INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 80C552/83C552 Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM Product data Supersedes data of 1998 Aug 13 2002 Sep 03 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 FEATURES • 80C51 central processing unit • 8k × 8 ROM expandable externally to 64 kbytes • ROM code protection • An additional 16-bit timer/counter coupled to four capture registers and three compare registers • • • • • • DESCRIPTION The 80C552/83C552 (hereafter generically referred to as 8XC552) Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51 microcontroller family. The 8XC552 has the same instruction set as the 80C51. Three versions of the derivative exist: • 83C552—8 kbytes mask programmable ROM • • • 80C552—ROMless version of the 83C552 87C552—8 kbytes EPROM (described in a separate chapter) The 8XC552 contains a non-volatile 8k × 8 read-only program memory (83C552), a volatile 256 × 8 read/write data memory, five 8-bit I/O ports, one 8-bit input port, two 16-bit timer/event counters (identical to the timers of the 80C51), an additional 16-bit timer coupled to capture and compare latches, a 15-source, two-priority-level, nested interrupt structure, an 8-input ADC, a dual DAC pulse width modulated interface, two serial interfaces (UART and I2C-bus), a “watchdog” timer and on-chip oscillator and timing circuits. For systems that require extra capability, the 8XC552 can be expanded using standard TTL compatible memories and logic. 256 × 8 RAM, expandable externally to 64 kbytes Capable of producing eight synchronized, timed outputs A 10-bit ADC with eight multiplexed analog inputs Two 8-bit resolution, pulse width modulation outputs Five 8-bit I/O ports plus one 8-bit input port shared with analog inputs I2C-bus serial I/O port with byte oriented master and slave functions Full-duplex UART compatible with the standard 80C51 On-chip watchdog timer Three speed ranges: – 3.5 to 16 MHz – 3.5 to 24 MHz (ROM, ROMless only) • Three operating ambient temperature ranges: – P83C552xBx: 0 °C to +70 °C – P83C552xFx: –40 °C to +85 °C (XTAL frequency max. 24 MHz) – P83C552xHx: –40 °C to +125 °C (XTAL frequency max. 16 MHz) In addition, the 8XC552 has two software selectable modes of power reduction—idle mode and power-down mode. The idle mode freezes the CPU while allowing the RAM, timers, serial ports, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip functions to be inoperative. LOGIC SYMBOL XTAL1 XTAL2 EA ALE PSEN AVSS AVDD AVref+ AVref– STADC PWM0 PWM1 The device also functions as an arithmetic processor having facilities for both binary and BCD arithmetic plus bit-handling capabilities. The instruction set consists of over 100 instructions: 49 one-byte, 45 two-byte, and 17 three-byte. With a 16 MHz (24 MHz) crystal, 58% of the instructions are executed in 0.75 µs (0.5 µs) and 40% in 1.5 µs (1 µs). Multiply and divide instructions require 3 µs (2 µs). PORT 0 VSS VDD PORT 1 • • • Two standard 16-bit timer/counters PORT 2 PORT 5 ADC0-7 LOW ORDER ADDRESS AND DATA BUS CT0I CT1I CT2I CT3I T2 RT2 SCL SDA HIGH ORDER ADDRESS AND DATA BUS CMT0 CMT1 RST EW PORT 3 PORT 4 CMSR0-5 RxD/DATA TxD/CLOCK INT0 INT1 T0 T1 WR RD SU01691 2002 Sep 03 2 853-1467 28849 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 PIN CONFIGURATIONS P5.7/ADC7 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 AVDD P5.6/ADC6 2 P5.5/ADC5 3 P5.4/ADC4 4 P5.3/ADC3 PWM0 5 P5.2/ADC2 PWM1 6 P5.0/ADC0 EW 7 P5.1/ADC1 P4.0/CMSR0 8 STADC P4.1/CMSR1 9 V DD P4.2/CMSR2 Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 61 P4.3/CMSR3 10 60 AVSS P4.4/CMSR4 11 59 AVREF+ P4.5/CMSR5 12 58 AVREF– P4.6/CMT0 13 57 P0.0/AD0 P4.7/CMT1 14 56 P0.1/AD1 RST 15 55 P0.2/AD2 P1.0/CT0I 16 54 P0.3/AD3 P1.1/CT1I 17 53 P0.4/AD4 PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER P1.2/CT2I 18 52 P0.5/AD5 P1.3/CT3I 19 51 P0.6/AD6 P1.4/T2 20 50 P0.7/AD7 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 P2.3/A11 33 P2.4/A12 32 P2.2/A10 31 P2.1/A09 30 P2.0/A08 29 VSS 28 VSS 27 NC* 44 P2.5/A13 XTAL1 45 P2.6/A14 NC* P3.1/TxD 25 P3.2/INT0 26 XTAL2 46 NC* 47 PSEN P3.0/RxD 24 P3.7/RD P1.7/SDA 23 P3.5/T1 48 P3.6/WR P1.6/SCL 22 P3.4/T0 49 EA P3.3/INT1 P1.5/RT2 21 ALE P2.7/A15 SU00932 * Do not connect. 2002 Sep 03 3 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 73 72 P5.6/ADC6 74 P5.5/ADC5 STADC IC 75 P5.4/ADC4 PWM0 76 P5.3/ADC3 PWM1 77 P5.2/ADC2 EW 78 P5.1/ADC1 NC* 79 P5.0/ADC0 NC* 80 V DD P4.0/SMSR0 Plastic Quad Flat Pack 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 P4.1/CMSR1 1 64 P5.7/ADC7 P4.2/CMSR2 2 63 AVDD NC* 3 62 NC* P4.3/CMSR3 4 61 AVSS P4.4/CMSR4 5 60 AVREF+ P4.5/CMSR5 6 59 AVREF– P4.6/CMT0 7 58 P0.0/AD0 P4.7/CMT1 8 57 P0.1/AD1 RST 9 56 P0.2/AD2 P1.0/CT0I 10 55 P0.3/AD3 11 54 P0.4/AD4 P1.1/CT1I P1.2/CT2I 12 53 P0.5/AD5 PLASTIC QUAD FLAT PACK P1.3/CT3I 13 52 P1.4/T2 14 P0.6/AD6 51 P0.7/AD7 P1.5/RT2 15 50 EA P1.6/SCL 16 49 ALE P1.7/SDA 17 48 PSEN P3.0/RxD 18 47 P2.7/A15 P3.1/TxD 19 46 P2.6/A14 P3.2/INT0 20 45 P2.5/A13 NC* 21 44 NC* NC* 22 43 NC* P3.3/INT1 23 42 P2.4/A12 PP3.4/T0 24 P3.7/RD NC* NC* NC* XTAL2 XTAL1 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 P2.2/A10 P3.6/WR 33 P2.1/A09 32 P2.0/A08 31 NC* 30 VSS 29 VSS 28 IC 27 VSS 26 P3.5/T1 41 P2.3/A11 25 SU00931 * Do not connect. IC = Internally connected (do not use). 2002 Sep 03 4 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 BLOCK DIAGRAM T0 T1 3 INT0 3 INT1 3 PWM0 PWM1 VDD 3 AVSS ADC0-7 SDA AVREF – + VSS AVDD STADC 5 SCL 1 XTAL1 T0, T1 TWO 16-BIT TIMER/EVENT COUNTERS XTAL2 PROGRAM MEMORY 8k x 8 ROM CPU DATA MEMORY 256 x 8 RAM DUAL PWM SERIAL I2C PORT ADC EA ALE 80C51 CORE EXCLUDING ROM/RAM PSEN 3 WR 8-BIT INTERNAL BUS 3 RD 16 0 AD0-7 PARALLEL I/O PORTS AND EXTERNAL BUS 2 SERIAL UART PORT A8-15 3 P0 P1 P2 P3 TxD 3 RxD 1 P5 P4 CT0I-CT3I ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 0 3 ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 3 1 ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 1 4 ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 4 2 ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 2 5 ALTERNATE FUNCTION OF PORT 5 0 T2 16-BIT TIMER/ EVENT COUNTERS FOUR 16-BIT CAPTURE LATCHES 8-BIT PORT 1 16 1 T2 RT2 T2 16-BIT COMPARATORS wITH REGISTERS COMPARATOR OUTPUT SELECTION T3 WATCHDOG TIMER 4 CMSR0-CMSR5 CMT0, CMT1 RST EW SU01692 2002 Sep 03 5 1 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 ORDERING INFORMATION PHILIPS PART ORDER NUMBER PART MARKING ROMless DRAWING NUMBER TEMPERATURE (°C) AND PACKAGE FREQ ((MHz)) ROM1 P80C552EBA P83C552EBA/xxx SOT188-2 0 to +70, Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 16 P80C552EBB P83C552EBB/xxx SOT318-2 0 to +70, Plastic Quad Flat Pack 16 P80C552EFA P83C552EFA/xxx SOT188-2 –40 to +85, Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 16 P80C552EFB P83C552EFB/xxx SOT318-2 –40 to +85, Plastic Quad Flat Pack 16 P80C552EHA P83C552EHA/xxx SOT188-2 –40 to +125, Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 16 P80C552EHB P83C552EHB/xxx SOT318-2 –40 to +125, Plastic Quad Flat Pack 16 P80C552IBA P83C552IBA/xxx SOT188-2 0 to +70, Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 24 P80C552IBB P83C552IBB/xxx SOT318-2 0 to +70, Plastic Quad Flat Pack 24 P80C552IFA P83C552IFA/xxx SOT188-2 –40 to +85, Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier 24 P80C552IFB P83C552IFB/xxx SOT318-2 –40 to +85, Plastic Quad Flat Pack 24 NOTE: 1. xxx denotes the ROM code number. 2. For EPROM device specification, refer to 87C552 datasheet. 2002 Sep 03 6 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. MNEMONIC PLCC QFP TYPE VDD 2 72 I Digital Power Supply: +5 V power supply pin during normal operation, idle and power-down mode. STADC 3 74 I Start ADC Operation: Input starting analog to digital conversion (ADC operation can also be started by software). This pin must not float. PWM0 4 75 O Pulse Width Modulation: Output 0. PWM1 5 76 O Pulse Width Modulation: Output 1. EW 6 77 I Enable Watchdog Timer: Enable for T3 watchdog timer and disable power-down mode. This pin must not float. P0.0-P0.7 57-50 58-51 I/O Port 0: Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bidirectional I/O port. Port 0 pins that have 1s written to them float and can be used as high-impedance inputs. Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this application it uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. P1.0-P1.7 16-23 16-21 22-23 16-19 20 21 22 23 10-17 10-15 16-17 10-13 14 15 16 17 I/O I/O I/O I I I I/O I/O Port 1: 8-bit I/O port. Alternate functions include: (P1.0-P1.5): Quasi-bidirectional port pins. (P1.6, P1.7): Open drain port pins. CT0I-CT3I (P1.0-P1.3): Capture timer input signals for timer T2. T2 (P1.4): T2 event input. RT2 (P1.5): T2 timer reset signal. Rising edge triggered. SCL (P1.6): Serial port clock line I2C-bus. SDA (P1.7): Serial port data line I2C-bus. Port 1 is also used to input the lower order address byte during EPROM programming and verification. A0 is on P1.0, etc. P2.0-P2.7 39-46 38-42, 45-47 I/O Port 2: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. Alternate function: High-order address byte for external memory (A08-A15). P3.0-P3.7 24-31 18-20, 23-27 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 I/O Port 3: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. Alternate functions include: 80, 1-2 4-8 80, 1-2 4-6 7, 8 I/O Port 4: 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port. Alternate functions include: O CMSR0-CMSR5 (P4.0-P4.5): Timer T2 compare and set/reset outputs on a match with timer T2. CMT0, CMT1 (P4.6, P4.7): Timer T2 compare and toggle outputs on a match with timer T2. 68-62, 1 71-64, I RST 15 9 I/O Reset: Input to reset the 8XC552. It also provides a reset pulse as output when timer T3 overflows. XTAL1 35 32 I Crystal Input 1: Input to the inverting amplifier that forms the oscillator, and input to the internal clock generator. Receives the external clock signal when an external oscillator is used. XTAL2 34 31 O Crystal Input 2: Output of the inverting amplifier that forms the oscillator. Left open-circuit when an external clock is used. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 P4.0-P4.7 7-14 7-12 13, 14 P5.0-P5.7 2002 Sep 03 NAME AND FUNCTION RxD(P3.0): Serial input port. TxD (P3.1): Serial output port. INT0 (P3.2): External interrupt. INT1 (P3.3): External interrupt. T0 (P3.4): Timer 0 external input. T1 (P3.5): Timer 1 external input. WR (P3.6): External data memory write strobe. RD (P3.7): External data memory read strobe. O Port 5: 8-bit input port. ADC0-ADC7 (P5.0-P5.7): Alternate function: Eight input channels to ADC. 7 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) PIN NO. MNEMONIC VSS PLCC QFP TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION 36, 37 34-36 I Two Digital ground pins. PSEN 47 48 O Program Store Enable: Active-low read strobe to external program memory. ALE 48 49 O Address Latch Enable: Latches the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. It is activated every six oscillator periods. During an external data memory access, one ALE pulse is skipped. ALE can drive up to eight LS TTL inputs and handles CMOS inputs without an external pull-up. EA 49 50 I External Access: When EA is held at TTL level high, the CPU executes out of the internal program ROM provided the program counter is less than 8192. When EA is held at TTL low level, the CPU executes out of external program memory. EA is not allowed to float. AVREF– 58 59 I Analog to Digital Conversion Reference Resistor: Low-end. AVREF+ 59 60 I Analog to Digital Conversion Reference Resistor: High-end. AVSS 60 61 I Analog Ground AVDD 61 63 I Analog Power Supply NOTE: 1. To avoid “latch-up” effect at power-on, the voltage on any pin at any time must not be higher or lower than VDD + 0.5 V or VSS – 0.5 V, respectively. service routine and continued), or by a hardware reset which starts the processor in the same manner as a power-on reset. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier. The pins can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in the logic symbol, page 2. POWER-DOWN MODE In the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped and the instruction to invoke power-down is the last instruction executed. Only the contents of the on-chip RAM are preserved. A hardware reset is the only way to terminate the power-down mode. The control bits for the reduced power modes are in the special function register PCON. Table 1 shows the state of the I/O ports during low current operating modes. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven while XTAL2 is left unconnected. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, because the input to the internal clock circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop. However, minimum and maximum high and low times specified in the data sheet must be observed. RESET A reset is accomplished by holding the RST pin high for at least two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods), while the oscillator is running. To insure a good power-on reset, the RST pin must be high long enough to allow the oscillator time to start up (normally a few milliseconds) plus two machine cycles. At power-on, the voltage on VDD and RST must come up at the same time for a proper start-up. ROM CODE PROTECTION (83C552) The 83C552 has an additional security feature. ROM code protection may be selected by setting a mask–programmable security bit (i.e., user dependent). This feature may be requested during ROM code submission. When selected, the ROM code is protected and cannot be read out at any time by any test mode or by any instruction in the external program memory space. IDLE MODE The MOVC instructions are the only instructions that have access to program code in the internal or external program memory. The EA input is latched during RESET and is “don’t care” after RESET (also if the security bit is not set). This implementation prevents reading internal program code by switching from external program memory to internal program memory during a MOVC instruction or any other instruction that uses immediate data. In the idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while some of the on-chip peripherals stay active. The instruction to invoke the idle mode is the last instruction executed in the normal operating mode before the idle mode is activated. The CPU contents, the on-chip RAM, and all of the special function registers remain intact during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated either by any enabled interrupt (at which time the process is picked up at the interrupt Table 1. External Pin Status During Idle and Power-Down Modes PROGRAM MEMORY ALE PSEN Idle Internal 1 Idle External 1 Power-down Internal Power-down External MODE 2002 Sep 03 PORT 2 PORT 3 PORT 4 PWM0/ PWM1 Data Data Data Data 1 Data Address Data Data 1 Data Data Data Data Data 1 Float Data Data Data Data 1 PORT 0 PORT 1 1 Data 1 Float 0 0 0 0 8 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 Serial Control Register (S1CON) – See Table 2 CR2 S1CON (D8H) ENS1 STA STO SI AA CR1 CR0 Bits CR0, CR1 and CR2 determine the serial clock frequency that is generated in the master mode of operation. Table 2. Serial Clock Rates BIT FREQUENCY (kHz) AT fOSC CR2 CR1 CR0 6 MHZ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 23 27 31 37 6.25 50 100 0.24 < 62.5 0 < 255 12 MHz 16 MHz 47 54 63 75 12.5 100 200 0.49 < 62.5 0 < 254 62.5 71 83.3 100 17 133 1 267 1 0.65 < 55.6 0 < 253 24 MHz2 94 107 1 125 1 150 1 25 200 1 400 1 0.98 < 50.0 0 <251 fOSC DIVIDED BY 256 224 192 160 960 120 60 96 × (256 – (reload value Timer 1)) reload value Timer 1 in Mode 2. NOTES: 1. These frequencies exceed the upper limit of 100kHz of the I2C-bus specification and cannot be used in an I2C-bus application. 2. At fOSC = 24 MHz the maximum I2C bus rate of 100kHz cannot be realized due to the fixed divider rates. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1, 2, 3 RATING UNIT Storage temperature range –65 to +150 °C Voltage on any other pin to VSS –0.5 to +6.5 V Input, output DC current on any single I/O pin 5.0 mA Power dissipation (based on package heat transfer limitations, not device power consumption) 1.0 W PARAMETER NOTES: 1. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any conditions other than those described in the AC and DC Electrical Characteristics section of this specification is not implied. 2. This product includes circuitry specifically designed for the protection of its internal devices from the damaging effects of excessive static charge. Nonetheless, it is suggested that conventional precautions be taken to avoid applying greater than the rated maxima. 3. Parameters are valid over operating temperature range unless otherwise specified. All voltages are with respect to VSS unless otherwise noted. DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TYPE FREQUENCY (MHz) MIN MAX MIN MAX TEMPERATURE RANGE (°C) P83(0)C552EBx 4.5 5.5 3.5 16 0 to +70 P83(0)C552EFx 4.5 5.5 3.5 16 –40 to +85 P83(0)C552EHx 4.5 5.5 3.5 16 –40 to +125 P83(0)C552IBx 4.5 5.5 3.5 24 0 to +70 P83(0)C552IFx 4.5 5.5 3.5 24 –40 to +85 2002 Sep 03 9 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VSS, AVSS = 0 V; VDD, AVDD = 5 V ± 10% TEST SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX UNIT IDD Supply current operating: P83(0)C552EBx P83(0)C552EFx P83(0)C552EHx P83(0)C552IBx P83(0)C552IFx See notes 1 and 2 fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 24 MHz fOSC = 24 MHz 45 45 40 55 55 mA mA mA mA mA Idle mode: P83(0)C552EBx P83(0)C552EFx P83(0)C552EHx P83(0)C552IBx P83(0)C552IFx See notes 1 and 3 fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 16 MHz fOSC = 24 MHz fOSC = 24 MHz 10 10 9 12.5 12.5 mA mA mA mA mA Power-down current: See notes 1 and 4; 2 V < VPD < VDD max 50 50 150 µA µA µA IID IPD CONDITIONS LIMITS MIN P83(0)C552xBx P83(0)C552xFx P83(0)C552xHx Inputs VIL Input low voltage, except EA, P1.6, P1.7 –0.5 0.2VDD–0.1 V VIL1 Input low voltage to EA –0.5 0.2VDD–0.3 V P1.7/SDA5 VIL2 Input low voltage to P1.6/SCL, VIH Input high voltage, except XTAL1, RST, P1.6/SCL, P1.7/SDA –0.5 0.3VDD V 0.2VDD+0.9 VDD+0.5 V VIH1 VIH2 Input high voltage, XTAL1, RST 0.7VDD VDD+0.5 V Input high voltage, P1.6/SCL, P1.7/SDA5 0.7VDD 6.0 V IIL Logical 0 input current, ports 1, 2, 3, 4, except P1.6, P1.7 VIN = 0.45 V –50 µA ITL Logical 1-to-0 transition current, ports 1, 2, 3, 4, except P1.6, P1.7 ±IIL1 Input leakage current, port 0, EA, STADC, EW See note 6 –650 µA 0.45 V < VI < VDD 10 µA ±IIL2 Input leakage current, P1.6/SCL, P1.7/SDA 0 V < VI < 6 V 0 V < VDD < 5.5 V 10 µA ±IIL3 Input leakage current, port 5 0.45 V < VI < VDD 1 µA IOL = 1.6mA7 0.45 V 3.2mA7 0.45 V 0.4 V Outputs VOL Output low voltage, ports 1, 2, 3, 4, except P1.6, P1.7 VOL1 Output low voltage, port 0, ALE, PSEN, PWM0, PWM1 IOL = VOL2 Output low voltage, P1.6/SCL, P1.7/SDA IOL = 3.0mA7 VOH Output high voltage, ports 1, 2, 3, 4, except P1.6/SCL, P1.7/SDA –IOH = 60µA –IOH = 25µA –IOH = 10µA 2.4 0.75VDD 0.9VDD V V V VOH1 Output high voltage (port 0 in external bus mode, ALE, PSEN PWM0, PWM0 PWM1)8 PSEN, –IOH = 400µA –IOH = 150µA –IOH = 40µA 2.4 0.75VDD 0.9VDD V V V VOH2 Output high voltage (RST) –IOH = 400µA –IOH = 120µA 2.4 0.8VDD V V RRST Internal reset pull-down resistor CIO Pin capacitance 2002 Sep 03 50 Test freq = 1 MHz, Tamb = 25 °C 10 150 kΩ 10 pF Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) TEST SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS LIMITS MIN MAX UNIT 1.2 1.0 mA mA 50 50 100 50 50 µA µA µA µA µA 50 50 100 µA µA µA AVDD+0.2 V AVDD+0.2 V V 50 kΩ 15 pF Analog Inputs AIDD Analog supply current: operating: (16 MHz) Analog supply current: operating: (24 MHz) AIID Idle mode: P83(0)C552EBx P83(0)C552EFx P83(0)C552EHx P83(0)C552IBx P83(0)C552IFx AIPD Port 5 = 0 to AVDD Port 5 = 0 to AVDD Power-down mode: 2 V < AVPD < AVDD max P83(0)C552xBx P83(0)C552xFx P83(0)C552xHx AVIN Analog input voltage AVSS–0.2 AVREF Reference voltage: AVREF– AVREF+ AVSS–0.2 RREF Resistance between AVREF+ and AVREF– CIA Analog input capacitance 10 tADS Sampling time 8tCY µs tADC Conversion time (including sampling time) 50tCY µs DLe Differential non-linearity10, 11, 12 ±1 LSB ILe Integral non-linearity10, 13 ±2 LSB error10, 14 OSe Offset Ge Gain error10, 15 error10, 16 Ae Absolute voltage MCTC Channel to channel matching 517 ±2 LSB ±0.4 % ±3 LSB ±1 LSB Ct Crosstalk between inputs of port 0–100kHz –60 dB NOTES FOR DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1. See Figures 10 through 15 for IDD test conditions. 2. The operating supply current is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL1 driven with tr = tf = 10 ns; VIL = VSS + 0.5 V; VIH = VDD – 0.5 V; XTAL2 not connected; EA = RST = Port 0 = EW = VDD; STADC = VSS. 3. The idle mode supply current is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL1 driven with tr = tf = 10 ns; VIL = VSS + 0.5 V; VIH = VDD – 0.5 V; XTAL2 not connected; Port 0 = EW = VDD; EA = RST = STADC = VSS. 4. The power-down current is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL2 not connected; Port 0 = EW = VDD; EA = RST = STADC = XTAL1 = VSS. 5. The input threshold voltage of P1.6 and P1.7 (SIO1) meets the I2C specification, so an input voltage below 1.5 V will be recognized as a logic 0 while an input voltage above 3.0 V will be recognized as a logic 1. 6. Pins of ports 1 (except P1.6, P1.7), 2, 3, and 4 source a transition current when they are being externally driven from 1 to 0. The transition current reaches its maximum value when VIN is approximately 2 V. 7. Capacitive loading on ports 0 and 2 may cause spurious noise to be superimposed on the VOLs of ALE and ports 1 and 3. The noise is due to external bus capacitance discharging into the port 0 and port 2 pins when these pins make 1-to-0 transitions during bus operations. In the worst cases (capacitive loading > 100 pF), the noise pulse on the ALE pin may exceed 0.8 V. In such cases, it may be desirable to qualify ALE with a Schmitt Trigger, or use an address latch with a Schmitt Trigger STROBE input. IOL can exceed these conditions provided that no single output sinks more than 5mA and no more than two outputs exceed the test conditions. 8. Capacitive loading on ports 0 and 2 may cause the VOH on ALE and PSEN to momentarily fall below the 0.9 VDD specification when the address bits are stabilizing. 9. The following condition must not be exceeded: VDD – 0.2 V < AVDD < VDD + 0.2 V. 10. Conditions: AVREF– = 0 V; AVDD = 5.0 V, AVREF+ (80C552, 83C552) = 5.12 V. ADC is monotonic with no missing codes. Measurement by continuous conversion of AVIN = –20 mV to 5.12 V in steps of 0.5 mV. 11. The differential non-linearity (DLe) is the difference between the actual step width and the ideal step width. (See Figure 1.) 12. The ADC is monotonic; there are no missing codes. 13. The integral non-linearity (ILe) is the peak difference between the center of the steps of the actual and the ideal transfer curve after appropriate adjustment of gain and offset error. (See Figure 1.) 2002 Sep 03 11 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 14. The offset error (OSe) is the absolute difference between the straight line which fits the actual transfer curve (after removing gain error), and a straight line which fits the ideal transfer curve. (See Figure 1.) 15. The gain error (Ge) is the relative difference in percent between the straight line fitting the actual transfer curve (after removing offset error), and the straight line which fits the ideal transfer curve. Gain error is constant at every point on the transfer curve. (See Figure 1.) 16. The absolute voltage error (Ae) is the maximum difference between the center of the steps of the actual transfer curve of the non-calibrated ADC and the ideal transfer curve. 17. This should be considered when both analog and digital signals are simultaneously input to port 5. Offset error OSe Gain error Ge 1023 1022 1021 1020 1019 1018 (2) 7 (1) Code Out 6 5 (5) 4 (4) 3 (3) 2 1 1 LSB (ideal) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1018 1019 1020 1022 1023 1024 AVIN (LSBideal) Offset error OSe (1) (2) Example of an actual transfer curve. The ideal transfer curve. (3) (4) Differential non-linearity (DLe). Integral non-linearity (ILe). (5) Center of a step of the actual transfer curve. 1 LSB = AVREF+ – AVREF– 1024 SU01693 Figure 1. ADC Conversion Characteristic 2002 Sep 03 1021 12 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1, 2 16 MHz version 16 MHz CLOCK SYMBOL FIGURE PARAMETER MIN VARIABLE CLOCK MAX MIN MAX UNIT 3.5 16 MHz 1/tCLCL 2 Oscillator frequency tLHLL 2 ALE pulse width 85 2tCLCL–40 ns tAVLL 2 Address valid to ALE low 8 tCLCL–55 ns tLLAX 2 Address hold after ALE low 28 tCLCL–35 tLLIV 2 ALE low to valid instruction in tLLPL 2 ALE low to PSEN low 23 tPLPH 2 PSEN pulse width 143 tPLIV 2 PSEN low to valid instruction in tPXIX 2 Input instruction hold after PSEN tPXIZ 2 Input instruction float after PSEN 38 tCLCL–25 ns tAVIV 2 Address to valid instruction in 208 5tCLCL–105 ns tPLAZ 2 PSEN low to address float 10 10 ns tRLRH 3 RD pulse width 275 6tCLCL–100 tWLWH 4 WR pulse width 275 6tCLCL–100 tRLDV 3 RD low to valid data in tRHDX 3 Data hold after RD tRHDZ 3 Data float after RD 55 2tCLCL–70 ns tLLDV 3 ALE low to valid data in 350 8tCLCL–150 ns tAVDV 3 Address to valid data in 398 9tCLCL–165 ns tLLWL 3, 4 ALE low to RD or WR low 138 3tCLCL+50 ns tAVWL 3, 4 Address valid to WR low or RD low 120 4tCLCL–130 ns tQVWX 4 Data valid to WR transition 3 tCLCL–60 ns tDW 4 Data before WR 288 7tCLCL–150 ns tWHQX 4 Data hold after WR 13 tCLCL–50 tRLAZ 3 RD low to address float tWHLH 3, 4 150 ns 4tCLCL–100 tCLCL–40 ns 3tCLCL–45 83 0 ns ns 3tCLCL–105 0 ns ns Data Memory 148 0 23 ns 5tCLCL–165 0 238 3tCLCL–50 0 RD or WR high to ALE high ns 103 tCLCL–40 ns ns ns 0 ns tCLCL+40 ns External Clock tCHCX 5 High time4 20 20 tCLCX 5 Low time4 20 20 tCLCH 5 Rise time4 20 20 ns tCHCL 5 Fall time4 20 20 ns ns ns Serial Timing – Shift Register Mode4 (Test Conditions: Tamb = 0 °C to +70 °C; VSS = 0 V; Load Capacitance = 80 pF) tXLXL 6 Serial port clock cycle time 0.75 12tCLCL µs tQVXH 6 Output data setup to clock rising edge 492 10tCLCL–133 ns tXHQX 6 Output data hold after clock rising edge 8 2tCLCL–117 ns tXHDX 6 Input data hold after clock rising edge 0 0 tXHDV 6 Clock rising edge to input data valid 492 NOTES: 1. Parameters are valid over operating temperature range unless otherwise specified. 2. Load capacitance for port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF, load capacitance for all other outputs = 80 pF. 3. tCLCL = 1/fOSC = one oscillator clock period. tCLCL = 83.3ns at fOSC = 12 MHz. tCLCL = 62.5ns at fOSC = 16 MHz. 4. These values are characterized but not 100% production tested. 2002 Sep 03 13 ns 10tCLCL–133 ns Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)1, 2 24 MHz version 24 MHz CLOCK SYMBOL FIGURE PARAMETER MIN MAX VARIABLE CLOCK MIN MAX UNIT 3.5 24 MHz 1/tCLCL 2 Oscillator frequency tLHLL 2 ALE pulse width 43 2tCLCL–40 ns tAVLL 2 Address valid to ALE low 17 tCLCL–25 ns tLLAX 2 Address hold after ALE low 17 tCLCL–25 tLLIV 2 ALE low to valid instruction in tLLPL 2 ALE low to PSEN low 17 tCLCL–25 ns tPLPH 2 PSEN pulse width 80 3tCLCL–45 ns tPLIV 2 PSEN low to valid instruction in tPXIX 2 Input instruction hold after PSEN tPXIZ 2 Input instruction float after PSEN 17 tCLCL–25 ns tAVIV 2 Address to valid instruction in 128 5tCLCL–80 ns tPLAZ 2 PSEN low to address float 10 10 ns tRLRH 3 RD pulse width 150 6tCLCL–100 ns tWLWH 4 WR pulse width 150 6tCLCL–100 ns tRLDV 3 RD low to valid data in tRHDX 3 Data hold after RD tRHDZ 3 Data float after RDxs 55 2tCLCL–28 ns tLLDV 3 ALE low to valid data in 183 8tCLCL–150 ns tAVDV 3 Address to valid data in 210 9tCLCL–165 ns tLLWL 3, 4 ALE low to RD or WR low 75 3tCLCL+50 ns tAVWL 3, 4 Address valid to WR low or RD low 92 4tCLCL–75 ns tQVWX 4 Data valid to WR transition 12 tCLCL–30 ns tDW 4 Data before WR 162 7tCLCL–130 ns tWHQX 4 Data hold after WR 17 tCLCL–25 tRLAZ 3 RD low to address float tWHLH 3, 4 102 ns 4tCLCL–65 65 3tCLCL–60 0 0 ns ns ns Data Memory 118 5tCLCL–90 0 0 175 3tCLCL–50 ns ns 0 RD or WR high to ALE high 17 67 tCLCL–25 ns 0 ns tCLCL+25 ns External Clock tCHCX 5 High time3 17 17 tCLCX 5 Low time3 17 17 tCLCH 5 Rise time3 tCHCL 5 Fall time3 ns ns 5 20 ns 5 20 ns Serial Timing – Shift Register Mode3 (Test Conditions: Tamb = 0 °C to +70 °C; VSS = 0 V; Load Capacitance = 80 pF) tXLXL 6 Serial port clock cycle time 0.5 12tCLCL µs tQVXH 6 Output data setup to clock rising edge 283 10tCLCL–133 ns tXHQX 6 Output data hold after clock rising edge 23 2tCLCL–60 ns tXHDX 6 Input data hold after clock rising edge 0 0 tXHDV 6 Clock rising edge to input data valid 283 NOTES: 1. Parameters are valid over operating temperature range unless otherwise specified. 2. Load capacitance for port 0, ALE, and PSEN = 100 pF, load capacitance for all other outputs = 80 pF. 3. These values are characterized but not 100% production tested. 4. tCLCL = 1/fOSC = one oscillator clock period. tCLCL = 41.7ns at fOSC = 24 MHz. 2002 Sep 03 14 ns 10tCLCL–133 ns Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) SYMBOL PARAMETER INPUT OUTPUT I2C Interface (Refer to Figure 9) tHD;STA START condition hold time ≥ 14 tCLCL > 4.0 µs 1 tLOW SCL low time ≥ 16 tCLCL > 4.7 µs 1 tHIGH SCL high time ≥ 14 tCLCL > 4.0 µs 1 tRC SCL rise time ≤ 1 µs –2 tFC SCL fall time ≤ 0.3 µs < 0.3 µs 3 tSU;DAT1 Data set-up time ≥ 250ns > 20 tCLCL – tRD tSU;DAT2 SDA set-up time (before rep. START cond.) ≥ 250ns > 1 µs 1 tSU;DAT3 SDA set-up time (before STOP cond.) ≥ 250ns > 8 tCLCL tHD;DAT Data hold time ≥ 0ns > 8 tCLCL – tFC tSU;STA Repeated START set-up time ≥ 14 tCLCL > 4.7 µs 1 tSU;STO STOP condition set-up time ≥ 14 tCLCL > 4.0 µs 1 tBUF Bus free time ≥ 14 tCLCL > 4.7 µs 1 tRD SDA rise time ≤ 1 µs –2 tFD SDA fall time ≤ 0.3 µs < 0.3 µs 3 NOTES: 1. At 100 kbit/s. At other bit rates this value is inversely proportional to the bit-rate of 100 kbit/s. 2. Determined by the external bus-line capacitance and the external bus-line pull-resistor, this must be < 1 µs. 3. Spikes on the SDA and SCL lines with a duration of less than 3 tCLCL will be filtered out. Maximum capacitance on bus-lines SDA and SCL = 400 pF. 4. tCLCL = 1/fOSC = one oscillator clock period at pin XTAL1. For 62 ns, 42 ns < tCLCL < 285 ns (16 MHz, 24 MHz > fOSC > 3.5 MHz) the SI01 interface meets the I2C-bus specification for bit-rates up to 100 kbit/s. 2002 Sep 03 15 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has five characters. The first character is always ‘t’ (= time). The other characters, depending on their positions, indicate the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The designations are: A – Address C – Clock D – Input data H – Logic level high I – Instruction (program memory contents) L – Logic level low, or ALE P – PSEN Q – Output data R – RD signal t – Time V – Valid W – WR signal X – No longer a valid logic level Z – Float Examples: tAVLL = Time for address valid to ALE low. tLLPL = Time for ALE low to PSEN low. tLHLL ALE tAVLL tPLPH tLLPL tLLIV PSEN tPLIV tLLAX A0–A7 PORT 0 tPXIZ tPLAZ tPXIX A0–A7 INSTR IN tAVIV PORT 2 A8–A15 A8–A15 SU01694 Figure 2. External Program Memory Read Cycle ALE tWHLH PSEN tLLDV tLLWL tRLRH RD tAVLL tLLAX tRLAZ PORT 0 tRHDZ tRLDV tRHDX A0–A7 FROM RI OR DPL DATA IN A0–A7 FROM PCL INSTR IN tAVWL tAVDV PORT 2 P2.0–P2.7 OR A8–A15 FROM DPH A8–A15 FROM PCH SU01695 Figure 3. External Data Memory Read Cycle 2002 Sep 03 16 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 ALE tWHLH PSEN tWLWH tLLWL WR tLLAX tAVLL tWHQX tQVWX tDW A0–A7 FROM RI OR DPL PORT 0 DATA OUT A0–A7 FROM PCL INSTR IN tAVWL PORT 2 P2.0–P2.7 OR A8–A15 FROM DPH A8–A15 FROM PCH SU01696 Figure 4. External Data Memory Write Cycle tr tHIGH VIH1 VIH1 0.8 V tf VIH1 0.8 V VIH1 0.8 V 0.8 V tLOW tCLCL SU01697 Figure 5. External Clock Drive XTAL1 INSTRUCTION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ALE tXLXL CLOCK tXHQX tQVXH OUTPUT DATA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WRITE TO SBUF tXHDX tXHDV SET TI INPUT DATA VALID VALID VALID VALID VALID VALID VALID VALID CLEAR RI SET RI SU01678 Figure 6. Shift Register Mode Timing 2002 Sep 03 17 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM VDD–0.5 80C552/83C552 VLOAD+0.1 V 0.2 VDD+0.9 TIMING REFERENCE POINTS VLOAD 0.2 VDD–0.1 0.45 V VLOAD–0.1 V VOH–0.1 V VOL+0.1 V NOTE: FOR TIMING PURPOSES, A PORT IS NO LONGER FLOATING WHEN A 100MV CHANGE FROM LOAD VOLTAGE OCCURS, AND BEGINS TO FLOAT WHEN A 100 mV CHANGE FROM THE LOADED VOH/VOL LEVEL OCCURS. IOH/IOL > + 20mA. SU01700 NOTE: AC INPUTS DURING TESTING ARE DRIVEN AT VDD–0.5 FOR A LOGIC ‘1’ AND 0.45 V FOR A LOGIC ‘0’. TIMING MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE AT VIH MIN FOR A LOGIC ‘1’ AND VIL MAX FOR A LOGIC ‘0’. SU01699 Figure 8. Float Waveform Figure 7. AC Testing Input/Output repeated START condition START or repeated START condition START condition tSU;STA STOP condition tRD SDA (INPUT/OUTPUT) 0.7 VCC 0.3 VCC tBUF tFD tRC tFC tSU;STO 0.7 VCC SCL (INPUT/OUTPUT) 0.3 VCC tSU;DAT3 tHD;STA tLOW tHIGH tSU;DAT1 tHD;DAT Figure 9. Timing SIO1 (I2C) Interface 2002 Sep 03 18 tSU;DAT2 SU01701 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 50 (1) 40 30 IDD, ID mA (2) 20 (3) 10 (4) 0 0 4 8 12 16 (1) (2) (3) (4) f (MHz) NOTE: These values are valid only within the frequency specifications of the device under test. Maximum operating mode; VDD = 6 V Maximum operating mode; VDD = 4 V Maximum idle mode; VDD = 6 V Maximum idle mode; VDD = 4 V SU01702 Figure 10. 16 MHz Version Supply Current (IDD) as a Function of Frequency at XTAL1 (fOSC) 60 (1) 50 (2) 40 IDD, ID mA 30 20 (3) 10 (4) 0 0 4 8 f (MHz) 12 16 20 24 (1) 5.5 V (2) 4.5 V (3) NOTE: These values are valid only within the frequency specifications of the device under test. (4) Maximum operating mode; VDD = Maximum operating mode; VDD = Maximum idle mode; VDD = 5.5 V Maximum idle mode; VDD = 4.5 V SU01703 Figure 11. 24 MHz Version Supply Current (IDD) as a Function of Frequency at XTAL1 (fOSC) 2002 Sep 03 19 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM VDD 80C552/83C552 VDD IDD P1.6 P1.7 VDD VDD VDD–0.5 VDD 0.7VDD 0.5 V RST STADC (NC) XTAL2 CLOCK SIGNAL XTAL1 0.2VDD–0.1 P0 tCHCL EA tCLCX tCHCX tCLCH EW tCLCL AVSS VSS AVref– SU01706 SU01704 Figure 12. IDD Test Condition, Active Mode All other pins are disconnected1 VDD Figure 14. Clock Signal Waveform for IDD Tests in Active and Idle Modes tCLCH = tCHCL = 5ns VDD VDD IDD P1.6 P1.7 VDD RST VDD CLOCK SIGNAL XTAL1 VDD P0 EW (NC) EA XTAL2 XTAL1 AVSS VSS VDD STADC P0 XTAL2 VDD RST STADC (NC) IDD P1.6 P1.7 AVref– VSS EW EA AVSS AVref– SU01705 SU01707 Figure 13. IDD Test Condition, Idle Mode All other pins are disconnected2 Figure 15. IDD Test Condition, Power Down Mode All other pins are disconnected. VDD = 2 V to 5.5 V3 NOTES: 1. Active Mode: a. The following pins must be forced to VDD: EA, RST, Port 0, and EW. b. The following pins must be forced to VSS: STADC, AVss, and AVref–. c. Ports 1.6 and 1.7 should be connected to VDD through resistors of sufficiently high value such that the sink current into these pins cannot exceed the IOL1 spec of these pins. d. The following pins must be disconnected: XTAL2 and all pins not specified above. 2. Idle Mode: a. The following pins must be forced to VDD: Port 0 and EW. b. The following pins must be forced to VSS: RST, STADC, AVss,, AVref–, and EA. c. Ports 1.6 and 1.7 should be connected to VDD through resistors of sufficiently high value such that the sink current into these pins cannot exceed the IOL1 spec of these pins. These pins must not have logic 0 written to them prior to this measurement. d. The following pins must be disconnected: XTAL2 and all pins not specified above. 3. Power Down Mode: a. The following pins must be forced to VDD: Port 0 and EW. b. The following pins must be forced to VSS: RST, STADC, XTAL1, AVss,, AVref–, and EA. c. Ports 1.6 and 1.7 should be connected to VDD through resistors of sufficiently high value such that the sink current into these pins cannot exceed the IOL1 spec of these pins. These pins must not have logic 0 written to them prior to this measurement. d. The following pins must be disconnected: XTAL2 and all pins not specified above. 2002 Sep 03 20 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM PLCC68: plastic leaded chip carrier; 68 leads 2002 Sep 03 80C552/83C552 SOT188-2 21 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 QFP80: plastic quad flat package; 80 leads (lead length 1.95 mm); body 14 x 20 x 2.8 mm 2002 Sep 03 22 SOT318-2 Philips Semiconductors Product data Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 10-bit A/D, capture/compare timer, high-speed outputs, PWM 80C552/83C552 Purchase of Philips I2C components conveys a license under the Philips’ I2C patent to use the components in the I2C system provided the system conforms to the I2C specifications defined by Philips. This specification can be ordered using the code 9398 393 40011. Data sheet status Data sheet status [1] Product status [2] Definitions Objective data Development This data sheet contains data from the objective specification for product development. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to change the specification in any manner without notice. Preliminary data Qualification This data sheet contains data from the preliminary specification. Supplementary data will be published at a later date. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to change the specification without notice, in order to improve the design and supply the best possible product. Product data Production This data sheet contains data from the product specification. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve the design, manufacturing and supply. Changes will be communicated according to the Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN) procedure SNW-SQ-650A. [1] Please consult the most recently issued data sheet before initiating or completing a design. [2] The product status of the device(s) described in this data sheet may have changed since this data sheet was published. The latest information is available on the Internet at URL Definitions Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook. Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Disclaimers Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2002 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Contact information For additional information please visit Fax: +31 40 27 24825 Date of release: 09-02 For sales offices addresses send e-mail to: Document order number: 2002 Sep 03 23 9397 750 10294