SSRP105B1 ® DUAL ASYMMETRICAL OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION FOR TELECOM LINE Application Specific Discretes ASD™ MAIN APPLICATIONS Where asymmetrical protection against lightning strikes and other transient overvoltages is required : ■ Solid-State relays ■ SLIC with integrated ring generator DESCRIPTION The SSRP105B1 is a dual asymmetrical transient voltage suppressor designed to protect a solid-state ring relay or SLICs with integrated ring generator from overvoltages. The asymmetrical protection configuration is necessary to allow the use of all different types of ringing schemes. SO-8 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM FEATURES ■ ■ ■ Dual bi-directional asymmetrical protection Stand-off voltages: ● Between Line and Ground +105V for positive voltages -180V for negative voltages ● Between Line and Line +180V for positive voltages -180V for negative voltages Peak pulse current: IPP = 50A (5/310µs) Holding current: ● IH+ = 100mA ● IH- = 150mA TIP 1 8 GND NC 2 7 GND NC 3 6 GND RING 4 5 GND COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS Peak Surge Voltage (V) Voltage Waveform (µs) Current Waveform (µs) Required Peak current (A) Min. serial resistor to meet standards (Ω) ITU-T K20 / K21 1500 10/700 5/310 38 - VDE0433 2000 10/700 5/310 50 - Level 3 Level 4 10/700 1.2/50 5/310 8/20 50 100 - FCC Part 68 1500 800 10/160 10/560 10/160 10/560 200 100 18 10 BELLCORE GR1089 First level 2500 1000 2/10 10/1000 2/10 10/1000 500 100 10 19 IEC61000-4-5 TM: ASD is trademarks of STMicroelectronics. October 2002 - Ed: 1A 1/6 SSRP105B1 APPLICATION INFORMATION Fig. 1: Topology of the classical line card protection. Fig. 2: Classical use of the SSRP105B1. R PTC TIP PTC R SLIC 2nd 1st LINE TIP stage stage R PTC SLIC (*) RING PTC R RING ± VRING SSRP105B1 VRINGBAT (*) SLIC with integrated ring generator or Solid-State Relay Ring generator The classical line card requires protection before the ring relay and a second one for the SLIC (figure 1). The use of new SLICs with integrated ring generator or board based on solid-state ring relay suppresses this second protection (figure 2). Then, the only remaining stage, located between the line and the ring relay, has to optimize the protection. The classical symmetrical first stage protector becomes not sufficient to avoid any circuit destruction during surges. The SSRP105B1 device takes into account this fact and is based on asymmetrical voltage characteristics (figure 3a). The ring signal being shifted back by the battery voltage, the SSRP105B1 negative breakover value VBO- is greater than the positive one VBO+. This point guarantees a protection operation very close to the peak of the normal operating voltage without any disturbance of the ring signal. Fig. 3: SSRP105B1 electrical characteristics. a: Line to ground characteristics. b: Line to line characteristics. I I VBO- VBOVBO+ V In addition with the 2 crowbar functions which perform the protection of both TIP and RING lines versus ground, a third cell assumes the differential mode protection of the SLIC. The breakover voltage values of this third cell are the same for 2/6 VBO+ V both positive and negative parts of the characteristics and are equivalent to the negative breakover voltage value of the TIP and RING lines versus GND cells (figure 3b). SSRP105B1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tamb = 25°C) Symbol Parameter Value Unit IPP Peak pulse current (see note 1) 10 / 1000 µs 10 / 560µs 5 / 310µs 10 / 160µs 8 / 20µs 2 / 10µs 35 45 50 60 120 175 A ITSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (F=50Hz) tp = 0.2 s tp = 5 s tp = 15 min. 8.5 4.5 2.5 A Top Operating temperature range 0 to + 70 °C Tstg Tj Storage temperature range Maximum operating junction temperature - 55 to + 150 + 150 °C °C TL Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s 260 °C Note 1 : Pulse waveform : 10/1000µs tr=10µs 10/560µs tr=10µs 5/310µs tr=5µs 10/160µs tr=10µs 8/20µs tr=8µs 2/10µs tr=2µs % I PP 100 tp=1000µs tp=560µs tp=310µs tp=160µs tp=20µs tp=10µs 50 0 tr t tp THERMAL RESISTANCE Symbol Rth (j-a) Parameter Junction to ambient Value Unit 170 °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25°C) Symbol Parameter VR Stand-off voltage IR Leakage current at stand-off voltage VBR Breakdown voltage VBO Breakover voltage IH Holding current IBO Breakover current IPP Peak pulse current C Capacitance I IPP IH IR V VR VBR VBO 3/6 SSRP105B1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS between TIP and GND, RING and GND (Tamb=25°C) Symbol VBO Parameter Test conditions (note 1) Breakover voltage Positive voltage . 50Hz (note 2) . 10/700µs Negative voltage Min. Typ. Max. Unit 165 165 V 225 225 . 50Hz . 10/700µs IH Holding current Positive polarity Negative polarity IR Leakage current (note 3) VR = +105 V VR = - 180 V C Capacitance F = 1MHz, VRMS = 1V, VR(T/G) = -5V F = 1MHz, VRMS = 1V, VR(T/G) = -50V 100 150 mA 10 10 30 16 µA pF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS between TIP and RING (Tamb=25°C) Symbol IR Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Parameter Leakage current (note 3) Test conditions VR = +180 V VR = - 180 V Min Max Unit 10 10 µA Positive voltage means between T and G, or between R and G. Negative voltage means between G and T, or between G and R. See test circuit for VBO parameters IR measured at VR guarantees VBR > VR Fig. 4: Relative variation of holding current versus junction temperature. Fig. 5: Non-repetitive peak on-state current versus overload duration (Tj initial = +25°C).. IH(Tamb)/IH(Tamb=25°C) ITSM(A) 1.2 25 F= 50Hz 1 20 0.8 15 0.6 10 0.4 5 0.2 0 0 20 40 Tamb(°C) 60 80 0 0.01 0.1 1 Fig. 6: Capacitance versus applied reverse voltages (typical values). C(pF) 100 Tj= 25°C F= 1MHz Vrms= 1V TIPor RING(+) / GND(-) 10 GND(+) / TIP or RING(-) 1 1 4/6 10 10 tp(s) VR(V) 100 1000 100 1000 SSRP105B1 FUNCTION HOLDING CURRENT (IH) TEST CIRCUIT (GO-NO GO TEST) R D.U.T. VBAT = - 48 V Surge generator This is a GO-NOGO test which allows to confirm the holding current (IH) level in a functional test circuit. TEST PROCEDURE : 1) Adjust the current level at the IH value by short circuiting the D.U.T. 2) Fire the D.U.T with a surge Current : Ipp = 10A , 10/1000µs. 3) The D.U.T will come back off-state within 50 ms max. TEST CIRCUIT FOR VBO PARAMETERS: R4 TIP L R2 RING R3 C1 VP R1 C2 GND Pulse (µs) Vp C1 C2 L R1 R2 R3 R4 IPP Rp tr tp (V) (µF) (nF) (µH) (Ω) (Ω) (Ω) (Ω) (A) (Ω) 10 700 1000 20 200 0 50 15 25 25 38 0 1.2 50 1500 1 33 0 76 13 25 25 30 10 2 10 2500 10 0 1.1 1.3 0 3 3 38 62 1 RL ORDER CODE SSRP 105 B SOLID STATE RELAY PROTECTION STAND-OFF VOLTAGE PACKAGING: RL = Tape and Reel = Tube PACKAGE: 1 = SO-8 Plastic 5/6 SSRP105B1 OTHER INFORMATION Ordering type Marking Package Weight SSRP105B1 SSRP105B1RL SSR105 SO-8 0.08 g. Base Qty (pcs) Delivery mode 100 2500 Tube Tape & Reel PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SO-8 (Plastic) DIMENSIONS REF. C (Seating Plane) ddd C A2 0.25mm (Gage Plane) A A1 e B h x 45° k L D 8 5 E 1 4 Inches Min. Max. Min. Max. A 1.35 1.75 0.053 0.069 A1 0.1 0.25 0.004 0.010 A2 1.10 1.65 0.043 0.065 B 0.33 0.51 0.013 0.020 C 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 D 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.197 E 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 e H Millimetres 1.27 Typ. 0.05 Typ. H 5.80 6.20 0.228 0.244 h 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019 L 0.40 1.27 0.016 0.050 k ddd 8° (max) 0.100 0.004 FOOT-PRINT DIMENSIONS (in millimeters) 6.8 0.6 4.2 1.27 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved. 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