深圳市杰鸿顺电子有限公司 LLDB3, LLDB4 SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL DIACS The glass passivated, three-layer, two terminal, axial lead, hermetically sealed diacs are designed specifically for triggering thyristors. They demonstrate low breakover current at breakover voltage as they withstand peak pulse current. The breakover symmetry is within four volts with a typical breakover voltage of LLDB3 32 V, LLDB4 40 V. These diacs are intended for use in thyristor phase control, circuits for lamp-dimming, universal-motor speed controls, and heat controls. Dimensions in mm TS - 40 OC to +150 OC Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range TJ - 40 OC to +100 OC MAXIMUM RATINGS at 50 OC Ambient Peak Current (10 µs duration, 120 cycle repetition rate) IP ± 2 A Max. Peak output voltage eP 3 ± Volts Max.1) Characteristics at Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol LLDB3 Breakover Voltage LLDB4 V(BR)1 and V(BR)2 Min. Max. 28 36 35 45 Unit V Breakover Currents I(BR)1 and I(BR)2 - 200 µA Breakover Voltage Symmetry [V(BR)1]-[V(BR)2] - 3.8 V Dynamic Breakover Voltage ΔI = [IBR to IF = 10 mA] | ΔV ± | 5 - V RθJA - 60 Thermal Impedance Junction to Ambient Air DIAC load up to 1500 W 3.3 K 60~ 120 V 1) 0.1 uF 20 ep 120 VAC 60 Hz TRIAC 200 K CIRCUIT FOR PEAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE TEST 0.1 u F 100 V BILATERAL TRIGGER DIAC TYPICAL DIAC-TRIAC FULL-WAVE PHASE CONTROL CIRCUIT SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ® (Subsidiary of Sino-Tech International Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Stock Code: 724) http://jhs-ic.hqew.com Dated : 18/01/2008 C/W O