BY: PREPARED .-_ -.-.. !r--.,, - SPEC.No. ..- __ *’ DATE: hat--/ /W% SW\ I 8. )t3&cMrw APPROVED BY: ry/Bty”/“y; 7 ‘$f .‘I ISSUE il . .._ -,@E-- ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS GROUP SHARP CORPORATION ~ Nov/iOi%l * .. _. ,’ 15 pa& --!’ ;.?;: REkESE~i%T=WEJX@IO+ Opto-Electronic DevicesDivision SPECIFICATION z2GJGil‘cI DG989001 DEVICE SPECIFICATION FOR Light Emitting Diode MODEL No. LT 1ZR95A series 1. Thesespecificationsheetsincludematerialsprotectedunderthe copyright of SharpCorporation(“Sharp”). Pleasedo not reproduceor causeanyoneto reproducethem without Sharp’sconsent. 2. When usingthis product, pleaseobservethe absolutemaximumratingsandthe instructionsfor useoutlined in thesespecificationsheets,aswell asthe precautionsmentionedbelow.Sharpassumes no responsibility for any damageresultingfrom useof the product which doesnot complywith the absolutemaximumratings andthe instructionsincludedin thesespecificationsheets,andthe precautionsmentionedbelow. (Precautions) (1) This productsis designedfor usein the following applicationareas; * OA equipment * Audio visual equipment * Homeappliance * Telecommunicationequipment(Terminal) * Measuringequipment r * Tooling machines * Computers I If the useof the productin the above applicationareasis for equipmentlisted in paragraphs (2) or (3), pleasebe sureto observethe precautionsgiven in thoserespectiveparagraphs. (2) Appropriate measures, suchasfail-safe designand redundantdesignconsidering the safety designof the overall systemand equipment,shouldbe takento ensurereliability and safetywhenthis product is usedfor equipmentwhich demands high reliability and safety in function andprecision,such as; * Transportationcontrol andsafety equipment(aircraft, train, automobileetc.) * Traffic signals * Gasleakagesensorbreakers * Rescueandsecurity equipment I L * Other safetyequipment (3) Pleasedo not usethis product for equipmentwhich requireextremelyhigh reliability and safety in function and precision,suchas ; * Spaceequipment * Teleconmumicationequipment(for trunk lines) I * Nuclearpower control equipment * Medical equipment (4) Pleasecontact andconsultwith a Sharpsalesrepresentativeif thereare any questions regardinginterpretationof the above threeparagraphs. 1 3. Pleasecontact andconsultwith a Sharpsalesrepresentativefor anyquestionsabout this product. CUSTOMERS DATE: BY: APPROVAL DATE: Jl/av /4/ PRESENTEDBY: , 4m M.Katoh, DepartmentGeneralManagerof EngineeringDept.,111 Opto-ElectronicDevicesDivision ElectronicComponentsGroup SHARPCORPORATION /PPl? Nov/10/98 PAGE DG98900 1 .’ LTlZIWA LTlZR95A series I’ ----Q5 : -’ -; “73 - e-3 ;-.. .. ..,i-II . .-..- -.__*_ -3 -------.2 series Snecification 1. Application This specification applies to the light emitting diode device Model No. LTlZR95A (AlGaInP chip LED device) series. 2. Outline dimensions andterminalconnections .**..*.-...-.-...*--.’ Refer to the attached sheet Page 2. 3. Ratings and characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..RefertotheattachedsheetPage3. 3- 1. Absolute maximum ratings 3-2. Electra characteristics 3-3. Optical characteristics 3-4. Luminous intensity rank 4.CharacteristicsDiagrams .-..-..-.....-.-......-.....--.....-... Refer to the attached sheet Page 4-7. 5. Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Referto~eafiachedsheetpage8. 5- 1. Test items and test conditions 5-2. Failure judgement criteria 6. Incoming inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Refertotheattachedsheetpage9. 6- 1. Inspection method 6-2. Description of inspection and criteria 7. Taping specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refer to the attached sheet 7- 1. Taping 7-2. Label 7-3. Dampproof package 8. Soldering . . . . ..*.............................................. Refer to the attached sheet 8- 1. Reflow soldering 8-2. Manual soldering 8-3. Dip soldering method 9. Precautions for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refer to the attached sheet 9- 1. Precautions matters for designing circuit 9-2. Cleaning method 10. Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refer to the attached sheet lo- 1. Ozonosphere destructive chemicals. 10-2. Bromic non-burning materials Page 10-13. Page 14. Page 15. Page 15. ------..~~8900 . 2. Outline 1 1 NodlO/ dimensions and terminal connections mark p Q) . 7 \\ \ -L-------- . 0. , -----L--- I 0 Anode / @ Cathode / i ote. . It is not include the flash in this dimension. !. Pin Connection @ Cathode @ Anode ;. Unspecified tolerance to be rfr0.2 unit mm Applicable Model Scale Free I LTlZR95A series Drawing No. 51009001 3. Ratings and characteristics (Notel) Duty ratio=l/lO,Puke width=O. lms (Note2) Manual soldering Max.3second 3-2. Electra characteristics Parameter Symbol Forward voltage Reverse current MIN. 1$=2oRL4 VF capacitance Terminal Conditions IR VR4V Ct v=ov,+1MHz - TYP. MAX. (2.2) 2.6 100 - 60 (Ta-25°C) unit V PA PF luminousintensity rank 200 1 G 1 H 1 I j bbiFlGt by SHARP EGQG MODEL550(Radiometer/Photometersystem) 1 LTlZR95A 1 (Note3)Measured 3-4.Luminousintensity rank Rank : Luminousintensity IRank : Luminousintensity b _ : 4.8 a : 6.9 A B c D : : : : 10 14 21 30 - - 9.2 13.2 / E F : 43 - : 62 - 121 - 19 28 40 58 ’ 1 / / G H I J : 89 : 128 : 185 : 266 - 174 250 360 518 J 1 623 644 I 618 635 (Ta=25’C) unit Condition mcd Ie2OmA 84 Tolerance:+15% I Nov/10/98 _I 4 Characteristics 1 Diagrams LTlZG95A LTlZE95A Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (Ta=25%) Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (Ta=25%) 1000 9& I x..$ 8 loo E ; .-sE 3 .-P 0 Ti oi 0.1 1 10 10 1 0.1 loo 1 10 100 Forward Current IdmA) Forward Current I,(mA) Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage (~~25% Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage (~~~25% 1.7 2.2 Forward Voltage V,(V) 1.2 Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temprature I 1 I ! I 1.7 2. 2 Forward Voltage VA(v) 2.7 Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temorature I / -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature (“c) rte)Above characteristic -60 data are typical data and not a gtuanted data. -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Ambient Temperature (“C) 100 120 ZGIZE PAGE 4 Characteristics Diagrams LTlZV95A LTlZS95A Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current 1000 j/ I 1 0.1 10 1 Forward Current Ir(rnA) Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage loo 0.1 1 10 Forward Current IdmA) (Ta=25Q loo Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage (T&S% 100 t i i i / i Vi I j j i / i / / I I I i i i 1i 1.1 2.2 Forward Voltage V,(V) 1.7 2.2 Forward Voltage Vr(V) Relative Luminous Intensity vs Ambient Temprature Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temprature loo0 I z .3 2 10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature (“C) ;Note)Above characteristic / I I I j I / I -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature (“c) data are typical data and not a guranted data. DG98900 1 I -Mt3DEb~o... .?I I,, * 1.: .:‘:------ F-> i: . -.. . 4 Characteristics NodlO/ I ------ -- LTlZR95A set& ___. .., PAGE 3 ;-“x Diagrams LTlZJ95A LTlZR95A Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (Ta=25%) Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current (Ta=25”C) 1000 0.1 1 Forward Current I&A) Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 10 loo Forward Current I,(mA) (~~~25% Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 100 (Ta=25”C \ loo LL 0.1 1.7 2.2 Forward Voltage Vr(V) 2. 7 1.2 1.7 2.2 Forward Voltage Vr(V) Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temprature Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temprature 1000 1000 ‘;; r x .z Ii 2 .-E 2 100 .-s E 3 .-z 3 d” 10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 Ambient Temperature (“c) Se)Above characteristic 2. 7 data are typical data and not a gurattted data. / I i -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature (“C) ZJIZR I Characteristics Diagrams LTlZR95A series Peak Forward Current Derating Curve 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -25 0 25 50 75 loo 125 Ambitent Temprature Ta(“C) Forward Current Derating Curve 60 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Ambitent Temprature Ta(“C) 125 Peak Forward Current vs Duty Ratio(Ta=2S’C) 125 Duty Ratio DR )te)Above characteristic data are typical data and not a guranted data, 5. Reliability The reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level: 90s LTPD Samples (n) Defective (C) (%) 5-1. Test items and test conditions(in accordance with JIS 7021) Test items temperature cycling High temp. and high humidity storage High temperature storage Test conditions -55”c(30min)--+110”c(30min),100cy n=22, C=O 10 Ta=+85”C, 85%RH, t=lOOOh n=22, C=O 10 Ta=(Tstg-maximum n=22, C=O 10 n=22, C=O 10 n=22, C=O li, n=ll, C=O 20 n=ll, C=O 20 n=l 1, C=O 20 ratings),tzlOOOh Low temperature storage Ta=(Tstg_minimun ratings),t=lOOOh Operating test Mechanical shock Variable frequency vibration Solderingheat Ta=25cC,Ir=(Ir~maximum ratings),t=lOOOh 15 OOOm/s’, 0.5ms, 3times I *X,+Y,*Z direction 200mis2,100-2 OOO-IOOHu’sweepfor 2Omin., 4timeslX,Y,Z direction Refer to the attachedsheet, Page141151 time 5-2. Failurejudgementcriteria (Notel) Parameter Symbol Failurejudgementcriteria (Note2) Forward voltage VF v, > U.S.L. x 1.2 Reversecurrent IR IR > U.S.L. x 2.0 Luminousintensity Iv Iv > The first stagevalueX 2.0 or The first stagevalue X 0.5 > Iv (Note 1)Measuringcondition is in accordancewith specification. (Note2)U.S.L. is shownby UpperSpecificationLimit. Nov/lOi98 ; .: MODELN& d i -i1,3 ‘--.-. - __ PAGE L~l2~95~seiies 6. Incoming inspection 6- 1. Inspection method A single sampling plan, normal inspection level II based on IS0 2859-l shall be adopted. 6-2. Describtion of insnection and criteria Inspection items Criteria I Electra-optical characteristics Not radiation 2 Radiation color Not correct 3 Taping Product inserted in reverse direction 4 Tape peeling Continuous separation of cover tape causing the product to fall out 5 Label Model number is not printed,or misprinted 6 Mix Another model is mixing 7 Quantity wanting Quantity in package is wanting 8 Luminous intensity Not conforming to the specification 9 Electra-optical characteristics Not conforming to the specification 0 Outline dimensions Not conforming to the specification 1 Label Quantity or Lot No. is misprinted 2 Dust and flaw Effect to the specification \lO. 3 Resin flash 0.3mm or greater from the product . . ^. . . . .. *. . . ‘1 Juogement area : I he platedareaot me product bottom and side Defect AQL Major defect 0.1% Minor defect 0.4% 7. Taping 7-l Taping 7- 1- 1.Shape and dimension of tape(TYP.) --------------_ rl % Material : Carrier tape...PS, Cover tape.. . Polyester 7-l-2.Shape and dimension of reel(TYP.) I Parameter 1Symbol 1 Dimension 1 Remarks I bm(=p.) IDiameter Frange Thickness Inner space direction External diameter Hub Spindle hole dimWidth A b 178 -1.5 t I lfl W nimnnckn 4 f R I I i I i.0 I -f DG98900 1 ,$--MMoDti -No. .-. -J LTI’ZR95A s&ii :. - NovIlOl98 PAGE ~---1211_5 7-I-3.Taping specification (1) Lead tape: Pull End Stuffed Empty 10 pith (2) or Cover tape strength against peeling:F=O. I-0.8N( Cover or more 0 =Wor less) F tape Ae= uuuuuuuuuuuu~ <- > Bigining [ Leading Empty 10 pith ' more out 0 - lo” Tape speed : 5mm/s Carrier Forward tape (3) Tape strength against bending: The radius of bending circle should be 3Omm or more. If it is less than 3Omm, the cover may peel. There should not be joint of cover tape or carrier tape. (4) Jointing of tape: Average 2,OOOpcs. per reel (5) Quantity per reel: Approx. 0.03 g (6) Product weight: 0 Apparent defect of product should not be packed and product should not upset. (7) Others: @ There should not be missing above continuous three products. 0 Products should be easily taken out. @ Products should not be attached to the cover tape at peeling. 7-2. Label for reel SHARP CORPORATION PART No. LTlZR95A Q’i^“” ~000 + Model number , 1-1 Lot number *- LOT No. KA98HOl <ELkI t :Lot number indication cl00 G 0 C-3> h4ADEIN RANK AA JAPAN r g$C);;F’y + EIAJ C-3 barcode + Luminous rank and dominant wavelength rank + Production country ~c?c2@0 C’ 77 L&j cg, 0 Production plant code(to be indicated alphabetically) @ Production lot(single or double figures) @ Year of production(the last two figures of the year) @ Month of production (to be indicated alphabetically with January corresponding to A) 0 Dateofproduction(Ol-31) 7-3. Dampproof package In other to avoid the absorption of humidity in transport and storage, the devices are packed in aluminum sleeve. Label *+ o&f& 6 Silicagel Q Ree1 Label 7-3-l.Strage conditions Temperature : 5 to 30% Humidity : less than 6O%RH 7-3-2.Treatment after opening (1) Please make a soldering within 2 days after opening under following condition; Temperature : 5 to 30°C Humidity : less than 6O%RH (2) In case the devices are not used for a long time after opening ,the storage in dry box is recommendable. Or it is better to repack the devices with a desicative by the sealer and put them in the some storage conditions as 7-3- 1. Then they should be used within 2 days. (3) Please make a soldering after a following baking treatment if unused term should be over the conditions of(2) Recommendable conditions: Q in taping Temprature:60”C to 65”C,Time:36 to 48 hours @ in individual (on PWB or metallic tray) Temprature: 100°C ,Time:2 to 3 hours Nov/10/98 8. Soldering 8- 1.Retlow soldering (1) It is not recommended to exceed the soldering temperature and time shown below. Caused by substrate bend or the other mechanical stress during reflow soldering may happen gold wire disconnection etc. Therefore please check and study your solder reflow machine’s best condition. (2) Reflow soldering temperature protile to be done under the following condition. to be done under the following condition. MAX 250 Time Ls) Recommendable Thermal Model (4) Recommendable Metal Mask pattern for screen print Recommend 0.2mm to 0.3mm thickness metal mask for screen print. Caused by solder reflow condition, solder paste, substrate and the other material etc., may change solderbility. Please check and study actual solderbility before usage. r Center VI ei 1 Recommended solder pattern 8-2.Manual soldering (1) It is recommended to keep the soldering iron temperature at 295°C (soldering iron power consumption 20W) and not to solder more than once or for over 3 seconds. (2) When using a soldering iron, care must be taken not to damage the package. (Pay attention not to allow any under stress or heat on package.) 8-3. Dip soldering method To be done under the following condition. Pre-heat temp. : 80 to 120 “C time : 30 to 120 seconds Soldering temp. : Max. 260% time : within 5 seconds of the product 9. Precautions for use 9-1. Precautions matters for designing circuit This product is not designed as electromagnetic and ionized-particle radiation resistant. 9-2. Cleaning method (1) Solvent cleaning @ Solvent temperature is not more than 45 “C. @I Immersion up to 3 minutes. Recommend conditions: (2) Ultrasonic cleaning The affect on the device from ubrasonic bath, ultrasonic output, duration, board size and device mounting method. Test the cleaning method under actual conditions and check for abnormalities before actual use. (3) Solvents Use only the following types of solvent. water, alcohol, chlorofluorocabon-based solvent when cleaning is necessary. Recommend conditions: RT. 4OKHz,3OW/l, 3 to 5 minutes IO. Environment lo- 1. Ozonosphere destructive chemicals. (1) The device doesn’t contain following substance. (2) The device doesn’t have a production line whose process requires following substance. Restricted part: CFCs,halones,CC&,Trichloroethane(Methychloroform) 10-2. Bromic non-burning materials The device doesn’t contain bromic non-burning materials(PBBOs,PBBs)