LCP3121 Application Specific Discretes A.S.D. OVERVOLTAGE AND OVERCURRENT PROTECTION FOR TELECOM LINE FEATURES AND BENEFITS UNIDIRECTIONAL OVERVOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR PROGRAMMABLE BY VOLTAGE AND CURRENT: PROGRAMMABLE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE UP TO 100 V. PROGRAMMABLE CURRENT LIMITATION FROM 120 mA TO 600 mA. MULTI-LINE PROTECTION MODE : ONE DEVICE CAN PROTECT SEVERAL LINES. HIGH SURGE CURRENT CAPABILITY : IPP = 100A for 10/1000 µs. SO8 DESCRIPTION Dedicated to the protection of sensitive telecom equipment, the LCP3121 provides protection which can be programmed by both voltage and current. The breakdown voltage can be easily programmed by using an external zener diode. The protection functionprogrammed by the current is achieved with the use of a resistor between the gate and the cathode. The value of the resistor will determine the level of the desired current before the triggering of the device. A multiple protection mode is also performed when using several diodes providing each line interface with an optimized protection level. If desired,a bidirectionalprotection functioncan be achieved by the use of two LCP3121. PIN-OUT CONFIGURATION COMPLIESWITHTHE FOLLOWINGSTANDARDS : FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM CCITT K20 : VDE 0433 : VDE 0878 : FCC part 68 : BELLCORE TR-NWT-001089 : BELLCORE TR-NWT-000974 : 10/700µs 5/310µs 10/700µs 5/310µs 1.2/50µs 1/20µs 2/10µs 2/10µs 1kV 25A 2kV 50A 1.5kV 40A 2.5kV 200A (*) 2/10µs 2/10µs 2.5kV 200A (*) 10/1000µs 10/1000µs 1kV 100A (*) with series resistors or PTC. 1 8 C Gn 2 7 A Gp 3 6 C 5 C C 4 A All cathod pins must be externally connected A Gp Gn C TM: ASD is trademarks of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. September 1998 - Ed: 3 1/6 LCP3121 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ( Tamb = 25°C) Symbol Parameter Value Unit IPP Peak pulse current (see note 1) 10/1000µs 100 A ITSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (F = 50 Hz) tp = 10ms t = 1s 16 8 A VAC VGA Maximum voltage between A and C Maximum voltage between G (Gn or Gp) and A 100 80 V Tstg Tj Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature - 40 to + 150 150 °C TL Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s 260 °C % I PP Note 1 : Pulse waveform : 10/1000µs tr=10µs tp=1000µs 100 50 0 tr t tp THERMAL RESISTANCE Symbol Rth (j-a) Parameter Junction to ambient Value Unit 170 °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25°C) Symbol Parameter VRM Stand-off voltage VBR Breakdown voltage VBO Breakover voltage 2/6 IH Holding current IBO Breakover current IRM Leakage current at VRM IR Leakage current at VR IPP Peak pulse current VR Continuous reverse voltage Coff Off-state capacitance VG Gate voltage IGP Gp triggering current IGN Gn triggering current I PP I BO IH VR I RM IR VRM VBR VBO LCP3121 1 - OPERATION WITHOUT GATE (Tamb = 25 °C) Symbol IRM IR VBR Test conditions Max. Unit VRM = 60V VRM = 90V 5 8 µA at VR = 180V 50 µA at 1mA 100 80 IBO VBO Min. Measured at 50Hz IH See the functional test circuit C VR =-5V V 500 mA 180 V 100 F=1MHz mA 100 pF Min. Max. Unit 0.6 1.8 V 180 mA 200 mA 2 - OPERATION WITH GATE (Tamb = 25 °C) Symbol VG note1 Test conditions IGATE = 200mA (for eigher Gn or Gp) IGP VAnode-cathode = 60V IGN VAnode-cathode = 60V 80 Note 1 : VG = VGN, measured between Gn and cathode VG = VGP, measured between Gp and anode 3/6 LCP3121 FUNCTIONAL HOLDING CURRENT (IH) TEST CIRCUIT : GO-NO GO TEST R D.U.T -VP VBAT = -48 V Surge generator This is a GO-NO GO test which allows to confirm the holding current (IH) level in a functional test circuit. TEST PROCEDURE : - Adjust the current level at the IH value by short circuiting the D.U.T. - Fire the D.U.T. with a surge current : IPP = 10A, 10/1000µs. - The D.U.T. will come back to the off-state within a duration of 50ms max. Fig. 1 : Maximum non repetitive surge peak-onstate current versus overload duration. Fig. 2 : Relative variation of holding current versus junction temperature (typical values). ITSM (A) IH [Tj] / IH [Tj=25°C] 20 1.4 F=50Hz Tj initial = 25°c 18 1.2 16 14 1.0 12 0.8 10 8 0.6 6 0.4 4 0.2 2 0 0.01 4/6 Tj(°C) t(s) 0.10 1 10 100 1000 0.0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 LCP3121 APPLICATION EXAMPLES Application 2 : Common protection for SLIC with integrated ring generator Application 1 : Common protection for SLIC without integrated ring generator -Vbat +Vbat -Vbat TIP TIP SLIC 4*SMBYW01-200 SLIC L3000N 4*SMBYW01-200 RING RING -Vbat +Vbat -Vbat TIP TIP SLIC 4*SMBYW01-200 SLIC L3000N 4*SMBYW01-200 RING RING -Vbat C Gn +Vbat A -Vbat C LCP 3121 Gp A C LCP3121 Application 3 : Typical SLIC protection Gn A LCP3121 Application 4 : Protection programmed by current IT + A LCP3121 Protec ted Gn Circuit C -Vbat TIP Ra LCP3121 4*SMBYW01-200 A IT = IG + C Ra SLIC Gn V G CURRENT TOLERANCE -Vbat RING Ra Ω (+/-5%) IT mA min IT mA max 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10 12 202 182 164 150 137 128 603 538 479 431 388 358 5/6 LCP3121 ORDER CODE LCP 31 2 1 RL PACKAGING: RL = tape and reel. = tube. LINE CARD PROTECTION NUMECAL CODE PACKAGE: 1 = SO8 . VERSION PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SO8 Plastic DIMENSIONS REF. Millimetres Min. Typ. Max. Min. A Typ. Max. 1.75 0.069 a1 a2 0.1 0.25 0.004 1.65 0.010 0.065 b 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019 b1 C 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 c1 D E e 0.50 F L 0.020 45°(typ) 5.0 0.189 4.8 5.8 e3 6.2 0.197 0.228 0.244 1.27 0.050 3.81 0.150 3.8 0.4 M 4.0 0.15 1.27 0.016 0.157 0.050 0.6 0.024 S MARKING Inches 8° (max) Weight = 0.08 g Package Type Marking SO8 LCP3121 CP3121 Packaging : Products supplied in anti-static tubes or tape and reel. Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsIbility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 1998 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved. STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Mexico - Morocco The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 6/6