ANALOG SIGNAL ISOLATING DETECTION BARRIER DESCRIPTION Analog signal isolating detection barrier, which can receive the current output from the hazardous PRODUCT PROGRAM Power Supply Part Number Nominal Range TII13-EX 24VDC TI513-EX TI613-EX Input Output Isolation Power Output 18-32VDC 4-20 mA (OR 0-20mA) 4-20mA (OR 0-20mA) 24VDC 24VDC 18-32VDC 4-20mA (OR 0-20mA) 0-10V (OR 2-10V) 24VDC 24VDC 18-32VDC 4-20mA (OR 0-20mA) 0-5V (OR 1-5V) 24VDC area, meanwhile it can transmit a standard output signal to the safe area after isolated. It also provides isolation power to hazardous area. With a digital bus interface, the device can provide digital network output of DCS system, and configure signal range of input & output, it is an intelligent product. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Power Supply 18-32VDC Power Dissipation About 2.0W Power Protection Reverse protection ●Three port Isolation(input, output, power supply) Input Signal 4-20mA(OR 0-20mA) ● High accuracy (0.1% F.S.) Input Impedance Voltage drop about<2V(At input=20mA) Overload <60mA Power distribution voltage ≤26VDC(Open circuit) Output Signal See above Power Supply Data FEATURES ● High linearity (0.1% F.S.) Hazardous area ● Isolation voltage(2500VDC/60S) ● Low temperature drift(35PPM/℃) ● Modbus digital bus ● Input & output range programmable ● High reliability(MTBF>500,000 hours) Safe area ≥18VDC(AT output=20mA) ≤500Ω(At output=20mA) Overload >1KΩ(At input=Voltage) Communication interface RS485 physical bus interface Communication protocol Modbus digital bus TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS MODEL SELECTION Offset 0.1%F.S. Txxxx-EX Gain Error 0.1%F.S. Plus error 0.1%F.S. Temperature Drift 0.0035%F.S./℃ (-20℃ ~ +60℃) Explosion protection certification mark Isolation power output Power suppply Signal output Signal input Isolation amplifier ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS Galvanic Isolation Isolation among input, output and power supply Isolation Voltage 2.5KVDC(Tested for 1minute and 1mA max, humidity < 70%) Surge resist 5KV 1.2/50us (Based on IEC255-4) EMC IEC61326.1-2005 MORNSUN Science& Technology co.,Ltd. Address: 2th floor 6th building, Huangzhou Industrial District, Guangzhou, China Tel: 86-20-38601850 Fax:86-20-38601272 Http:// STANDARDS & CERTIFICATIONS Explosion protection Certification mark [Exia]IIC 11-12: Um:250Vrms, Uo:26.5V, Io:112 mA, Po:742 mW Co:0.07μF, Lo:2.4 mH 9-10: Um:250Vrms, Uo:10.5VDC, Io:--Certified by: CHINA NATIONAL QUALITY SUPERVISION AND TEST CENTRE FOR EXPLOSION PROTECTED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS NO:CNEx08.1565 Explosion protection Certification parameters The copyright and authority for the interpretation of the products are reserved by Mornsun Specifications subject to change without notice. TII13-EX A/0-2008 Page 1 of 2 OTHER CHARACTERISTICS CONNECTION Operation temperature:-20℃ ~ +60℃ Ambient temperature 1. Removable terminal; Transport and Storage temperature:- 40℃ ~ +85℃ 2 2. Cross section area of wiring: 0.5mm -2.5 35mm DIN-rail package:T-rail card package (DIN50022), 3*4 pluggable connection pin, thickness 22.5mm,Plastic UL94-V0 Package Safety Class IP20(IEC60529 / EN60529) Weight About 100g 2 mm ; 3. The length of bare wire is about 8mm, locked up by M3 bolt. Note: 1. All specifications measured at TA=25°C, humidity<75%, nominal input voltage and rated output load unless otherwise specified. 2. Only typical models listed. If you need other model, please contact us. 3. Communication protocol details refer to《MORNSUN Science & Technology Modbus Protocol Rule》 。 PACKAGING SIZE AND TERMINAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION IN INTRINSICALLY SAFE EXPLOSION PROTECTION SYSTEM 1. The explosion protection grade of the 8 9. 0 99.5 99. 模 拟 量 隔 离 式 安 全 栅 ( 检 测端 ) 输 出2 0m A 时 : ≥ 1 8V 产品 型号 : T II1 3- E X 危险 侧: 输入 ( [ 9- , 1 0+ ] ) :4 ~2 0m A (或 0~ 20 mA ) 配电 :开 路电 压 : ≤ 2 6V ; 安全 侧: : 电源 ( [3- , 4+ ] ) : 1 8~ 32 V DC 输出 ( [1- , 2+ ] ) :4~ 20 m A (或 0 ~2 0m A ) 数字 48 5端 口( [7- , 8+ ] ) :48 5B ; 48 5A 传输 特性 : 精度 : 0.1 % FS P wr 温度 漂移 (-2 0℃ ~6 0℃ ) : 0.0 03 5% F S /℃: 隔离 度: 安全 侧 对 危险 侧 2 .5k VA C Lo =2 .4 mH P wr U m =2 50 V rm s, Uo= 26 .5 V, Io =11 2m A , Po = 742 m W, 防爆 等级 : [ Exia ]IIC TI I1 3 - E X Sa f e -a re a 检验 单位 :C Q ST (中 国国家 防爆 电气 产 品质 量 检 验中 心) Isolation Amplifier 防爆 合格 证编 号 : 防爆 认证 参数 : C o =0 .09 5u F, 出厂 编号 : H a za rd o u s-a r e a barrier must be equal to or higher than 12+ Output+ 34+ Power supplyPower suppl y+ Output- 5 6 protection device. 2. Take inconsideration of hazardous end output resistance and loop resistance, NC make sure the barrier’s output voltage NC 485Communi cation Port B 78+ meets the minimum operation voltage requirement of in spot intrinsic safety 485 Communication Port A Input- 9- 单位:mm 公差:±0.5mm that of in spot intrinsic safety explosion Input+ 10+ device. 3. The Unit: mm parameters of Barrier’s Uo ≤ UI, Io ≤ Iin, Po ≤ Pin Co ≥ Cin, 92 . 0 22. 5 safety intrinsic safety end meets: Isolation power output12+ Isolation power output+ 11- Lo ≥ Lin 4. Select suitable Safety barrier which Tolerance:± 0.5mm matches the in spot intrinsic safety APPLICATION CIRCUIT DIAGRAM device for the power’s phase, signal type Safe a re a and transmission mode. Haza rd ous area 5. Apply 1 9 Input 10 necessary protections, avoid influence the in spot intrinsic safety Output device’s operation from leakage current 2 that generated by safety barrier. 11 7 12 8 Isolation p ower outp ut 485 Communication port B 485 Communication port A OPERATION NOTES 1. Please read the user manual carefully before using. If any questions please contact 3 4 Power sup ply INSTALLATION DIN35mm standard rail installation 1. Upside of the instrument card in the rail; the rail. card lock downwards; 3. Pull the instrument out of the rail. The copyright and authority for the interpretation of the products are reserved by Mornsun support Please do not use this product in 3. The power supply of this product should hazardous area. be 24VDC power source. It is forbidden cut in the metal card lock from the underside; 2. Push underside of the instrument into 2. Boost up the screwdriver and prize the metal technical 2. DISASSEMBLY 1. Use a screwdriver (Width of edge≤6mm), our department. 4. to use 220VAC power supply. To avoid invalid explosion protection function, or any failure, users disassemble this product is forbidden. Specifications subject to change without notice. TII13-EX A/0-2008 Page 2 of 2