MIL-S-19500A1B(EL) See Section6 MILITARYSPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTORDEVICE,TRANSISTOR,PNP, GERMANIUM,SWITCHING TYPSS 2N425,2Nb26, 2N42? 1. SCOPS 131 w.-. This specificationcovers the detail requirementsfor germanium PNP,“transietora for use in low-power switchingapplication in compatibleequipmentcircuits. (See 3.k and L.2 herein.) 1.2 gutlineand d~.1.3 ~.- $ (At TA = +250c, unless otherwisespecified) t 150 -jo See Fig. 1 herein. (TO-5) -15 -20 , ~/ For deratingdata pertinentto TA =- +25°C, see Fig. 2 herein. 1.4 particularelectricalcharacteristlc~.- (At TA = +250C, unless otherviaespecified): hFE at8 -;~;%’%fdc t ZiiE? ‘BE atJ -;&%!~cWdc Min Max Mi.n --- -.. P -x % 2Nb26 30 2N~27 45 al At 60 90 ----- Max VCE(8at) Cobo atz IB=-lOmAdct’CBat%c I& O Ic= u t Mi.n Max Min -%5 ~ -%5 ~-0.45 --- -0.25 ---0.45 --- -0.25 --- Ic = .lw mAdc for 2Wt25, 2s426}at Max ‘hfb !3!%~ble, ?;~-ltidcsee VCB=-5Vdc herein I 1 Min Max Max Max % !% 20 3.0 20 5.0 Ic, = * =5 --- 1.05 1.15 --- 0.85 1.15 -150 mAdc for 2NL27. “!61L-S-19500A1 B(EL) 2. APPLICAF!LE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The followingdocurlents, of the iseue in effeet on date of invitation for bide or requestfor proposal,form a part of this specification to the extent epeclfiedherein: SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-8-19500 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-202 MIL-STD-750 SemiconductorDevicee,OeneralSpecificationFor Teet MethodsFor Electronicand Electrlcal ComponentParts Test MethodsFor SemiconductorDevicee (Copies of specifications, etandards,drewings,and publications requiredby contractors in comection with specificprocurementfunctions shouldbe obtainedfrom the procuringagency or as directedby ‘thecontractingofficer. Roth the title and number or symbol shouldbe stlpllatedwhen requestingcopies.) 3. REQUIREMEIWS rementsfor the transistorsshall be in accordancewith Spec ficationMIL-S-19500and as otherwisespecified here~;’”~”’ Requi 3.2 and ey@Q&. - The abbreviationsand symbolsused MIL-S-19500,&nd as fOllOwS: herein are efined insSpecification toff . . . . . . ..(ts+tf) 3.3 &film and ConstructioQ.- The traneietorshallbe of the design, construction,end physicaldimensionsspecifiedon Figure1. 3.3.1 sistor shall be ae .- The terminalarrenRementon the tran- 3.3.2 ~.Terminal-lead” leni?th(s) other than that specifiedin Figure1 maY .befurnishedunder ccmtractor order (see,6.3herein)where the devicescoveredherein are requireddirectly for particularequipment-circuit Inetalllation.Where such other leadlengthsare requiredand provided,it shallnot “beconstruedas affecting adverselythe Qualified-product statusof the device,or applicable .JANmarking. 2 MIL-S-19500A1B(EL) 3.3.3Qoeratinu Dosition The transistorshallbe capableof propar operationin any pOsitiOnI3.4 perform e hara terieti CQ.- The transistorperformancecharacteristicsshall becascspec;fied in Tables I, II, and III herein. Sxcept where s ecificallycliff erentiatedfor respectivetransistortypes (see 1.3 1.t , and Tables I II, .sndIII herein) the performancerequirements inciudi.m! characteristics. ratiIIKS. and teaf!conditions,apply equallyto all trsm~istortypas cove?edhereiii. 3.5 Markin .- Sxcept as otherwiae apecified herein,mark@g shall be in accordancew!th SpecificationMIL-S-19500. If any Specification-requirments waiver has been.granted,the product-identification marking shall consistof the ‘tclassificationn type designationonly. The “Manufacturer’s identification* and ‘i countryof origin”. rosy,at option of the manufacturer,be omittedfrem being marked directlyon the semiconductordevice coveredherein. 4. QUALIW ASSURANCEPROVISIONS 4.1 Qener~. - Bxcept ae otherwisespecifiedherein,the responsibility for inspection,’ generalproceduresfor acceptance,classification of inspection,end inspectionconditionsend methodsof test shsll be inon~~o,rdsnce with SpecificationMIL-S-19500,QualitY,AssuranceprQvisr.ection. - Qualificationsnd k.2 ~ QualityConformanceinspectionshall be in accordancevith Specification MIL-S-195C@,QualityAssursnce Provisions,snd as otherwisespecified harein (see 4.2.2 herein). Groups A, B, and C inspectionshall cenaist of the examinationssnd tests specifiedin Tablas I, II, end III, respectively,herein. QuslityCenformenceinspectionshsll includeinspection of Preparationfor Delivery(see 5.1 herein). \.2.l ~ ecifiedLTPD r r e~ .- Tha LTPD specifiedfor a subgroup in Tables 1, 11, and ,;11here;neha.11apply for all of the tests, combined,in the subgroup. 4.2.2 Grouu B-GrOUDC .lifatest ssmulea.- Samplesthat have been sub~ectedto Group B, 340-hourlife test.may be”continuadon ‘testfor 1000 hours in’order to satisfyGroup C life test requirements. These samnles shell be predesignated,snd shsll remain subjectedto the Group C 10CO hour evaluationafter they have pasgedthe Group B, 3h0-h~ acceptance criteria;hereto,the cumulativetotal of failuresfound during 3k0-hourtest and during tha aubsequantintarvalup to 1000 hours on these ssmplesshsll be computedfor 1000-houracceptancecriteria. b.2.3 m C tesm.Ufl.essotherwisespecified,Group C tests e~formedon the initiallot and thereafteron a lot every 6 ❑onths. !See Table 111 herein.) The contractorshall,throughoutthe 3 IfIL-.S-l 950LWB(SL) caureeof a c~trector arder, pcrd+$theGOvernuant represcntati=e to scmtUL5eill testdataandfindinss cmve~ manufacturer Ie tastprogram nnGrOrpC aharaoteristics andparrmctee fortheprcdnct ccmcexned. UpmrI detennincticm by tbeGovermnent incpector (inadvance of &wp C, 6-mmnth, teatreeultn ) thatGrmcpC pareamtare are notbeimgadeqactely met,theGnvcmeamm t *ector w re~ lot-by-lot iasPed.ia, lots,tobe perf,ti forrequired ~erp Cobate. nmmallyfora mtnimmmf 3 conseetive unitsthathme beensubjeoted to L.z.bGimositimof 0aoplemite.- .WMP1O 1 notbe delivered a contract mr order. C&q B, Srmple wits thathavebem mbjcotcdto .smd havepacse6arm B, s@@ouPa 1, 3, 6, ad 7 testseadto GrmnpC, snb~oqe 1 ami2 tcsta,(thcae teatstobe ccuwidcred non-destructive ),maybe dclimmd CM timccntract mr .mierprmvided that,aZter GrcupB andC inspccticm is ~ated, thosemmle vrdtearccmbjerted to md p-e GroupA iaspeotinn. IIcfECtlWe um.its frauw sanplegrorpthctmayhavepcseed~oup inc.pectinn shallnotbe delivered cm theccmtract or rdcr untilthede.fect(e ) hen beenremedied to theaatiafadion a? * Gmvemmcnt. lb.3 Particular cxeadnatia endte8treWircmmta. Rld-Pmint Tcet h.3.lInterval fm hd-Prd.nt tautmeamrmmt s.- Allapplicable havebeensubjected to ~ mcasurementa SW be m t.%%; in acoordcnee withthefallamillg tlmcp&cical-mr3chanical Orp delaylimitations: (a) FnrQu81Miraatira inspection: uitbb 2!J hrmre. (b) ForGu.a.UtY Ccmfonaanc e XCtiQU b.3.2MWhdCd dSXWS titmn * -. - Rcept far Intentianclu df3f0mtreas taste tm which samples are mbm3:haXoil damageto q SalQle unitm a re- cultnfcnycftheGrmp A,B, mCt%at8. h o HLL-S-l%@lB(KL) TableI. Qrom Ainm ectifm. t Or tef?t nIf.%11.750 I v .Lu 1 Sdnzrorm 2on -. Yielml cd mechanical axdnatian 2 SubKroIm I Calleota-base cutoff rmment MM C@. D Vm.-l.5Vdc 3dJ.1 cOuectOr-smitterCutozf Omlwlt: 2m5 2SL26 21fh27 BiasCanal. c 1 f I 3061 Wtter-bese OutOff Ourzeat 3C66 B=ee-emitter V.a,age 3066 Baee-mitter voltage vc~-zoVda vc~.lev& v@.15 V& EM Cod D %:.+ ‘& TestCad. B 1s--1.0 m.ido Vcf-o.25v& ?ae.t C@. B 1s--10 udc vc~-o.35** 3oo1 Coil.aotor-bnse Mae Cd. D *-25 UA* bmakdmn vti- 3all Couectm-edtter breakdownvtitige: 2NU5 I t L Mttar-base breakdalm voltage -3 kso $0 %9 Im %2 —. —-- -25 -. -3 — UAda 2J U4da .0. u UAda Vdc -0.8 Vde vu -- BV~ -30 — Vdo svc~ BVyq WC -20 --18 --15 — v& *6O Vdo -20 -- WC D Ifyl.omldc Bias Cad. 2sk26 2W27 3026 — 7 3036 I -. D IE+5 uAdc Sian Curd. 5 I I I I I i MIL-S-19500/41B( SL) ‘Table1. !JrouDA insDectim.-(Conttd~ Test Me hod Exem.inat ~ on Unit ts per or test Min.”Max. MIL-STD-750 1/ SubErouD2-(COnt’d) 3071 Collector-emitter IB=-10uuidc . vol. saturation tage: IC=-100mAdc :%% IC=-100nuldc 2N427 Ic=-150mAdc vCE(S8t) --- -0.25jTdC ---0.25 Vdc vCE(S8t)--- -0.25VdC VCE(sat) 7 3076 3071 i Forward-current trsnaferratio: 2@t25 W426 2Nk27 IC=-l.OmAdc VC~-O.25Vdc Forward-current transferratio; 2Nk25 2Nb26 2N427 IC=-lOmAdc VCE=-0.35Vdc 40 --- 60 --90 --- -------- ------- 15 3301 Small-signal vCB=-5VdC short circuit 1~ -lmAdc forward-current transfer-ratio cutoff frequency: 2N425 2N426 2N427 Output capacitance~.;-fide (open circuit) #Ool*l .OMHZ 3266 Base spreading resistance: 2N425 2Nh26 2@+27 ‘hfb fhfb ‘hfb Cobo ;:~ --- ‘b ‘b rb ------- --- MHz --- MHz --- MHz 20 pf Se;e;~g&3 6 120 ohms 130 ohms 140 ohms 1“ ● * Kqrw? ””” ~ 2UL4T0-’6O 3251 ~Jgm---Cu t@ 1/ .4. . .- t%~-’-wn m~ IA& MO& I I Unrr ,- hilaezwpcae: Torn&.g ttmt 1“6 woo --- l.uj Usw -- 0.85 aaae --- m&26 2U7 ‘rum-- tit — — 1.25 USW 1.15 UsW 1.25 oma -- -70 --- 2m5 2NlJ26 2Ub27 +30 TA=+7@-@C Cmeotor-btule mm Cond.D vc&-1.5Vdo Cutgff Ourmnt Fonmrd-omrmt ~=-1.oInAdo @nsfar ratloi vc~-o.25Vdo 2WM5 2ml@5 ~27 Fm’ward+urrant I@.o mkio vc~.o.25Vdo trulsfer rat+ot 2rlM5 30?6 2Eb27 v~,e Job Y -- -— L2 ... --——— ~*. Fcsthissubgroup, th lmmplo lmitel Sobjootdto - mgb-mQratura Cporsuoo wet SW b parndtt+d to zwtnroto uid bo stabfflccd d rotamhbnt t+mratmrc @O? to tbfr bdqs eubj00t4d ti theI.=-Tamoratura @Uati=! tOSt. 2/ Hsasurmont(e ) dull b. d t4qnmtura Epaouiod. o ~ 20 62 27 lW 2m6 t 15 M ti 72 3k Ice UAdo m-teqmrature operation Y I t I UKbS-1950W241B(EL) cotim (Caotld . AinsD Tti I. . . ... . . P@= sftar tbmul 7 ●quilbrhm bu been raaobd ●t %@ . MIL-S-19500A1B(EL) ‘fable11, Test Method Examination Conditions LTPD Symbol or teat MIL%D-750 1/ -——. — m — ‘n” 20 2066 .-. ... . . . . . . --- Omit ●ging .-. --- --- .-. Te8t Ccwl. B e::: :CT(high) = I --- .-. --- --- Teet Cm’.. A --- . . . --- --- C, --- .-. 10-7 Bw Physicaldlmensione 15 2026 Solder.sbility 105i 1056 Thermal shock (glass etrdn) 2/ Seal (leak rate) Cond. Teet procedure111; Test Cond. A or B for grose leake” 1021. Moistureresistance 3036 C,ollector-baee cutoff currentI %%2 2Nk27 3076 Forward -curremt trenefer ratiot :N# --- N4ec --- --- ..- --- Biae Cond. C VCE=-2ovdc VcE=-18Vdo VCE=-19dC lCES lCES lCES ------- Xc=-l.OmAdc vcE=-O . 25’fdc -----.. hFE $g 2&27 ).dc uhdc UAUC 15 2016 Shock Non-operating 15ooa 5 blows of 0.5 meeo ea. in orientation xl, Y1 Y2, 21 (tolal,7 20 blOW) 8 --- --- --- ● f’ MIL-S-19500/kl B(EL) ‘fable11. ~rouD B Insnection.- (Cont)d). Test Method Examination Conditiona LTpD Smbol &#& or test MIL%D-750 I/ “SUbR%D 3-(Cont*d] --Vibrationfatigue Non-operating --@46 I 2056 Vibration,variable frequency 2006 C$s&nt --- 10C accelera-20,000G;Orlent. --xl, n., Y2, a --- Unit ----- ------ --- ----- I End-Pointtests: Same as for subgroup 2, above 2036 ~b~rouu 4 !ferminal stren th Test Cond. E (lead fatigue 7 ~uberoun 5 1041 1031 3036 3076 I Salt atmosphere (corrosion) End-Pointtests: Same as for Subgroup 2, above rOUD 6 ,subg -.. L --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- .-. . . . --- ICES ------- -50 -50 -50 uAdc uAdc UAdc 5 Bias Cond. C VCE=-20g:: VCE=-1 VC~-15Ydc Ic=-1.OmAdc VC=--O.25Vdc 1CE9 Ic~ h~ h~ ‘FE 9 ● --20 High-temperature life,(non-operating) End-Pointtestsl Collector-baae cutoff current: 2N425 2Ub26 21?b27 Forward-current transferratio! 2JJb25 2@+26 .2N427 20 16 48 2k 72 3h 108 ------- I I ●1 .!l[L-S-19500/’C.:.B( EL) Tab~e 11, Grouu B inspection- (Conttdl.. Test Method Examination Conditions LTPD Symbol Limits or test Mln Max MIL%D-750 l/ 5 -:-----Steady state oper- TA=+250.C 1026 VCB=-15Vdc ation life IC=-lOmAdc t = 3h0 hrs i/ Unit --- I End-Pointtests: Skme as for Subgroup 6, ebove $/ See 3.4 end k.3.l herein. ~1 },erMethod112 In StsndardMIL-STD-202. l/see ~ z z herein, . . ● 10 ●▼ MIL-s-19500/41B( Table IIIi -QOUD C lnsnection,A/ Conditions LTPD Symbol ~ Test Method Examination -Min Max ner or test 2/ MIL:STD-750 High-temperature ;s:g;g$y:e M~g;ncm-oper- 1031 Unit A=7 amrQurd I --- --.--- --- Ic~ lCES --- -50 --- -50 uAdc y Jtnd-Poiat tests: Collector-base cutoffcurrant: :N4:~ 3036 2N+27 3076 Forward-current transfer, ratio: 2*25 2E426 2Nk27 Biae Cond. C“ VCE=-20Vdc VcE=-18Vdc VC~-15Vdc lCES --- -50 uAdc uAdc Ic= -1. OmAdc VCE=-O.25Vdc hFE hm h~ 34108 --... --- ------ ..- 16 48 2b 72 1=7 Steady 1026 state operationlife: 1 TA=+250C VcB=-15Vdc IC=-10mAdc t = 1000 hrs Y End-Pointtests: Same as for Subgroup1 above L/ ~ herein. Periodicity: See k.2.. ivSee .Y5ee 3.4 and $.3.1. ~,2=2 herein. herein, I ? 1, u, EL) 11 --- M:!-S-19500/kl S(El.) I Wr_E& i. Net:ic equi.a19nts (10 h n.aarcst .01 m) ore 91.0” fof gcneml Inlommli$n emly awlam bo:cd 2. Mcoswed upon 1 inch : 2S.4 mm. IC the zone bcy.and .250 (6.35 mm) lrotn tic scojing ,U.ccsurcd in the zone .050 (1.27 mm) and .250 (6.35 mm) from I!W scotln~ plon~. Vcriolions on Dim D in this tam shell noI slc~cd .OltJ (.25 mm), Outline in this zono is no! controlled, Wh.n measured in a gogi”g plo.e .054 +.001 (1.37 mm +,03 m.) below the aeotlng c1 the max din Icods JSoll be -;!hi~ !C o mnximum widih tab. ieod t.1.ron:e. Smo14er .007 (,18 mm) of their All 3 lead,, Figure 1. plane rolot]ye din Ie,ads shall fall within the OuIIIn~ of th. mox dja ?0All ibads electricallyIsolatedfrom case. 3. Akasurzd from the monlmvm dlcmctor of Ike actual dc,lcO, 9. true Iocotlon GtIins and 3.2 dimensions. MIL-S-i9500~lB(EL) 10 I I ,0 F1.gure 2. nomo!zrauh. power .Deratlrw 13 MIL-S-19500A1B(EL) -+ RFC 5 rdi m m, IC , 7 1 UF RFC 5 mH loon a% ,+q c WV-M ( t Vcc + 1 1. Test-ProcedureGuidanceNotes: 1. & ;~;~lent circuitacceptableto Gov’t inspectormay 2. Test computationshall be,based upon the followingformula:’ TEST r~=lOC x Reading of AC VTVM with switchS in cositicn ZIOO Reading of AC VTVM with z~witchS in CAL. positicn F’lguie 3. Ease Sureading3esistancer~ te~ circuit. 14 I MIL-S-lj500~IB(EL) r ——_ .LLLL RB I I 22 /~. =i INPUT POLSE (See Note 1) -c 5on SCOPE Note 2) (See Note la) viz -— 7 -; +1 I ? I + ,.W ~ :‘.+ 1- —— MOTES: —— __ 1. IIiDUt ml se: r ——— a_.Th~ rise and fall tines ‘ 0 of the input pulse and the oscillo-scopeused T to dew the out ut vol-20 Vdc tage shouldbe !ess than 0.03 usec, _t——rb. Repetitionrate=500 Hz. 2. Scope and !iiring capacitance. i5 pf. ! F- [ L-_ ——-— ——-— PULSE ———— BEGINS ———_ INPUT –-1– + ____ ___ -.. INPUT PULSE (SEE — FJOTE PULSE ENDS ____, Figure4. ml se-RbsnonseTest circuit. 15 , – ~, ~. INPUT 0 TO 7 x (See lUF 10 Vdc T 27 T I AAA4 (l . __ _,__, _ hiL-s-195C0/fdB( EL) 5. PREPARATIONFoR DELIVERY .- Preparationfor deliveryand the in~y 5.1 F suectlonof PreparationFor Deliveryshell be in accordancewith SpecificitlonMIL-S-19@. 6. NOTES 6.1 NSL@..- The notes includedIn SpecificationMIL-S-19500,with the followingadditionsor exceptions,are applicableto this specifica tion. 6.2 ADDli Catl OII .euldsnce and suuersessloninformation.- (a) The transistorsconformingto requirementsof this document issue are recommendedas ready replacements(having superior-controlled characteristics) for the transistors coveredby previousissue(s)of, respectively,this dOcument and the following.supersededdocuments,all as listed below: MIL-T-19500/hlA( Slg C), 26 Jan 1959--Transistor, Type 2Nh25 MIL-T-19500/42A( Slg C), 26 JEUIi959--Translstor, Type 2Nk26 MIL-T-19500/k3A( Sig C), 26 Jan 1959--Transistor, Type 2N427 (b) To insure proper equipment-circuit application,particular attentionshouldbe given to the differentialvoltage-andcurrentrequirements,ratings,end performance(gain and switching)characteristics pertinentto the individualtransistertypes coveredherein, 6.3~ t .- (a) Terminal-leadlength: See 3.3.2 herein. 6.4 ~.With respectto productsrequiringqualification, awardswill be made only for such productsas have, prior to the time set for openingof bids, been tested and approvedfor inclusionin QUalified ProductsList (QPL)-19500,whetheror not such productshave actuallybeen so listed by that date. Informationpertainingto qualificationof products coveredby this specificationshouldbe requeste~from the Commanding General,U. S. Army Selectronics Co~and, Fort Monmouth,New Jersey 07703, Attention: AMSEL-PP-EM-2 . 6.5 Jlevision(document)changes.- Revision-lettersymbolsare not used in this revisionto identifychangeswith respectto the previous issue,due to the extensivenessof the changes. (See 6.2a supersession information,cbove.) Preparingactivity: Custodian: Army-EL Army-EL ProjectNO. 5961-AO07 ..,, ............,,,,,.. .,,,...,0,,, ,,,.,., ”!.4. 16 ● I