PT62SCMD12 Dual 1200V SIC MOSFET driver Features: Designed for driving CREE CAS300M12BM2 SIC MOSFETS modules Low jitter: typical 1ns +20V/-6V gate driving Over-current protected Switching frequencies up to 125kHz Adjustable dead and blanking time Dead-time generator Output currents up to +/- 20A Under and over voltage lock out High dV/dt immunity No optocouplers RS422 input interface Large power supply range, from 15V up to 24V Driver ID Associated SIC MOSFET module PT62SCMD12 R01 CAS300M12BM2 Overview: OCP settings C B LA NK GND PRIMARY SIDE R902 R901 Dead time setting CONTROLLER DE-MODULATOR STATUS CONTROLLER R OC P OCP VD,HI GH X23 VDRAIN,HI GH X21 VGAT E,HI GH X22 GNDHI GH X31 GNDLO W X32 VGAT E,LO W X33 VDRAIN,LO W RGAT E,OF F E NABLE CGS CONTROLLER VIN+,HIGH VIN-,HIGH DIFFEREN TIAL RECEIVER VIN+,LOW VIN-,LOW X10 DEAD TIME GENERATOR RGAT E,ON GNDHI GH CONTROLLER STATUS CONTROLLER RESET VOLTAGE MONITOR MODULATOR HIGH SIDE DIFFEREN TIAL RECEIVER STATUS ISOLATED SUPPLY SECONDARY HIGH SIDE SECONDARY LOW SIDE MODULATOR LOW SIDE GNDLO W VOLTAGE MONITOR RGAT E,ON VPOWER CGS BOARD SUPPLIES STATUS CONTROLLER GND VOLTAGE MONITOR FAULT DETECTION E NABLE RGAT E,OF F DE-MODULATOR CONTROLLER VD,LO W OCP R OC P C B LA NK OCP settings Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 1 of 12 1. Electrical characteristics 1.1. Operating range Within the operating range the driver operates as described in the functional description. Unless otherwise noted all voltages refer to GND. Table 1-1, Operating range Item VPOWER VD,HIGH VD,LOW Description Supply voltage Inputs OCP |VGND,HIGH/dt| |VGND,LOW/dt| TAMB Maximum voltage transients @ the secondary ground Operating temperature range, no airflow Min 14.5 0 Typ - Max 26 1700 Unit [V] [V] - - 100 kV/µs Remarks Referred to respectively GNDHIGH and GNDLOW - -40 - 85 [°C ] No condensation Min - Typ 12 3.5 Max 4 Unit [W] [W] Remarks fSWITCH=100kHz - 1.2. Electrical characteristics Table 1-2, Input power Item PIN,OPERATIONAL PIN,IDLE Description Power consumption PT62SCMD121) Idle Power consumption PT62SCMD12 Note1) In combination with module CAS300M12BM2 Table 1-3, Differential RS422 inputs Item VINX,X Description Single ended input level Min -7 Typ - Max 12 Unit [V] ΔVIN,X Differential input high-threshold voltage Differential input low-threshold voltage Differential input impedance 0.7 - - [V] - - -0.2 [V] RID Remarks ΔVIN,X= ΔVIN+,X - ΔVIN-,X 120 [Ohm] - Table 1-4, Logic output Item VSTATUS = OK VSTATUS = NOK Description Status output voltage when the status of the driver is OK Status output voltage when the status of the driver is NOK Min 4.7 Typ - Max - Unit [V] Remarks - - - 0.8 [V] - Min 18 Typ 20 Max 22 Unit [V] -8 -6 -4 [V] Remarks Referred to respectively GNDHIGH and GNDLOW 20 - - [A] Table 1-5, Gate drivers Item VGATE,HIGH = HIGH VGATE,LOW = HIGH VGATE,HIGH = LOW VGATE,LOW = LOW Description High level output voltage, VPOWER=24V Low level output voltage, VPOWER=24V VGATE,HIGH = HIGH Peak output current VGATE,LOW = HIGH capability1) Note1) With RGATE,ON = RGATE,OFF = 0Ohm Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. - 15 September 2014 2 of 12 Table 1-6, Reset Item VRESET VRESET = HIGH VRESET = LOW tRESET Description Input voltage range RESET input Reset high input voltage Reset low input voltage Pulse width of RESET for clearing errors Min -0.3 Typ - Max 6 Unit [V] Remarks - 3.5 10 - 1.5 - [V] [V] [us] - Table 1-7, Dynamical characteristics @ TAMB = 25°C Item tON,PROP tOFF,PROP tON,RISE tOFF,FALL Δt fSWITCH Description Turn on propagation delay Turn off propagation delay Turn on rise time PT62SCMD121) Turn off fall time PT62SCMD121) Delay mismatch (high and low side turn on and off) 2) Absolute jitter of turn off and turn on delay2) Switching frequency tDEAD,PROG Programmable dead time 0 - 1000 [ns] tBLANKING Blanking time. This is the time in between turning on the MOSFET and monitoring the VDS. Start-up timing 1 - - [us] |tJITTER| tSTARTUP Min - Typ 100 100 400 250 0.25 Max 125 125 500 300 2.5 Unit [ns] [ns] [ns] [ns] [ns] Remarks - 1 2.5 [ns] - DC - 125 [kHz] Limited by POUT,AVG See section 1.3.2 and section 4.4 See section 1.2.1 for definitions - 75 100 [ms] See section 1.2.1 for definitions Note1) In combination with module CAS300M12BM2 Note2) Measured without connected module/load and RGATE,ON = RGATE,OFF = 0Ohm 1.2.1. Timing definitions VIN VIN VGATE VGATE 80% 80% 20% tON,PROP 20% tON,RISE tOFF,PROP Figure 1-1, Propagation delay VIN,HIGH tOFF,FALL Figure 1-2, Rise/fall time VPOW ER 15V VIN,LOW VIN,X VGATE,HIGH VGATE,X VGATE,LOW tSTARTUP Δt Figure 1-3, Delay mismatch Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. Figure 1-4, Start-up timing 15 September 2014 3 of 12 1.3. Protections 1.3.1. Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) Both secondary sides are equipped with an UVLO indirectly monitoring the gate voltages. Table 1-8, UVLO Item VUVLO,SEC Description Secondary side under voltage lock out Min 16 Typ 18 Max - Unit [V] Remarks Only positive voltage is monitored The primary side is equipped with an UVLO and an OVLO (Over Voltage Lock Out) monitoring an internally generated supply voltage. 1.3.2. Dead-time generator The driver has an on-board dead-time generator which overrules the input signals when the deadtime of the applied PWM signals (tDEAD,IN) becomes larger than the set dead-time (tDEAD,PROG). Note that when the dead-time generator has to intervene, the jitter increases to a maximum of 10ns. The dead time is by default set at 500ns, but can be changed by modifying R901 and R902. See chapter 4 for application information. Table 1-9 Dead time settings R901 not assembled not assembled assembled assembled R902 not assembled assembled not assembled assembled tDEAD 1000 500 250 - unit [ns] [ns] [ns] [ns] Remarks Default setting Dead time disabled 1.3.3. Over Current Protection (OCP) The driver features VDS monitoring for protecting the modules against overcurrent. Both the blanking time (time the monitor is not-active when switching on), as the VDS level (proportional with IDS) is user-adjustable. Table 1-10 VDS monitoring Item VDS,TRIP tBLANKING tSHUTDOWN tSTATUS Description Default VDS trip level PT62SCMD12 Default Blanking time Delay between a detected over current and a shutdown of the driver Delay between an over current protection and a low going STATUS at the primary side. Min 0.75 - Typ 4 1 - Max 1.25 1 Unit [V] [us] [us] - - 100 [us] Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. Remarks See Figure 1-6 - 15 September 2014 4 of 12 VIN VIN VDRIVER VDRIVER VGATE VGATE VDS VDS SHORT VDS,TRIP VDS,TRIP VDS MONITOR VDS MONITOR OCP OCP SHORT DETECTED tSHUTDOWN tBLANKING Figure 1-5, Timing VDS monitor under nominal conditions Figure 1-6, Timing VDS monitor when an over current is detected 1.3.4. Errors and stating In the table below the LED and the output status is listed for all situations. LOW SIDE ERROR PRIMARY SIDE ERROR State HIGH SIDE ERROR Table 1-11 Optical status interfacing LED PRIMARY SIDE POWER Operational Primary error INIT error2) UVLO or OVP Secondary error - - - - - UVLO or OCP - ERROR OFF - OUTPUT STATUS HIGH LOW VGATE,HIGH As input VGATE,LOW As input OFF OFF 0V 0V LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW OFF UVLO or OCP Note1) The symbols and are representing blinking LED’s Note2) Initialization error of the driver - LED SECONDARY SIDE OFF OFF 1.4. Gate resistance The applied gate resistances are listed in the table below. Table 1-12 Gate resistances Driver ID unit PT62SCMD12 RGATE,ON 5 [Ohm] RGATE,OFF1) 2.5 [Ohm] CGS 18 [nF] Note1) Note that the effective turn-off resistance is specified Item Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 5 of 12 1.5. Electrical isolation Table 1-13 Grade of insulation1) Circuit PRIMARY PRIMARY SECUNDARY_LOW BASIC SECUNDARY_HIGH BASIC Note1) Based on NEN-EN-IEC 60950 SECUNDARY_LOW BASIC BASIC SECUNDARY_HIGH BASIC BASIC - SECUNDARY_LOW 11.6mm 6.2mm SECUNDARY_HIGH 11.6mm 6.2mm - SECUNDARY_LOW 11.6mm 23.2mm SECUNDARY_HIGH 11.6mm 23.2mm - Table 1-14 Clearance distances Circuit PRIMARY SECUNDARY_LOW SECUNDARY_HIGH PRIMARY 11.6mm 11.6mm Table 1-15 Creepage distances Circuit PRIMARY SECUNDARY_LOW SECUNDARY_HIGH PRIMARY 11.6mm 11.6mm A safety test is applied at every driver produced, used test parameters are listed below. Table 1-16 Safety test Item VTEST Description Test voltage primary to secondary side Min Typ Max Unit - 5 - [kVDC] Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. Remarks 1s, nonrepetitive 15 September 2014 6 of 12 2. Electrical interfaces 2.1. MOSFET terminals Table 2-1 MOSFET terminals Terminal ID Mnemonic driver X21 X22 X23 X31 X32 X33 VGATE,HIGH GNDHIGH VDRAIN,HIGH GNDLOW VGATE,LOW VDRAIN,LOW Pinning @ MOSFET module 4 5 3 7 6 1 Connector style Faston 2.8mm x 0.5mm receptacle 2.2. Input connector Table 2-2 Input connector Connector ID X10 Pin# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mnemonic driver VIN+,HIGH VIN-,HIGH RESET GND VIN+,LOW VIN-,LOW STATUS VPOWER Interface 2 x 4pin boxed header, angled, lockable & keyed. 2.54mm pitch Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. PCB 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 15 September 2014 7 of 12 3. Mechanical characteristics Top view 135mm 130mm 10mm LED LOW SIDE 10mm X33 10mm R901 R902 5mm CBLANK ROCP 6mm 28mm X32 TOP VIEW X10 X31 48mm 15mm 68mm 6mm X22 X21 ROCP CBLANK 30mm LED HIGH SIDE M2.5 5mm 2.7mm X23 4.5mm 5mm 5mm Figure 3-1, Dimensions, top view Bottom view POW ER ERROR Figure 3-2, Bottom view Side view 1.6mm 8mm 25mm X10 10mm Figure 3-3, Dimensions, side view Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 8 of 12 4. Application notes 4.1. Input connection. Connector For the input connector (X10) a boxed header from Wurth is applied (612 008 217 21), a possible mating wire connector is for example the 71600-608LF from FCI. Wiring For increasing the immunity of the PWM input signals the driver is equipped with differential inputs. For reaching maximum performance the differential pairs should be physically kept close to each other by using for example a flat cable with twisted differential pairs. Although the differential concept already gives additional immunity it is still recommended to keep the PWM signal lines away from conductors carrying large currents. Shielding of the wires will increase the immunity further. 4.2. Input power. The ramp-up of the supply voltage during start-up should be smooth and no dips should occur. VPOW ER PREFERRED VPOW ER NOT-PREFERRED Figure 4-1, Behavior input voltage during start-up 4.3. Disabling OCP If it, for any reason, is desired to disable the OCP then this can be achieved by interconnecting: X31 with X33 and X22 with X23 Note that when X23 and/or X33 are not connected the driver will always enter its error stated when PWM is applied. Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 9 of 12 4.4. Modifying dead-time and OCP settings In this section information is given for modifying dead time, VDS trip level and/or blanking time. Modifying dead-time The dead time can be programmed by assembling the resistors R901 and R902 (0603 package). Values of the resistors should be 220Ohm or lower. The possible settings are listed below. Figure 4-2, Location R901 and R902 Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 10 of 12 Modifying blanking time The blanking time can be modified by changing CBLANK (0603 package). Settings are listed below, locations are shown in Figure 4-2. For CBLANK a capacitor with NP0 dielectric is recommended, the voltage rating should be at least 25V. Table 4-1 tBLANKING setting CBLANK 56pF 120pF 390pF 560pF t,BLANKING 0.5 1 3 5 unit [us] [us] [us] [us] Remarks Default setting - Modifying VDS,TRIP setting The VDS trip-level can be modified by changing ROCP (1206 package). Settings are listed below, locations are shown in Figure 4-3. Table 4-2 VDS,TRIP setting PT62SCMD12 ROCP 1550 1000 560 47 Unit [Ohm] [Ohm] [Ohm] [Ohm] VDS,TRIP 1 2 3 4 unit [V] [V] [V] [V] Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. Remarks Default setting PT62SCMD12 15 September 2014 11 of 12 Figure 4-3, Location ROCP and RBLANK IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND DISCLAIMER This datasheet is made available for your convenience only and may be updated without notice. Prodrive Technologies makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the data provided. Products are only sold subject to Prodrive Technologies terms and conditions of sale. Products are not intended for military, space, aircraft or life support applications unless explicitly agreed in writing otherwise. Your use of these data remains solely your responsibility. In no event shall Prodrive Technologies liability arising out of this datasheet exceed the purchase price paid for the products concerned. For more technical or commercial information visit: or send an email to [email protected] © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction is prohibited without prior written consent. Datasheet PT62SCMD12 SIC MOSFET driver R08 © 2014 Prodrive Technologies B.V. 15 September 2014 12 of 12