Standard Products UT54LVDS032 Quad Receiver Data Sheet September 2012 FEATURES INTRODUCTION The UT54LVDS032 Quad Receiver is a quad CMOS differential line receiver designed for applications requiring ultra low power dissipation and high data rates. The device is designed to support data rates in excess of 155.5 Mbps (77.7 MHz) utilizing Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) technology. >155.5 Mbps (77.7 MHz) switching rates +340mV nominal differential signaling 5 V power supply TTL compatible inputs Ultra low power CMOS technology 8.0ns maximum, propagation delay 3.0ns maximum, differential skew Operational environment: total dose irradiation testing to MIL-STD-883 Method 1019 - Total-dose: 300 krad(Si) and 1Mrad(Si) - Latchup immune (LET > 100 MeV-cm2/mg) Packaging options: - 16-lead flatpack (dual in-line), weight 0.7 grams Standard Microcircuit Drawing 5962-95834 - QML Q and V compliant part Compatible with IEEE 1596.3SCI LVDS Compatible with ANSI/TIA/EIA 644-1996 LVDS Standard The UT54LVDS032 accepts low voltage (340mV) differential input signals and translates them to 5V TTL output levels. The receiver supports a three-state function that may be used to multiplex outputs. The receiver also supports OPEN, shorted and terminated (100) input fail-safe. Receiver output will be HIGH for all fail-safe conditions. The UT54LVDS032 and companion quad line driver UT54LVDS031 provide new alternatives to high power pseudoECL devices for high speed point-to-point interface applications. RIN1+ + RIN1- R1 ROUT1 R2 ROUT2 R3 ROUT3 R4 ROUT4 - RIN2+ + RIN2- - RIN3+ + RIN3- - RIN4+ + RIN4- - EN EN Figure 1. UT54LVDS032 Quad Receiver Block Diagram 1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION RIN1- 1 16 RIN1+ 2 3 15 RIN4- 14 RIN4+ ROUT4 EN ROUT1 4 5 EN UT54LVDS032 Receiver VDD RIN2+ 6 13 12 11 RIN2- 7 10 RIN3+ VSS 8 9 RIN3- ROUT2 The UT54LVDS032 receiver’s intended use is primarily in an uncomplicated point-to-point configuration as is shown in Figure 3. This configuration provides a clean signaling environment for quick edge rates of the drivers. The receiver is connected to the driver through a balanced media which may be a standard twisted pair cable, a parallel pair cable, or simply PCB traces. Typically, the characteristic impedance of the media is in the range of 100. A termination resistor of 100should be selected to match the media and is located as close to the receiver input pins as possible. The termination resistor converts the current sourced by the driver into voltages that are detected by the receiver. Other configurations are possible such as a multi-receiver configuration, but the effects of a mid-stream connector(s), cable stub(s), and other impedance discontinuities, as well as ground shifting, noise margin limits, and total termination loading must be taken into account. ROUT3 Figure 2. UT54LVDS032 Pinout TRUTH TABLE ENABLE Enables Input Output EN EN RIN+ - RIN- ROUT L H X Z VID > 0.1V H VID < -0.1V L Full Fail-safe OPEN/SHORT or Terminated H All other combinations of ENABLE inputs DATA INPUT Name Description 2, 6, 10, 14 RIN+ Non-inverting receiver input pin 1, 7, 9, 15 RIN- Inverting receiver input pin 3, 5, 11, 13 ROUT Receiver output pin 4 EN Active high enable pin, OR-ed with EN 12 EN Active low enable pin, OR-ed with EN 16 VDD Power supply pin, +5V + 10% 8 VSS Ground pin RT 100 + - 1/4 UT54LVDS031 DATA OUTPUT Figure 3. Point-to-Point Application The UT54LVDS032 differential line receiver is capable of detecting signals as low as 100mV, over a + 1V common-mode range centered around +1.2V. This is related to the driver offset voltage which is typically +1.2V. The driven signal is centered around this voltage and may shift +1V around this center point. The +1V shifting may be the result of a ground potential difference between the driver’s ground reference and the receiver’s ground reference, the common-mode effects of coupled noise or a combination of the two. Both receiver input pins should honor their specified operating input voltage range of 0V to +2.4V (measured from each pin to ground). PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. 1/4 UT54LVDS032 1 2. Terminated Input. If the driver is disconnected (cable unplugged), or if the driver is in a three-state condition, the receiver output will again be in a HIGH state, even with the end of cable 100 termination resistor across the input pins. The unplugged cable can become a floating antenna which can pick up noise. If the cable picks up more than 10mV of differential noise, the receiver may see the noise as a valid signal and switch. To insure that any noise is seen as common-mode and not differential, a balanced interconnect should be used. Twisted pair cable offers better balance than flat ribbon cable. Receiver Fail-Safe The UT54LVDS032 receiver is a high gain, high speed device that amplifies a small differential signal (20mV) to TTL logic levels. Due to the high gain and tight threshold of the receiver, care should be taken to prevent noise from appearing as a valid signal. The receiver’s internal fail-safe circuitry is designed to source/ sink a small amount of current, providing fail-safe protection (a stable known state of HIGH output voltage) for floating, terminated or shorted receiver inputs. 1. Open Input Pins. The UT54LVDS032 is a quad receiver device, and if an application requires only 1, 2 or 3 receivers, the unused channel(s) inputs should be left OPEN. Do not tie unused receiver inputs to ground or any other voltages. The input is biased by internal high value pull up and pull down resistors to set the output to a HIGH state. This internal circuitry will guarantee a HIGH, stable output state for open inputs. 3. Shorted Inputs. If a fault condition occurs that shorts the receiver inputs together, thus resulting in a 0V differential input voltage, the receiver output remains in a HIGH state. Shorted input fail-safe is not supported across the common-mode range of the device (VSS to 2.4V). It is only supported with inputs shorted and no external common-mode voltage applied. 2 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT PARAMETER LIMIT UNITS Total Ionizing Dose (TID) 1.0E6 rad(Si) Single Event Latchup (SEL) >100 MeV-cm2/mg Neutron Fluence1 1.0E13 n/cm2 Notes: 1. Guarnteed but not tested. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 (Referenced to VSS) SYMBOL PARAMETER LIMITS VDD DC supply voltage -0.3 to 6.0V VI/O Voltage on any pin -0.3 to (VDD + 0.3V) TSTG Storage temperature -65 to +150C PD Maximum power dissipation 1.25 W TJ Maximum junction temperature2 +150C Thermal resistance, junction-to-case3 10C/W DC input current ±10mA JC II Notes: 1. Stresses outside the listed absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond limits indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not recommended. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability and performance. 2. Maximum junction temperature may be increased to +175C during burn-in and steady-static life. 3. Test per MIL-STD-883, Method 1012. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOL PARAMETER LIMITS VDD Positive supply voltage 4.5 to 5.5V TC Case temperature range -55 to +125C VIN DC input voltage, receiver inputs DC input voltage, logic inputs 3 2.4V 0 to VDD for EN, EN DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS *1 (VDD = 5.0V +10%; -55C < TC < +125C); Unless otherwise noted, Tc is per the temperature range ordered SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MIN MAX VIH High-level input voltage (TTL) VIL Low-level input voltage (TTL) 0.8 V VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 2mA, VDD = 4.5V 0.3 V VOH High-level output voltage IOH = -0.4mA, VDD = 4.5V 4.0 Logic input leakage current Inputs, VIN = 0 and 2.4V, VCC = 5.5 Enables = EN/EN= 0 and 5.5V, VCC = 5.5 -10 -10 VTH3 Differential Input High Threshold VCM = +1.2V VTL3 Differential Input Low Threshold VCM = +1.2V -100 Receiver input Current VIN = 2.4V -10 +10 IOZ4 Output Three-State Current Disabled, VOUT = 0 V or VDD -10 +10 VCL Input clamp voltage ICL = +/-18mA -1.5 1.5 V IOS3 Output Short Circuit Current Enabled, VOUT = 0 V2 -15 -130 mA ICC4 Loaded supply current receivers enabled EN, EN = VDD or VSS Inputs Open 11 mA ICCZ4 Loaded supply current receivers disabled EN = VSS, EN = VDD IIN II 2.0 UNIT Inputs Open V V +10 +10 A +100 mV mV mA 11 Notes: * For devices procured with a total ionizing dose tolerance guarantee, the post-irradiation performance is guaranteed at 25oC per MIL-STD-883 Method 1019, Condition A up to the maximum TID level procured. 1. Current into device pins is defined as positive. Current out of device pins is defined as negative. All voltages are referenced to ground. 2. Output short circuit current (IOS) is specified as magnitude only, minus sign indicates direction only. Only one output should be shorted at a time, do not exceed maximum junction temperature specification. 3. Guaranteed by characterization. 4. Device tested at VCC = 5.5V only. 4 AC SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS*1, 2, 3, 4 (VDD = +5.0V + 10%, TC = -55 C to +125 C); Unless otherwise noted, Tc is per the temperature range ordered SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT tPHLD Differential Propagation Delay High to Low (figures 4 and 5) 1.0 8.0 ns tPLHD Differential Propagation Delay Low to High (figures 4 and 5) 1.0 8.0 ns tSKD Differential Skew (tPHLD - tPLHD) (figures 4 and 5) 0 3.0 ns tSK14 Channel-to-Channel Skew1 (figures 4 and 5) 0 3.0 ns tSK24 Chip-to-Chip Skew5 (figures 4 and 5) 7.0 ns tTLH4 Rise Time (figures 4 and 5) 2.0 ns tTHL4 Fall Time (figures 4 and 5) 2.0 ns tPHZ4 Disable Time High to Z (figures 6 and 7) 20 ns tPLZ4 Disable Time Low to Z (figures 6 and 7) 20 ns tPZH4 Enable Time Z to High (figures 6 and 7) 20 ns tPZL4 Enable Time Z to Low (figures 6 and 7) 20 ns Notes: * For devices procured with a total ionizing dose tolerance guarantee, the post-irradiation performance is guaranteed at 25oC per MIL-STD-883 Method 1019, Condition A up to the maximum TID level procured. 1. Channel-to-Channel Skew is defined as the difference between the propagation delay of the channel and the other channels in the same chip with an event on the inputs. 2. Generator waveform for all tests unless otherwise specified: f = 1 MHz, Z0 = 50, tr and tf (0% - 100%) < 1ns for RIN and tr and tf < 6ns for EN or EN. 3. CL includes probe and jig capacitance. 4. Guaranteed by characterization. 5. Chip to Chip Skew is defined as the difference between the minimum and maximum specified differential propagation delays. 5 RIN+ Generator RIN- R ROUT 40pF 50 50 Receiver Enabled Figure 4. Receiver Propagation Delay and Transition Time Test Circuit or Equivalent Circuit RIN- +1.3V 0V Differential VID = 200mV +1.2V +1.1V RIN+ tPHLD tPLHD VOH 80% 80% 1.25V 1.25V ROUT 20% 20% VOL tTHL tTLH Figure 5. Receiver Propagation Delay and Transition Time Waveforms 6 VDD EN 2K RIN+ RIN- 40pf 2K Figure 6. Receiver Three-State Delay Test Circuit or Equivalent Circuit EN when EN = VDD 1.25V VDD 1.25V 0V VDD 1.25V 1.25V EN when EN = VSS 0V tPZL tPLZ Output when VID = -100mV Output when VID = +100mV 50% 0.5V VDD VOL tPHZ tPZH 0.5V VOH 50% VSS Figure 7. Receiver Three-State Delay Waveform 7 PACKAGING Figure 8. 16-pin Ceramic Flatpack 8 ORDERING INFORMATION UT54LVDS032 QUAD RECEIVER: UT 54LVDS032- * * * * * Lead Finish: (A) = Hot solder dipped (C) = Gold (X) = Factory option (gold or solder) Screening: (C) = HiRel Temperature Range flow (P) = Prototype flow Package Type: (U) = 16-lead Flatpack (dual-in-line) Access Time: Not applicable Device Type: UT54LVDS032 LVDS Receiver Notes: 1. Lead finish (A,C, or X) must be specified. 2. If an “X” is specified when ordering, then the part marking will match the lead finish and will be either “A” (solder) or “C” (gold). 3. Prototype flow per Aeroflex Colorado Springs Manufacturing Flows Document. Tested at 25C only. Lead finish is GOLD ONLY. Radiation neither tested nor guaranteed. 4. HiRel Temperature Range flow per Aeroflex Colorado Springs Manufacturing Flows Document. Devices are tested at -55C, room temp, and 125C. Radiation neither tested nor guaranteed. 9 UT54LVDS032 QUAD RECEIVER: SMD 5962 - 95834 ** * * * Lead Finish: (A) = Hot solder dipped (C) = Gold (X) = Factory Option (gold or solder) Case Outline: (X) = 16 lead Flatpack (dual-in-line) Class Designator: (Q) = QML Class Q (V) = QML Class V Device Type 02 = LVDS Receiver Drawing Number: 95834 Total Dose (R) = 1E5 rad(Si) (F) = 3E5 rad(Si) (G) = 5E5 rad(Si) (H) = 1E6 rad(Si) Federal Stock Class Designator: No Options Notes: 1.Lead finish (A,C, or X) must be specified. 2.If an “X” is specified when ordering, part marking will match the lead finish and will be either “A” (solder) or “C” (gold). 3.Total dose radiation must be specified when ordering. QML Q and QML V not available without radiation hardening. 10