PM4314 QDSX PMC-Sierra,Inc. Quad T1/E1 Line Interface Unit FEATURES • Monolithic single-chip device that integrates four full-featured T1/E1 duplex DSX-1 compatible line interface circuits in a single device. • Supports B8ZS, HDB3, and AMI line codes. • Provides receive clock recovery and line performance monitoring. • Provides transmit jitter attenuation with programmable line build-out. • Directly interfaces to the PM4344 TQUAD Quad T1 Framer, PM6344 EQUAD Quad E1 Framer, PM4388 TOCTL Octal T1 Framer, PM6388 EOCTL Octal E1 Framer, PM8313 D3MX M13 Multiplexer, and PM7344 S/UNI-MPH Quad T1/E1 Multi-PHY SATURN ATM User Network Interface. • Software-compatible with the PM4341A T1XC Single T1 Transceiver, PM6341 E1XC Single E1 Transceiver, and PM4351 COMET Single T1/E1 Transceiver. • Provides an 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control, and status monitoring. • Low power 5 V CMOS technology. • Available in a rectangular 128-pin 14 by 20 mm Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) package. • -40 to +85° industrial temperature operation. and accumulates up to 8191 LCVs for performance monitoring purposes. • Detects both programmable in-band loopback activate and deactivate code sequences received in the DS1/E1 data stream. TRANSMIT SECTION • Optionally accepts dual-rail digital PCM inputs. Accepts gapped data streams to support higher rate demultiplexing. Supports unframed mode. • Optionally performs B8ZS or HDB3 encoding for single-rail PCM signals. • Generates DSX-1 compatible pulses with programmable pulse shape using only an external 1:1.36 turns ratio transformer. • Accommodates standard cable types such as ABAM, PIC, and Coax. • Selectable line length and line type for DS1 transmit pulse build-out. • Detects violations of the ANSI T1.403 12.5% pulse density rule over a moving 192 bit window. • Provides dual- or single-rail digital PCM outputs. • Supports reception of G.703 signals with up to 6 dB attenuation and reception of DSX-1 compatible signals using an external 1:2 turns ratio transformer and passive components. • Provides Loss Of Signal (LOS) and Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) alarm detection. Detects violations of the ANSI T1.403 12.5% pulse density rule over a moving 192 bit window. • Minimum sensitivity of 75 mV with a 1:2 turns ratio transformer allows for terminating or bridged performance monitoring applications. • Accommodates up to 0.4 UI peak-topeak, high frequency jitter as required by AT&T TR 62411. • Detects Line Code Violations (LCVs), PMC-941034 (R6) APPLICATIONS • T1 Channel Service Units (CSU) • T1/E1 Multiplexers and Digital Private Branch Exchanges (PBX) • Digital Access and Cross-Connect Systems (DACS) and Electronic DSX Cross-Connect Systems (EDSX) • T1/E1 Frame Relay Interfaces • T1/E1 ATM Interfaces • T1/E1 ATM Circuit Emulation Interfaces • SONET Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADM) • T1/E1 Test and Performance Monitoring Equipment BLOCK DIAGRAM 3560 ,%&' 35%6'HWHFWRU ,QEDQG/RRSEDFN DQG(UURU&RXQWHU &RGH'HWHFWRU ;,%& /&2'( ,QEDQG $0,%=6 +'% 356* 7'1>@ 35%6 7UDQVPLWWHU /RRSEDFN&RGH 7''7'3>@ *HQHUDWRU RECEIVE SECTION • Allows insertion of framed or unframed in-band loopback code sequences. • Supports transmission of the AIS. • Provides a 48-bit FIFO for jitter attenuation in each transmit path. FIFO full or empty indications allow for bitstuffing in higher rate multiplexing applications. • Provides up to 55 dB of jitter attenuation as per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ierra, Inc. October, 1998 PM4314 QDSX Quad T1/E1 Line Interface Unit TYPICAL APPLICATIONS HIGH DENSITY HDLC APPLICATION 4 PM4314 PM4344 4'6; 748$' Quad T1/E1 LIU Quad T1 Framer PM6344 (48$' Quad E1 Framer (Fully Channelized 4 4 Processor PM7366 )5(('0 ™ Frame Engine and Datalink Manager PM4314 4'6; Quad T1/E1 LIU PM4388 PM4314 Octal T1 Framer Packet Memory 72&7/ 4'6; PM6388 Quad T1/E1 LIU PCI Bus (2&7/ Octal E1 Framer (Mixed Channelized and Unchannelized T1 OR E1 MULTI-PHY ATM UNI 1.544 MHz Transmit Reference Clock PM4314 DSX-1 or E1 Analog Interfaces 4'6; Quad T1/E1 LIU Crystal Oscillator Clock 37.056 MHz Head Office: PMC-Sierra, Inc. #105 - 8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, B.C. V5A 4V7 Canada Tel: 604.415.6000 Fax: 604.415.6200 To order documentation, send email to: [email protected] or contact the head office, Attn: Document Coordinator PM7344 ™ 681,03+ Quad T1/E1 Multi-PHY UserNetwork Interface UTOPIA or SCI-PHY™ Multi-PHY ATM Cell Bus Or 12.352 MHz Generic Microprocessor Bus All product documentation is available on our web site at: For corporate information, send email to: [email protected] PMC-941034 (R6) 1998 PMC-Sierra, Inc. October, 1998 FREEDM-8, SATURN, SCI-PHY, and S/UNI-MPH are trademarks of PMC-Sierra, Inc.