TECHNICAL DATA LED Driver IC IK6208 Description The IK6028 are anode-grid LED display drives 5.0V~18.0V with output size – 8 digits x 9 segments and addition key scan function. Serial interface(UART) provides connection with microprocessor. PWM for Buzzer driving. Features • Operation voltage for digital part: 3.0V ~ 3.6V • Operation voltage for output LEDs: 5.0V ~ 18.0V • 7-step individual dimming control for each grid • OSC: built in (with external resistor) 500kHz @ R=12.1kΩ • Pulse segment current: 27mA-39mA @ 8 digits x 9 segments • Key scanning: 7x2 matrix • Serial Interface(UART). Up to 57,600bps • 2 Channel PWM • Operation Temperature : -40 ~ 85°C LQFP-32 Application • Home Appliance : Washing machine, Refregerator, Bidet, Air Conditioner ORDERING INFORMATION Device IK6208LQ Operating Temperature Range TA = -40 to 85 C Package LQFP-32 April 2012 Ver. 01 1 IK6208A Pin Description IK6208 Pin Name I/O Pin № Description RCUR I/O A resistor is connected to this pin to determine the output currents and oscillation frequency. 4 TX O Data Output Pin This pin output serial data by UART 6 RX I Data Input Pin This pin receive serial data by UART. 5 PWM1/2 O 8/16 bit PWM out put. K1/K2 I Key Data Input Pins The data sent to these pins are latched at the end of the display cycle. (Internal Pull-Up Resistor) 14/15 VDD1/2 VCC - Power Supply for Digital Part 11/16 SG1/KS1 to SG9 O GR1 to GR8 GND1/2 T1 O - 8/9 Power Supply for Output Part 27 Segment Output Pins (N-channel open drain) Also acts as the Key Source 18-26 Grid Output Pins (P-Channel, Open Drain) 1-3,28-32 Ground. 10/17 Reserved. 7 BLOCK DIAGRAM TX RX Serial Data Interface Display Memory PWM1 PWM PWM2 RCUR OSC Timing Generator Current Reference Key Matrix Memory Segment Driver/ Key Scan Output/ Grid Driver Dimming Circuit RR GND Voltage Reference K1 K2 VDD VCC SG1/KS1 SG2/KS2 SG3/KS3 SG4/KS4 SG5/KS5 SG6/KS6 SG7/KS7 SG8 SG9 GR8 GR7 GR6 GR5 GR4 GR3 GR2 GR1 GND April 2012 Ver. 01 2 IK6208A INPUT / OUTPUT CONFIGURATIONS The schematic diagrams of the input and output circuits of the logic section are shown below. Input Pins: K1/K2 Output Pins: GR1 to GR8 Output Pins: SG1/KS1 to SG9 GND April 2012 Ver. 01 3 IK6208A UART UART uses a total of eleven bits per data byte: a start bit, 8 data bits (LSB first), a parity bit, and a stop bit. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION COMMANDS A command is the first byte (b0 to b7) inputted to IK6208 via DI/O Pin after STB Pin has changed from ”HIGH” to “LOW” state. If for some reason the STB Pin is set “HIGH” while data or commands are being transmitted, the serial communication is initialized, and the data commands being transmitted are considered invalid. COMMAND 1: DISPLAY MODE SETTING COMMANDS IK6208 provides 5 display modes setting as shown in the diagram below. As stated earlier a command is the first one byte (b0 to b7) transmitted to IK6208 via the DI/O Pin when STB is “LOW”. However, for these commands, Bit 5 to Bit 8 (b4 to b7) are given a value of “0”. The Display Mode Setting Commands determine the number of segments and grids are used (9 segments, 8 grids). A display commands “ON” must be executed in order to resume display. If the same mode setting is selected, no command execution is take place, therefore, nothing happens. The Display Mode Setting Commands are also used to turn ON or OFF the display. Please refer to the diagram below. When the power is turned ON, the display is turned OFF (b3 is “0”) and the mode 111 is selected (b2 to b0 are “1”). Display Mode Settings 111: 8 Grids (9 Segments) April 2012 Ver. 01 4 IK6208A COMMAND 2: DATA SETTING COMMANDS The Data Setting Commands executes the Data Write Mode for IK6208. The Data Setting Command, the bits5 and 6 (b4, b5) are given the value of “0”. , bit7 (b6) is given the value of “1” while bit8 (b7) is given the value of “0”. Please refer to the diagram below. When power is turned ON, bit 4 to bit 1 (b3 to b0) are given the value of “0”. Read Data from Command Register: 1st byte DOUT b0 b1 b2 b3 b0-b3 of command1 b4 2nd byte b5 b6 b7 b0-b3 of command2 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b0-b5 of command3 b5 b6 b7 don’t care COMMAND 3: ADDRESS SETTING COMMANDS Address Setting Commands are used to set the address of the display memory. The address is considered valid if it has a value of “00H” to 2FH”. If the address is set to 30H or higher, the data is ignored until a valid address is set. When power is turned ON, the address is set at “00H”. Please refer to the diagram below. April 2012 Ver. 01 5 IK6208A DISPLAY MODE AND RAM ADDRESS Data transmitted from an external device to IK6208 via the serial interface are stored in the Display RAM and are assigned addresses. When the power is turned ON, the memory is set at “0”. The RAM Addresses of IK6208 are given below in 8 bit unit. dimming 00HL 00HU 04HL 04HU 08HL 08HU 0CHL 0CHU 10HL 10HU 14HL 14HU 18HL 18HU 1CHL 1CHU GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR8 b0 b3 b4 b7 b0 b3 SG2 SG5 01HU 05HU 09HU 0DHU 11HU 15HU 19HU 1DHU SG6 b4 b0 b7 SG9 02Hm 06Hm 0AHm 0EHm 12Hm 16Hm 1AHm 1EHm b3 b4 03 07 0B 0F 13 17 1B 1F b7 b0 b7 xxHL xxHU xxHL xxHU xxHm xx Lower 4 bits Higher 4 bits Lower 4 bits Higher 4 bits Lower 4 Higher 4 bits bits 8 bits 3’rd byte 4’th byte 1’st byte DIN SG1 01HL 05HL 09HL 0DHL 11HL 15HL 19HL 1DHL 2’nd byte b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 dimming don’t care data for SG1~5 data for SG6~9 don’t care Dimming Quantity Settings: b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Pulse width 1/16 2/16 3/16 5/16 7/16 10/16 14/16 reserved April 2012 Ver. 01 6 IK6208A KEY MATRIX & KEY INPUT DATA STORAGE RAM Key Matrix consists of 7 x 2 array as shown below: K1 K2 SG1/KS1 SG2/ KS2 SG3/ KS3 SG5/ KS5 SG4/ KS4 SG6/ KS6 SG7/ KS7 Each data entered by each key (or any combination of keys) is stored as follows and read by a READ Command, starting from the last significant bit. When the most significant bit of the data (b0) has been read, the least significant bit of the next data (b7) is read. K1 b0 K2 SG1/KS1 SG3/KS3 SG5/KS5 SG7/KS7 b1 K1 b2 b3 K2 SG2/KS2 SG4/KS4 SG6/KS6 b4 1’st byte read 2’nd byte read 3’rd byte read 4’th byte read x x x x b5 b6 b7 Key press=”1”, Key no press=”0” read. April 2012 Ver. 01 7 IK6208A SCANNING AND DISPLAY TIMING April 2012 Ver. 01 8 IK6208A SERIAL COMMUNICATION FORMAT The following diagram shows the serial communication format. Reception (Data/Command Write) If data continues STB DI/O CLK b0 1 b1 2 b2 b6 3 7 b7 8 Transmission (Data Read) April 2012 Ver. 01 9 IK6208A SWITCHING CHARACTERISTIC WAVEFORM Switching Characteristics Waveform is given below. April 2012 Ver. 01 10 IK6208A APPLICATIONS Display memory is updated by incrementing addresses. Please refer to the following diagram. Where: Command 1: Display Mode Setting Command 2: Data Setting Command Command 3: Address Setting Command Data 1 to n : Transfer Display Data (48 Bytes max.) The following diagram shows the waveforms when updating specific addresses. Where: Command 2 -- Data Setting Command Command 3 -- Address Setting Command Data -- Display Data April 2012 Ver. 01 11 IK6208A RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING FLOWCHART Note: 1. Command 1: Display Mode Setting 2. Command 2: Data Setting Commands 3. Command 3: Address Setting Commands 4. When IC power is applied for the first time, the contents of the Display RAM are not defined: thus, it is strongly suggested that the contents of the Display RAM must be cleared during the initial setting. April 2012 Ver. 01 12 IK6208A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Unless otherwise stated, Ta=25°C, GND=0V) Parameter Symbol Rating Units Vcc VDD VI -0.5 to +18.0 -0.5 to +4.0 -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V V V IOHGR -468 mA IOLSG 46.8 mA Maximum Driver Output Current/Total ITOTAL 470 mA Operation Temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -65 ~ 150 ℃ Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Logic Input Voltage Driver Output Current/Pin RECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE (Unless otherwise stated, Ta= -40 to +85°C, GND=0V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage Vcc 5.0 12.0 15.0 V Logic Supply Voltage VDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V High-Level Input Voltage VIH 0.7VDD . VDD V Low-Level Input Voltage VIL 0 . 0.3 VDD V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(UART) April 2012 Ver. 01 13 IK6208A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise stated, Vcc=5.0~18.0V, VDD=3.3~3.6V, GND=0V, Ta=-40 ~ 85°C) Parameter Low-Level Output Current Symbol IOLSG Test Condition Min Typ Max Vo=1.0V SG1/KS1 to SG9/KS9 21.6 27 32.4 display 8digitsx9segments Vo=0.9V SG1/KS1 to SG9/KS9 Unit mA 31.2 39 46.8 -302.4 -378 -453.6 display 8digitsx9segments Vo=Vcc-1.0V R = 12.1KOhm GR1 to GR8 High-Level Output Current IOHGR display 8digitsx9segments Vo=Vcc-1.1V R = 12.1KOhm GR1 to GR8 mA -312 -390 -468 display 8digitsx9segments Dynamic Current Digital Input Current Low-Level Digital Output Current Segment LowLevel Output Current Tolerance IDDdyn - - - 1.2 mA IDG - -1 - +1 uA 4 - - mA - - ±5 IOLDOUT ITOLSG VO = 0.4V DOUT Vo=1.0V SG1/KS1 to SG9/KS9 display 8digitsx9segments Vo=0.9V SG1/KS1 to SG9/KS9 % - - ±5 display 8digitsx9segments High-Level Input Voltage for DI/O Low-Level Input Voltage for DI/O Oscillation Frequency K1 to K2 Pull Up Resistor VIH - 0.7VDD - VDD V VIL - 0 - 0.3VDD V 400 500 600 kHz 22.5 30.0 37.5 KΩ fOSC RPU (VDD=3.3V) R = 12.1kOhm K1 to K2 VDD =3.3V April 2012 Ver. 01 14 IK6208A APPLICATION NOTE IOLseg, (mA) IOLseg vs. Rcur 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 12GRx10SEG 11GRx11SEG 10GRx12SEG 9GRx13SEG 8GRx14SEG 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 15 17 19 Rcur, (KOhm) fosc (KHz) fosc vs. Rcur 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 5 7 9 11 13 Rcur (KOhm) 1. The graph of IOLSG vs. RCUR is given for the case when only one segment is turn on. Choosing the external resistor RCUR for the setting IOLSG, make sure, that current IOHGR=(number of segments)*IOLSG ≤ 390mA April 2012 Ver. 01 15 IK6208A 2. The cell of Display Memory has a dead time zone. If the software program is not correct, it is possible the blinking of display. The blinking frequency for the single segment is: MAX FBLINK FCOMMAND2 F (1 0.5 * OSC ) , (less value is better), 256 * G FCLK where FCOMMAND2 – frequency of the use of the command2 (Write Data to Display Memory); G– number of grids in used mode; FOSC – frequency of internal OSC; FCLK – clock frequency. So, main rule for update the Display Memory is do it if it really need. Don’t do it continually with high speed, but if it something like movie you can. Or another way is turn off the display while the command of Write Data to Display Memory is executed. April 2012 Ver. 01 16 IK6208A APPLICATION CIRCUIT (FOR 8GRID x 9SEGMENT DISPLAY) Recommend value: C1&C2 0.1uF-ceramics R 160Ohm 0.5W (if one diode is connected) 110Ohm 0.25W (if two diodes are connected) April 2012 Ver. 01 17 IK6208A COMMON ANODE TYPE LED PANEL SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 a COM/DIGITAL (GRID) b a c f d b g e c e f g d h h April 2012 Ver. 01 18 IK6208A LQFP-32 April 2012 Ver. 01 19