QUAD ELECTRON DETECTOR 15 mm2 AXUVPS7 Dimensions are in inch [metric] units. FEATURES • Ideal for electron detection • Circular active area • 100% internal QE ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT 25°C (PER ELEMENT) PARAMETERS TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX mm2 15 Active Area UNITS (see graphs on the next page) 0.07 VR = ±10mV 10 MOhms Reverse Breakdown Voltage, VR IR = 1µA 5 Volts Capacitance, C VR = 0V Responsivity, R Shunt Resistance, RsH 0.08 1.5 VR = 2V, RL = 50Ω Rise Time 0.09 A/W nF 2 usec THERMAL PARAMETERS STORAGE AND OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE Ambient1 -10° TO 40°C1 Nitrogen or Vacuum -20°C TO 80°C 70°C Maximum Junction Temperature Lead soldering temperature 2 260°C 1 Temperatures exceeding these parameters may create oxide growth on the active area. Over time responsivity to low energy radiation and wavelengths below 150nm will be compromised. 2 0.080" from case for 10 seconds. Shipped with temporary cover to protect photodiode and wire bond. Review Opto Diode “Handling Precautions for IRD Detectors” prior to removing cover. 1260 Calle Suerte, Camarillo, California 93012 Phone: (805) 499-0335, Fax: (805) 499-8108 Email: sales@optodiode.com, Website: www.optodiode.com Revision February 26, 2013 ELECTRON DETECTION 15 mm2 RESPONSIVITY (A/W) 0.30 AXUVPS7 ELECTRON RESPONSE 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 100 1000 10,000 100,000 ENERGY (ev) RESPONSIVITY (A/W) 0.30 EUV-UV PHOTON RESPONSE 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 RESPONSIVITY (A/W) 0.5 50 100 150 WAVELENGTH (nm) 200 250 UV-VIS-NIR PHOTON RESPONSIVITY 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 WAVELENGTH (nm) 1260 Calle Suerte, Camarillo, California 93012 Phone: (805) 499-0335, Fax: (805) 499-8108 Email: sales@optodiode.com, Website: www.optodiode.com Revision February 26, 2013