Honeywell THE R8184M PROTECTORELAY OIL BURNER CONTROLOPERATES THE OIL BURNER AND OIL VALVE (IF DESIRED) IN RESPONSE TO A CALL FOR HEAT FROM A LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL CIRCUIT. 0 Provides intermittent ignition. 0 Used with a C564A Cadmium Sulfide Cell and 24 Vat thermostat. Cl Integral 24 Vat transformer powers bw voltage control circuit. q Solid state flame sensing circuit. Cl Enclosed safety switch with external red reset button. Safety switch must be manually reset after safety shutdown. 0 45 second safety switch timing. 0 Exposed terminal strip with screw terminals for low voltage connections. Y and G terminals are tie points for cooling circuit connections. 0 Color-coded leadwires for line voltage connections. 0 Mounts in any position on a standard 4 x 4 inch junction box or directly on burner housing. D.T. 11-90 Form Number 68-0111 @Honeywell Inc. 1990 IMPORTANT THE SPEClFlCATlONS GIVEN IN THIS PUBLICATION DO NOT INCLUDE NORMAL MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES. THEREFORE, UNITS MAY NOT MATCH THE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS EXACTLY. ALSO, PRODUCTS ARE TESTED AND CALIBRATED UNDER CLOSELY CONTROLLED CONDITIONS, AND SOME MINOR DIFFERENCES IN PERFORMANCE CAN BE EXPECTED IF THOSE CONDITIONS ARE CHANGED. TRADELINE MODELS TRADELINE FEATURES: MANUAL TRIP SAFETY SWITCH LEVER: Tradeline models include a lever to manually trip the safety switch. LOCKOUT INDICATOR LIGHT: Tradeline models include a light emitting diode (LED) on the terminal strip that lights to indicate when the oil primary control has locked out on safety. TRADELINE models are selected and packaged for ease of handling, ease of stocking, and maximum replacement value. TRADELINE model specifications are the same as those of standard models, except as noted. TRADELINE MODELS: R8184M Protectorelay Oil Primary Control STANDARD MODELS MODELS: R8184M Protectorelay SAFETY SWITCH TIMING: 45 seconds. IGNITION SEQUENCE: All models provide intermittent ignition. Ignition is on whenever the burner is on. THERMOSTAT HEAT ANTICIPATOR SETTING: Models available for 0.2A thermostat heat anticipator setting. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE: -40” F to 130” F [-40” c to 54” C]. MOUNTING: Mounts on a standard 4 x 4 inch junction box. DIMENSIONS: Refer to Figs. 1 and 2. FLAME DETECTOR (order separately): C554A Cadmium Sulfide Cell. APPROVALS: UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INCORPORATED COMPONENT RECOGNIZED: File Number MP268, Guide Number MCCZ2. Oil Primary Control ELECTRICAL RATINGS: Transformer: 40 VA Primary Voltage: 12OV, 60 Hz. Secondary Voltage: 26.5V, 60 Hz. Load Relay Contacts: Full Load: 7.4A. Locked Rotor: 44.4A. Ignition Rating: 360 VA (in addition to the load relay rating) Power Consumption: Start: 9.OA Running: 6.5A :. .:.......::. i~:~:::-:aw’BERi’~~:~iNF~~~~~~~~~~:I_rI~~~~~~~ . ....: FOR ORDERING INFORMATION WHEN PURCHASING REPLACEMENT AND MODERNIZATION PRODUCTS FROM YOUR TRADELINE WHOLESALER OR YOUR DISTRIBUTOR, REFER TO THE TRADELINE CATALOG OR PRICE SHEETS FOR COMPLETE ORDERING NUMBER, OR SPECIFY: 1. Order number. Tradellne 2. Heat anticipator setting. If desired. IF YOU HAVE ADDlTlONAL QUESTIONS, NEED FURTHER INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE: 1. YOUR LOCAL HONEYWELL RESIDENTIAL WHITE PAGES OF PHONE DIRECTORY). AND BUILDING 2. RESlDENTlAL AND BUILDING CONTROLS CUSTOMER HONEYWELL INC., 1885 DOUGLAS DRIVE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55422 (612) 542-7500 IN CANADA: HONEYWELL CONTROLS 740 ELLESMERE ROAD SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO MlP 2V9 INTERNATlONAL SALES AND SERVICE OR WANTTO CONTROLS COMMENT SALES OFFICE SATlSFACTlON LIMITED OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL 2 ClTlES OF THE WORLD. ON OUR (CHECK W.mTOREsET 1 4iE 11031 FIG. l-R8184M MOUNTING DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AND [MILLIMETERS]. POWER LEAD FIG. 2-R8184M MOUNTING PLATE IN INCHES AND [MILLIMETERS]. 3 68-0111 ‘.’ :. ..‘.’ ‘. ..‘..:; rNsTALt*T,ON::‘ WHEN INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT... 1. Ensure ordinances. all wiring complies with local codes and 2. Make line voltage connections as shown in Fig. 3. Splice leads with solderless connectors. Do not exceed load ratings shown on device label or in the Specifications, page 2. Leave enough slack in the wires to permit easy access into the junction box. 2. Check the ratings given in these instructions and on the product to ensure the product is suitable for your application. 4. After completing installation, to check product operation. : MAKE WlRlNG CONNECTlONS AND MOUNT R8184M 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition. 3. Ensure the installer is a trained, experienced technician. ‘,..‘:‘.‘~,~..‘.“;..’ l l service l use these instructions 3. Mount the R8184M Fig. 4. to the junction box. Refer to l 4. Connect the C554A Cadmium Sulfide Cell (ordered seoaratelv) leadwires to the F-F terminals on the terminal strip, -’ l 5. Connect all remaining lowvoftage as shown in Fig. 3. l NOTE: Y and G terminals are provided to simplify cpnnections of cooling equipment; they are not connected to the internal circuitry of the R8184M. CHOOSE LOCATlON Mount the R8184M on a 4 x 4 inch junction box, directlyontheburnerhousing,orinsidetheappliance cabinet. In replacement applications, mount the R8184M in the same location as the old control. 9 Make all line voltage connections in a wiring enclosure such as a junction box or the appliance wiring compartment. Ensure operating temperatures at the selected location are between -40°F and 130°F [-4O”C and 54%]. wiring connections THERMOSTAT WIMI R8104M PROTECTORELAY CONTROL I Ir -CAPACITOR BLACK I L I A USED FOR 4 AMP THERMOSTAT FIG. 3--WIRING ONLY. DIAGRAM OF R8184M WlTH LOCKOUT INDICATOR LIGHT. 4 Ll (HOT) THERMOSTAT JUNCTION Ll (HOT) &, FIG. 4-WIRING USED FOR 4 AMP THERMOSTAT ONLY. DIAGRAM OF R8184M WITHOUT 4 X4 JUNCTION MOUNTING LOCKOUT INDICATOR LIGHT. BOX SCREW HOLE i LOW VOLTAGE FIG. 5-MOUNT TER THE R8184M AFTER MAKING LINE VOLTAGE 5 CONNECTIONS. 68-0111 EXTERNAL Connect Thermostat R8184M ACTION ACTION line voltage Transformer power if limit switch is closed. Safety switch heater is de-energized. Burner operation continues under control of the thermostat and limit. Relay 1 K is de-energized and contacts 1 Kl and 1 K2 break, stopping the burner and ignition. Cad cell senses flame Call for heat is satisfied Safety switch is heated. If flame is not established within 45 seconds, the safety switch breaks, de-energizing the 1K relay and lighting the indicator light (if provided). Contacts 1Kl and lK2 break, stopping the burner motor, oil valve, and ignition. Manual reset of safety switch is required. Safety switch heater starts. tf flame is not reestablished within 45 seconds, the safety switch opens, de-energizing the 1K relay. The indicator light (if provided) lights. Contacts 1Kl and lK2 break, stopping the burner motor, oil valve, and ignition. Manual reset of safety switch is required. Burner fails to ignite on a call for heat Flame fails during burner-n primary is energized Relay 1K pulls in, closing contacts 1 Kl and 1 K2. Burner motor, oil valve, and ignition are energized and safety switch heater begins heating. calls for heat cycle Burner shuts down safely and automatically operation when cower is restored. Power fails during a call for heat returns to normal The heating system shuts down when the R8184M locks out on safety. Freezeout (i.e., cbld house, frozen pipes) can occur if weather conditions are severe. Models are available with indicator light for lockout indication. : ‘.cHECKo”T. iTART SYSTEM ........:: . :::: ,.,...... .......... ...‘. CHECK SAFETY FEATURES Simulate flame failure: 1. Follow the starting procedure to turn on the burner. 2. Close the hand valve in the oil supply line. 3.Safety switch should lock out in approximately 45 seconds. The indicator light, if provided, should light. Ignition and motor should stop and oil valve should close. 4. Restart system. .. ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..’: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, JURY, OR DEATH ::.,.: :,,j : SEVERE IN- Simulate ignttlon fallure: 1. Follow the starting procedure to turn on the burner, but do not open the oil supply hand valve. 2. The safety switch should lock out in approximately45 seconds. Indicator light, if provided, should light. Ignition and motor should stop and oil valve should close. 3. Restart system. Ensure the combustion chamber is free of oil or oil vapor before starting the system. 1. Open the hand valve in the oil supply line. 2.Ensure the system is powered. Check the circuit breaker or fuse and close the system switch, if provided. 3. Push in and release the red reset button. Simulate power failure: 1. Turn on the main burner following the starting procedure. 2. Disconnect power supply. Main burner should shut off. 3. Reconnect power supply. Main burner should turn on. lf system does not operate as described, proceed to Troubleshooting. NOTE: If the safety switch has just locked out, the safety switch may need a minute to cool down before it can be relit. 4. Set thermostat to call for heat. 5.Oil burner should light and operate heat ends. until the call for 6 CHECK CAD CELL AND R8184M .\...... ........:::::.::,.;::........ . . ,.,.. ..,........................................../. ...:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.::...:.... ., ..::..:::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:: control if ooeration .:. ,.:.: ..... . .:.:*:.... ‘!~~~~W~~~~~ is not as described. :.j:..: ............:::.. ...., .:.:.:.: . .,..:..,:: To completely troubleshoot an oil burner installation, check the burner, ignition transformer, oil primary control, and cad cell for proper operation and condition. ::‘,:‘::.‘., ,,““““’“” :: ‘: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY, OR DEATH Troubleshootingisdonewiththeequipmentpowered. Observe all necessary precautions to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage. Usethefollowing equipmenttotroubleshoottheR8184M and cad cell. l Screwdriver l 0 to 150 Vat voltmeter l Insulated jumper wire with both ends stripped l Ohmmeter l 2700 Ohm resistor (optional) Burner Motor Does Not Start When Thermostat Calls For Heat PRELIMINARY CHECKS 1. Make sure limit switch is closed and that contacts are clean. 2. Check for line voltage power at the oil primary. With thermostat calling for heat, voltage between black and white leadwires on oil primary should be 120 Vat. CORRECTIVE BURNER STARTS Trouble is in thermostat circuit. Check thermostat wiring connections. AC ION BURNER DOESN’T START and Trouble is in cad cell or oil primary. Go to step 2. Cad cell is seeing external light, is defective, or cad cell connections are shorted. Go to step 3. Disconnect power; check all wiring connections. Tighten any loose connections, if necessary, and retest. If burner motor and ignition still don’t start, replace oil primary. lf ignition is on and burner motor is off, check burner motor and wiring connections to motor. Replace burner motor, if necessary. Eliminate external light source or permanently shield cad cell. Replace cad cell with Part No. 130367. Burner Motor Starts But Flame Is Not Established Check burner and ignition transformer per manufacturer’s recommendations. 7 This is not an oil primary or cad cell problem. 68-0111 Burner Starts, Flame Is Established; Then Burner Locks Out On Safety T CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURE BURNER LOCKS OUT BURNER KEEPS RUNNING 1. a. Reset safety switch by pushing red reset button. b. Disconnect cad cell leadwires at oil primary. c. Jumper thermostat terminals to start burner: l Jumper low volt thermostats at oil primary. l Jumper line volt thermostats at thermostat. d. After flame is established, but before safety switch locks out, short cad cell by jumpering F-F terminals. Oil primary control is defective-replace. If there is any doubt that F-F terminals were jumpered within safety switch timing, wait 5 minutes, then repeat procedure (steps 1a-l d). Check cad cell with ohmmeter, see Cad Cell Troubleshooting table on page 9. If ohmmeter is not available, go to step 2. 2. a. Disconnect line voltage power and reconnect cad cell F-F terminals. b. Unplug cad cell and clean face with soft cloth. Check sighting for clear view of flame. Replace cell in socket. C. Reconnect line voltage power. Reset safety switch by pushing red reset button, and jumper thermostat terminals to start burner: l Jumper low volt thermostats at oil primary. l Jumper line volt thermostats at thermostat. 3. Reset safety switch and restart burner. Replace cad cell with Part No. 130367, go to step 3. Cad cell is okay. Check cad cell view of flame, flame shape, and oil nozzle. If flame is normal and cad cell has good view of flame, check for open circuits in socket assembly wiring. Replace assembly, if necessary.a Cad cell and socket assembly are okay. “If cad cell is okay and oil primary appears okay but system continues to lockout on safety, repeat steps 1a-l d using a2700 ohm resistor to jumper F-F terminals. Burner will lock out if oil primary is defective; replace oil primary, if necessary. CAD CELL TROUBLESHOOTING Checkcad cell by reading resistance with ohmmeter action to be taken for resistance that is read. OHMMETER READING while flame is present. See the table belowforcause CAUSE I ACTION Short circuit. I Check for oinched cad cell leadwires.’ Recheck oil primary using a 2700 ohm resistor to jumper F-F terminals; repeat steps 1a-ld under “Burner Starts. Flame is Established” on page 8. Cad cell and application operating correctly. are I Over 1600 ohms, but not infinite. Infinite resistance. and corrective Dirty cad cell. Improper cad cell sighting. Clean cad cell face and recheck. Check flame sighting. Improper air adjustment. Adjust air band to get good reading. Defective Replace cad cell with Part No. 130367 and recheck. cad cell. Open circuit Check for improper wiring, loose cad cell in holder, or defective cad cell. Replace defective cad cell with Part No. 130367. TRIP SAFETY SWITCH BEFORE OPERATING BURNER MAINTENANCE (Tradeline model only) PUSH LEVER TRIP SAFElY DOWN TO SWITCH TrIppIng the safety switch shutsdown the burner but does not disconnect the power supply. Turn off power at system switch or circuit breaker before servicing the control system, burner motor, oil valve or ignition to avoid electrical shock. To trip the safety switch, move the safety switch lever down until the red reset button pops out and the indicator light comes on. See Fig. 5. Burner will not operate until safety switch is reset by pushing in the red reset button. WHEN SAFETY SWITCH TRIPS - RESET BUTTON FOPS OUT . INDICATOR LIGHT COMES ON FIG. 5-TRIPPING THE SAFETY SWITCH. e 9 68-0111