M65845AFP Digital Echo with Microphone Mixing Circuit REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2007 Description The M65845AFP is a CMOS IC built-in digital echo function with microphone peripheral circuits for Karaoke equipment packed in a single chip. It is suitable for Karaoke equipments such as video CD player, mini stereo, CD-radio cassette, TV or VCR. Being pin compatible with the M65845FP, the M65845AFP is suitable for upgrading the series. Features • High performance digital echo circuit thanks to 16 Kbit memory • Two microphone-mixing lines, vocal cut circuit, digital echo, and line-mixing amplifier are contained, enabling single-chip package of microphone peripheral circuit of Karaoke equipment. • ALC-equipped microphone amplifiers permit excessively high-input. ALC operating voltage can be set as desired. • Vocal cut circuit of complete stereo construction • Compatibility with the M65845FP • Built-in current-control oscillation circuit • Built-in automatic reset circuit activated with power on • Single power supply (5 V) Recommended Operating Condition • Supply voltage range: VCC = 4.5 V to 5.5 V • Rated supply voltage: VCC = 5 V System Configuration AUDIO SW Lch INPUT Source selector MIX Lch OUTPUT L R Vocal cut MIX Rch INPUT Rch OUTPUT ALC MIC VOL MIC1 Digital echo ALC MIC2 MIX MIX MIC VOL REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 1 of 13 Echo VOL MIC SW REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 2 of 13 MIC2VOLIN 10 ALC2 7 MIC2OUT 9 MIC2NFIN 8 MIC2IN 6 MIC1VOLIN 5 ALC1 2 MIC1OUT 4 MIC1NFIN 3 MIC1IN 1 VALL 35 Rin 26 Lin 27 ALC ALC 12 MIC LPF1 OUT IN 11 14 A/D 15 20 21 D/A 22 23 REF VCC 19 24 LPF2 GND 18 25 30 MICECHO OUT 31 MIC SW 28 Rout 29 Lout DA DAINT LPF2OUT CONT OUT LPF2IN ECHOVOLIN DAINT IN Logic REF 17 1/2VCC 16 k RAM CLOCK CONT 32 LPF1 ADINT OUT IN AD ADINT CONT OUT 13 REF LPF1 Clock generator 16 VCFIL 36 Audio source control AUDSW1 AUDSW2 33 34 M65845AFP Block Diagram M65845AFP Pin Arrangement M65845AFP MIC1IN 1 36 VCFIL ALC1 2 35 VALC MIC1NFIN 3 34 AUDSW2 MIC1OUT 4 33 AUDSW1 MIC1VOLIN 5 32 CLOCK CONT MIC2IN 6 31 MICSW ALC2 7 30 MICECHOOUT MIC2NFIN 8 29 LLINEOUT MIC2OUT 9 28 RLINEOUT MIC2VOLIN 10 27 LLINEIN MICOUT 11 26 RLINEIN LPF1 IN 12 25 ECHOVOLIN LPF1 OUT 13 24 LPF2 OUT ADINTIN 14 23 LPF2 IN ADINTOUT 15 22 DAINTOUT ADCONT 16 21 DAINTIN REF 17 20 DACONT GND 18 19 VCC (Top view) Outline: PRSP0036GA-A (36P2R-A) REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 3 of 13 M65845AFP Pin Description Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Symbol MIC1IN ALC1 MIC1NFIN MIC1OUT MIC1VOLIN MIC2IN ALC2 MIC2NFIN MIC2OUT MIC2VOLIN MICOUT LPF1 IN LPF1 OUT ADINTIN ADINTOUT ADCONT REF GND VCC DACONT DAINTIN DAINTOUT LPF2 IN LPF2 OUT ECHOVOLIN RLINEIN LLINEIN RLINEOUT LLINEOUT MICECHOOUT MICSW CLOCK CONT AUDSW1 AUDSW2 VALC 36 VCFIL Pin Name MIC1 input ALC1 control MIC1 NF input MIC1 output MIC1 volume input MIC2 input ALC2 control MIC2 NF input MIC2 output MIC2 volume input MIC output Low pass filter 1 input Low pass filter 1 output A/D integral input A/D integral output A/D control Reference GND Power supply D/A control D/A integral input D/A integral output Low pass filter 2 input Low pass filter 2 output Echo volume input Rch line input Lch line input Rch line output Lch line output MIC echo output MIC SW Clock control Audio SW1 Audio SW2 ALC supply voltage control Vocal cut filter REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 4 of 13 Function Connect MIC1 Connect C which determine recovery time Set up MIC1 amp gain for feedback circuit Connect microphone volume which turn down input signal Connect MIC2 Connect C which determine ALC attack, recovery time Forms MIC2 amp gain with feedback Connect microphone volume which turn down input signal Mixing output with MIC1 and MIC2 Forms the front low pass filter with external CR for digital echo Forms integrator with external C and R ADM A/D adaptive control 1/2 VCC, connect filter C ADM A/D adaptive control Forms integrator with external C Forms post low pass filter with external CR for digital echo Connect microphone volume which turn down input signal Mixing output with line and microphone Mixing output with microphone and echo L: Microphone OFF, H: Microphone ON Controls built-in clock generation circuit with external R Changing source sound signal Form ALC operation voltage with control voltage Through frequency under vocal level M65845AFP Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise noted) Item Supply voltage Circuit current Input voltage Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCC ICC Vi Pd Topr Tstg Rations 6.0 85 –0.3 to VCC + 0.3 860 –20 to +75 –40 to +125 Unit V mA V mW °C °C Conditions Recommended Operating Condition Item Symbol Supply voltage L input voltage H input voltage VCC VIL VIH Min Limits Typ Max Unit 4.5 0 4 5 — — 5.5 1 VCC V V V Conditions Pin 33, 34 Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, Vi = 100mVrms, fck = 2 MHz, Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Total Circuit current ICC 25 34 70 mA No signal Microphone amplifier Voltage gain GVO 44 47 50 dB Vo = –17 dBV Echo Line Vocal cut Distortion 1 THD1 — 0.5 1.5 % Vo = –17 dBV, without ALC Distortion 2 THD2 — 3.0 6.0 % Vi = –27 dBV, ALC operate ALC voltage VoALC –3 0 +3 dB at –10 to +3 dBV ALC attack time TALCAT 25 40 55 ms at C = 4.7 μF ALC recovery time TALCRE 1.0 1.5 2.0 s at C = 4.7 μF Maximum output voltage VoMAX –1 2 — dBV THD = 10% Noise voltage No — –68 –57 dBV GV = 47 dB, JIS-A, VI = 0 Vrms Input impedance Zi 5 10 20 kΩ Delay time Td 167 197 226 ms Voltage gain Gv –3 0 +3 dB Distortion THD — 2.0 4.0 % Maximum output voltage VoMAX –3 +1 — dBV THD = 10% Noise voltage No — –82 –67 dBV JIS–A Voltage gain Gv –3 0 +3 dB Distortion THD — 0.02 0.1 % Maximum output voltage VoMAX 1 4 — dBV THD = 10% JIS-A, MICSW = OFF Noise voltage No — –97 –88 dBV Input impedance Zi 10 20 40 kΩ Noise voltage No — –95 –72 dBV Voltage gain Gv –3 0 +3 dB Maximum output voltage VoMAX 1 4 — dBV Vocal rejection ratio GREJ 14 18 — dB REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 5 of 13 RC = 51 kΩ JIS-A, Vocal cut ON Input one side channel THD = 10% M65845AFP Function Description Microphone Amplifier The gain (GV) and low cut-off frequency (fcl) of microphone amplifier are expressed as follows. GV = 20log • R1 + 1.5 k + 334 k R1 + 1.5 k fcl = 1 2π • (R1 + 1.5 k) • C1 GV (max) = 47 dB, fcl = 50 Hz R1 = 0 Ω, C1 = 2.2 μF Assuming GV = 37 dB, fcl = 15 Hz, for instance, the constants take the following values. R1 = 3.3 kΩ, C1 = 2.2 μF REF 10 kΩ (Typ) + MIC 1 μF 5 kΩ + – 2 334 kΩ 1.5 kΩ 3 4 R1 + C1 <Attention point when M65845FP is replaced with M65845AFP> R3 and C4 are required for the M65845FP, not for the M65845AFP. As mentioned above, the gain of microphone amplifier can set it up with R1. REF 10 kΩ (Typ) + MIC 1 μF R2 + – 2 3 4 C4 R3 and C4 are not required for the M65845AFP. R1 C1 + R1 for the gain of microphone amplifier setting in use M65845AFP. R3 Recommended circuit in use M65845FP REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 6 of 13 M65845AFP ALC Level Block Diagram Vo (dBV) 10 ALC supply voltage control limits +3 0 –10 –20 It is set 47 dB for microphone amplifier gain. –30 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 Vi (dBV) ALC Operation Voltage Control ALC operation voltage can be formed within the limits of –10 to +3 dBV controlled by DC control voltage which connect pin 35. (Setting up forms) 2.5 V ( 1 V ) 2 CC internal direct bias half peak voltage Vpo 35 pin control voltage VALC 0V VALC = When ALC operation voltage is –5 dBV (at VCC = 5 V) –5 dBV = 0.56 Vrms = 1.59 Vp-p = 0.80 Vp-o VALC = 2.5 – 0.8 = 1.7 V are concerned. REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 7 of 13 1 V – Vpo 2 CC M65845AFP Input impedance to pin 35 is so high (1 MΩ) that ALC base voltage can be determined by division resistance. VCC R17 (51 kΩ) 35 R16 C33 (0.01 μF) at VCC = 5 V ALC Operation Voltage (dBV) +3 0 –2 –4 –6 –8 –10 Pin 35 Control Voltage VALC (V) 0.50 1.09 1.38 1.61 1.79 1.94 2.05 Resistance R16 (Ω) 5.6 k 15 k 20 k 24 k 27 k 33 k 36 k MIC SW Input low level to pin 31 (MIC SW), then microphone and echo signal can be cut. Pin 31 (MIC SW) H or Open L MIC SW On Off Echo Signal Output On Mute Audio Source Select Changing the switch, sound source changes four patterns matching with Karaoke soft. Pin 33 AUDSW1: D1 L L H H Pin 34 AUDSW2: D2 L H L H Movements Stereo Lch monaural Rch monaural Vocal cut 1. Stereo Under the conditions usual 2ch are played back to each outputs. 2. Lch monaural Under the conditions Lch source is played back to 2ch outputs and suitable for Karaoke reproduction of multiple Karaoke soft and main sound reproduction of laser disks. 3. Rch monaural Under the conditions Rch source is played back to 2ch outputs and suitable for reference vocal reproduction of multiple Karaoke soft and sub sound reproduction of laser disks. REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 8 of 13 M65845AFP 4. Vocal cut It is a method turned down Lch and Rch input having the same phase and sound. Low pass cut off frequency fc is determined by a capacitance which connect to pin 36 (vocal cut filter). It is also having a function which through frequency under vocal level for supplying a lack of low level sound. RVC = 20 kΩ (Typ) 36 C34 fc = 1 2π • RVC • C34 at fc = 50 Hz, C34 = 0.15 μF is determined. Caution: Inside resistance is changeable one by one which rate is ±30%. Digital Echo 1. Clock oscillator circuit This IC incorporates a current control type clock oscillator circuit in it, thus providing circuit configuration just by connecting an RC for current control pin 32 (CLOCK CONT). Fully internal clock supply prevents occurrence of undesired radiation without affecting any external circuit. The oscillator frequency fck is following. fck = 2 MHz (RC = 51 kΩ) DC current RC 32 Clock oscillator circuit Clock frequency: fck Note: The delay time (Td) for echo is determined by the clock frequency (fck). Delay time = 1/fck × 24 × N (N = the number of memory bits = 16384) fck = 2 MHz (Rc = 51 kΩ): Delay time = 197 ms fck = 2.6 MHz (Rc = 39 kΩ): Delay time = 150 ms fck = 3.9 MHz (Rc = 24 kΩ): Delay time = 100 ms REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 9 of 13 M65845AFP 2. Auto mute function The IC carries out auto mute function at the time of powering up and switching on MIC SW in order to suppress shock noise that the digital delay may produce. • At power up Mute time (400 ms) Reset Time • At switching on MIC SW Mute time (400 ms) MIC SW OFF Switching on MIC SW 3. Input and output LPF Signal through frequency fsig is also determined by LPF of digital echo cut off frequency. 2 degree LPF of digital echo is formed by external resistance and capacitor. (refer to next figure) So, cut off frequency is determined by next formula. fsig = 1 2π R8 • R9 • C13 • C14 LPF1 LPF2 REF REF + – 12 C14 + – 13 23 R8 24 kΩ R7 24 kΩ R9 C13 24 kΩ REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 10 of 13 C14 24 R8 24 kΩ R7 24 kΩ R9 C13 24 kΩ M65845AFP Compatibility with M65845FP <Application Example in Use M65845FP> 5k *2 0.15μ 0.22μ MIC1 1 MICIN VCFIL 36 2 ALC1 VALC 35 0.01μ 4.7μ 0.33μ 2.2k *2 3 MIC1NFIN 200p 30kΩ 0.22μ 5 MIC1VOLIN CLOCK 32 6 MIC2IN MICSW 31 7 ALC2 8 MIC2NFIN 200p *1 150k 9 MIC2OUT 0.1μ *2 0.1μ 10 MIC2VOLIN 30k 0.027μ 10k *2 11 MICOUT 15k 12 LPF1IN 15k 100p MIC SW MICECHO OUT 30 Lout 2.2μ Rout RLINEOUT 28 1μ LLINEIN 27 Lin 1μ Rin RLINEIN 26 0.1μ ECHO VOLIN 25 2700p 30k *2 0.047μ *2 0.1μ *1 3k LPF2OUT 24 *1 15k 2700p 14 ADINTIN LPF2IN 23 0.027μ 10k 30 *1 15 ADINTOUT *1 2.2μ LLINEOUT 29 13 LPF1OUT 0.068μ *2 VCC 4.7µ *1 *2 D1 *2 2.2k *2 AUDSW1 33 39k M65845AFP 0.33μ D2 0.1μ 5k *2 AUDSW2 34 *1 4 MIC1OUT 0.1μ *2 VCC 24k *1 150k MIC2 51k DAINTOUT 22 16 ADCONT DAINTIN 21 17 REF DACONT 20 18 GND VCC 19 15k *2 0.068μ 0.22μ 0.22μ 47μ 0.1μ VCC 100μ *2 Feed Back 0.15μ 30k Units R: Ω C: F As mentioned above, the M65845AFP can be replaced with the M65845FP without changing the board. Notes: *1. The components marked with a circle are required for the M65845FP, not for the M65845AFP. *2. The M65845AFP is different from the M65845FP a part of the components marked with a circle. REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 11 of 13 M65845AFP Application Example Microphone amplifier : GV = 47 dB, fcl = 50 Hz ALC operating voltage –4 dBV ECHO : Delay time 197 ms (fs = 83.3 kHz) Cut-off frequency 3.1 kHz 5k 1μ 0.15μ MIC1 1 MICIN VCFIL 36 2 ALC1 VALC 35 0.01μ 4.7μ 51k VCC 2.2μ 24k 1μ 3 MIC1NFIN AUDSW2 34 D2 4 MIC1OUT AUDSW1 33 D1 1μ 5k 30k 6 MIC2IN MIC2 VCC MICSW 31 MIC SW 4.7μ 1μ 2.2μ 8 MIC2NFIN 9 MIC2OUT 1μ 1μ 10 MIC2VOLIN 30k 11 MICOUT 24k 24k 12 LPF1IN M65845AFP 7 ALC2 0.047μ 51k CLOCK 32 CONT 5 MIC1VOLIN MICECHO 30 OUT 13 LPF1OUT Lout 2.2μ RLINEOUT 28 Rout 1μ LLINEIN 27 Lin 1μ RLINEIN 26 ECHO VOLIN 25 1000p 24k 2.2μ LLINEOUT 29 Rin 30k 1μ 1μ LPF2OUT 24 1000p 14 ADINTIN LPF2IN 23 24k 0.068μ 15 ADINTOUT 24k 0.047μ DAINTOUT 22 16 ADCONT DAINTIN 21 17 REF DACONT 20 18 GND VCC 19 24k 0.068μ 0.1μ 47μ 0.1μ 0.1μ VCC 100μ Feed Back 0.15μ 50k Units R: Ω C: F REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 12 of 13 M65845AFP Package Dimensions JEITA Package Code P-SSOP36-8.4x15-0.80 RENESAS Code PRSP0036GA-A Previous Code 36P2R-A MASS[Typ.] 0.5g E 19 *1 HE 36 F NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. 1 18 Index mark c *2 D A1 A A2 *3 y bp L e Detail F REJ03F0170-0201 Rev.2.01 Jan 25, 2008 Page 13 of 13 Reference Symbol D E A2 A A1 bp c HE e y L Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max 14.8 15.0 15.2 8.2 8.4 8.6 2.0 2.4 0.05 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.13 0.15 0.2 0° 10° 11.63 11.93 12.23 0.65 0.8 0.95 0.15 0.3 0.5 0.7 Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Notes: 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this document. 2. 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