Ordering number : ENA1619 CMOS IC LC07424LP Audio CODEC with Video Driver Overview The LC07424LP is an audio CODEC that has a built-in speaker amplifier and Line amplifier and incorporates a video driver. A input line selector and ALC circuit are provided in the audio recording system. A speaker amplifier and line output are provided in the playback system. A video driver that obviates the need for an output coupling capacitor is also included to enable AV playback processing with the single chip. Features • Audio systems can be configured using this single chip since almost all the audio system circuits are provided. • A high-performance ALC/limiter circuit that meets a variety of different conditions is incorporated. • A wide range of different functions can be set using parameter settings. Functions Recording system • ADC • input to line • analog PGA • ALC Playback system • DAC • Digital filter • Speaker amplifier Video system • Video driver • LPF • Amplifier gain : stereo single circuit, ∆∑Method 16bit,THD+N=-80dB(TYP, -1dBFS for input time) : stereo single circuit, MIC Amplifier output : stereo single circuit, for recording ALC, +34dB to -14dB (0.5dB step) : The ADC output is detecting phase, analog PGA is controlled automatically. : stereo single circuit, ∆∑Method 16bit,THD+N=-80dB(TYP, 0dBFS for input time) : De-emphasis filter, (fs=>48kHz/44.1kHz/32kHz) : monaural single circuit, EVR block (+0dB to -65.2dB MUTE), BTL drive, 250mW (TYP 8Ω VDDsp=2.8V THD+N=1%) : 1 circuit. Y / C input and Video output. Compatible with changeover between the sag compensation type and DC direct-coupling type : fc=8MHz : 6.5dB±1.7dB, 0.1dB/step Any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein are, with regard to "standard application", intended for the use as general electronics equipment (home appliances, AV equipment, communication device, office equipment, industrial equipment etc.). The products mentioned herein shall not be intended for use for any "special application" (medical equipment whose purpose is to sustain life, aerospace instrument, nuclear control device, burning appliances, transportation machine, traffic signal system, safety equipment etc.) that shall require extremely high level of reliability and can directly threaten human lives in case of failure or malfunction of the product or may cause harm to human bodies, nor shall they grant any guarantee thereof. If you should intend to use our products for applications outside the standard applications of our customer who is considering such use and/or outside the scope of our intended standard applications, please consult with us prior to the intended use. If there is no consultation or inquiry before the intended use, our customer shall be solely responsible for the use. Specifications of any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein stipulate the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer' s products or equipment. To verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer' s products or equipment. 12710 SY No.A1619-1/32 LC07424LP common • Power down • Sampling frequency • Audio data format • Microcomputer serial data format (resister setting) • Master clock : Controllable for each function block : fs=48kHz / 44.1kHz / 32kHz : I2S / forward justification / backward justification BCLK=64fs / 32fs master/slave mode : 3-wire type (chip select, clock, data) : 256fs (MCLK pin input) Power Supply Voltage =1.8V(1.71 to 3.6V) =1.8V(1.71 to 3.6V) =2.8V(2.6 to 3.6V) =2.8V(2.6 to 3.6V) =4.8V(4.5 to 5.5V) =2.8V(2.6 to 3.6V) =4.8V(4.5 to 5.5V) unit : mm(typ) 3302A TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW SIDE VIEW 5.0 0.35 40 (0.7) 0.4 5.0 0.35 VDDdig(digital core) VDDio(digital IO) VDDana(analog) VDDsp(speaker) VDDh(analog) VDDv(video) VDDvh(video) Package Dimensions 0.85 MAX SIDE VIEW 0.0 NOM 2 1 0.2 (0.7) SANYO : VQLP40(5.0X5.0) Pin Assignment 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Lout_R Lout_L VSSh Vref_H_C VDDh VSSsp VDDsp SPn N.C. SPp 30 31 Lin_L VSSvh 20 32 Lin_R VDDvh 19 33 VSSana Vout 18 34 Vref_C Vsag 17 35 VDDana Vref_v_C 16 Cin 15 Yin 14 38 LRCLK VSSv 13 39 BCLK VDDv 12 40 TESTin G_PORT2 11 LC07424LP 36 RESET_X 37 MCLK DAC_Din ADC_Dout CS_X SCLK SDin VDDdig VSSdig VDDio G_PORT0 G_PORT1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Top view No.A1619-2/32 LC07424LP Block Diagram Yin Cin 6.5dB+1.7dB(0.1dB/step) Vout LPF Vsag PGA BUF BIAS 0dB to -65.2dB Vref_v_C VREF(1.3V) Vref_H_C VREF(VDDh/2) Vref_C Video PGA BUF CLAMP VREF(VDDana/2) SP Amp SEL MIX SEL AMP control 6.5dB/0dB to Speaker SPp SPn Lout_L Lout_R PGA Lin_R PGA ALC/Limiter ADC 16bit ALC cont. ADC 16bit Interface +34dB to -14dB Lin_L DAC 16bit DAC 16bit VDDvh VSSvh VDDv VSSv VDDh VSSh VDDsp VSSsp MPU VDDana VSSana MCLK BCLK LRCLK I2S IF VDDdig VSSdig DAC_Din ADC_Dout CS_X SCLK SDin VDDio Serial IF /Regster/ G_PORT2 G_PORT1 G_PORT0 RESET_X TESTin No.A1619-3/32 LC07424LP Pin Description (Note) I/O: I=> input, Is=> Schmitt input, O=> output, IOs=> Schmitt input/output PIN No. I/O Pin Name Is RESET_X Description Digital System 36 Reset (negative polarity) 37 I MCLK Master Clock 38 IOs LRCLK LR Clock (sample rate clock) Audio IF 39 IOs BCLK B Clock (serial data bit clock) Audio IF 40 I TESTin 1 Is DAC_Din For IC testing (VSS fixed in normal operation) 2 O ADC_Dout 3 Is CS_X Chip select (negative polarity) 4 Is SCLK Serial clock Microcontroller IF 5 Is SDin Serial data input Microcontroller IF 9 IOs G_PORT0 For IC testing (open in normal operation) 10 IOs G_PORT1 For IC testing (open in normal operation) 11 O G_PORT2 For IC testing (open in normal operation) DAC serial data input Audio IF ADC serial data output Audio IF Microcontroller IF Analog system 14 I Yin Y signal input 15 I Cin C signal input 16 O Vref_v_C Reference voltage (Video system) Connect an external capacitor 17 - Vsag Video signal output, for sag compensation. Connect an external capacitor 18 O VOUT Video signal output. 22 O SPn Speaker output 25 O SPp Speaker output 27 O Vref_H_C 29 O Lout_L Line output, Left channel 30 O Lout_R Line output, Right channel Reference voltage (4.8V system) Connect an external capacitor 31 I Lin_L Line input, Left channel 32 I Lin_R Line intput, Right channel 34 O Vref_C Reference voltage (2.8V system) Connect an external capacitor 6 - VDDdig Digital power supply 7 - VSSdig Digital ground Power pin, other 8 - VDDio Digital IO power supply 12 - VDDv Analog power supply for video driver 13 - VSSv Analog ground for video driver 19 - VDDvh 4.8V system analog power supply for video driver 20 - VSSvh 4.8V system analog ground for video driver 21 - N.C. 23 - VDDsp Speaker analog power supply 24 - VSSsp Speaker analog ground 26 - VDDh 4.8V system analog power supply 28 - VSSh 4.8V system analog ground 33 - VSSana Analog ground 35 - VDDana Analog power supply No connect Pin treatment when not using • Keep the analog input/output pin in the OPEN state. LIN_L, LIN_R, LOUT_L, LOUT_R, YIN, CIN, VOUT, Vsag • Keep the digital output pin in the OPEN state. • Do not keep the digital input pin in the OPEN state. No.A1619-4/32 LC07424LP Pin internal equivalent circuit Digital pin The input/output level can be set with the VDDio pin supply voltage. VDDio VDDio P2 ADC_Dout P11 GPORT2 P37 MCLK P40 TESTin VDDio P36 RESET_X P1 DAC_Din P3 CS_X P4 SCLK schmitt schmitt S VDDio P38 LRCLK P39 BCLK P9 GPORT0 P10 GPORT1 S Analog pin Speaker AMP (Note) The resistance value is the TYPvalue. VREF VDDsp VDDana VDDana P22 SPn P25 SPp P27 Vref_H_C P34 Vref_C VSSana VSSana VSSsp Line IN / OUT VDDh VDDh VDDana 500kΩ P31 LIN_L P29 LOUT_L P30 LOUT_R 20kΩ P32 LIN_R VSSh VSSh VSSana Vref_H_C 20kΩ No.A1619-5/32 LC07424LP Video VDDvh VDDvh VDDv VDDv 2.4kΩ P18 VOUT P14 YIN VSSvh VSSvh 10kΩ VSSv P17 Vsag 10kΩ VSSv VDDv VDDv VDDv 100kΩ 1.3V P15 CIN VSSv 35kΩ 3.2kΩ P16 Vref_v_C VSSv 30kΩ 62kΩ VSSv VSSv No.A1619-6/32 LC07424LP Oparating condistion Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25±2°C, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig= 0V Parameter Symbol min max unit Supply voltage (4.8V sistem) (*1) (*2) VDD48 -0.3 +7.0 V Supply voltage (2.8V sistem) (*1) (*3) VDD28 -0.3 +4.0 V Supply voltage (1.8V sistem) (*1) (*4) VDD18 -0.3 +4.0 V Analog input voltage (*5) VINana -0.3 VDD28 + 0.3 V Digital input voltage (*6) VINdig -0.3 VDD18 + 0.3 V Allowable power dissipation (*7) Pd 400 mW Operating ambient temperature Topr -10 +80 °C Storage ambient temperature Tstg -55 +125 °C (*1) The supply voltage including rise/fall must maintain the following relationship: VDD48 ≥ VDD28 ≥ VDD18 (*2) 4.8V system power pin: VDDh, VDDvh (*3) 2.8V system power pin: VDDana, VDDsp, VDDv (*4) 1.8V system power pin: VDDio, VDDdig, VDDio ≥ VDDdig (*5) Applicable pins: YIN, CIN, LIN_L LIN_R (*6) Applicable pins: MCLK, TESTin, RESET_X, CS_X, SCLK, SDin, BCLK, LRCLK (for the input mode), G_PORT2 / 1 / 0 (for the input mode; the output mode only in case of normal operation) (*7) Ta ≤ 80°C, our standard substrate (size: 40 mm x 50 mm x 0.8 mm. In case of mounting of four-layer glass epoxy (2S2P) ) Recommended Operating Range at VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V Parameter Symbol Supply voltage Conditions min typ max unit VDDio VDDio pin (*1) 1.71 1.80 3.6 V VDDdig VDDdig pin (*1) 1.71 1.80 VDDio V VDDana VDDana, VDDv, VDDsp pin (*1) 2.6 2.8 3.6 V VDDh VDDh, VDDvh pin (*1) 4.5 4.8 5.5 V Inpupt high level voltage VIH (*2) (0.8)VDDio VDDio V Input low level voltage VIL (*2) VSS (0.2)VDDio Input clock frequency fMCLK (*3) 8.192 12.288 Input clock duty DutyMCLK Analog line input dynamic range L_IN V MHz fs=32kHz (*3) 30 50 70 % fs=48kHz, 44.1kHz (*3) 45 50 55 % LIN_L, LIN_R pin (*4) (0.9)VDDana Vp-p (*1) VDDh=VDDvh, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv ≥ VDDio ≥ VDDdig (*2) Applicable pins: MCLK, TESTin, RESET_X, CS_X, SCLK, SDin, BCLK (for the input mode LRCLK (for the input mode), G_PORT2 / 1 / 0 (for the input mode; the output mode only in case of normal operation) (*3) MCLK pin 8.192MHz => 32kHz x 256 12.288MHz => 48kHz x 256 (*4) Specifications of the input selector circuit. The PGA output is not to exceed the full scale of ADC input. Electrical Characteristics at Ta=25±2°C, VDDh=VDDvh= 4.5 to 5.5V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.6 to 3.6V VDDio=VDDdig=1.71 to 3.6V, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Input high level current IIH Inputp low level current IIL VI=VSS (*1) Output high level voltage VOH1 IOH=-1mA (*2) Output low level voltage VOL1 IOL= 1mA (*2) Input leak current ILK VI=VDDio or VSS (*3) min typ VI=VDDio (*1) max unit +1 μA -1 μA (0.8)VDDio V -10 (0.2)VDDio V +10 μA (*1) Applicable pins: MCLK, TESTin, RESET_X, CS_X, SCLK, SDin, (*2) Applicable pins: ADC_DOUT BCLK, LRCLK (Output mode) G_PORT2 / 1 / 0 (For the output mode. Output mode only in case of normal operation.) (*3) Applicable pins: BCLK, LRCLK (Output mode) G_PORT2 / 1 / 0 (For the input mode. Output mode only in case of normal operation.) No.A1619-7/32 LC07424LP Analog Characteristics at Ta=25±2°C, VDDh=VDDvh=4.8V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.8V, VDDio=VDDdig=1.8V, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V, 0dBFS=-3.9dBV=1.8V Unless otherwise specified, fs=48kHz, signal frequency =1kHz (sin wave), measurement range=20Hz to 20kHzDAC_DIN pin input=0dBFS PGA gain setting=0dB, EVR gain setting=0dB Analog Input / output Parameter Symbol Conditions Input voltage LI_VIN Input impedance LI_RIN (*1) (*2) Total harmonic distortion ratio AA_THD+N LIN_L pin input: -1dBFS min typ max (*1) 1.68 17 unit V 20 23 kΩ -80 -72 dB 16 Bits Measured at LOUT_L pin and noise ADC analog Input Resolution ADC_RES SNR ADC_SNR A-Weighted Total harmonic distortion ratio ADC_THD+N LIN_L pin input: -1dBFS Measured at ADC_DOUT pin Dynamic range ADC_DR LIN_L pin input: -60dBFS Measured at ADC_DOUT pin、 Inter-channel isolation and noise 80 86 -80 80 86 ADC_ISO 80 100 Inter-channel gain mismatch ADC_LRG -0.5 PGA step width PGA_GSTEP LIN_L pin input, Measured at ADC_DOUT pin 0.1 PGA variable range PGA_GVB LIN_L pin input, -14 dB -72 dB dB A-Weighted 0.5 dB 0.5 dB 0.9 dB 34 dB 16 Bits Measured at ADC_DOUT pin DAC analog output Resolution DAC_RES SNR DAC_SNR A-Weighted Total harmonic distortion ratio DAC_THD+N DAC_DIN pin input: 0dBFS Measured at LOUT_L pin Dynamic range DAC_DR DAC_DIN pin input: -60dBFS Measured at LOUT_L pin, A-Weighted Inter-channel isolation Inter-channel gain mismatch Output voltage LO_V Output load resistance LO_RL LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin Output load capacity LO_CL LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin EVR_G DAC_DIN pin input: -6.5dBFS [EVR_GAIN]=3Fh 0.0 [EVR_GAIN]=2Fh -2.2 Measured at SPp and [EVR_GAIN]=20h -7.6 SPn pins [EVR_GAIN]=10h -22.8 [EVR_GAIN]=00h -65.2 and noise 80 88 -80 75 88 DAC_ISO 80 100 DAC_LRG -0.5 DAC_DIN pin input: 0dBFS LINE_AMP gain setting =6.5dB 1.4 2.0 dB -72 dB dB dB 0.5 dB 2.6 dBV Measured at LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin 10 kΩ 30 pF Speaker Amp EVR Gain value dB Speaker Amp Total harmonic distortion ratio SP_THD+N DAC_DIN pin input: 0dBFS, EVR=-2.5dB (*3)(*4) 1.0 2.0 % 3.9 dBV and noise Output level SP_V DAC_DIN pin input: 0dBFS, EVR=-2.5dB (*4) 2.1 3.0 SNR SP_SNR DAC_DIN pin input: 0dBFS, EVR=-2.5dB (*4) 78 86 Output load resistance SP_RL SPp, SPn pin Output load capacity SP_CL SPp, SPn pin dB 8 Ω 30 pF (*1) Applicable pins: Line input pin LIN_L, LIN_R Analog input full-scale value of ADC (LI_VIN = 2.8V x 0.6) (*2) The TYP resistance value varies from 10kΩ to 20kΩ depending on the gain setting of PGA. (*3) Output 250mW (8Ω) (*4) BTL converted value when the same signal has been set for Lch/Rch in the DAC input No.A1619-8/32 LC07424LP Video characteristics at Ta=25±2°C, VDDh=VDDvh=4.8V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.8V, VDDio=VDDdig=1.8V, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V Unless otherwise specified, the AC input is the sine wave. Parameter Input range Symbol Conditions min typ max unit VD_YDR YIN pin 1.0 1.2 Vp-p 0.9 Vp-p VD_CDR CIN pin 0.7 Input impedance VD_YRin YIN pin 1 VD_CRin CIN pin Frequency characteristics (*1) VD_LPF Input signal: 8MHz (0.7Vp-p) MΩ 100 -6.0 kΩ -3.0 0.0 dB Input signal: 20MHz (0.7Vp-p) -40 -30 dB 2nd harmonic distortion ratio 1 (*1) VD_D1 Input signal: 1MHz (0.7Vp-p) -50 -40 dB 2nd harmonic distortion ratio 2 (*1) VD_D2 Input signal: 4MHz (0.7Vp-p) -35 -30 dB Differential gain VD_DG -1 1 % Differential phase VD_DP -1 1 deg. V_S / N (*2) VD_VSNR C_S / N (*3) VD_CSNR VOUT pin -64 dBrms AM -70 dBrms PM -62 dBrms Output load resistance VD_RL Refer to Fig. 2.5.1. Output load capacity VD_C1L C1 Refer to Fig. 2.5.1. 15 pF VD_C2L C2 Refer to Fig. 2.5.1. 400 pF 140 150 Ω Group delay 1 (*4) VD_GD1 20 60 ns Group delay 2 (*5) VD_GD2 15 45 ns Gain value (*6) VD_G dB Gain step width VD_GS [VD_Y_GAIN]=[VD_C_GAIN]=22h 7.2 8.2 9.2 [VD_Y_GAIN]=[VD_C_GAIN]=11h 5.5 6.5 7.5 dB [VD_Y_GAIN]=[VD_C_GAIN]=00h 3.8 4.8 5.8 dB [VD_Y_GAIN]=22h to 00h [VD_C_GAIN]=22h to 00h 0.1 dB (*1) YIN input current, as measured at VOUT pin (0dB assumed af 100kHz) (*2) Noise Spectrum measurement Measured at VOUT pin, 50% White input, frequency range (100k-5MHz) (*3) Measured at VOUT pin , 100% Red input, frequency range (10k-1MHz) Fig. 2.5.1 Video driver circuit (*4) Input: YIN pin, frequency range (100k-5MHz) Measurement: VOUT pin 100μF 75Ω 75Ω VOUT (*5) Input: CIN pin, frequency range (2MHz-5MHz) Measurement: VOUT pin (*6) Enter 100kHz (0.5Vp-p) to YIN pin and measure at VOUT pin. Vsag Enter 3.58MHz (0.5Vp-p) to CIN pin and measure at VOUT pin. 1μF Refer to Fig. 2.5.1. (Note here that C1=C2=0μF) C1 C2 Current drain at Ta=25±2°C, VDDh=VDDvh= 4.8V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.8V VDDio=VDDdig=1.8V, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V Parameter Source current at standby Symbol IddS Conditions Total of the following pins; VDDio, VDDdig, min typ max 10 100 unit μA VDDana, VDDsp, VDDv, VDDh, and VDDvh (*1) 1.8V system supply current Idd18 Total of the following pins; VDDdig and VDDio 5 mA 13 mA 6 mA (*2) 2.8V system supply current Idd28 Total of the following pins; VDDana, VDDsp, and VDDv (*2) 4.8V system supply current Idd48 Total of the following pins; VDDh, and VDDvh (*2) (*1) RESET_X pin = 0V、After input of clock in the MCLK pin, measure after stopping the clock. (*2) All circuits operating (Record & Playback & VIDEO) MCLK: 12.288MHz (48kHz), Audio analog input signal: no signal, video input signal: Color bar No.A1619-9/32 LC07424LP Digital filter characteristics at Ta=25±2°C, VDDh=VDDvh=4.5 to 5.5V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.6 to 3.6V VDDio=VDDdig=1.71 to 3.6V, VSSvh=VSSh=VSSana=VSSsp=VSSv=VSSdig=0V Parameter Symbol min Conditions typ max unit ADC block LPF fs=44.1kHz Passband ADC_PB Passband ripple ADC_PR Stopband ADC_SB Stopband attenuation ADC_SA Gain= 0.05dB 20 0.05 kHz dB 24.1 kHz -61 dB Input signal =24.1kHz ADC block HPF fs=44.1kHz Cutoff frequency ADC_FC 0.882 Hz DAC block LPF fs=44.1kHz Passband DAC_PB Passband ripple DAC_PR Stopband ADC_SB Stopband attenuation ADC_SA 20 ±0.015 kHz dB 24.1 kHz -58 dB Input signal =24.1kHz DAC block HPF fs=44.1kHz Cutoff frequency ADC_FC 0.86 Hz Switching Characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max unit Microcontroller serial interface timing SCLK Cycle time tCYC 4T 8T ns SCLK high period tSH SCLK low period tSL 2T 4T ns 2T 4T Data setup time tSU 2T ns 4T ns Data hold time tHD 2T 4T ns CSX rise to SCLK wait time tWSCLK 0T 2T ns SCLK to CSX rise wait time tWCSX 4T 6T ns Rise time tSR 50 ns Fall time tSF 50 ns Audio data timing Clock phase (Note 2) tPH Clock phase (Note 3) tPH 75 ns Deta delay time tDD Data setup time tSUA 1T ns Data hold time tHDA 1T ns 1 / (128fs) 0 ns 75 ns Note 1: T = 1 / fMCLK, fMCLK: Frequency of MCLKIN pin; example: when fMCLK = 10MHz, T = 100ns, 2T = 200ns Note 2: LRCK and BCLK are inputs in Slave mode. The MCLK timing needs only to be synchronized only with LRCK and BCLK and its phase is irrelevant. Note 3: In master mode, LRCK and BCLK are output in master mode and fs is the sampling frequency. Note 4: The load of output pin: 30pF. No.A1619-10/32 LC07424LP ‹ Microcontroller Serial Interface Timing Diagram › CS_X tCYC tWSCLK tWCSX tSH tSL SCLK tSU tSF tHD tSR tSU Dn [0] A [7] SDin tHD ‹ Audio Data Timing Diagram › LRCLK tPH tPH BCLK tDD ADC_DOUT tSUA tHDA DAC_DIN Input / Output level VDDh=VDDvh=4.8V, VDDana=VDDsp=VDDv=2.8V, VDDio=VDDdig=1.8V, standard setting DAC analog output full scale (FS) FS = -4.5dBV = 1.68Vp-p = 2.8V х 0.6 ADC analog input full scale (FS) FS = -4.5dBV = 1.68Vp-p = 2.8V х 0.6 dB : Gain value 0dBV=1Vrms=2.83Vp-p · Speaker output PGA DAC DAC -2.5dBFS -7dBV SEL L_c R_c MIX -2dB SP Amp (BTL) SPp EVR -2dB 6dB<*1> SPn 0dB to -65.2dB 4dB - BTL AMP of -3dBV input Output equivalent to 3dBV (250mW) 0dB -3dBV ‹*1› Added in the case of commonmode signal to become the double (6dB) level. · Line output DAC DAC L_c LINE Amp LOUT_L R_c LOUT_R 6.5dB / 0dB 0dBFS -4.5dBV -4.5dBV 6.5d 2dBV (=3.56Vp-p) 2dBV No.A1619-11/32 LC07424LP · Digital output LIN_L ALC (PGA) ADC ADC_DOUT +34dB to -14dB -1dBFS -5.5dBV 0dB -5.5dBV -1dBFS Outline of operation 1. System reset/power-down When the RESET_X pin is set to “VSS,” the system is reset, and all the circuits go into the power-down mode. After the power is turned on, perform this operation once without fail. When the system is reset, the contents of the register are initialized. (See register tables.) For the subsequent startup of each function, refer to the section “Control/start/stop sequence for reducing pop noise.” 2. ALC When the ALC is active, the PGA (programmable gain amplifier) gain value is automatically adjusted so that the audio level becomes the preset value. The PGA gain can be adjusted in a range from +34 to -14dB. By limiting the gain adjustment range to 0 to -14dB, this adjustment function can be made to work as a limiter function. The ALC operation can be stopped by a register setting. The ALC is then placed in the manual mode, and the PGA gain is adjusted by the register setting. For details, refer to the section “Description of ALC/limiter operation.” 3. A/D converter The A/D converter converts the analog PGA output signals into digital data, and the digital data is then output as 16bit serial audio data. There are three formats supported: I2S, left justification and right justification. The A/D converter incorporates a high-pass filter for canceling DC offset. The analog input range of the ADC is 0.6VDDadc. When VDDadc is 2.8V, 0dBfs is 1.68V. 4. D/A converter The D/A converter converts the digital 16-bit serial audio data into analog signals. There are three formats supported: I2S, left justification and right justification. The D/A converter incorporates a high-pass filter for canceling DC offset. The analog input range of the ADC is 0.6VDDadc. When VDDadc is 2.8V, 0dBfs is 1.68V. 5. Selector This selector is for selecting either the DAC or PGA output of the ALC. When the DAC output has been selected, the DAC output signals are output as the Line/speaker amplifier output signals. When the PGA output has been selected, the signals from line input are all turned into analog signals to become the Line/speaker amplifier output signals. 6. MIX This is the mixing circuit for the left- and right-channel audio signals. In other words, this functions as a monaural signal generator circuit to provide a monaural speaker amplifier input. The left- and right-channel signals are mixed on a 1:1 basis and then output through the -2dB amplifier. If the left- and right-channel signals are identical, the total gain becomes 4dB (= 6dB(doubled) -2dB). No.A1619-12/32 LC07424LP 7. SP AMP This is the monaural speaker amplifier. Its maximum output is 250mW (typ VDD =2.8V, 8Ω, THD+N = 10%). This amplifies the MIX circuit output. EVR (+0dB to -65.2dB) is mounted. A thermal shutdown function is provided. When it is left enabled, the speaker amplifier operation is automatically shut down when the chip temperature has reached a high level. 8. Video driver Either the sag compensation type or DC direct coupling type is selectable. The gain adjustment circuit (6.5dB±1.7dB, 0.1dB/step) is mounted. 9. Register settings This is a 3-line system serial control circuit. The three lines are CS_X (Chip Select/low active), SCLK (Serial Clock) and SDin (Serial Data). Data can only be written into the register: The register data cannot be read out. The data transfer rate—in other words, the maximum SCLK frequency—depends on the MCLK pin clock. For details, refer to the section “Switching characteristics.” 10. Master clock The master clock frequency is 256fs. This clock signal must be input from the MCLK pin. 11. Audio data formats I2S, left justification and right justification modes are supported. It is possible to select master or slave mode for BCLK and LRCLK. For details, refer to the section “Audio data formats.” Microcontroller Serial Interface The internal registers values are written by the serial interface consisting of the three CS_X, SCLK, and SDin lines. When the CS_X pin is set low, the LC07424LP is switched into the mode that enables operation. The data is received on a byte basis with MSB first. Continuous access (burst access) is also possible, and the addresses incremented by 1 are accessed in sequence with each byte following access to the register specified by the address byte. If the size of data exceeding the highest address (1Dh) is accessed in this process, the data concerned is treated as invalid. In other word, the address never wraps around to 00 (HEX). The maximum data transfer rate (maximum SCLK frequency) depends on the MCLK pin clock. Refer to the section "Switching characteristics." Transferring data to one address Data (D) is written in address (A) A [7:0] D [7:0] X : Designated address : Register data : Invalid CS_X X SCLK X A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] X SDin X ADDRESS BYTE X X WRITE DATA (address A) Transferring data to contiguous addresses Data (D0) is written in address (A), and data (D1) is written into address (A+1). CS_X SCLK X SDin X X A[7] A A[6] A A[5] A A[4] A A[3] g A[2] A A[1] A ADDRESS BYTE A[0] A D0[7] D D0[6] D D0[5] D D0[4] D D0[3] D D0[2] D D0[1] D D0[0] D D1[7] D D1[6] D D1[5] D D1[4] D D1[3] D D1[2] D D1[1] D D1[0] D WRITE DATA (address A) Dn[0] D X WRITE DATA (address A+1) No.A1619-13/32 LC07424LP [ADF_MODE] Audio Data Formats The timing chart is shown below. For all settings, data is MSB-first, 2’S-compliment. [ADF_32FS] 11 - Set prohibition 10 1 Backward justification 32fs Slave Mode [ADF_MASTER]=0 Master Mode [ADF_MASTER]=1 01 1 Forward justification 32fs 00 1 I S 32fs Input Input Input Input Output Output 10 0 Backward justification 64fs 01 0 Forward justification 64fs 00 0 I S 64fs MCLK pin LRCLK pin BCLK pin 2 2 BCLK=64fs I2S mode LRCLK BCLK ・・・ ADC_DOUT X DAC_DIN 15 ・・・ ・・・ 14 1 0 15 14 Lch Data ・・・ 1 0 Rch Data Forward justification mode LRCLK BCLK ・・・ ADC_DOUT DAC_DIN 15 ・・・ ・・・ 14 1 15 0 ・・・ 14 0 1 15 Rch Data Lch Data Backward justification mode LRCLK BCLK ADC_DOUT X DAC_DIN ・・・ 0 ・・・ ・・・ 15 14 1 0 ・・・ 14 15 1 0 Rch Data Lch Data BCLK=32fs I2S mode LRCLK BCLK ADC_DOUT X DAC_DIN ・・・ 1 0 15 14 13 ・・・ 3 2 1 0 15 14 Lch Data 13 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 15 Rch Data Forward/backward justification mode LRCLK BCLK ADC_DOUT X DAC_DIN ・・・ 0 15 14 13 Lch Data ・・・ 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 3 Rch Data No.A1619-14/32 LC07424LP Register Table ADRS (Address): displayed in hexadecimal notation Init (initial value): displayed in hexadecimal notation "0" settings are used for registers indicated with "0". Registers with gray background are for LSI test. They are fixed at INIT values. Set data for all registers (including registers for test). Register Data D[7:0] ADRS INIT [7:0] [7:0] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PM1 00h 00h VREF_BIAS[1] VREF_BIAS[0] SYNC_CLR SEL_PDX ALC_PDX ADC_A_PDX DAC_A_PDX VIDEO_PDX PM2 01h 00h SP_OUTEN SP_PDX MIX_PDX 0 LO_PDX ADC_D_PDX DAC_D_PDX SP_EVR_PDX ALC1 02h 11h 0 0 0 ALC_LI_L 0 0 0 ALC_LI_R ALC2 03h 3Dh ALC_VAL[2] ALC_VAL[1] ALC_VAL[0] ALC_FA[1] ALC_FA[0] ALC_FR[2] ALC_FR[1] ALC_FR[0] ALC3 04h 86h ALC_ZCD ALC_ZCDTM[1] ALC_ZCDTM[0] ALC_FULLEN ALC_ATLIM[1] ALC_ATLIM[0] ALC_RWT[1] ALC_RWT[0] ALC4 05h 1Ch ALC_OFF ALC_VMAX[6] ALC_VMAX[5] ALC_VMAX[4] ALC_VMAX[3] ALC_VMAX[2] ALC_VMAX[1] ALC_VMAX[0] ALC5 06h 1Ch ALC_MUTE_L ALC_DVL[6] ALC_DVL[5] ALC_DVL[4] ALC_DVL[3] ALC_DVL[2] ALC_DVL[1] ALC_DVL[0] ALC6 07h 1Ch ALC_MUTE_R ALC_DVR[6] ALC_DVR[5] ALC_DVR[4] ALC_DVR[3] ALC_DVR[2] ALC_DVR[1] ALC_DVR[0] TEST0 08h 00h TEST0[7] TEST0[6] TEST0[5] TEST0[4] TEST0[3] TEST0[2] TEST0[1] TEST0[0] CODEC1 09h 00h 0 0 0 ADF_BCLK 0 0 ADF_MODE[1] ADF_MODE[0] CODEC2 0Ah 00h ADF_DAC_INV ADF_ADC_INV 0 DE_EN ADF_FS[1] ADF_FS[0] ADF_LB ADF_MASTER SEL/MIX 0Bh A3h SEL_L[1] SEL_L[0] SEL_R[1] SEL_R[0] 0 0 MIX_MONO[1] MIX_MONO[0] SP1 0Ch 00h 0 0 SP_GAIN_L[5] SP_GAIN_L[4] SP_GAIN_L[3] SP_GAIN_L[2] SP_GAIN_L[1] SP_GAIN_L[0] TEST1 0Dh 00h TEST1[7] TEST1[6] TEST1[5] TEST1[4] TEST1[3] TEST1[2] TEST1[1] TEST1[0] SP3 0Eh 2Fh 0 0 SP_ZCD SP_ZCDTM[1] SP_ZCDTM[0] SP_SOFTSW SP_SSC[1] SP_SSC[0] LINE 0Fh 0Fh 0 0 0 0 LO_DET_VDD LO_GAIN LO_VREFSW LO_MUTE TEST2 10h 00h TEST2[7] TEST2[6] TEST2[5] TEST2[4] TEST2[3] TEST2[2] TEST2[1] TEST2[0] TEST3 11h 00h TEST3[7] TEST3[6] TEST3[5] TEST3[4] TEST3[3] TEST3[2] TEST3[1] TEST3[0] VIDEO1 12h 11h 0 0 VD_Y_GAIN[5] VD_Y_GAIN[4] VD_Y_GAIN[3] VD_Y_GAIN[2] VD_Y_GAIN[1] VD_Y_GAIN[0] VIDEO2 13h 11h 0 0 VD_C_GAIN[5] VD_C_GAIN[4] VD_C_GAIN[3] VD_C_GAIN[2] VD_C_GAIN[1] VD_C_GAIN[0] VIDEO3 14h 02h 0 0 0 0 0 0 VD_SAG_MODE 0 TEST4 15h 11h TEST4[7] TEST4[6] TEST4[5] TEST4[4] TEST4[3] TEST4[2] TEST4[1] TEST4[0] TEST5 16h 02h TEST5[7] TEST5[6] TEST5[5] TEST5[4] TEST5[3] TEST5[2] TEST5[1] TEST5[0] TEST6 17h 00h TEST6[7] TEST6[6] TEST6[5] TEST6[4] TEST6[3] TEST6[2] TEST6[1] TEST6[0] TEST7 18h 05h TEST7[7] TEST7[6] TEST7[5] TEST7[4] TEST7[3] TEST7[2] TEST7[1] TEST7[0] TEST8 19h 00h TEST8[7] TEST8[6] TEST8[5] TEST8[4] TEST8[3] TEST8[2] TEST8[1] TEST8[0] TEST9 1Ah FFh TEST9[7] TEST9[6] TEST9[5] TEST9[4] TEST9[3] TEST9[2] TEST9[1] TEST9[0] TEST10 1Bh 00h TEST10[7] TEST10[6] TEST10[5] TEST10[4] TEST10[3] TEST10[2] TEST10[1] TEST10[0] TEST11 1Ch 00h TEST11[7] TEST11[6] TEST11[5] TEST11[4] TEST11[3] TEST11[2] TEST11[1] TEST11[0] TEST12 1Dh 00h TEST12[7] TEST12[6] TEST12[5] TEST12[4] TEST12[3] TEST12[2] TEST12[1] TEST12[0] Function ADRS INIT PM ALC ADC DAC EVR ADF =Address =Initial value =Power Management =Automatic Level Control =AD Converter =DA Converter =Electronic Variable Resistor =Audio Data Format PGA Lch Rch 2^n Nh Nb ABC[n] =Programmable Gain Amplifier =Left channel =Right channel =2n (ex. 2^10 = 1024) = N denotes a hexadecimal number. = N denotes a binary number. = Register with a multiple number of bits. ABC is the register name, and “n” is the number of bits. No.A1619-15/32 LC07424LP Register Description (Note) This section deals with the outline. Be sure to confirm the description here by referring to the page dealing with the detailed explanation. ADRS Bit 00h [7] Name VREF_BIAS INIT 00b 02h 03h [5] SYNC_CLR 0b Digital block synchronous reset control [4] SEL_PDX 0b Selector block power DOWN 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [3] ALC_PDX 0b ALC block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [2] ADC_A_PDX 0b ADC Analog block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [1] DAC_A_PDX 0b DAC Analog block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [0] VIDEO_PDX 0b VIDEO power down 1: Normal operation [7] SP_OUTEN 0b Speaker out enable [6] SP_PDX 0b Speaker power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [5] MIX_PDX 0b MIX Power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [4] 0 0b 0: Fixed [3] LO_PDX 0b Line out power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [2] ADC_D_PDX 0b ADC logic block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down 0: Norma l: operation 0: Speaker output stop 0: Power down 1: Normal operation [1] DAC_D_PDX 0b DAC logic block power down SP_EVR_PDX 0b Speaker EVR power down 1: Normal operation 0: Fixed at [SP_GAIN]=00h [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] 0 0b 0: Fixed [4] ADC_LIN_L 1b Lch line Input selection 0: Non-selection 1: Selection [3] 0 0b 0: Fixed [2] 0 0b 0: Fixed [1] 0 0b 0: Fixed [0] ADC_LIN_R 1b Rch line Input selection 0: Non-selection 1: Selection [7] ALC_VAL 001b ALC circuit, ALC value (limiter level) setting [6] 111:-10dBFS 110: -9dBFS 101: -8dBFS 100: -7dBFS [5] 011: -6dBFS 010: -5dBFS 001: -4dBFS 000: -3dBFS ALC_FA 11b [2] ALC circuit, Attack factor setting 11: (1 / 8)dB 10: (1 / 4)dB 01: (1 / 2)dB 00: (1 / 1)dB [3] ALC_FR 101b ALC circuit, Recovery factor setting 111: (1 / 2^14)dB 110: (1 / 2^13)dB 101: (1 / 2^12)dB 100: (1 / 2^11)dB [1] 011: (1 / 2^10)dB 010: (1 / 2^9)dB 001: (1 / 2^8)dB 000: (1 / 2^7)dB [0] [7] ALC_ZCD 1b ALC circuit, Gain change in the zero cross timing [6] ALC_ZCDTM 00b ALC circuit, Timeout time setting at detection of zero cross 1: ON 0: OFF 11: 8192 (1 / fs) 10: 4096 (1 / fs) 01: 2048 (1 / fs) 00: 1024 (1 / fs) [5] [4] ALC_FULLEN 0b ALC circuit, Full-scale detection operation setting [3] ALC_ATLIM 01b ALC circuit, Limit setting for attach operation frequency between zero crosses 1: ON 0: OFF 11: 16 回 10: 8 回 01: 4 回 00: 2 回 [2] ALC_RWT 10b ALC circuit, standby time setting during recovery operation [7] ALC_OFF 0b ALC circuit [6] ALC_VMAX [1] 11: 2048 (1 / fs) 10: 1024 (1 / fs) 01: 512 (1 / fs) 00: 256 (1 / fs) [0] 05h 1: Reset [0] [4] 04h Setting the common reference voltage circuit 11: Normal operation 10: Rapid charging 01: pull-down 00: Power down [6] 01h Description 1: ALC function OFF (Manual mode) 0: ALC function ON 1Ch ALC circuit, Maximum gain value setting of PGA when the ALC function is ON [5] 7Fh to 61h: Set prohibition [4] 60h: +34dB [3] [2] [1] [0] to 0.5dB step 1Ch: 0dB to 0.5dB step 00h: -14dB No.A1619-16/32 LC07424LP ADRS 06h Bit Name INIT ALC_MUTE_L 0b ALC circuit, Lch mute setting [6] ALC_DVL 1Ch ALC circuit, Lch PGA gain value setting in the manual mode 1: ON 0: OFF [5] 7Fh: MUTE 7Eh to 61h: Set prohibition [4] 60h: +34dB to 0.5dB step [3] 1Ch: 0dB [2] to 0.5dB step [1] 00h: -14dB [0] 07h Description [7] [7] ALC_MUTE_R 0b ALC circuit, Rch mute setting [6] ALC_DVR 1Ch ALC circuit, Rch PGA gain value setting in the manual mode 1: ON 0: OFF [5] 7Fh: MUTE 7Eh to 61h: Set prohibition [4] 60h: +34dB to 0.5dB step [3] 1Ch: 0dB [2] to 0.5dB step [1] 00h: -14dB [0] 08h [7:0] TEST0 00h For LSI TEST 09h [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] 0 0b 0: Fixed [4] ADF_BCLK 0b ADF bit clock frequency setting [3] 0 00b 0: Fixed ADF_MODE 00b ADF digital audio data format setting 1: 32fs 0: 64fs [2] [1] 11, 10: Backward justification 01: Forward justification 00: I2S [0] 0Ah [7] ADF_DAC_INV DAC input data inverse setting 1: Inverted 0: Non-inversion [6] ADF_ADC_INV 0b ADC output data inverse setting 1: Inverted 0: Non-inversion [5] 0 0b 0: Fixed [4] DE_EN 0b De-Emphasis Filter Enable setting [3] ADF_FS 0b Sampling frequency setting [2] 0Bh 0b 1: ON 0: OFF 0b 11: Set prohibition 10: 44.1kHz 01: 32kHz Loopback mode setting 1: ON 00: 48kHz 1: Master mode 0: Slave mode [1] ADF_LB 0b [0] ADF_MASTER 0b BCLK / LRCLK [7] SEL_L 10b Select circuit (Lch) ALC / PGA, DAC select setting 0: OFF 10: DAC output selection 01: ALC / PGA output selection [6] 11, 00: Set prohibition [5] SEL_R 10b Select circuit (Rch) ALC / PGA, DAC select setting 10: DAC output selection 01: ALC / PGA output selection [4] 11, 00: Set prohibition [3] 0 0b [2] 0 0b 0: Fixed [1] MIX_MONO 11b MIX circuit setting 0: Fixed 11: Lch+Rch selected 10: Rch selected 01: Lch selected [0] 00: Set prohibition 0Ch [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] SP_GAIN 00h Speaker circuit EVR gain setting [4] 3Fh: 0dB (about 0.1 to 3.0dB / step) [3] to [2] 00h: -65.2dB [1] [0] No.A1619-17/32 LC07424LP ADRS Bit Name INIT Description 0Dh [7:0] TEST1 00h For LSI TEST 0Eh [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] SP_ZCD 1b Speaker amplifier circuit, Zero cross detection setting [4] SP_ZCDTM 01b Speaker amplifier circuit, Time setting at the zero cross time [2] SP_SOFTSW 1b Speaker amplifier circuit, Soft switch function setting [1] SP_SSC 11b Speaker amplifier circuit, Time setting of soft switch operation [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] 0 0b 0: Fixed [4] 0 0b 0: Fixed [3] LO_DET_VDD 1b Line output, VDDh power detection function 1: ON 11: 1024 (1 / fs) 10: 512 (1 / fs) 01: 256 (1 / fs) 00: 128 (1 / fs) [3] LO_GAIN 1b Line output, Gain setting [1] LO_VREFSW 1b Line output, pin state control 1: Connected with VREF 0: Not connected with VREF [0] LO_MUTE 1b Line output, MUTE setting [7:0] TEST2 00h For LSI TEST 11h [7:0] TEST3 00h For LSI TEST 12h [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] VD_Y_GAIN 11h YIN pin signal gain setting, 1: 6.5dB 0: 0dB 1: ON 0: OFF 3Fh to 23h: Set prohibition [4] [3] 22h: 8.2dB [2] to (about 0.1dB / step) 11h: 6.5dB [1] to [0] (about 0.1dB / step) 00h: 4.8dB [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] VD_C_GAIN 11h CIN pin signal gain setting [4] 3Fh to 23h: Set prohibition [3] 22h: 8.2dB [2] to (about 0.1dB / step) 11h: 6.5dB [1] to [0] 14h 0: OFF [2] 10h 13h 1: ON 0: OFF 11: 200ms 10: 100ms 01: 50ms 00: 10ms [0] 0Fh 1: ON 0: OFF (about 0.1dB / step) 00h: 4.8dB [7] 0 0b 0: Fixed [6] 0 0b 0: Fixed [5] 0 0b 0: Fixed [4] 0 0b 0: Fixed [3] 0 0b 0: Fixed [2] 0 0b 0: Fixed [1] VD_SAG_MODE 1b Video driver, Operation setting 1: Sag compensation 0: DC direct coupling [0] 0 0b 0: Fixed 15h [7:0] TEST4 11h For LSI TEST 16h [7:0] TEST5 02h For LSI TEST 17h [7:0] TEST6 00h For LSI TEST 18h [7:0] TEST7 05h For LSI TEST 19h [7:0] TEST8 00h For LSI TEST 1Ah [7:0] TEST9 FFh For LSI TEST 1Bh [7:0] TEST10 00h For LSI TEST 1Ch [7:0] TEST11 00h For LSI TEST 1Dh [7:0] TEST12 00h For LSI TEST No.A1619-18/32 LC07424LP Detailed Description of Registers Reference voltage generator circuit VREF_BIAS: Voltage REFerence BIAS ADRS 00h Bit [7: 6] Name VREF_BIAS[1: 0] INIT 00b Description Common reference voltage circuit setting (Vref_H_C and Vref_C pins) 11: Normal operation ‹*1› 10: VREF Rapid charging‹*1› 01: VREF pull-down 00: Power down "9.1 Reference power supply, Line-out start / stop sequence" on page 31. ‹*1›"VREF rapid charge"setting allows rapid arrival at the target voltage through connection of resistor. "Normal operation" setting enables power-saving operation through connection of standard resistor. Logic synchronization clear SYNC_CLR: SYNChronus CLeaR ADRS 00h Bit [5] Name SYNC_CLR INIT 0b Description Digital block synchronized reset control 1: Reset 0: Normal operation This is used if the logic operation should become unstable, and not used normally. Power down circuit, Speaker output Control SEL_PDX ALC_PDX ADC_A_PDX DAC_A_PDX VIDEO_PDX SP_OUTEN SP_PDX MIX_PDX LO_PDX ADC_D_PDX DAC_D_PDX SP_EVR_PDX ADRS 00h 01h : SELector Power Down (low active) : ALC Power Down (low active) : ADC Analog Power Down (low active) : DAC Analog Power Down (low active) : VIDEO Power Down (low active) : SPeaker OUTput ENable : SPeaker amp Power Down (low active) : MIXer Power Down (low active) : Line Out Power Down (low active) : ADC Digital Power Down (low active) : DAC Digital Power Down (low active) : SPeaker EVR Power Down (low active) Bit Name INIT Description [4] SEL_PDX 0b Selector block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [3] ALC_PDX 0b ALC block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [2] ADC_A_PDX 0b ADC analog block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [1] DAC_A_PDX 0b DAC analog block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [0] VIDEO_PDX 0b VIDEO power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [7] SP_OUTEN 0b Speaker out enable [6] SP_PDX 0b Speaker power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [5] MIX_PDX 0b MIX power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [4] 0 0b 0: Fixed [3] LO_PDX 0b Line out power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down [2] ADC_D_PDX 0b ADC digital block power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down 1: Normal operation 0: Power down 0: Speaker output stop 1: Normal operation [1] DAC_D_PDX 0b DAC digital block power down [0] SP_EVR_PDX 0b Speaker EVR power down 1: Normal operation 0: Fixed at [SP_GAIN]=00h When the circuit concerned is not used and the power saving function is to be made effective for this circuit, turn ON the power DOWN function. No.A1619-19/32 LC07424LP Corresponding position diagram between Power Down registers and function blocks (for reference) Yin Cin 6.5dB+1.7dB(0.1dB/step) Vout LPF Vsag PGA BUF BIAS [VIDEO_PDX] Vref_v_C VREF(1.3V) Vref_H_C VREF(VDDh/2) Vref_C Video PGA BUF CLAMP 0dB to -65.2dB [SEL_PDX] VREF(VDDana/2) SEL [VREF_BIAS] [SP_PDX] SP Amp AMP control MIX SEL [MIX_PDX] 6.5dB/0dB to Speaker SPp SPn Lout_L Lout_R [LO_PDX] [ALC_PDX] Lin_L ALC/Limiter ADC 16bit ALC cont. ADC 16bit PGA Lin_R PGA Interface +34dB to -14dB [ADC_A_PDX] MPU [DAC_A_PDX] I2S IF VDDvh VSSvh VDDv VSSv VDDh VSSh VDDsp VSSsp VDDana VSSana VDDio VDDdig VSSdig DAC_Din ADC_Dout CS_X SCLK SDin DAC 16bit [DAC_D_PDX] [ADC_D_PDX] MCLK BCLK LRCLK DAC 16bit Serial IF /Regster/ G_PORT2 G_PORT1 G_PORT0 RESET_X TESTin No.A1619-20/32 LC07424LP Line input circuits ALC_LI_L: ACL LIne select Left channel ALC_LI_R: ALC LIne select Right channel ADRS 02h Bit [4] Name ALC_LI_L INIT 1b Description Lch Line input selection 1: Selection 0: Non-selection (LIN_L pin enters the OPEN state.) [0] ALC_LI_R 1b Rch Line input selection 1: Selection 0: Non-selection (LIN_R pin enters the OPEN state.) ALC circuit settings ALC_VAL ALC_FA ALC_FR ALC_ZCD ALC_ZCDTM ALC_FULLEN ALC_ATLIM ALC_RWT ALC_OFF ALC_VMAX ALC_MUTE_L ALC_DVL ALC_MUTE_R ALC_DVR ADRS 03h Bit [7:5] : ALC VALue : ALC Factor Attack : ALC Factor Recovery : ALC Zero Cross Detect : ALC Zero Cross Detect TiMe out : ALC FULL scale detect ENable : ALC ATtack LIMit : ALC Recovery Waiting Time : ALC operation OFF : ALC Value MAX : ALC MUTE Left channel : ALC Digital Value Left channel : ALC MUTE Right channel : ALC Digital Value Right channel Name ALC_VAL[2:0] INIT 001b Description ALC circuit, ALC value (limiter level) setting *1 111:-10dBFS 110: -9dBFS 101: -8dBFS 100: -7dBFS 011: -6dBFS 010: -5dBFS 001: -4dBFS 000: -3dBFS [4:3] ALC_FA[1:0] 11b ALC circuit, Attack factor setting Gain DOWN amount at fs cycle *2 11: (1 / 8)dB 10: (1 / 4)dB 01: (1 / 2)dB 00: (1 / 1)dB [2:0] ALC_FR[2:0] 101b ALC circuit、Recovery factor setting Gain UP amount at fs cycle *3 111: (1 / 2^14)dB 110: (1 / 2^13)dB 101: (1 / 2^12)dB 100: (1 / 2^11)dB 011: (1 / 2^10)dB 010: (1 / 2^9)dB 001: (1 / 2^8)dB 000: (1 / 2^7)dB ‹*1› For example, -10dBFS (dB Full Scale) is on the level 10 dB lower than the Full Scale. ‹*2› For example, [ALC_FA] = 11b causes 1 dB gain DOWN at the eight cycle of fs. ‹*3› For example, [ALC_FR] = 111b causes 1 dB gain UP at the 2^14 (=16384) cycle of fs. No.A1619-21/32 LC07424LP ADRS 04h Bit [7] Name INIT ALC_ZCD 1b Description ALC circuit, Gain change in the zero cross timing 1: Gain changed in the zero cross timing 0: Gain changed without waiting for zero cross timing [6:5] ALC_ZCDTM[1:0] 00b ALC circuit, Time setting for timeout at zero cross detection Effective when [ALC_ZCD]=1 11: 8192 (1 / fs) 10: 4096 (1 / fs) 01: 2048 (1 / fs) 00: 1024 (1 / fs) [4] ALC_FULLEN 0b ALC circuit, Full scale detection operation setting Rapid level down at detection of full scale 1: ON 0: OFF [3:2] ALC_ATLIM[1:0] 01b ALC circuit, Limit setting for the attack operation frequency between zero crosses effective when [ALC_ZCD]=1. For the actual reduction for the frequency, See Table 1. 11: 16 回 10: 8 回 01: 4 回 00: 2 回 [1:0] ALC_RWT[1:0] 10b ALC circuit, Standby time setting during recovery operation. [7] ALC_OFF 0b ALC circuit, Operation stop 11: 2048 (1 / fs) 10: 1024 (1 / fs) 01: 512 (1 / fs) 00: 256 (1 / fs) 05h 1: Operation stop (manual mode) [ALC_DVL] and [ALC_DVR] become effective. 0: Normal operation [6:0] ALC_VMAX[6:0] 1Ch ALC circuit, PGA maximum gain value setting during ALC operation [7] ALC_MUTE_L 0b ALC circuit, PGA MUTE setting (Lch) [6:0] ALC_DVL[6:0] 1Ch ALC circuit, Lch PGA gain value setting in the manual mode [7] ALC_MUTE_R 0b ALC circuit, PGA MUTE setting (Rch) [6:0] ALC_DVR[6:0] 1Ch ALC circuit, Rch PGA gain value setting in the manual mode See Table 8.2. 06h 1: ON 0: OFF See Table 8.2. 07h 1: ON 0: OFF See Table 8.2. Refer to "Description of ALC operation." Table 8.1. "Reduction value for the set frequency" [ALC_ATLIM] No, of times 11b [ALC_FA] 11b 10b 01b 00b 16 2 dB 4 dB 8 dB 16 dB 10b 8 1 dB 2 dB 4 dB 8 dB 01b 4 0.5 dB 1 dB 2 dB 4 dB 00b 2 0.25 dB 0.5 dB 1 dB 2 dB No.A1619-22/32 LC07424LP Table 8.2 ALC circuit gain setting table (TYP value) ALC_VMAX[6: 0] / ALC_DVL[6: 0] / ALC_DVL [6: 0] [6: 0] gain (dB) [6: 0] 7Fh Set prohibition 5Fh gain (dB) 33.5 7Eh 5Eh 7Dh [6: 0] gain (dB) [6: 0] gain (dB) 3Fh 17.5 1Fh 1.5 33.0 3Eh 17.0 1Eh 1.0 5Dh 32.5 3Dh 16.5 1Dh 0.5 7Ch 5Ch 32.0 3Ch 16.0 1Ch 0.0 7Bh 5Bh 31.5 3Bh 15.5 1Bh -0.5 7Ah 5Ah 31.0 3Ah 15.0 1Ah -1.0 79h 59h 30.5 39h 14.5 19h -1.5 78h 58h 30.0 38h 14.0 18h -2.0 77h 57h 29.5 37h 13.5 17h -2.5 76h 56h 29.0 36h 13.0 16h -3.0 75h 55h 28.5 35h 12.5 15h -3.5 74h 54h 28.0 34h 12.0 14h -4.0 73h 53h 27.5 33h 11.5 13h -4.5 72h 52h 27.0 32h 11.0 12h -5.0 71h 51h 26.5 31h 10.5 11h -5.5 70h 50h 26.0 30h 10.0 10h -6.0 6Fh 4Fh 25.5 2Fh 9.5 0Fh -6.5 6Eh 4Eh 25.0 2Eh 9.0 0Eh -7.0 6Dh 4Dh 24.5 2Dh 8.5 0Dh -7.5 6Ch 4Ch 24.0 2Ch 8.0 0Ch -8.0 6Bh 4Bh 23.5 2Bh 7.5 0Bh -8.5 6Ah 4Ah 23.0 2Ah 7.0 0Ah -9.0 69h 49h 22.5 29h 6.5 09h -9.5 68h 48h 22.0 28h 6.0 08h -10.0 67h 47h 21.5 27h 5.5 07h -10.5 66h 46h 21.0 26h 5.0 06h -11.0 65h 45h 20.5 25h 4.5 05h -11.5 64h 44h 20.0 24h 4.0 04h -12.0 63h 43h 19.5 23h 3.5 03h -12.5 62h 42h 19.0 22h 3.0 02h -13.0 61h 41h 18.5 21h 2.5 01h -13.5 40h 18.0 20h 2.0 00h -14.0 60h 34 No.A1619-23/32 LC07424LP Audio data format, Other ADF_BCLK : Audio Data Format BCLK ADF_MODE : Audio Data Format MODE ADF_DAC_INV : Audio Data Format DAC data INVert ADF_ADC_INV : Audio Data Format ADC data INVert DE_EN : De-Emphasis filter ENable ADF_FS : Audio Data Format Frequency Sampling ADF_LB : Audio Data Format Loop Back ADF_MASTER : Audio Data Format MASTER mode ADRS 09h Bit Name INIT Description [4] ADF_BCLK 0b Bit clock frequency setting of audio data format [1:0] ADF_MODE[1:0] 00b Audio data format setting [7] ADF_DAC_INV 0b DAC input data inverted setting See Table 8.3. See Table 8.3. 0Ah 1: Inverted 0: Non-inversion [6] ADF_DAC_INV 0b ADC output data inverted setting [4] DE_EN 0b De-Emphasis Filter setting 1: Inverted 0: Non-inversion 1: De-Emphasis Filter Effective 0: De-Emphasis Filter Not effective [3:2] ADF_FS[1:0] 00b Sampling Frequency Setting 11: Set prohibition 10: 44.1kHz 01: 32kHz 00: 48kHz [1] ADF_LB 0b Loop back mode select. See Fig. 8.1. 1: ON (ADC output data becomes the DAC input data.) 0: OFF (Normal operation. DAC_DIN pin input becomes the DAC input data.) [0] ADF_MASTER 0b Master / Slave mode setting (IO control of BCLK and LRCLK pins ) 1: Master mode (BCLK and LRCLK pins for output) 0: Slave mode (BCLK and LRCLK pins for input) "7. Audio data format." Loop back function This function connects internally ADC_DOUT and DAC_DIN signals. This will enable the ADC input signal to go through to the DAC output. In this case, the ADC_DOUT pin output signal is effective, but the DAC_DIN pin input becomes ineffective. Table 8.3 ADF setting [ADF_MODE] 11 10 [ADF_BCLK] 1 01 1 ADC_DOUT pin 00 10 1 0 DAC_DIN pin 01 0 00 0 [ADF_LB] ADC I2S IF ON DAC OFF Fig.8.1. Loop back circuit Set prohibition Backward justification 32fs Forward justification 32fs I2S 32fs Backward justification 64fs Forward justification 64fs I2S 64fs Selector, Mixer circuit SEL_L SEL_R MIX_MONO ADRS 0Bh : SELctor Lch : SELctor Rch : MIXer MONO Bit Name Init Description [7:6] SEL_L 10b Selector circuit. Lch signal selection [5:4] SEL_R 10b Selector circuit. Rch signal selection [1:0] MIX_MONO 11b MIX circuit, Setting 10: DAC output selection 01: ALC / PGA output selection 11, 00: Set prohibition 10: DAC output selection 01: ALC / PGA output selection 11, 00: Set prohibition 11: Lch+Rch setting 10: Rch setting 01: Lch setting 00: Set prohibition No.A1619-24/32 LC07424LP Speaker amplifier circuits SP_GAIN SP_ZCD SP_ZCDTM SP_SOFTSW SP_SSC ADRS 0Ch Bit [5:0] : SPeaker evr GAIN : SPeaker Zero Cross Detect : SPeaker Zero Cross Detect TiMe out : SPeaker SOFT SWitch : SPeaker Soft Switch time Control Name SP_GAIN Init 00b Description Gain setting for the speaker amplifier circuit and EVR circuit See Table 8.4. 0Eh [5] SP_ZCD 1b Speaker amplifier circuit. Gain change in the zero cross timing. 1: Gain changed in the zero cross timing 0: Gain changed without waiting for the zero cross timing [4:3] SP_ZCDTM 01b Speaker amplifier circuit. Time setting at zero cross timeout [2] SP_SOFTSW 1b Speaker amplifier circuit. Soft switch function setting [1:0] SP_SSC 11b Speaker amplifier circuit. Time setting when soft switch operates 11:1024 (1 / fs) 10: 512 (1 / fs) 01: 256 (1 / fs) 00: 128 (1 / fs) 1:ON 0:OFF 11: 200ms 10: 100ms 01: 50ms 00: 10ms Table 8.4. Speaker EVR circuit gain setting (TYP value) [SP_GAIN] gain (dB) [SP_GAIN] gain(dB) [SP_GAIN] gain (dB) [SP_GAIN] gain (dB) 3Fh 0.0 2Fh -2.2 1Fh -8.4 0Fh -24.6 3Eh -0.1 2Eh -2.4 1Eh -9.2 0Eh -26.2 3Dh -0.2 2Dh -2.6 1Dh -10.0 0Dh -28.0 3Ch -0.3 2Ch -2.7 1Ch -10.7 0Ch -30.4 -32.4 3Bh -0.4 2Bh -2.9 1Bh -11.5 0Bh 3Ah -0.5 2Ah -3.3 1Ah -12.1 0Ah -35.0 39h -0.6 29h -3.6 19h -12.9 09h -37.5 38h -0.7 28h -3.9 18h -13.8 08h -39.7 37h -0.8 27h -4.1 17h -14.9 07h -42.6 36h -0.9 26h -4.4 16h -15.7 06h -45.8 35h -1.0 25h -5.0 15h -16.8 05h -48.7 34h -1.2 24h -5.4 14h -17.8 04h -51.8 33h -1.4 23h -6.0 13h -18.8 03h -54.7 32h -1.6 22h -6.5 12h -19.7 02h -57.8 31h -1.8 21h -6.9 11h -21.3 01h -60.8 30h -2.0 20h -7.6 10h -22.8 00h -65.2 No.A1619-25/32 LC07424LP Line out circuit LO_DET_VDD: Line Out DETct VDDh LO_GAIN : Line Out GAIN LO_VREFSW : Line Out Voltage REFerence SWitch LO_MUTE : Line Out MUTE ADRS 0Fh Bit Name Init Description [3] LO_DET_VDD 1b Line output. VDDh power detection function [2] LO_GAIN 1b Line output. Amplifier gain setting [1] LO_VREFSW 1b Line output. Effective for pin state control and power DOWN ([LO_PDX]=0) 1: ON 0: OFF 1: 6.5dB 0: 0dB 1: LOUT_L and LOUT_R pins become the VREF level output. 0: LOUT_L and LOUT_R pins become Hi-Z. [0] LO_MUTE 1b Line output. MUTE setting 1: ON 0: OFF VDDh power detection function (operation for setting of [LO_MUTE]=0 and [LO_PDX]=1) When VDDh power supply becomes 4.0V (TYP) or less, the line output is automatically set to the state equivalent to "[LO_MUTE]=1, [LO_PDX]=0." When VDDh power supply returns to 4.3V (TYP) or more, the line output is automatically set to the state equivalent to "[LO_MUTE]=0, [LO_PDX]=1." Refer to "1. Reference power supply, line out start/stop sequence." Video circuit VD_Y_GAIN : Video Driver Y GAIN VD_C_GAIN : Video Driver C GAIN VD_SAG_MODE: Video Driver SAG MODE ADRS Bit Name INIT Description 12h [5:0] VD_Y_GAIN[5:0] 11h Video driver. YIN pin input gain setting 13h [5:0] VD_C_GAIN[5:0] 11h Video driver. CIN pin input gain setting 14h [1] VD_SAG_MODE 1b Video driver. VOUT pin output setting See Table 8.5. See Table 8.5. 1: Sag compensation type 0: DC direct coupling type Table 8.5. Video driver circuit gain setting (TYP value) VD_Y_GAIN [5: 0] / VD_C_GAIN [5: 0] [5: 0] gain (dB) [5: 0] gain (dB) [5: 0] 3Fh Set prohibition 2Fh Set prohibition 1Fh gain (dB) 7.9 [5: 0] 0Fh gain (dB) 6.3 3Eh 2Eh 1Eh 7.8 0Eh 6.2 3Dh 2Dh 1Dh 7.7 0Dh 6.1 3Ch 2Ch 1Ch 7.6 0Ch 6.0 3Bh 2Bh 1Bh 7.5 0Bh 5.9 3Ah 2Ah 1Ah 7.4 0Ah 5.8 39h 29h 19h 7.3 09h 5.7 38h 28h 18h 7.2 08h 5.6 37h 27h 17h 7.1 07h 5.5 36h 26h 16h 7.0 06h 5.4 35h 25h 15h 6.9 05h 5.3 34h 24h 14h 6.8 04h 5.2 33h 23h 13h 6.7 03h 5.1 32h 22h 8.2 12h 6.6 02h 5.0 31h 21h 8.1 11h 6.5 01h 4.9 30h 20h 8.0 10h 6.4 00h 4.8 No.A1619-26/32 LC07424LP Sag compensation type ([VD_SAG_MODE]=1b) Value (TYP) when DAC output is 1Vp-p and gain setting is 6dB Sync tip level Video signal level YIN pin 0.8V 1Vp-p VOUT pin 1.0V (Note 1) 2Vp-p VIDEO (Note 2) 1Vp-p (Note 1) Fluctuation in V cycle because of sag compensation (Note 2) Fluctuation according to the video signal waveform 0.5dB±1.7dB (0.1dB/step) YIN DAC 1μF BUF CLAMP DAC Video PGA VOUT BUF BIAS 0.1μF 75Ω VIDEO LPF + CIN 4.8V 100μF 1μF 6.0dB PGA 75Ω Vsag Vref_v_C VREF (1.3V) # Total gain 6.5dB±1.7dB (0.1dB / step) DC direct coupling type ( [VD_SAG_MODE]=0b) Value (TYP) when DAC output is 1Vp-p and gain setting is 6dB (TYP) Sync tip level Video signal level YIN pin 0.8V 1Vp-p VOUT pin 0.2V (Note 3) 2Vp-p VIDEO 0.1V 1Vp-p (Note 3) The sink chip level is lower than the sag compensation type so as to minimize the power dissipation. YIN DAC 1μF 0.5dB±1.7dB (0.1dB / step) BUF CLAMP PGA Video VOUT + CIN DAC 0.1μF BUF BIAS 4.8V PGA 75Ω VIDEO LPF 75Ω 6.0dB Vsag Vref_v_C VREF (1.3V) # Total gain 6.5dB±1.7dB (0.1dB / step) No.A1619-27/32 LC07424LP ‹Note› [xxxx] is a register name. The POP sound can be reduced by performing start/stop in the timing shown below. Control to reduce the POP sound Reference power supply, line out start / stop sequence Common reference power supply [VREF_BIAS[1]] [VREF_BIAS[0]] (0.5)VDDh Vref_H_C pin (0.5)VDDana Vref_C pin Line_out circuit Line_out input signal t2 t2 [LO_PDX] t3 t3 [LO_MUTE] (0.5)VDDh LOUT_L pin LOUT_R pin t4b t1 t4a Recommendation value t1 › 300ms (Rapid charge period with the Vref_H_C pin connection capacity of 1μF and the Vref_C pin connection capacity of 4.7μF) t2 › 0ms t3 › 1ms (Waiting time of MUTE ON / OFF) t4a › 300ms (Pull down period) t4b › 1ms (Pull down period, at already when LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin is GND level.) • It makes it to 0Fh: [LO_VREFSW] = 1, usually. • [LO_VREFSW] function at power down (LO_PDX = 0) [LO_VREFSW] = 1: LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin becomes VREF level output [LO_VREFSW] = 0: LOUT_L, LOUT_R pin becomes Hi-Z • Speaker Amplifier Start / Stop Sequence Speaker amplifier input signal [SP_PDX] t4 [SP_OUTEN] t1 t2 t2 t3 t2 SPP,SPN pin (Speaker output) t2 (0.5)VDDh Recommendation value t1 › 1ms (Speaker bias start-up time) t2: [SP_SSC] set time (200ms / 100ms / 50ms / 10ms) t3 › 1ms t4 › 1ms • [SP_OUT_EN] must be set to 0 when power down ([SP_PDX] = 0) mode. • No.A1619-28/32 LC07424LP Description of ALC operation ‹ Note › [xxxx] is a register name. The ALC (Automatic Level Control) function performs automatic adjustment so that the audio level becomes the set value. The amplifier gain of PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) is automatically controlled so that the ADC output audio level becomes equal to the ALC value [ALC_VAL]. The PGA gain variable range is +34dB to -14dB. This range helps setting the maximum value [ALC_VMAX]. =› By setting [ALC_VMAX] to the maximum value (+34dB), the ALC function can be used to the maximum limit. =› By setting [ALC_VMAX] to the gain zero (+0dB), there is no gain in the "+" direction. Namely, the operation becomes equivalent to the limiter function. ALC settings • Power down function When [ALC_PDX]=0, the ALC circuit enters the power DOWN mode. • System operation This is done by digitally processing and feeding back the ADC data. For this purpose, the ADC function becomes necessary. Therefore, to activate the ALC function; [ALC_PDX]=1 (ALC power DOWN mode OFF ) [ALC_OFF]=0 (ALC function ON) [ADC_A_PDX]=1, [ADC_D_PDX]=1 (ADC activated) Manual mode (ALC Function OFF) With [ALC_OFF]=1, the manual mode becomes effective. The PGA gain becomes the [ALC_DVL] and [ALC_DVR] values. ALC operating There are "attack" and "recovery" operations. See the operation chart on the next page. (1) Attack operations When the PGA output exceeds the ALC value [ALC_VAL], the PGA gain is lowered in a ratio of the attack factor [ALC_FA]. With zero cross detection [ALC_ZCD]=1, the gain reduction between zero crosses is limited by the limit value [ALC_ATLIM]. (2) Recovery operations When the PGA output is 2dB less than the ALC value [ALC_VAL] and this state continues for the recovery standby period [ALC_RWT], the PGA gain is increased in a ratio of the recovery factor [ALC_FR]. The PGA gain increase continues while the state in which the gain is 2dB less than the ALC value [ALC_VAL]. The PGA gain increment between zero crosses is maximum 1 dB. Functions common to (1) and (2) • Zero cross detection With [ALC_ZCD]=1, PGA gain change occurs only when the PGA output is in the zero cross timing. With [ALC_ZCD]=0, PGA gain change is made regardless of whether or not PGA output is zero cross. • Zero cross timeout If the PGA output does not zero cross, the zero cross signal is generated internally if there is no zero cross signal for the period of zero cross timeout value [ALC_ZCDTM]. • Average output amplitude control In the attack operation by spike noise, etc., the average output amplitude becomes small. To prevent this, the recover speed is raised automatically above the [ALC_FR] set value in the case of excessively large input for a short period (tSN). No.A1619-29/32 LC07424LP ALC Wave Forms [ALC_VAL] Input signal [ALC_VAL] -2dB PGA after signal a e d c b tSN : Short period(ex.Spike Noise) [ALC_VAL] Input signal [ALC_VAL] -2dB PGA after signal A B C Operating Range E D PGA gain Related registers a, A Attack Rapid reduction [ALC_FA] Attack factor b, B Stable Constant [ALC_VAL] ALC value c, C Recovery wait time Constant [ALC_RWT] Recovery standby time d, Recovery Slow increase [ALC_FR] Recovery factor ,D Recovery Increase faster than d [ALC_FR] Recovery factor e, E Stable Constant [ALC_VMAX] PGA gain maximum value Limiter operation (PGA gain maximum value [ALC_VMAX]= 0dB set) [ALC_VAL] Input signal [ALC_VAL] -2dB PGA after signal a b c d tS a b In the tS range, the "input" is equivalent to "PGA After" in terms of signal level. (signal level through) No.A1619-30/32 LC07424LP Checkpoints !! The user is responsible for ascertaining whether this IC can be adopted for the mass production sets, including the various conditions for mounting in the set. Power supply • Powr pins are 4.8V, 2.8V, and 1.8V systems. 4.8V system: Analog power supplies (VDDh, VDDvh) 2.8V system: Analog power supplies (VDDana, VDDsp, VDDv) 1.8V system: Digital powr supply (VDDdig), digital IO power supply (VDDio) Connect the decoupling capacitor near the power pin. Refer to our reference substrate data. • Power ON Simultaneous rise and fall while maintaining the voltage sequence. Alternatively, raise starting from the higher voltage (4.8 V system) side and fall starting from the low voltage (1.8 V system) side. The voltage sequence is 4.8V system ≥ 2.8V system ≥ 1.8V system. Register control • Set data for all registers including those for the test. Refer to our recommended register data file. • Registers designated as "registers for LSI test" are fixed at the initial value (INIT). Resetting • When power has been applied, be sure to reset. (A) or (B) is executed as shown in the figure below. (A) is reset at the same time as the power is first applied. (B) is reset immediately after the power is first applied. The circuit state is uncertain if the reset is not made. It is recommended to set "th" as short as possible. The RESET_X pin input circuit is subject to clock synchronizing processing. Accordingly, the MCLK pin clock input is always necessary even during periods (A) and (B). Normal operation 95% power startup level Power pin tD RESET_X 0.2VDDio (A) MCLK Clock ON tD tH RESET_X 0.2VDDio (B) MCLK Clock ON tD › 10μs (note that the MCLK input clock frequency is 8MHz or more No.A1619-31/32 LC07424LP SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein. SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. strives to supply high-quality high-reliability products, however, any and all semiconductor products fail or malfunction with some probability. It is possible that these probabilistic failures or malfunction could give rise to accidents or events that could endanger human lives, trouble that could give rise to smoke or fire, or accidents that could cause damage to other property. When designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or events cannot occur. Such measures include but are not limited to protective circuits and error prevention circuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design. In the event that any or all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein are controlled under any of applicable local export control laws and regulations, such products may require the export license from the authorities concerned in accordance with the above law. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. Any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology improvement, etc. When designing equipment, refer to the "Delivery Specification" for the SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. product that you intend to use. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. Upon using the technical information or products described herein, neither warranty nor license shall be granted with regard to intellectual property rights or any other rights of SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. or any third party. SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim or suits with regard to a third party's intellctual property rights which has resulted from the use of the technical information and products mentioned above. This catalog provides information as of January, 2010. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. PS No.A1619-32/32