SP431 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver ■ Compatible with the EIA standard for RS-422 serial protocol ■ Quad Differential Line Drivers ■ Tri-state Output Control ■ At Least 60Mbps Transmission Rates ■ 6.0ns Typical Driver Propagation Delays ■ Less than 1ns Typical Output Skew ■ Single +3.3V Supply Operation ■ Common Driver Enable Control ■ Compatibility with the industry standard 26LV31 DESCRIPTION The SP431 is a quad differential line driver that meets the specifications of the EIA standard RS-422 serial protocol. The SP431 features Sipex's BiCMOS process allowing low power operational characteristics of CMOS technology while meeting all of the demands of the RS-422 serial protocol over 60Mbps under load. The RS-422 protocol allows up to 10 receivers to be connected to a multipoint bus transmission line. The SP431 features a driver enable control common to all four drivers and a tri-state output. Since the cabling can be as long as 4,000 feet, the RS-422 drivers of the SP431 are equipped with a wide common-mode output voltage range to accomodate ground potential differences. DI1 D01A 2 D01B 3 ENABLE 4 D02B 5 D02A 6 DI2 7 GND 8 SP431DS/08 SP431 DI4 15 DI4 14 D04A 13 D04B 12 ENABLE INPUTS VCC 16 VCC 1 DI3 DI2 DI1 ENABLE ENABLE 11 D0 B 3 10 D0 A 3 9 DI 3 DO A DO B DO A DO B DO A DO B DO A DO B 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 4 GND SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 1 OUTPUTS © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these ratings or any other above those indicated in the operation sections of the specifications below is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability and cause permanent damage to the device. VCC........................................................................................0.5V to 7.0V VIN (DC Input Voltage).............................................-1.5V to (VCC + 1.5V) VOUT (DC Output Voltage)......................................................-0.5V to 7V IIK, IOK (Clamp Diode Current)........................................................±20mA IOUT (DC Output Current, per pin)................................................±150mA ICC (DC VCC or GND Current, per pin)..........................................±150mA TSTG (Storage Temperature Range)...............................-65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature....................................................-65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation Per Package 16-pin PDIP (derate 14.3mW/oC above +70oC).........................1150mW 16-pin NSOIC (derate 13.6mW/oC above +70oC)......................1100mW INPUTS VCC DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1 ENABLE ENABLE DO A DO B DO A DO B DO A DO B DO A DO B 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 4 OUTPUTS GND Figure 1. SP431 Block Diagram SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 2 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise noted, the following specifications apply for VCC = +3.0V to +3.6V with Tamb = 25°C and all MIN and MAX limits apply across the recommended operating temperature range. DC PARAMETERS MIN. TYP. MAX. 3.0 Supply Voltage, VCC DC Input or Output Voltage, VIN or VOUT UNITS 3.6 V VCC V CONDITIONS Input Electrical Characteristics Input Rise or Fall Times, tr or tf HIGH Level Input Voltage, VIH 3 ns 2.0 V LOW Level Input Voltage, VIL 0.8 V Output Electrical Characteristics HIGH Level Output Voltage, VOH 2.5 LOW Level Output Voltage, VOL Differential Output Voltage, VT 2.9 0.2 2.0 0.5 2.7 V VIN = VIH or VIL, IOUT = -20mA V VIN = VIH or VIL, IOUT = 20mA V RL = 100Ω, Note 1 Difference in Differential Output, |VT| - |VT| 0.4 V RL = 100Ω, Note 1 Common Mode Output Voltage, VOS 3.0 V RL = 100Ω, Note 1 Difference in Common Mode Output, |VOS -VOS| 0.4 V RL = 100Ω, Note 1 100 µA VIN = VCC or GND, Note 2 µA VOUT = VCC or GND, ENABLE = VIL, ENABLE = VIH -150 mA VIN = VCC or GND, Notes 1 and 3 IOFF 100 µA VCC = 0V, VOUT = 6V, Note 1 IOFF -100 µA VCC = 0V, VOUT = -0.25V, Note 1 Quiescent Supply Current ICC Tri-state Output Leakage Current, IOZ Output Short Circuit Current, ISC ±2.0 -30 Output Leakage Current Power Off NOTE 1: Refer to EIA specifications for RS-422 serial protocol for exact test conditions. NOTE 2: Measured per input. All other inputs at VCC or GND. NOTE 3: This is the current sourced when a high output is shorted to GND. Only one output at a time should be shorted. SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 3 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation SPECIFICATIONS (continued) Unless otherwise noted, the following specifications apply for VCC = +3.0V to +3.6V, Tamb = 25°C, tr < 6ns, tf < 6ns, and all MIN and MAX limits apply across the recommended operating temperature range. PARAMETERS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS CONDITIONS SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Propagation Delays, tPLHD, tPHLD Skew 5 ns Figure 3 0.5 ns Figure 3, Note 4 Differential Ouput Rise and Fall Times, tTLH, tPHL 3 ns Figure 3 Output Enable Time, tPZH 13 ns Figure 5 Output Enable Time, tPZL 8 ns Figure 5 Output Disable Time, tPHZ 8 ns Figure 5, Note 5 Output Disable Time, tPLZ 6 ns Figure 5, Note 5 Power dissipation Capacitance, CPD 50 pF Note 6 Input Capacitance, CIN 6 pF NOTE 4: Skew is defined as the difference in propagation delays between complementary outputs at the 50% input. NOTE 5: Output disable time is the delay from ENABLE or ENABLE being switched to the output transistors turning off. The actual disable times are less than indicated due to the delay added by the RC time constant of the load. NOTE 6: CPD determines the no load dynamic power consumption, PD = (CPDVCC2 f) + (ICCVCC), and the no load dynamic current consumption, IS = (CPDVCCf) + ICC. SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 4 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation AC TEST CIRCUITS AND SWITCHING TIME WAVEFORMS f=1 MHz tR < 10ns, tF < 10ns 3V DRIVER INPUT DIX tPLHD CL DIX Generator CL D GND tPHLD DRIVER D0XB D0XA RL VOH 0V (Differential) 0V DRIVER D0XA VOL D0XB 50Ω Driver Enabled 1.5V 1.5V 80% CL DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT 80% 0V 0V VDIFF = VA - VB 20% tTLH Figure 2. AC Test Circuit 20% tTHL Figure 3. Propagation Delays 3V ENABLE VCC S1 1.5V Test Point D0XA S2 ENABLE S3 VCC Input = ENABLE or ENABLE S1= VCC S2 = D0XB S3 = GND and/or S1 = GND tPLZ S2 = D0XA S3 = GND 110Ω D0XB CL ENABLE ENABLE Input = ENABLE or ENABLE S1= GND S2 = D0XB S3 = VCC and/or S1 = VCC S2 = D0XA S3 = VCC If ENABLE is the input, then ENABLE = HIGH If ENABLE is the input, then ENABLE = LOW Figure 4. Driver Single-Ended TRI-STATE Test Circuit 1.5V 0V tPHZ tPZH VOH VOH = 0.3V 1.3V GND tPZL VCC VOL+ 0.3V 1.3V VOL Figure 5. Driver Single-Ended TRI-STATE Waveforms 3.0V INPUT 0.0V OUTPUT (DIFFERENTIAL) 90% 90% 10% 10% tTLH tTHL Input pulse: f = 1MHz, 50% tr < 6ns tf < 6ns Figure 6. Differential Rise and Fall Times SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 5 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation DESCRIPTION The SP431 is a low-power quad differential line driver designed for digital data transmission meeting the specifications of the EIA standard RS-422 serial protocol. The SP431 features Sipex's BiCMOS process allowing low power operational characteristics of CMOS technology while meeting all of the demands of the RS-422 serial protocol up to 60Mbps under load in harsh environments. The RS-422 line driver outputs feature high source and sink current capability. All drivers are internally protected against short circuits on their outputs. The driver outputs are short-circuit limited to 150mA. The driver output skew times are typically 0.5ns. To minimize reflections, the multipoint bus transmission line should be terminated at both ends in its characteristic impedance, and stub lengths off the main line should be kept as short as possible. The RS-422 standard is ideal for multi-drop applications and for long-distance communication. The RS-422 protocol allows up to 10 drivers to be connected to a data bus, making it an ideal choice for multi-drop applications. Since the cabling can be as long as 4,000 feet, RS-422 drivers are equipped with a wide common mode output range to accommodate ground potential differences. Because the RS-422 is a differential interface, data is virtually immune to noise in the transmission line. ENABLE ENABLE DATA The SP431 accepts TTL or CMOS input levels and translates these to RS-422 output levels. The SP431 features active HIGH and active LOW driver enable controls common to all four driver channels see Figure 8. A logic HIGH on the ENABLE pin (pin 4) or a logic LOW on the ENABLE pin (pin 12) will enable the differential driver outputs. A logic LOW on the ENABLE pin (pin 4) or a logic HIGH on the ENABLE pin (pin 12) will tri-state the driver outputs. DATA OUTPUT *RT *RT is optional although highly recommended to reduce reflection. Figure 7. Two-Wire Balanced System, RS-422 ENABLE ENABLE Input NonInverting Output Inverting Output LOW HIGH don't care tri-state tri-state HIGH don't care LOW LOW HIGH don't care LOW HIGH HIGH LOW Figure 8. Truth Table, Enable / Disable Function Common to All Four RS-422 Drivers SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 6 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation DI1 D01A 2 D01B 3 ENABLE 16 VCC 1 SP431 4 D02B 5 D02A 6 DI2 7 GND 8 15 DI4 14 D04A 13 D04B 12 ENABLE 11 D0 B 3 10 D0 A 3 9 DI 3 PINOUT PIN ASSIGNMENTS Pin 1 — DI1 — Driver 1 TTL input. Pin 10 — D03A — Non-inverted driver output. Pin 2 — D01A — Non-inverted driver output. Pin 11 — D03B — Inverted driver output. Pin 3 — D01B — Inverted driver output. Pin 12 — ENABLE — Driver output enable, active LOW. Pin 4 — ENABLE — Driver output enable, active HIGH. Pin 13 — D04B — Inverted driver output. Pin 5 — D02B — Inverted driver output. Pin 14 — D04A — Non-inverted driver output. Pin 6 — D02A — Non-inverted driver output. Pin 15 — DI4 — Driver 4 TTL input. Pin 7 — DI2 — Driver 2 TTL input. Pin 16 — VCC — +3.0V to +3.6V power supply. Pin 8 — GND — Ground. Pin 9 — DI3 — Driver 3 TTL input. SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 7 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TBD TBD Figure 9. Differential Propagation Delay Vs. Temperature Figure 10. Differential Propagation Delay Vs. Temperature TBD TBD Figure 11. Differential Skew Vs. Temperature SP431DS/08 Figure 12. Differential Skew Vs. Power Supply Voltage SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 8 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TBD TBD Figure 14. Differential Transition Time Vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 13. Differential Transition Time Vs. Temperature TBD TBD Figure 16. Complementary Skew Vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 15. Complementary Skew Vs. Temperature SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 9 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TBD TBD Figure 17. Differential Output Voltage Vs. Output Current Figure 18. Differential Output Voltage Vs. Output Current TBD TBD Figure 19. Output High Voltage Vs. Output High Current Figure 20. Output High Voltage Vs. Output High Current SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 10 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TBD TBD Figure 21. Output Low Voltage Vs. Output Low Current Figure 22. Output Low Voltage Vs. Output Low Current TBD TBD Figure 24. Supply Current Vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 23. Supply Current Vs. Temperature SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 11 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TBD TBD Figure 26. Loaded Supply Current Vs. Data Rate Figure 25. No Load Supply Current Vs. Data Rate TBD TBD Figure 28. Output Short Circuit Current Vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 27. Output Short Circuit Current Vs. Temperature SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 12 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation PACKAGE: PLASTIC DUAL–IN–LINE (NARROW) E1 E D1 = 0.005" min. (0.127 min.) A1 = 0.015" min. (0.381min.) D A = 0.210" max. (5.334 max). C A2 e = 0.100 BSC (2.540 BSC) B1 B Ø L eA = 0.300 BSC (7.620 BSC) ALTERNATE END PINS (BOTH ENDS) DIMENSIONS (Inches) Minimum/Maximum (mm) SP431DS/08 16–PIN A2 0.115/0.195 (2.921/4.953) B 0.014/0.022 (0.356/0.559) B1 0.045/0.070 (1.143/1.778) C 0.008/0.014 (0.203/0.356) D 0.780/0.800 (19.812/20.320) E 0.300/0.325 (7.620/8.255) E1 0.240/0.280 (6.096/7.112) L 0.115/0.150 (2.921/3.810) Ø 0°/ 15° (0°/15°) SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 13 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation PACKAGE: PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE (SOIC) (NARROW) E H h x 45° D A Ø e B A1 L DIMENSIONS (Inches) Minimum/Maximum (mm) SP431DS/08 16–PIN A 0.053/0.069 (1.346/1.748) A1 0.004/0.010 (0.102/0.249) B 0.013/0.020 (0.330/0.508) D 0.386/0.394 (9.802/10.000) E 0.150/0.157 (3.802/3.988) e 0.050 BSC (1.270 BSC) H 0.228/0.244 (5.801/6.198) h 0.010/0.020 (0.254/0.498) L 0.016/0.050 (0.406/1.270) Ø 0°/8° (0°/8°) SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 14 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation ORDERING INFORMATION Model .................................................................................... Temperature Range ..................................................................................... Package SP431CP ..................................................................................... 0°C to +70°C ........................................................................... 16–pin Plastic DIP SP431CN ..................................................................................... 0°C to +70°C .......................................................................... 16–pinNarrow SOIC Please consult the factory for pricing and availability on a Tape-On-Reel option. Corporation SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE Sipex Corporation European Sales Offices: Far East: Headquarters and Sales Office 22 Linnell Circle Billerica, MA 01821 TEL: (978) 667-8700 FAX: (978) 670-9001 e-mail: [email protected] ENGLAND: Sipex Corporation 2 Linden House Turk Street Alton Hampshire GU34 IAN England TEL: 44-1420-549527 FAX: 44-1420-542700 e-mail: [email protected] JAPAN: Nippon Sipex Corporation Yahagi No. 2 Building 3-5-3 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101 TEL: 81.3.3256.0577 FAX: 81.3.3256.0621 Sales Office 233 South Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 TEL: (408) 934-7500 FAX: (408) 935-7600 GERMANY: Sipex GmbH Gautinger Strasse 10 82319 Starnberg TEL: FAX: e-mail: [email protected] Sipex Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein. Sipex does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described hereing; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SP431DS/08 SP431 High Speed, +3.3V Quad RS-422 Differential Line Driver 15 © Copyright 1997 Sipex Corporation