ZMD-Standard March 2000 Package PQFP52 (10x10) MDS 720 Supersedes Edition 11.95 Dimensions in millimetres Based on JEDEC: MO-108AC 1 Dimensions A A2 Z 0,1 G c HE LP 52 e E A1 bp 0,2 M Detail Z > · 1 D HD Dimensions of Sub-Group B1 Dimensions of Sub-Group C1 enom 0,65 Amin 2,20 Amax 2,45 A1min 0,00 bpmin 0,22 A1max 0,50 bpmax 0,38 A2min 1,95 HEmin 12,95 A2max 2,10 HEmax 13,45 cmin 0,13 HDmin 12,95 cmax 0,23 HDmax 13,45 Dmin 9,90 LPmin 0,73 Dmax 10,10 2 Weight £ 0,6 g Emin 9,90 3 Package Body Material Low Stress Epoxy Emax 10,10 4 Lead Material FeNi-Alloy or Cu-Alloy qmin 0° 5 Lead Finish solder plating qmax 10° 6 Lead Form Z-bends b 45° Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden Editor: Date: Check: Quality: Doc-No. QS-000720-HD-03