We help ideas meet the real world DELTA Test Report DANAK TEST Reg. no. 19 Type approval testing of Sigma S6610, T4000 and T4400 Performed for Selco A/S DANAK-198449 Project no.: A503163-1 Page 1 of 75 including 6 annexes 28 July 2006 DELTA Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics Venlighedsvej 4 2970 Hørsholm Denmark Tel. (+45) 72 19 40 00 Fax (+45) 72 19 40 01 www.delta.dk This report is issued under the rules of DANAK (Danish Accreditation). Further information about DANAK can be found at www.danak.dk. The report must not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of DELTA. Version l DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 2 of 75 Title Type approval testing of Sigma S6610, T4000 and T4400 Test objects SIGMA S6610, Power Management Module T4000, Auto Synchronizer T4400. Load Sharer Detailed information is given in Section 2.1 to 2.3. The test objects were received on 20 September 2005. Report no. DANAK-198449 Project no. A503163-1 Test period 20 September 2005 to 24 March 2006 Client Selco A/S Betonvej 10 4000 Roskilde Denmark Manufacturer Selco A/S Specifications IACS E10: Rev. 4 May 2004. Test Specification for Type Approval. ”Test specification applicable, but not confined, to all equipment used for: - Control, protection and safety; - internal communication”. IEC 60533: Second edition, 1999. “Electrical and electronic installations in ships - Electromagnetic compatibility”. IEC 60945: Fourth edition, 2002 “Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems - General requirements - Methods of testing and required test results”. EN 61000-6-2:2001. “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments”. EN 61000-6-4:2001. “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments”. EN 50263:1999. "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Product standard for measuring relays and protection equipment” Results NE/jh No malfunctions were detected. The criteria for compliance are listed in Section 3.2. DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 3 of 75 Test personnel Henrik Egeberg Nielsen Poul Terkelsen Bjørn Larsen Olling Truelsen Danielle Coman Niels Engel Date 28 July 2006 Project manager Niels Engel, Project manager DELTA Responsible Bjørn Baruël Petersen, M.Sc.E.E. DELTA NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 4 of 75 Table of contents Page 1. 1.1 1.2 Summary of test Test requirements Conclusion 6 6 7 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Test specimen(s) Test object Sigma S6610, Power Management Module Test object T4000, Auto-Synchroniser Test object T4400, Load Sharer AUX equipment: Sigma S6000 IO/P module AUX equipment: Notebook AUX equipment: Multimeter 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 General test conditions Test set-up Criteria for compliance Functional test Standard environment 10 10 10 11 11 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 Test and results Visual inspection and performance test Conducted emissions (CISPR 16-1) Conducted emission (CISPR 11) Radiated emissions (CISPR 16-1) Radiated emission (CISPR 11) Insulation resistance High voltage Vibration Resonance search Endurance vibration Power supply variations (permanent) Power supply variations (transient) Power supply failure Conducted low frequency interference Conducted radio frequency interference Radiated radio frequency interference Surge voltage Electrostatic discharge Fast transients (burst) Dry heat Low temperature (cold) Damp heat, cyclic Reverse polarity Enclosure protection, IP2X 1 MHz burst 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 5 of 75 NE/jh Annex 1 List of instruments 35 Annex 2 Photos 38 Annex 3 Test record sheets - Conducted emissions 48 Annex 4 Test record sheets - Radiated emissions 57 Annex 5 Measurement curves - Vibration 66 Annex 6 Test set-up and functional test procedure (from Selco A/S) (This annex is informative and not part of the accredited report) 69 DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 6 of 75 1. Summary of test 1.1 Test requirements Test Visual inspection & Performance test Power supply variations Power supply failure Conducted low frequency interference Conducted radio frequency interference Electrical fast transients (burst) Electrostatic discharges Radiated radio frequency interference Surge transients Conducted emissions Radiated emissions Vibration (resonance search) Vibration (endurance - random) Insulation resistance Dry heat Low temperature (cold) Damp heat (cyclic) High voltage Reverse polarity Enclosure protection, IP 2X 1 MHz burst NE/jh Test method IACS E10:2004 IEC 60945:2002 / IACS E10:2004 IEC 60945:2002 / IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 / IEC 61000-4-16:1998 EN 61000-4-6:2001 EN 61000-4-4:1995 EN 61000-4-2:2001 EN 61000-4-3:2002 EN 61000-4-5:2001 CISPR 16-1:1999 / IEC 60945:2002 CISPR 16-1:1999 / CISPR 11:1999 IEC 60068-2-6:1995 IEC 60068-2-64:1993 IACS E10:2004 IEC 60068-2-2:1974 + Amendments IEC 60068-2-1:1990 + Amendments IEC 60068-2-30 1980 + Amendments IACS E10:2004 IEC 60945:2002 IEC 60529:2001 / IEC 60945:2002 IEC 60255-22-1:1988 DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 7 of 75 1.2 Conclusion The test objects mentioned in this report meet the relevant requirements of the standards stated below. • IACS E10:2004 • IEC 60533:1999 • IEC 60945:2002 • EN 61000-6-2:2001 • EN 61000-6-4:2001 • EN 60263:1999 The test results relate only to the specimens tested. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 8 of 75 2. Test specimen(s) 2.1 Test object Sigma S6610, Power Management Module Manufacturer Type Serial no. Supply voltage Operational mode 2.2 Test object T4000, Auto-Synchroniser Manufacturer Type Serial no. Supply voltage Operational mode 2.3 Selco A/S S6000.0010 372034 S6610 CAN bus comm. AUX equipment: Notebook Manufacturer Model Serial no. Operational mode NE/jh Selco A/S T4400-33 379852 230 VAC Normal operational mode AUX equipment: Sigma S6000 IO/P module Manufacturer Model Serial no. Operational mode 2.5 Selco A/S T4000-02 360455 230 VAC Normal operational mode Test object T4400, Load Sharer Manufacturer Type Serial no. Supply voltage Operational mode 2.4 Selco A/S S6610 24 VDC Normal operational mode IBM T23 Selco no: lapdkco003 S6610 RS485 comm. using monitoring software “Modbus OPC Configurator” version DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 9 of 75 2.6 AUX equipment: Multimeter Manufacturer Model Serial no. Operational mode NE/jh Fluke Fluke 37 04422264 S6610, T4000, T4400 analogue output signal monitoring DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 10 of 75 3. General test conditions 3.1 Test set-up A drawing of the test set-up is enclosed in Annex 6. 3.2 Criteria for compliance No change of the actual operational states of the test specimens is allowed. However, temporary change is allowed during the power supply failure test. The following acceptance criteria for compliance regarding accuracy of analogue parameters were in force: • "Analog input": ±0.5 mA • "Analog input": ±0.5 V • "Analog output": ±0.5 mA • "Analog output": ±0.5 V In addition, the following generic acceptance criteria for compliance were in force during the EMC immunity testing: NE/jh • Performance Criterion A: (For continuous phenomena) : The EUT shall continue to operate as intended during and after the test. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed as defined in relevant equipment standard and the technical specification published by the manufacturer. • Performance Criterion B: (For transient phenomena): The EUT shall continue to operate as intended after the tests. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed as defined in the technical specification published by the manufacturer. During the test, degradation or loss of function or performance which is selfrecoverable is, however, allowed but no change of actual operating state or stored data is allowed. • Performance Criterion C: Temporary degradation or loss of function or performance is allowed during and after the test, provided the function is self-recoverable, or can be restored by the operation of the controls as defined in the relevant equipment standard and in the technical specification published by the manufacturer. DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 11 of 75 3.3 Functional test A functional test was performed before, during (if specified) and after each test. The functional test was carried out in accordance with the functional test procedure provided by the customer. The functional test procedure is given in Annex 6. 3.4 Standard environment Normal environmental condition: NE/jh Temperature : 15°C to 35°C Humidity : 25 %RH to 75 %RH Air pressure : 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar) Power supply voltage : Unom. ±3% DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 12 of 75 4. Test and results 4.1 Visual inspection and performance test Test method IACS E10, Test No. 1 and 2. Procedure The conformance to drawings and the functional performance are demonstrated to the society surveyors present at DELTA during the type approval testing. The functional test is also demonstrated. Results The conformance to drawings and the functional performance, including the functional test procedure, are demonstrated to the society surveyors after completion of the type approval testing, if requested. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 13 of 75 4.2 Conducted emissions (CISPR 16-1) Test method CISPR 16-1 (1999-10): Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Severity and procedure (IACS E10:2004 & IEC 60533:1999 - General power distribution zone) Frequency range : 0.01 - 30 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.01 - 0.15 MHz : 0.15 - 0.50 MHz : 0.50 - 30 MHz : 120 - 69 dBμV 79 dBμV 73 dBμV (IEC 60945:2002, IEC 60533:1999 and IACS E10:2004 - Bridge and Deck Zone) Frequency range : 0.01 - 30 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.01 - 0.15 MHz : 0.15 - 0.35 MHz : 0.35 - 30 MHz : 96 - 50 dBμV 60 - 50 dBμV 50 dBμV The radio frequency voltage is measured at the power supply terminals of the test specimen, by a receiver through an artificial mains network. The test specimen is energised and in normal operational mode during the measurement. Results The conducted emissions were within the specified limits. Test record sheets of the conducted emission measurements are enclosed in Annex 3. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 14 of 75 4.3 Conducted emission (CISPR 11) Test method CISPR 11 (1999-08): Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement. Severity and procedure Frequency range : 0.15 - 30 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.15 - 0.50 MHz : : 0.50 - 30 MHz : : 79 dBμV quasi-peak 66 dBμV average 73 dBμV quasi-peak 60 dBμV average The radio frequency voltage is measured at the power supply terminals of the test specimen, by a receiver through an artificial mains network. The test specimen is energised and in normal operational mode during the measurement. Results The conducted emissions were within the specified limits. Test record sheets of the conducted emission measurements are enclosed in Annex 3. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 15 of 75 4.4 Radiated emissions (CISPR 16-1) Test method CISPR 16-1 (1999-10): Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Severity and procedure Severity and procedure (IACS E10:2004 and IEC 60533:1999 - General power distribution zone) Frequency range : 0.15 - 2000 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.15 - 30 MHz 30 - 100 MHz 100 - 2000 MHz 156 - 165 MHz : : : : 80 - 50 dBμV/m 60 - 54 dBμV/m 54 dBμV/m, except for 24 dBμV/m : : : : 80 - 52 dBμV/m 50 - 34 dBμV/m 54 dBμV/m, except for 24 dBμV/m (IACS E10:2004 - Bridge and Deck Zone) Frequency range : 0.15 - 2000 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.15 - 0.3 MHz 0.3 - 30 MHz 30 - 2000 MHz 156 - 165 MHz (IEC 60945:2002 and IEC 60533:1999 - Bridge and Deck Zone) Frequency range : 0.15 - 2000 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 0.15 - 0.3 MHz 0.3 - 30 MHz 30 - 2000 MHz 156 - 165 MHz : : : : 80 - 52 dBμV/m 52 - 34 dBμV/m 54 dBμV/m, except for 24 dBμV/m The electric field is measured with antennas at a distance of 3 m. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the measurement. Results The radiated emissions were within the specified limits. Test record sheets of the radiated emission measurements are enclosed in Annex 4. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 16 of 75 4.5 Radiated emission (CISPR 11) Test method CISPR 11 (1999-08): Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement. Severity and procedure Frequency range : 30 - 1000 MHz Limits (quasi-peak) : 30 - 230 MHz : 230 - 1000 MHz : 40 dBμV/m 47 dBμV/m The electric field is measured with antennas at a distance of 10 m. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the measurement Results The radiated emissions were within the specified limits. Test record sheets of the radiated emission measurements are enclosed in Annex 4. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 17 of 75 4.6 Insulation resistance Test method IACS E10, Test No. 9. Procedure The insulation resistance is measured between shorted supply terminals and earth with 50 VDC for 24 VDC power ports and 500 VDC for 230 VAC power ports. The insulation resistance is to be above 100 MΩ (AC power ports) and 10 MΩ (DC power ports) initially, and above 10 MΩ (AC power ports) and 1 MΩ (DC power ports) after the low temperature and the damp heat exposures.. Results Cable designation DC power ports of all externally powered test objects AC power ports of all externally powered test objects NE/jh Test voltage Duration Insulation resistance [Vrms] [sec] [MΩ] Initial 50 VDC 60 sec. >100 MΩ After Low temperature test 50 VDC 60 sec. >100 MΩ After Damp heat test 50 VDC 60 sec. >10 MΩ Initial 500 VDC 60 sec. >1000 MΩ After Low temperature test 500 VDC 60 sec. >1000 MΩ After Damp heat test 500 VDC 60 sec. >100 MΩ Test condition DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 18 of 75 4.7 High voltage Test method IACS E10, Test No. 10. Procedure 550 VAC, 50 Hz is applied between shorted supply terminals and earth for 1 minute for the 24 VDC supply line. 1500 VAC, 50 Hz is applied between shorted supply terminals and earth for 1 minute for the 230 VAC supply line. No flashover, breakdown, etc. is acceptable. Results This test was omitted due to the presence of components for EMC protection. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 19 of 75 4.8 Vibration 4.8.1 Resonance search Test method IEC 60068-2-6 (1995), Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal). Severity and procedure Frequency range : 2 - 100 Hz Frequency/amplitude : 2 - 25 Hz : 25 - 100 Hz : Sweep rate : Max. 1 octave/min. Number of axes : 3 mutually perpendicular ±1.6 mm ±4.0 g The test specimens are de-energised during the exposure. During the resonance search, the resonance frequencies are determined by means of stroboscopic light with slow motion facility and accelerometer measurements of the amplification factors (Q). Resonance frequencies with an amplification factor above 2 are recorded. Results No amplification factors above 2 were recorded. Place of measurement Axis Frequency Amplification factor T4000 X, Y and Z 2 - 100 Hz <2 T4400 X, Y and Z 2 - 100 Hz <2 S6610 PM X, Y and Z 2 - 100 Hz <2 Measurement curves of the maximum amplification factors and resonance frequencies are enclosed in Annex 5. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 20 of 75 4.8.2 Endurance vibration The sinusoidal vibration test according to IACS E10 and IEC 60945 is replaced by random vibration test according to "Environmental test specification for instrumentation and automation equipment" No. 2.4, issued April 2001 by DNV. This random vibration test will cover the requirements of the sinusoidal vibration test according to IACS E10 and IEC 60945. Test method IEC 60068-2-64 (1993), Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random (digital control). Severity and procedure Frequency range : 2 - 100 Hz Acceleration spectral : 2 - 25 Hz Density : 25 - 100 Hz Total RMS level : 4.0 g Duration : 150 minutes per axis Number of axes : 3 mutually perpendicular : +12 dB/octave : 0.2 g2/Hz The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposures. A functional test is performed after the exposure in each axis. A visual inspection is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure in each axis. No damage was observed after the exposures. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 21 of 75 4.9 Power supply variations (permanent) Test method IACS E10, Test No. 4 IEC 60945, Section 5.2.2. Procedure (230 VAC supplied) Unom. = Nominal supply voltage = 230 VAC fnom. = Nominal supply frequency = 50 Hz Exposures, each with a duration of 15 minutes, are performed at the following supply voltages and frequencies: U = Unom. + 10% = 253 VAC U = Unom. - 10% = 207 VAC f = fnom. + 5% = 52.5 Hz f = fnom. - 5% = 47.5 Hz Procedure (24 VDC supplied) Unom. = Nominal supply voltage = 24 VDC Exposures, each with a duration of 15 minutes, are performed at the following supply voltages: U1 = Un+30% = 31.2 VDC U2 = Un-25% = 18.0 VDC The test specimens are observed during the exposures, and a functional test is performed at the end of each exposure. An additional power supply variations test is performed as part of the functional test during the low temperature and the dry heat test profiles. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: A. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 22 of 75 4.10 Power supply variations (transient) Test method IACS E10, Test No. 4 IEC 60945, Section 5.2.2 Procedure Unom. = Nominal supply voltage = 230 VAC fnom. = Nominal supply frequency = 50 Hz Ten exposures, 1/min, are carried out at each of the following combinations: (230 VAC supplied) • Unom. + 20% fnom. + 10% = = 276 VAC Duration 55 Hz Duration = = 1.5 s 5.0 s • Unom. - 20% fnom. - 10% = = 184 VAC Duration 45 Hz Duration = = 1.5 s 5.0 s The test specimen is observed during the exposures, and a functional test is performed at the end of each combination. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimen was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: A NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 23 of 75 4.11 Power supply failure Test method IACS E10, Test No. 3 IEC 60945, Section 7.4. Procedure The power supply is interrupted 3 times within 5 minutes with a break time of 60 seconds. Normal power-up procedure is to be obtained after each power break. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimen was OK after each exposure. Performance criterion: C. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 24 of 75 4.12 Conducted low frequency interference Test method IEC 61000-4-16 (1998-01): Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz. Severity and procedure Frequency range : 0.05 - 10 kHz Amplitude (AC-supplied) : 50 Hz to 15th harmonic :10% of Unom. 15th to 100th harmonic :10%-1% of Unom. 100th to 200th harmonic : 1% of Unom. Amplitude (DC-supplied) : 0.05 - 10 kHz Maximum applied power : 2.0 W : 10% of Unom. min.3 Vrms The impedance of the test generator is less than 1 Ω. The test signal is superimposed on the power supply lines via a coupling transformer. The test specimen is energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimen is observed during the exposure, and a functional test is performed after the exposure Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimen was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: A. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 25 of 75 4.13 Conducted radio frequency interference Test method EN 61000-4-6 (2001-04), Ed. 1.1: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields. Severity and procedure Frequency range : 150 kHz - 80 MHz Amplitude : 0.15 - 80 MHz Modulation : 80% AM, 400 Hz sine wave 80% AM, 1 kHz sine wave : 10 Vrms The test specimen is supplied with power via a coupling/decoupling network. The test signal is coupled to the power lines and signal lines via coupling networks. The coupling impedance is 150 Ω. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimens are observed during the exposure, and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimen was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: A. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 26 of 75 4.14 Radiated radio frequency interference Test method EN 61000-4-3 (2002-03): Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radiofrequency, electromagnetic field immunity test. Severity and procedure Frequency range : 80 - 2000 MHz Field strength : 10 V/m Modulation : 80% AM, 400 Hz sine wave 80% AM, 1 kHz sine wave The test is performed in a semi-anechoic room. The field is generated using linearly polarised broadband antennas. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimens are observed during the exposure, and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: A. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 27 of 75 4.15 Surge voltage Test method EN 61000-4-5 (2001-04) Ed. 1.1: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test. Severity and procedure Amplitude AC power ports : 1 & 2 kV line-to-earth, 0.5 & 1 kV line-to-line Amplitude DC power ports : 1 kV line-to-earth, 0.5 kV line-to-line Amplitude signal lines : 1 kV line-to-earth (lines >30 m) Voltage rise time : 1.2 µs (open circuit) Voltage decay time : 50 µs (open circuit) The impedance of the test generator is 2 Ω for line-to-line coupling and 12 Ω for line-toearth coupling. The impedance of the test generator is 2 Ω for exposures on shielded signal lines. The test specimens are supplied with power via a transient coupling network. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimens are observed during the exposure, and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: B. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 28 of 75 4.16 Electrostatic discharge Test method EN 61000-4-2 (2001-04) Ed. 1.2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test. Severity and procedure Air discharge : 2, 4 and 8 kV Contact discharge : 2, 4 and 6 kV Energy storage capacitance : 150 pF Discharge resistance : 330 Ω Polarity : + and - Number of discharges : 10 per polarity at each test point The discharges are applied only to such points and surfaces of the test specimen, which are accessible to personnel during normal use. Contact discharges are applied to conductive surfaces and coupling planes, and air discharges are applied to insulating surfaces. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimens are observed during the exposure, and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: B. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 29 of 75 4.17 Fast transients (burst) Test method EN 61000-4-4 (1995-01): Testing and measurement techniques - Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test, Amendment 1 (2000-11), Amendment 2 (2001-07). Severity and procedure Amplitude : : 2 kV on power lines 2 kV on earth port 1 kV on signal lines Pulse rise time : 5 ns Pulse duration : 50 ns Generator impedance : 50 Ω Repetition rate : 5 kHz Burst duration : 15 ms Burst period time : 300 ms The test specimens are supplied with power via a transient coupling network. The test signal is successively coupled to each power line and protective earth with reference to the ground plane. The test signal is injected on the signal lines using a capacitive coupling clamp. The clamp is successively used on selected signal cables. The test signal is injected on the power lines for 5 minutes, using each coupling mode and each polarity, and then on the signal lines for 5 minutes using each polarity. The test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimens are observed during the exposure and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. Performance criterion: B. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 30 of 75 4.18 Dry heat Test method IEC 60068-2-2 (1974), Test Bd: Dry heat for heat-dissipating specimen with gradual change of temperature, Amendment 1 (1993), Amendment 2 (1994). Severity and procedure The following two exposures are performed: 1. Temperature Duration Humidity : 55°C : 16 hours : Below 50 %RH 2. Temperature Duration Humidity : 70°C : 16 hours : Below 50 %RH The test specimens are energised and in normal operating condition during the exposure. During the last hour of the exposure, a functional test is performed. After recovery the functional test is repeated in standard environment. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure and the function of the test specimen was OK during the last hour of the exposure and after recovery. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 31 of 75 4.19 Low temperature (cold) Test method IEC 60068-2-1 (1990), Test Ad: Cold for heat-dissipating specimen with gradual change of temperature, Amendment 1 (1993), Amendment 2 (1994). Severity and procedure Temperature : -15°C Duration : 16 hours The test specimens are de-energised during the exposure. However, during the last hour of the exposure the test specimen is energised and a functional test is performed. After recovery, a functional test and an insulation resistance test are performed in standard environment. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure and the function of the test specimen was OK during the last hour of the exposure and after recovery. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 32 of 75 4.20 Damp heat, cyclic Test method IEC 60068-2-30 (1980), Test Db: Damp heat cyclic (12 + 12 hours' cycle), Variant 1, Amendment 1 (1985). Severity and procedure Lower temperature : 25°C Humidity at lower temperature : >95 %RH Upper temperature : 55°C Humidity at upper temperature : 93 %RH Number of cycles : 2 During the first cycle, the test specimens are energised and in normal operational mode. A functional test is performed during the first 2 hours of the 55°C phase. During the second cycle, the test specimens are de-energised. However, during the last 2 hours of the second 55°C phase, the test specimens are energised and a functional test is performed. After recovery, the test specimens are energised and a functional test and an insulation resistance test are performed in standard environment. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK during the first and second cycle at 55°C and 93 %RH, and after recovery. No corrosion attack was observed after the exposure. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 33 of 75 4.21 Reverse polarity Test method IEC 60945:2002, Section 5.2.3. Procedure (DC supplied) The test specimens are subjected to an input from a power supply of reversed polarity for a period of 5 minutes. After completion of the test and reset of the protection of the test specimens, if required, the power supply shall be connected normally and a performance check shall be carried out. Results The test specimens are equipped with reverse polarity protection diodes. Consequently, no current consumption or malfunction of the test specimens occurs during exposure. During and after completion of the test, the function of the test specimens was OK. 4.22 Enclosure protection, IP2X Test method IEC 60529 (2001-02): Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). Severity and procedure The test specimen is subjected to a test corresponding to IEC 60529:2001, table 1, first characteristic numeral 2 (IP2X): “Protection against access to hazardous parts with a finger, and thus IEC 60945:2001, clause 12.1: “Protection against access to dangerous voltages. Results The test specimens have adequate protection against access to hazardous parts with a finger, i.e. no openings greater than 12 mm Ø were measured. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 34 of 75 4.23 1 MHz burst Specifications IEC 60255-22-1 (1988):Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment. Part 1: 1 MHz burst disturbance tests. Severity and procedure Amplitude : 1 kV DM on power ports and I/O ports 2.5 kV CM on power ports and I/O ports 1 kV CM on communication ports Frequency : 1 MHz Source impedance . 200 Ohm Rise time : 75 ns Repetition frequency : 400 Hz The test specimen is energised and in normal operational mode during the exposure. The test specimen is observed during the exposure and a functional test is performed after the exposure. Results No malfunction was observed during the exposure, and the function of the test specimens was OK after the exposure. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 35 of 75 Annex 1 List of instruments NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 36 of 75 List of instruments NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER TYPE NO. 22631 VIBRATION CONTROLLER SIGNAL STAR VECTOR U2 Sys 5144 ACC. 91 ACCELEROMETER BRUEL & KJÆR 4371 ACC. 93 ACCELEROMETER BRUEL & KJÆR 4371 ACC.71A ACCELEROMETER BRUEL & KJÆR 4393 ACC. 72 ACCELEROMETER BRUEL & KJÆR 4393 22630 ACCELEROMETER PREAMPLIFIER BRUEL & KJÆR 2692 22589 ACCELEROMETER PREAMPLIFIER BRUEL & KJÆR 2626 22601 ELECTRONIC VOLTMETER HEWLETT-PACKARD 34401A 22591 OSCILLOSCOPE KENWOOD CS-1025 Y221 ELECTRODYNAMIC SHAKER LING DYNAMIC SYS. V 875-440T U2501 SWITCHING POWER AMPLIFIER LING DYNAMIC SYS. SPA 50/30KCE DELTA VKF10 EVFGT-27 CLIMATIC TEST CHAMBER EVFGT-28 CLIMATIC TEST CHAMBER DELTA VF10 29223 CURRENT PROBE SINGER 91550-4 29342 REFLECTOMETER COUPLER, 600-4200 MHz ROHDE & SCHWARZ ZPD 29347 RF GENERATOR , 10 kHz-1 GHz MARCONI 2022 29461 ARTIFICIAL MAINS NETWORK ROHDE & SCHWARZ ESH2/Z5 29680 IMPULSE VOLTAGE LIMITER ROHDE & SCHWARZ ESH3/Z2 29691 0.01 - 20 GHz. SYNTH. SWEEPER HEWLETT-PACKARD 83620A 29694 1-12 GHz. HORN ANTENNA. LOGIMETRICS AN 8200 F 29703 LF POWER AMPLIFIER BRUEL & KJÆR 2708 29754 RF POWER ATTENUATOR, 50 OHM, 6 dB, 150 W NARDA 769-6 29781 DIGITAL MULTIMETER W. HPIB HEWLETT-PACKARD 34401A 29786 HIGH POWER RF AMPLIFIER, 80-1000 MHz AMPLIFIER RESEARCH 500W1000M5 29797 BILOG ANTENNA, 30-1000 MHz CHASE ELECTRICS LTD CBL 6111A 29815 3-LINE CDN NETWORK, IEC 61000-4-6 MEB M3 29749 SHIELD-LINE CDN NETWORK, IEC 61000-4-6 DELTA EMC DEPT. SHIELD LINE CDN 29827 ELECTRONIC SURGE GENERATOR EM TEST VCS 500 29832 DIFFERENTIAL HIGH VOLTAGE PROBE, DC-25 MHz TEKTRONIX P5200 29838 ESD GENERATOR, AIR AND CONTACT DIS- KEYTEK CHARGE MZ-15EC 29844 -40 dBc VOLTAGE SAMPLER, DC-100 MHz DELTA EMC DEPT. SAMPLER VER. 2 29846 RF GENERATOR, 9 kHz-2.4 GHz MARCONI 2024 29861 EMI-SOFTWARE Ver. 1.60 ROHDE & SCHWARZ ES-K1, PART: 1026.6790.02 29865 CAPACITIVE COUPLING CLAMP DELTA EMC IEC 1000-4-4 NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 37 of 75 NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER TYPE NO. 29866 LF INJECTION TRAFO, 6 x 6 TURNS KNUD OVERGAARD 14311 29880 CURRENT PROBE AMPLIFIER FOR 29907 AND 29707 TEKTRONIX AM503B 29884 PULSE / FUNCTION GENERATOR, 50 MHz WAVETEK 81 29904 BROADBAND POWER AMPLIFIER, 10 kHz250 MHz, 75 W AMPLIFIER RESEARCH 75A250 29906 15 MHz FUNCTION / ARBITRARY WAVE GENERATOR HEWLETT-PACKARD 33120A 29907 ACTIVE CURRENT PROBE HEAD FOR 29880 TEKTRONIX A6302 29913 ELECTRICAL FAST TRANSIENT (BURST) GENERATOR EFT 500 29915 DC COUPLED POWER AMPLIFIER / POWER HEWLETT-PACKARD SUPPLY 467A 29916 AUTOMATIC TEST RECEIVER, 9 kHz-2.75 GHz ROHDE & SCHWARZ ESCS 30 1102.4500.30 29936 SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPE, 100 MHz, 500 MS/s TEKTRONIX TDS 340A 29967 COAX RF DIODE DETECTOR, NEG. OUTPUT, ROOM 5 HEWLETT-PACKARD 8471D 29975 DIGITAL MULTIMETER w. GPIB HEWLETT-PACKARD 34401A 29984 RF POWER AMPLIFIER, 0.8-2.2 GHz, 200W MILMEGA AS0822-200 29985 BILOG ANTENNA 26-2000 MHz SCHAFFNER/CHASE 6140A 49002 SINGLE CHANNEL POWER METER DISPLAY UNIT ROHDE & SCHWARZ NRVS 49003 THERMAL POWER SENSOR, DC-18 GHz ROHDE & SCHWARZ NRV-Z51 49024 COAX RF DIODE DETECTOR, NEG. OUTPUT, CS TEST HEWLETT-PACKARD 8471D 49034 "CABLE#42", 3 M, 50 OHM COAX CABLE, N- CELLFLEX N (STRAIGHT) 29332 ACTIVE LOOP ANTENNA ROHDE & SCHWARZ HFH-Z2 43028 MEGGER AVO INTERNATIONAL BM 80 30344 HIGH VOLTAGE APPARATUS WILLY NIELSEN W5 NE/jh EM TEST DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 38 of 75 Annex 2 Photos NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 39 of 75 Photo 1. 1 MHz burst, e.g T4400. Photo 2. Power supply variations & failure, e.g. T4400. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 40 of 75 Photo 3. Vibration, resonance search, e.g. S6610. Photo 4. Vibration, resonance search, e.g. T4000. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 41 of 75 Photo 5. Vibration, resonance search, e.g. T4400. Photo 6. Vibration, endurance. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 42 of 75 Photo 7. Climatic testing. Photo 8. Radiated emissions (0.15 - 30 MHz). 3 m. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 43 of 75 Photo 9. Radiated emissions (30 - 2000 MHz). 3 m. Photo 10. Conducted emissions, e.g. S6610. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 44 of 75 Photo 11. Conducted radio frequency interference, e.g. S6610. Photo 12. Conducted radio frequency interference, e.g. T4000. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 45 of 75 Photo 13. Conducted low frequency interference, e.g. S6610. Photo 14. Fast transients (burst), e.g. T4000. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 46 of 75 Photo 15. Electrostatic discharge, e.g. T4400. Photo 16. Surge, e.g. T4400. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 47 of 75 Photo 17. Radiated radio frequency interference (80-1000 MHz), e.g. S6610 & T4000. Photo 18. Radiated radio frequency interference (1000-2000 MHz), e.g. T4400. NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 48 of 75 Annex 3 Test record sheets - Conducted emissions NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 49 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Line no.: 24 VDC. (PIN 3,4) 24 VDC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. Sheet 17 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60533, B Bridge & deck zone NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 50 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Line no.: 0 VDC. (PIN 3,4) 24 VDC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. Sheet 18 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60533, B Bridge & deck zone NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 51 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Line no.: 0 VDC. (PIN 1,2) 24 VDC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. Sheet 15 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60533, B Bridge & deck zone NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 52 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Line no.: 24 VDC. (PIN 1,2) 24 VDC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. Sheet 16 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60533, B Bridge & deck zone NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 53 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4000 Selco A/S Line no.: Neutral. 230 VAC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. EN 55011 A Sheet 13 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, EN 55011 A, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 54 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4000 Selco A/S Line no.: Line 1. 230 VAC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. EN 55011 A Sheet 14 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, EN 55011 A, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 55 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4400 Selco A/S Line no.: Neutral. 230 VAC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. EN 55011 A Sheet 11 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, EN 55011 A, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 56 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4400 Selco A/S Line no.: Line 1. 230 VAC EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945. IACS E10. IEC 60533. EN 55011 A Sheet 12 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV] 100 80 60 40 20 0 -10 10k 30k 100k 300k Frequency [Hz] MES CE 0.01-30 PK MaxPk LIM CE, EN 55011 A, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, IEC 60945, QP Conducted Emission LIM CE, E-10 deck bridge Conducted Emission NE/jh 1M 2M 4M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 57 of 75 Annex 4 Test record sheets - Radiated emissions NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 58 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Peakscan 1mV and final QP measurements EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945:2005,IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 24 2005-09-30 Level [dBµV/m] 60 50 xx 40 x x 30 x 20 x 10 0 x 30M 50M 70M 100M 200M Frequency [Hz] 300M 500M 1G MES Maximering_fin QP MES IEC945 1m 30 MaxPk 1 LIM RE, IEC 60945 Radiated Emission MEASUREMENT RESULT: "Maximering_fin QP" 2005-09-30 15:52 Frequency Level MHz dBµV/m 35.000000 36.700000 40.000000 85.000000 159.990000 427.400000 NE/jh 43.00 42.40 39.90 35.70 18.00 23.50 Transd dB Limit dBµV/m Margin dB Height cm Azimuth deg Polarisation 18.4 17.5 15.8 11.3 13.1 20.3 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 24.0 54.0 11.0 11.6 14.1 18.3 6.0 30.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 123.0 111.0 150.0 358.00 337.00 227.00 8.00 74.00 358.00 VERTICAL VERTICAL VERTICAL VERTICAL VER BW 10 KH VERTICAL 2G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 59 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610 Selco A/S Peakscan 3mH EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945:2005,IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 25 2005-09-30 Level [dBµV/m] 60 50 xx 40 x x 30 x 20 x 10 0 x NE/jh 30M MES MES MES MES 50M 70M 100M IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 1 IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 2 IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 3 Maximering_fin QP 200M Frequency [Hz] 300M 500M 1G 2G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 60 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Peakscan 1mV andfinal QP measurements EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945:2002 IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 7 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV/m] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 30M 50M 70M 100M 200M Frequency [Hz] MES IEC945 1m 30 MaxPk 1 LIM RE, IEC 60945 Radiated Emission NE/jh 300M 500M 1G 2G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 61 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Peakscan 3mH EMC-5 HEN - A503163 IEC 60945:2002 IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 8 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV/m] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 30M 50M 70M 100M 200M Frequency [Hz] MES IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 1 MES IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 2 MES IEC945 4m 30 MaxPk 3 LIM RE, IEC 60945 Radiated Emission NE/jh 300M 500M 1G 2G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 62 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610, T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Ant : 90 Deg. Peakscan & final QP EMC-5 KKJ - A503163 IEC 60945:2002 IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 1 2005-11-09 Level [dBµV/m] 80 70 60 50 40 30 x xx 20 10 0 x 150k 300k 500k 1M 2M Frequency [Hz] 3M 5M Loop Azimuth deg MES mfield_0001_fin QP MES ME IEC 945 (90 MaxPk LIM ME, IEC 60945, QP Magnetic Emission MEASUREMENT RESULT: "mfield_0001_fin QP" 2005-11-09 15:58 Frequency Level MHz dBµV/m 23.965000 24.900000 25.005000 NE/jh 24.10 24.80 28.40 Transd dB Limit dBµV/m Margin dB 21.8 21.9 21.9 34.9 34.7 34.7 10.8 10.0 6.3 90 deg 40.00 90 deg 93.00 90 deg 250.00 7M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 63 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610, T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Ant : 0 Deg. Peakscan & final QP EMC-5 KKJ - A503163 IEC 60945:2002 IACS E10:2004 IEC 60533:1999 Sheet 2 2005-11-09 Level [dBµV/m] 80 70 60 50 40 30 x 20 10 0 x 150k 300k 500k 1M 2M Frequency [Hz] 3M 5M Loop Azimuth deg MES mfield_0001_fin QP MES ME IEC 945 (0 MaxPk LIM ME, IEC 60945, QP Magnetic Emission MEASUREMENT RESULT: "mfield_0001_fin QP" 2005-11-09 16:49 Frequency Level MHz dBµV/m 12.440000 NE/jh 24.10 Transd dB Limit dBµV/m Margin dB 20.2 37.4 13.3 0 deg 1.00 7M 10M 30M DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 64 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610, T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Peakscan 1mV & final QP EMC-5 HEN - A503163 EN 55011 A (10m) Sheet 3 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV/m] 50 40 30 20 10 0 30M 50M 70M 100M 200M Frequency [Hz] MES RE 1mv 30-1000 MaxPk LIM RE, EN 55011 A, QP Radiated Emission NE/jh 300M 500M 700M 1G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 65 of 75 EUT: Manufacturer: Operating Condition: Test Site: Operator: Test Specification: Comment: Start of Test: S6610, T4000, T4400 Selco A/S Peakscan 4mH EMC-5 HEN - A503163 EN 55011 A (10m) Sheet 4 2005-07-04 Level [dBµV/m] 50 40 30 20 10 0 30M 50M 70M 100M 200M Frequency [Hz] MES RE 4mh 30-1000 MaxPk LIM RE, EN 55011 A, QP Radiated Emission NE/jh 300M 500M 700M 1G DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 66 of 75 Annex 5 Measurement curves - Vibration NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 67 of 75 Ch1 100.0 LogMag, Ratio 10.0 1.0 100.0m 10.0m 2.0 Mea1/Mea5 X: 3.29978 Y : 0.820513 10.0 SKIB40 start 14:22:57 Frequency, Hz Curve 01. 100.0 test date 06-07-2005 Resonance search, Y-Axis (max. ampl. fact.) T4000. Ch2 100.0 LogMag, g 10.0 1.0 100.0m 10.0m 2.0 Mea2/Mea5 X: 2.23017 Y : 0.888889 10.0 SKIB40 start 14:22:57 Frequency, Hz Curve 02. NE/jh 100.0 test date 06-07-2005 Resonance search, Y-Axis (max. ampl. fact.) T4400. DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 68 of 75 Ch 3 100.0 LogMag, g 10.0 1.0 100.0m 10.0m 2.0 Mea2/Mea5 X: 4.15033 Y : 0.933333 10.0 SKIB40 start 14:22:57 Frequency, Hz Curve 03. 100.0 test date 06-07-2005 Resonance search, Y-Axis (max. ampl. fact.) S6610. 10.0 1.0 LogMag, g²/Hz 100.0m 10.0m 1.0m 100.0u RMS: 3.97978 10.0u 1.0u 2.0 10.0 Frequency , Hz SKBDN V4GRMS start 09:16:51 test date 07-07-2005 Curve 04. NE/jh Endurance, e.g. X-axis. 100.0 tim e at m ax lev el 02:30:01 DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 69 of 75 Annex 6 Test set-up and functional test procedure (from Selco A/S) (This annex is informative and not part of the accredited report) NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 70 of 75 Test set-up S6610 24 VDC Alarm relay LC req. inputs S6610 LC ack. outputs LC analog inputs RS485 Relay status Indicator Dig.inp. sim. DVM 3 Analog inp. sim. Notebook Modbus CAN bus S6000 IO/P Analog output, U DVM 1 Analog output, I DVM 2 NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 71 of 75 Functional test procedure S6610 General performance verification is performed as follows: 1. Apply 24VDC to the powersupply 1 and 2 2. Apply 9VDC batteri to LC analog input 1 3. Measure 9VDC on Analog output 1 4. Measure 12mA on Analog output 2 5. Apply GND to LC REQ. INPUT 1 6. Measure LC ACK. OUTPUT 1 is on 7. Apply a PC with a RS485 communication to the RS485 input 8. Open the modbus server on the pc and see that the communication is OK 9. Attach a S6000 module to the CAN BUS 10. See the S6000 module on the display 11. Attach a relay boks on the alarm relay 12. Disconnect powersupply 1 and see the relay alter its state NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 72 of 75 Test set-up T4000 Auto reset Close enable T4000 Forv./Inv. Output to Governor DVM 1 Gen 230 VAC Bus 230 VAC NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 73 of 75 Functional test procedure T4000 General performance verification is performed as follows: 1. Apply 220VAC to the BUS input 2. Bus led goes on 3. Apply 220VAC to the GEN input (same phase as BUS input) 4. Gen led goes on 5. Relay led goes on 6. Close relay goes on 7. Measure 0VDC on terminal 21 and 22 8. Reverse the voltage on the BUS input 9. Relay led goes off 10. Close relay goes off 11. Measure 6VDC on terminal 21 and 22 NE/jh DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 74 of 75 Test set-up T4400 230 VAC Unload Trip Rel. C/B Relay status Indicator Freq. In T4400 Unload Watt in Parallel lines Breakout Box Output DVM 1 NE/jh DVM 2 DANAK-198449 DELTA-A503163-1 Page 75 of 75 Functional test procedure T4400 General performance verification is performed as follows: 1. Apply 220VAC to Un 2. Un led goes on 3. Connect terminal 31 and 32 together 4. C/B led goes on 5. Apply 1 VDC to WATT IN with terminal 12 as GND 6. Measure 6VDC on Test OUT with teminal 12 as GND NE/jh