General Purpose Transistor SMD Diodes Specialist MMBT2907A-G (PNP) RoHS Device Features -Epitaxial planar die construction SOT-23 -Device is designed as a general purpose 0.119 (3.00) 0.110 (2.80) amplifier and switching. 3 0.056 (1.40) 0.047 (1.20) -Useful dynamic range exceeds to 600mA As a switch and to 100MHz as an amplifier. 1 2 0.083 (2.10) 0.066 (1.70) 0.103 (2.60) 0.086 (2.20) 0.044 (1.10) 0.035 (0.90) Collector 3 0.006 (0.15) 0.002 (0.05) 0.006 (0.15) max 0.020 (0.50) 0.013 (0.35) 0.007 (0.20) min 1 Base 2 Emitter Dimensions in inches and (millimeter) O Maximum Ratings(at T A =25 C unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Collector-Base voltage V CBO -60 V Collector-Emitter voltage V CEO -60 V Emitter-Base voltage V EBO -5 V Collector current-Continuous IC -0.6 A Tot al de vice di ssipa tioi n PD 0. 35 W Th er mal res istan ce jun ction to ambi en t St or ag e tempe rat ur e an d jun ction tempe rat ur e R 35 7 JA T STG , T J -55 +1 50 o C/ W o C REV:A QW-BTR03 Page 1 General Purpose Transistor SMD Diodes Specialist O Electrical Characteristics (at T A =25 C unless otherwise noted) Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Max Unit Collector-Base breakdown voltage I C =10μA , I E =0 V CBO -60 V Collector-Emitter breakdown voltage I C =10mA , I B =0 V CEO* -60 V Emitter-Base breakdown voltage I E =10μA , I C =0 V EBO -5 V Collector cut-off current V CB =-50V , I E =0 I CBO -20 nA Base cut-off current V CE =-30V , V EB =-0.5V IB -50 nA Collector cut-off current V CE =-30V , V BE =-0.5V I CEX -50 nA DC current gain V CE =-10V , I C =-0.1mA h FE(1)* 75 V CE =-10V , I C =-1mA h FE(2)* 100 V CE =-10V , I C =-10mA h FE(3)* 100 V CE =-10V , I C =-150mA h FE(4)* 100 V CE =-10V , I C =-500mA h FE(5)* 50 I C =-150mA , I B =-15mA V CE(SAT)* -0.4 V I C =-500mA , I B =-50mA V CE(SAT)* -1.6 V I C =-150mA , I B =-15mA V BE(SAT)* -1.3 V I C =-500mA , I B =-50mA V BE(SAT)* -2.6 V Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Base-Emitter saturation voltage 300 V CE =-20V , IC=-50mA Transition frequency fT 200 Mhz F=100MHz Delay time V CE =-30V , I C =-150mA td 10 nS Rise time I B1 =I B2 =-15mA tr 40 nS Storage time V CE =-6V , I C =-150mA ts 80 nS Fall time I B1 =I B2 =-15mA tf 30 nS * Pulse test: tp≤300µS, δ≤0.02 REV:A QW-BTR03 Page 2 General Purpose Transistor SMD Diodes Specialist RATING AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (MMBT2907A-G) Fig.1 Typical pulsed current gain V.S. Collector current V CE(SAT) , Collector Emitter voltage (V) Fig.2 Collector-Emitter saturatioin voltage V.S. Collector current h F E - Ty p i ca l p ulsed cu r r e n t gain 500 V CE =5V 400 125 oC 300 o 25 C 200 100 -40 oC 0 0.1 1 10 0.5 ß=10 0.4 0.3 o 25 C 0.2 o 125 C 0.1 -40 oC 0 500 100 V BE(ON ) , Base-Emitter O N voltage (V ) V BE ( SAT) Bas e -Em i tter v o l ta ge (V) 1.0 o -40 C 0.8 o 25 C 125 oC 0.4 ß=10 0.2 0 1 100 10 Fig.4 Base emitter ON voltage V.S. Collector current 1 -40 oC 0.8 0.6 25 oC 0.4 125 oC 0.2 V CE =5V 0 0.1 500 10 1 Ic - Collector current (mA) Ic - Collector current (mA) Fig. 5 Collector-Cutoff current V.S. Ambient temperature Fig.6 Input and output capacitance V.S. reverse bias voltage 25 20 100 V CB =35V Capacitance (pF) I CBO , Collector current (nA) 500 Ic- Collector current (mA) Fig. 3 Base-Emitter saturation Voltage V.S. Collector current 0.6 100 10 1 Ic-Collector current (mA) 10 1 0.1 16 12 C ib 8 C ob 4 0.01 25 50 75 100 o T A , Ambient temperature ( C) 125 0 -0.1 -1 - 10 - 50 Reverse bias voltage (V) REV:A QW-BTR03 Page 3 General Purpose Transistor SMD Diodes Specialist RATING AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (MMBT2907A-G) Fig.7 Switching times V.S collector current Fig.8 Turn on and turn off times V.S collector current 250 500 I B1 =I B2 =I C /10 200 I B1 =I B2 =I C /10 V CC =15V 400 150 Time (uS) Time ( n S ) V CC =15V ts 100 tr tf 300 200 t off 50 100 t on td 0 10 0 100 100 10 1000 I C , Collector current (mA) Fig.10 Common emitter characteristics CHA R , Re la n t iv e t o v a l u e s a t T A = 2 5 oC Fig. 9 Rise time V.S. Collector and turn on base currents I B1 , Turn on base current ( mA) 50 10 30nS 60nS 1 10 100 500 1.5 I C =-10mA V CE =-10V 1.4 1.2 1.1 h oe 1 0.9 h re 0.8 h ie 0.7 0.6 h fe 0.5 - 40 - 20 40 20 60 100 80 Fig.12 Common emitter characteristics CHAR, Relative to values at V CE =-10V CHAR, Relative to values at I C =10mA 0 T A , Ambient temperature( oC) 5 hoe hre hfe 1 hie V CE =-10V o T A =25 C I C , Collector current (mA) h ie h re h oe Fig. 11 Common emitter characteristics -10 h fe 1.3 Ic - Collector current (mA) 0.1 -1 1000 Ic- Collector current (mA) -50 1.3 h re h ie 1.2 h fe h re and h oe h oe 1.1 1 h ie 0.9 I C =-10mA T A =25 oC h fe 0.8 -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 V CE , Collector voltage (V) REV:A QW-BTR03 Page 4