Dnc. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 USA BF926 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR P-N-P transistor in a TO-92 envelope intended for use as preamplifier, mixer and oscillator in v.h.f, and u.h.f. tuners. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Collector-base voltage (open emitter) max. max. max. max. max. 30 20 25 250 150 fr typ. 350 MHz F < 6 dB Gtr > 14 dB -VCBO -VCEO Collector-emitter voltage (open base) Collector current (d.c.) -ic Total power dissipation up to Tamb = 45 °C ptot TJ Junction temperature Transition frequency at f = 100 MHz lE = 1 mA;-VcB = 10V Noise figure at f - 200 MHz IE *> 1 mA; -VCB -10V Transducer gain (common base) IE - 3mA; -VCB = 10V MECHANICAL DATA Fig. 1 TO-92. V V mA mW °C Dimensions In mm Pinning 1=base 2 = emitter 3 = collector t 0.49 f max i—q _fc_ diimetef within 2,6 max N.I .Semi-t (inductors reserves the right tn change lest conditions, parameter limit* ;md package Jimensiorw \vitho4il notice Infbrmiition furnished by NJ Scmi-Conducton ii believed to he both accurate and reliable .it the lime of going to press. However SI Scini-t iiiidutlurs .ISMIIIKS ihi respmuibilily for ;my errors i'r umiisHnis Jiscuvcred in its use M Semi-CuiKhkhirs uncourn^ea n-;f( nirrs ti> iLf il\h it •l:it!i-;hr(-!i ir^ , nrrent hethrc olncirli? RATINGS Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Collector-base voltage (open emitter) — VCBO Collector-emitter voltage (open base) Emitter-base voltage (open collector) Collector current (d.c.) —VCEO —VEBO -\Q Total power dissipation up to Tamb = 45 °C Storage temperature Pfot Junction temperature 'stg TJ max. 30 V max. 20 V max. 4 V max. 25 mA max. 250 mW -65 to+ 150 °c max. 150 °C THERMAL RESISTANCE From Junction to ambient in free air 420 K/W Rth j-a CHARACTERISTICS Collector cut-off current lE=0;-VcB-20V Base current IE = 1 mA;-VcB=10V Collector-base breakdown voltage open emitter; — \Q = 10 p A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage open base; — Ic = 2 mA Emitter-base breakdown voltage open collector; — Ig = 10 /<A -ICBO < 50 nA -IB < 33 pA. -V(BR)CBO > 30 V -V(BR)CEO > 20 V -V(BR)EBO > 4V Transition frequency at f " 100 MHz IE = 1 mA;~V C B -10V typ. 350 MHz typ. 500 MHz 400 to 700 MHz Feedback capacitance at f = 1 MHz Cre Noise figure at f = 200 MHz lE=1mA;-VCB=10V F Transducer gain (common base) at f » 200 MHz IE •=• 3 mA; -VCB - 10 V; Rs = 60 ft; RL = 920 « Gtr typ. 0,5 pF typ. 5 dB 6 dB typ. 14 dB 17,5 dB