SHANGHAI SUNRISE ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 2CW37-2.0 THRU 2CW37-36 PLANAR ZENER DIODE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ZENER VOLTAGE: 2.0-36V POWER: 500mW FEATURES DO - 35 • Small glass structure ensures high reliability • High temperature soldering guaranteed: 250oC/10S/9.5mm lead length at 5 lbs tension 1.0 (25.4) MIN. .120 (3.0) .200 (5.1) MECHANICAL DATA • Terminal: Plated axial leads solderable per MIL-STD 202E, method 208C • Case: Glass,hermetically sealed • Polarity: Color band denotes cathode • Mounting position: Any 1.0 (25.4) MIN. .060 (1.5) .090 (2.3) DIA. .018 (0.46) .022 (0.56) DIA. Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) MAXIMUM RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS (Ratings at 25oC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified) RATINGS SYMBOL VALUE IZ MAX Zener Current see table Power Dissipation (Note 1) Pt 500 Thermal Resistance Rθ(ja) 0.3 (junction to ambient) (Note 1) TJ,TSTG Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range -55 ~ +175 Note: 1. Valid provided that leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 8mm from case. UNITS mA mW o C/mW o C CHARACTERISTICS TABLE VZ(V) TYPE CLASSIFICATION Rz IR1(25oC) IR2 100oC IZ (25oC) A B IZ (mA) max (W) IZ (mA) max (mA) max (mA) VR (V) max (mA) 2CW37-2.0 1.88-2.02 1.98-2.12 5 100 5 10 100 0.4 150 2CW37-2.2 2.08-2.23 2.18-2.33 5 100 5 10 100 0.5 140 2CW37-2.4 2.28-2.43 2.38-2.56 5 100 5 10 100 0.6 130 2CW37-2.7 2.50-2.75 2.65-2.90 5 100 5 10 100 0.7 130 2CW37-3.0 2.80-3.05 2.95-3.20 5 100 5 10 100 0.8 120 2CW37-3.3 3.10-3.35 3.25-3.50 5 100 5 10 100 1.0 110 2CW37-3.6 3.40-3.65 3.55-3.80 5 100 5 5 50 1.0 100 2CW37-3.9 2CW37-4.3 2CW37-4.7 2CW37-5.1 2CW37-5.6 2CW37-6.2 2CW37-6.8 2CW37-7.5 2CW37-8.2 2CW37-9.1 2CW37-10 2CW37-11 2CW37-12 2CW37-13 2CW37-15 2CW37-16 2CW37-18 2CW37-20 2CW37-22 2CW37-24 2CW37-27 2CW37-30 2CW37-33 2CW37-36 3.70-3.95 3.85-4.10 5 100 5 5 50 1.0 95 4.00-4.35 4.25-4.60 5 100 5 5 50 1.0 90 4.40-4.75 4.65-5.00 5 100 5 5 50 1.5 85 4.80-5.15 5.00-5.40 5 50 5 1 10 1.5 80 5.20-5.70 5.50-6.00 5 30 5 1 10 1.5 70 5.80-6.30 6.10-6.60 5 17 5 1 10 3.0 64 6.40-6.90 6.70-7.20 5 15 5 1 10 4 58 7.00-7.60 7.40-7.90 5 15 5 1 10 5.1 53 7.70-8.30 8.10-8.70 5 20 5 1 10 5.6 47 8.50-9.20 9.00-9.60 5 20 5 0.5 5 6.2 43 9.40-10.10 9.90-10.60 5 25 5 0.5 5 6.8 40 10.4-11.10 10.90-11.60 5 30 5 0.5 5 7.5 36 11.40-12.20 12-12.7 5 30 5 0.5 5 8.2 32 12.4-13.4 13.1-14.1 5 35 5 0.5 5 9 29 13.8-14.9 14.6-15.6 5 35 5 0.5 5 10 27 15.3-16.4 16.1-17.1 5 40 5 0.5 5 11 24 16.8-18.1 17.8-19.1 5 40 5 0.5 5 12 21 18.8-20.2 19.9-21.2 5 50 5 0.5 5 13 20 20.8-22.2 21.9-23.3 5 60 5 0.5 5 15 18 22.8-24.4 24.1-25.6 5 70 5 0.5 5 16 16 25.2-27.20 26.6-28.60 5 80 5 0.5 5 18 14 28.0-30.50 29.5-32.0 5 100 5 0.5 5 20 13 31.0-33.50 32.5-35.00 5 120 5 0.5 5 22 12 34.0-36.50 35.5-38.0 5 140 5 0.5 5 24 11