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Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe Application Note MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 FR FAMILY 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB88121, MB91460 INTERFACING MB91460 TO MB88121 APPLICATION NOTE Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Revision History Revision History Date 2008-03-28 Issue V1.0, MSt First draft This document contains 56 pages. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 -2- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Warranty and Disclaimer Warranty and Disclaimer To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH restricts its warranties and its liability for all products delivered free of charge (eg. software include or header files, application examples, target boards, evaluation boards, engineering samples of IC’s etc.), its performance and any consequential damages, on the use of the Product in accordance with (i) the terms of the License Agreement and the Sale and Purchase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials. In addition, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the performance of the Product and any consequential damages in cases of unauthorised decompiling and/or reverse engineering and/or disassembling. Note, all these products are intended and must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment. 1. Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 90 days form the date of receipt by the customer. Concerning the hardware components of the Product, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship under use and service as specified in the accompanying written materials for a duration of 1 year from the date of receipt by the customer. 2. Should a Product turn out to be defect, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s entire liability and the customer´s exclusive remedy shall be, at Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s sole discretion, either return of the purchase price and the license fee, or replacement of the Product or parts thereof, if the Product is returned to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH in original packing and without further defects resulting from the customer´s use or the transport. However, this warranty is excluded if the defect has resulted from an accident not attributable to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH, or abuse or misapplication attributable to the customer or any other third party not relating to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH. 3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, in particular, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose for which the Product is not designated. 4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s and its suppliers´ liability is restricted to intention and gross negligence. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH and its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including but without limitation, consequential and/or indirect damages for personal injury, assets of substantial value, loss of profits, interruption of business operation, loss of information, or any other monetary or pecuniary loss) arising from the use of the Product. Should one of the above stipulations be or become invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining stipulations shall stay in full effect © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -3- MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Contents Contents REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 2 WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................... 3 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 4 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 6 2 HARDWARE .................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Power supply........................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Reset....................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Clock connection ..................................................................................................... 8 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.3.1 MCU Clock ................................................................................................ 8 2.3.2 CC Clock ................................................................................................... 8 Operation Mode of MCU and CC............................................................................. 8 2.4.1 MCU operation mode................................................................................. 8 2.4.2 CC operation mode.................................................................................. 10 None multiplexed bus interface mode ...................................... 10 Multiplexed bus interface mode ............................................... 10 Bus interface connection ....................................................................................... 10 2.5.1 16-bit none multiplexed mode .................................................................. 11 2.5.2 16-bit multiplexed bus interface mode...................................................... 12 Interrupts............................................................................................................... 13 2.6.1 CC interrupt ............................................................................................. 13 2.7 DMA pins............................................................................................................... 13 2.8 Stop Watch pin...................................................................................................... 13 2.9 Debug pins ............................................................................................................ 14 3 SOFTWARE................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Bus interface setup................................................................................................ 15 3.1.1 Simplified timing diagram of the MB88121B (none multiplexed access)... 15 3.1.2 Simplified timing diagram of MB88121B (multiplexed access) ................. 17 3.1.3 Configuration registers of the external bus interface ................................ 19 Area Select Register (ASR) .................................................... 19 Area Configuration Register (ACR) .......................................... 20 Area Wait Register (AWR) ....................................................... 22 Timing example of ordinary (non-multiplexed) bus ................... 24 Timing example of multiplexed bus .......................................... 25 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 -4- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Contents 3.1.4 Settings of register ASR, AWR, ACR, CSER in file start91460.asm ........................................................................ 26 Register CHER, IOWR, TCR, MCRA, MCRB and RCR ........... 27 Setup of Port function register (PFR) ....................................................... 28 3.1.5 External bus clock.................................................................................... 34 3.1.6 3.2 3.3 3.4 Port function register settings in start91460.asm...................... 30 Example setting in start91460.asm .......................................... 34 Initialisation sequence of MB88121 ......................................................... 35 Interrupts............................................................................................................... 36 3.2.1 MB88121 interrupt ................................................................................... 36 3.2.2 MCU external interrupt............................................................................. 37 External interrupt configuration registers.................................. 37 Port function Register (PFR) .................................................... 38 Interrupt vector table ................................................................ 40 DMA usage ........................................................................................................... 42 3.3.1 DMA register at MB88121........................................................................ 42 3.3.2 DMA at MB91460 .................................................................................... 42 3.3.3 DMA flow for Output buffer transfer ......................................................... 43 3.3.4 DMA flow for input buffer transfer ............................................................ 44 Debugging support ................................................................................................ 45 4 REFERENCE ................................................................................................................. 46 5 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................... 47 5.1 Connection example using none-multiplexed Bus interface................................... 47 5.2 Connection example using multiplexed bus interface ............................................ 51 5.3 Tables ................................................................................................................... 55 5.4 Figures .................................................................................................................. 55 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -5- MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Introduction FUJITSU Microelectronics Europe GmbH offers a stand alone FlexRay Communication Controller, MB88121 series, which supports parallel and serial connectivity to Host MCU. The MB88121 series supports two parallel Bus interface modes, 16-bit none-multiplexed and 16-bit multiplexed mode, for the 32-bit MB91460 series. The following discusses Hardware and Software requirement based on MB91F467D series. Note: Not all MB91460 devices support an external bus interface. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 -6- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2 Hardware This chapter discusses the Hardware related issues Connection examples for 16-bit none-multiplexed and 16-bit multiplexed bus interface based on MB91F467D and MB88121B are shown in chapter Appendix. 2.1 Power supply MB91460 series has the ability to supply the GPIO (VDD5) and the external bus interface (VDD35=3.3V) with different voltage level simultaneously. This is useful when using 3.3V memory devices and 5V based components at Port functions. Pin Nr Name Description Range 26,52,208 VDD35 External bus voltage supply 3V—5.5V 78,104,130,156 VDD5 MCU voltage supply 3V—5.5V Table 2-1 MB91F467D power supply pins The MB88121 series is using single voltage supply. All pins having the same voltage level which are supplied at Vcc pins. In case of using the interrupt functionality the interrupt pins of MB88121 and the input pins (e.g. external interrupt) have same voltage level, if not level conversion via level shifter is required. The same applies to the Reset pin when using one reset connection for MCU and CC. CC pin MCU pin MCU pin VCC VDD35 VDD5 3.3V 3.3V 5V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 5V 5V 5V Changes if the interrupt function is used Use additional level shifter for the interrupt line / Reset (3.3V CC => 5V MCU) \ Table 2-2 Relationship of the power supply Note: Be aware of the required voltage levels of all pins. Level conversion for interrupt / reset pins might be required. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -7- MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.2 Reset The MCU (MB91F467D) and FlexRay CC (MB88121) support the Reset functionality via external pin. Depending on Application both reset pin might be connected to an external voltage supervisor chip, which controls the reset line or the MCU controls the reset pin of the MB88121 via IO port. The example in this Application Note is using first mentioned approach. As MB88121 series is a single voltage supply series, care have to be taken in case the MB91F467D series is using different voltage supply level at bus interface pins (Vdd35) and other IO pins (Vdd). In this case ensure e.g. via level converter correct High level for MB88121 series reset input pin. 2.3 Clock connection Both devices require an external clock to generate the internal clock. 2.3.1 MCU Clock For MB91460 series a 4 MHz external clock needs to be connected to X0 / X1 pins. Via the internal PLL a clock of up to 10MHz is generated. 2.3.2 CC Clock The MB88121 is requiring an internal clock of 80 MHz. This frequency is generated using a PLL, supporting external clocks at pin X0 and X1. 4MHz, 5MHz, 8MHz or 10MHz crystal are supported. 2.4 Operation Mode of MCU and CC Both devices need to be set to correct mode via mode pins. 2.4.1 MCU operation mode The MD[2:0] pins of the MCU defines whether the reset vector is fetched from internal or external area. In case the internal Flash memory shall be used the mode pins have to be set to internal mode vector setting. During start-up phase of the MCU the bus interface settings is configured via the bus interface registers. The mode pins of MB91F467D should connect to GND directly so that the MCU operates in the internal ROM external bus mode. The configuration of this mode is listed below. Configuration Mode pin Description Internal mode vector and reset vector MD[2:0]=0 Table 2-3 Configuration of internal ROM external bus mode The memory map of this operation mode is illustrated in the next page. The gray memory area is not available. By default settings in file Start91460.asm chip select areas are set as non-cacheable areas (register ICHCR). For the Flash memory 8KB pre-fetch buffer is enabled (register FCHCR). For details about Flash memory and its instruction cache, please refer to the chapter 11 ‘Memory Controller’ of MB91460 hardware Manual. Instruction cache of external bus interface is declared in the chapter 12 ‘Instruction cache’. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 -8- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware Figure 2-1 Memory map of internal ROM external bus mode © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -9- MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.4.2 CC operation mode The mode pins MD[2:0] and MDE[2:0] select between different bus types. These pins can directly connected to GND or Vcc. None multiplexed bus interface mode MD2 MD1 1 0 MD0 Mode 16bit parallel communication 0 MDE2 MDE1 MDE0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Mode extension Multiplexed bus FR460 Nonmultiplexed bus FR460 16FX FR360 Table 2-4 Mode selection input of the communication controller Multiplexed bus interface mode MD2 MD1 1 0 MD0 0 Mode 16bit parallel communication MDE2 MDE1 MDE0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Mode extension Multiplexed bus FR460 Nonmultiplexed bus FR460 16FX FR360 Table 2-5 Mode selection input of the communication controller 2.5 Bus interface connection Two modes are possible: • 16-bit none multiplexed mode • 16-bit multiplexed mode MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 10 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.5.1 16-bit none multiplexed mode External bus interface: MB88121 pins in connection with MCU MB91F467D pins CC pin Nr Name 35 Function MCU pin Nr Name A10 30 P06_2/A10 36 A9 29 P06_1/A9 37 A8 28 P06_0/A8 38 A7 25 P07_7/A7 39 A6 24 P07_6/A6 40 A5 23 P07_5/A5 41 A4 22 P07_4/A4 42 A3 21 P07_3/A3 43 A2 20 P07_2/A2 44 A1 19 P07_1/A1 45 A0 18 P07_0/A0 46 D15 17 P00_7/D31 47 D14 16 P00_6/D30 50 D13 15 P00_5/D29 51 D12 14 P00_4/D28 52 D11 13 P00_3/D27 53 D10 12 P00_2/D26 54 D9 11 P00_1/D25 55 D8 10 P00_0/D24 56 D7 9 P01_7/D23 57 D6 8 P01_6/D22 58 D5 7 P01_5/D21 59 D4 6 P01_4/D20 60 D3 5 P01_3/D19 61 D2 4 P01_2/D18 62 D1 3 P01_1/D17 63 D0 2 P01_0/D16 15 BCLK Bus clock 65 P10_4/MCLKO 19 CS Chip select 59 P09_3/CSX3 20 RD Read enable 50 P08_4/RDX 21 WR Write enable 64 P10_3/WEX 27 RDY Ready signal 55 P08_7/RDY Address bus MCU=>CC Data bus MCU CC MCU=>CC CC=>MCU 3 Table 2-6: 16-bit none multiplex bus interface pin assignment © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 11 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.5.2 16-bit multiplexed bus interface mode External bus interface: CC pins in connection with MCU pins CC pin Nr Name 53 Function MCU pin Nr Name AD10 12 P00_2/D26 54 AD9 11 P00_1/D25 55 AD8 10 P00_0/D24 56 AD7 9 P01_7/D23 57 AD6 8 P01_6/D22 58 AD5 7 P01_5/D21 59 AD4 6 P01_4/D20 60 AD3 5 P01_3/D19 61 AD2 4 P01_2/D18 62 AD1 3 P01_1/D17 63 AD0 2 P01_0/D16 46 D15 17 P00_7/D31 47 D14 16 P00_6/D30 50 D13 15 P00_5/D29 51 D12 14 P00_4/D28 52 D11 13 P00_3/D27 15 BCLK Bus clock 65 P10_4/MCLKO 19 CS Chip select 59 P09_3/CSX3 20 RD Read enable 50 P08_4/RDX 21 WR Write enable 64 P10_3/WEX 22 AS Address strobe 62 P10_1/ASX 27 RDY Ready signal 55 P08_7/RDY Address/data bus MCU CC Data bus MCU CC MCU=>CC CC=>MCU 3 Table 2-7: 16-bit multiplexed bus interface pin assignment MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 12 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.6 Interrupts The MB88121 FlexRay CC is supporting also interrupt events. These events are available at pins and can be connected to MCU external interrupt pins. 2.6.1 CC interrupt Depending on used bus interface mode a different number of interrupt pins are available at CC side. CC pin Interrupt type INT0 E-Ray interrupt line0 (eray_int0) INT1 E-Ray interrupt line1 (eray_int1) INT2 E-Ray timer0 interrupt INT3 E-Ray timer1 interrupt INT4 Low voltage detection interrupt Table 2-8 CC interrupt output by 16bit multiplexed mode CC pin Interrupt type INT0 E-Ray interrupt line0 (eray_int0) INT1 E-Ray interrupt line1 (eray_int1) E-Ray timer0 interrupt INT2 E-Ray timer1 interrupt Low voltage detection interrupt Table 2-9 CC interrupt output by 16bit non-multiplexed mode 2.7 DMA pins The MB88121 is supporting DMA transfer from Host MCU. For this reason the DMA_Req pin is available. This pin needs to be connected to a DMA request pin at MCU side. For MB91F467D it is DREQ0 pin. 2.8 Stop Watch pin The MB88121 supports the Stop Watch function. The function is similar to Input Capture Unit, the time base is FlexRay global time. In case a external Signal, connected to Stop Watch pin, is changing its Level the Macrotick value of FlexRay channel A and B is stored in register and can be read out by host MCU. This pin is an input pin. If the function is not used, a pull-up or pull-down resistor must be connected to this pin. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 13 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 2 Hardware 2.9 Debug pins The MB88121 including debug pins, which help debugging during development phase. CC debug pins CC pin Nr Name Function I/O type 7 SDS Start of dynamic segment OUT 8 CYCS0 Cycle 0 start OUT 14 CYCS Cycle start OUT 23 MT Macrotick start OUT 38 MBSU_TX1 39 MBSU_RX1 44 MBSU_TX2 Message buffer status update port OUT 45 MBSU_RX2 Configuration register Debug support register DBGS Table 2-10: Debug pins on MB88121 The gray shaded pins are only available in 16-bit multiplexed mode. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 14 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3 Software This chapter discusses the Software related issues 3.1 Bus interface setup To access the MB88121 register in application these registers needs to be visible in the MCU address range. For that reason the bus interface needs to be setup. All these settings are available in start91460.asm file for MB91460 series MCU. Following needs to be done: • Initialise Bus interface for required signal timing • Ensure Port function is set to Bus interface • Setup of Bus interface Clock (CLKT) 3.1.1 Simplified timing diagram of the MB88121B (none multiplexed access) When using 16-bit none multiplexed mode The MB88121B requires following timing. This timing need to be setup in the Bus interface register at MCU side. Figure 3-1 MB88121 read operation (non-multiplexed) © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 15 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Operation sequence: 1. The RD pin (signal RD ) becomes low level, the output data on pins D[15:0] is invalid. 2. After that the RDY pin becomes low level at the next rising edge of the clock signal BCLK (pin BCLK), which causes the MCU to wait. 3. After several wait cycles the RDY pin becomes high level at the rising edge of the BCLK pin and the valid data is output from the pins D[15:0]. 4. When the RD pin becomes high level again, the read access is finished. Pins D[15:0] become Hi-Z. Figure 3-2 MB88121 Write operation (non-multiplexed) Operation sequence: 1. The WR pin (signal WR ) becomes low level. At the next rising edge of the BCLK pin the data on the pins D[15:0] is written to a temporary register and the RDY pin becomes low level, which causes the MCU to wait. 2. The data in the temporary register is written to the addressed register. The RDY pin becomes high level again. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 16 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.1.2 Simplified timing diagram of MB88121B (multiplexed access) Following timing needs to be setup in MB91460 series when using 16-bit multiplexed access. Figure 3-3 MB88121 read operation (multiplexed mode) Operation sequence: 1. The address is latched by the rising edge of AS pin (signal AS ). 2. The RD pin (signal RD ) becomes low level, the output data on pins D[15:11] and AD[10:0] is invalid. 3. After that the RDY pin becomes low level at the next rising edge of the clock signal BCLK (pin BCLK), which causes the MCU to wait. 4. After several wait cycles the RDY pin becomes high level at the rising edge of the BCLK pin and the valid data is output from the pins D[15:11] and AD[10:0]. 5. When the RD pin becomes high level again, the read access is finished. Pins D[15:11] and AD[10:0] become Hi-Z. Note: Details about RDY wait cycle and byte ordering are located in the MB88121 data sheet. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 17 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Figure 3-4 MB88121 write operation (multiplexed) Operation sequence: 1. The address is latched by the rising edge of AS pin (signal AS ). 2. The WR pin (signal WR ) becomes low level. At the next rising edge of the BCLK pin the data on the pins D[15:11] and AD[10:0] is written to a temporary register and the RDY pin becomes low level, which causes the MCU to wait. 3. The data in the temporary register is written to the addressed register. The RDY pin becomes high level again. Note: Details about RDY wait cycle and byte ordering are located in the MB88121 data sheet. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 18 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.1.3 Configuration registers of the external bus interface The following table list the external bus interface register available in MB91F467D series. Address +0 +1 +2 +3 Area select register Area configuration register 0x000640 ASR0 ACR0 0x000644 ASR1 ACR1 0x000648 ASR2 ACR2 0x00064C ASR3 ACR3 0x000650 \ \ 0x000654 \ \ 0x000658 ASR6 ACR6 0x00065C ASR7 ACR7 Area wait register 0x000660 AWR0 AWR1 0x000664 AWR2 AWR3 0x000668 \ \ 0x00066C AWR6 AWR7 Memory configuration register 0x000670 MCRA MCRB \ \ I/O wait register for DMA controller by fly-by transfer mode 0x000678 IOWR0 IOWR1 IOWR2 \ 0x000680 Chip select enable register CSER Cache enable register CHER \ Timing control register TCR \ \ 0x000684 Refresh control register RCR Grey: not used for MB88121B Table 3-1 External bus interface registers Area Select Register (ASR) Register ASR specifies the start address A[31:16] of each chip select area. For example if start address is 0x00500000, value 0x0050 is assigned to register ASR. The size of each area can be set in multiples of 64 KB. In this example CS3 area is configured with start address 0x00500000. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 19 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Area Configuration Register (ACR) Function of register ACR is listed below. The register defines e.g. Data bus width, bus signal usage, etc. A full description can be found in MB91460 series Hardware Manual. The Grey entries are used in the example software. Register ACRn Function Bit Name 15:12 ASZ[3:0] 11:10 DBW[1:0] Data bus width: 8/16/32 bit 9:8 BST[1:0] Maximum burst size : 1/2/4/8 7 SREN 6 PFEN 5 WREN 4 LEND 3:0 TYP[3:0] Size of the chip select area: 2 N x 64KB with N [0,15] 0 Sharing of chip select area disabled 1 Sharing of chip select area enabled 0 Disable pre-fetch 1 Enable pre-fetch 0 Write operation of the chip select area disabled 1 Write operation of the chip select area enabled 0 Big-endian byte ordering (CS0 supports only big-endian) 1 little-endian byte ordering Access type of the chip select area Grey: used for MB88121B Table 3-2 Register ACR content ASZ[3] ASZ[2] ASZ[1] ASZ[0] Area size Valid bit of register ASR 0 0 0 0 64KB ASR_A[31:16] 0 0 0 1 128KB ASR_A[31:17] 0 0 1 0 256KB ASR_A[31:18] 0 0 1 1 512KB ASR_A[31:19] 0 1 0 0 1MB ASR_A[31:20] 0 1 0 1 2MB ASR_A[31:21] 0 1 1 0 4MB ASR_A[31:22] 0 1 1 1 8MB ASR_A[31:23] 1 0 0 0 16MB ASR_A[31:24] 1 0 0 1 32MB ASR_A[31:25] 1 0 1 0 64MB ASR_A[31:26] 1 0 1 1 128MB ASR_A[31:27] 1 1 0 0 256MB ASR_A[31:28] MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 20 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software ASZ[3] ASZ[2] ASZ[1] ASZ[0] Area size Valid bit of register ASR 1 1 0 1 512MB ASR_A[31:29] 1 1 1 0 1024MB ASR_A[31:30] 1 1 1 1 2048MB ASR_A[31] Grey: used for MB88121B Table 3-3 ASZ bits of register ACR TYP[3] TYP[2] TYP[1] TYP[0] Access type 0 0 X X Normal access 0 1 X X Address/data multiplexed access 0 X X 0 Disable WAIT insertion by the RDY pin 0 X X 1 Enable WAIT insertion by the RDY pin Use pins WRX[3:0] 0 X 0 X ( WR 0 , WR1 , WR 2 , WR3 ) as write strobe 0 X 1 X Use pin WEX ( WE ) as write strobe Grey: used for MB88121B Table 3-4 TYP bits of register ACR for 16-bit none multiplexed mode TYP[3] TYP[2] TYP[1] TYP[0] Access type 0 0 X X Normal access 0 1 X X Address/data multiplexed access 0 X X 0 Disable WAIT insertion by the RDY pin 0 X X 1 Enable WAIT insertion by the RDY pin Use pins WRX[3:0] 0 X 0 X ( WR 0 , WR1 , WR 2 , WR3 ) as write strobe 0 X 1 X Use pin WEX ( WE ) as write strobe Table 3-5 TYP bits of register ACR for 16-bit multiplexed mode © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 21 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software DBW1 DBW0 Data bus width 0 0 8bit 0 1 16bit 1 0 32bit 1 1 \ BST1 BST0 Maximum burst length Single access (not burst access) 0 0 1 One access sequence starts with an assertion of AS and CS and ends with negation of CS . 0 1 2 1 0 4 1 1 8 Burst access (transfer successive data items in one access sequence) RDY input is ignored in burst access. Grey: used for MB88121B Table 3-6 DBW and BST bits of register ACR Area Wait Register (AWR) Function of register AWR is listed below. The register is used to configure the bus interface timing to the demands using wait state insertion. Grey entries are used in the example. ACR_TYP[3:0]=00XX Normal access (asynchronous SRAM, I/O, and single/page/burst-ROM/FLASH) Precondition ACR_TYP[3:0]=01XX Address/data multiplexed access (8/16-bit bus width only) AWR Bit W[15:12] W[11:8] W[7:6] W[5:4] W03 Function 1-15 3 auto-wait cycles are inserted into every first access cycle 0 No auto-wait cycle inserted 1-15 3 auto-wait cycles are inserted into the in-page access cycle during burst access (not used for MB88121B) 0 No auto-wait cycle inserted 1/2/3 3 idle cycles are inserted to prevent data collision on the data bus if a write cycle follows a read cycle 0 No idle cycle inserted 1/2/3 3 write recovery cycles are inserted after write access. During this time all chip select signals are negated and the data pins maintain high impedance 0 No write recovery cycle inserted 0 pin WRX[3:0] and pin WEX are used as synchronous write enable output 1 pin WRX[3:0] and pin WEX are used as asynchronous write strobe output MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 22 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software ACR_TYP[3:0]=00XX Normal access (asynchronous SRAM, I/O, and single/page/burst-ROM/FLASH) Precondition ACR_TYP[3:0]=01XX Address/data multiplexed access (8/16-bit bus width only) AWR Bit Function 0 W02 1 0 CS is asserted at the same time when AS is asserted CS is asserted at the rising edge of the clock signal MCLK Read/write strobe is asserted at the rising edge of the clock signal MCLK as soon as W01 1 0 W00 1 CS is asserted Read/write strobe is asserted one cycle later after CS is asserted CS is negated after read/write strobe is negated One cycle is inserted before CS is negated after read/write strobe is negated Grey: used for MB88121B Table 3-7 Register AWR content © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 23 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Timing example of ordinary (non-multiplexed) bus Using the settings above the timing should look like following figure: An example under the condition ACR_TYP[3:0]=3 and AWR=0x2008 is shown below. Figure 3-5 Timing example of the non-multiplexed mode Note: • The basic access cycle includes two clock cycles • AS is asserted for one cycle in the bus access start cycle. The usage of pin ASX is not necessary for MB88121B in the non-multiplexed mode. • AWR_W02=0, CS is asserted at the same time when AS is asserted. • RD and WR are asserted at the second cycle of the bus access. If AWR_W01=1, assertion of RD and WR will be one cycle delayed after CS is asserted. Negation occurs after the wait cycle is finished (register AWR bit W15-W12). • AWR_W00=0, CS is negated direct after the bus cycle ends ( RD / WR are negated). • For read access, data is read at the rising edge of the clock signal MCLK only when the wait cycle is finished. • For write access, data output starts when WR is asserted. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 24 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Timing example of multiplexed bus An example with configuration ACR_TYP[3:0]=7 and AWR=0x0008 is shown below. Figure 3-6 Timing example of the multiplexed bus mode Note: • The basic access cycle includes 2 address output cycles and 1 data cycle. • In the address output cycles pin ASX (address strobe) is asserted. • Set one as the burst length (register ACR_BST[1:0]=0). • Like the ordinary bus register AWR[15:12], AWR[7:4], AWR[2:0] can be set. • Pin RDY (ACR_TYP0=1) is enabled for external wait insertion • Use pin WEX as the write strobe (ACR_TYP1=1) © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 25 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Settings of register ASR, AWR, ACR, CSER in file start91460.asm Using the Fujitsu template projects, the bus interface settings are defined in the start91460.asm file. Following shows the according settings in the file. ;=============================== ; 4.9 External Bus Interface ;=============================== #set EXTBUS ON ;The external bus-interface is enabled ;============================= ; 4.9.1 Select Chip select ;============================= #set CS3 ON ;Select CS3 #set ENACSX B'00001000 ;Enable CS3 ;============================================== ; 4.9.2 Set memory addressing for Chip selects ;============================================== #set AREASEL3 0x0050 ;Set start address for CS3 ;================================= ; 4.9.3 Configure Chip select Area ;================================= #set CONFIGCS3 B'0000010000100011 ;Configure CS3, ACR3 ;======================================== ; 4.9.4 Set Wait cycles for Chip selects ;======================================== #set WAITREG3 B'0011001111111000 ;CS3 Wait state, AWR3 ;==================== ; 6.6.6 Set CS3 ;==================== #if CS3 LDI #0x064C, R1 ; area select register ASR3, ACR3 LDI #(AREASEL3<<16)+CONFIGCS3, R0 ; load settings ST R0, @R1 ; set registers LDI #0x666, R1 ; area wait register AWR3 LDI #WAITREG3, R2 ; wait settings STH R2, @R1 ; set register #endif ;========================= ; 6.6.16 Enable used CS ;========================= LDI #0x0680, R3 ; Chip select enable register CSER LDI #ENACSX, R2 ORB R2, @R3 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 26 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Register CHER, IOWR, TCR, MCRA, MCRB and RCR Register CHER decides whether the data, read from the chip select area, is saved in the built-in cache or not. For the communication controller the cache function is disabled through register ICHCR. MCU accesses the communication controller directly without cache intervention. ;=================================================== ; 4.8 Enable/Disable I-CACHE ;=================================================== #set C1024 1 ; CACHE Size: 1024 BYTE #set C2048 2 ; CACHE Size: 2048 BYTE #set C4096 3 ; CACHE Size: 4096 BYTE #set CACHE OFF ; I-CACHE is disabled #set CACHE_SIZE C4096 ; select size of CACHE ; This is a general CACHE-Enable. By the configuration of the external bus ; it is selected, which chip select area should be cached ;==================================== ; 4.9.8 Enable CACHE for chip select ;==================================== ; select which chip select area is used with Cache functionality #set CHEENA B'11111111 ;enable cache for each CS ; ||||||||__ CHE0 bit, CS0 area ; |||||||___ CHE1 bit, CS1 area ; ||||||____ CHE2 bit, CS2 area ; |||||_____ CHE3 bit, CS3 area ; ||||______ CHE4 bit, CS4 area ; |||_______ CHE5 bit, CS5 area ; ||________ CHE6 bit, CS6 area ; |_________ CHE7 bit, CS7 area ;======================================= ; 6.6.14 Enable CACHE for selected CS ;======================================= LDI #0x0681, R3 ; cache enable register CHER LDI #CHEENA, R2 ORB R2, @R3 ;========================================= ; 6.7 I-cache ON/OFF ;========================================= LDI #0x03E7, R1 ; Cache control register ICHCR LDI #0x06, R2 ; disable cache STB R2, @R1 ; © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 27 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Note: Not all MB91460 devices support Cache on external bus interface. 3.1.4 Setup of Port function register (PFR) The Port function register defines which resource of the MCU is connected to the pin. All the used pins of the external bus interface are listed below. None-multiplexed mode: • Address line: A10 to A0 • Data lines: D31 to D16 • Control lines: RDY, MCLKO, CS 3 , RD , WE Multiplexed mode: • Address/Data line: D31 to D16 • Control lines: RDY, MCLKO, CS 3 , RD , WE , AS MB91F467D provides maximal 26bit address-line and 32bit data-line for the external bus interface. During the power-on or INITX reset MCU pins are going to Hi-Z (high impedance) and the inputs are disabled to prevent the leakage by any floating pin. After release of reset the IO-ports will be set to their initial function. The external bus function is active until any user program overwrites the related port function register PFR. I/O Port P00 to P03 P04 to P07 P08 to P10 Other ports Initial function External bus (Data bus D0 to D31) External bus (Address bus A0 to A31) External bus (Control bus) General purpose I/O Table 3-8 Initial I/O port function Memory address 0x000D80 0x000D84 0x000D88 +0 +1 +2 +3 PFR00 PFR01 PFR02 PFR03 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 PFR04 PFR05 PFR06 PFR07 ------11 11111111 11111111 11111111 PFR08 PFR09 PFR10 \ 11111111 11- -1111 -111111- … 0x000DC8 \ \ EPFR10 - -00- - - - \ Table 3-9 Port function registers (PFR/EPFR) and their initial values in memory MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 28 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Since the communication controller MB88121B has 11bit address-line and 16bit data-line, the bus width is fixed. • 16bit data bus, MCU pin D15 to D0 are not used (Big endian Byte ordering). • E-Ray registers are 16bit addressed from 0x0000 to 0x07FC. Each register is 32bit long and begins at even address. Since the data bus is restricted to 16bit, the high order 16bit data and low order 16bit data are distinguished by address bit A[1]. The first five bits and the last bit of a 16bit address are always zero. The 11bit address bus is shown below. MCU port 0 and port 1 are assigned to data bus. MCU port 6 and port 7 are assigned to address bus. 0 0 0 0 Always zero 0 X X X X X X Address A[10:2] X X X X 0 A[1] A[0] Table 3-10 11bit address line © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 29 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Port function register settings in start91460.asm Following find the settings required in the start91460.asm file to enable the corresponding function at the pin. ;=============================================== ; 4.9.9 Select External bus mode (Data lines) ;=============================================== #set PFUNC0 B'11111111 ;select data lines ; ||||||||__ D24 / P00_0 ; |||||||___ D25 / P00_1 ; ||||||____ D26 / P00_2 ; |||||_____ D27 / P00_3 ; ||||______ D28 / P00_4 ; |||_______ D29 / P00_5 ; ||________ D30 / P00_6 ; |_________ D31 / P00_7 #set PFUNC1 B'11111111 ;select data lines ; ||||||||__ D16 / P01_0 ; |||||||___ D17 / P01_1 ; ||||||____ D18 / P01_2 ; |||||_____ D19 / P01_3 ; ||||______ D20 / P01_4 ; |||_______ D21 / P01_5 ; ||________ D22 / P01_6 ; |_________ D23 / P01_7 ;============================================================ ; set PFR00 Register. External bus mode (D[24-31]) ;============================================================ LDI #0x0D80, R1 ; Port Function Register 0, (PFR00) LDI #PFUNC0, R0 ; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register ;========================================================== ; set PFR01 Register. External bus mode (D[16-23]) ;========================================================== LDI #0x0D81, R1 ; Port Function Register 1, (PFR01) LDI #PFUNC1, R0 ; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 30 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software ;=================================================== ; 4.9.11 Select External bus mode (Control lines) ;=================================================== #set PFUNC8 B'10010000 ;select control signals ; ||||||||__ WRX0 / P08_0 ; |||||||___ WRX1 / P08_1 ; ||||||____ WRX2 / P08_2 ; |||||_____ WRX3 / P08_3 ; ||||______ RDX / P08_4 ; |||_______ BGRNTX / P08_5 ; ||________ BRQ / P08_6 ; |_________ RDY / P08_7 #set PFUNC9 B'00001000 ;select control signals ; ||||||||__ CSX0 / P09_0 ; |||||||___ CSX1 / P09_1 ; ||||||____ CSX2 / P09_2 ; |||||_____ CSX3 / P09_3 ; ||||______ CSX4 / P09_4 ; |||_______ CSX5 / P09_5 ; ||________ CSX6 / P09_6 ; |_________ CSX7 / P09_7 #set PFUNC10 B'00011000 ;select control signals ; |||||||__ (SYSCLK or !SYSCLK) / P10_0 ; ||||||___ ASX / P10_1 ; |||||____ BAAX / P10_2 ; ||||_____ WEX / P10_3 ; |||______ (MCLKO or !MCLKO) / P10_4 ; ||_______ (MCLKI or !MCLKI) / P10_5 ; |________ MCLKE / P10_6 #set EPFUNC10 B'00000000 ;select control signals ; || |__ 0:SYSCLK / 1:!SYSCLK ; ||______ 0:MCLKO / 1:!MCLKO ; |_______ 0:MCLKI / 1:!MCLKI © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 31 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software ;================================================================== ; set PFR08 Register. External bus mode (Control Signals) ;================================================================== LDI #0x0D88, R1 ; Port 8 Function Register, (PFR08) LDI #PFUNC8, R0 ; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register ;==================================================================== ; set PFR09 Register. External bus mode (Control Signals) ;==================================================================== LDI #0x0D89, R1 ; Port 9 Function Register, (PFR09) LDI #PFUNC9, R0 ; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register ;=================================================================== ; set PFR10 Register. External bus mode (Control Signals) ;=================================================================== LDI #0x0D8A, R1 ; Port 10 Function Register, (PFR10) LDI #PFUNC10, R0 ; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register ;================================================================== ; .6.12.12 set EPFR10 Register. External bus mode (Control Signals) ;================================================================== LDI #0x0DCA, R1 ; Port 10 Extended Function Register, (EPFR10) LDI #EPFUNC10, R0; load port settings STB R0, @R1 ; set register MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 32 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Multiplexed mode port function register setting Using Multiplexed mode lower pin count is required because of Multiplexed addressdata bus usage. In Multiplexed mode ASX signal is required. Find the different port function setting below: ;==================================================== ; 4.9.10 Select External bus mode (Address lines) ;==================================================== #set PFUNC6 B'00000000 ;select address lines ; ||||||||__ A8 / P06_0 ; |||||||___ A9 / P06_1 ; ||||||____ A10 / P06_2 ; |||||_____ A11 / P06_3 ; ||||______ A12 / P06_4 ; |||_______ A13 / P06_5 ; ||________ A14 / P06_6 ; |_________ A15 / P06_7 #set PFUNC7 B'00000000 ;select address lines ; ||||||||__ A0 / P07_0 ; |||||||___ A1 / P07_1 ; ||||||____ A2 / P07_2 ; |||||_____ A3 / P07_3 ; ||||______ A4 / P07_4 ; |||_______ A5 / P07_5 ; ||________ A6 / P07_6 ; |_________ A7 / P07_7 #set PFUNC10 B'00011010 ;select control signals ; |||||||__ (SYSCLK or !SYSCLK) / P10_0 ; ||||||___ ASX / P10_1 ; |||||____ BAAX / P10_2 ; ||||_____ WEX / P10_3 ; |||______ (MCLKO or !MCLKO) / P10_4 ; ||_______ (MCLKI or !MCLKI) / P10_5 ; |________ MCLKE / P10_6 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 33 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.1.5 External bus clock To finalise the bus interface settings the external Bus clock needs to be setup. This clock is output at MCLKO pin. The maximum bus clock frequency at MB88121 side is 33MHz. Based on a 4MHz external oscillator and internal PLL circuitry the maximal core frequency of MB91F467D (CLKB) can reach 96MHz. Accordingly the maximal external bus frequency (CLKT) is 48MHz. Register DIVR1 configures the clock used by the external bus interface (CLKT). The example is using following setting: • CLKB = 64MHz (CPU frequency) • CLKT = CLKB/2 =32MHz CLKB = [main oscillator * (PLLDIVM + 1) * ( PLLDIVN + 1 ) ] / [ (PLLDIVM + 1) * (DIVR0_B + 1) ] = [ 4MHz * 2 * 16 ] / [ 2 * 1] = 64 MHz Example setting in start91460.asm Following shows the setting required in start91460.asm file. ;============================================== ; 4.6 Clock Selection ;============================================== ; There exist 3 internal clock trees: ; CPU clock, peripheral clock and external bus clock #set CLOCKSOURCE MAINPLLCLOCK ; select main clock with PLL #set PLLx16 0x010F #set PLLSPEED PLLx16 ; CLKB = 64MHz ; PLLSPEED corresponds to the registers PLLDIVM and PLLDIVN at the ; address 0x48Ch and 0x48Dh. #set DIV_G 0x0F ; register PLLDIVG at address 0x48Eh #set MUL_G 0x0F ; register PLLMULG at address 0x48Fh ; PLL auto gear-up and auto gear-down ; recommendation settings for 64MHz ;======================================================== ; 4.6.3 Select CPU and peripheral and External-bus clock ;======================================================== #set BASECLOCK_DIV2 0x01 ; 1/2 CLKB #set EXTBUSCLOCK BASECLOCK_DIV2 ; external bus clock CLKT=32MHz. ;=============================================== ; Set External Bus interface clock ;=============================================== ; register DIVR1 set the clock division ratio (relative to the base ; clock) for the clock used by the external bus interface (CLKT). ; Always write 0 to the lower 4 bits of DIVR1 register LDI #0x0487, R2 ; Set DIVR1 LDI #(EXTBUSCLOCK << 4), R3 ; STB R3, @R2 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 34 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.1.6 Initialisation sequence of MB88121 After the proper setup of the bus interface MB88121 is visual in the MCU address range starting at 0x50.0000. The MB88121 requires internal operation frequency of 80 MHz. This frequency is generated via the internal PLL of the MB88121. First access to MB88121 should setup the PLL. The PLL is set in the CLOCK CONTROL REGISTER (CCNT) (Address 0x04 => 0x50.0004). The example is using a 10 MHz crystal. The PLL must be setup to multiplication ratio x8 (PMUL[1:0]) to achieve the 80 MHz. The PLL must be enabled via PON bit. To supply the FlexRay CC with clock the STOP bit needs to be set to ‘0’. Other bits shall be set to ‘0’. The stabilisation time of the PLL is 600us. After this time the MB88121 The PLL clock usage can be selected via the CCNT.SEEL bit ( set to ‘1’). The wait time can be assured using a reload timer of the MCU. The MB88121 is operating with 80 MHz. It is now possible to initialise the MB88121 with the FlexRay bus parameter settings. /* THIS SAMPLE CODE IS PROVIDED AS IS AND IS SUBJECT TO ALTERATIONS. */ /* FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR */ /* ANY ERRORS OR ELIGIBILITY FOR ANY PURPOSES. /* */ (C) Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH #define CCNT ((uint32_t *)0x500004) */ /* address of CCNT ERAY Register */ void start_rldtmr_3 (void){ TMCSR3_TRG = 1; /* start count operation */ } /* setup of reload timer 3 */ TMCSR3_CNTE = 0; /* stop reload Timer */ TMRLR3 = 600; /* set reload value */ TMCSR3 = 0x0802; /* set MB88121 Clock */ *CCNT = 0x0000000D; /* enable PLL, PLLx8 */ start_rldtmr_3(); /* start wait time */ while (!TMCSR3_UF); /* PLL stabilization wait time */ *CCNT = 0x0000000F; /* switch to PLL clock */ © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 35 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.2 Interrupts Using interrupts of the MB88121 Communication Controller requires connection to external interrupt pin. That requires also the setup of the external interrupt at MCU beside the setup of the interrupt at MB88121 side. 3.2.1 MB88121 interrupt Depending on used bus interface mode the MB88121 have different interrupt pins available. CC pin Interrupt type INT0 E-Ray interrupt line0 (eray_int0) INT1 E-Ray interrupt line1 (eray_int1) INT2 E-Ray timer0 interrupt INT3 E-Ray timer1 interrupt INT4 Low voltage detection interrupt Table 3-11 CC interrupt output by 16bit multiplexed mode CC pin Interrupt type INT0 E-Ray interrupt line0 (eray_int0) INT1 E-Ray interrupt line1 (eray_int1) E-Ray timer0 interrupt INT2 E-Ray timer1 interrupt Low voltage detection interrupt Table 3-12 CC interrupt output by 16bit non-multiplexed mode After power-on / Reset these pins are set to output driving Low level. Interrupt requests are indicated by High Level output at the pins. To enable the output of the signals INT2 to INT 4 the INT (Interrupt register) at offset address 0x0C (0x50.000C) must be used. The dedicated E-Ray timer interrupts are indication a request just a few Macroticks, It is recommended to use rising edge detection for the external interrupts. The INT0 and INT1 pins are connected to the Eray_int0 and Eray_int1 interrupts. The functions are configured with the E-Ray interrupt registers. In case of an interrupt request the pins output High-level and remaining the level until the Interrupt Flag is clear in the corresponding register. Following interrupt registers are available: • Error Interrupt Register (EIR): indicates an error interrupt request • Status Interrupt Register (SIR): indicates a status interrupt request • Error Interrupt Line Select (EILS): Selects which error interrupt is output at which eray_int (0 or 1) line. • Status Interrupt Line Select (SILS): Selects which status interrupt is output at which eray_int (0 or 1) line. MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 36 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software • Error Interrupt Enable Set / Reset (EIES, EIER): Enable / disable error interrupts • Status Interrupt Enable Set / Reset (SIES, SIER) : Enable / disable status interrupts • Interrupt Line Enable (ILE): Enable interrupt lines 3.2.2 MCU external interrupt Following show the setup and usage of the external interrupt (rising edge) for MB88121 connection. Following registers are relevant for external interrupt: • ELVR: interrupt request level register • EIRR: interrupt request register • ENIR: interrupt request enable register • DDR: data direction register • PFR: port function register • ICR: interrupt control register External interrupt configuration registers Register ELVR, EIRR and ENIR specify the external interrupt function. ELVR defines how to detect interrupt request signal. EIRR shows if an external interrupt request is detected. ENIR enables/disables interrupt request. External interrupt 0-7 Bit value register address 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EIRR0 0x30 ER7 ER6 ER5 ER4 ER3 ER2 ER1 ER0 ENIR0 0x31 EN7 EN6 EN5 EN4 EN3 EN2 EN1 EN0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 LB7 LA7 LB6 LA6 LB5 LA5 LB4 LA4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LB3 LA3 LB2 LA2 LB1 LA1 LB0 LA0 ELVR0 0x32 0x33 External interrupt 8-14 Bit value register address 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EIRR1 0x34 \ ER14 ER13 ER12 \ ER10 ER9 ER8 ENIR1 0x35 \ EN14 EN13 EN12 \ EN10 EN9 EN8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 \ \ LB14 LA14 LB13 LA13 LB12 LA12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 \ \ LB10 LA10 LB9 LA9 LB8 LA8 ELVR1 0x36 0x37 Table 3-13 EIRR, ENIR ELVR overview © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 37 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software LBn LAn Description 0 0 Detect “L” level and generate an interrupt request 0 1 Detect “H” level and generate an interrupt request 1 0 Detect the rising-edge and generate an interrupt request 1 1 Detect the falling-edge and generate an interrupt request Table 3-14 ELVR register CC interrupt pins are high-level active. Therefore signal high-level or rising-edge should be chosen for external interrupt detection. ERn Read register Write register 0 No external interrupt request present Clear external interrupt request flag 1 External interrupt request present No effect Table 3-15 EIRR register ENn Description 0 External interrupt request is disabled 1 External interrupt request is enabled Table 3-16 ENIR register Port function Register (PFR) MB91F467D have altogether 14 external interrupt channels. User should choose three of them for 16bit non-multiplexed mode. The external interrupt function is assigned to MCU port22, port23 and port24. Each of them has a 8bit port function register (PFR). The default value of register the PFR after reset is zero, respectively all ports are general purpose input. To use the external interrupt function only register PFR should be set to one. Note: All input pins are disabled by default. After pin configuration according to its function it is necessary to enable the input pins globally: PORTEN = 0x3; MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 38 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software MCU pin Nr 83 84 85 86 Port24 87 88 89 90 91 Port23 93 95 Pin function P24_0 General purpose I/O PFR24_0=0 DDR24_0=0/1 INT0 External interrupt 0 PFR24_0=1 DDR24_0=0 P24_1 General purpose I/O PFR24_1=0 DDR24_1=0/1 INT1 External interrupt 1 PFR24_1=1 DDR24_1=0 P24_2 General purpose I/O PFR24_2=0 DDR24_2=0/1 INT2 External interrupt 2 PFR24_2=1 DDR24_2=0 P24_3 General purpose I/O PFR24_3=0 DDR24_3=0/1 INT3 External interrupt 3 PFR24_3=1 DDR24_3=0 P24_4 General purpose I/O PFR24_4=0 DDR24_4=0/1 INT4 External interrupt 4 PFR24_4=1 DDR24_4=0 SDA2 Serial data pin for I2C 2 PFR24_4=1 DDR24_4=0/1 P24_5 General purpose I/O PFR24_5=0 DDR24_5=0/1 INT5 External interrupt 5 PFR24_5=1 DDR24_5=0 SCL2 Serial clock pin for I2C 2 PFR24_5=1 DDR24_5=0/1 P24_6 General purpose I/O PFR24_6=0 DDR24_6=0/1 INT6 External interrupt 6 PFR24_6=1 DDR24_6=0 SDA3 Serial data pin for I2C 3 PFR24_6=1 DDR24_4=0/1 P24_7 General purpose I/O PFR24_7=0 DDR24_7=0/1 INT7 External interrupt 7 PFR24_7=1 DDR24_7=0 SCL3 Serial clock pin for I2C 3 PFR24_7=1 DDR24_7=0/1 P23_0 General purpose I/O PFR23_0=0 DDR23_0=0/1 INT8 External interrupt 8 PFR23_0=1 DDR23_0=0 RX0 Reception input pin for CAN 0 PFR23_0=1 DDR23_0=0 P23_2 General purpose I/O PFR23_2=0 DDR23_2=0/1 INT9 External interrupt 9 PFR23_2=1 DDR23_2=0 RX1 Reception input pin for CAN 1 PFR23_2=1 DDR23_2=0 P23_4 General purpose I/O PFR23_4=0 DDR23_4=0/1 INT10 External interrupt 10 PFR23_4=1 DDR23_4=0 PFR23_4=1 DDR23_4=0 RX2 97 Port22 98 99 precondition Reception input pin for CAN 2 P22_0 General purpose I/O PFR22_0=0 DDR22_0=0/1 INT12 External interrupt 12 PFR22_0=1 DDR22_0=0 P22_2 General purpose I/O PFR22_2=0 DDR22_2=0/1 INT13 External interrupt 13 PFR22_2=1 DDR22_2=0 P22_4 General purpose I/O PFR22_4=0 DDR22_4=0/1 INT14 External interrupt 14 PFR22_4=1 DDR22_4=0 SDA0 Serial data pin for I2C 0 PFR22_4=1 DDR22_4=0/1 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 39 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software Table 3-17 I/O port configuration for external interrupt An initialization example of the external interrupt 5 is shown below. void Init_extint_5 (void){ ENIR0_EN5 = 0; /* disable extInt5 interrupt */ DDR24_D5 = 0; /* port24.5 Data direction: input */ PFR24_D5 = 1; /* set Port function of P24.5 to external Interrupt */ ELVR0_LB5 = 1; /* rising edge detection */ ELVR0_LA5 = 0; EIRR0_ER5 = 0; /* clear interrupt request flag */ ENIR0_EN5 = 1; /* enable extInt5 interrupt */ } Before enabling the external interrupt request (ENn = 1) it is recommended to clear the request flag of the external interrupt (ERn = 0) to avoid interrupts caused by previous trigger (ERn is set independently of the setting of ENn). Interrupt vector table Register ICR defines the interrupt level. 16 priority levels are programmable. Level 16 has the highest priority and level 31 disable the interrupt. The address of each interrupt service routine is set in the interrupt vector. The vector address for each external interrupt is calculated by adding the offset (listed in the following table) to the table base register value (TBR). The TBR specifies the top of the interrupt vector table. Its initial value after a reset is 0x000FFC00. External interrupt channel Interrupt number (decimal) 0 16 1 17 2 18 3 19 4 20 5 21 6 22 7 23 8 24 9 25 10 26 reserved 27 12 28 13 29 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interrupt level Interrupt vector Configuration register Register address ICR00 0x440 ICR01 0x441 ICR02 0x442 ICR03 0x443 ICR04 0x444 ICR05 0x445 ICR06 0x446 - 40 - Offset Default vector address 0x3BC 0x000FFFBC 0x3B8 0x000FFFB8 0x3B4 0x000FFFB4 0x3B0 0x000FFFB0 0x3AC 0x000FFFAC 0x3A8 0x000FFFA8 0x3A4 0x000FFFA4 0x3A0 0x000FFFA0 0x39C 0x000FFF9C 0x398 0x000FFF98 0x394 0x000FFF94 0x390 0x000FFF90 0x38C 0x000FFF8C 0x388 0x000FFF88 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software External interrupt channel Interrupt number (decimal) 14 30 reserved 31 Interrupt level Configuration register Register address ICR07 0x447 Interrupt vector Offset Default vector address 0x384 0x000FFF84 0x380 0x000FFF80 Table 3-18 Interrupt vector table A default interrupt vector table for MB91460 series is located in file vectors.c (provided in the template project). An example for the external interrupt 5 is shown below. void InitIrqLevels(void) /* interrupt level definition */ { … ICR02 = 28; /* external Interrupt 5 */ … } … __interrupt void ExtInt5_IRQHandler(void); /* interrupt service routine */ … #pragma intvect ExtInt5_IRQHandler 21 /* interrupt vector definition */ … Note: After reset the external interrupt request is masked without reception (I flag of register CCR is zero). User should set this flag to one in the application through interrupt mask disable function ‘__EI()’ © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 41 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.3 DMA usage To fasten payload data access, the MB88121 supports DMA request for Input and Output buffer transfer. 3.3.1 DMA register at MB88121 The lower 16-bit (Bit 15..0) of the CUS2 Register (Adr. 0x08 => 0x50.0008) are used to control the DMA request feature of MB88121. The DMAINV bit selects the Active Level (High or Low), the DMAOE bit select if DAM request is output to a pin. The DMARE bit enables the interrupt request. See also the Users Guide of MB88121 series. 3.3.2 DMA at MB91460 The MB91460 series DMA supports different transfer modes. In this example we are using 2-cycle transfer type: data is read from an address and then written to another address. The Fly-by transfer type is suitable for DMA function between external I/O and external memory. Therefore register IOWR is not used. For further details see Hardware Manual of MB91460 series and Application note mcu-an300059-e-mb91460_dma. Using the DMA following needs to be encountered: The MB88121 is connected to the external transfer request pin “DREQ0” in our example. So this DMA bus interface transfer needs to be setup. Following settings have to be selected: - Source address - Destination address - Increment / decrement source / destination address - Data length - Number of data transmissions (data count) - DMA channel assignment - Transfer type MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 42 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.3.3 DMA flow for Output buffer transfer Figure 3-7: Output buffer DMA flow © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 43 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.3.4 DMA flow for input buffer transfer Figure 3-8 Input buffer DMA flow MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 44 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 3 Software 3.4 Debugging support The MB88121 offering also debug support at some pins. CC debug pins CC pin Nr Name Function I/O type 7 SDS Start of dynamic segment OUT 8 CYCS0 Cycle 0 start OUT 14 CYCS Cycle start OUT 23 MT Macrotick start OUT 38 MBSU_TX1 39 MBSU_RX1 44 MBSU_TX2 Message buffer status update port OUT 45 MBSU_RX2 Configuration register Debug support register DBGS Table 3-19: Debug pins on MB88121 The gray shaded pins are only available in 16-bit multiplexed mode. After power on / reset these pins are set to output driving Low level. The upper 16-bit (Bit 31..16) of CUS2 Register is called Debug support register (DBGS), having the offset address 0x08 (0x50.0008) . Via these pins the output of the dedicated debug signal is controlled. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 45 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 4 Reference 4 Reference • Application note: mcu-an-300021-e-start91460 describing start91460.asm file • Application note: mcu-an-300033-e-mb91460_hw_setup • Application note: mcu-an-300055-e-mb91460_irq • Application note: mcu-an-300059-e-mb91460_dma • MB91F467D series Datasheet • Hardware Manual for MB91460 series • MB88121B series Datasheet • MB88121 series User’s Manual • Starter kit SK-91F467-FLEXRAY MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 46 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix 5 Appendix 5.1 Connection example using none-multiplexed Bus interface A connection example of the non-multiplexed mode is summarized in the following table. The gray entries show the differences between two parallel modes. All pins of the MB88121 communication controller (CC) are divided into 7 categories: • External bus interface: CC pins in connection with MCU pins • CC mode pins • CC debug pins • CC stop watch trigger pin • CC pins in connection with physical layer transceiver • CC power supply pins • CC external clock pin Note: 1. The connection of the interrupt pins is application-specific. The table here shows only an example. 2. The CC reset pin can be controlled by MCU reset pin or by an independent circuitry. 3. By default settings in file start91460.asm (see chapter 2.5) chip select area 3 is configured. Other areas can also be used. 4. For the power supply it should be noticed that MB88121B is a single voltage supply chip. All power supply pins should have the same supply voltage between 3.3V and 5V (see chapter 2.2). © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 47 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix External bus interface: MB88121 pins in connection with MCU MB91F467D pins CC pin Nr Name 35 Function MCU pin Nr Name A10 30 P06_2/A10 36 A9 29 P06_1/A9 37 A8 28 P06_0/A8 38 A7 25 P07_7/A7 39 A6 24 P07_6/A6 40 A5 23 P07_5/A5 41 A4 22 P07_4/A4 42 A3 21 P07_3/A3 43 A2 20 P07_2/A2 44 A1 19 P07_1/A1 45 A0 18 P07_0/A0 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 46 D15 17 P00_7/D31 47 D14 16 P00_6/D30 50 D13 15 P00_5/D29 51 D12 14 P00_4/D28 52 D11 13 P00_3/D27 53 D10 12 P00_2/D26 54 D9 11 P00_1/D25 55 D8 10 P00_0/D24 56 D7 9 P01_7/D23 57 D6 8 P01_6/D22 58 D5 7 P01_5/D21 59 D4 6 P01_4/D20 60 D3 5 P01_3/D19 61 D2 4 P01_2/D18 62 D1 3 P01_1/D17 63 D0 2 P01_0/D16 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 10 INT0 83 P24_0/INT0 34 INT1 84 P24_1/INT1 22 INT2 85 P24_2/INT2 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 6 RST Reset 15 BCLK Bus clock 65 P10_4/MCLKO 19 CS Chip select 59 P09_3/CSX3 20 RD Read enable 50 P08_4/RDX Address bus MCU=>CC Function Data bus MCU CC Function 1 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 CC interrupt output CC=>MCU Function MCU=>CC - 48 - 73 INITX 2 3 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix 21 WR Write enable 27 RDY Ready signal 31 DMA_REQ DMA request CC=>MCU 64 P10_3/WEX 55 P08_7/RDY 189 P13_0/DREQ0 CC mode pins CC pin Nr Name 64 MD2 4 MD1 5 MD0 28 MDE2 29 MDE1 30 MDE0 Function I/O type Logic value 1 Mode selection 16bit parallel bus interface 0 0 IN 1 Extended mode selection Non-multiplexed mode for MB91460 0 0 CC debug pins CC pin Nr Name Function 7 SDS Start of dynamic segment 8 CYCS0 Cycle 0 start 14 CYCS Cycle start 23 MT Macrotick start I/O type Configuration register OUT Debug support register DBGS CC stop watch trigger pin CC pin Nr Name I/O type Function 9 STPW IN After stop watch is triggered (rising or falling edge), register STPW1 captures actual cycle counter and macrotick value, register STPW2 captures slot counter values for channel A and B. CC pins in connection with physical layer transceiver CC pin Nr Name Function I/O type 11 TXDA Data transmission OUT 12 TXENA Channel transmission enable OUT 13 RXDA Data reception IN 24 RXDB Data reception IN 25 TXENB Channel transmission enable OUT 26 TXDB Data transmission OUT Channel A transceiver (U4) Channel B transceiver (U10) CC power pins CC pin Nr Name Function 1,17,33,49 VSS 0V Ground 16, 32, 48 18 VCC 4 single power supply input between 3.3v and 5v C Power supply stabilization capacitor (W100nF) CC external clock pin CC pin Nr Name Function 2 X1 Oscillation output 3 X0 Oscillation input 4MHz, 5MHz,8MHz,10MHz crystal or ceramic oscillator Table 5-1 16bit non-multiplexed mode © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 49 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix Figure 5-1 Schematic view of the non-multiplexed mode MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 50 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix 5.2 Connection example using multiplexed bus interface A connection example of the multiplexed mode is summarized in the following table. The gray entries show the differences between two parallel modes. All pins of the communication controller (CC) are divided into 7 categories: • External bus interface: CC pins in connection with MCU pins • CC mode pins • CC debug pins • CC stop watch trigger pin • CC pins in connection with physical layer transceiver • CC power supply pins • CC external clock pin Note: 1. The connection of the interrupt pins is application-specific. The table here shows only an example. 2. The CC reset pin can be controlled by MCU reset pin or by an independent circuitry. 3. By default settings in file start91460.asm (see chapter 3.5) chip select area 3 is configured. Other areas can also be used. 4. For the power supply it should be noticed that MB88121B is a single voltage supply chip. All power supply pins should have the same supply voltage between 3.3V and 5V (see chapter 3.2). MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 51 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix External bus interface: CC pins in connection with MCU pins CC pin Nr Name 53 MCU pin Nr Name AD10 12 P00_2/D26 54 AD9 11 P00_1/D25 55 AD8 10 P00_0/D24 56 AD7 9 P01_7/D23 57 AD6 8 P01_6/D22 58 AD5 7 P01_5/D21 59 AD4 6 P01_4/D20 60 AD3 5 P01_3/D19 61 AD2 4 P01_2/D18 62 AD1 3 P01_1/D17 63 AD0 2 P01_0/D16 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 46 D15 17 P00_7/D31 47 D14 16 P00_6/D30 50 D13 15 P00_5/D29 51 D12 14 P00_4/D28 52 D11 13 P00_3/D27 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 83 P24_0/INT0 84 P24_1/INT1 85 P24_2/INT2 10 INT0 Function Address/data bus MCU CC Function Data bus MCU CC Function 1 34 INT1 35 INT2 36 INT3 86 P24_3/INT3 37 INT4 87 P24_4/INT4 CC pin Nr Name MCU pin Nr Name 6 RST Reset 73 15 BCLK Bus clock 65 P10_4/MCLKO 19 CS Chip select 59 P09_3/CSX3 20 RD Read enable 50 P08_4/RDX 21 WR Write enable 64 P10_3/WEX 22 AS Address strobe 62 P10_1/ASX 27 RDY Ready signal 55 P08_7/RDY 31 DMA_REQ DMA request 189 P13_0/DREQ0 Interrupt output CC=>MCU Function MCU=>CC CC=>MCU INITX 2 3 CC mode pins CC pin Nr Name 64 MD2 4 MD1 5 MD0 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Function I/O type IN Mode selection Logic value 1 0 16bit parallel bus interface 0 - 52 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix 28 MDE2 29 MDE1 30 MDE0 0 Extended mode selection 0 Multiplexed mode for MB91460 0 CC debug pins CC pin Nr Name Function I/O type 7 SDS Start of dynamic segment OUT 8 CYCS0 Cycle 0 start OUT 14 CYCS Cycle start OUT 23 MT Macrotick start OUT 38 MBSU_TX1 39 MBSU_RX1 44 MBSU_TX2 Message buffer status update port OUT 45 MBSU_RX2 Configuration register Debug support register DBGS CC stop watch trigger pin CC pin Nr Name I/O type Function 9 STPW IN After stop watch is triggered (rising or falling edge), register STPW1 captures actual cycle counter and macrotick value, register STPW2 captures slot counter values for channel A and B. CC pins in connection with physical layer transceiver CC pin Nr Name Function I/O type 11 TXDA Data transmission OUT 12 TXENA Channel transmission enable OUT 13 RXDA Data reception IN 24 RXDB Data reception IN 25 TXENB Channel transmission enable OUT 26 TXDB Data transmission OUT Connection Channel A transceiver (U4) Channel B transceiver (U10) CC power pins CC pin Nr Name Function 1,17,33,49 VSS 0V Ground 16, 32, 48 18 VCC 4 Single power supply input between 3.3v and 5v C Power supply stabilization capacitor (W100nF) CC external clock pin CC pin Nr Name Function 2 X1 Oscillation output 3 X0 Oscillation input 4MHz, 5MHz,8MHz,10MHz crystal or ceramic oscillator Difference between two parallel modes: grey Table 5-2 16bit multiplexed mode © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 53 - MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix Figure 5-2 Schematic view of the multiplexed mode MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 54 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix 5.3 Tables Table 2-1 MB91F467D power supply pins.............................................................................. 7 Table 2-2 Relationship of the power supply............................................................................ 7 Table 2-3 Configuration of internal ROM external bus mode.................................................. 8 Table 2-4 Mode selection input of the communication controller .......................................... 10 Table 2-5 Mode selection input of the communication controller .......................................... 10 Table 2-6: 16-bit none multiplex bus interface pin assignment ............................................. 11 Table 2-7: 16-bit multiplexed bus interface pin assignment .................................................. 12 Table 2-8 CC interrupt output by 16bit multiplexed mode..................................................... 13 Table 2-9 CC interrupt output by 16bit non-multiplexed mode.............................................. 13 Table 2-10: Debug pins on MB88121................................................................................... 14 Table 3-1 External bus interface registers ............................................................................ 19 Table 3-2 Register ACR content .......................................................................................... 20 Table 3-3 ASZ bits of register ACR ...................................................................................... 21 Table 3-4 TYP bits of register ACR for 16-bit none multiplexed mode.................................. 21 Table 3-20 TYP bits of register ACR for 16-bit multiplexed mode......................................... 21 Table 3-5 DBW and BST bits of register ACR ...................................................................... 22 Table 3-6 Register AWR content.......................................................................................... 23 Table 3-7 Initial I/O port function .......................................................................................... 28 Table 3-8 Port function registers (PFR/EPFR) and their initial values in memory ................. 28 Table 3-9 11bit address line ................................................................................................. 29 Table 2-8 CC interrupt output by 16bit multiplexed mode..................................................... 36 Table 2-9 CC interrupt output by 16bit non-multiplexed mode.............................................. 36 Table 3-10 EIRR, ENIR ELVR overview............................................................................... 37 Table 3-11 ELVR register..................................................................................................... 38 Table 3-12 EIRR register ..................................................................................................... 38 Table 3-13 ENIR register ..................................................................................................... 38 Table 3-14 I/O port configuration for external interrupt ......................................................... 40 Table 3-15 Interrupt vector table .......................................................................................... 41 Table 2-10: Debug pins on MB88121................................................................................... 45 Table 5-1 16bit non-multiplexed mode ................................................................................. 49 Table 5-2 16bit multiplexed mode ........................................................................................ 53 5.4 Figures Figure 2-1 Memory map of internal ROM external bus mode ................................................. 9 Figure 3-1 MB88121 read operation (non-multiplexed) ........................................................ 15 Figure 3-2 MB88121 Write operation (non-multiplexed) ....................................................... 16 MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 55 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH Interfacing MB91460 TO MB88121 Chapter 5 Appendix Figure 3-3 MB88121 read operation (multiplexed mode)...................................................... 17 Figure 3-4 MB88121 write operation (multiplexed) ............................................................... 18 Figure 3-5 Timing example of the non-multiplexed mode ..................................................... 24 Figure 3-6 Timing example of the multiplexed bus mode ..................................................... 25 Figure 3-7: Output buffer DMA flow...................................................................................... 43 Figure 3-8 Input buffer DMA flow ......................................................................................... 44 Figure 5-1 Schematic view of the non-multiplexed mode ..................................................... 50 Figure 5-2 Schematic view of the multiplexed mode ............................................................ 54 -- END -- MCU-AN-300016-E-V10 - 56 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH