C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM DESCRIPTION STM-S3 PIN ASSIGNMENT The Connor-Winfield Stratum 3 Simplified Control Timing Module acts as a complete system clock module for general Stratum 3 timing applications. The STM is designed for external control functions. Full external control input allows for selection and monitoring of any of four possible operating states: 1) Holdover, 2) External Reference #1, 3) External Reference #2, and 4) Free Run. The table below illustrates the control signal inputs and corresponding operational states: In the absence of External Control Inputs (A,B), the STM enters the Free Run mode and signals an External Alarm. The STM will enter other operating modes upon application of a proper control signal. Mode 1 operation (A=1, B=0) results in an output signal that is phase locked to the External Reference Input #1. Mode 2 operation (A=0, B=1) results in an output signal that is phase locked to External Reference Input #2. Holdover mode operation (A=1, B=1) results in an output signal at or near the frequency as determined by the latest (last) locked-signal input values and the holdover performance of the STM. +5Vdc HLDOVR EX REF 1 REF 1 GND REF 2 EX REF 2 FRERUN GND GND N/C N/C CLK_OUT N/C GND N/C N/C N/C SYNC_OUT ALARM OUT GND CNTL A PLL TVL CNTL B BOTTOM VIEW Alarm signals are generated at the Alarm Output during Holdover and Free Run operation. Alarm Signals are also generated by loss-of-lock, loss of Reference, and by a Tune-Limit indication from the PLL. A Tune-Limit alarm signal indicates that the VCXO tuning voltage is approaching within 10% the limits of its lock capability and that the External Reference Input may be erroneous. A high level indicates an alarm condition. Realtime indication of the operational mode is available at unique operating mode outputs on pins 1-4. BLOCK DIAGRAM 0 CNTL A CNTL B 2:4 EX REF 1 EX REF 2 2:1 MUX FRERUN 1 REF 1 2 REF 2 3 PLL TVL FREE RUN HOLDOVER HOLDOVER ALARM OUT LOCK AND DETECTION PHASE COMPARATOR 2:1 MUX Control loop filters effectively attenuate any reference jitter and smooth out phase transients. DAC FILTERS DAC STRATUM3 VCXO TUNING VOLTAGE MONITOR FIFO STRATUM3 TCXO SYNC_OUT CLK_OUT PLL TVL STM-S3 C ON TR OL IN PU T A B 0 0 OPER ATION AL MOD E 1 0 External Reference #1 0 1 External Reference #2 1 1 R EF 1 R EF 2 H LD OVR FR E R U N P L L _ TV L * AL AR M OU TPU T Free Run (D efault) 0 0 0 1 0 1 Normal Tune Li mi t LOS + LOL 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Normal Tune Li mi t LOS + LOL 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Holdover 0 0 1 0 0 1 INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 1 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved. C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM X 67 5 $1 6,(1 7 5 (632 1 6( 7,(QV 7 LPHV 6 D P S OH : D Q G H U * H Q H U D WLR Q 7 ' ( 9 IR U 6 7 0 0 6 7 0 6 1.0E - 6 T ypical res pons e - 3000 s econd tes t - Jitter applied (2 UI @ 10 Hz ) ref date AP R 22 1998 kdh 10 0.0E - 9 10.0E - 9 F H V 9 ( ' 7 7'( 9 1.0E - 9 * 5)LJ * 5)LJ 10 0.0 E - 12 10.0E - 3 100 .0E - 3 1.0E +0 ,Q WH J UD WLR Q 7 LP H V H F INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 10 .0 E +0 100 .0E +0 1.0 E +3 Copyright 1998 Connor-W infield alll rights res erved Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 2 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved. C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) 6DPSOH07,('DWDIRU670606706 1.0E-6 T ypical response- 3000 second test - Jitter applied (2 UI @ 10 Hz) ref dateAPR 22 1998 kdh 07,(V 100.0E-9 10.0E-9 07,( 0DVN$ 0DVN% 0DVN *5 1.0E-9 100.0E-3 1.0E+0 10.0E+0 100.0E+0 2EVHUYDWLRQ7LPHV INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 1.0E+3 10.0E+3 Copyright 1998 Connor-Winfieldall rights reserved Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 3 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved. C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM TABLES OF CONTENTS TABLE 1.0 SYMB OL ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING PAR AMETER MIN IMU M N OMIN AL MAXIMU M U N ITS N OTES V cc Power supply voltage (Vcc to GND ) -0.5 +7.0 Volts 1.0 VIN Input voltage wi th respect to ground -0.5 Vcc+0.5 Volts 1.0 TSTG Storage temperature -65.0 +150.0 deg. C 1.0 NOTE 1.0: TABLE 2.0 Operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Rocommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. INPUT AND OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMET ER MINIMUM VIH High level input voltage (TTL Compatible) VIL Low level input voltage (TTL Compatible) TIN NOMINAL MAXIMUM UNIT S 2.0 Vcc V 0 0.8 V Input signal transition time 250 nS CIN Input capacitance 15 pF VOH High level output voltage @ IOH= -8.0 mA, Vcc minimum VOL Low level output voltage @ IOL= 8.0 mA, Vcc maximum THL Clock out transition time high-to-low, no load 4.0 nS TLH Clock out transition time low -to-high, no load 4.0 nS TRIP Input 8 KHz reference signal positive pulse w idth 30 nS TRIN Input 8 KHz reference signal negative pulse w idth 30 nS 3.86 V 0.4 V TOP1 Standard Operating Temperature 0 50 deg. C TOP2 Optional Operating Temperature 0 70 deg. C TABLE 3.0 NOT ES 8.0 SPECIFICATIONS PARAMET ER NOT ES Frequency Range Supply Current Timing Reference Inputs Jitter and Phase Tolerance 16.384 MHz , 19.44 MHz 5.0 60 mA Typical at 16.384 MHz 9.0 8 KHz 6.0 Ref-GR-1244-CORE 4.2-4.4 Wander Generation Ref-GR-1244-CORE 5.3 Free-Run Accuracy ±4.6 ppm Holdover Stability ±0.37 ppm Initial Offset 0.05 ppm Temperature 0.28 ppm Drift 0.04 ppm Holdover History 30 seconds Pull-in / Hold-in Range ±4.6 ppm Minimum Lock Time 3.0 < 100 secs Correction Period 125 uS TVL Alarm INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 2.0 1= WARNING: Reference nearing operational limit 7.0 Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 4 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved. C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) PIN DESCRIPTION STM-S3 PIN # 1 HLDOVR -Output. High when the control inputs select Holdover. 2 REF _1 -Ouput. High when the control inputs select EX REF_1. 3 REF_2 -Output. High when the control inputs select EX REF_2. 4 FRERUN -Output. High when the control input selects Free Run. 5 Gnd -Ground. 10 ALARM_OUT -Ouput. =1,If (FRERUN + HOLDOVER + LOS + LOL + PLL_TVL) . 11 CNTL_A -Mode control input. 12 CNTL_B -Mode control input. 13 PLL_TVL -Tuning Voltage Alarm. =1 If CAPTURE RANGE NEAR 10% OF EXTREME (~11ppm). 14 Gnd -Ground. 15 SYNC_OUT -Syncronized output. 17 Gnd -Ground. 18 CLK_OUT -Stratum 3 TCXO output. (Non-synchronized). 20 Gnd -Ground. 21 EX_REF_2 -External Reference #2 Input. (8 KHz) 22 Gnd -Ground. 23 EX_REF_1 -Input. External Reference #1 Input. (8 KHz) 24 +5 Vdc +5 Volt DC supply. NOTES FOR TABLES 1-3 NOTES: 2.0 Holdover stability is the cumulative fractional frequency offset containing Initial Offset, Temperature, and Drift components as described by Bellcore GR-1244-CORE 5.2. 3.0 Pull-in range is the minimum frequency deviation on the reference inputs to the timing module that can be overcome to pull itself into synchronization with the reference. 4.0 After 100 seconds at stable room temperature. 5.0 Consult factory for other output frequencies. 6.0 Ref- GR1244-CORE 3.2.1 R3-1. 7.0 A 1 level indicates unit is within the extreme 10% of its operating range tracking the reference (~11ppm). Consult factory for use as a reference quilifier. 8.0 Add -T2 to model number. 9.0 Consult factory for power dissipation of -T2 (0 to +70 deg. C.) devices. INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 5 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved. C O N N O R THE CONNOR-WINFIELD CORP. 2111 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVE. IL 60505. W I N F I E L D AURORA, FAX (630) 851-5040. PHONE (630) 851-4722 HTTP://WWW.CONWIN.COM NETWORK ELEMENT TIMING GENERATOR STRATUM 3 SIMPLIFIED CONTROL TIMING MODULES (STM-S3) APPLICATIONS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM STM-S3 PACKAGE WITH COVER .030 NETWORK TIMING REFERENCE INPUT eg. BITS CLOCK,etc. (.762mm) .180 .078 (1.98mm) .040 (1.02mm) (4.572mm) A-A (60.96mm) .192 2.000 (4.876mm) 24 3.937 (100mm) (5.08mm) 2 22 3 21 4 20 (3.05mm) HOLDLAST EX REF 1 REF 1 GND REF 2 EX REF 2 FRERUN GND CLK_OUT GND SYSTEM CLOCK SYNC_OUT GND SYSTEM CONTROL AND DATA INPUTS GND ALARM OUT CNTL A CNTL B PLL TVL .600 (15.24mm) LOSS OF REFERENCE MONITOR SECTION 5 PIN 1 19 6 18 7 17 8 16 9 15 FREE RUN CLOCK COPY +5Vdc 1 23 13 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS MECHANICAL SHOCK 883D 2002 CONDITION B 1500 Gs 0.5 ms. 10 .300 TYP (22) (7.62mm) 14 .445 .200 (50.80mm) .120 DETAIL A-A 2.400 BLOCK BLOCK DIAGRAM DIAGRAM 5 VOLT DC POWER SUPPLY 11 VIBRATION 883D-2007 C0NDITION A 0.06 DA or 20 g Peak Acceleration 20 to 2000 Hz. 12 (11.30mm) ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS BOTTOM VIEW TEMPERATURE CYCLE 883D METHOD 1010.7 CONDITION B 10 Cycles -55 to +125 Degrees C. HTOB - HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATING BIAS 1000 Hours +125 Degrees C. FACTORY RELIABILITY AUDIT TEMPERATURE CYCLE 500 Cycles -55 to +125 Degrees C. HTOB - HIGH TEMPERATURE OPERATING BIAS 1000 Hours +125 Degrees C. PARTS TO BE QUALIFIED TO BELLCORE TR-NWT-00357 TEMPERATURE CYCLE -40 to +85 Degrees C. 72 HOUR BURN-IN +25 Degrees C. INT DATA SHEET #: ____________ TM000 Specifications subject to change without notice. PAGE______ 6 OF _______ 6 REV:________ 04 DATE:____________ 1/3/2000 © Copyright 2000 Connor-Winfield all rights reserved.