BFY182 HiRel NPN Silicon RF Transistor • HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductor • For low noise, high-gain broadband amplifiers at collector currents from 1 mA to 20 mA. • Hermetically sealed microwave package • fT= 8 GHz F = 2.4 dB at 2 GHz • Space Qualified ESA/SCC Detail Spec. No.: 5611/006 Type Variant No. 04 4 3 1 2 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type BFY182 (ql) (ql) Quality Level: Marking - Ordering Code see below Pin Configuration C E B E Package Micro-X1 P: Professional Quality, Ordering Code: Q62702F1608 H: High Rel Quality, Ordering Code: on request S: Space Quality, Ordering Code: on request ES: ESA Space Quality, Ordering Code: Q62702F1714 (see order instructions for ordering example) Semiconductor Group 1 of 5 Draft B, September 1999 BFY182 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 12 V Collector-emitter voltage, VBE=0 VCES 20 V Collector-base voltage VCBO 20 V Emitter-base voltage VEBO 2 V Collector current IC 35 mA 1) Base current IB 4 mA Total power dissipation, 2), 3.) TS ≤ 136°C Ptot 250 mW Junction temperature Tj 200 °C Operating temperature range Top -65...+200 °C Storage temperature range Tstg -65...+200 °C Rth JS < 255 K/W Thermal Resistance Junction-soldering point 3.) Notes.: 1) The maximum permissible base current for VFBE measurements is 20mA (spotmeasurement duration < 1s) 2) At TS = + 136 °C. For TS > + 136 °C derating is required. 3) TS is measured on the collector lead at the soldering point to the pcb. Electrical Characteristics at TA=25°C; unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. ICBO - - 100 µA ICEX - - 200 µA ICBO - - 50 nA IEBO - - 25 µA IEBO - - 0.5 µA DC Characteristics Collector-base cutoff current VCB = 20 V, IE = 0 Collector-emitter cutoff current VCE = 12 V, IB = 0.2µA 1.) Collector-base cutoff current VCB = 10 V, IE = 0 Emitter base cuttoff current VEB = 2 V, IC = 0 Emitter base cuttoff current VEB = 1 V, IC = 0 Notes: 1.) This Test assures V(BR)CE0 > 12V Semiconductor Group 2 of 5 Draft B, September 1999 BFY182 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. typ. max. VFBE - - 1 V hFE 55 100 170 - DC Characteristics Base-Emitter forward voltage IE = 20 mA, IC = 0 DC current gain IC = 5 mA, VCE = 6 V AC Characteristics Transition frequency GHz fT IC = 15 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 500 MHz 6.5 7.5 - IC = 15 mA, VCE = 8 V, f = 500 MHz - 8 - CCB - 0.26 0.36 pF CCE - 0.34 - pF CEB - 0.8 1.1 pF F - 2.4 2.9 dB 13.5 14.5 - dB 10 11 - dB Collector-base capacitance VCB = 10 V, VBE = vbe = 0, f = 1 MHz Collector-emitter capacitance VCE = 10 V, VBE = vbe = 0, f = 1 MHz Emitter-base capacitance VEB = 0.5V, VCB = vcb = 0, f = 1 MHz Noise Figure IC = 5 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 2 GHz, ZS = ZSopt Power gain Gma 1.) IC = 15 mA, VCE = 5V, f = 2 GHz ZS = ZSopt , ZL= ZLopt 2 |S21e| Transducer gain IC = 15 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 2 GHz ZS = ZL = 50 Ω Notes.: 1) Gma = S 21 ( k − k 2 − 1) , S12 Semiconductor Group Gms = S 21 S12 3 of 5 Draft B, September 1999 BFY182 Order Instructions: Full type variant including quality level must be specified by the orderer. For HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors the ordering code specifies device family and quality level. Ordering Form: Ordering Code: Q.......... BFY182 (ql) (ql): Quality Level Ordering Example: Ordering Code: BFY182 ES Q62702F1714 For BFY182 in ESA Space Quality Level Further Informations: See our WWW-Pages: - Discrete and RF-Semiconductors (Small Signal Semiconductors) - HiRel Discrete and Microwave Semiconductors Please contact also our marketing division : Tel.: Fax.: e-mail: Address: Semiconductor Group ++89 234 24480 ++89 234 28438 Infineon -Technologies Semiconductors, High Frequency Products Marketing, P.O.Box 801709, D-81617 Munich 4 of 5 Draft B, September 1999 BFY182 Micro-X1 Package Infineon Technologies AG 1998. All Rights Reserved. 4 3 1 2 Published by Infineon Technologies Semiconductors, High Frequency Products Marketing, P.O.Box 801709, D-81617 Munich. As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components per se, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Offices of Semiconductor Group in Germany or the Infineon Technologies Companies and Representatives woldwide (see address list). Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office, Semiconductor Group. Infineon Technologies Semiconductors is a certified CECC and QS9000 manufacturer (this includes ISO 9000). Semiconductor Group 5 of 5 Draft B, September 1999