, JJnc. J 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 2N5196/5197/5198/5199 Monolithic N-Channel JFET Duals PRODUCT SUMMARY Part Number VGS(off) (V) 2N5196 -07 to -4 -50 2N5197 -0.7 to -4 -50 2N5198 -0.7(0-4 -50 2N5199 -0.7(0-4 -50 FEATURES • Monolithic Design • High Slew Rate • Low Offset/Drift Voltage • Low Gate Leakage: 5 pA • Low Noise • HighCMRR: 100 dB V(BR)GSS Win (V) gfs Min (mS) 1 1 1 1 IG Max(pA) |VGsi - VGS2 Max (mV) -15 5 -15 5 -15 10 -15 15 BENEFITS Tight Differential Match vs. Current Improved Op Amp Speed, Settling Time Accuracy Minimum Input Error/Trimming Requirement Insignificant Signal Loss/Error Voltage High System Sensitivity Minimum Error with Large Input Signal APPLICATIONS • Wideband Differential Amps • High-Speed, Temp-Compensated, Single-Ended Input Amps • High Speed Comparators • Impedance Converters TO-71 DESCRIPTION G2 The 2N5196/5197/5198/5199 JFET duals are designed for high-performance differential amplification for a wide range of precision test instrumentation applications. This series features tightly matched specs, low gate leakage for accuracy, and wide dynamic range with Ig guaranteed at VQQ = 20 V Top View ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Gate-Drain, Gate-Source Voltage -50 V Gate Current Lead Temperature (1/15 from case for 10 sec.) 50mA Storage Temperature Operating Junction Temperature 300 C . -65 to 200' C -55 to 150 C Power Dissipation . Per Side3 Total" 250 mW 500 mW Notes a Derate 2 mW/ C above 85' C b Derate 4 mW/ C above 85 C NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameters limits and package dimensions without notice information, furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility tor any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors SPECIFICATIONS FOR 2N5196 AND 2N5197 (TA = 25 C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Limits 2N5196 Parameter 2N5197 Typa Min Max Min Max Symbol Test Conditions V(BR)GSS |G = -1 (iA, VDS = o v -57 -50 VQS(off) VDS = 20 V, ID = 1 nA ~2 -0.7 -4 -0.7 VDS = 20 v, VGS = o v VGS = -30 v, VDS = o v 3 0.7 7 0,7 Unit Static Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage Saturation Drain Current" Gate Reverse Current loss IGSS T A =150'C VDG = 20 v, |D = 200 (iA Gate Operating Current Gate-Source Voltage IG VGS T A =125'C VDG = 20 v, |D = 200 |iA -50 -4 7 nnA -10 -25 -25 PA -20 -50 -50 nA -5 -15 -15 PA -0.8 -15 -15 nA -1.5 -0.2 ^3,8 -0,2 -3.8 V 2.5 1 4 1 4 mS 50 »S 1.6 mS iiS Dynamic Common-Source Forward Transconductance 9fs Common-Source Output Conductance 9os Common-Source Forward Transconductance 9fs Common-Source Output Conductance 9os Common-Source Input Capacitance ciss VDS = 20 v, VGS = o v f = 1 kHz VDS = 20 v, ID = 200 |iA f = 1 kHz VDS = 20 v, VGS = o v 50 2 0.8 0.7 1.6 07 1 4 4 3 6 6 1 2 2 9 20 20 nV/ \Hz PF Common-Source Reverse Transfer Capacitance p urss f = 1 MHz Equivalent Input Noise Voltage 6n VDS = 2° V VGS = o v, f = 1 kHz Noise Figure NF f = 100Hz, R G = 1 0 M Q vDS = 20 v, VGS = o v 0.5 0,5 dB VDG = 20 V, ID = 200 ^A 5 5 mV VDG = 20 V, ID = 200 |iA TA = -55to125"C 5 10 HV/'C Matching Differential Gate-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Differential Change with Temperature Saturation Drain Current Ratio lVGS1-VGS2l AIVGS1-VGS2I AT 'ossi VDS " 20 V VGS ~ 0 V 0,98 095 1 095 1 0.99 0.97 1 0.97 1 'OSS2 Transconductance Ratio 9fs1 9fs2 Differential Output Conductance Differential Gate Current Common Mode Rejection Ratio0 VDS = 20 V, |D = 200 iiA f - 1 kHz 01 1 1 iiS VDG = 20V l D = 2 0 0 | i A ; T A = 1 2 5 ' C 0.1 5 5 nA VDG = 1°to 20 v. ID = 200 |iA 100 I9os1-9os2l I'd-y CMRR dB