Product specification BAT54W Series Features Low forward voltage Guard ring protected Very small SMD package. Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Continuous reverse voltage Conditions Min VR Continuous forward current IF Repetitive peak forward current IFRM Non-repetitive peak forward current IFSM Total power dissipation (per package) Ptot Storage temperature Tstg Junction temperature tp 1 s; d 0.5 tp < 10 ms Tamb 25 Max Unit 30 V 200 mA 300 mA 600 mA 200 mW -65 +150 -65 +125 Tj 125 Operating ambient temperature Tamb Thermal resistance from junction to ambient Rth j-a 625 K/W Electrical Characteristics T a = 25 Param eter Sym bol Forward voltage VF Reverse current IR Reverse recovery tim e t rr Conditions Max I F = 0.1 m A 240 IF = 1 m A 320 I F = 10 m A 400 I F = 30 m A 500 I F = 100 m A 800 V R = 25 V; Note 1 2 when switched from I F = 10 m A to I R = 10 m A; R L = 100 Diode capacitance Cd Unit mV A 5 ns 10 pF m easured at I R = 1 m A f = 1 MHz; V R = 1 V; Note 1. Pulse test: t p 300 s; ä 0.02. Marking Type BAT54W BAT54AW BAT54CW BAT54SW Marking L4 42 43 44 4008-318-123 1 of 1