.5-8GHz MESFET Amplifier Filtronic LMA110B Solid State Features • • • • • • • • • • 3.5dB Typical Noise Figure 12.5dB Typical Gain 12dBm Saturated Output Power 12dB Input/Output Return Loss Typical 0.5-6GHz Frequency Bandwidth +8 Volts Single Bias Supply DC Decoupled RF Input and Output Chip Size : 1.62mmX1.62mm (.064”X.064”) Chip Thickness : 100µm 2 Pad Dimension : 100µm Description The Filtronic LMA110B is a GaAs monolithic distributive amplifier which operates from 0.5 to 8 GHz. This amplifier produces a typical gain of 12.5dB with a noise figure of 3.5dB. The LMA110B is suitable for wide-band low noise gain block, EW and commercial PCN applications. DC decoupled input and output RF port. Ground is provided to the circuitry through vias to the backside metallization. Electrical Specifications at Ta=25°C (VDD=+8.0V, Zin=Zout=50Ω) Symbol BW S21 Ids ∆S21 NF RLin RLout S12 P-1dB Parameter Operating Bandwidth Small Signal Gain Drain Operating Current Small Signal Gain Flatness Noise Figure Input Return Loss Output Return Loss Reverse Isolation 1-dB Gain Compression Power Test Conditions VD=8V, Vg1=Vg2=8V Min. 0.5 11 60 @ 50% Idss 8 Limit Typ. 12.5 85 ±1 3.5 -10 -10 -30 10 Max. 8 Units GHz dB mA dB dB dB dB dB dBm 110 ±1.5 4.5 -8 -8 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Vdd Idd Pin Pt Tch Tstg Tmax. Parameter/Conditions Drain Supply Voltage Total Drain Current RF Input Power Power Dissipation Operating Channel Temperature Storage Temperature Max. Assembly Temp. (1 min. max.) Min. -65 Max. 13 110 24 1.5 150 165 300 Units Volts mA dBm W °C °C °C Notes : 1. This GaAs MMIC is susceptible to damage from Electrostatic Discharge. Proper precautions should be used when handling these devices. 2. Specifications subject to change without notice. DSS 005 WD Phone: (408) 988-1845 Internet: http://www.FiltronicSolidState.com Fax: (408) 970-9950 .5-8GHz MESFET Amplifier Filtronic LMA110B Solid State Assembly Diagram SIMPLE BIAS SCHEME Notes: 1.) Recommended lead bond technique is thermocompression wedge bonding with 0.001” (25µm) diameter wire. The bond tool force shall be 35-38 gram. Bonding stage temperature shall be 230-240°C, heated tool (150-160°C) is recommended. Ultrasonic bonding is not recommended. 2.) The recommended die attach is Ablebond silver epoxy, the stabilize bake temperature is set at 150°C for 45 minutes. 3.) Bond on bond or stitch bond acceptable. 4.) Conductor over conductor acceptable. Conductors must not short. DSS 005 WD Phone: (408) 988-1845 Internet: http://www.FiltronicSolidState.com Fax: (408) 970-9950 .5-8GHz MESFET Amplifier Filtronic LMA110B Solid State Assembly Diagram OPTIMUM BIAS SCHEME Notes: 1.) Recommended lead bond technique is thermocompression wedge bonding with 0.001” (25µm) diameter wire. The bond tool force shall be 35-38 gram. Bonding stage temperature shall be 230-240°C, heated tool (150-160°C) is recommended. Ultrasonic bonding is not recommended. 2.) The recommended die attach is Ablebond silver epoxy, the stabilize bake temperature is set at 150°C for 45 minutes. 3.) Bond on bond or stitch bond acceptable. 4.) Conductor over conductor acceptable. Conductors must not short. DSS 005 WD Phone: (408) 988-1845 Internet: http://www.FiltronicSolidState.com Fax: (408) 970-9950 .5-8GHz MESFET Amplifier Filtronic LMA110B Solid State Mechanical Outline Notes: 1.)Unless Otherwise specified. 2.) All units are in micron (µm). 3.) All bond pads are 100 X 100 µm2. 4.) Bias pad (VDD) size is 100 X 121.5 µm2. DSS 005 WD Phone: (408) 988-1845 Internet: http://www.FiltronicSolidState.com Fax: (408) 970-9950