SPEC DATE: PREPAREDBY: sw ,qlta-id ll.wudr4, r’w DATE: APPROVED By: 7. pL EIAEmRoNIc COMPONENTS GROUP SHARP CORPORATION A+p~T DEVICE SPECXFICATION ED-92013A ISSUE August PAW l~paga. FtEPFUC3ENTATIVE DIVISION DEXICES DIV. FOR __.- gwfnwsdealing.e--‘---.:. P ..- _ -i_--.-- PHoTocCXJPLER MODEL -ib,-iG’ oF4n-~cTRoNfc SPECIFICATION / ‘No. - No. PCS17 (4~channel type) . t 1. Thb spcddion sheets include the contents under the copyright of Sbirp Corporation (“Sharp7. Please keep them wfth’reasonable care aa important khrmathn. Plef+ don‘t reproduce OI cause anyone reproduce them without Sharp’s consent. 2. Please obey the lustn~ctlona mentfoned below for actual use of this de&. of aales of&e fn advance when you ix&xi to use SHARP Contact a SHARP rcprwmtatlve devicw tbr any appUcaBoas other than thrue applications for gsmal electi& equrpPacnt recommend by SHAlw at (I). a) This device is dcsighed for guleral eIeckwlfc cquipmcnt MainuswofthbdevkeareasiWxvs; l OA quipment [ equipmentIT- - AVquipment * Mwsurtng l Home appilance l Too&g qtipment l 1 Telecommunication l Computer, machine etc. (2) PLeasetakepmpi~poinordutpmalntainreliaMlttyandsaicty,,incase&devlce Is used tbr the nsch mentioned Wow whtch reqWe bi@ @i&iii@. l Unit concerning controX and safety da vehicle (air plane. tmln. ant~m~bile l Qa?lleakdctcctionbreaker [ l Other (SJ Plcse dely equtpment, l TraiIlcslgnal etc.) *FIretnxandburglaralermbar etc. do not use for the use mentioned I below whlcb require expemaly hfgh -we 1 gym 737 - Space quipmat l Tekcommun icaaon equIpmeIlt ITnmkI 9 Nuciear control uptpmmt * Medical equlpmcnt etc. C DATE CUSTOMER’S DATE BY APPROVAL T. Makiumura, Departmalt General ManagEngimerqDept.3 . Opto-Electmnic mw Div. ELECUM Group SHARP CORPORATION of SHRRP CURPURRTION MODEL PAGE No. 1 PC847 1. Application Thit3 epedflcation Model No. PCS17 applies (B Refer to the attached to the outline tupc). drawing and chalaIzterlstlcs of photocoupxer No. CY537OKfI2. 3. Rating8sndclxmxctQistiw Ref’ to the attached she& pege 4.6. 4. Reliabilig Rekrbtheattachedsheet.page7. 5. Incoming lIlspecffon Rcfkrtotheatkchcdshcct,pa@8. 6, suppkmexlt 6.1 hola~avoltageshallbemea8uredhthe6RowlIlgmethod. (11 Short between ancde ta cathode an the primary &I emiti on the secondary side. 8.2 Colkctorcurrfmac] ro’lrnflzk~tes~ Rankat BU&lUs ddtvczy deatfng- Applkd to products coUfxtor DeIweryranktabk dcaungPaXLlCofOrdmdpKuduct) Rankat - PC&L7 k347AB PC847BC Pca47al PCa47AC PCS47BD FC847AD l side and between ss a option Mtach l Buafnese dPlllne=e lc(mAl Pc847Y pc847Y5 Pu347Y6 pc84n7 Pc847Y8 Pc847Y9 pcs47Yo 2.6 to 30 sheet 2-I 4.0 to 6.5 to lOtD30 4.0 to 6.5 to 4.oto30 to 2-4) Test p5nA 13 20 v&5v 20 30 Ta=2SC J SHRRP CURPORRTI ON I MODEL No. PAGE PC847 I 6.3 TbbModelbapprovedbyUh AppmvedModelNo.:PC317 6.4 Tfde product b not designed against irradiation. assanbled with electrIcal Input and output Thi¶pOdUCtls This product incorporates non-coherent light czmMbg d$ade. 7. No&s 7.1 For cleaning (1) sotit !s?ming (2) Ulfr8sonic Applkabk : Solvent tempuahne rmmcrsba3min.orlces 4!5c or kss cIeanhg : The deot to device by ultra8onfc dean&g i8 diftkrent by cleanmg bath size, ultrmonfc powa output, Cleaning Ume PWB sfze or’device mounting condiUon etc. Please test it in actual using con&W and con&m that dcwdt occur any d&d be&xe starting thel.lltmmuic~. solvent : Ethyl alwho& Methyl akohal Freon ‘IE - TF, D!flomsaIvent SSE Please refiainfbnnu8ingchloroFluorocarbontypcsolventtocle6n devtce 88 much a8 pos8ibIe since it & ManatlonaIly reaulcted bD protect theBefbreyulluse al&naUve 801VEXlt you are reque8ted ~a&rmtlmtitdoesnotattackpackageresln. 72 The LED used In the Phobxoupkr genera@ decrcascs t+e light anfssion power by opendim. In case of long operation time, please design the drcuit with amsldering the de@adaUon of the Qht emissiDn power of the LED. (50%/5yearal 7.3 Pmzautbn fbr Saldaing Photocoupkr Refkrtotheattachcdeheet-I. 8. Others Any doubt as ~FJd spazifkatian shall be determined upon mutual COMUI~~I of the both par&s. In gwd l%th 2 SHARP CORPORATION MODEL No. PAGE 3 PC.847 - ._ - - _ -Anodemark . . . -a. IV----, Factnryld~oamamprt .-+z t 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 -I 4 L l l) P-digttnumbcrmarkedatzconhgtoDINstanderd Y2) Factmy idcrW.tcation mark shall be or shall not be maAcd. 19.82 *a.5 3 SHARP CORPORATION MODEL No. PAGE 4 PC847 Ta&X ‘1 The deratinghctors ufabsolutc an?aowIllxlFYg. lto4. - PLllse widths100 rathg~ pe. Duty ratio : 0.001 rRefkttl *3 ACfbrlmin,4Oto6O%RH l 4 For 10 9 nmxbmm due to ambient F-ig. 6) knperaturc SHARP CORPORflTlON MODEL PAGE No. 5 PC847 32 Elcc~-opticalc-Ii8~ Taz25C SIMRPCORPORATION Pig. I I I 0 2s Ambient 66 76 100 126 (Fig. 3) Collector power disslpatlon ve. ambient temperature x 8 -23 0 26 so 75 Ambient temperatwe -- 6 I vs. amblent loo l28 Ta (C) @lg. 6) Peak foIward CLment vs. duty ratlo .--_ I..,---_. 2000 1000 500 200 100 50 . 20 10 5 IfI-•2:-,,-5.---.-10-2 5 lo”2 5 10’ DulyratIo tempmhre --. -30 0 55 as 75 Ambient temperature Ta (Cl temperature PAGE I rprg. 2) Dlodc power disB1pation 11 FormudcurrentvB. ambient tanperaturc -60 1 MODEL No. PC847 100 125 Ta (C) (FI& 4J Total power disslpatlon vs. ambient tanpcrature -30 0 as 50 Ambirnttempuahur Puh3ewldthSlOO Ta-26C pe IS 100 Ta (CJ l2s 1 SHfWlP CORPORATION I The re&biMy of producta shall be satisfied MODEL PAGE No. PC847 wkth itema B&cd 7 I b&m can&tpotlavel:90% LTPD : lO%/ZO% Test Items Test CmdiUons Failure Judgemmt ‘1 SoIderaw ?i! xl=1 1, c-a 23oc,ss soIderfngheat 26oc, -strength frenabrll We@t:SN 6 s/each terminaI T-strength weight : 2.m 2 times/each tkxn&aI (Balcungl l 3 Samplea In De6ccthntc IO 9 IelI, c=o n=ll. C=o xl=ll, c=o n=ll. C=o n=ll, c=o vj.xJx12 g>ux2 &XX2 MeohanicaI shock 16oOom/e~. o.sm8 3 umea/ fX *r, u direcuon 100 to 2ooo to 1OoHz/4miIL 20Qln/sa 4 Unites/ X Y, 2 direcUoa v~fablc~uency viblaiion 1 CycIe -66C (3Omin.I zocyclestest 43 <LXO.7 v-xJx1.2 tD t126C c3omh.) lld2,GO u:upper H&h temp. humtdltyM ad h&h t6OC, Hrgh temp. storage +125C, LQwtexLp. -55c. stnra& OpuatiaLLfe +l Teat method, 9O%RH, IOOOh lOOOh ~=bOlnA, Ta=25C, conforma E+tot=2oomw lOOOh to JI5 C 7021. ll&&c--o LOOOh L:Lower r n=22,c=o IL22c=o , Il=2!2.c-a SHRRP CORPtlRRTlON MODEL PAGE No. 8 PC847 VP I,. I,, V-, k R, VIBO AsiqIesampliqpIan,nonnaliaspectbmlcvciXIbawdon MIL-STD-105D Iisapplied. The AQL according to the Inspectlan lteme are showIlbelmv. Defect Inspcctbn- AQL WI Normal !ifztz Lu6pectfoIlII 0.1 mr de&t NOXUld -P-t-= 0.4 SHARP CORPOARTION MODEL PAGE No. Attach dxct- 1 Pa47 -.‘O 101214161820 . -. -.. . -------.- 2 4 6.8 I * l ” ‘1 ‘1’ Solderlq ttnie 2. rfsolderreflow: It is n?eo&ended thrtt only one eolderlq MdthCttnfeWithIIltht~~~tprofile~8llO~fnthC~. ... - .-I...-.-.. . be done at the tempemture .. . . .-mm-- . . . .._. -.--- I ! 230C ; 2ooc 8I / 2% ! I 3.otherprccautdDns ‘III& .--. . L., j I (81 No. r MObEL SHflRP CORPORflTlON 2. Applicable Pc347Y. Models (B- deallq Pc847Y6, Pca47Y6. name) Pc847Y7. Pcs47Y8. Pcs47Y9. Pca47Yo 3. TbertlrvrrntmodelsarethemodelsApprondbyTtfv Rlddand Japan accmding b DIN VDEO884/08.87. Approved Model No. : PC817 Tihapprovecl No. : 9151333 (Acmdiqto the speci6cation l opuathg boIatlon voltage DINVDE0884/08.87) u,, : 71 ov mxkl l T-lan8ientYoltage~:6ooovIpeakl . PolIuUan: 2 (Accardi.n~to VDE0110/01.89) l CIcamcudfstancc(&twc~inputaadcrutput); l Creepage distance 9 bolatton thickIle88 &mn@flN.) (Between input and output) : ham (MIN.1 between input and output : 0.15mnl l Tbdaqj-praaf:CTI225(Matcrial~up~: l 3afktylidtvaluea Current (MIN.) VDEOl10/01.89] WI : 12OmA D&de aide) Power (Psi) : 26OmW Bhototransistor Temperahue usi) : 15OC In order to keep saikty efectric hahtion prokceedrcuitb~pwltlllnI9adetymt~ee~theappllcauon~pln~~0ubled. l Rek Indkatlon ufpb&ocoupI~r, please set the of Ti% approval printa m! 0884” oxi deeye package. to the atbched drawing aide] No. CY6 173KO2. SHARP CORPORATION I I 6. Isolation s-n MODEL I PAGE No. Pca47Y (G-pthm) accordtng to VDE 0884 a DIN IEC68 aauu CYfcnvhnmeataI test I I --0l==tbl idatioa v&age I bbsI ParUal d¶scharge test voItage (Betmen input and autputl I I 710 I I I &Aft I Reserta t.?EMagramL2 ’ upr DfN==l .- . .. .. .. .-. .. ... F...... s Dla&ramZ I um Maxfmum over-voltage - 30/100/21 tp=6os, qcc5pc 852 v,, 1~.___~~.....__._.1~.~._~~.‘1.~~....~~....---.--.-1136 v,, Q=l 8, qc<spc 7 1 t.j&os 6000 I %EAK I I I 1) CasCtcm~turc m rpo, PC=0 160 21 Input led PC=0 I20 c - Referto cum?xlt nut *F4& 6,7 3) Ekcmcp~ (Output or TOM power dissfpatbnl Isdation resistauce (Test voltage lHwcen Ynput and output ; DGOOV) e Psi l& ,2eo Ta-Tel bdN. lo* Ta=Topr (MAX.) Ta=2S’c MIN. 10” MIN. lo= 6. Precautions in p&bmingisoIa~ntest 6.1 Partialdhhargetestm&hodaehailbetheopesaccorciin.gto the speciflratioarr ofVDE 08&L/08.87 6.2 Please don’t carry out faolatkm test [VboJ QW Urn Thf” pmduct deteriorates due to appXyinghighvolbgk (ex. Ud. And there fe ls-f=r tbat thiu product occura~discharge laopfiraaglt3olauan vow. N-1. imlatbacharactcristlcs bypart&I lllW P SHRRP ccff3Pafmf ON MODEL PAaH: No. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ‘1) 2-digitnumbermaskedaaamilngtoDDIN8tandard 2) Factor identtflcation mark &all be or mhd not be marked. UMT: l/X mm PC317 wchanndtype) outiincDlmcnsions (Y3usfncssdeallng nnmC:PCS47Yl Drawing No. cY6173Ko2 SHARP COAPCJRRTION PAGE MODEZ No. -n(Optian) %Ek2.4 I MethodofMagraml :Brtakdawn~et(AppiytDiypetutand~g~t) =I to 10s =l a 400 428 -10 8 s s0o $: 3:400 300 260 250 150 100 n “0 il . il . ii 120 loo . 200 25‘ 50 7s Ambient tem~ 100 125 pa 150 so 0 0 25 so 7s loo Ambieasttemperatun m Ta (Cl 150