INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA9500 Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jul 07 IC17 Data Handbook 1998 Aug 11 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC • Programmable wideband LO output buffer • Low voltage operation down to 2.7V • Low current consumption in “idle”/receive modes: DESCRIPTION The SA9500 integrates all the front end receive mixers necessary for use in dual-band, triple-mode CDMA/AMPS cellular phone handsets. There are three individual mixer blocks, each optimised for high linearity with low power consumption for operation in one of the following modes: High-band 1900MHz PCS CDMA, low-band 800MHz cellular CDMA or analog FM AMPS/TACS modes. Additionally, the entire circuit can be powered down and put into sleep mode, reducing the supply current to less than 20µA. The circuit has been designed in our advanced QUBiC2 BiCMOS process with 20GHz fT. – CDMA: Gain=10.7dB, NF=9.6dB, IIP3= +6.3dBm – FM: Gain= 7.2dB, NF=10.2dB, IIP3= +5.9dBm 20.0mA @ 2.7V – CDMA: 20.2mA @ 2.7V – FM: 7.7mA @ 2.7V APPLICATIONS • PCS and cellular downconverter mixers typical performance: Gain=11.3dB, NF=8.3dB, IIP3= +1.4dBm – PCS : • Low standby current in sleep mode <20µA • TSSOP20 package FEATURES – PCS: SA9500 • 800MHz analog FM and CDMA digital receivers • 1900MHz PCS band CDMA digital recievers • Supports dual-mode and triple-mode operation • Digital mobile communications equipment • Portable, low power radio equipment • Separate, selectable IF outputs to suit FM and CDMA bandwiths • Integrated frequency doubler for PCS mixer LO ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGE EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER PINS PIN POSITION MATERIAL CODE SA9500DH 20 TSSOP Plastic thin shrink small outline package; body 6.5 x 4.4 x 1.1 mm SOT360-1 1998 Aug 11 2 853–2109 19859 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 BLOCK DIAGRAM CDMA IF BPF Fo = 85.38MHz BW = 1.23MHz RX BPF Fo = 1960 MHz BW = 60 MHz PCS_in 2 2 PCS 2 CDMA_Out 2 FM_Out 2 CELL ×2 2 2 Cell_in 2 1 2 1 RX BPF Fo = 881.5MHz BW = 45 MHz FM IF BPF Fo = 85.38MHz BW = 30kHz 1 2×LO LO SA9500 1 BIAS CTRL MODE SELECT LOGIC CDMA/FM PCS/CELL 1 LO OUT LO GAIN LO IN VCC PWR ON/OFF SR01598 Figure 1. Block Diagram Table 1. 1998 Aug 11 Mode Selection Summary PCS/CEL (Pin 6) CDMA/FM/LO doubler (Pin 17) low low Cellular FM MODE low high Cellular CDMA high low CDMA PCS, 1GHz (LO out) high high CDMA PCS, 2GHz (2×LO out) 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC PIN CONFIGURATION SA9500 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Mode Selection Logic FM IF 1 20 CDMA IF FM IFB 2 19 CDMA IFB GND 3 18 GND PCS RF 4 17 CDMA/FM SEL PCS RFB 5 16 CEL LO IN PCS/CEL SEL 6 15 GND PWR ON/OFF 7 14 GND CEL RF 8 13 LO GAIN GND 9 12 GND VCC 10 The SA9500 downconverter IC has several modes of operation for which the selection logic is summarized in Table 1 and defined in detail in Table 2. Different mode selections require different portions of the circuit to be active. It should be noted that only the states specified in Table 2 are valid selections for operation. Local Oscillator Section Drive for the local oscillator is provided through a single ended input via pin16. The LO signal has to be AC-coupled into the circuit and needs to be externally matched. Inside the circuit, the LO signal is amplified and buffered to drive: Either the cellular CDMA mixer or FM mixer or the frequency doubler for the PCS mixer LO and additionally one of the LO output buffers. The mode selection summary in Table 1 shows the logic to apply to pins 6 and 17 to choose one of four possible modes. The LO output buffer can supply either the same frequency as that input on pin 16 or doubled frequency LO in CDMA PCS modes. The LO output power range can be programmed between high gain and low gain (idle mode) settings with LO gain on pin 13. 11 LO OUT SR01688 Figure 2. Pin Configuration PIN DESCRIPTION PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1 FM IF Non-inverting FM IF output 2 FM IFB Inverting FM IF output 3 GND Analog ground 4 PCS RF non-inverting PCS RF input 5 PCS RFB Inverting PCS RF input 6 PCS/CEL SEL PCS and cellular band select 7 PWR ON/OFF Power enable 8 CEL RF Cellular RF input 9 GND Ground 10 VCC Power supply 11 LO OUT LO output to synthesizer 12 GND Ground 13 LO GAIN Logic signal which adjusts the gain of the LO buffer 14 GND Ground 15 GND Ground 16 CEL LO Cellular LO input 17 CDMA/FM SEL CDMA and FM mode select in the cellular band; selects LO buffer output frequency in PCS mode 18 GND Ground 19 CDMA IFB Inverting CDMA IF output 20 CDMA IF Non-inverting CDMA IF output 1998 Aug 11 Cellular and PCS Mixers The SA9500 has one single ended cellular band RF input which feeds either the cellular CDMA mixer or the cellular FM mixer circuits. Each mixer is optimized to meet cellular band CDMA or analog FM requirements. The cellular FM mixer has its own dedicated differential output on pins 1 and 2 which should be externally matched to the FM IF SAW filter. The cellular CDMA mixer shares the same output pins with the CDMA PCS mixer. Selection between these two mixers is via pin 6 (PCS/CEL) and as the two mixers are never on at the same time, it allows a common CDMA SAW filter to be used for both bands. The CDMA PCS mixer has a differential RF input which should be used with an external balun matching circuit. To avoid upsetting the internal biasing, the RF inputs at both cellular and PCS band mixers should be AC-coupled. The CDMA and FM IF mixer outputs are of the open collector type. So, they should be biased to the supply voltage VCC with external tuning inductors which can also serve in the matching of the IF SAW filter. 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Supply voltage (VCC) RATINGS UNITS –0.3 to +6.0 V –0.3 to VCC+0.3 V Maximum power input +20 dBm Power dissipation, Tamb=25°C 800 mW Maximum operating junction temperature 150 °C –65 to +150 °C Logic input voltage Storage temperature RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS LIMITS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Supply voltage (VCC) Logic input voltage range UNITS MIN. TYP. MAX. 2.7 2.85 3.3 V LOW –0.3 0.2VCC V HIGH 0.5VCC VCC+0.3 V –30 +85 °C 0 105 °C Operating ambient temperature range (Tamb) Operating junction temperature range MODE SELECT LOGIC AND DC CHARACTERISTICS Table 2. Mode Logic Definition VCC = +2.7 V to +3.3 V; Tamb = –30°C to +85°C, unless specified otherwise. MODE MODE DESCRIPTION LO GAIN/ POWER/ PCS/CEL CDMA/FM TYPICAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION MAXIMUM CURRENT CONSUMPTION FIGURE 1 PCS RxTx (with doubled LO out) high high high high 27.0 mA 30.6 mA 3 2 PCS Idle (with doubled LO out) low high high high 21.3 mA 24.3 mA 4 3 PCS RxTx high high high low 23.5 mA 26.5 mA 5 4 PCS Rx Idle low high high low 20.0 mA 22.5 mA 6 5 Cellular CDMA RxTx high high low high 24 mA 28 mA 7 6 Cellular CDMA Rx Idle low high low high 20.2 mA 24 mA 8 7 Cellular FM RxTx high high low low 11 mA 14.4 mA 9 8 Cellular FM Rx Idle low high low low 7.7 mA 9.9 mA 10 9 Sleep x low x x 12 µA 60 µA 11 NOTE: x = Don’t care 1998 Aug 11 5 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = +2.7V to +3.3V; Tamb= +25°C; Plo = –3 dBm, fIF = 85.40 MHz; unless specified otherwise. Appropriate external matching necessary. LIMITS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN. –3σ TYP. +3σ MAX. UNITS Cellular Band Downconverter RF input frequency range 869 894 MHz LO input frequency range 950 1030 MHz IF output frequency range (CDMA) 50 300 MHz 300 MHz IF output frequency range (FM) IF output load impedance Conversion gain Noise figure Input IP3 50 CDMA, differential Ω 1000 FM, single-ended, with ext. balun Ω 850 CDMA 9.5 10.7 11.6 dB FM 5.5 7.2 7.8 dB CDMA mode, SSB 9.6 10.5 dB FM mode, SSB 10.2 11.0 dB CDMA mode, tone spacing = 800 kHz 3.5 FM mode, tone spacing = 60 kHz 4.5 6.3 dBm 5.9 dBm RF input return loss ZS = 50Ω 11.0 dB LO input return loss ZS = 50Ω 10.0 dB LO output return loss ZS = 50Ω 8.0 LO input power range –6.0 LO output power range ZL = 50Ω with LO buffer @ low gain with LO buffer @ high gain LO (input and output) to RF leakage LO (input and output) to IF leakage (CDMA) dB –3.0 dBm –15.0 –5.0 –14.0 –4.0 dBm dBm Single-ended in, single-ended out –34.5 –31.5 dBm Single-ended in, differential out –33.6 –29.0 dBm LO (input and output) to IF leakage (FM) Single-ended in, differential out –20.0 –19.0 dBm RF to LO (input) isolation Single-ended in, single-ended out 30 32.8 dB RF to IF isolation (CDMA) Single-ended in, differential out 20 22.3 dB RF to IF isolation (FM) Single-ended in, differential out 6 8.2 dB LO output to LO input isolation Single-ended in, single-ended out 26.5 34.5 dB Spurious response rejection With Tx band interferer at LO input port or LO buffer output port of –40 dBm max and with Pint = –31 dBm in Rx band. 61.0 1998 Aug 11 6 –16.0 –7.5 0.0 dB Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) VCC = +2.7V to +3.3V; Tamb= +25°C; Plo = –3 dBm, fIF = 85.40 MHz; unless specified otherwise. Appropriate external matching necessary. LIMITS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN. –3σ TYP. +3σ MAX. UNITS PCS Downconverter RF input frequency range LO input frequency range With doubler IF output frequency range IF output load impedance Differential Conversion gain @ fIF, over RF/LO frequency ranges Noise figure @ fIF, over RF/LO frequency ranges, SSB Input IP3 @ fIF, over RF/LO frequency ranges RF input return loss LO input return loss LO output return loss ZS = 50Ω, single LO out 1810 1990 MHz 1007 1050 MHz 50 300 MHz Ω 1000 9.5 1.0 11.3 11.7 dB 8.3 10.5 dB 1.4 dBm ZS = 50Ω, with external balun 7.5 dB ZS = 50Ω 10 dB 8 LO input power range –6 LO output power range ZL = 50Ω, single LO out with LO buffer @ low gain with LO buffer @ high gain LO (input and output) to RF leakage dB –3 dBm –15.0 –5.0 –14.0 –4.0 dBm dBm Single-ended in, single-ended out, with and without doubler –39.0 –35 dBm LO (input and output) to IF leakage Single-ended in, differential out, with and without doubler –47.0 –35 dBm RF to LO (input) isolation Single-ended in, single-ended out, with and without doubler 30 56.0 dB RF to IF isolation Single-ended in, differential out 20 42.0 dB LO output to LO input isolation Single-ended in, single-ended out, with doubler 30 35.0 dB 1/2 IF spur, fIF = 85.4 MHz/111.38 MHz, with and without doubler, Pint = –30 dBm at RF input. 56.0 58.0 dB With Tx band interferer at LO input port or LO buffer output port of –40 dBm max and with Pint = –21 dBm in Rx band. 71.0 Spurious response rejection 1998 Aug 11 7 –16.0 –7.5 0 dB Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Consumption / Mixer Noise Figure 28.5 22.5 T = 25°C T = 25°C 22.0 T = 85°C 27.5 mA mA 28.0 T = –30°C T = 85°C 21.5 T = –30°C 27.0 21.0 26.5 20.5 26.0 2.5 3 2.5 3.5 VCC Volts SR01689 Figure 3. PCS RxTx (with doubled LO out) current SR01690 20.8 24.4 T = 25°C 24.2 T = 85°C 24.0 T = –30°C T = 25°C 20.6 mA mA 3.5 Figure 4. PCS Idle (with doubled LO out) current 24.6 23.8 20.4 T = 85°C 20.2 T = –30°C 20.0 23.6 19.8 23.4 19.6 23.2 2.5 3 2.5 3.5 VCC Volts 3 3.5 VCC Volts SR01691 Figure 5. PCS RxTx current SR01692 Figure 6. PCS Rx Idle current 25.5 21.5 T = 25°C T = 25°C 25.0 21.0 T = 85°C mA T = 85°C 24.5 mA 3 VCC Volts T = –30°C 24.0 20.5 T = –30°C 20.0 23.5 19.5 23.0 19.0 22.5 2.5 3 2.5 3.5 VCC Volts Figure 7. Cellular CDMA RxTx current 3.5 SR01694 Figure 8. Cellular CDMA Rx Idle current 7.9 11.5 T = 25°C 11.3 T = 85°C 11.2 T = –30°C T = 25°C 7.8 mA 11.4 mA 3 VCC Volts SR01693 11.1 T = 85°C 7.8 T = –30°C 7.7 11.0 7.7 10.9 10.8 2.5 3 7.6 3.5 2.5 VCC Volts 3 3.5 VCC Volts SR01696 Figure 9. Cellular FM RxTx current SR01697 Figure 10. Cellular FM Rx Idle current 90.0 NF (dB) Cellular CDMA T = 85°C 50.0 µA 12 T = 25°C 70.0 T = –30°C 30.0 10 Cellular FM PCS 8 10.0 6 –10.0 2.5 3 –30 3.5 SR01695 80 Figure 12. Mixer Noise Figure (VCC = 2.7V) Figure 11. Sleep current 1998 Aug 11 25 °C VCC Volts 8 SR01717 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Conversion Gain – FM Mixer fLO = 965.9MHz @ –3dBm, fRF = 880.5MHz @ –30dBm, fIF = 85.4MHz: unless otherwise specified or implied. Conversion Gain vs. Frequency T = 25°C, Cellular FM Mixer Conversion Gain vs. Frequency VCC = 2.7V, Cellular FM Mixer 7.5 9 VCC = 3.3V T = 25°C Gain dB Gain dB 7.4 VCC = 2.7V 7.3 VCC = 3.0V 7.2 8 T = 85°C T = –30°C 7 7.1 6 7 860 870 880 890 860 900 MHz 870 880 890 900 MHz SR01699 SR01700 Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power VCC = 2.7V, Cellular FM Mixer Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power T = 25°C, Cellular FM Mixer 7 VCC = 3.3V 6 VCC = 2.7V 5 VCC = 3.0V Gain dB Gain dB 8 4 3 9 T = 25°C 6 T = 85°C 3 T = –30°C 0 2 –15 –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 –12 0 –9 –6 –3 0 dBm dBm SR01701 SR01702 Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power VCC = 2.7V, Cellular FM Mixer Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power VCC = 2.7V, Cellular FM Mixer 7.32 VCC = 3.3V 9 Gain dB Gain dB 7.31 VCC = 2.7V 7.3 VCC = 3.0V 7.29 T = 25°C 8 7 T = 85°C 6 T = –30°C 5 7.28 4 –35 7.27 –35 –33 –31 –29 dBm 1998 Aug 11 –27 –25 –33 –31 –29 –27 –25 dBm SR01704 SR01703 9 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Conversion Gain – Cellular Band CDMA Mixer fLO = 965.9MHz @ –3dBm, fRF = 880.5MHz @ –30dBm, fIF = 85.4MHz: unless otherwise specified or implied. Conversion Gain vs. Frequency T = 25°C Cellular CDMA Mixer Conversion Gain vs. Frequency VCC = 2.7V, Cellular CDMA Mixer 11 T = 25°C VCC = 3.3V 10.3 10.1 VCC = 2.7V 9.9 VCC = 3.0V Gain dB Gain dB 10.5 T = 85°C 10 T = –30°C 9 9.7 9.5 860 870 880 890 8 900 860 870 880 MHz 890 900 MHz SR01706 SR01705 Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power T = 25°C, Cellular CDMA Mixer Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power VCC = 2.7V, Cellular CDMA Mixer 12 VCC = 3.3V VCC = 2.7V 7 T = 25°C 10 9 Gain dB Gain dB 11 VCC = 3.0V 5 0 8 6 T = 85°C T = –30°C 4 2 3 –15 –10 –5 0 0 –15 dBm –10 –5 0 dBm SR01707 SR01708 Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power T = 25°C, Cellular CDMA Mixer Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power VCC = 2.7V, Cellular CDMA Mixer 10.5 VCC = 2.7V 10.1 VCC = 3.0V 9.9 9.7 9.5 –35 10 0 T = 85°C T = –30°C 9.5 9 8.5 –30 dBm 1998 Aug 11 T = 25°C VCC = 3.3V 10.3 Gain dB Gain dB 10.5 –35 –25 –30 dBm SR01709 10 –25 SR01710 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Conversion Gain – PCS Mixer fLO = 1022.45MHz (doubled on-chip) @ –3dBm, fRF = 1959.5MHz @ –30dBm, fIF = 85.4MHz: unless otherwise specified or implied. Conversion Gain vs. Frequency T = 25°C, PCS Mixer Conversion Gain vs. Frequency VCC = 2.7V, PCS Mixer 11 VCC = 3.3V 10.8 VCC = 2.7V 10.6 12 T = 25°C Gain dB Gain dB 11.2 VCC = 3.0V 10.4 10 T = 85°C T = –30°C 8 10.2 10 1900 6 1920 1940 1960 1980 1900 2000 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 MHz MHz SR01711 SR01712 Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power T = 25°C, PCS Mixer Conversion Gain vs. LO Input Power VCC = 2.7V, PCS Mixer 12 Gain dB Gain dB VCC = 3.3V VCC = 2.7V 9 VCC = 3.0V 6 3 –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 dBm 12 10 8 SR01714 T = 25°C VCC = 2.7V 10.8 0 12 Gain dB Gain dB –5 Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power VCC = 2.7V, PCS Mixer VCC = 3.3V VCC = 3.0V 10.7 10.6 11 –25 T = 85°C T = –30°C 10 9 8 –35 10.5 1998 Aug 11 –10 dBm 11 dBm T = –30°C SR01713 10.9 –30 T = 85°C 6 4 2 0 –2 –4 –15 Conversion Gain vs. RF Input Power T = 25°C, PCS Mixer –35 T = 25°C –33 –31 –29 dBm SR01715 11 –27 –25 SR01716 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Input IP3 Input IP3 vs. Temperature VCC = 2.7V 7 Input IP3 (dBm) FM 6 CDMA 5 PCS 4 3 2 1 0 0 25 Temperature (°C) 1998 Aug 11 70 SR01726 12 SA9500 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS S-Parameters 1: 122.732Ω –186.326Ω 200MHz 2: 57.625Ω –109.870Ω 400MHz 3: 35.858Ω –71.319Ω 600MHz 4: 20.975Ω –39.369Ω 4.467pF 900MHz 1 4 2 3 START: STOP: 100MHz 1.35GHz SR01720 Figure 13. Typical S11 of Cellular RF Input for CDMA Mode @ VCC = 2.8V Table 3. Typical S-Parameter of Cellular RF Input for CDMA and FM Mode @ VCC = 2.8V Freq ency (MHz) Frequency CDMA Mode FM Mode S11 <S11 (DEG) S11 <S11 (DEG) 100 0.82 –12.7 0.77 –10.9 150 0.80 –16.8 0.76 –15.1 200 0.79 –21.5 0.75 –19.9 250 0.77 –26.2 0.74 –25.0 300 0.75 –30.9 0.72 –29.9 350 0.74 –35.7 0.70 –34.9 400 0.72 –40.4 0.68 –39.8 450 0.70 –45.5 0.65 –44.5 500 0.68 –50.6 0.63 –48.6 550 0.66 –56.4 0.60 –53.1 600 0.65 –61.5 0.58 –56.9 650 0.64 –67.1 0.57 –60.6 700 0.62 –72.6 0.56 –64.5 750 0.61 –78.6 0.56 –68.5 800 0.60 –84.1 0.58 –74.2 850 0.59 –90.3 0.57 –84.4 900 0.59 –96.9 0.53 –89.7 950 0.58 –104.1 0.51 –93.9 1000 0.58 –110.4 0.50 –97.8 1050 0.57 –116.8 0.50 –102.4 1100 0.57 –123.2 0.50 –107.3 1150 0.56 –129.8 0.50 –112.4 1200 0.56 –136.2 0.51 –117.5 1250 0.56 –142.3 0.51 –122.1 1300 0.55 –148.4 0.52 –126.6 1350 0.54 –155.1 0.52 –131.3 1998 Aug 11 13 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 1: 34.976Ω –71.482Ω 1.6GHz 2: 28.421Ω –60.554Ω 1.8GHz 3: 23.763Ω –51.540Ω 1.542pF 2.0GHz 4: 17.523Ω –41.503Ω 2.2GHz 3 4 START: STOP: 2 1 1.40GHz 2.65GHz SR01721 Figure 14. Typical S11 of PCS RF and PCS RFB Input @ VCC = 2.8V Table 4. 1998 Aug 11 Typical S-Parameter of PCS RF and PCS RFB Input @ VCC = 2.8V Frequency (MHz) S11 <S11 (DEG) 1400 0.68 –52.9 1450 0.67 –55.0 1500 0.67 –57.6 1550 0.66 –59.6 1600 0.66 –61.8 1650 0.66 –64.2 1700 0.65 –66.5 1750 0.65 –69.0 1800 0.65 –71.9 1850 0.65 –74.7 1900 0.64 –77.2 1950 0.64 –80.0 2000 0.64 –82.0 2050 0.65 –85.0 2100 0.66 –88.3 2150 0.67 –92.1 2200 0.66 –96.5 2250 0.66 –100.8 2300 0.65 –105.6 2350 0.63 –110.3 2400 0.61 –114.7 2450 0.58 –118.9 2500 0.54 –122.3 2550 0.50 –124.2 2600 0.47 –125.0 2650 0.45 –125.1 14 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 1: 55.313Ω –825.870Ω 3.854pF 50MHz 2: 26.157Ω –400.569Ω 100MHz 1 3: 11.210Ω –194.193Ω 200MHz 4: 6.601Ω –88.60Ω 400MHz 2 3 START: STOP: 4 20MHz 520MHz SR01722 Figure 15. Typical S22 of CDMA IF, CDMA IFB Output at VCC = 2.8V Table 5. Typical S-Parameter of CDMA IF and CDMA IFB, FM IF and FM IFB Output @ VCC = 2.8V Freq ency (MHz) Frequency CDMA If and CDMA IFB FM IF and FM IFB Output S22 <S22 (DEG) S22 <S22 (DEG) 20 0.99 –2.8 0.99 –3.5 40 0.99 –5.6 0.99 –7.0 60 0.99 –8.5 0.99 –10.3 80 0.98 –11.3 0.98 –13.7 100 0.98 –14.2 0.98 –17.2 120 0.98 –17.0 0.98 –20.7 140 0.98 –19.9 0.98 –24.2 160 0.98 –22.9 0.98 –27.7 180 0.97 –25.8 0.97 –31.2 200 0.97 –28.8 0.97 –34.7 220 0.97 –31.5 0.96 –37.9 240 0.97 –34.6 0.96 –41.5 260 0.97 –37.6 0.95 –45.1 280 0.96 –40.4 0.95 –48.6 300 0.96 –43.5 0.94 –52.1 320 0.96 –46.4 0.94 –55.5 340 0.95 –49.3 0.93 –58.9 360 0.95 –52.6 0.92 –62.5 380 0.94 –55.4 0.91 –65.9 400 0.94 –58.7 0.90 –69.5 420 0.94 –61.3 0.90 –72.5 440 0.93 –64.4 0.89 –76.0 460 0.93 –67.6 0.88 –79.6 480 0.92 –70.8 0.87 –83.0 500 0.92 –74.1 0.87 –86.7 520 0.91 –77.1 0.86 –89.8 1998 Aug 11 15 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 1: 13.426Ω –45.869Ω 300MHz 2: 11.824Ω –12.839Ω 600MHz 3: 19.555Ω –9.991Ω 900MHz 4: 9.945Ω –6.027Ω 21.814pF 1.2GHz 4 3 2 1 START: STOP: 100MHz 1.35GHz SR01723 Figure 16. Typical S11 of LO Input @ VCC = 2.8V Table 6. 1998 Aug 11 Typical S-Parameter of LO Input @ VCC = 2.8V Frequency (MHz) S11 <S11 (DEG) 100 0.80 –36.7 150 0.77 –52.1 200 0.76 –66.9 250 0.76 –80.4 300 0.75 –92.7 350 0.74 –103.8 400 0.73 –114.0 450 0.72 –123.9 500 0.70 –133.1 550 0.67 –141.7 600 0.64 –149.7 650 0.59 –156.1 700 0.54 –160.9 750 0.49 –162.7 800 0.45 –160.9 850 0.44 –157.4 900 0.46 –153.7 950 0.49 –152.4 1000 0.54 –152.9 1050 0.57 –155.3 1100 0.61 –158.4 1150 0.64 –162.0 1200 0.67 –165.7 1250 0.69 –168.9 1300 0.71 –172.1 1350 0.73 –175.2 16 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 1: 29.918Ω 2.689Ω 300MHz 4 3 2 2: 23.464Ω 26.427Ω 600MHz 3: 29.993Ω 49.036Ω 900MHz 4: 51.891Ω 73.819Ω 9.765pF 1.2GHz 1 START: STOP: 100MHz 1.35GHz SR01724 Figure 17. Typical S22 of LO Output for Cellular Band without Frequency Doubler @ VCC = 2.8V Table 7. 1998 Aug 11 Typical S-Parameter of LO Output without Doubler @ VCC = 2.8V Frequency (MHz) S22 <S22 (DEG) 100 0.10 –161.1 150 0.13 –165.3 200 0.17 –172.6 250 0.21 179.5 300 0.25 170.5 350 0.30 160.7 400 0.35 150.9 450 0.40 141.0 500 0.43 131.2 550 0.46 123.1 600 0.48 115.3 650 0.50 108.6 700 0.52 102.2 750 0.53 96.2 800 0.55 90.9 850 0.56 85.7 900 0.56 80.7 950 0.57 75.9 1000 0.58 71.2 1050 0.58 66.7 1100 0.59 61.8 1150 0.59 57.4 1200 0.59 52.6 1250 0.59 47.7 1300 0.59 43.1 1350 0.59 38.7 17 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 1: 154.994Ω 19.395Ω 1.6GHz 2: 137.944Ω –35.233Ω 1.8GHz 3: 104.725Ω –69.595Ω 2.0GHz 1 2 3 4: 62.863Ω –67.601Ω 1.887pF 2.2GHz 4 START: STOP: 1.40GHz 2.65GHz SR01725 Figure 18. Typical S22 of LO Output for PCS Band with Doubler @ VCC = 2.8V Table 8. 1998 Aug 11 Typical S-Parameter of LO Output for PCS Band with Doubler @ VCC = 2.8V Frequency (MHz) S22 <S22 (DEG) 1400 0.53 25.1 1450 0.54 19.9 1500 0.53 14.7 1550 0.53 9.9 1600 0.52 5.1 1650 0.51 0.1 1700 0.51 –3.7 1750 0.50 –8.0 1800 0.50 –11.2 1850 0.50 –14.5 1900 0.51 –18.7 1950 0.52 –23.2 2000 0.52 –27.6 2050 0.53 –33.0 2100 0.53 –37.9 2150 0.53 –43.2 2200 0.52 –48.3 2250 0.52 –53.2 2300 0.51 –58.5 2350 0.50 –64.5 2400 0.48 –69.5 2450 0.45 –73.8 2500 0.42 –76.4 2550 0.41 –78.6 2600 0.40 –81.2 2650 0.40 –84.8 18 1998 Aug 11 FM RF IN PCS IF OUT 19 J12 VCC J5 SMA C19 10uF C26 1pF C4 12pF R10 000 CEL RF IN J2 PD SELECT J3 PCS/CEL SELECT J4 SMA J1 SMA C9 12pF C27 1pF L12 5.6nH L5 8.2nH C10 100pF L14 5.6nH C28 1pF C29 0.5pF L13 3.9nH C2 6.8pF L1 470nH R1 1.2K C1 8.2pF L3 390nH VCC FM IF C3 10nF R8 10 LEVEL 0 1 VCC 10 9 PCS LO OUT LO GAIN LOW SLP HIGH TX CDMA MIXER 11 12 POWER ON/OFF POWER DOWN POWER UP CEL LO OUT LO OUT GND LO GAIN 13 8 CEL RF GND GND GND CEL LO IN CDMA /FM SELECT 14 15 16 17 GND CDMA IFB CDMA IF 7 X2 LO AMP 18 19 20 POWER ON/OFF FM MIXER CEL LO BALUN PCS MIXER 4.3pF 4.3pF C13 100pF 6 5 4 4.7pF 4.7pF C20 100nF PCS/CEL SELECT PCS RFB PCS RF 3 2 FM IFB GND 1 FM IF U1 SA9500 R9 10 L7 180nH VCC CDMA IF R4 680 L8 3.9nH LO OUT MODE FM CDMA PCS 1GHz LO PCS 2GHz LO C17 2.2pF J11 SMA J8 VGAIN SELECT J7 CDMA/FM SELECT C15 3.3pF J9 SMA J6 SMA CDMA IF CEL LO L15 TC8-1 IL ≅ 0.7dB VCC IF C16 100pF C11 8.2pF C31 8.2pF C30 8.2pF L6 180nH PCS/CEL CDMA/FM 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 C12 8.2pF R3 680 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 DEMONSTRATION BOARD DIAGRAM SR01687 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM ANTENNA 50–300MHz PCS SA9500 LNA 1900 CDMA IF DUPLEXER CELL 2×LO ×2 TX 50–300MHz FM IF 1×LO 800 DUPLEXER TX POWER AMPLIFIER TRANSMITTER SA9550 TO BASE BAND RECEIVE DEMODULATOR AGC VCO SR01698 1998 Aug 11 20 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC TSSOP20: plastic thin shrink small outline package; 20 leads; body width 4.4 mm 1998 Aug 11 21 SA9500 SOT360-1 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS downconverter IC SA9500 Data sheet status Data sheet status Product status Definition [1] Objective specification Development This data sheet contains the design target or goal specifications for product development. Specification may change in any manner without notice. Preliminary specification Qualification This data sheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary data will be published at a later date. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make chages at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Product specification Production This data sheet contains final specifications. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. [1] Please consult the most recently issued datasheet before initiating or completing a design. Definitions Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook. Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Disclaimers Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Copyright Philips Electronics North America Corporation 1998 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Philips Semiconductors 811 East Arques Avenue P.O. Box 3409 Sunnyvale, California 94088–3409 Telephone 800-234-7381 Date of release:8-98 Document order number: 1998 Aug 11 22 9397 750 04752