Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Document Number: MC33385 Rev. 6.0, 11/2006 Quad Low-side Driver 33385 The MC33385 is a Quad Low-side Driver fully protected switch. This device is a general purpose Low-side Driver but has been especially designed to operate in engine management applications as injector driver or automotive gear box. It is interfaced directly with a microcontroller for parallel control of the load and the individual output diagnostic is done through a SPI. The diagnostic logic recognizes 4 failure types at each output stage: overcurrent, short to GND, open load, and over-temperature. LOW-SIDE DRIVER Features • RDSON of 250mΩ per Output at 25°C • Supplied from the main 5V VCC • Input CMOS Compatible • Diagnostic through SPI • Nominal Current of 2A per Output • Current Limitation at 3A with Automatic Turn Off • Output Internally Clamped at 50V typ for Inductive Load Drive • Junction to Case Thermal Resistance of 4.4°C/W • Individual Output over Temperature Shutdown • Pb-Free Packaging Designated by Suffix Code VW DH SUFFIX VW SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 98ASH70702A 20-PIN HSOP ORDERING INFORMATION Device MC33385DH/R2 MC33385VW/R2 VPWR 33385 Voltage Regulator VCC MCU NCS CLK SDI SDO NRE NON1 NON2 NON3 NON4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 GND1-4 Figure 1. MC33385 Simplified Application Diagram There are no disclaimers required on the Final publication of a data sheet. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. Temperature Range (TA) Package -40°C to 125°C 20 HSOP BLOCK DIAGRAM BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC Charge Pump TRIGGER NON1 NON2 OUT1 OUT2 S URES RES NON3 dv/dt control DRIVER R NON4 OUT3 OUT4 RES URES Over-temp. detection ON1 FR Reset IRES VCC I-SCB filter t-ISCB ON1 SDI VCC I-OL filter t-IOL CLK NON1 VCC Shift Register NCS Failure Register (FR) SCG filter t-SCG URES RES Under Voltage Reset Reset Vref OSC IRES SDO GND Oscillator NRES Figure 2. 33385 Simplified Internal Block Diagram 33385 2 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PIN CONNECTIONS PIN CONNECTIONS 21 GND2 1 20 GND1 OUT2 2 19 OUT1 18 N.C N.C 3 NON2 4 17 NON1 SDI 5 16 SDO Heat sink CLK 6 15 NRES NCS 7 14 VCC NON4 8 13 NON3 OUT4 9 12 OUT3 GND4 10 21 11 GND3 Figure 3. 33385 Pin Connections Table 1. 33385 Pin Definitions Pin Number Pin Name Definition 1 GND2 Ground 2 2 OUT2 Output Channel 2 NC 3 4 NON2 Input Control Signal for Channel 2 5 SDI Serial Data Input 6 CLK Clock Line for Serial Interface 7 NCS Chip Select for Serial Interface 8 NON4 Input Control Signal for Channel 4 9 OUT4 Output Channel 4 10 GND4 Ground 4 11 GND3 Ground 3 12 OUT3 Output Channel 3 13 NON3 Input Control Signal for Channel 3 14 Vcc 5V Power Supply 15 NRES Reset Input 16 SDO Data Output of Serial Interface 17 NON1 Input Control Signal Channel 1 NC 18 19 OUT1 Output Channel 1 20 GND1 Ground 1 Case Connected to the PCB Ground for Thermal Purposes 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 2. Maximum Ratings All voltages are with respect to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device. Ratings Symbol Value Unit Vcc 7.0 V Continuous Output Voltage (With no reverse current) VOUT 45 V Continuous Current IOUTC 2.5 A Peak Output Current IOUTP ISCBMAX A Clamped Energy at the Switching OFF (See Figure 9) WOFF 70 mJ for 1ms Input Voltage (Inputs) VIN VCC + 0.3 V Input Protection Diode Current IIN 1.0 mA Input Voltage (Outputs) VO VCC + 0.3 V Input Protection Diode Current IO 1.0 mA TJ 150 °C RTHJC 4.5 kΩ ELECTRICAL RATINGS Voltage Range THERMAL RATINGS Operating Junction Temperature Thermal Resistance : Junction-case (One power stage in use) Thermal Resistance : Junction-ambient (Device soldered on printed circuit board) RTHJA 50 kΩ Peak Package Reflow Temperature During Reflow (1), (2) TPPRT Note 2 °C Notes 1. Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the device. 2. Freescale’s Package Reflow capability meets Pb-free requirements for JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. For Peak Package Reflow Temperature and Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSL), Go to, search by part number [e.g. remove prefixes/suffixes and enter the core ID to view all orderable parts. (i.e. MC33xxxD enter 33xxx), and review parametrics. 33385 4 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC CHARACTERISTICS STATIC CHARACTERISTICS Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V, - 40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min VCC Junction Temperature Continuous (Continuous) TJ1 Junction Temperature Dynamical (Time limited) Typ Max Unit 4.5 5.5 V - 40 150 °C TJ2 185 °C IOUT ISCBMAX Α SUPPLY VOLTAGE Supply Voltage Range JUNCTION TEMPERATURE OUTPUT CURRENT Output Current Range RESET BEHAVIOUR Reset Changeable (at NRES-Pin) Undervoltage Reset (Independent of NRES) VCC VCCRES 5.5 V VCCRES 3.35 3.95 V VCCPRO 1.5 4.0 V TOFF 155 185 °C ICCSTB1 ICCSTB2 6.0 mA 7.0 mA ICCOPM 17 mA ∆ICC 100 mA 50 mA Active for VCC = 0V to VCCPRO UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION Protection active for VCC =0V to VCCPRO OVER TEMPERATURE Temperature Detection Threshold SUPPLY CURRENT Standby Current (without load) (NON1...NON4 = High Level) 5.15V ≥ VCC 5.5V ≥ VCC Operating Mode (For 5.15V ≥ VCC) (Iout 1...4) = 2A ∆ICC During Reverse Output Current (IOUT = - 5A on one output) INPUTS (NONx, NCS, CLK, NRES, SDI) Low Threshold VINL -0.3 0.2*VCC V High Threshold VINH 0.7*VCC VCC + 0.3 V VHYST 0.85 Hysteresis V 10 µA - 20 µA Input Current (VIN = VCC) IIN Input Current (VCC >VRES & 0V<VIN < 0.9*VCC) IIN - 100 High Output Level (ISDO = -2mA) VSDOH VCC - 0.4 Low Output Level (ISDO = 3.2mA) VSDOL Tristate Leakage Current (NCS = HIGH, VSDO = 0V to VCC) ISDOL - 10 Average Output Current IOUTA 2.5 A Output Peak Current IOUTP ISCBMAX A SERIAL DATA OUTPUT V 0.4 V 10 µA OUTPUTS (OUT 1...4) 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC CHARACTERISTICS Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V, - 40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Leakage Current 1 (NON = High, VOUT = 25V, VCC = 5V) IOUTL 10 µA Leakage Current 2 (NON = High, VOUT = 16V, VCC = 1V) IOUTL2 10 µA 58 V VCLP+1 V Output Clamp Voltage (IOUT = 1A) VCLP 45 Matching Clamp Voltage (Between two outputs) VCLPM VCLP-1 Clamped Energy at the Switching OFF (See Figure 9) WOFF 50 On Resistance (IOUT = 2A, TJ = 150°C, NON = LOW) RDSON Output Low Voltage Limitation (IOUT = 150mA) Output Capacitance (Guaranteed by design) VOUTLIM 50 mJ for 1ms 65 COUT 500 mΩ 220 mV 350 pF OUTPUTS REVERSE DIODE Reverse Output Current IRD 2,5 A IRDP 5.0 A VRD1 1.0 1.7 V VRD2 0.85 1.7 V Short Current Limit ISCB 3.0 5 A VCC Undervoltage VCCMIN 3.35 3.95 V VREF 0.390xVCC 0.435xVCC V Open Load Threshold Current IOL 10 50 mA Pull-up Resistor ROL 2.0 8.0 kΩ Temperature Detection Threshold TOFF 155 185 °C Reverse Peak current (1) Reverse Voltage Drop - IOUT = - 5A - IOUT = - 2,5A POWERSTAGE PROTECTION DIAGNOSTIC Short to GND Threshold Voltage for IOUT ≤ 2A Notes 1. For t ≤ 2ms. Max. reverse current is limited to - 10A (for all outputs together) 33385 6 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTIC DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTIC Table 4. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V, - 40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min fIN 0.0 OVRP1 2.0 3.5 1.75 Typ Max Unit 1000 Hz 3.0 6.0 5.0 V/µs 10 V/µs 3.0 4.0 V/µs 40 µs 2.5 5.0 µs 1.0 3.0 µs 4.7 7.5 µs 100 µs 3.0 µs 12 µs INPUTS Input Frequency (NON1 to NON4) OUTPUTS TIMING Positive Output Voltage Ramp (with inductive load) VOUT = 4V... 16V VOUT = 16V... Vclp Negative Output Voltage Ramp OVRP2 (25%... 75%) Internal Switch-on-Time Charge Pump OVRN tDCP (NON = LOW... VGATE = 0.9 * VBAT) Turn ON Delay tDON 1.0 (NON = 50%, VOUT = 0.9 * VBAT) Turn OFF Delay (NON = 50%, VOUT = 0.1 * VBAT) (NON = 50%, VOUT = 4V) Undervoltage Protection tDOFFA tDOFFB tRPON Max ON time after a output voltage ramp from 0V to 25V at VCC = 0V...VCCPRO Matching Turn ON Delay tMON - 3.0 (NON = 50%, VOUT = 0.9 * VBAT) Rise time Turn OFF tROFF 8.5 (10% - 90% of VCLP) DIAGNOSTIC TSCG 140 250 µs tOL 140 250 µs Clock Frequency (50% duty cycle) fCLK 3.0 MHz Minimum Time CLK = HIGH tCLH 100 ns Minimum Time CLK = LOW tCLL 100 ns Short to GND Filter Time Open Load Filter Time SERIAL DIAGNOSTIC LINK : LOAD CAPACITOR AT SDI AND SDO = 100PF Propagation Delay (CLF Data at SDO valid) tPCLD 100 ns NCS = LOW to Data at SDO Valid tPCLD 100 ns CLK Low Before NCS Low tSCLCH 100 ns CLK Change Low/High after NCS = Low tHCLCL 100 ns SDI Input Set up Time tSCLD 20 ns (Setup time CLK to NCS change High/Low) (CLK change High/Low after SDI data valid) SDI Input Hold Time (SDI data hold after CLK change High/Low) tHCLD CLK Low Before NCS High tSCLCL 20 150 ns ns 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 7 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTIC Table 4. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V, - 40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C, GND = 0 V unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min CLK High After NCS High tHCLCH 150 NCSLow/High to Output Data Flout tPCHDZ 100 ns Capacitance at SDI, SDO, CLk, CS tPCLD 10 pF NCS Filter time (Pulses ≤ tFNCS will be ignored) tFNCS 40 ns 10 Typ Max Unit ns 33385 8 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS TIMING DIAGRAMS NCS CLK SDO FSL LSB SDI D1 LSB D2 D1 D3 D2 D4 D5 D3 D4 D6 D5 MSB D6 MSB FR-RESET NOTE : FR -RESET means Reset failure storage (internal signal) Figure 4. Timing Diagram to Read the Diagnostic Register MSB D7 LSB D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 FSL FAILURE INDICATOR BIT Only valid during NCS = LOW to the first Low to High CLK change 1 : failure stored 0 : no failure STATUS CHANNEL 4 11 : no failure 01 : open circuit 10: short to battery or overtemperature 00 : short to gnd STATUS CHANNEL 3 STATUS CHANNEL 2 STATUS CHANNEL 1 Figure 5. Diagnostic Failure Register Structure . NCS tSCLCH tHCLCH tCLH tCLL tSCLCH tHCLCH CLK tCSDV SDO tPCLD tPCHDZ FSL D0 tCSDV SDI D7 tHCLD D0 D1 D7 Figure 6. Serial Interface Timing 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 9 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS Failure detection time for an SCG failure off on NON SCG-failure VDRAIN VDRAIN < VREF at off-state t-SCG (filter-time) Filter time Failure detection Failure store Figure 7. Diagram to Short-Circuit to GND Failure (SCG-Failure) Detection Sporadic failure detection Statical failure detection Failure detection active for an sporadic OL-failure NON Iload off on I-OL Iload > I-OL Iload > IOL for t > tol Diagnostic active retrigger t filter t < t-ol retrigger filter t-ol (filter-time) tol Sporadic failure-detection Failure detection Failure store Figure 8. Diagram to Open Load Failure (OL-Failure) Detection 33385 10 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES 350 - 40°C 300 Energy (mJ) 250 200 25°C 150 100 125°C 50 0 0 1,5 1 2 2,5 Pulse-Duration (ms) 0,5 3 3,5 4 Figure 9. Max Clamp- Energy Specification ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES 380 3 375 2,75 VCC=5,5V 370 365 2,25 VINL/VCC ICCSTB (mA) 2,50 VCC=5,5V 2 1,75 VCC=4,5V 355 350 VCC=5,15V 1,50 360 345 1,25 1 -50 340 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 624 12,00 623 11,50 622 ICCOPM (mA) 12,50 11,00 100 125 VinH/Vcc 621 10,50 10,00 9,50 8,50 -50 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 12. Low Threshold Input Voltage versus Temperature Figure 10. Standby Current versus Temperature 9,00 -25 125 VCC=4,5V ou 5,5V 620 619 618 VCC=5,15V All outputs=2A -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 617 100 125 616 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 Figure 11. Operating Mode Current versus Temperature Figure 13. High Threshold Input Voltage versus Temperature 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 11 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES 55,00 3,78 54,50 3,77 54,00 3,76 VCCMIN (V) VCLP (V) 53,50 53,00 IOUT1=1A 52,50 3,74 3,73 52,00 3,72 51,50 3,71 51,00 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 3,70 -50 125 Figure 14. Output Clamp Voltage versus Temperature -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 Figure 17. Vcc Undervoltage versus Temperature 400 4,60 VCC=4,5V IOUT1=3A 375 4,50 350 4,40 325 4,30 300 4,20 ISCB (A) RDSON (mΩ) 3,75 275 4,10 250 4,00 225 3,90 200 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 VCC=5,5V 3,80 -50 VCC=4,5V -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 Figure 18. Short Current Limit versus Temperature Figure 15. Rdson versus Temperature 24,50 24,25 24,00 IOL (mA) 23,75 23,50 23,25 23,00 22,75 22,50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 T, TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 Figure 16. Open Load versus Temperature 125 Figure 19. Inductive Switching 33385 12 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES In1 (1V/div) tDON VOUT1(2V/div) VOUT1(2V/div) tDOFFA tDOFFB In1 (1V/div) Figure 20. Turn on Delay Figure 21. Turn off Delay 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 13 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The device is a Quad Low-side Driver driven by four CMOS input stages. Each output power transistor is protected against short to VBAT by a zener clamp against overvoltage. A diagnostic logic recognizes four failure types at the output stage : overcurrent, short to GND, open-load and overtemperature. The failures are individually stored in a byte which can be read out via the serial interface (SPI). OUTPUT STAGE CONTROL Each of the four output stages is switched ON and OFF by an individual control line (NON-Input). The logic level of the control line is CMOS compatible. The output transistors are switched off when the inputs are not connected. POWER TRANSISTORS Each of the four output stages has its own zener clamp. This causes a voltage limitation at the power transistors when inductive loads are switched off. The drain voltage ramp occurring when output is switched on or off, is within defined limits. Output transistors can be connected in parallel to increase current capability. In this case, the associated inputs should be connected together. SHORT-CIRCUIT AND OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTION If the output current increases above the short current limit for a time longer than tSCB or if the temperature increases above TOFF then the power transistor is immediately switched off. It remains switched off until the control signal on the NON-Input is switched off and on again. DIAGNOSTICS The following failures at the output stage are recognized : Short -Circuit to VBAT or overtemp = SCB (Highest priority) Short -Circuit to GND.................... = SCG Open Load...................................... = OL (Lowest priority) The SCB failure is recognized by an overcurrent (current above the short current limit) or an overtemperature. If the current through the output stage is lower than the IOL-reference, after a filter time an OL failure will be recognized. This measurement is active while the power stage is switched on. The SCG failure will recognize when the drain voltage is lower than the OL reference limit, while the output stage is switched off. All four outputs have an independent overtemperature detection and shutdown. All failures are stored in individual registers. They can be read by the microprocessor via the serial interface. There is no failure detected if the power stage control time is shorter than the filter time. DIAGNOSTIC INTERFACE The communication between the microprocessor and the failure register runs via the SPI link. If there is a failure stored in the failure register, the first bit of the shift register is set to a high level. With the High/Low change on the NCS pin, the first bit of the diagnostic shift register will be transmitted to the SDO output. The SDO output is the serial output from the diagnostic shift register and it is put into a tri-state when the NCS pin is high. The CLK pin clocks the diagnostic shift register. New SDO data will appear on every rising edge of this pin and new SDI data will be latched on every CLK’s falling edge into the shift register. With the first positive pulse of the CLK, the failure register will be cleared. There is no bus collision at a small spike at the NCS. The CLK is always LOW while the NCS-signal is changing. RESET There are two different reset functions realized : Under voltage reset : as long as the VCC voltage is lower than VCCRES, the power stages are switched off and the failure-registers are reset. Reset pin : as long as the NRES-pin is low, following circuits are reset : • Power stages • Failure register UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION At low VCC voltage, the device remains switched off even if there is a voltage ramp at the OUT pin. 33385 14 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS For the most current package revision, visit and perform a keyword search using the “98A” listed below. DH SUFFIX VW (PB-FREE) SUFFIX 20-PIN HSOP PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ASH70702A ISSUE B 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 15 PACKAGING PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (CONTINUED) DH SUFFIX VW (PB-FREE) SUFFIX 20-PIN HSOP PLASTIC PACKAGE 98ASH70702A ISSUE B 33385 16 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor REVISION HISTORY REVISION HISTORY REVISION 6.0 DATE 11/2006 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES • • • Implemented Revision History page Added Pb-Free suffix code VW Converted to Freescale format, and adjusted to the prevailing form and style 33385 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 17 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516 2100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284 +1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F 1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0064 Japan 0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125 [email protected] Asia/Pacific: Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. Technical Information Center 2 Dai King Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong +800 2666 8080 [email protected] For Literature Requests Only: Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1-800-441-2447 or 303-675-2140 Fax: 303-675-2150 [email protected] MC33385 Rev. 6.0 11/2006 RoHS-compliant and/or Pb-free versions of Freescale products have the functionality and electrical characteristics of their non-RoHS-compliant and/or non-Pb-free counterparts. For further information, see or contact your Freescale sales representative. For information on Freescale’s Environmental Products program, go to http:// Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved.