VDSM ITAVM ITRMS ITSM VT0 rT = = = = = = 2800 V 3740 A 5880 A 60000 A 0.95 V 0.100 mΩ Ω Phase Control Thyristor 5STP 33L2800 Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01 • Patented free-floating silicon technology • Low on-state and switching losses • Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications • Optimum power handling capability • Interdigitated amplifying gate Blocking Part Number VDRM 5STP 33L2800 5STP 33L2600 5STP 33L2200 Conditions VRRM VRSM1 2800 V 2600 V 2200 V f = 50 Hz, tp = 10ms 3000 V 2800 V 2400 V tp = 5ms, single pulse IDRM ≤ 400 mA VDRM IRRM ≤ 400 mA VRRM dV/dtcrit 1000 V/µs Exp. to 0.67 x VDRM, Tj = 125°C Mechanical data FM a Mounting force nom. 70 kN min. 63 kN max. 84 kN Acceleration Device unclamped 50 m/s2 Device clamped 100 m/s2 m Weight 1.45 kg DS Surface creepage distance 36 mm Da Air strike distance 15 mm Tj = 125°C ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 5STP 33L2800 On-state ITAVM Max. average on-state current 3740 A ITRMS Max. RMS on-state current 5880 A ITSM Max. peak non-repetitive 60000 A surge current 65000 A 2 It Limiting load integral Half sine wave, TC = 70°C tp = 10 ms Tj = 125°C tp = 8.3 ms After surge: 2 18000 kA s tp = 10 ms VD = VR = 0V 2 8.3 ms 17500 kA s tp = VT On-state voltage 1.23 V IT = VT0 Threshold voltage 0.95 V IT = 2000 - 6000 A rT Slope resistance 0.100 mΩ IH Holding current IL Latching current 30-100 mA Tj = 25°C 15-60 mA Tj = 125°C 100- mA 500 100- mA 300 Tj = 25°C 3000 A Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Switching di/dtcrit Critical rate of rise of on-state current 250 A/µs Cont. f = 50 Hz VD ≤ 0.67⋅VDRM , Tj = 125°C 500 A/µs 60 sec. f = 50Hz ITRM = 4500 A IFG = 2 A, tr = 0.5 µs IFG = 2 A, tr = 0.5 µs td Delay time ≤ 3.0 µs VD = 0.4⋅VDRM tq Turn-off time ≤ 400 µs VD ≤ 0.67⋅VDRM ITRM = 4500 A, Tj = 125°C dvD/dt = 20V/µs VR > 200 V, diT/dt = -5 A/µs Qrr Recovery charge min 2000 µAs max 4000 µAs Triggering VGT Gate trigger voltage 2.6 V Tj = 25° IGT Gate trigger current 400 mA Tj = 25° VGD Gate non-trigger voltage 0.3 V VD =0.4 x VDRM IGD Gate non-trigger current 10 mA VD = 0.4 x VDRM VFGM Peak forward gate voltage 12 V IFGM Peak forward gate current 10 A VRGM Peak reverse gate voltage 10 V PG Gate power loss 3W ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01 page 2 of 6 5STP 33L2800 Thermal Tjmax Max. operating junction temperature range Tstg Storage temperature range RthJC Thermal resistance 14 K/kW Anode side cooled junction to case 14 K/kW Cathode side cooled -40…140 °C Thermal resistance case to heat sink 7 K/kW Double side cooled 3 K/kW Single side cooled 1.5 K/kW Analytical function for transient thermal impedance: ZthJC [K/kW] 8 7 n 6 ZthJC(t) = å Ri(1 - e - t/τ i Double side cooled ) 180° sine: add 0.8 K/kW 180° rectangular: add 0.8 K/kW 120° rectangular: add 1 K/kW 60° rectangular: add 2 K/kW 5 4 3 i =1 2 i 1 2 3 4 Ri(K/kW) 4.7 0.853 1.07 0.49 τi(s) 0.4787 0.0824 0.0104 0.0041 Fm = 63..84 kN Double-side cooling 1 0 0.001 TL1 RthCH 125 °C 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 t [s] Fig. 1 Transient thermal impedance junction to case. On-state characteristic model: VT = A + B ⋅ iT + C ⋅ ln(iT +1) + D ⋅ IT Valid for iT = 400 – 11000 A A B C D 0.731174 0.000079 0.017903 0.002314 Fig. 2 On-state characteristics. Tj=125°C, 10ms half sine Fig. 3 On-state characteristics. ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01 page 3 of 6 5STP 33L2800 Fig. 4 On-state power dissipation vs. mean onstate current. Turn - on losses excluded. Fig. 5 Max. permissible case temperature vs. mean on-state current. Fig. 6 Surge on-state current vs. pulse length. Half-sine wave. Fig. 7 Surge on-state current vs. number of pulses. Half-sine wave, 10 ms, 50Hz. ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01 page 4 of 6 5STP 33L2800 Fig. 8 Gate trigger characteristics. Fig. 9 Max. peak gate power loss. Fig. 10 Recovery charge vs. decay rate of onstate current. Fig. 11 Peak reverse recovery current vs. decay rate of on-state current. Turn - off time, typical parameter relationship. Fig. 12 tq/tq1 = f1(Tj) Fig. 13 tq/tq1 = f2(-diT/dt) tq = tq1 • f1(Tj) • f2(-diT/dt) • f3(dv/dt) Fig. 14 tq/tq1 = f3(dv/dt) tq1 :at normalized values (see page 2) tq : at varying conditions ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01 page 5 of 6 5STP 33L2800 Turn-on and Turn-off losses Fig. 15 Won = f(IT, tP), Tj = 125°C. Half sinusoidal waves. Fig. 16 Won = f(IT, di/dt), Tj = 125°C. Rectangular waves. Fig. 17 Woff = f(V0,IT), Tj = 125°C. Half sinusoidal waves. tP = 10 ms. Fig. 18 Woff = f(V0,di/dt), Tj = 125°C. Rectangular waves. ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ABB Semiconductors AG Fabrikstrasse 3 CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland Telephone Fax Email Internet +41 (0)62 888 6419 +41 (0)62 888 6306 abbsem@ch.abb.com www.abbsem.com Doc. No. 5SYA1011-03 Sep. 01