Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2531/D Rev. 0, 5/2003 Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version TPU Function Set (svmStdDtXor) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... By Milan Brejl, Ph.D. Functional Overview The Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) is a version of the Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction (svmStdDt) function that uses two TPU channels to generate one PWM output channel. The TPU channel outputs are connected to an XOR gate whos output is the required PWM signal. See Figure 1. An advantage of this solution is the full range 0% to 100% of PWM duty-cycle ratios. There is no MPW (minimum pulse width) parameter to limit the edge duty-cycle ratios in this version, unlike in the svmStdDt. A disadvantage is that the number of assigned TPU channels is doubled. AT1 XOR Phase A - top XOR Phase A - bottom XOR Phase B - top XOR Phase B - bottom XOR Phase C - top XOR Phase C - bottom AT2 AB1 AB2 BT1 BT2 BB1 BB2 CT1 CT2 CB1 CB2 Figure 1. Functionality of XOR version – illustration © Motorola, Inc., 2003 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D The dead-time correction technique requires knowledge of the instantaneous direction of phase currents. In the case of positive phase current the top channel high-time is equal to the calculated high-time and the bottom channel has to control the dead-time. In case of negative phase current the bottom channel low-time is equal to the calculated high-time and the top channel has to control the dead-time. See Figure 2. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... calculated high-time In case of positive current: top channel bottom channel DT DT In case of negative current: top channel bottom channel DT DT Figure 2. Dead-Time Correction Technique The function set consists of 5 TPU functions: • Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version – R channels (svmStdDtXor_R) • Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version – T channels (svmStdDtXor_T) • Synchronization Signal for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_sync) • Resolver Reference Signal for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_res) • Fault Input for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_fault) The svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T TPU functions work together to generate 6 pairs of XOR gate inputs. The XOR gate outputs then produce a 6channel 3-phase center-aligned PWM signal with dead-time between the top and bottom channels. The Synchronization Signal for the svmStdDtXor 2 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Function Set Configuration function can be used to generate one or more adjustable signals for a wide range of uses, that are synchronized to the PWM, and track changes in the PWM period. The Resolver Reference Signal for the svmStdDtXor function can be used to generate one or more 50% duty-cycle adjustable signals that are also synchronized to the PWM. The Fault Input for the svmStdDtXor function is a TPU input function that sets all XOR gate outputs low when the input signal goes low. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Function Set Configuration None of the TPU functions in the Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version TPU function set can be used separately. The svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T functions have to be used together. The svmStdDtXor_R runs on pins AB1, BB1, CB1 – see Figure 1. The svmStdDtXor_T runs on the other pins. One or more channels running Synchronization Signal for svmStdDtXor as well as Resolver Reference Signals for svmStdDtXor functions can be added to the svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T functions. They can run with different settings on each channel. The function Fault Input for svmStdDtXor can also be added to the svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T functions. It is recommended to use it on channel 15, and to set the hardware option that disables all TPU output pins when the channel 15 input signal is low (DTPU bit = 1). This ensures that the hardware reacts quickly to a pin fault state. Note that it is not only the PWM channels, but all TPU output channels, including the synchronization signals, that are disabled in this configuration. Table 1 shows the configuration options and restrictions. Table 1. svmStdDtXor TPU function set configuration options and restrictions TPU function svmStdDtXor_R svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_sync svmStdDtXor_res svmStdDtXor_fault MOTOROLA Optional/ How many Mandatory channels mandatory 3 mandatory 9 optional 1 or more optional 1 or more optional 1 Assignable channels any 3 channels any 9 channels any channels any channels any, recommended is 15 and DTPU bit set Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 2 shows an example of configuration. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 2. Example of configuration Channel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 TPU function svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_R svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_R svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_R svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_sync svmStdDtXor_res svmStdDtXor_fault Priority middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle middle low low high Table 3 shows the TPU function code sizes. Table 3. TPU function code sizes TPU function svmStdDtXor_R svmStdDtXor_T svmStdDtXor_sync svmStdDtXor_res svmStdDtXor_fault Configuration Order Code size 300 µ instructions + 8 entries = 308 long words 3 µ instructions + 8 entries = 11 long words 26 µ instructions + 8 entries = 34 long words 38 µ instructions + 8 entries = 46 long words 9 µ instructions + 8 entries = 17 long words The CPU configures the TPU as follows. 1. Disables the channels by clearing the two channel priority bits on each channel used (not necessary after reset). 2. Selects the channel functions on all used channels by writing the function numbers to the channel function select bits. 3. Initializes function parameters. The parameters T, prescaler, DT, SQRT3, CPU14 and sync_presc_addr must be set before initialization. If an svmStdDtXor_sync channel or an svmStdDtXor_res channel is used, then its parameters must also be set before initialization. 4. Issues an HSR (Host Service Request) type %10 to one of the svmStdDtXor_R channels to initialize all svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T channels. Issues an HSR type %10 to the 4 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description svmStdDtXor_sync channels, svmStdDtXor_res channels and svmStdDtXor_fault channel, if used. 5. Enables servicing by assigning a high, middle or low priority to the channel priority bits. All svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T channels must be assigned the same priority to ensure correct operation. The CPU must ensure that the svmStdDtXor_sync or svmStdDtXor_res channels are initialized after the initialization of the StdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T channels: – Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... – – NOTE: assign a priority to the StdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T channels to enable their initialization if a Synchronization Signal or a Resolver Reference Signal channel is used, wait until the HSR bits are cleared to indicate that initialization of the StdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T channels has completed and assign a priority to the svmStdDtXor_sync or svmStdDtXor_res channels to enable their initialization A CPU routine that configures the TPU can be generated automatically using the MPC500_Quick_Start Graphical Configuration Tool. Detailed Function Description Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version – R channels (svmStdDtXor_R) and Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version – T channels (svmStdDtXor_T) MOTOROLA The svmStdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T TPU functions work together to generate 6 pairs of XOR gate inputs. The XOR gate outputs then produce a 6channel 3-phase center-aligned PWM signal with dead-time between the top and bottom channels. In order to charge the bootstrap transistors, the PWM signals start to run 1.6ms after their initialization (at 20MHz TCR1 clock). The functions generate signals corresponding to Reference Voltage Vector Amplitude of 0 (50% duty-cycle) until the first reloaded values are processed. The CPU controls the PWM output by setting the TPU parameters. The Stator Reference Voltage Vector components uá and uâ have to be adjusted during run time. The PWM period T and the prescaler – the number of PWM periods per reload of new values – are also read at each reload, so these parameters can be changed during run time. Conversely, dead-time (DT) is not supposed to be changed during run time. The phase currents currentA, currentB and currentC are read by the TPU asynchronously to PWM parameters reload. They are read in the last part of the edge-time calculation to reflect the latest state of the phase currents. The CPU notifies the TPU that the new reload values are prepared by setting the LD_OK parameter. The TPU notifies the CPU that the reload values have been read and new values can be written by clearing the LD_OK parameter. Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D The TPU writes the parameter Sector, which indicates the current Stator Reference Voltage Vector position in sector 1 to 6. The following figures show the input Stator Reference Voltage Vector components uá and uâ, corresponding sectors and output PWM signal duty cycle ratios: amplitude Components of the Stator Reference Voltage Vector 1 0.5 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... -0.5 -1 alpha beta 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle duty cycle ratios Standard Space Vector Modulation Technique 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 Phase A Phase B Phase C 60 120 180 240 300 360 angle Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Figure 3. Standard Space Vector Modulation Technique The following equations describe how the Space Vector Modulation PWM signal high-times htA, htB, htC and transition times ttrans of each channel are calculated: U β = T ⋅ uβ U α = T ⋅ uα X =Uβ Y= Z= 6 U β + Uα 3 2 U β − Uα 3 2 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description < =! ; ;! = ; V. IV. III. VI. <! ;! =! I. II. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Sector: = MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Phase A: Positive current Negative current – T1 channel – T1 channel t trans = center_time − ht A 2 – T2 channel t trans ht = center_time + A 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... – B1 channel ttrans ht = center_time − A − DT 2 – B2 channel ttrans ht = center_time + A + DT 2 t trans = center_time − ht A + DT 2 – T2 channel t trans = center_time + ht A − DT 2 – B1 channel t trans = center_time − ht A 2 – B2 channel t trans = center_time + ht A 2 Phase B and Phase C similarly with htB and htC substituted to htA. 8 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Host Interface Written By CPU Written by both CPU and TPU Written By TPU Not Used Table 4. svmStdDtXor_T Control Bits Name 3 2 1 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Channel Function Select 1 0 Channel Priority 1 0 Host Service Bits (HSR) 1 Options svmStdDtXor_T function number (Assigned during assembly the DPTRAM code from library TPU functions) 00 – Channel Disabled 01 – Low Priority 10 – Middle Priority 11 – High Priority 00 – No Host Service Request 01 – Not used 10 – Not used 11 – Not used 0 Host Sequence Bits (HSQ) xx – Not used Channel Interrupt Enable x – Not used Channel Interrupt Status x – Not used 0 0 MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 5. svmStdDtXor_R Control Bits Name 3 2 1 0 Channel Function Select 1 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Channel Priority 1 0 Host Service Bits (HSR) 1 Options svmStdDtXor_R function number (Assigned during assembly the DPTRAM code from library TPU functions) 00 – Channel Disabled 01 – Low Priority 10 – Middle Priority 11 – High Priority 00 – No Host Service Request 01 – Not used 10 – Initialization 11 – Stop 0 Host Sequence Bits (HSQ) xx – Not used Channel Interrupt Enable 0 – Channel Interrupt Disabled 1 – Channel Interrupt Enabled Channel Interrupt Status 0 – Interrupt Not Asserted 1 – Interrupt Asserted 0 0 TPU function svmStdDtXor_R generates an interrupt when the current values of Ualfa, Ubeta, T and prescaler have been read by the TPU and indicates to the CPU that it can write new variables. The CPU program can either wait for this interrupt to occur, or poll the LD_OK bit to check it has cleared. The interrupt is generated at each reload by one of the R channels. The T channels do not generate any interrupts. 10 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Table 6. svmStdDtXor_T and svmStdDtXor_R Parameter RAM Phase B T1 channel Phase A B2 channel Phase A B1 channel Phase A T2 channel Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Phase A T1 channel Channel MOTOROLA Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Ttime_AT1 T_copy 1 prsc_copy 2 3 UA Ualfa 4 Ubeta 5 6 7 fault_pinstate 0 Ttime_AT2 min_ht 1 max_ht 2 3 UB LD_OK 4 Sector 5 6 7 0 htA 1 B2_chan_A T1_chan_A 2 T2_chan_A 3 4 B1a_chan_A B1b_chan_A 5 currentA 6 7 0 Ttime_AB2 state 1 2 center_time dec 3 T 4 5 prescaler 6 7 0 Ttime_BT1 UA3 1 2 3 4 SQRT3 sync_presc_addr 5 6 7 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4 3 2 1 0 11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 6. svmStdDtXor_T and svmStdDtXor_R Parameter RAM Phase C T2 channel Phase C T1 channel Phase B B2 channel Phase B B1 channel Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Phase B T2 channel Channel 12 Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Ttime_BT2 1 2 3 4 DT 5 CPU14 6 7 0 htB B2_chan_B 1 2 T1_chan_B T2_chan_B 3 B1a_chan_B 4 5 B1b_chan_B currentB 6 7 0 Ttime_BB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Ttime_CT1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Ttime_CT2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4 3 2 1 0 MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Table 6. svmStdDtXor_T and svmStdDtXor_R Parameter RAM Phase C B2 channel Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Phase C B1 channel Channel MOTOROLA Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 htC B2_chan_C 1 2 T1_chan_C T2_chan_C 3 B1a_chan_C 4 5 B1b_chan_C currentC 6 7 0 Ttime_CB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4 3 2 1 0 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 7. svmStdDtXor_T and svmStdDtXor_R parameter description Format Description Parameters written by CPU Stator Reference Voltage Vector Ualfa, Ubeta 16-bit fractional components 0 ... positive current on phase A currentA 0 or 1 1 ... negative current on phaseA 0 ... positive current on phase B currentB 0 or 1 1 ... negative current on phaseB 0 ... positive current on phase C currentC 0 or 1 1 ... negative current on phaseC PWM period in number of TCR1 T 16-bit unsigned integer TPU cycles The number of PWM periods per prescaler 16-bit unsigned integer reload of new values Dead-time in number of TCR1 DT 16-bit unsigned integer TPU cycles Time of 14 IMB clocks in TCR1 CPU14 16-bit unsigned integer clocks. sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866 = $6EDA SQRT3 16-bit fractional constant address of synchronization channel prescaler parameter: $X4, sync_presc_addr 8-bit unsigned integer where X is synchronization channel number. $0 if no synchronization channel is used. Parameters written by both TPU and CPU 0 ... CPU can update variables LD_OK 1-bit 1 ... TPU can read variables CPU sets 1, TPU sets 0 Parameters written by TPU The position of Stator Reference Sector 16-bit unsigned integer Voltage Vector in a sector. The Sector can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 If fault channel is used, state of fault pin: fault_pinstate 0 or 1 0 ... low 1 ... high Other parameters are just for TPU function inner use. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Parameter 14 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Performance Table 8. svmStdDtXor_T State Statistics State ST SF Max IMB Clock Cycles 2 2 RAM Accesses by TPU 1 0 Table 9. svmStdDtXor_R State Statistics Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... State INIT STOP SFR0 SFR C5 SFC0 SFC NOTE: MOTOROLA Max IMB Clock Cycles 154 166 6 44 44 6 56 RAM Accesses by TPU 35 4 1 16 15 1 11 Execution times do not include the time slot transition time (TST = 10 or 14 IMB clocks) Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D SF ST AT1 SF SF AT2 ST ST SF ST Phase A C5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... AB1 SFR0 AB2 SF BT1 SF ST C5 ST SF SF ST BT2 ST ST SF ST Phase B SFC0 BB1 SFR0 C5 C5 ST BB2 SF CT1 SF ST SF SF CT2 ST ST ST SF ST Phase C CB1 SFR SFR C5 flag1 = 1 SF CB2 flag0 = 1 SFC SFC SFC SFC C5 ST SF center_time not a reload period center_time a reload period T T ST link service request Figure 4. svmStdDtXor_T and svmStdDtXor_R timing NOTE: 16 The R channel with the momentary earliest transition within the PWM period is marked by a flag1 and runs the SFR and SFC states. Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description SF Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SF ST ST ST SF ST flag0 = 1 link Figure 5. svmStdDtXor_T state diagram and 3 cases of timing Which case happens is determined by the time when the link comes. MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D SFR SFC 4th-time C5 3-times Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INIT STOP HSR = 10 HSR = 11 SFC0 C5 SFR0 flag1 = 0 flag1 = 1 – channel with momentary longest high-time Figure 6. svmStdDtXor_R state diagram Synchronization signal for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_sync) 18 The svmStdDtXor_sync TPU function uses information obtained from StdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T functions, the actual PWM center times and the PWM periods. This allows a signal to be generated, which tracks the changes in the PWM period and is always synchronized with the PWM. The synchronization signal is a positive pulse generated repeatedly after the prescaler or presc_copy PWM periods (see next paragraph). The low to high transition of the pulse can be adjusted by a parameter, either negative or positive, to go a number of TCR1 TPU cycles before or after the PWM period center time. The pulse width pw is another synchronization signal parameter. Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description . move > 0 prescaler = 1 pw |move| center_time center_time T T move < 0 prescaler = 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... pw |move| center_time center_time center_time T T T Figure 7. Synchronization signal adjustment examples Synchronized Change of PWM Prescaler And Synchronization Signal Prescaler The svmStdDtXor_sync TPU function actually uses the presc_copy parameter instead of the prescaler parameter. The prescaler parameter holds the prescaler value that is copied to the presc_copy by the svmStdDtXor_bottom function at the time the PWM parameters are reloaded. This ensures that new prescaler values for the PWM signals, as well as the synchronization signal, are applied at the same time. Write the synchronization signal prescaler parameter address to the sync_presc_addr parameter to enable this mechanism. Write 0 to disable it, and remember to set the synchronization signal presc_copy parameter instead of the prescaler parameter in this case. Host Interface Written By CPU Written by both CPU and TPU Written By TPU Not Used Table 10. svmStdDtXor_sync Control Bits Name 3 2 1 0 Channel Function Select 1 0 Channel Priority MOTOROLA Options svmStdDtXor_sync function number (Assigned during assembly the DPTRAM code from library TPU functions) 00 – Channel Disabled 01 – Low Priority 10 – Middle Priority 11 – High Priority Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 10. svmStdDtXor_sync Control Bits Name 1 0 Host Service Bits (HSR) 1 0 Host Sequence Bits (HSQ) xx – Not used Channel Interrupt Enable 0 – Channel Interrupt Disabled 1 – Channel Interrupt Enabled Channel Interrupt Status 0 – Interrupt Not Asserted 1 – Interrupt Asserted 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Options 00 – No Host Service Request 01 – Not used 10 – Initialization 11 – Not used 0 TPU function svmStdDtXor_sync generates an interrupt after each low to high transition. Table 11. svmStdDtXor_sync Parameter RAM Synchronization channel Channel Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 move pw 1 prescaler 2 3 presc_copy time 4 dec 5 6 T_copy 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 Table 12. svmStdDtXor_sync parameter description Parameter move pw 20 Format Description Parameters written by CPU The number of TCR1 TPU cycles to forego (negative) or come after 16-bit signed integer (positive) the PWM period center time Synchronization pulse width in 16-bit unsigned integer number of TCR1 TPU cycles. Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Table 12. svmStdDtXor_sync parameter description Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Parameter Description The number of PWM periods per synchronization pulse prescaler 16-bit unsigned integer – use in case of synchronized prescalers change The number of PWM periods per synchronization pulse presc_copy 16-bit unsigned integer – use in case of asynchronized prescalers change Parameters written by TPU Other parameters are just for TPU function inner use. Performance Format There is one limitation. The absolute value of parameter move has to be less than a quarter of the PWM period T. move < T 4 Table 13. svmStdDtXor_sync State Statistics State INIT S1 S2 S3 NOTE: S1 Max IMB Clock Cycles 12 12 8 16 RAM Accesses by TPU 5 6 3 7 Execution times do not include the time slot transition time (TST = 10 or 14 IMB clocks) S2 S3 S1 center_time center_time center_time T T T S2 Figure 8. svmStdDtXor_sync timing MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D HSR = 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INIT S1 S3 S2 Figure 9. svmStdDtXor_sync state diagram Resolver Reference Signal for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_res) The svmStdDtXor_res TPU function uses information read from the StdDtXor_R and svmStdDtXor_T functions, the actual PWM center times and the PWM periods. This allows a signal to be generated, which tracks the changes of the PWM period and is always synchronized with the PWM. The resolver reference signal is a 50% duty-cycle signal with a period equal to prescaler or synchronization channel presc_copy PWM periods (see next paragraph). The low to high transition of the pulse can be adjusted by a parameter, either negative or positive, to go a number of TCR1 TPU cycles before or after the PWM period center time. move > 0 prescaler = 1 |move| center_time center_time T T center_time center_time center_time T T T move < 0 prescaler = 2 |move| Figure 10. Resolver reference signal adjustment examples 22 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Synchronized Change of PWM Prescaler And Resolver Reference Signals Prescaler The svmStdDtXor_res TPU function can inherit the Synchronization Signal prescaler that is synchronously changed with the PWM prescaler. Write the synchronization signals presc_copy parameter address to the presc_addr parameter to enable this mechanism. Write 0 to disable it, and in this case set the prescaler parameter to directly specify prescaler value. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Host Interface Written By CPU Written by both CPU and TPU Written By TPU Not Used Table 14. svmStdDtXor_res Control Bits Name 3 2 1 0 Channel Function Select 1 0 Channel Priority 1 0 Host Service Bits (HSR) 1 Options svmStdDtXor_res function number (Assigned during assembly the DPTRAM code from library TPU functions) 00 – Channel Disabled 01 – Low Priority 10 – Middle Priority 11 – High Priority 00 – No Host Service Request 01 – Not used 10 – Initialization 11 – Not used 0 Host Sequence Bits (HSQ) xx – Not used Channel Interrupt Enable x – Not used Channel Interrupt Status x – Not used 0 0 MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Table 15. svmStdDtXor_res Parameter RAM Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 move 1 2 presc_addr 3 prescaler time 4 dec 5 6 T_copy 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Resolver Channel 5 4 3 2 1 0 Table 16. svmStdDtXor_res parameter description Parameter move presc_addr Format Description Parameters written by CPU The number of TCR1 TPU cycles to forego (negative) or come after 16-bit signed integer (positive) the PWM period center time $00X6, where X is a number of Synchronization Signal channel, to inherit Sync. channel prescaler or 16-bit unsigned integer $0000 to enable direct specification of prescaler value in prescaler parameter The number of PWM periods per synchronization pulse – use when apresc_addr = 0 Parameters written by TPU Other parameters are just for TPU function inner use. prescaler Performance 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, ... There is one limitation. The absolute value of parameter move has to be less than a quarter of the PWM period T. move < T 4 Table 17. svmStdDtXor_res State Statistics State INIT 24 Max IMB Clock Cycles 12 RAM Accesses by TPU 5 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Table 17. svmStdDtXor_res State Statistics State S1 S3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTE: Max IMB Clock Cycles 26 18 Execution times do not include the time slot transition time (TST = 10 or 14 IMB clocks) S3 S1 RAM Accesses by TPU 9 7 S1 center_time center_time center_time T T T Figure 11. svmStdDtXor_res timing HSR = 10 INIT S1 S3 Figure 12. svmStdDtXor_res state diagram Fault Input for Standard Space Vector Modulation with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor_fault) MOTOROLA The svmStdDtXor_fault is an input TPU function that monitors the pin, and if a high to low transition occurs, immediately sets all PWM channels low and cancels all further transitions on them. The PWM channels, as well as the synchronization and resolver reference signal channels (if used), have to be initialized again to start them running. The function returns the actual pinstate as a value of 0 (low) or 1 (high) in the parameter fault_pinstate. The parameter is placed on the AT1 channel to keep the fault channel parameter space free. Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Host Interface Written By CPU Written by both CPU and TPU Written By TPU Not Used Table 18. svmStdDtXor_fault Control Bits Name 3 2 1 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Channel Function Select 1 0 Channel Priority 1 0 Host Service Bits (HSR) 1 Options svmStdDtXor_fault function number (Assigned during assembly the DPTRAM code from library TPU functions) 00 – Channel Disabled 01 – Low Priority 10 – Middle Priority 11 – High Priority 00 – No Host Service Request 01 – Not used 10 – Initialization 11 – Not used 0 Host Sequence Bits (HSQ) xx – Not used Channel Interrupt Enable 0 – Channel Interrupt Disabled 1 – Channel Interrupt Enabled Channel Interrupt Status 0 – Interrupt Not Asserted 1 – Interrupt Asserted 0 0 TPU function svmStdDtXor_fault generates an interrupt when a high to low transition appears. Table 19. svmStdDtXor_fault Parameter RAM Fault input Channel 26 Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5 4 3 2 1 0 MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2531/D Detailed Function Description Table 20. svmStdDtXor_fault parameter description Parameter fault_pinstate Format Description Parameters written by TPU State of fault pin: 0 or 1 0 ... low 1 ... high Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Performance Table 21. svmStdDtXor_fault State Statistics State INIT FAULT NO_FAULT NOTE: Max IMB Clock Cycles 8 172 4 RAM Accesses by TPU 2 5 1 Execution times do not include the time slot transition time (TST = 10 or 14 IMB clocks) NO_FAULT FAULT Figure 13. svmStdDtXor_fault timing HSR = 10 INIT FAULT NO_FAULT Figure 14. svmStdDtXor_fault state diagram MOTOROLA Standard SVM with Dead-Time Correction – XOR version (svmStdDtXor) For More Information On This Product, Go to: 27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HOW TO REACH US: USA/EUROPE/LOCATIONS NOT LISTED: Motorola Literature Distribution P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1-800-521-6274 or 480-768-2130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... JAPAN: Motorola Japan Ltd. SPS, Technical Information Center 3-20-1, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8573, Japan 81-3-3440-3569 ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd. Silicon Harbour Centre 2 Dai King Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 852-26668334 HOME PAGE: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Motorola products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. © Motorola Inc. 2003 AN2531/D Rev. 0 5/2003 For More Information On This Product, Go to: