Real time clock module 4-bit REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE RTC-72421/72423 • • • • • • Built-in crystal unit allows adjustment-free efficient operation. ALE input terminal available for 8048, 8051, and 8085 series. 12/24 h clock switchover function and automatic leap year setting. Interrupt masking. 30 second adjustment function. Low current consumption and features a backup function. Actual size Specifications (characteristics) Absolute Max. rating Symbol Item VDD Power source voltage VI/O Input and output voltage TSTG Condition Ta=+25 °C Ta=+25 °C RTC-72421 RTC-72423 Specifications -0.3 to 7.0 GND -0.3 to VDD+0.3 -55 to +85 -55 to +125 RTC-72421 Under +260 °C within 10 s (lead part) (package should be less than +150 °C) RTC-72423 Twice at under +260 °C within 10 s or under +230 °C within 3 min. TSOL V °C 1 9 Unit 4.5 to 5.5 V RTC-72421 -10 to 70 RTC-72423 -40 to 85 Refer to the data holding timing tR Specifications °C 2.0 to 5.5 V 2.0 Min. µs Condition 72421 A Frequency temperature characteristics Ta=+25 °C 72421 B ±50 VDD=5 V 72423 A ±20 72423 ±50 Unit x 10-6 +10/-120 VDD=5 V, Ta=+25 °C, ±5 Max. x 10-6/year S.R. Three drops on a hard board from 750 mm or 29400 m/s2 x 0.3 ms x 1/2 sine wave x 3 directions ±10 Max. x 10 IDD1 CS1=0 V VDD=5 V 10 Max. IDD2 Exclude input/ output current fa Aging first year 0.25 5 Max. VIH1 “L” input voltage (1) VIL1 Input leak current (1) ILK1 Input leak current (2) ILK2 “L” output voltage (1) VOL1 “H” output voltage VOH “L” output voltage (2) VOL2 Off leak current IOFFLK C1 “H” input voltage (2) VIH2 “L” input voltage (2) VIL2 90° to 105° -6 0.65 Max. µA RTC-72423 Symbol Condition (1) RTC72421 A EPSON 5053C 7.62 DC characteristics “H” input voltage RTC-72421 2.54 VDD=2 V (Unit: mm) 23.1 Max. -10 °C to +70 °C (+25 °C reference temperature) External dimensions — Min. Typ. Max. 2.2 — 0.8 V1=VDD/0 V ±1 — — IOL=2.5 mA IOH=-400 µA IOL=2.5 mA V1=VDD/0 V Input frequency 1 MHz VDD=2 to 5.5 V ±10 Unit V µA — 10 10 20 — 4/5 VDD — — 1/5 VDD Input other than D0 to D3 RTC72423 A EPSON 6150 V 0.4 — 16.3 Max. All inputs other than CS1 D0 to D3 0.4 2.4 Applicable terminal µA pF V STD.P Input other than D0 to D3 D0 to D3 CS1 1.27 0.35 0.05 Min. 2.8 Max. 0° to 10° 1.0 0.2 ∆f/fo Specifications ±10 72423 STD. P CS 0 NC ALE A0 NC A1 NC A2 A3 RD GND WR D3 D2 D1 NC NC D0 CS1 NC (VDD) (VDD) VDD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (VDD) and VDD are to have the same level of voltage. Do not connect it to any external terminals. NC is not connected internally. Frequency characteristics and current consumption characteristics Symbol No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.2 Min. tCDR Operation restoring time 77 8 ALE A0 A1 A2 A3 RD GND WR D3 D2 D1 D0 CS1 (VDD) (VDD) VDD 3.3 Min. CSI data holding time Input capacity 7 STD. P CS 0 2.5 VDH Item 6 0.3 Data holding voltage Current consumption 5 7.9 TOPR Shock resistance 4 72421 12.2 Max. Operating temperature Frequency tolerance 3 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Condition VDD Item 2 RTC-72423 Symbol Operating voltage No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Operating range Item RTC-72421 6.3 Soldering condition Unit 4.2 Storage temperature Terminal connection Real time clock module Write mode (with ALE) A3 A2 A1 A0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Data Register Address Register table D2 D1 D0 Count Value Remarks D3 0 S1 1 S10 0 MI 1 1 MI10 0 H1 s8 ∗ mi8 ∗ h8 s4 s40 mi4 mi40 h4 s2 s20 mi2 mi20 h2 s1 s10 mi1 mi10 h1 0 to 9 0 to 5 0 to 9 0 to 5 0 to 9 1- second digit register 10- second digit register 1- minute digit register 10- minute digit register 1- hour digit register h10 0 to 2 or 0 to 1 H10 ∗ PM/AM h20 d4 ∗ mo4 ∗ y4 y40 w4 d2 d1 d20 d10 mo2 mo1 ∗ mo10 y1 y2 y20 y10 w2 w1 5 0 1 0 1 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 0 1 RegD 30 sec. IRQ ADJ FLAG BUSY HOLD E 1 1 1 0 RegE ITRPT /STND MASK F 1 1 1 1 RegF 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 d8 0 D1 ∗ 1 D10 0 MO1 mo8 1 MO10 ∗ y8 0 Y1 1 Y10 y80 ∗ 0 W t1 t0 TEST 24/12 0 to 9 0 to 6 VIH VIL VIH VIH tSU Condition (A-ALE) tW (ALE) (ALE-W) tSU (ALE-R) tSU (W-ALE) tSU (R-ALE) tW (W) CL=150 pF tPZV (R-Q) tPVZ (R-Q) tSU VIL tSU tSU (R-ALE) (W-D) tH (D-W) VIH VIL VIH (CS1) (CS1) tSU (A-ALE) tH (ALE-A) A0 to A3 VIH VIL CS0 ALE tW (ALE) VIH VIH tH (CS1) VIH VIL VIL tSU VIL (D-W) tH (W-D) tH (CS1) tREC (R/W) tSU (R-ALE) (ALE-R) RD tH (ALE-A) tSU (W-ALE) VIH (CS1) CS1 VIH VIL VIH VIL trnc (R) tPVZ (R-Q) tPZV (R-Q) (Please connect ALE to VDD if the microprocessor does not have an ALE output.) ( VDD = 5 V ± 0.5 V) tSU tSU (W) VIH VIH Switching characteristics (with ALE) Symbol tSU (CS1) tW (ALE-W) VIH VIL Control Register F 5) TEST bit should be “O”. Item CS1 setup time Address setup time before ALE Address hold time after ALE ALE pulse width ALE setup time before WRITE ALE setup time before READ ALE setup time after WRITE ALE setup time after READ WRITE pulse width DATA delay time after READ DATA Hold time after READ DATA setup time before WRITE DATA hold time after WRITE CS1 hold time READ/WRITE recovery time VIL tSU Read mode (with ALE) 24 12 ITRPT STND (CS1) (ALE) D0 to D3 0=“L” level,1=“H” level, REST = RESET ITRPT/ STND=INTERRUPT/STANDARD PM AM tH Control Register E REST STOP (A-ALE) tH (ALE-A) WR Control Register D ----- tW ALE 1- day digit register 10 -day digit register 1- month digit register 10- month digit register 1- year digit register 10- year digit register Week register tSU (CS1) VIH VIL CS0 PM/AM,10- hours digit register 0 to 9 0 to 3 0 to 9 0 to 1 tSU A0 to A3 1) Bit ∗ does not exist. 2) Please mask AM/PM bit with 10's of hours operations. 3) Busy is read only. IRQ can only. IRQ can only be set low (“O”). 24/12 Data Bit ITRPT/STND 4) PM/AM 1 0 VIH (CS1) VIH (CS1) CS1 Min. Max. 1000 50 50 80 0 ---0 50 50 120 ---120 0 70 80 10 ---1000 200 VOH VOL D0 to D3 VOH VOL Unit Data holding timing VDD 4V 4V 2 to 4 V ns t CDR CS1 tR VIH2 VIH2 CS1 ≤ 1/5VDD VIL2 Data storage mode Interface possible with external terminals CS0 or WR not occurred VIL2 Interface possible with the external terminals Block diagram RD WR CS1 ALE READ • WRITE CONTROL 64 HZ STD•P 4 D0 D1 D2 D3 ADDRESS LATCH DATA BUS • BUFFER 4 REST STOP 30ADJ BUSY HOLD DIVIDER OSC CS0 A0 A1 A2 A3 4 ADDRESS DECODER CARRY PER SEC. CARRY PER MIN. CARRY PER HOUR IRQFLAG 4 Seconds Sec 1 Minutes Hours Days Months Years Sec 10 Min 1 Min 10 Hou 1 Hou 10 Day 1 Day 10 Mon 1 Mon 10 Yea 1 Yea 10 24/12 Week 4 Reg D Reg E Reg F 78