Preliminary Technical Data 5 kV rms Signal & Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV ESD Protection ADM2682E/ADM2687E FEATURES 5 kV rms isolated RS-485/RS-422 transceiver, configurable as half or full duplex isoPower® integrated isolated dc-to-dc converter ±15 kV ESD protection on RS-485 input/output pins Complies with ANSI/TIA/EIA-485-A-98 and ISO 8482:1987(E) Data rate: 16 Mbps (ADM2682E), 500 kbps (ADM2687E) 5 V or 3.3 V operation Connect up to 256 nodes on one bus Open- and short-circuit, fail-safe receiver inputs High common-mode transient immunity: >25 kV/µs Thermal shutdown protection Safety and regulatory approvals UL recognition (pending) 5000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577 CSA Component Acceptance Notice #5A (pending) IEC 60601-1: 400 V rms (basic), 250 V rms (reinforced) IEC 60950-1: 600 V rms (basic), 380 V rms (reinforced) VDE Certificates of Conformity (pending) DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884 Part 2): 2003-01 VIORM = 846 V peak Operating temperature range: −40°C to +85°C 16-lead wide-body SOIC with >8 mm creepage and clearance FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VISOOUT VCC isoPower DC-TO-DC CONVERTER OSCILLATOR RECTIFIER VISOIN REGULATOR TRANSCEIVER DIGITAL ISOLATION iCoupler Y TxD ENCODE DECODE D Z DE ENCODE DECODE RxD DECODE ENCODE A R B ADM2682E/ADM2687E RE GND1 ISOLATION BARRIER GND2 Figure 1. APPLICATIONS Isolated RS-485/RS-422 interfaces Industrial field networks Multipoint data transmission systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADM2682E/ADM2687E are fully integrated 5 kV rms signal and power isolated data transceivers with ±15 kV ESD protection and are suitable for high speed communication on multipoint transmission lines. The ADM2682E/ADM2687E include an integrated 5 kV rms isolated dc-to-dc power supply, which eliminates the need for an external dc-to-dc isolation block. The ADM2682E/ADM2687E driver has an active high enable. An active low receiver enable is also provided, which causes the receiver output to enter a high impedance state when disabled. They are designed for balanced transmission lines and comply with ANSI/TIA/EIA-485-A-98 and ISO 8482:1987(E). The devices have current limiting and thermal shutdown features to protect against output short circuits and situations where bus contention may cause excessive power dissipation. The parts are fully specified over the industrial temperature range and are available in a highly integrated, 16-lead, widebody SOIC package with >8 mm creepage and clearance. The devices integrate Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology to combine a 3-channel isolator, a three-state differential line driver, a differential input receiver, and Analog Devices isoPower dc-todc converter into a single package. The devices are powered by a single 5 V or 3.3 V supply, realizing a fully integrated signal and power isolated RS-485 solution. The ADM2682E/ADM2687E contain isoPower technology that uses high frequency switching elements to transfer power through the transformer. Special care must be taken during printed circuit board (PCB) layout to meet emissions standards. Refer to Application Note AN-0971, Control of Radiated Emissions with isoPower Devices, for details on board layout considerations. Rev. PrE Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Test Circuits..................................................................................... 13 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Switching Characteristics .............................................................. 14 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Circuit Description......................................................................... 15 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Signal Isolation ........................................................................... 15 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Power Isolation ........................................................................... 15 ADM2682E Timing Specifications ............................................ 4 Truth Tables................................................................................. 15 ADM2687E Timing Specifications ............................................ 4 Thermal Shutdown .................................................................... 15 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Package Characteristics ................... 4 Open- and Short-Circuit, Fail-Safe Receiver Inputs.............. 15 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Regulatory Information .................. 5 DC Correctness and Magnetic Field Immunity .......................... 16 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications ................................................................................ 5 Applications Information .............................................................. 17 ADM2682E/ADM2687E VDE 0884 Insulation Characteristics (Pending) ............................................................ 6 EMI Considerations ................................................................... 17 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 7 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 7 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 8 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 9 PCB Layout ................................................................................. 17 Insulation Lifetime ..................................................................... 17 Typical Applications ................................................................... 18 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 20 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 20 Rev. PrE | Page 2 of 20 Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E SPECIFICATIONS All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 3.0 ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5 V. All minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range, unless otherwise noted. All typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VCC = 5 V unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter ADM2687E SUPPLY CURRENT Data Rate ≤ 500 kbps Symbol ICC ADM2682E SUPPLY CURRENT Data Rate = 16 Mbps ICC ISOLATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE DRIVER Differential Outputs Differential Output Voltage, Loaded VISOUT Δ|VOD| for Complementary Output States Common-Mode Output Voltage Δ|VOC| for Complementary Output States Short-Circuit Output Current Output Leakage Current (Y, Z) ���, TxD Logic Inputs DE, RE Input Threshold Low Input Threshold High Input Current RECEIVER Differential Inputs Differential Input Threshold Voltage Input Voltage Hysteresis Input Current (A, B) Line Input Resistance Logic Outputs Output Voltage Low Output Voltage High Short-Circuit Current COMMON-MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY 1 1 Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions 120 mA mA mA mA mA VCC = 3.3 V, 100 Ω load between Y and Z VCC = 5 V, 100 Ω load between Y and Z VCC = 3.3 V, 54 Ω load between Y and Z VCC = 5 V, 54 Ω load between Y and Z 120 Ω load between Y and Z 150 230 mA mA 120 Ω load between Y and Z 54 Ω load between Y and Z 3.6 3.6 3.6 0.2 3.0 0.2 200 30 V V V V V V mA µA RL = 100 Ω (RS-422), see Figure 23 RL = 54 Ω (RS-485), see Figure 23 −7 V ≤ VTEST1 ≤ 12 V, see Figure 24 RL = 54 Ω or 100 Ω, see Figure 23 RL = 54 Ω or 100 Ω, see Figure 23 RL = 54 Ω or 100 Ω, see Figure 23 90 72 125 98 |VOD2| |VOD3| Δ|VOD| VOC Δ|VOC| IOS IO 3.3 2.0 1.5 1.5 DE = 0 V, ��� RE = 0 V, VCC = 0 V or 3.6 V, VIN = 12 V DE = 0 V, ��� RE = 0 V, VCC = 0 V or 3.6 V, VIN = −7 V −30 µA VIL VIH II 0.3 × VCC −10 0.01 V V µA ���, TxD DE, RE ���, TxD DE, RE ���, TxD DE, RE VTH VHYS II −200 −125 15 mV mV µA µA kΩ −7 V < VCM < +12 V VOC = 0 V DE = 0 V, VCC = 0 V or 3.6 V, VIN = 12 V DE = 0 V, VCC = 0 V or 3.6 V, VIN = -7 V −7 V < VCM < +12 V V V mA kV/µs IO = 1.5 mA, VA − VB = −0.2 V IO = −1.5 mA, VA − VB = 0.2 V 0.7 × VCC 10 −30 125 RIN −100 96 VOL VOH VCC − 0.3 0.2 VCC − 0.2 0.4 100 25 VCM = 1 kV, transient magnitude = 800 V CM is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining specification-compliant operation. VCM is the common-mode potential difference between the logic and bus sides. The transient magnitude is the range over which the common-mode is slewed. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. Rev. PrE | Page 3 of 20 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TA = −40°C to +85°C. Table 2. Parameter DRIVER Maximum Data Rate Propagation Delay, Low to High Propagation Delay, High to Low Output Skew Rise Time/Fall Time Enable Time Disable Time RECEIVER Propagation Delay, Low to High Propagation Delay, High to Low Output Skew 1 Enable Time Disable Time 1 Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = C L2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = C L2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = CL2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = CL2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 110 Ω, CL = 50 pF, see Figure 26 and Figure 31 RL = 110 Ω, CL = 50 pF, see Figure 26 and Figure 31 CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 RL = 1 kΩ, CL = 15 pF, see Figure 28 and Figure 32 RL = 1 kΩ, CL = 15 pF, see Figure 28 and Figure 32 16 tDPLH tDPHL tSKEW tDR, tDF tZL, tZH tLZ, tHZ 63 64 1 100 100 8 15 120 150 Mbps ns ns ns ns ns ns tRPLH tRPHL tSKEW tZL, tZH tLZ, tHZ 94 95 1 110 110 12 15 15 ns ns ns ns ns Typ Max Unit Test Conditions 503 510 7 700 700 100 1100 2.5 200 kbps ns ns ns ns µs ns RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = C L2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = C L2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = CL2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 54 Ω, CL1 = CL2 = 100 pF, see Figure 25 and Figure 29 RL = 110 Ω, CL = 50 pF, see Figure 26 and Figure 31 RL = 110 Ω, CL = 50 pF, see Figure 26 and Figure 31 91 95 4 200 200 30 15 15 ns ns ns ns ns CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 CL = 15 pF, see Figure 27 and Figure 30 RL = 1 kΩ, CL = 15 pF, see Figure 28 and Figure 32 RL = 1 kΩ, CL = 15 pF, see Figure 28 and Figure 32 Guaranteed by design. ADM2687E TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TA = −40°C to +85°C. Table 3. Parameter DRIVER Maximum Data Rate Propagation Delay, Low to High Propagation Delay, High to Low Output Skew Rise Time/Fall Time Enable Time Disable Time RECEIVER Propagation Delay, Low to High Propagation Delay, High to Low Output Skew Enable Time Disable Time Symbol tDPLH tDPHL tSKEW tDR, tDF tZL, tZH tLZ, tHZ tRPLH tRPHL tSKEW tZL, tZH tLZ, tHZ Min 500 250 250 200 ADM2682E/ADM2687E PACKAGE CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Parameter Resistance (Input-to-Output) 1 Capacitance (Input-to-Output)1 Input Capacitance 2 1 2 Symbol RI-O CI-O CI Min Typ 1012 3 4 Max Device considered a 2-terminal device: short together Pin 1 to Pin 8 and short together Pin 9 to Pin 16. Input capacitance is from any input data pin to ground. Rev. PrE | Page 4 of 20 Unit Ω pF pF Test Conditions f = 1 MHz Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E ADM2682E/ADM2687E REGULATORY INFORMATION Table 5. ADM2682E/ADM2687E Approvals Organization UL (Pending) Approval Type To be recognized under the UL 1577 Component Recognition Program of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Single Protection, 5000 V rms isolation voltage CSA (Pending) In accordance with UL 1577, each ADM2682E/ADM2687E is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 6000 V rms for 1 second. To be approved under CSA Component Acceptance Notice #5A VDE (Pending) Reinforced insulation per IEC 60601-1, 250 V rms(353 V peak) maximum working voltage Basic insulation per IEC 60601-1, 400 V rms (566 V peak) maximum working voltage Reinforced insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 and IEC 60950-1, 380 V rms (537 V peak) maximum working voltage Basic insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 and IEC 60950-1, 600 V rms (848 V peak) maximum working voltage To be certified according to DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884 Rev. 2): 2003-01 In accordance with DIN EN 60747-5-2, each ADM2682E/ADM2687E is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 1590 VPEAK for 1 second. ADM2682E/ADM2687E INSULATION AND SAFETY-RELATED SPECIFICATIONS Table 6. Parameter Rated Dielectric Insulation Voltage Minimum External Air Gap (Clearance) Symbol L(I01) Value 5000 >8.0 Unit V rms mm Minimum External Tracking (Creepage) L(I02) >8.0 mm Minimum Internal Gap (Internal Clearance) Tracking Resistance (Comparative Tracking Index) Isolation Group CTI 0.017 min >175 IIIa mm V Rev. PrE | Page 5 of 20 Conditions 1-minute duration Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance along body Insulation distance through insulation DIN IEC 112/VDE 0303-1 Material Group (DIN VDE 0110: 1989-01, Table 1) ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E VDE 0884 INSULATION CHARACTERISTICS (PENDING) This isolator is suitable for reinforced electrical isolation only within the safety limit data. Maintenance of the safety data must be ensured by means of protective circuits. Table 7. Description CLASSIFICATIONS Installation Classification per DIN VDE 0110 for Rated Mains Voltage ≤300 V rms ≤450 V rms ≤600 V rms Climatic Classification Pollution Degree VOLTAGE Maximum Working Insulation Voltage Input-to-Output Test Voltage Method b1 Method a After Environmental Tests, Subgroup 1 After Input and/or Safety Test, Subgroup 2/Subgroup 3 Highest Allowable Overvoltage SAFETY-LIMITING VALUES Case Temperature Input Current Output Current Insulation Resistance at TS Conditions Symbol Characteristic Unit I to IV I to III I to II 40/85/21 2 DIN VDE 0110, see Table 1 VIORM VPR 846 V peak VIORM × 1.875 = VPR, 100% production tested, tm = 1 sec, partial discharge < 5 pC 1590 V peak VIORM × 1.6 = VPR, tm = 60 sec, partial discharge < 5 pC VIORM × 1.2 = VPR, tm = 60 sec, partial discharge < 5 pC 1375 1018 V peak V peak VTR 6000 V peak TS IS, INPUT IS, OUTPUT RS 150 265 335 >109 °C mA mA Ω Transient overvoltage, tTR = 10 sec Maximum value allowed in the event of a failure VIO = 500 V Rev. PrE | Page 6 of 20 Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are relative to their respective ground. Table 8. Parameter VCC Digital Input Voltage (DE, ��� RE, TxD) Digital Output Voltage (RxD) Driver Output/Receiver Input Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range ESD (Human Body Model) on A, B, Y, and Z pins ESD (Human Body Model) on Other Pins Thermal Resistance θJA Lead Temperature Soldering (10 sec) Vapor Phase (60 sec) Infrared (15 sec) Rating −0.5 V to +7 V −0.5 V to VDD + 0.5 V −0.5 V to VDD + 0.5 V −9 V to +14 V −40°C to +85°C −55°C to +150°C ±15 kV ±2 kV 52°C/W 260°C 215°C 220°C Table 9. Maximum Continuous Working Voltage1 Parameter AC Voltage Bipolar Waveform Max Unit Reference Standard 424 V peak All certifications, 50-year minimum lifetime Unipolar Waveform Basic Insulation Reinforced Insulation 600 537 V peak V peak DC Voltage Basic Insulation Reinforced Insulation 600 537 V peak V peak 1 Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1 Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1 Refers to continuous voltage magnitude imposed across the isolation barrier. See the Insulation Lifetime section for more details. ESD CAUTION Rev. PrE | Page 7 of 20 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS GND1 1 16 GND2 VCC 2 15 VISOIN RxD 3 ADM2682E ADM2687E 14 A 13 B TOP VIEW DE 5 (Not to Scale) 12 Z RE 4 TxD 6 11 Y VCC 7 10 VISOOUT GND1 8 9 GND2 NOTES: 1. PIN 10 AND PIN 15 MUST BE CONNECTED EXTERNALLY Figure 2. Pin Configuration Table 10. Pin Function Description Pin No. 1 2 Mnemonic GND1 VCC 3 RxD 4 ��� RE 5 6 7 DE TxD VCC 8 9 10 GND1 GND2 VISOOUT 11 12 13 14 15 Y Z B A VISOIN 16 GND2 Description Ground, Logic Side. Logic Side Power Supply. It is recommended that a 0.1 µF and a 0.01 µF decoupling capacitor be fitted between Pin 2 and Pin 1. Receiver Output Data. This output is high when (A − B) ≥ -30 mV and low when (A − B) ≤ –200 mV. ��� is driven high. The output is tristated when the receiver is disabled, that is, when RE Receiver Enable Input. This is an active-low input. Driving this input low enables the receiver; driving it high disables the receiver. Driver Enable Input. Driving this input high enables the driver; driving it low disables the driver. Driver Input. Data to be transmitted by the driver is applied to this input. Logic Side Power Supply. It is recommended that a 0.1 µF and a 10 µF decoupling capacitor be fitted between Pin 7 and Pin 8. Ground, Logic Side. Ground, Bus Side. Isolated Power Supply Output. This pin must be connected externally to VISOIN. It is recommended that a reservoir capacitor of 10 µF and a decoupling capacitor of 0.1 µF be fitted between Pin 10 and Pin 9. Driver Noninverting Output Driver Inverting Output Receiver Inverting Input. Receiver Noninverting Input. Isolated Power Supply Input. This pin must be connected externally to VISOOUT. It is recommended that a 0.1 µF and a 0.01 µF decoupling capacitor be fitted between Pin 15 and Pin 16. Ground, Bus Side. Rev. PrE | Page 8 of 20 Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 180 140 120 RL = 54Ω 140 RL = 54Ω SUPPLY CURRENT, ICC (mA) 120 RL = 120Ω 100 80 NO LOAD 60 40 80 RL = 120Ω 60 40 NO LOAD 20 20 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 0 –40 08111-103 0 –40 100 Figure 3. ADM2682E Supply Current (ICC) vs. Temperature (Data Rate = 16 Mbps, DE = 3.3 V, VCC = 3.3 V) –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-105 SUPPLY CURRENT, ICC (mA) 160 Figure 6. ADM2687E Supply Current (ICC) vs. Temperature (Data Rate = 500 kbps, DE = 3.3 V, VCC = 3.3 V) 140 72 70 SUPPLY CURRENT, ICC (mA) DRIVER PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) RL = 54Ω 120 100 RL = 120Ω 80 60 NO LOAD 40 20 68 66 64 tDPHL 62 tDPLH 60 58 56 54 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 50 –40 08111-104 –15 Figure 4. ADM2682E Supply Current (ICC) vs. Temperature (Data Rate = 16 Mbps, DE = 5 V, VCC = 5 V) –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-107 52 0 –40 Figure 7. ADM2682E Differential Driver Propagation Delay vs. Temperature 120 600 DRIVER PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) 580 RL = 54Ω 80 RL = 120Ω 60 40 NO LOAD 20 560 540 tDPLH 520 tDPHL 500 480 460 440 0 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 Figure 5. ADM2687E Supply Current (ICC) vs. Temperature (Data Rate = 500 kbps, DE = 5 V, VCC = 5 V) 85 400 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-108 420 08111-106 SUPPLY CURRENT, ICC (mA) 100 Figure 8. ADM2687E Differential Driver Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Rev. PrE | Page 9 of 20 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data 60 TxD OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) 50 1 Z 40 30 20 Y CH2 2.0V M10.00ns A CH1 1.28V 08111-109 CH1 2.0V CH3 2.0V 0 0 Figure 9. ADM2682E Driver Propagation Delay 1 2 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 4 5 08111-112 10 3 Figure 12. Receiver Output Current vs. Receiver Output Low Voltage 4.75 4.74 OUTPUT VOLTAGE(V) 4.73 TxD 1 Z Y 4.72 4.71 4.70 4.69 4.68 4.67 3 CH2 2.0V M200ns A CH1 2.56V 4.65 –40 Figure 10. ADM2687E Driver Propagation Delay 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 Figure 13. Receiver Output High Voltage vs. Temperature 0 0.32 –10 0.30 –20 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) –30 –40 –50 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 –70 0 1 2 3 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 4 5 08111-111 –60 Figure 11. Receiver Output Current vs. Receiver Output High Voltage Rev. PrE | Page 10 of 20 0.20 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 Figure 14. Receiver Output Low Voltage vs. Temperature 85 08111-114 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) –15 08111-113 CH1 2.0V CH3 2.0V 08111-110 4.66 Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E B A 1 RxD 3 CH2 2.0V M10.00ns A CH1 2.56V 98 97 96 tRPHL 95 94 93 92 tRPLH 91 90 –40 08111-115 CH1 2.0V CH3 2.0V 99 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-118 RECEIVER PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) 100 Figure 18. ADM2687E Receiver Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Figure 15. ADM2682E Receiver Propagation Delay 3.33 ISOLATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) A B 1 RxD 3.31 3.30 3.29 NO LOAD RL = 120Ω RL = 54Ω 3.28 CH2 2.0V M10.00ns A CH1 2.56V 3.26 –40 08111-116 CH1 2.0V CH3 2.0V –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-119 3.27 3 Figure 19. ADM2682E Isolated Supply Voltage vs. Temperature (VCC = 3.3 V, Data Rate = 16 Mbps) Figure 16. ADM2687E Receiver Propagation Delay 98 3.36 3.35 96 tRPHL 95 tRPLH 94 93 3.34 3.33 3.32 3.31 3.30 3.29 NO LOAD RL = 120Ω RL = 54Ω 3.28 92 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 08111-117 3.27 Figure 17. ADM2682E Receiver Propagation Delay vs. Temperature Rev. PrE | Page 11 of 20 3.26 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 Figure 20. ADM2682E Isolated Supply Voltage vs. Temperature (VCC = 5 V, Data Rate = 16 Mbps) 08111-120 97 ISOLATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) RECEIVER PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) 3.32 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data 60 40 RL = 54Ω ISOLATED SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 35 50 40 RL = 120Ω 30 NO LOAD 20 10 30 RL = 120Ω 25 20 15 10 NO LOAD 0 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 0 –40 –15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (°C) 60 85 Figure 22. ADM2687E Isolated Supply Current vs. Temperature (VCC = 3.3 V, Data Rate = 500 kbps) Figure 21. ADM2682E Isolated Supply Current vs. Temperature (VCC = 3.3 V, Data Rate = 16 Mbps) Rev. PrE | Page 12 of 20 08111-122 5 08111-121 ISOLATED SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) RL = 54Ω Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E TEST CIRCUITS RL 2 VOD2 RL 2 Z VOUT Y VOC 08111-003 TxD S1 Y Figure 26. Driver Enable/Disable 375Ω A 375Ω VTEST B Figure 24. Driver Voltage Measurement Y CL Figure 27. Receiver Propagation Delay VCC +1.5V CL S1 RL CL RL –1.5V RE 08111-005 Z VOUT RE S2 CL VOUT RE IN Figure 25. Driver Propagation Delay Figure 28. Receiver Enable/Disable Rev. PrE | Page 13 of 20 08111-008 Z 08111-007 60Ω 08111-004 VOD3 TxD S2 CL 50pF Z DE Figure 23. Driver Voltage Measurement TxD VCC RL 110Ω 08111-006 Y TxD ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS VCC VCC/2 VCC/2 0V tDPLH tDPHL VCC Z 1/2VO DE 0.5VCC 0.5VCC VO 0V tZL Y Y, Z 90% POINT VDIFF VOL tZH 10% POINT 10% POINT tDF tDR tHZ 2.3V VOH VOH – 0.5V Y, Z 08111-011 –VO VOL + 0.5V 90% POINT VDIFF = V(Y) – V(Z) 08111-009 +VO tLZ 2.3V tSKEW = │tDPHL – tDPLH │ Figure 31. Driver Enable/Disable Timing Figure 29. Driver Propagation Delay, Rise/Fall Timing 0.7VCC RE 0.5VCC 0.5VCC 0.3VCC 0V 0V tRPLH tRPHL tZL 1.5V RO VOH tLZ VOL + 0.5V OUTPUT LOW tZH VOL tHZ OUTPUT HIGH 1.5V tSKEW = |tRPLH – tRPHL | 1.5V VOL 08111-010 RxD RO 1.5V VOH – 0.5V 0V Figure 32. Receiver Enable/Disable Timing Figure 30. Receiver Propagation Delay Rev. PrE | Page 14 of 20 VOH 08111-012 A–B Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION SIGNAL ISOLATION The ADM2682E/ADM2687E signal isolation of 5 kV rms is implemented on the logic side of the interface. The part achieves signal isolation by having a digital isolation section and a transceiver section (see Figure 1). Data applied to the TxD and DE pins and referenced to logic ground (GND1) are coupled across an isolation barrier to appear at the transceiver section referenced to isolated ground (GND2). Similarly, the single-ended receiver output signal, referenced to isolated ground in the transceiver section, is coupled across the isolation barrier to appear at the RXD pin referenced to logic ground. POWER ISOLATION The ADM2682E/ADM2687E power isolation of 5 kV rms is implemented using an isoPower integrated isolated dc-to-dc converter. The dc-to-dc converter section of the ADM2682E/ADM2687E works on principles that are common to most modern power supplies. It is a secondary side controller architecture with isolated pulse-width modulation (PWM) feedback. VCC power is supplied to an oscillating circuit that switches current into a chip-scale air core transformer. Power transferred to the secondary side is rectified and regulated to 3.3 V. The secondary (VISO) side controller regulates the output by creating a PWM control signal that is sent to the primary (VCC) side by a dedicated iCoupler (5 kV rms signal isolated) data channel. The PWM modulates the oscillator circuit to control the power being sent to the secondary side. Feedback allows for significantly higher power and efficiency. TRUTH TABLES The truth tables in this section use the abbreviations found in Table 11. Table 11. Truth Table Abbreviations Letter H L X I Z NC Description High level Low level Don’t care Indeterminate High impedance (off ) Disconnected Table 13. Receiving (see Table 11 for Abbreviations) Inputs A−B ≥ −0.03 V ≤ −0.2 V −0.2 V < A − B < −0.03 V Inputs open X DE H H L X TxD H L X X The ADM2682E/ADM2687E contain thermal shutdown circuitry that protects the parts from excessive power dissipation during fault conditions. Shorting the driver outputs to a low impedance source can result in high driver currents. The thermal sensing circuitry detects the increase in die temperature under this condition and disables the driver outputs. This circuitry is designed to disable the driver outputs when a die temperature of 150°C is reached. As the device cools, the drivers are reenabled at a temperature of 140°C. OPEN- AND SHORT-CIRCUIT, FAIL-SAFE RECEIVER INPUTS The receiver inputs have open- and short-circuit, fail-safe features that ensure that the receiver output is high when the inputs are open or shorted. During line-idle conditions, when no driver on the bus is enabled, the voltage across a terminating resistance at the receiver input decays to 0 V. With traditional transceivers, receiver input thresholds specified between -200 mV and +200 mV mean that external bias resistors are required on the A and B pins to ensure that the receiver outputs are in a known state. The short-circuit, fail-safe receiver input feature eliminates the need for bias resistors by specifying the receiver input threshold between -30 mV and -200 mV. The guaranteed negative threshold means that when the voltage between A and B decays to 0 V, the receiver output is guaranteed to be high. Outputs Y H L Z Z RxD H L I H Z THERMAL SHUTDOWN Table 12. Transmitting (see Table 11 for Abbreviations) Inputs Output �RE ��� L or NC L or NC L or NC L or NC H Z L H Z Z Rev. PrE | Page 15 of 20 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data DC CORRECTNESS AND MAGNETIC FIELD IMMUNITY MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE MAGNETIC FLUX DENSITY (kGauss) 100 The digital signals transmit across the isolation barrier using iCoupler technology. This technique uses chip-scale transformer windings to couple the digital signals magnetically from one side of the barrier to the other. Digital inputs are encoded into waveforms that are capable of exciting the primary transformer winding. At the secondary winding, the induced waveforms are decoded into the binary value that was originally transmitted. The 3.3 V operating condition of the ADM2682E/ADM2687E is examined because it represents the most susceptible mode of operation. The pulses at the transformer output have an amplitude of >1.0 V. The decoder has a sensing threshold of about 0.5 V, thus establishing a 0.5 V margin in which induced voltages can be tolerated. The voltage induced across the receiving coil is given by 0.1 1M 10k 10M 100k MAGNETIC FIELD FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M 08111-019 0.001 1k Figure 33. Maximum Allowable External Magnetic Flux Density For example, at a magnetic field frequency of 1 MHz, the maximum allowable magnetic field of 0.2 kgauss induces a voltage of 0.25 V at the receiving coil. This is about 50% of the sensing threshold and does not cause a faulty output transition. Similarly, if such an event occurs during a transmitted pulse (and is of the worst-case polarity), it reduces the received pulse from >1.0 V to 0.75 V, which is still well above the 0.5 V sensing threshold of the decoder. The preceding magnetic flux density values correspond to specific current magnitudes at given distances from the ADM2682E/ADM2687E transformers. Figure 34 expresses these allowable current magnitudes as a function of frequency for selected distances. As shown in Figure 34, the ADM2682E/ ADM2687E are extremely immune and can be affected only by extremely large currents operated at high frequency very close to the component. For the 1 MHz example, a 0.5 kA current must be placed 5 mm away from the ADM2682E/ADM2687E to affect component operation. 1k V = (−dβ/dt)Σπrn2; n = 1, 2, … , N where: β is magnetic flux density (gauss). N is the number of turns in the receiving coil. rn is the radius of the nth turn in the receiving coil (cm). Given the geometry of the receiving coil in the ADM2682E/ ADM2687E and an imposed requirement that the induced voltage be, at most, 50% of the 0.5 V margin at the decoder, a maximum allowable magnetic field is calculated as shown in Figure 33. DISTANCE = 1m 100 10 DISTANCE = 100mm 1 DISTANCE = 5mm 0.1 0.01 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M MAGNETIC FIELD FREQUENCY (Hz) 08111-020 This situation should occur in the ADM2682E/ADM2687E devices only during power-up and power-down operations. The limitation on the ADM2682E/ADM2687E magnetic field immunity is set by the condition in which induced voltage in the transformer receiving coil is sufficiently large to either falsely set or reset the decoder. The following analysis defines the conditions under which this can occur. 1 0.01 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CURRENT (kA) Positive and negative logic transitions at the isolator input cause narrow (~1 ns) pulses to be sent to the decoder via the transformer. The decoder is bistable and is, therefore, either set or reset by the pulses, indicating input logic transitions. In the absence of logic transitions at the input for more than 1 µs, periodic sets of refresh pulses indicative of the correct input state are sent to ensure dc correctness at the output. If the decoder receives no internal pulses of more than approximately 5 μs, the input side is assumed to be unpowered or nonfunctional, in which case, the isolator output is forced to a default state by the watchdog timer circuit. 10 Figure 34. Maximum Allowable Current for Various Current-toADM2682E/ADM2687E Spacings Note that in combinations of strong magnetic field and high frequency, any loops formed by printed circuit board (PCB) traces can induce error voltages sufficiently large to trigger the thresholds of succeeding circuitry. Take care in the layout of such traces to avoid this possibility. Rev. PrE | Page 16 of 20 Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E APPLICATIONS INFORMATION PCB LAYOUT The ADM2682E/ADM2687E isolated RS-422/RS-485 transceiver contains an isoPower integrated dc-to-dc converter, requiring no external interface circuitry for the logic interfaces. Power supply bypassing is required at the input and output supply pins (see Figure 35). The power supply section of the ADM2682E/ ADM2687E uses an 180 MHz oscillator frequency to pass power efficiently through its chip-scale transformers. In addition, the normal operation of the data section of the iCoupler introduces switching transients on the power supply pins. Bypass capacitors are required for several operating frequencies. Noise suppression requires a low inductance, high frequency capacitor, whereas ripple suppression and proper regulation require a large value capacitor. These capacitors are connected between Pin 1 (GND1) and Pin 2 (VCC) and Pin 7 (VCC) and Pin 8 (GND1) for VCC. The VISOIN and VISOOUT capacitors are connected between Pin 9 (GND2) and Pin 10 (VISOOUT) and Pin 15 (VISOIN) and Pin 16 (GND2). To suppress noise and reduce ripple, a parallel combination of at least two capacitors is required with the smaller of the two capacitors located closest to the device. The recommended capacitor values are 0.1 µF and 10 µF for VISOOUT at Pin 9 and 10 and VCC at Pin 7 and 8. Capacitor values of 0.01 µF and 0.1 µF are recommended for VISOIN at Pin 15 and 16 and VCC at Pin 1 and 2. The recommended best practice is to use a very low inductance ceramic capacitor, or its equivalent, for the smaller value capacitors. The total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and the input power supply pin should not exceed 10 mm. 10nF 100nF 10nF 100nF GND1 1 16 VCC 2 15 RxD 3 14 RE 4 DE 5 TxD VCC GND1 10µF 100nF GND2 VISOIN A 13 B 12 Z 6 11 Y 7 10 8 9 ADM2682E ADM2687E VISOOUT GND2 10µF 100nF Figure 35. Recommended PCB Layout In applications involving high common-mode transients, ensure that board coupling across the isolation barrier is minimized. Furthermore, design the board layout such that any coupling that does occur equally affects all pins on a given component side. Failure to ensure this can cause voltage differentials between pins exceeding the absolute maximum ratings for the device, thereby leading to latch-up and/or permanent damage. The ADM2682E/ADM2687E dissipate approximately 650 mW of power when fully loaded. Because it is not possible to apply a heat sink to an isolation device, the devices primarily depend on heat dissipation into the PCB through the GND pins. If the devices are used at high ambient temperatures, provide a thermal path from the GND pins to the PCB ground plane. The board layout in Figure 35 shows enlarged pads for Pin 1, Pin 8, Pin 9, and Pin 16. Implement multiple vias from the pad to the ground plane to reduce the temperature inside the chip significantly. The dimensions of the expanded pads are at the discretion of the designer and dependent on the available board space. EMI CONSIDERATIONS The dc-to-dc converter section of the ADM2682E/ADM2687E components must, of necessity, operate at very high frequency to allow efficient power transfer through the small transformers. This creates high frequency currents that can propagate in circuit board ground and power planes, causing edge and dipole radiation. Grounded enclosures are recommended for applications that use these devices. If grounded enclosures are not possible, good RF design practices should be followed in the layout of the PCB. See Application Note AN-0971, Control of Radiated Emissions with isoPower Devices, for more information. INSULATION LIFETIME All insulation structures eventually break down when subjected to voltage stress over a sufficiently long period. The rate of insulation degradation is dependent on the characteristics of the voltage waveform applied across the insulation. Analog Devices conducts an extensive set of evaluations to determine the lifetime of the insulation structure within the ADM2682E/ADM2687E. Accelerated life testing is performed using voltage levels higher than the rated continuous working voltage. Acceleration factors for several operating conditions are determined, allowing calculation of the time to failure at the working voltage of interest. The values shown in Table 9 summarize the peak voltages for 50 years of service life in several operating conditions. In many cases, the working voltage approved by agency testing is higher than the 50-year service life voltage. Operation at working voltages higher than the service life voltage listed leads to premature insulation failure. The insulation lifetime of the ADM2682E/ADM2687E depends on the voltage waveform type imposed across the isolation barrier. The iCoupler insulation structure degrades at different rates, depending on whether the waveform is bipolar ac, unipolar ac, or dc. Figure 36, Figure 37, and Figure 38 illustrate these different isolation voltage waveforms. Bipolar ac voltage is the most stringent environment. A 50-year operating lifetime under the bipolar ac condition determines the Analog Devices recommended maximum working voltage. In the case of unipolar ac or dc voltage, the stress on the insulation is significantly lower. This allows operation at higher working voltages while still achieving a 50-year service life. The working Rev. PrE | Page 17 of 20 ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data voltages listed in Table 9 can be applied while maintaining the 50-year minimum lifetime, provided the voltage conforms to either the unipolar ac or dc voltage cases. Any crossinsulation voltage waveform that does not conform to Figure 37 or Figure 38 should be treated as a bipolar ac waveform, and its peak voltage should be limited to the 50-year lifetime voltage value listed in Table 9. RATED PEAK VOLTAGE Figure 36. Bipolar AC Waveform 08111-023 RATED PEAK VOLTAGE 0V An example application of the ADM2682E/ADM2687E for a full-duplex RS-485 node is shown in the circuit diagram of Figure 39. Refer to the section PCB Layout for the recommended placement of the capacitors shown in this circuit diagram. Note that resistors RT are only included at the nodes on either end of the bus and depend on the network configuration. Figure 40 and Figure 41 show typical applications of the ADM2682E/ ADM2687E in half duplex and full duplex RS-485 network configurations. Up to 256 transceivers can be connected to the RS-485 bus. To minimize reflections, terminate the line at the receiving end in its characteristic impedance, and keep stub lengths off the main line as short as possible. For half-duplex operation, this means that both ends of the line must be terminated because either end can be the receiving end. 08111-021 0V TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Figure 37. DC Waveform 0V NOTES 1. THE VOLTAGE IS SHOWN AS SINUSODIAL FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS MEANT TO REPRESENT ANY VOLTAGE WAVEFORM VARYING BETWEEN 0 AND SOME LIMITING VALUE. THE LIMITING VALUE CAN BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE, BUT THE VOLTAGE CANNOT CROSS 0V. 08111-022 RATED PEAK VOLTAGE Figure 38. Unipolar AC Waveform 3.3V/5V POWER SUPPLY 100nF 10µF 100nF 10nF VCC VISOOUT VCC 100nF 10µF isoPower DC-TO-DC CONVERTER OSCILLATOR RECTIFIER VISOIN 100nF REGULATOR DIGITAL ISOLATION iCoupler TxD MICROCONTROLLER AND UART DE TRANSCEIVER ENCODE DECODE ENCODE DECODE DECODE ENCODE D 10nF Y Z A RxD RE R ADM2682E/ADM2687E GND1 ISOLATION BARRIER GND2 GND1 Figure 39. Example Circuit Diagram Using the ADM2682E/ADM2687E Rev. PrE | Page 18 of 20 B RT Preliminary Technical Data ADM2682E/ADM2687E MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRANSCEIVERS ON BUS = 256 ADM2682E/ ADM2687E RxD R A A B B ADM2682E/ ADM2687E RxD R RE RE RT RT DE TxD Z D DE Z Y D Y A B Z Y A B R Z TxD Y R D ADM2682E/ ADM2687E RxD RE D ADM2682E/ ADM2687E DE TxD RxD RE DE TxD NOTES 1. RT IS EQUAL TO THE CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE OF THE CABLE. 2. ISOLATION NOT SHOWN. Figure 40. ADM2682E/ADM2687E Typical Half Duplex RS-485 Network MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NODES = 256 MASTER SLAVE A R RxD B Y D RT RE DE Z DE TxD TxD Z D B RT Y A ADM2682E/ ADM2687E RE R ADM2682E/ ADM2687E A B Z Y A B Z Y SLAVE SLAVE R R D D ADM2682E/ ADM2687E ADM2682E/ ADM2687E RxD RE DE TxD RxD RE DE TxD NOTES 1. RT IS EQUAL TO THE CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE OF THE CABLE. 2. ISOLATION NOT SHOWN. Figure 41. ADM2682E/ADM2687E Typical Full Duplex RS-485 Network Rev. PrE | Page 19 of 20 RxD ADM2682E/ADM2687E Preliminary Technical Data OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 13.00 (0.5118) 12.60 (0.4961) 9 16 7.60 (0.2992) 7.40 (0.2913) 0.30 (0.0118) 0.10 (0.0039) COPLANARITY 0.10 8 10.65 (0.4193) 10.00 (0.3937) 2.65 (0.1043) 2.35 (0.0925) 1.27 (0.0500) BSC 0.51 (0.0201) 0.31 (0.0122) 0.75 (0.0295) 45° 0.25 (0.0098) 8° 0° SEATING PLANE 0.33 (0.0130) 0.20 (0.0079) 1.27 (0.0500) 0.40 (0.0157) COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-013-AC CONTROLLING DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS; INCH DIMENSIONS (IN PARENTHESES) ARE ROUNDED-OFF MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN DESIGN. 10-12-2010-A 1 Figure 42. 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package with Increased Creepage [SOIC_IC] Wide Body, (RI-16) Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches) ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 ADM2682EBRIZ ADM2682EBRIZ-RL7 ADM2687EBRIZ ADM2687EBRIZ-RL7 1 Data Rate (Mbps) 16 16 0.5 0.5 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Z = RoHS Compliant Part. ©2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PR09927-0-5/11(PrE) Rev. PrE | Page 20 of 20 Package Description 16-Lead SOIC_IC 16-Lead SOIC_IC 16-Lead SOIC_IC 16-Lead SOIC_IC Package Option RI-16 RI-16 RI-16 RI-16