.0E6 rads(Si) Supports MIL-STD-1553 (UT63M147) RXEN Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD) 5962-93226 available RXOUT RXIN RXIN F ILTER and LIMITER F ILTER TO DECODER RXOUT THRESHOLD REFERENCE DRIVERS TXOUT TXIN COMPARE TXOUT TXIN TXIHB Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram 1 The transmitter section accepts biphase TTL-level signal data at its TXIN and TXIN and produces MIL-STD-1553 data signals. The transmitter’s output voltage is typically 12 VPP, L-L. Activating the TXIHB input or setting both data inputs to the same logic level disables the transmitter outputs. The UT63M14x series offers complete transmitter and receiver pairs packaged in a dual-channel 36-pin DIP or 24-lead flatpack configurations designed for use in any MIL-STD-1553 application. Legend for TYPE field: TI TO DO DI DIO () [] = = = = = = = TTL input TTL output Differential output Differential input Differential input/output Channel designator 24-lead flatpack TRANSMITTER NAME PIN NUMBER TYPE TXOUT 1 (A) 1 [1] DO [DIO] TXOUT (B) 10 [7] DO [DIO] TXOUT 1 (A) 2 [2] DO [DIO] TXOUT (B) 11 [8] DO [DIO] TXIHB (A) 34 [22] TI TXIHB (B) 25 [16] TI TXIN (A) 35 [23] TI TXIN (B) 26 [17] TI TXIN (A) 36 [24] TI TXIN (B) 27 [18] TI DESCRIPTION Transmitter outputs: TXOUT and TXOUT are differential data signals. TXOUT is the half-cycle complement of TXOUT. Transmitter inhibit: This is an active high input signal. Transmitter input: TXIN and TXIN are complementary TTLlevel Manchester II encoder inputs. TXIN is the complement of TXIN input. Note: 1. The 24-lead flatpack internally connects TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) and TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) for each channel. Appendix 2 - 2 RECEIVER NAME PIN NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION RXOUT (A) 5 [4] TO Receiver outputs: RXOUT and RXOUT are complementary Manchester II decoder outputs. RXOUT (B) 14 [10] TO RXOUT (A) 8 [6] TO RXOUT (B) 17 [12] TO RXEN (A) 6 [5] TI RXEN (B) 15 [11] TI RXIN 1 (A) 29 [1] DI [DIO] RXIN (B) 20 [7] DI [DIO] RXIN 1 (A) 30 [2] DI [DIO] RXIN (B) 21 [8] DI [DIO] RXOUT is the complement of RXOUT output. Receiver enable/disable: This is an active high input signal. Receiver input: RXIN and RXIN are biphase-modulated Manchester II bipolar inputs from MIL-STD-1553 data bus. RXIN is the half-cycle complement of RXIN input. Note: 1. The 24-lead flatpack internally connects TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) and TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) for each channel. POWER AND GROUND NAME PIN NUMBER TYPE VCC (A) 33 [20] PWR VCC (B) 24 [14] PWR GND (A) 3, 7, 31 [3,19,21] GND GND (B) 12, 16, 22 [9,13,15] GND DESCRIPTION +5 VDC power (±10%) Recommended decoupling capacitors: 47µF (tantalum), 0.1µF (ceramic) and 0.01µF (ceramic) Ground reference Appendix 2 - 3 TXOUT 1 36 TXIN TXOUT 2 35 TXIN 3 34 TXIHB 4 33 VCC 32 NC GND NC RXOUT 5 CHANNEL A RXEN 6 31 GND GND 7 30 RXIN RXOUT 8 29 RXIN NC 9 28 NC TXOUT 10 27 TXIN TXOUT 11 26 TXIN GND 12 25 TXIHB NC RXOUT 13 CHANNEL B 24 23 14 NC RXEN 15 22 GND GND 16 21 RXIN RXOUT 17 20 RXIN NC 18 19 NC VCC Figure 2a. Functional Pin Diagram -- Dual Channel (36) CHA 1 24 CHA 2 23 3 22 TXIHB 21 GND 5 20 VCC 6 19 GND 7 18 8 17 9 16 GND RXOUT RXEN RXOUT CHB CHB GND RXOUT RXEN RXOUT 4 CHANNEL A CHANNEL B 10 15 11 14 12 13 TXIN TXIN TXIN TXIN TXIHB GND VCC GND Figure 2b. Functional Pin Diagram -- Dual Channel (24) 1 Note: 1. The 24-lead flatpack internally connects TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) and TXOUT to RXIN (CHA, CHB) for each channel. Appendix 2 - 4 TRANSMITTER TXIN The transmitter section accepts Manchester II biphase TTL data and converts this data into differential phase-modulated current drive. Transmitter current drivers are coupled to a MIL-STD1553 data bus via a transformer driven from the TXOUT and TXOUT terminals. Transmitter output terminals’ nontransmitting state is enabled by asserting TXIHB (logic “1”), or by placing both TXIN and TXIN at the same logic level. Table 1, Transmit Operating Mode, lists the functions for the output data in reference to the state of TXIHB. Figure 3 shows typical transmitter waveforms. BOTH HIGH OR BOTH LOW TXIN TXIHB LINE-TO-LINE DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT TXOUT, TXOUT 90% 10% RECEIVER The receiver section accepts biphase differential data from a MIL-STD-1553 data bus at its RXIN and RXIN inputs. The receiver converts input data to biphase Manchester II TTL format and is available for decoding at the RXOUT and RXOUT terminals. The outputs RXOUT and RXOUT represent positive and negative excursions (respectively) of the inputs RXIN and RXIN. Figure 4 shows typical receiver output waveforms. TXIN TXIN tTXDD Table 1. Transmit Operating Mode TXIN TXIN TXIHB TXOUT x1 x 1 Off2 0 0 x Off3 0 1 0 On 1 0 0 On 1 1 x Off3 Notes: 1. x = Don’t care. 2. Transmitter output terminals are in the non-transmitting mode during Off-time. 3. Transmitter output terminals are in the non-transmitting mode during Off-time, independent of TXIHB status. Figure 3. Typical Transmitter Wave LINE-TO-LINE DIFFERENTIAL INPUT RXOUT RXOUT RXOUT RXOUT tRXDD Figure 4. Typical Receiver Waveforms Appendix 2 - 5 DATA BUS INTERFACE 1 RECOMMENDED THERMAL PROTECTION The designer can connect the UT63M14x to the data bus via a short-stub (direct-coupling) connection or a long-stub (transformer-coupling) connection. Use a short-stub connection when the distance from the isolation transformer to the data bus does not exceed a one-foot maximum. Use a long-stub connection when the distance from the isolation transformer exceeds the one-foot maximum and is less than twenty feet. Figure 5 shows various examples of bus coupling configurations. The UT63M14x series transceivers are designed to function with MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B compatible transformers. All packages should mount to or contact a heat removal rail located in the printed circuit board. To insure proper heat transfer between the package and the heat removal rail, use a thermally-conductive material between the package and the heat removal rail. Use a material such as Mereco XLN-589 or equivalent to insure heat transfer between the package and heat removal rail. Note: 1. The 24-lead flatpack internally connects TXOUT to RXIN and TXOUT to RXIN for each channel. 1:2.5 SHORT-STUB DIRECT COUPLING 1 FT. MAX. 55 OHMS +5V DC OPERATION 55 OHMS 1:1.79 20 FT MAX 1:1.4 .75 ZO TXOUT RXIN .75 ZO TXOUT RXIN LONG-STUB TRANSFORMER COUPLING Note: Figure 8. ZO defined per MIL-STD-1553B, Section Transceiver Test Circuit MIL-STD-1553B ZO Figure 5. Bus Coupling Configuration Appendix 2 - 6 ZO VCC RECEIVER 55 OHMS RXOUT 2.5:1 RXIN 2KOHMS 15 pF * TP 35 OHMS RXOUT RXIN Vin 2KOHMS 15 pF 55 OHMS TP RXEN TRANSMITTER 55 OHMS 1:2.5 TXOUT TXIN RL = TXIN TXOUT TXIHB Notes: 1. TP = Test point. 2. RL removed for terminal input impedance test. 3. TXOUT and RXIN tied together. TXOUT and RXIN tied together. A 35 OHMS 55 OHMS Figure 6. Direct Coupled Transceiver with Load VCC RECEIVER 2KOHMS RXOUT 1.79:1 1.4:1 RXIN 2KOHMS 15 pF * TP Vin RXOUT RXIN 15 pF TP RXEN TRANSMITTER TXIN TXOUT 1:1.79 1:1.4 A TXIN TXOUT .75 ZO 35 OHMS .75 ZO TXIHB Notes: 1. TP = Test point. 2. RL removed for terminal impedance test. 3. TXOUT and RXIN tied together. TXOUT and RXIN tied together. Figure 7. Transformer Coupled Transceiver with Load Appendix 2 - 7 B TXOUT RL A TERMINAL TXOUT Notes: 1. Transformer Coupled Stub: Terminal is defined as transceiver plus isolation transformer. Point A is defined in figure 7. 2. Direct Coupled Stub: Terminal is defined as transceiver plus isolation transformer and fault resistors. Point A is defined in figure 6. Figure 8. Transceiver Test Circuit MIL-STD-1553 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1 PARAMETER LIMITS UNIT -0.3 to +7.0 V 10 VPP, L-L -0.3 to +5.5 V Power dissipation 100% duty cycle (per channel) 3.6 W Thermal impedance junction to case2 6.0 °C/W +175 °C -65 to +150 °C VCC Input voltage range (receiver) Logic input voltage range Maximum junction temperature Storage temperature Receiver common mode input voltage range -5.0 to +5.0 V Notes: 1. Stress outside the listed absolute maximum rating may cause permanent damage to the devices. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond limits indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not recommended. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. Mounting per MIL-STD-883, Method 1012. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER LIMITS UNIT +4.50 to +5.50 V 0 to +5.0 V Receiver differential voltage 8.0 VP-P Receiver common mode voltage range +4.0 V Driver peak output current 600 mA 0.3 to 1 MHz -55 to +125 °C Supply voltage range Logic input voltage range Serial data rate Case operating temperature range (TC) Appendix 2 - 8 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 VCC = 5.0V ±10% -55°C < TC < +125°C SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT CONDITION 0.8 V RXEN, TXIHB, TXIN, TXIN RXEN, TXIHB, TXIN, TXIN VIL Input low voltage VIH Input high voltage 2.0 V IIL Input low current -0.1 mA VIL = 0.4V; RXEN, TXIHB, TXIN, TXIN IIH Input high current -40 40 µA VIH = 2.7V; RXEN, TXIHB, TXIN, TXIN VOL Output low voltage .55 V IOL = 4mA; RXOUT, RXOUT VOH Output high voltage V IOH = 0.4mA; RXOUT, RXOUT ICC VCC supply current mA mA mA mA mA 0% duty cycle (non-transmitting) 25% duty cycle (ƒ = 1MHz) 50% duty cycle (ƒ = 1MHz) 87.5% duty cycle (ƒ = 1MHz) 100% duty cycle (ƒ = 1MHz)2 2.4 22 200 380 650 740 Note: 1. All tests guaranteed per test figure 6. 2. Guaranteed but not tested. Appendix 2 - 9 RECEIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 VCC = 5.0V ±10% -55°C < TC < +125°C SYMBOL MAXIMUM UNIT Input capacitance 15 pF RXEN; input ƒ = 1MHz @ 0V COUT2 Output capacitance 20 pF RXOUT, RXOUT; ƒ = 1MHz @ 0V VIC 5 Common mode input voltage 5 V Direct-coupled stub; input 1.2 VPP, 200ns rise/fall time ±25ns, ƒ = 1MHz VTH Input threshold voltage4 (no response) 0.20 VPP,L-L Transformer-coupled stub; input at ƒ = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 → 1 transition) Input threshold voltage (no response) 0.28 VPP,L-L CIN 2 PARAMETER Input threshold voltage4 (response) MINIMUM -5 0.86 14.0 VPP,L-L VPP,L-L Input threshold voltage (response) CMRR5 Common mode rejection ratio 1.20 20.02 Pass/Fail 3 CONDITION Direct-coupled stub; input at ƒ = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 → 1 transition) Transformer-coupled stub; input at ƒ = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 → 1 transition) Direct-coupled stub; input at ƒ = 1MHz, rise/fall time 200ns at (Receiver output 0 → 1 transition) N/A Notes: 1. All tests guaranteed per test figure 6. 2. Capacitance is measured only for initial qualification and after any process or design changes which may affect input or output capacitance. 3. Pass/fail criteria per the test method described in MIL-HDBK-1553 Appendix A, RT Validation Test Plan, Section, Common Mode Rejection. 4. Guaranteed by design. 5. Guaranteed to the limits specified if not tested. Appendix 2 - 10 TRANSMITTER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 VCC = 5.0V ±10% -55°C < TC < +125°C SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT CONDITION VO Output voltage swing per MIL-STD-1553B 3, 5 (see figure 9) 18 27 VPP,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; input ƒ = 1MHz, RL = 70 ohms per MIL-STD-1553B (see figure 9) 6.0 9.0 VPP,L-L Direct-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; input ƒ = 1MHz, RL = 35 ohms per MIL-STD-1553A 5 (see figure 9) 6.0 20 VPP,L-L 14 mV-RMS L-L 5 mV-RMS L-L VNS2 Output noise voltage differential (see figure 9) Figure 7, Point A; input ƒ = 1MHz, RL = 35 ohms Transformer-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; input ƒ = DC to 10MHz, RL = 70 ohms Direct-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; input ƒ = DC to 10MHz, RL = 35 ohms VOS4 VDIS Output symmetry Output voltage distortion (overshoot or ring) (see figure 9) CIN 2 Input capacitance TIZ 5 Terminal input impedance -250 +250 mVPP,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; RL = 140 ohms, measurement taken 2.5µs after end of transmission -90 +90 mVPP,L-L -900 +900 mVpeak,L-L Transformer-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; RL = 70 ohms -300 +300 mVpeak,L-L Direct-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; RL = 35 ohms 15 pF RXEN, TXIHB, TXIN, TXIN; input ƒ = 1MHz @ 0V 1 Kohm Transformer-coupled stub, Figure 7, Point A; input ƒ = 75KHz to 1MHZ (power on or power off; nontransmitting, RL removed from circuit). 2 Kohm Direct-coupled stub, Figure 6, Point A; input ƒ = 75KHz to 1MHZ (power on or power off; non-transmitting, RL removed from circuit). Direct-coupled stub, Figure 8, Point A; RL = 35 ohms, measurement taken 2.5µs after end of transmission Notes: 1. All tests guaranteed per test figure 6. 2. Guaranteed by device characterization. Capacitance is measured only for initial qualification and after any process or design changes which may affect input or output capacitance. 3. For MIL-STD-1760, 22 Vp-p, L-L min. 4. Test in accordance with the method described in MIL-STD-1553B output symmetry, section 5. Guaranteed to the limits specified if not tested. Appendix 2 - 11 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 VCC = 5.0V ±10% -55°C < TC < +125°C SYMBOL PARAMETER MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT CONDITION tR, tF Transmitter output rise/ fall time (see figure 10) 100 300 ns Input ƒ = 1MHz 50% duty cycle: direct-coupled RL = 35 ohms output at 10% through 90% points TXOUT, TXOUT. Figure 10. tRXDD RXOUT delay -200 200 ns RXOUT to RXOUT, Figure 4. tTXDD 3 TXIN skew -25 25 ns TXIN to TXIN, Figure 3. tRZCD Zero crossing distortion (see figure 11) -150 150 ns Direct-coupled stub; input ƒ = 1MHz, 3 VPP (skew INPUT ±150ns), rise/fall time 200ns. tTZCS Zero crossing stability (see figure 11) -25 25 ns Input TXIN and TXIN should create Transmitter output zero crossings at 500ns, 1000ns, 1500ns, and 2000ns. These zero crossings should not deviate more than ±25ns. tRDXOFF3,4 Transmitter off; delay from inhibit active 100 ns TXIN and TXIN toggling @ 1MHz; TXIHB transitions from logic zero to one, see figure 12. tDXON 3,5 Transmitter on; delay from inhibit inactive 150 ns TXIN and TXIN toggling @ 1MHz; TXIHB transitions from logic one to zero, see figure 13. tRCVOFF 3 Receiver off 50 ns Receiver turn off time, see figure 13. tRCVON 3 Receiver on 50 ns Receiver turn on time, see figure 13. tRCVPD 3 Receiver propagation 450 ns Receiver propagation delay, see figure 13. tXMITPD 3 Transmitter propagation 200 ns Transmitter propagation delay, see figure 12. Notes: 1. All tests guaranteed per test figure 6. 2. Guaranteed by device characterization. 3. Supplied as a design limit but not guaranteed or tested. 4. Delay time from transmit inhibit (1.5V) rising to transmit off (280mV). 5. Delay time from not transmit inhibit (1.5V) falling to transmit off (1.2V). Table 2. Transformer Requirements ± 5VDC COUPLING TECHNIQUE DIRECT-COUPLED: Isolation Transformer Ratio 2.5:1 TRANSFORMER-COUPLED: Isolation Transformer Ratio 1.79:1 Coupling Transformer Ratio 1:1.4 Appendix 2 - 12 VDIS (Overshoot) VDIS (Ring) 0 Volts 0 Volts VO VNS Figure 9. Transmitter Output Characteristics (VDIS, VNS, VO) tR 90% 90% VO tTZCS 10% 10% tF Figure 10. Transmitter Output Zero Crossing Stability, Rise Time, Fall Time (tTZCS, tR, tF) VIN tRZCD Figure 11. Receiver Input Zero Crossing Distortion (tRZCD) Appendix 2 - 13 10% TX OUTPUT zero crossing 10% tDXON tDXOFF tXMITPD INHIBIT 50% 50% TX IN and 50% TX IN Figure 12. Transmitter Timing RX INPUT zero crossing RXEN tRCVPD 50% 50% RXEN tRCVON tRCVOFF 50% 50% Figure 13. Receiving Timing Appendix 2 - 14 50% RX OUT and RX OUT 0.001 MIN. .023 MAX. .014 MIN. LEAD 1 INDICATOR 1.89 MAX. 0.100 0.005 MIN. 0.155 MAX. .610 MAX. .570 MIN. 0.150 MIN. Notes: 1. Package material: opaque ceramic. 2. All package finishes are per MIL-PRF-38535. 3. It is recommended that package ceramic be mounted on a heat removal rail in the printed circuit board. A thermally conductive material should be used. .015 MAX. .008 MIN. .620 MAX. .590 MIN. (AT SEATING PLANE) Figure 14. 36-Pin Side-Brazed DIP, Dual Cavity LEAD 1 INDICATOR 0.016 ±.002 .810 MAX. .050 .600 MAX. .400 MIN. .010 + .002 - .001 0.130 MAX. 0.070 ±0.010 (AT CERAMIC BODY) Notes: 1. Package material: opaque ceramic. 2. All package plating finishes are per MIL-PRF-38535. 3. It is recommended that package ceramic be mounted to a heat removal rail located in the printed circuit board. A thermally conductive material should be used. Figure 15. 24-Lead Flatpack, Dual Cavity (50-mil lead spacing) Appendix 2 - 16 LEAD 1 INDICATOR 0.016 ±.002 .810 MAX. .050 .600 MAX. .400 MIN. .010 + .002 - .001 0.130 MAX. 0.070 ±0.010 (AT CERAMIC BODY) Notes: 1. Package material: opaque ceramic. 2. All package plating finishes are per MIL-PRF-38535. 3. It is recommended that package ceramic be mounted to a heat removal rail located in the printed circuit board. A thermally conductive material should be used. Figure 15. 24-Lead Flatpack, Dual Cavity (50-mil lead spacing) 16 ORDERING INFORMATION UT63M14x Monolithic Transceiver, 5V Operation: SMD 5962 * 93226 * * * * Lead Finish: (A) = Solder (C) = Gold (X) = Optional Case Outline: (X) = 36 pin DIP (Z) = 24 pin FP Class Designator: (Q) = Class Q (V) = Class V Device Type (03) = Idle low Drawing Number: 93226 Total Dose: (H) = 1E6 rads(Si) (G) = 5E5 ads(Si) (F) = 3E5 rads(Si) (R) = 1E5rads(Si) (-) = None Federal Stock Class Designator: No options Notes: 1. Lead finish (A, C, or X) must be specified. 2. If an "X" is specified when ordering, part marking will match the lead finish and will be either "A" (solder) or "C" (gold). 3. Total dose must be specified for all QML Q and QML V devices. 4. Neutron irradiation limits will be added when available. 17 UT63M14x Monolithic Transceiver, 5V Operation UT63M- * * * * Total Dose: () = None Lead Finish: (A) = Solder (C) = Gold (X) = Optional Screening: (C) = Military Temperature (P) = Prototype Package Type: (B) = 36-pin DIP (C) = 24-pin FP Device Type Modifier: 147 = Idle Low Transceiver Notes: 1. Lead finish (A, C, or X) must be specified. 2. If an "X" is specified when ordering, part marking will match the lead finish and will be either "A" (solder) or "C" (gold). 3. Military Temperature range devices are burned-in and tested at -55°C, room temperature, and 125°C. Radiation characteristics are neither tested nor guaranteed and may not be specified. 4. Devices have prototype assembly and are tested at 25°C only. Radiation characteristics are neither tested nor guaranteed and may not be specified. Lead finish is GOLD only. 18 COLORADO Toll Free: 800-645-8862 Fax: 719-594-8468 INTERNATIONAL Tel: 805-778-9229 Fax: 805-778-1980 NORTHEAST Tel: 603-888-3975 Fax: 603-888-4585 SE AND MID-ATLANTIC Tel: 321-951-4164 Fax: 321-951-4254 WEST COAST Tel: 949-362-2260 Fax: 949-362-2266 CENTRAL Tel: 719-594-8017 Fax: 719-594-8468 Aeroflex Colorado Springs, Inc., reserves the right to make changes to any products and services herein at any time without notice. Consult Aeroflex or an authorized sales representative to verify that the information in this data sheet is current before using this product. Aeroflex does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product or service described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Aeroflex; nor does the purchase, lease, or use of a product or service from Aeroflex convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual rights of Aeroflex or of third parties. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused