Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series RoHS MLE Varistor Series Description The fabrication method and materials of these devices result in capacitance characteristics suitable for high frequency attenuation/low-pass filter circuit functions, thereby providing suppression and filtering in a single device. Size Table Metric EIA 0402 1608 2012 1206 The MLE Series is manufactured from semiconducting ceramics and is supplied in a leadless, surface mount package. The MLE Series is compatible with modern reflow and wave soldering procedures. Littelfuse Inc. manufactures other Multilayer Series products. See the ML Series data sheet for higher energy/ peak current transient applications. See the AUML Series for automotive applications and the MLN Quad Array. For high–speed applications see the MHS Series. Applications t 1SPUFDUJPOPG components and circuits sensitive to ESD Transients occurring on power supplies, control and signal lines t 4VQQSFTTJPOPG ESD events such as specified in IEC-61000-4-2 or .*-45%$ .FUIPEGPS Features electromagnetic compliance (EMC) t 6TFEJONPCJMF communications, DPNQVUFS&%1 products, medical products, hand held/ portable devices, industrial equipment, including diagnostic port protection and *0JOUFSGBDFT t 3P)4$PNQMJBOU t 3BUFEGPS&4% (IEC-61000-4-2) t $IBSBDUFSJ[FEGPS impedance and capacitance t -FBEMFTT BOETJ[FT t 0QFSBUJOHWPMUBHFT up to 18VM(DC) t .VMUJMBZFSDFSBNJD construction technology t $UP$ operating temp. range Absolute Maximum Ratings t'PSSBUJOHTPGJOEJWJEVBMNFNCFSTPGBTFSJFTTFFEFWJDFSBUJOHTBOETQFDJmDBUJPOTUBCMF Continuous MLE Series Units Steady State Applied Voltage: %$7PMUBHF3BOHF7M(DC)) ≤18 V 0QFSBUJOH"NCJFOU5FNQFSBUVSF3BOHF5A) UP $ 4UPSBHF5FNQFSBUVSF3BOHF5STG) UP C ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 MLE Series The MLE Series family of transient voltage suppression devices are based on the Littelfuse multilayer fabrication technology. These components are designed to suppress ESD events, including those specified in IEC 61000-4-2 or other standards used for Electromagnetic Compliance testing. The MLE Series is typically applied to protect integrated circuits and other components at the circuit board level operating at 18VDC, or less. Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series Device Ratings and Specifications Max Continuous Working Voltage -55ºC to 125ºC Part Number Nominal Voltage V/0. at 1mA DC MIN (V) MAX (V) 22 28 22 28 22 28 (Note 1) VM(DC) V18MLE0402N 7.-&/ 7.-&-/ (V) 18 18 18 7.-&/ 7.-&-/ V18MLE1206N 18 18 18 Performance Specifications (25ºC) Maximum Clamping Maximum ESD Clamp Voltage at Specified Voltage (Note 2) Current (8/20μs) 22 22 22 28 28 28 15kV Air Typical Capacitance at 1MHz VC 8kV Contact /PUF (Note 4) (V) BU" BU" BU" (V) <100 Clamp (V) <110 <110 <140 (pF) <100 BU" BU" BU" <100 /05&4 1. For applications of 18VDCPSMFTT)JHIFSWPMUBHFTBWBJMBCMFDPOUBDUZPVS-JUUFMGVTF4BMFT3FQSFTFOUBUJWF 2. Tested with IEC-61000-4-2 Human Body Model (HBM) discharge test circuit. %JSFDUEJTDIBSHFUPEFWJDFUFSNJOBMT*&$QSFGFSSFEUFTUNFUIPE 4. Corona discharge through air (represents actual ESD event). $BQBDJUBODFNBZCFDVTUPNJ[FEDPOUBDUZPVS-JUUFMGVTF4BMFT3FQSFTFOUBUJWF 6. Leakage current ratings are at 18 VDCBOEμA maximum. Nominal Voltage Stability to Multiple ESD Impulses (8kV Contact Discharges per IEC 61000-4-2) 'PSBQQMJDBUJPOTFYDFFEJOH$BNCJFOUUFNQFSBUVSFUIF peak surge current and energy ratings must be reduced as shown below. PERCENT OF RATED VALUE 100 80 60 30 NOMINAL VOLTAGE AT 1mADC Peak Current and Energy Derating Curve 25 20 15 10 5 40 0 10 1 20 0 -55 Figure 1 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1000 10000 CURRENT (A) 130 140 150 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ( oC) Impedance (Z) vs Frequency Typical Characteristic 100 Standby Current at Normalized Varistor Voltage and Temperature -0402 -0603 10 -0805 IMPEDANCE (Z) 1.2 NORMALIZED VARISTOR VOLTAGE (V) 100 Figure 2 1.0 0.8 -1206 1 0.1 25O 0.6 85O 0.01 0.4 10 Figure 4 125O 0.2 100 1000 10000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.0 0.0001 Figure 3 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 CURRENT (mA) MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series Device Characteristics Clamping Voltage Over Temperature (VC at 10A) At low current levels, the V-I curve of the multilayer transient voltage suppressor approaches a linear (ohmic) relationship and shows a temperature dependent effect. At or below the maximum working voltage, the suppressor is in a high resistance model (approaching 106Ω at its maximum rated working voltage). Leakage currents at maximum rated voltage are below 100μ"UZQJDBMMZμA; GPSTJ[FCFMPXμ"UZQJDBMMZμA. CLAMPING VOLTAGE (V) 100 V26MLA1206 Typical Temperature Dependance of the Haracteristic $VSWFJOUIF-FBLBHF3FHJPO V5.5MLA1206 -40 Figure 6 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE ( oC) 100 120 140 MLE Series 10 -60 VNOM VALUE AT 25 oC (%) SUPPRESSOR VOLTAGE IN PERCENT OF 100% Energy Absorption/Peak Current Capability 25 10% 1E -9 o 50o 75o 1E -8 100o 125 oC 1E -7 Figure 5 1E -6 1E -5 1E -4 1E -3 1E -2 SUPPRESSOR CURRENT (ADC) Speed of Response The Multilayer Suppressor is a leadless device. Its response time is not limited by the parasitic lead inductances found in other surface mount packages. The response time of the ZN0EJFMFDUSJDNBUFSJBMJTMFTT than 1ns and the MLE can clamp very fast dV/dT events such as ESD. Additionally, in "real world" applications, the associated circuit wiring is often the greatest factor effecting speed of response. Therefore, transient suppressor placement within a circuit can be considered important in certain instances. Energy dissipated within the MLE is calculated by multiplying the clamping voltage, transient current and transient duration. An important advantage of the multilayer is its interdigitated electrode construction within the mass of dielectric material. This results in excellent current distribution and the peak temperature per energy absorbed is very low. The matrix of semiconducting grains combine to absorb and distribute transient energy (heat) TFF4QFFEPG3FTQPOTF 5IJTESBNBUJDBMMZSFEVDFTQFBL temperature; thermal stresses and enhances device reliability. As a measure of the device capability in energy and peak current handling, the V26MLA1206A part was tested with NVMUJQMFQVMTFTBUJUTQFBLDVSSFOUSBUJOH"μs). At the end of the test, 10,000 pulses later, the device voltage characteristics are still well within specification. 3FQFUJUJWF1VMTF$BQBCJMJUZ Multilayer Internal Construction 100 PEAK CURRENT = 150A 8/20 s DURATION, 30s BETWEEN PULSES FIRED CERAMIC DIELECTRIC VOLTAGE METAL ELECTRODES V26MLA1206 METAL END TERMINATION DEPLETION 10 REGION 0 Figure 8 DEPLETION 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 NUMBER OF PULSES REGION Figure 7 GRAINS ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series Lead (Pb) Soldering Recommendations The principal techniques used for the soldering of DPNQPOFOUTJOTVSGBDFNPVOUUFDIOPMPHZBSF*33FnPX and Wave soldering. Typical profiles are shown on the right. Reflow Solder Profile The recommended solder for the MLE suppressor is B4O1C"H 4O1C PS4O1C -JUUFMGVTFBMTPSFDPNNFOETBO3."TPMEFSnVY 230 Wave soldering is the most strenuous of the processes. To avoid the possibility of generating stresses due to thermal shock, a preheat stage in the soldering process is recommended, and the peak temperature of the solder process should be rigidly controlled. When using a reflow process, care should be taken to ensure that the MLE chip is not subjected to a thermal gradient steeper than 4 degrees per second; the ideal gradient being 2 degrees per second. During the soldering process, preheating to within 100 degrees of the solder's QFBLUFNQFSBUVSFJTFTTFOUJBMUPNJOJNJ[FUIFSNBMTIPDL Figure 9 Wave Solder Profile 0ODFUIFTPMEFSJOHQSPDFTTIBTCFFODPNQMFUFEJUJT still necessary to ensure that any further thermal shocks BSFBWPJEFE0OFQPTTJCMFDBVTFPGUIFSNBMTIPDLJTIPU printed circuit boards being removed from the solder process and subjected to cleaning solvents at room temperature. The boards must be allowed to cool gradually UPMFTTUIBO$CFGPSFDMFBOJOH Figure 10 Lead–free (Pb-free) Soldering Recommendations Littelfuse offers the Nickel Barrier Termination finish for the optimum Lead–free solder performance. Lead–free Re-flow Profile 5IFQSFGFSSFETPMEFSJT4O"H$V XJUIBO3." flux, but there is a wide selection of pastes and fluxes available with which the Nickel Barrier parts should be compatible. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE 260˚C 20 - 40 SECONDS WITHIN 5˚C RAMP RATE <3˚C/s The reflow profile must be constrained by the maximums JOUIF-FBEoGSFF3FnPX1SPmMF'PS-FBEoGSFF8BWF TPMEFSJOHUIF8BWF4PMEFS1SPmMFTUJMMBQQMJFT /PUFUIF-FBEoGSFFQBTUFnVYBOEQSPmMFXFSFVTFEGPS evaluation purposes by Littelfuse, based upon industry standards and practices. There are multiple choices of all three available, it is advised that the customer explores the optimum combination for their process as processes vary considerably from site to site. 60 - 150 SEC > 217˚C PREHEAT ZONE 5.0 6.0 7.0 Figure 11 MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series Product Dimensions (mm) 1"%-":065%&.&/4*0/4 $)*1-":065%*.&/4*0/4 C E B NOTE D L A /PUF"WPJENFUBMSVOTJOUIJTBSFBQBSUTBSF not recommended for use in applications using Silver (Ag) epoxy paste. Dimension A 1206 Size 0805 Size 0603 Size 0402 Size IN MM IN MM IN MM IN MM 0.160 4.06 0.120 0.100 B 0.020 C 0.040 1.02 0.040 1.02 0.89 0.024 0.61 D (max.) 1.80 1.10 1.00 L 0.012 W 0.024 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.60 E 0.040 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.008 Part Numbering System V 18 MLE 1206 X X X PACKING OPTIONS (see Packaging section for quantities) T: 13in (330mm) Diameter Reel, Plastic Carrier Tape H: 7in (178mm) Diameter Reel, Plastic Carrier Tape R: 7in (178mm) Diameter Reel, Paper Carrier Tape DEVICE FAMILY Littelfuse TVSS Device MAXIMUM DC WORKING VOLTAGE END TERMINATION OPTION N: Nickel Barrier (Ni/Sn) MULTILAYER SERIES DESIGNATOR CAPACITANCE OPTION No Letter: Standard L: Low Capacitance Version DEVICE SIZE: i.e., 120 mil x 60 mil (3mm x 1.5mm) Packaging* Quantity Device Size 13” Inch Reel ('T' Option) 7” Inch Reel ('H' Option) 7” Inch Reel ('R' Option) Bulk Pack ('A' Option) 1206 10,000 N/A 10,000 N/A 10,000 4,000 0402 N/A N/A 10,000 N/A 1BDLBHJOH *UJTSFDPNNFOEFEUIBUQBSUTCFLFQUJOUIFTFBMFECBHQSPWJEFEBOEUIBUQBSUTCFVTFEBTTPPOBTQPTTJCMFXIFOSFNPWFEGSPNCBHT ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 MLE Series W NOTE: Avoid metal runs in this area. Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > MLE Series Tape and Reel Specifications D0 PRODUCT IDENTIFYING LABEL P0 For T and H Pack Options: PLASTIC CARRIER TAPE For R Pack Options: EMBOSSED PAPER CARRIER TAPE P2 E F K0 W B0 t1 D1 P1 Symbol EMBOSSMENT TOP TAPE A0 178mm OR 330mm DIA. REEL 8mm NOMINAL Dimensions in Millimeters Description 0402 Size 0603, 0805 & 1206 Sizes A0 Width of Cavity %FQFOEFOUPO$IJQ4J[FUP.JOJNJ[F3PUBUJPO B0 Length of Cavity %FQFOEFOUPO$IJQ4J[FUP.JOJNJ[F3PUBUJPO K0 Depth of Cavity %FQFOEFOUPO$IJQ4J[FUP.JOJNJ[F3PUBUJPO W Width of Tape F Distance Between Drive Hole Centers and Cavity Centers E Distance Between Drive Hole Centers and Tape Edge P1 Distance Between Cavity Centers P2 Axial Drive Distance Between Drive Hole Centers & Cavity Centers P0 Axial Drive Distance Between Drive Hole Centers D0 Drive Hole Diameter D1 %JBNFUFSPG$BWJUZ1JFSDJOH T1 Top Tape Thickness N/A 0.1 Max 0.1 Max /PUFT t$POGPSNTUP&*"3FWJTJPO" t$BOCFTVQQMJFEUP*&$QVCMJDBUJPO MLE Varistor Series Revision: November 29, 2011 ©2011 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information.