Selectionofgatedrivers General considerations • The driver must be able to provide the necessary gate current (IG) (output current / output power). The maximum average output current of the driver must be higher than the calculated value. I.e.: SEMiX404GB12E4s FS = 4kHz QG = 2,26µC Symbol QG Conditions Values VGE = -8V +15V 2260 Pic 1: Datasheet of SEMiX404GB12E4s Unit nC IOUTav = 4kHz x 2,26µC = 9mA < IOUTav_max of the gate driver • The maximum peak gate current (IGM) of the driver must be equal to or greater than the maximum calculated peak gate current. I.e.: SEMiX404GB12E4 The following values can be found in the driver’s data sheet: RG = 3Ω (external gate resistor; can be modified by the customer) RG_int = 1,88 Ω (internal gate resistor, cannot be modified by the customer) VG(ON) = +15V VG(OFF) = -7V IG_PEAK • VG(ON)-VG(OFF) RG+RG(INT) 3Ω+1,88Ω = 4,5A The output capacitors of the driver must be able to deliver the gate charge (QG) needed to charge and discharge the gate of the IGBT. In the data sheet of SEMIKRON drivers the maximum charge per pulse is given. This value must be duly considered when selecting a suitable driver. Symbol Conditions Values Unit Qout/pulse Max. rating for output charge per pulse 50 µC Pic 2: Datasheet of SKYPER 42 R QG of the IGBT module < Gate charge of the output capacitors of the IGBT driver I.e.: SEMiX404GB12E4 2,26µC (SEMiX) <50µC (SKYPER42R) -> ok • Other parameters worth mentioning: insulation voltage, dv/dt capability 1 Important When using SEMIKRON IGBT driver cores an adapter board as connection between the IGBT module and the gate driver core is necessary. As alternative for customer-specific adapter boards, SEMIKRON offers optimized adapter boards for spring and wire contacted boards. Pic 3: Adapter boards for spring (left) and wire (right) contacted boards DriverSel – The easy IGBT driver selection tool The easiest way of finding the right driver is using the DriverSel tool. It is a free software tool that is available at: The option “Driver Select Tool” in Semisel shall be selected. 2 Matrix Overview : Power rating vs. No. of channels Power rating Channels MiniSKiiP, SEMITOP SEMiX & SEMITRANS up to 3 parallel modules SEMiX & SEMITRANS, SKiM 1 SKHI 10 SKHI 22, SKHI 23, SKHI 24, SKYPER 32/32 PRO, adapter boards for SEMITRANS & SEMiX 2 4 6/7 Up to 6 parallel modules SKYPER 42 adapter boards for parallel SEMiX, SEMITRANS and SKiM modules Board MLI SKYPER 32PRO SKHI 61 SKHI 71 Driverboard for SKiM 63 Pic 5: SKYPER 32, 42 and 52 3 SKYPER 52 SEMIKRON drivers and main parameter values Gate driver Channels Technology Vce (V) Vg_on (V) Vg_off (V) Iout_peak (A) Iout_av_max (mA) Q_out/pulse (uC) f_max (kHz) V_isol (kV) Typical circuit Single switch, DC/DC chopper Single switch, DC/DC chopper SKHI 10/12 R 1 SMT 1200 15 -8 8 100 9,6 100 2500 SKHI 10/17 R 1 SMT 1700 15 -8 8 100 9,6 100 4000 SKHI 21A R 2 Hybrid 1200 15 0 8 40 4 50 2500 MOSFET Half-bridge SKHI 22A R 2 Hybrid 1200 15 -7 8 40 4 50 2500 Half-bridge SKHI 22A H4 R 2 Hybrid 1700 15 -7 8 40 4 50 4000 Half-bridge SKHI 22B R 2 Hybrid 1200 15 -7 8 40 4 50 2500 Half-bridge SKHI 22B H4 R 2 Hybrid 1700 15 -7 8 40 4 50 4000 Half-bridge SKHI 23/12 R 2 SMT 1200 15 -8 8 50 4,8 100 2500 Half-bridge SKHI 23/17 R 2 SMT 1700 15 -8 8 50 4,8 100 4000 Half-bridge SKHI 24 R 2 Hybrid 1200 15 -8 15 80 5 50 4000 Half-bridge SKYPER 32 R 2 Core 1700 15 -7 15 50 2,5 50 4000 Half-bridge SKYPER 32PRO R 2 Core 1700 15 -7 15 50 6,3 50 4000 Half-bridge SKYPER 42 R 2 Core 1700 15 -8 30 150 50 100 4000 Half-bridge SKYPER 52 R 2 Core 1700 15 -15 50 300 100 100 4000 Half-bridge SKHI 61 R 6 Hybrid 900 14,9 -6,5 2 20 1 50 2500 6-pack SKHI 71 R 7 Hybrid 900 14,9 -6,5 2 20 1 50 2500 6-pack + brake chopper 4 Adapter boards to be used as interface between driver and power module Suitable for Adapter board Driver Modules with housing SKYPER 32R SEMITRANS (<400A) SKYPER 32PRO R SEMITRANS (<400A) SKYPER 32R SEMiX 2S SKYPER 32PRO R SEMiX 2S SKYPER 32R SEMiX 3S SKYPER 32PRO R SEMiX 3S SKYPER 32R SEMiX 4S Board 4S SKYPER 32PRO R SKYPER 32PRO R SEMiX 4S Board 2 generic SKYPER 42R SKYPER 42R SEMITRANS (>400A) Board 2 //3S SKYPER 42R SKYPER 42R SEMiX 3S Board 2 //4S SKYPER 42R SKYPER 42R SEMiX 4S Board 1 SKYPER 52R SKYPER 52R Board 1 SKYPER 32R Board 1 SKYPER 32PRO R Board 2S SKYPER 32R Board 2S SKYPER 32PRO R Board 3S SKYPER 32R Board 3S SKYPER 32PRO R Board 4S SKYPER 32R 5 The following application notes show more detailed information on the selection and connection of gate drivers: IGBT Driver Calculation Connection of Gate Drivers to IGBT and Controller 6