HSP48212 Data Sheet May 1999 Digital Video Mixer Features The Intersil HSP48212 is a 68 pin Digital Video Mixer IC intended for use in multimedia and medical imaging applications. • 12-Bit Pixel Data 3627.2 • Two’s Complement or Unsigned Data • 12-Bit Mix Factor The HSP48212 allows the user to mix two video sources based on a programmable weighting factor. After weighting the input data signals, the Video Mixer simply adds the two weighted signals mathematically. This results in the mixed output, which is a weighted sum of the two sources. • 13-Bit Signed or Unsigned Three State Output • Overflow Detection and Output Saturation • Rounding to 8, 10, 12, or 13-Bits The input and output interfaces are synchronous with respect to the input clock, simplifying the user interface requirements. Input Data (DINA, DINB), Mix Factor (M) and control signals (RND, TCB) may be delayed relative to each other in order to compensate for any misalignment that may have occurred prior to entering the HSP48212. Each input’s delay may be independently programmed up to seven clock cycles. The output data may be rounded to 8, 10, 12, or 13-bits. The enabling of data onto the output data bus is under the user’s control via an output enable signal (OE). • Input and Output Pixel Data Synchronous to Clock • Programmable Pipeline Delay of up to 7 Clock Cycles for Control of Misaligned Input Data • TTL Compatible Inputs/Outputs • DC to 40MHz Clock Rate Applications • Video Summing (Frame Addition) • Video Mixing • Fade In/Out Ordering Information PART NUMBER File Number • Video Switching TEMP. RANGE (oC) PACKAGE PKG. NO. HSP48212VC-40 0 to 70 64 Ld MQFP Q64.14x14 HSP48212JC-40 0 to 70 68 Ld PLCC N68.95 • High Speed Multiplying Block Diagram DINB0-11 12 DELAY 0-7 TCB DELAY 0-7 RND0-1 DELAY 0-7 2 M 12 DINA0-11 12 DELAY 0-7 DELAY 0-7 SHIFT LEFT Σ FORMAT OUTPUT 1-M DOUT0-12 13 OE DOUT = 2 x [DINA x M + DINB x (1-M)] 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. http://www.intersil.com or 407-727-9207 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 1999 HSP48212 Pinouts M8 M9 M10 M11 BYPASS CLK MIXEN M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 VCC 64 LEAD MQFP TOP VIEW 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 DINB11 DINB10 DINB9 DINB8 DINB7 DINB6 GND DINB5 DINB4 DINB3 DINB2 DINB1 DINB0 RND1 RND0 DELAY 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OE DOUT12 DOUT11 DOUT10 DOUT9 GND DOUT8 DOUT7 DOUT6 DOUT5 VCC DOUT4 DOUT3 DOUT2 DOUT1 DOUT0 LD TC DINA11 DINA10 DINA9 V CC DINA8 DINA7 DINA6 DINA5 DINA4 GND DINA3 DINA2 DINA1 DINA0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CLK MIXEN M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 N/C M6 M7 VCC M8 M9 M10 M11 BYPASS 68 PIN PLCC TOP VIEW 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 DINB11 DINB10 DINB9 DINB8 DINB7 DINB6 GND DINB5 N/C DINB4 DINB3 DINB2 DINB1 DINB0 RND1 RND0 DELAY 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 LD TC DINA11 DINA10 DINA9 V CC DINA8 DINA7 N/C DINA6 DINA5 DINA4 GND DINA3 DINA2 DINA1 DINA0 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 OE DOUT12 DOUT11 DOUT10 DOUT9 GND DOUT8 DOUT7 N/C DOUT6 DOUT5 VCC DOUT4 DOUT3 DOUT2 DOUT1 DOUT0 HSP48212 Pin Descriptions NAME PLCC PIN TYPE DESCRIPTION CLK 9 I Clock Input. All signal pins are synchronous with respect to this clock except LD, DEL, OE, and BYPASS. DINA0-11 29-31 33-34 36-38 40-43 I Input Data Bus. Provides data to the Mixer from one video source. Synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. DINB0-11 10-15, 17 19-23 I Input Data Bus. Provides data to the Mixer from one video source. Synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. M0-11 62-65 67-68 2-7 I Mix Input Bus. The range of M is from 0 to 1. The number format is unsigned, with one bit position to the left of the binary point. If a value greater than 1 is placed on this bus, the internal circuitry will saturate M to 1, i.e, anytime the MSB is 1, the internal value defaults to 1.00000000000; synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. TC 28 I Specifies the number format of the input data busses DINA and DINB. 1 = unsigned, 0 = 2’s complement. The signal has the same number of latency stages as the incoming data. Therefore, the number format affects the incoming data but not the data in the internal pipeline stages. Synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. RND0-1 24-25 I Specifies the number of significant bits on the output bus. 00 = 8-bit, 01 = 10-bit, 10 = 12-bit, 11 = 13-bit. Rounding is performed by adding a binary 1 to the bit position to the right of the desired LSB. The remaining bits are forced to zero. These control signals have the same number of latency stages as the incoming data. Therefore, the output round format does not take effect until the current data has propagated to the output. Synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. MIXEN 8 I Mix Enable. This pin is used to disable the clock signal which samples the Mix input. When MIXEN = 1, the M0-11 bus is sampled by the rising edge of CLK. When MIXEN = 0, the M0-11 bus is ignored and the previously stored value of M0-11 is used. Synchronous to the rising edge of CLK. LD 27 I Asynchronous Load Pin. LD is used to load the delay control registers. The delay control word is loaded serially from LSB to MSB. This signal drives the clock input to a 15-bit serial shift register. Each LD cycle, the data is transferred through the register bank on the rising edge of LD In order to load the delay control word, the user must supply exactly 15 LD pulses. DEL 26 I Delay Input. This is the serial input data that is sampled by the rising edge of LD. It is the input to the first stage of the 15-bit serial shift register which contains the delay control word. Synchronous to the rising edge of LD. BYPASS 61 I Allows user to disable (bypass) the LD interface and use the default delay paths. When BYPASS = 1, the delay control word is forced to all 0’s and no extra delays are included in the paths. When BYPASS = 0, the delay control word must be initialized using the LD/DEL interface in order for the chip to give predictable results. This pin is asynchronous and is not intended to change states during operation. DOUT0-12 59-56 54-53 51-50 48-44 O Output Data Bus. The data on this bus reflects the results of the equation: 2x[AxM + Bx(1-M)]. The number format of the output is either 2’s complement or unsigned depending on the value of the TC signal during data input. The representation of DOUT is also dependent on the value sampled on RND0-1 during data input. (See RND0-1 and TC pin description). OE 60 I Output Enable. Asynchronous input which takes effect immediately following a transition. When OE = 0 the DOUT bus is driving, when OE = 1 the DOUT bus is not driven (floating). VCC 32, 49, 66 I 5V power supply. There are 3 VCC pads. GND 16, 39, 55 I 0V power supply. There are 3 GND pads. 3 HSP48212 Functional Block Diagram DINB0-11 Z -1 M0-11 Z -1 DINA0-11 Z -1 CLK PROGRAMMABLE DELAY (Z -N) PROGRAMMABLE DELAY (Z -N) PROGRAMMABLE DELAY (Z -N) FORMAT FORMAT Z -1 Z -1 M BYPASS DEL LD PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CONTROL REGISTER Z -1 (1 - M) Z -1 Z -1 ADDER Z -1 SHIFT LEFT TC Z -1 PROGRAMMABLE DELAY (Z -N) Z -1 Z -4 OUTPUT FORMAT RND0-1 Z -1 PROGRAMMABLE DELAY (Z -N) Z -4 Z -1 OE FIGURE 1. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 DOUT0-12 HSP48212 Functional Description Input Data Format The Digital Video Mixer is intended for use in professional video, multimedia and medical imaging applications. The HSP48212 allows the user to mix two video sources based on a programmable weighting factor. After weighting the input data signals, the Video Mixer simply adds the two weighted signals mathematically. This results in the mixed output, which is a weighted sum of the two sources. The fundamental equation implemented by this architecture is: DINA0-11 and DINB0-11 represent two digital video sources (pixels). Each input bus has 12-bits of precision. They may be represented in two’s complement form (TC = 0) or in unsigned form (TC = 1). It is important to note that DINA0-11 and DINB0-11 must be represented in the same format (i.e., no mixed mode operation is allowed). DOUT = 2 x [ DINA x M + DINB x ( 1 -M ) ] (EQ. 1) where DINA and DINB are the two video sources (pixels) and M is the weighting (Mix) factor. As expressed by this equation, the output DOUT is a weighted average of the incoming pixels. For instance, when M is set to 0 the DINB input source is passed to the output, and when M is set to 1 the DINA input is passed to the output, and when M is set to 0.5 the output is the sum of the two sources DINA and DINB. The user can therefore vary the mix factor to apply different weights to each of the inputs DINA, DINB. This allows functions such as fading in, fading out, fading between images, graphics overlays, and keying. The multiplication factor of 2 as seen in (EQ. 1) is accomplished through a 1-bit shift left (See Figure 1). This shifter is not programmable and cannot be accessed by the user. The Functional Block Diagram is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that (EQ. 1) is directly implemented by this architecture. The architecture has a 6 stage inherent latency. This architecture is extremely flexible in that it allows the user to account for misaligned input data by independently programming up to seven additional delay stages for DINA011, DINB0-11, and M0-11, as well as for the format control signals TC and RND0-1. The programmable delay registers are controlled by the signals DEL, LD, and BYPASS. The HSP48212 input interface is primarily synchronous to the rising edge of CLK with the exception of the programmable delay control signals DEL, LD, and BYPASS. The output data bus DOUT0-12 is registered synchronous to the rising edge of CLK and may also be controlled via the asynchronous output enable signal OE. The input data, DINA0-11 and DINB0-11, as well as the mix factor M0-11 have 12-bit precision. The output data DOUT0-12 has 13-bit precision to allow for 1-bit of growth. The signals TC and RND0-1 control the format of the input and output data. TC allows DINA0-11 and DINB 0-11 to be either two’s complement or unsigned (Note: DINA0-11 and DINB0-11 must have the same format, i.e., no mixed mode). The output data DOUT0-12 can be rounded to 8, 10, 12, or 13-bits as determined by the control signals RND0-1. 5 M0-11 supplies the weighting (Mix) factor and has 12-bits of precision. M0-11 must be represented in unsigned format and may range from 0 to 1. If a value greater than 1 is placed on the bus, the internal circuitry will saturate M0-11 to 1.00000000000. DINA0-11, DINB0-11, and M0-11 are synchronously registered on the rising edge of CLK. The signal MIXEN allows the user to disable the internal clock signal which samples the M0-11 input bus. When MIXEN = 0, the M0-11 bus is ignored and the previously sampled M0-11 value is used. When MIXEN = 1, the M0-11 bus is sampled on the rising edge of CLK. Programmable Delay The input data (DINA0-11, DINB0-11), mix factor (M0-11), and control signals (RND0-1, TC), may be delayed relative to each other in order to compensate for any misalignment that may have occurred prior to entering the HSP48212. Each input’s delay may be independently programmed for up to seven delays. In other words, the user can program a different number of pipeline delays for each input. This programmed delay is in addition to the inherent 6 stage delay required by the architecture. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, the programmable delay information is loaded using the signals LD and DEL. LD is the asynchronous load pin used to clock in the delay control word. The delay control word is clocked into a 15-bit serial shift register on the rising edge of LD (i.e., DEL is synchronous to LD). The delay control word data is supplied by the DEL signal beginning with the least significant bit and continuing until the most significant bit has been clocked in. On each LD cycle the DEL data input is transferred through the register bank. The user must supply exactly 15 LD pulses; if the shift register is clocked more than 15 times, only the most recent 15 data inputs will be stored. As previously stated, the length of the control word is 15-bits: 3bits are allocated for each of the 5 inputs, DINA0-11, DINB0-11, M0-11, RND0-1, and TC. Each 3-bits of the control word allow the user to specify from 0 to 7 additional delay stages by programming the binary equivalent of the desired delay into the appropriate bit position of the delay control word register (e.g., 000 for 0 delays, 001 for 1 delay, ..., 111 for 7 delays). HSP48212 Format Control Signals TABLE 1. INPUT SIGNAL CONTROL WORD BIT POSITION RND0-1 12-14 TC 9-11 M0-11 6-8y DINB0-11 3-5 DINA0-11 0-2 The control signals TC and RND0-1 are used to specify the input data representation and the output data representation respectively. TC and RND0-1 are synchronous to CLK, which allows them to be changed on a cycle by cycle basis if needed. The control signals are designed to match the latency of the data paths. When the control inputs change, the new configuration will effect the current input data and will not effect the data in the pipeline stages. For example, if the rounding selection is changed from 8-bit rounding to 10bit rounding on a given cycle, the output will remain in an 8bit representation while the new data is propagating through the circuit. When the results of the new data are available at the output, the number format will change to 10-bits. The BYPASS control signal enables the programmable delay registers to be bypassed. When BYPASS is high, the delay control word is forced to all 0’s and no additional delays are included in any of the input paths. However, when BYPASS is low, the LD/DEL serial delay control word interface is active and the delay control word must be initialized in order to achieve any meaningful results. DEL D LD Q D14 D C Q C Q D Q D8 D C D7 Q C D C D Q Q C C Q C The output data DOUT0-12 is registered at the output of the HSP48212 on the rising edge of CLK. The output data may be accessed through the activation of the signal OE. OE is an asynchronous input which, when low, causes the DOUT0-12 bus to drive; when OE is high, the DOUT0-12 bus is not driven (floating). D0 D Q C FIGURE 2. DELAY CONTROL WORD SHIFT REGISTER LD DEL D0 D1 DINA DELAY D2 D3 D4 DINB DELAY D5 D6 D7 MIX DELAY D8 D9 D10 D11 TC DELAY FIGURE 3. DELAY CONTROL WORD TIMING DIAGRAM 6 (EQ. 2) The output data will be represented in either two’s complement format or in unsigned format depending on the value of the TC signal when the input data (DINA0-11 and DINB0-11) is sampled by CLK. Similarly, the output representation of DOUT0-12 is also dependent on the value of RND0-1 during sampling of the input data. Q D1 D DOUT = 2 x [ ( DINA x M ) + ( DINB x ( 1 - M ) ) ] D3 D C Q D6 C D2 D DOUT0-12 is the output data bus which represents the weighted average of the incoming pixel data as indicated by (EQ. 2): D4 Q Output Control Q C D5 D D12 D9 D C Q Q D10 D C D C D11 D D13 The RND0-1 control signals determine the number of significant bits on the output bus DOUT0-12. The output data may be rounded to 8, 10, 12, or 13-bits. The rounding operation is performed by adding a binary 1 to the bit position right of the desired LSB and forcing the undesired bits to 0. For example, in 8-bit rounding, a 1 is added to the 9th bit to the right of the MSB (DOUT4), and DOUT0-4 are forced to 0 (i.e., DOUT0-12 = XXXXXXXX00000). D12 D13 RND DELAY D14 HSP48212 Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Information Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150oC Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300oC ESD Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 1 Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) θJA (oC/W) PLCC Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 MQFP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Maximum Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150oC Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . .300oC Operating Conditions Operating Voltage Range, Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5V ±5% Supply Voltage Range (Typical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0oC to 70 CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. NOTE: 1. θJA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air. DC Electrical Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITS Power Supply Current ICCOP VCC = Max, CLK Frequency 40MHz, (Notes 3, 4) - 170 mA Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VCC = Max, Outputs Not Loaded - 500 µA Input Leakage Current II VCC = Max, Input = 0V or VCC -10 10 µA Output Leakage Current IO VCC = Max, Input = 0V or VCC -10 10 µA Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC = Max 2.0 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC = Min - 0.8 V Logical One Output Voltage VOH IOH = -400µA, VCC = Min 2.6 - V Logical Zero Output Voltage VOL IOL = 2mA, VCC = Min - 0.4 V Clock Input High VIHC VCC = Max 3.0 - V Clock input Low VILC VCC = Min - 0.8 V Input Capacitance CIN CLK Frequency 1MHz, all measurements referenced to GND. TA = 25oC, Note 2 - 10 pF - 10 pF Output Capacitance COUT NOTES: 2. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or changes. 3. Power Supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOP is 4.25mA/MHz. 4. Output load per test load circuit and CL = 40pF. AC Electrical Specifications 40MHz PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS CLK Period TCP 25 - ns CLK High TCH 10 - ns CLK Low TCL 10 - ns LD Period TLP 25 - ns LD High TLH 10 - ns LD Low TLL 10 - ns Data Setup Time to CLK High TDS 10 Data Hold Time from CLK High t DH 0 7 ns - ns HSP48212 AC Electrical Specifications (Continued) 40MHz PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS MIX Data Setup Time to CLK High t MS 10 - ns MIX Data Hold Time From CLK High t MH 0 - ns Control Data Setup Time to CLK High t CS 10 - ns Control Data Hold Time From CLK High t CH 0 - ns DEL Setup to LD High t DLS 12 - ns DEL Hold from LD High t DLH 0 - ns CLK to Output Data Delay t OUT - 13 ns Output Enable Time t OE - 13 ns Output Disable Time t OD - 13 ns, Note 6 Output Rise/Fall Time t RF - 5 ns. Note 6 NOTES: 5. AC tests performed with CL = 40pF, IOL = 2mA, and IOH = -400µA. Input reference level CLK = 2.0V. Input reference level for all other inputs is 1.5V. Test VIH = 3.0V, VIHC = 4.0V, VIL = 0V, VILC = 0V. 6. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or Design changes. AC Test Load Circuit DUT S1 (NOTE 7) CL IOH SWITCH S1 OPEN FOR ICCSB AND ICCOP NOTE: 7. Test Head Capacitance. 8 ± 1.5V EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT IOL HSP48212 Waveforms t CP t CH t CL CLK t DS t DH t CS t CH t MS t MH DINA DINB TC RND MIXEN MIX t OUT DOUT FIGURE 4. SYNCHRONOUS TIMING t LP t LH t LL OE 1.5V LD 1.5V tOE t DLS 1.7V DOUT t DLH tOD HIGH IMPEDANCE 1.3V HIGH IMPEDANCE DEL FIGURE 5. ASYNCHRONOUS TIMING FIGURE 6. OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING 2.0V 0.8V t RF 2.0V 0.8V t RF FIGURE 7. OUTPUT RISE AND FALLTIMES All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification. Intersil semiconductor products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site http://www.intersil.com 9