MMBT5401 HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTOR PNP Silicon FEATURES • In compliance with EU RoHS 2002/95/EC directives MECHANICAL DATA • Case : SOT-23 plastic case. • Terminals : Solderable per MIL-STD-750,Method 2026 • Standard packaging : 8mm tape • Weight : approximately 0.008gram • Marking : M5A MAXIMUM RATINGS RATING SYMBOL VALUE UNITS Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -150 V dc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -160 V dc Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5.0 V dc IC -500 mAdc Collector Current-Continuous Maximum ratings are those values beyound which device damage can occur. Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously.If these limits are exceeded, device functional operational is not implied, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. PNP Fig.35 REV.0.0-OCT.20.2008 PAGE . 1 MMBT5401 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC Total Device Dissipation FR-4 Board (Note 1) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC SYMBOL MAX UNITS 225 mW 1.8 mW/oC PD Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient RΘJA Total Device Dissipation Alumina Substrate (Note 2) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC o 556 C/W 300 mW 2.4 mW/oC PD Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient Junction and Storage Temperature o RΘJA 417 TJ,TSTG -55 to +150 C/W o C 1.FR-4 = 70 X 60 X 1mm 2.Alumina = 0.4 X 0.3 X 0.024 in 99.5% alumina ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25OC unless otherwise noted) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (I C=-1.0mAdc,I B=0) V(BR)CEO -150 - V dc Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (I C=-100µAdc,I E=0) V(BR)CBO -160 - V dc Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (I E=-10µAdc,I C=0) V(BR)EBO -5.0 - V dc Collector Cutoff Current (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0) (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0, TA=100oC) I CES - -50 -50 nAdc µAdc 50 60 50 240 - - -0.2 -0.5 VBE(SAT) - -1.0 -1.0 V dc fT 100 300 MHz COBO - 6.0 pF Small Signal Current Gain (I C=-1.0mAdc, VCE=-10Vdc, f=1.0kHz) hFE 40 200 - Noise Figure (I C=-200µAdc, VCE=-5.0Vdc, Rs=10Ω, f=1.0kHz) NF - 8.0 dB OFF CHARACTERISTICS ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain (I C=-1.0mAdc, VCE=-5.0Vdc) (I C=-10mAdc, VCE=-5.0Vdc) (I C=-50mAdc, VCE=-5.0Vdc) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (I C=-10mAdc, I B=-1.0mAdc) (I C=-50mAdc, I B=-5.0mAdc) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (I C=-10mAdc, I B=-1.0mAdc) (I C=-50mAdc, I B=-5.0mAdc) hFE VCE(SAT) - V dc SMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS Current-Gain-Bandwidth Product (I C=-10mAdc, VCE=-10Vdc, f=100MHz) Output Capacitance (VCB=-10Vdc, I E=0, f=1.0MHz) REV.0.0-OCT.20.2008 PAGE . 2 MMBT5401 REV.0.0-OCT.20.2008 PAGE . 3 MMBT5401 REV.0.0-OCT.20.2008 PAGE . 4 MMBT5401 MOUNTING PAD LAYOUT ORDER INFORMATION • Packing information T/R - 12K per 13" plastic Reel T/R - 3K per 7” plastic Reel LEGAL STATEMENT Copyright PanJit International, Inc 2008 The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. Pan Jit makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. Pan Jit products are not authorized for use in life support devices or systems. Pan Jit does not convey any license under its patent rights or rights of others. REV.0.0-OCT.20.2008 PAGE . 5