Title Reference Design Report for a High Performance 347 W PFC Stage Using HiperPFS™ PFS714EG Specification 90 VAC – 264 VAC Input; 380 VDC Output Application PFC Front End Stage Author Applications Engineering Department Document Number RDR-236 Date November 18, 2010 Revision 1.1 Summary and Features Low component count, high performance PFC EN61000–3–2 Class–D compliance High PFC efficiency enables 80+ PC Main design Frequency sliding maintains high efficiency across load range Feed forward line sense gain - maintains relatively constant loop gain over entire operating voltage range Excellent transient load response Power Integration eSIP low-profile, thermal resistance package PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at <http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>. . Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction.................................................................................................................4 Power Supply Specification ........................................................................................5 Schematic...................................................................................................................6 Circuit Description ......................................................................................................7 4.1 Input EMI Filter and Rectifier ...............................................................................7 4.2 PFS714EG Boost Converter ...............................................................................7 4.3 Bias Supply Regulator .........................................................................................7 4.4 Input Feed Forward Sense Circuit.......................................................................7 4.5 Output Feedback.................................................................................................8 5 PCB Layout ................................................................................................................9 6 Bill of Materials .........................................................................................................10 7 Inductor Specification ...............................................................................................12 7.1 Electrical Diagram .............................................................................................12 7.2 Electrical Specifications.....................................................................................12 7.3 Materials............................................................................................................12 7.4 Inductor Winding Instruction ..............................................................................13 8 Performance Data ....................................................................................................16 8.1 Efficiency (RT1 and RT2 Shorted).....................................................................16 8.2 Input Power Factor ............................................................................................17 8.3 Regulation .........................................................................................................18 8.3.1 Load ...........................................................................................................18 8.3.2 Line ............................................................................................................19 8.4 Input Current Harmonic Distortion (IEC 61000–3–2 Class–D) ..........................20 8.4.1 50% Load at Output ...................................................................................20 8.4.2 100% Load at Output .................................................................................21 9 Thermal Performance...............................................................................................22 10 Waveforms............................................................................................................24 10.1 Input Current at 115 VAC and 60 Hz .................................................................24 10.2 Input Current at 230 VAC and 50 Hz .................................................................24 10.3 Start-up at 90 VAC and 60 Hz ...........................................................................25 10.4 Start-up at 115 VAC and 60 Hz .........................................................................25 10.5 Start-up at 230 VAC and 50 Hz .........................................................................26 10.6 Start-up at 264 VAC and 50 Hz .........................................................................26 10.7 Load Transient Response (90 VAC, 60 Hz) ......................................................27 10.8 Load Transient Response (115 VAC, 60 Hz) ....................................................28 10.9 Load Transient Response (230 VAC, 50 Hz) ....................................................28 10.10 Load Transient Response (264 VAC, 50 Hz).................................................29 10.11 1000 ms Line Dropout (115 VAC / 60 Hz and 230 VAC / 50 Hz) ...................29 10.11.1 50% Load at Output................................................................................29 10.11.2 Full Load at Output .................................................................................30 10.12 One Cycle Line Dropout (115 VAC / 60 Hz and 230 VAC / 50 Hz) ................30 10.12.1 Full Load at Output .................................................................................30 10.13 Line Sag (115 VAC – 85 VAC – 115 VAC, 60 Hz) .........................................31 10.14 Line Surge (132 VAC – 147 VAC – 132 VAC, 60 Hz)....................................31 10.15 Line Sag (230 VAC – 170 VAC – 230 VAC, 50 Hz) .......................................32 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 2 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.16 Line Surge (264 VAC – 293 VAC – 264 VAC, 50 Hz) ....................................32 10.17 Brown–In and Brown–Out at 6 V / Minute Rate .............................................33 10.18 Drain Voltage and Current .............................................................................34 10.18.1 Dain Voltage and Current at 115 VAC Input and Full Load.....................34 10.18.2 Drain Voltage and Current at 230 VAC Input and Full Load....................35 10.19 Output Ripple Measurements ........................................................................36 10.19.1 Ripple Measurement Technique .............................................................36 10.19.2 Measurement Results .............................................................................37 11 Gain–Phase Measurement Procedure and Results ..............................................39 12 Line Surge Test .....................................................................................................41 13 EMI Scans.............................................................................................................42 13.1 EMI Test Set-up.................................................................................................42 13.2 EMI Scans .........................................................................................................43 14 Appendix A – Efficiency with Other Diode and Core Materials..............................45 15 Appendix B – Test Set-up for Efficiency Measurement .........................................50 16 Appendix C – Inductor Current Measurement Set-up............................................52 17 Revision History ..........................................................................................................55 Important Note: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board. Page 3 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 1 Introduction This document is an engineering report describing a PFC power supply utilizing a HiperPFS PFS714EG integrated PFC controller. This power supply is intended as a general purpose evaluation platform that operates from universal input and provides a regulated 380 V DC output voltage and a continuous output power of 347 W. This power supply can deliver the rated power at 110 VAC or higher at a room temperature of 25 ºC. For operation at higher temperatures or lower input voltages, use of forced air cooling is recommended. The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials, inductor documentation, printed circuit layout, and performance data. Figure 1 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph. . Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 4 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 2 Power Supply Specification The table below represents the minimum acceptable performance of the design. Actual performance is listed in the results section. Description Input Voltage Frequency Output Output Voltage Output Ripple Voltage p-p Output Current Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Efficiency Full Load Minimum efficiency at 20, 50 and 100 % of POUT Symbol Min Typ Max Units Comment VIN fLINE 90 47 264 64 VAC Hz 3 Wire 50/60 VOUT VRIPPLE IOUT 370 380 390 30 0.913 V V A 347 W POUT 20 MHz bandwidth 94 % Measured at POUT 25 C 80+ 94 % Measured at 115 VAC Input kV kV 1.2/50 s surge, IEC 1000-4-5, Series Impedance: Differential Mode: 2 Common Mode: 12 o Environmental Line Surge Differential Mode (L1-L2) Common mode (L1/L2-PE) 1 2 Ambient Temperature TAMB 0 50 Auxiliary Supply Input Auxiliary Supply VAUX 15 24 Page 5 of 56 C Forced convection required at TAMB >25 ºC and/or VIN <115 V, sea level V DC Supply o Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 3 Schematic Figure 2 – Schematic. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 6 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 4 Circuit Description This PFC is designed using PFS714EG Power Integrations Integrated PFC controller. This design is rated for a continuous output power of 347 W and provides a regulated output voltage of 380 VDC nominal maintaining a high input power factor and overall efficiency from light load to full load. 4.1 Input EMI Filter and Rectifier Fuse F1 provides protection to the circuit and isolates it from the AC supply in case of a fault. Diode Bridge BR1 rectifies the AC input. Capacitors C3, C4, C5, C6 and C19 together with inductors L1, L2 and L3 form the EMI filter reducing the common mode and differential mode noise. Resistors R1, R3 and CAPZero, IC U2 are required to discharge the EMI filter capacitors once the AC is disconnected. The use of CAPZero eliminates the static loss of R1 and R3, reducing standby and no-load input. 4.2 PFS714EG Boost Converter The boost converter stage consists of inductor L5, diode rectifier D2, C15 and the PFS714EG IC U1. This converter stage controls the input current of the power supply while simultaneously regulating the output DC voltage. Diode D1 prevents a resonant build up of output voltage at start–up by bypassing inductor L5 while simultaneously charging output capacitor C15. Thermistors RT1 and RT2 limit the inrush current of the circuit at start–up, but they are not required simultaneously. In most high–performance designs, thermistor RT2 will often be used, in which case typically a relay will be used to bypass the thermistor after start–up to improve power supply efficiency. When thermistor RT2 is used, thermistor RT1 is replaced with a short. When thermistor RT1 is used, thermistor RT2 will be replaced with a short. When used, RT1 is in circuit at all times and results in slightly lower efficiency however saves the cost of the relay. Both locations of the thermistors are provided in the design to enable circuit configuration to suit the application. For efficiency measurement that represents the high performance configuration, both thermistors should be shorted. Capacitors C14 and C21 are used for reducing the loop length and area of the output circuit to reduce EMI and overshoot of voltage across the drain and source of the MOSFET inside U1 at each switching instant. 4.3 Bias Supply Regulator The PFS714EG IC requires a regulated supply of 12 V for operation and must remain <13.4 V to avoid IC damage. Resistors R6, R16, R17, Zener diode VR1, and transistor Q3 form a shunt regulator that prevents the supply voltage to IC U1 from exceeding 12 V. Capacitors C8, C18 and C20 filter the supply voltage to ensure reliable operation of IC U1. 4.4 Input Feed Forward Sense Circuit The input voltage of the power supply is sensed by the IC U1 using resistors R4, R5 and R19. The capacitor C12 filters any noise on this signal. Page 7 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 4.5 Output Feedback Divider network comprising of resistors R9, R10, R11, R12, R13 and R14 are used to scale the output voltage and provide feedback to the IC U1. The circuit comprising of diode D4, transistor Q1, Q2 and the resistors R12 and R13 form a non–linear feedback circuit which help in improving the transient response by increasing the response time of the PFC circuit to large output voltage changes.. Resistors R7, R8, R15 and capacitors C13 and C17 are required for shaping the loop response of the feedback circuit. The combination of resistor R8 and capacitor C13 provide a low frequency zero. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 8 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 5 PCB Layout Figure 3 – Printed Circuit Layout. Page 9 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 6 Bill of Materials Item 1 Qty 1 Ref Des BR1 2 1 C3 3 4 2 1 C4 C5 C6 5 1 C7 Description 600 V, 8 A, Bridge Rectifier Mfg Part Number GBU806 Mfg Vishay PX684K3ID6 Carli 440LT68–R PHE840MB6100KB05R17 Vishay Kemet ECW–F4105JL Panasonic–ECG EKMG500ELL470MF11D Nippon Chemi–Con ECJ–2VB1H103K C2012X7R1H104K ECJ–3YB1E475M SV01AC103KAR EET–ED2W271EA 18122C104KAT2A ECJ–2VB2A471K C3216X7R1E105K Panasonic TDK Panasonic AVX Panasonic AVX Panasonic TDK 1 F, 310 VAC, Polyester Film, X2 BFC233820105 BC components 1N5408–T Diodes Inc. STTH8S06D ST Semiconductor BAV116W–7–F 1N4148TR Diodes Inc Vishay DL4001–13–F Diodes Inc NP975864 Aavid Thermalloy 6.3 A, 250 V, Fast, 5 mm x 20 mm, Cartridge 021706.3HXP Littelfuse 680 nF, 275 VAC, Film,MPX Series, X2 680 pF, Ceramic, Y1 100 nF, 275 VAC, Film, X2 1 F, 400 V, Polypropylene Film 47 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Gen. Purpose, (6.3 x 11) 10 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 4.7 F, 25 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 10 nF, 1 kV, Disc Ceramic, X7R 270 F, 450 V, Electrolytic (35 x 35) 100 nF, 200 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1812 470 pF, 100 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 1 F, 25 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 6 1 C8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 C11 C12 C20 C13 C14 C21 C15 C16 C17 C18 15 1 C19 16 1 D1 1000 V, 3 A, Rectifier, DO–201AD 600 V, 8 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 12 ns, TO220AC 17 1 D2 18 19 1 1 D3 D4 20 1 D5 21 1 ESIPCLIP M4 METAL1 22 1 F1 23 1 FH1 FUSEHOLDER OPEN 5 MM X 20 MM PC MNT 64900001039 Wickmann USA 6398BG Aavid Thermaloy 513102B02500G Aavid Thermaloy 130 V, 5%, 250 mW, SOD–123 75 V, 300 mA, Fast Switching, DO–35 50 V, 1 A, Rectifier, Glass Passivated, DO– 213AA (MELF) Heatsink Hardware, Edge Clip, 20.76 mm L x 8 mm W x 0.015 mm Thk 24 2 HS1 HS3 HEATSINK, Alum, TO–220, TO218, 4.4 Deg C per Watt, Screw Type mounting with pins, L 1.00" (25.4mm), W 1.65" (41.91 mm) H 1.500" (38.1 mm) 25 1 HS2 HEATSINK, Alum, TO–220, 11 Deg C per Watt, Screw Type mounting with pins, L 1.375" (34.92 mm), W 0.5" (12.7 mm) H 1.5" (38.1 mm) 26 1 HSPREAD ER_ESIPP FISW1 HEATSPREADER, Custom, Al, 3003, 0.030" Thk 61–00040–00 Custom 27 1 J1 5 Position (1 x 5) header, 0.156 pitch, Vertical 26–64–4050 Molex 28 1 J2 CONN HEADER 3POS (1x3).156 VERT TIN 26–64–4030 Molex 29 1 J3 30 31 32 2 2 1 JP3 JP6 JP4 JP5 L1 33 2 L2 L3 34 1 L4 2 Position (1 x 2) header, 0.1 pitch, Vertical Wire Jumper, Insulated, 22 AWG, 0.3 in Wire Jumper, Insulated, 18 AWG, 0.4 in 14 mH, 5 A, Common Mode Choke 100 H, 5A, INDUCTOR TORD HI AMP 100UH VERT 43 Shield Bead, 0.375 (9.5 mm) Dia x 0.410 (10.40 mm) L x 0.193 (4.75 mm) I.D. with PCBFP 22 AWG Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 22–23–2021 Molex C2004–12–02 C2052A–12–02 DV550140S Gen Cable Gen Cable TNC 7447070 Wurth Elect 2643006302 Fair–Rite Products Page 10 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Custom, 350 W PFC Inductor, 1.38 mH, constructed on Lodestone Pacific base PN VTM160–4 High Voltage (small) High Voltage (large) Nut, Hex 4–40, SS 35 1 L5 SNX–R1540 Santronics 36 37 38 1 1 1 39 2 LABEL1 LABEL2 NUT1 NUT2 NUT3 Nut, Hex, Kep 4–40, S ZN Cr3 plating RoHS 4CKNTZR Any RoHS Compliant Mfg. 40 4 POST PCB 6–32 HEX1-4 Post, Circuit Board, Female, Hex, 6–32, snap, 0.375L, Nylon 561–0375A Eagle Hardware 41 2 Q1 Q3 NPN, Small Signal BJT, GP SS, 40 V, 0.6 A, SOT–23 MMBT4401LT1G OnSemi 42 1 Q2 PNP, Small Signal BJT, 40 V, 0.6 A, SOT–23 MMBT4403–7–F Diodes, Inc. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60 3 R1 R3 R4 R9 R19 R5 R6 R16 R7 R8 R17 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R18 RT1 RT2 RTV1 RV1 SCREW1 SCREW2 SCREW3 ERJ–8GEYJ224V CFR–25JB–220K ERJ–8ENF1504V MFR–25FBF–1M00 ERJ–8ENF1000V ERJ–6GEYJ202V ERJ–8ENF3011V ERJ–8ENF1604V ERJ–8ENF7323V ERJ–8ENF2211V ERJ–8ENF5762V ERJ–6GEYJ164V WHC10RFET CL–110 CL–60 120–SA V320LA10P Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Ohmite GE Sensing GE Sensing Wakefield Littlefuse PMSSS 440 0038 PH Building Fasteners 61 1 62 3 63 64 65 66 1 2 1 1 TO-220 PAD1 TP1 TP5 TP7 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP6 TP8 K10–104 Bergquist Test Point, BLK,THRU–HOLE MOUNT 5011 Keystone Test Point, RED,THRU–HOLE MOUNT Test Point, WHT,THRU–HOLE MOUNT Test Point, YEL,THRU–HOLE MOUNT Test Point, ORG,THRU–HOLE MOUNT 5010 5012 5014 5013 Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone 67 1 U1 HiperPFS, PFS714EG, eSIP7/6–TH PFS714EG Power Integrations 68 1 U2 CAPZero, CAP006DG,SO–8C CAP006DG Power Integrations 69 1 VR1 70 4 WASHER1 WASHER2 WASHER3 WASHER4 BZX84C12LT1G OnSemi WASHER FLAT #4 SS FWSS 004 Building Fasteners 71 1 WASHER5 Washer, Lk, #4 SS 4NSLWS Olander 7721–10PPSG Aavid Thermalloy 220 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 220 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film 1.50 M, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 1 M, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film 100 , 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 2 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 3.01 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 1.60 M, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 732 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 2.21 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 57.6 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 160 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 10 , 1%, 2 W, Wire Wound NTC Thermistor, 10 , 3.2 A NTC Thermistor, 10 , 5 A Thermally conductive Silicone Grease 320 V, 23 J, 10 mm, RADIAL SCREW MACHINE PHIL 4–40 X 3/8 SS HEATPAD TO–247 .006" K10 12 V, 5%, 225 mW, SOT23 72 1 WASHER6 Washer,Shoulder, #4, 0.095 Shoulder x 0.117 Dia , Polyphenylene Sulfide PPS 73 1 WASHER7 Washer Teflon #6, ID 0.156, OD 0.312, Thk 0.031 Page 11 of 56 FWF–6 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 7 Inductor Specification 7.1 Electrical Diagram Figure 4 – Inductor Electrical Diagram. 7.2 Electrical Specifications Primary Inductance 7.3 Pins 1–4 measured at kHz, 0.4 V RMS 1.38 mH, 8% Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Description Core: Magnetics Inc, Mfg: 77324A7. Magnet wire: 125/40 Served – Litz wire. Base: Toroid mounting base, Lodestone Pacific, P/N VTM160–4, or similar. See below. PI P/N: 76–00004–00. High Temperature Epoxy, Mfg: MG Chemicals, P/N: 832HT–375ML, Digikey: 473–1085–ND, or similar, PI P/N: 66–00087–00. Divider: Tie–wrap, Panduit, P/N: PLT.7M–M or similar. Figure 5 – Top View of Toroid Mounting Base Item [3] Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 12 of 56 18-Nov-10 7.4 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Inductor Winding Instruction Insert 2 dividers item [5] in the core item [1] to divide into 2 sections equally. See picture beside. Take about 15ft of wire item [2],]. Align center of wire with 1 divider. Center of wire Start winding on the left section with 23 turns of wire item [2], for the 1st layer, spread wire evenly and ensure that turns do not overlap. Also wind another 23 turns on the right section. Continue winding on the right section for the 2nd layer 18 turns, spread wire evenly and ensure that turns do not overlap. Page 13 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Continue winding on the right section on the 3rd layer 13turns, scatter wire evenly and ensure that turns do not overlap. Wind the same as above for the 2nd and 3rd layer on the left section. Secure the inductor with the base by using High Temperature Epoxy item [4]. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 14 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Front view Back view Solder the leads to the pin 1 and 4 of mounting base item [3]. Figure 6 – Finished Inductor Page 15 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 8 Performance Data All measurements performed at room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency for voltages below 150 VAC and input frequency of 50 Hz for 150 VAC and higher. All performance data except for data presented in the appendix is with Thermistors RT1 and RT2 shorted to represent the high performance configuration which uses RT2 to limit inrush current and shorts thermistor RT2 using a relay after start-up to improve operating efficiency. 8.1 Efficiency (RT1 and RT2 Shorted) 99 98 Efficiency (%) 97 96 95 90 VAC 100 VAC 115 VAC 230 VAC 264 VAC 94 93 92 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 7 – Efficiency vs. Output Power. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 16 of 56 18-Nov-10 8.2 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Input Power Factor 1.10 Input Power Factor (PF) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 90 VAC 100 VAC 115 VAC 230 VAC 264 VAC 0.60 0.50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Output Power (W) Figure 8 – Input Power Factor vs. Output Power. Page 17 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 400 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 8.3 18-Nov-10 Regulation 8.3.1 Load 390 90 VAC 100 VAC 115 VAC 230 VAC 264 VAC Output Voltage (V) 388 385 383 380 378 375 373 370 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 9 – Load Regulation. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 18 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 8.3.2 Line 390 100% Load 50% Load 20% Load Output Voltage (VDC) 388 385 383 380 378 375 373 370 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 10 – Line Regulation. Page 19 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 280 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 8.4 Input Current Harmonic Distortion (IEC 61000–3–2 Class–D) Measured at 230 VAC Input 50Hz 8.4.1 50% Load at Output 1.40 Input Current Harmonic Limit 1.20 Amplitude 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic # Figure 11 – Amplitude of Input Current Harmonics for 50% Load at 230 VAC Input. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 20 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 8.4.2 100% Load at Output 1.40 Input Current Harmonic Limit 1.20 Amplitude 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic # Figure 12 – Amplitude of Input Current Harmonics for 100% Load at 230 VAC Input. Page 21 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 9 Thermal Performance The unit was allowed to reach thermal equilibrium prior to the measurement. Table 1 shows full load temperature of key components at equilibrium, room temperature and without any forced air cooling. Component C3 C6 C7 C15 C19 D2 L1 L2 L3 L5 BR1 Heatsink – BR1 Heatsink – D2 Heatsink – U1 U1 Ambient Temperature: Temperature (º C) 240 VAC 115 VAC 28.1 36.0 41.1 35.6 36.2 53.4 33.0 31.8 36.8 57.6 59.5 51.8 51.6 50.8 59.5 25.0 29.9 47.2 53.2 42.8 40.3 68.4 47.5 41.9 54.9 78.9 95.0 76.3 62.8 78.1 98.2 25.0 Table 1 – Thermal Performance of Key Components at Full Load. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 22 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Figure 13 – Infrared Image of the Top and Bottom Side of the Board at Thermal Equilibrium. 115 VAC, Full Load, No Forced–Air Flow, 25ºC Ambient. Figure 14 – Infrared Image of the Top and Bottom Sides of the Board at Thermal Equilibrium. 230 VAC, Full Load, No Forced–Air Flow, 25ºC Ambient. Page 23 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10 Waveforms 10.1 Input Current at 115 VAC and 60 Hz Figure 15– 115 VAC, 50% Load. Top: VIN, 200 V / div. Bottom: IIN, 2 A, 10 ms / div. Figure 16 – 115 VAC, 100% Load. Top: VIN, 200 V / div. Bottom: IIN, 5 A, 10 ms / div. 10.2 Input Current at 230 VAC and 50 Hz Figure 17 – 230 VAC, 50% Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Bottom: IIN, 2 A, 10 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 18 – 230 VAC, 100% Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Bottom: IIN, 5 A, 10 ms / div. Page 24 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.3 Start-up at 90 VAC and 60 Hz Load in CC mode during turn–on of PFC Figure 19 – 90 VAC, No Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V / div., 50 ms / div. Figure 20 – 90 VAC, Full Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V / div., 50 ms / div. 10.4 Start-up at 115 VAC and 60 Hz Load in CC mode during turn–on of PFC Figure 21 – 115 VAC, No Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V / div., 50 ms / div. Page 25 of 56 Figure 22 – 115 VAC, Full Load. Top: VIN, 500 V / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V / div., 50 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10.5 Start-up at 230 VAC and 50 Hz Load in CC mode during turn–on of PFC Figure 23 – 230 VAC, No-load. Top: VIN, 1 kV / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Figure 24 – 230 VAC, Full Load. Top: VIN, 1 kV / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V, 50 ms / div. 10.6 Start-up at 264 VAC and 50 Hz Load in CC mode during turn–on of PFC Figure 25 – 264 VAC, No-load. Top: VIN, 1 kV / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div. Bottom: VCC, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 26 – 264 VAC, Full Load. Top: VIN, 1 kV / div. Second: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Third: IIN, 10 A / div Bottom: VCC, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Page 26 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.7 Load Transient Response (90 VAC, 60 Hz) In the figures shown below, signal averaging was used to better enable viewing the load transient response. The oscilloscope was triggered using the load current step as a trigger source. Since the output switching and line frequency occur essentially at random with respect to the load transient, contributions to the output ripple from these sources will average out, leaving the contribution only from the load step response. Figure 27 – Transient Response, 90 VAC, 10–100–10% Load Step. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Second: Input Current, 10 A /div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. Page 27 of 56 Figure 28 – Transient Response, 90VAC, 50–100–50% Load Step Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Second: Input Current, 10 A / div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10.8 Load Transient Response (115 VAC, 60 Hz) Figure 29 – Transient Response, 115 VAC, 10–100–10% Load Step. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Second: Input Current, 10 A /div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. Figure 30 – Transient Response, 115VAC, 50–100–50% Load Step Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Second: Input Current, 10 A /div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. 10.9 Load Transient Response (230 VAC, 50 Hz) Figure 31 – Transient Response, 230 VAC, 10–100–10% Load Step. Top: Input Voltage, 1 KV / div. Second: Input Current, 5 A / div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 32 – Transient Response, 230VAC, 50–100–50% Load Step Top: Input Voltage, 1 KV / div. Second: Input Current, 5 A / div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div Page 28 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.10 Load Transient Response (264 VAC, 50 Hz) Figure 33 – Transient Response, 264 VAC, 10–100–10% Load Step. Top: Input Voltage, 1 KV / div. Second: Input Current, 5 A / div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. Figure 34 – Transient Response, 264 VAC, 50–100–50% Load Step. Top: Input Voltage, 1 KV / div. Second: Input Current, 5 A / div. Third: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Bottom: Load Current 1 A, 100 ms / div. 10.11 1000 ms Line Dropout (115 VAC / 60 Hz and 230 VAC / 50 Hz) 10.11.1 50% Load at Output Figure 35 – Line Dropout 115 VAC, 1000 ms. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A / div. Bottom: Output Voltage, 200 V, 200 ms / div. Page 29 of 56 Figure 36 – Line Dropout 230 VAC, 1000 ms. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A / div. Bottom: Output Voltage, 200 V, 200 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.11.2 18-Nov-10 Full Load at Output Figure 37 – Line Dropout 115 VAC, 1000 ms. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A / div. Bottom: Output Voltage, 200 V, 200 ms / div. Figure 38 – Line Dropout 230 VAC, 1000 ms. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A / div. Bottom: Output Voltage, 200 V, 200 ms / div. 10.12 One Cycle Line Dropout (115 VAC / 60 Hz and 230 VAC / 50 Hz) 10.12.1 Full Load at Output Figure 39 – Line Dropout 115 VAC, 60 Hz Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Output Voltage, 100 V /div. Bottom: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 40 – Line Dropout 230 VAC, 50 Hz Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Output Voltage, 100 V / div. Bottom: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms /div. Page 30 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.13 Line Sag (115 VAC – 85 VAC – 115 VAC, 60 Hz) Figure 41 – Line Sag 115 VAC, 50% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 200 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 5 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div. Figure 42 – Line Sag 115 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 200 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div. 10.14 Line Surge (132 VAC – 147 VAC – 132 VAC, 60 Hz) Figure 43 – Line Surge 132 VAC, 50% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 200 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 5 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div. Page 31 of 56 Figure 44 – Line Surge 132 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 200 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10.15 Line Sag (230 VAC – 170 VAC – 230 VAC, 50 Hz) Figure 45 – Line Sag 230 VAC, 50% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 2 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div. Figure 46 – Line Sag 230 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 5 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 20 V / div 10.16 Line Surge (264 VAC – 293 VAC – 264 VAC, 50 Hz) Figure 47 – Line Surge 264 VAC, 50% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms / div. Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 48 – Line Surge 264 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 500 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 10 A, 50 ms / div Bottom: Output Voltage (AC Coupled), 50 V / div. Page 32 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 10.17 Brown–In and Brown–Out at 6 V / Minute Rate Test conducted with reduction followed by increase of input voltage at the rate of 6 V/min. The DC output was connected to full load (electronic load) and it was programmed to unload at brown–out. A resistor of 17 kΩ was also connected at output to discharge the output capacitor of the PFC after brown–out. This resistor represents any auxiliary supply powered from the PFC output. Measured Brown–Out Threshold 69.9 VAC Measured Brown–In Threshold 78.1 VAC Note: Operation at low input voltages results in higher power dissipation in many components on the board. Forced air cooling is necessary during this test. Figure 49 – Brown–Out Followed by Brown–In at 100% Load. Top: Input Voltage, 200 V / div. Middle: Input Current, 5 A, 200 s / div. Bottom: Output Voltage, 200 V / div. Page 33 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10.18 Drain Voltage and Current The drain current was measured at Jumper JP4 location by replacing JP4 with a very short wire loop in order to insert the current probe. The drain voltage was measured at the Drain and Source pins of IC U1. Do not make the wire loop very large since the added inductance at the drain node can cause very large inductance spike and lead to very high Vds voltage that could damage U1, therefore, we do not recommend breaking JP4 to measure the drain–source current. However, the drain–source current can be obtained from the inductor L5 current through some calculations. Please see Appendix C for output inductor current measurement setup and calculations. 10.18.1 Dain Voltage and Current at 115 VAC Input and Full Load Figure 50 – Input Voltage 115 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 1 ms / div. Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 51 – Input Voltage 115 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 1 ms / div. Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Zoom Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 5 s / div. Zoom Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Page 34 of 56 18-Nov-10 10.18.2 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Drain Voltage and Current at 230 VAC Input and Full Load Figure 52 – Input Voltage 230 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 1 ms / div. Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Page 35 of 56 Figure 53 – Input Voltage 230 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 1 ms / div. Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Zoom Top: Drain Current, 5 A, 5 s / div. Zoom Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 10.19 Output Ripple Measurements 10.19.1 Ripple Measurement Technique For DC output ripple measurements, a modified oscilloscope test probe must be utilized in order to reduce spurious signals due to pickup. Details of the probe modification are provided in the figures below. The 4987BA probe adapter is affixed with one capacitor 0.02 F/1 kV ceramic disc type tied in parallel across the probe tip. Probe Ground Probe Tip Figure 54 – Oscilloscope Probe Prepared for Ripple Measurement (End Cap and Ground Lead Removed). Figure 55 – Oscilloscope Probe with Probe Master (www.probemaster.com) 4987A BNC Adapter. Modified with wires for ripple measurement, and one parallel decoupling capacitor added.) Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 36 of 56 18-Nov-10 10.19.2 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Measurement Results Figure 56 – Ripple, 90 VAC, 50% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 57 – Ripple, 90 VAC, 100% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 58 – Ripple, 115 VAC, 50% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 59 – Ripple, 115 VAC, 100% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Page 37 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Figure 60 – Ripple, 230 VAC, 50% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 61 – Ripple, 230 VAC, 100% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 62 – Ripple, 264 VAC, 50% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Figure 63 – Ripple, 264 VAC, 100% Load. 5 ms, 5 V / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 38 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 11 Gain–Phase Measurement Procedure and Results ● The PFC stage is supplied form an adjustable DC source for this test. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 64. Open the top end of the feedback divider network and insert a 100Ω–2W resistor in series as shown. The signal injected in the loop for gain–phase measurement will be injected across this resistor. ● Nodes A and B (two ends of the injection resistor) are connected to Channel 1 and Channel 2 of the frequency response analyzer using high voltage x100 attenuator probes. GND leads of both probes are connected to output return as shown. ● The signal to be injected is isolated using the Bode–Box injection transformer model – 200–000 from Venable Industries. Test Procedure: ● Adjust the input voltage to 150 VDC and confirm that the PFC output voltage is within regulation limits. ● Inject a signal from the frequency response analyzer. ● The injected signal can be seen in the output voltage ripple of the PFC. ● Plot the gain phase pot by sweeping the injected signal frequency from 3 Hz to 90 Hz Figure 64 – System Test Setup for Loop Gain–Phase Measurement. Page 39 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Figure 65 – Bode Plot with 150 VDC, 50% and 100% Load. Note: phase margin is greater than 45 deg. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 40 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 12 Line Surge Test Surge Level (V) C.M. +500 –500 +500 –500 +500 –500 D.M. +500 –500 C.M. +1000 –1000 +1000 –1000 +1000 –1000 D.M. +1000 –1000 C.M. +1500 –1500 +1500 –1500 +1500 –1500 C.M. +2000 –2000 +2000 –2000 +2000 –2000 Input Voltage (VAC) 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Injection Location 90 Test Results (Pass/Fail # Strikes) 10 Strikes each Level Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 902 270 Pass Pass 90 270 270 90 901 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Injection Phase (°) (12Ω source) L1 to PE L1 to PE L2 to PE L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE (2Ω source) L1 to L2 L1 to L2 (12Ω source) L1 to PE L1 to PE L2 to PE L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE (2Ω source) L1 to L2 L1 to L2 (12Ω source) L1 to PE L1 to PE L2 to PE L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE (12Ω source) L1 to PE L1 to PE L2 to PE L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE L1, L2 to PE 90 270 270 90 901 90 902 270 90 270 270 90 901 90 90 270 270 90 901 90 Pass Pass 10 Strikes each Level Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 10 Strikes each Level Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 1 Note: 0° and 270° phase angle [relative to L1] was not tested; however, negative voltage polarity was performed at 90° phase angle for worst case total negative pulse on alternate phase [neutral]. 2 Note: 0° and 270° phase angle [relative to L1] was not tested on both polarities; however, negative voltage polarity was performed at 270° phase angle for worst case total negative pulse on alternate phase [neutral]. Page 41 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 13 EMI Scans 13.1 EMI Test Set-up Use a plexi-glass board with complete copper coated on one side, connect the copper side of the board to test point TP8 with a wire clip. A RD-91 board was used here to provide VCC input to RD-236 board. Both boards should sit on top of the plexi-glass board. Connect TP1/TP2 & TP6/TP7 test point pairs from RD-236 board to J1/J2 & J3/J4 test point pairs of the RD-91 board respectively. Connect the load to J2 2-pin header. All connections should be made as short as possible. See Figure 66 for set-up. Bottom side Cu coated plexi-glass board To RD-91, J3/J4 To RD-91, J1/J2 To load AC source connector Figure 66 – EMI Test Set-up. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 42 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 13.2 EMI Scans Figure 67 – 115 VAC, 100% Load. Figure 68 – 115 VAC, 100% Load EMI Measurement Results. Page 43 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Figure 69 – 230 VAC, 100% Load. Figure 70– 230 VAC, 100% Load EMI Measurement Results Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 44 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 14 Appendix A – Efficiency with Other Diodes and Core Materials Use of Silicon Carbide Schottky diodes for PFC output can provide higher efficiency. Graph below shows efficiency improvement due to use of C3D06060A instead of the ultrafast STTH8S06D diode. 98 Efficiency (%) 97 96 95 94 100 VAC, STTH8S06D 115 VAC, STTH8S06D 230 VAC, STTH8S06D 93 0 50 100 100 VAC, C3D06060A 115 VAC, C3D06060A 230 VAC, C3D06060A 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 71 – Efficiency, Silicon Carbide Schottky C3D06060A vs. Ultra Fast STTH8S06D (Reference) Diode. Page 45 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 Choice of inductor material and inductor design affects PFC efficiency at light load. At lighter load levels, the PFC runs in discontinuous mode for significant portion of the input waveform which increases core losses. The example below shows effect of change of core material. 77324 is Magnetics Inc. Kool-Mu Material 55324 is Magnetics Inc. MPP Material 58324 is Magnetics Inc. High flux Material Material choice is often a price / performance tradeoff. 96.0 Efficiency (%) 95.5 95.0 94.5 94.0 Inductor Core #77324A7 (Reference) Inductor Core #58324 Inductor Core #55324 93.5 93.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 72 – Efficiency with Other Inductor Cores at 100 VAC. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 46 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 96.5 Efficiency (%) 96.0 95.5 95.0 94.5 Inductor Core #77324A7 (Reference) Inductor Core #58324 94.0 Inductor Core #55324 93.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Output Power (W) Figure 73 – Efficiency with Other Inductor Cores at 115 VAC. Page 47 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 400 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 97.7 97.6 Efficiency 97.5 97.4 97.3 97.2 97.1 97.0 Inductor Core #77324A7 (Reference) Inductor Core #58324 Inductor Core #55324 96.9 96.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 74 – Efficiency with Other Inductor Cores at 230 VAC. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 48 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 98 97 Efficiency (%) 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 0 50 100 100 VAC, RT1 100 VAC, RT2 115 VAC, RT1 115 VAC, RT2 230 VAC, RT1 230 VAC, RT2 150 200 250 300 350 400 Output Power (W) Figure 75 – Efficiency with Thermistor RT1 or RT2 in Circuit vs. Output Power. Note: this is the PFC efficiency plot with thermistor RT1 in–circuit (RT1 shorting pads open and RT2 pads shorted), and thermistor RT2 in–circuit (RT2 pads open and RT1 pads shorted). The additional voltage drop in series with diode D2 or input line due to thermistor RT1 and RT2 degrade efficiency. By default, RT1 is shorted on the RD–236 board when shipped. Note: In most applications, a relay will be used to bypass the thermistor RT2 after start up in order to improve system efficiency. Page 49 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 15 Appendix B – Test Set-up for Efficiency Measurement RD-236 is designed for continuous operation with full load only for a nominal voltage of 115 VAC. For performance evaluation at input voltage levels below the nominal input voltage, forced air cooling is necessary. The following setup is recommended for system efficiency, PF and THD measurements. A 4.75” diameter AC fan is placed about 3” away from the right-side edge of the RD-236 bard, in high speed position. Use high resolution meters for output current and output voltage measurements. See figures below for board and fan positions Figure 76 – Front View of the Test Setup for Efficiency, PF and THD Measurements. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 50 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Figure 77 – Side View of the Test Setup for Efficiency, PF and THD Measurements. Page 51 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 16 Appendix C – Inductor Current Measurement Set-up The output inductor current can be measured at jumper JP5 location. Simply replace JP5 with a very short wire–loop in order to insert the current probe. Attach the oscilloscope probe directly at the D and S pins of IC U1 at the bottom side of the board, as shown in Figure 79, to measure drain–source voltage. See figure below for set-up. Figure 78 – Current Probe and Scope Probe Jack Insertion Locations. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 52 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG Figure 79 – Inductor Current and Drain Source Voltage Measurements Set-up. MOSFET drain current is same as inductor current when the MOSFET inside HiperPFS is on. When the MOSFET turns OFF, inductor current is same as diode current. When the MOSFET is ON, the inductor current has a positive slope. When the MOSFET is OFF, the inductor current slope is negative. Information about the drain current and shape of drain current can be obtained from the inductor current waveform. This is a safe and recommended method to measure drain current of the MOSFET. Page 53 of 56 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG sw on 18-Nov-10 sw off Figure 80 – 115 VAC, 100% Load. Top: Inductor Current, 2 A / div. Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div. Zoom Top: Inductor Current, 2 A, 5 s / div. Zoom Bottom: Drain Voltage, 200 V / div., 5 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 54 of 56 18-Nov-10 RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 17 Revision History Date 09-Nov-10 18-Nov-10 Page 55 of 56 Author EJ KM Revision 1.0 1.1 Description and changes Initial Release Minor corrections Reviewed Apps and Mktg Apps and Mktg Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com RDR-236 347 W PFC Using PFS714EG 18-Nov-10 For the latest updates, visit our website: www.powerint.com Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm. The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StackFET, PI Expert and PI FACTS are trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. 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