MPFC-U-390-HP Power Factor Correction Half-brick Military Power Factor Correction Module 85-264Vrms 47 - 63Hz / 360 - 800Hz 390Vdc 700W ≥0.99 Up to 95% Input Voltage Input Frequency Output Voltage Output Power Power Factor Full Load Efficiency The MPFCQor Military Power Factor Correction module is an essential building block of an AC-DC power supply. Used in conjunction with a hold-up capacitor, SynQor’s MCOTS DC-DC converters and SynQor’s MCOTS AC line filter, the MPFCQor will draw a nearly perfect sinusoidal current (PF>0.99) from a single phase AC input. A version capable of being paralleled for higher power levels is available. The module is supplied completely encased to provide protection from the harsh environments seen in many industrial and transportation environments. RRECTION 90-HP-N-M MPFC-U-3 POWER FACTOR CO Y W R 0 70 MILITA s 390 Vdc 85-264Vrm360 - 800Hz / 47 - 63Hz Designed and manufactured in the USA Operational Features • • • • • • • • • Input voltage range: 85-264Vrms Universal input frequency range: 47 - 63Hz / 360 - 800Hz 700W output power ≥0.99 Power Factor High efficiency: >95% (230Vrms) Internal inrush current limit Auxiliary 10V bias supply Can be paralleled with current sharing Compatible with SynQor’s MCOTS DC-DC converters and SynQor’s MCOTS AC line filters Mechanical Features • • • • Industry standard half-brick pin-out Size: 2.386” x 2.486” x 0.512” (60.6 x 63.1 x 13.0 mm) Total weight: 4.9 oz (139 g) Flanged baseplate version available Safety Features • • • • • Input/Output to baseplate isolation 2150Vdc UL 60950-1/R:2011-12 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1/A1:2011 EN60950-1/A2:2013 CE Marked Product MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Control Features • • • • • PFC Enable Load Enable (also: Power Out Good signal) AC Power Good Signal Clock synchronization Output current monitor / Active current sharing Protection Features • • • • Input current limit and auto-recovery short circuit protection Auto-recovery input under/over-voltage protection Auto-recovery output over-voltage protection Auto-recovery thermal shutdown Compliance Features Designed to meet these standards when used with SynQor MACF Filters & MCOTS DC-DC Converters. • MIL-STD-461(A-F) • MIL-STD-1399 • MIL-STD-704-2, -704-4, & -704-6* (see 704 app section) Contents Page No. Typical Application............................................................................2 Standards & Qualification Testing.......................................................7 Application Section............................................................................8 Encased Mechanical........................................................................16 Encased Mechanical with Flange......................................................17 Ordering Information......................................................................18 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 1 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Typical Application of the MPFC Module F2 F1 L1IN CLK Sync SynQor MCOTS AC Line Filter MOV1 L1 L1OUT TVS1 +Vout SynQor MPFC Module IMON GND AC Good L2/NOUT L2/NIN +Vout ON/ OFF +Sense SynQor MCOTS DC-DC Converter Trim CHold-Up Load ENA PFC ENA +VIN AUX L2/N -Sense -Vout CY1 ENABLE F1: MOV1, TVS1: F3 10A / 250V Fuse Must prevent peak voltage from exceeding 575V during all transients. 100 - 1,000 µF (Dependent on Power Level and Line Frequency) CY1-Y4: See “EMI Considerations” in application notes ● ● ● ON/ OFF CY2 +Vout +VIN F2, F3 : CHold-Up: -Vout -VIN +Sense SynQor MCOTS DC-DC Trim Converter -Sense Example Parts: 250VAC, 10A; Littelfuse 0216010.MXEP F1: MOV1: 300VAC, 60J; EPCOS S10K300E2 TVS1: 400V, 3J; Two VISH CHold-Up: -VIN -Vout CY3 AY 1.5KE200CA devices connected in series CY4 One 450V, 330uF; EPCOS B43508B5337M (-40C) Two 250V, 560uF ; Cornell Dubilier MLS561M250EB0C in series (-55C) CY1, CY3: CY2, CY4: 3.3nF, 500VAC; Vishay VY1332M59Y5UQ6TV0 10nF, 300VAC; Vishay VY2103M63Y5US63V7 Isolated AC Good Figure A: Typical Application of the MPFCQor module to create a multiple-ouput AC-DC Power Supply Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 2 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Technical Specification MPFC-U-390-HP Electrical Characteristics Operating conditions of 115Vrms, 60Hz input, 700W output, 370uF bulk capacitance, and baseplate temperature = 25°C unless otherwise noted; full operating baseplate temperature range is -55 °C to +100 °C with appropriate power derating. Specifications subject to change without notice. Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes & Conditions ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage (L1 to L2/N) 575 Isolation Voltage (Input / Output to Baseplate) 2150 Vdc Operating Temperature -55 100 °C Baseplate temperature Storage Temperature -65 125 °C Voltage at AC GOOD and LOAD ENA pins -0.3 16 V Relative to Vout- pin Current drawn from AUX pin 0 10 mADC Voltage at PFC enable pin -2 575 V Relative to Vout- pin Voltage at CLK SYNC In -2 5.5 V Relative to Vout- pin INPUT CHARACTERISTICS (L1 to L2/N) Operating Input Voltage Range AC Input Continuous 85 264 Vrms AC Input 100ms Transient 40 290 Vrms Available output power reduced when <85 Vrms Input Under-Voltage Lockout 30 Vrms >1s Duration Operating Input Frequency 47 63 Hz 50/60Hz range 360 800 Hz 400Hz range Power Factor of AC Input Current 0.99 50/60Hz 0.97 400Hz, min 400W output Total Harmonic Distortion of AC Input Current 3 % Inrush of AC Input Current When used with Synqor MACF AC line filter 50/60Hz 10 Apk Apk 400Hz 20 Enabled AC Input Current (no load) 50 80 mArms Disabled AC Input Current 30 50 mArms Maximum Input Power 775 W Arms Maximum Input Current 9.5 85 VAC in OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Set Point 385 390 395 Vdc Output Voltage Regulation Over Line ±0.3 % Vin <240 Vrms, see Figure 10 Over Load ±2 % Over Temperature ±1.5 % Total Output Voltage Range 380 390 395 V Output Voltage Ripple and Noise 60Hz, see Note 1 Peak-to-Peak 10 V With 370uF hold-up capacitor V RMS 4 Operating Output Current Range 0 1.8 A Output Over-Voltage Shutdown Threshold 440 460 V Output (Hold-up) Capacitance 100 1,000 µF See Note 2 Efficiency 50% Load 94 % See Figure 1 for efficiency curve 100% Load 95 % See Figure 1 for efficiency curve Note 1: 300 µF electrolytic hold-up capacitor having a typical ESR of 0.5Ω. Ripple amplitude dependent on capacitance and ESR of hold-up capacitor. Note 2: The MPFCQor is able to operate with a minimum of 100uF of hold-up capacitance, but Synqor recommends at least 330uF if the power system will be required to conform to lightning surge standards. This is because the PFCQor relies on the hold-up capacitor to absorb the energy from a lightning surge. Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 3 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Technical Specification MPFC-U-390-HP Electrical Characteristics (continued) Operating conditions of 115Vrms, 60Hz input, 700W output, 370uF bulk capacitance, and baseplate temperature = 25°C unless otherwise noted; full operating baseplate temperature range is -55 °C to +100 °C with appropriate power derating. Specifications subject to change without notice. Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes & Conditions DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Turn-On Transient Start-up Inhibit Time 10 ms Turn-On Time 2 s Output Voltage Overshoot 0 2 % ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS (Input/output to baseplate) Isolation Voltage 2150 V Isolation Resistance 100 MΩ Isolation Capacitance 100 pF TEMPERATURE LIMITS FOR POWER DERATING CURVES Semiconductor Junction Temperature 125 °C Board Temperature 125 °C Transformer Temperature 125 °C Maximum Baseplate Temperature, Tb 100 °C FEATURE CHARACTERISTICS Output Precharge Output Current 100 mA Output Short-Circuit Withstand indefinite s Free Running Switching Frequency 200 kHz Each of 4 interleaved phases Clock Synchronization Input (CLK SYNC) Frequency Range 150 250 kHz Logic Level High 2 V Logic Level Low 0.8 V Duty Cycle 20 80 % IMON Output voltage (no load) 0 V Output voltage (700W load) 2 V PFC Enable (PFC ENA) V Off-State Voltage 2 V On-State Voltage 0.8 V Internal Pull-Up Voltage 5 V Internal Pull-Up Resistance 10 kΩ AC Good (AC GOOD) AC Input Voltage for AC Good 119 375 Vpk Pull-down resistance 20 Ω Open collector Load Enable Pull-down resistance 20 Ω Open collector Output Voltage for Load Enable (Good) State Rising / Startup 360 V Falling / Shutdown 200 V Over-Temperature Trip Point 130 °C At internal PCB Auxiliary Bias Supply Voltage Range (≤3 mA Load) 7 11 V Maximum Source Current 10 mA DC Equivalent Series Resistance 1 kΩ RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Calculated MTBF (MIL-217) MIL-HDBK-217F 2000 kHrs Ground Benign, Tb = 70°C Calculated MTBF (MIL-217) MIL-HDBK-217F 200 kHrs Ground Mobile, Tb = 70°C Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 4 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Technical Specification 100 60 95 50 Power Dissipation (W) Efficiency (%) 90 85 80 75 115 Vin 230 Vin 70 40 30 20 115 Vin 230 Vin 10 90 Vin 90 Vin 65 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 Output Power (W) 300 400 500 600 700 Output Power (W) Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load power for 90Vrms, 115Vrms and 230Vrms (60Hz) input voltage at Tb = 25°C. Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load power for 90Vrms, 115Vrms and 230Vrms (60Hz) input voltage at Tb = 25°C. Figure 3: Typical Input Voltage and Current waveforms at full rated power (115Vrms, 60Hz) Top: Vin (100V/div), Bottom: Iin (5A/div), Timebase: (5ms/div). Figure 4: Typical Input Voltage and Current waveforms at full rated power (115Vrms, 400Hz). Top: Vin (100V/div), Bottom: Iin (5A/div), Timebase: (1ms/ div). 700 115Vrms, 400Hz 700 115Vrms, 400Hz 600 230Vrms, 60Hz 600 400 300 200 500 115Vrms, 60Hz 400 300 200 100 100 0 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.9 0 1 Leading Power Factor Figure 5: Output power vs. leading power factor, MPFC module only Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 MPFC Output Power (W) 500 115Vrms, 60Hz MPFC Output Power (W) 230Vrms, 60Hz 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 Leading Power Factor Figure 6: Output power vs. leading power factor, MPFC module with SynQor MACF AC line filter Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 5 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Technical Specification Figure 7: Output voltage ripple with 370μF Hold-up capacitor at full rated power (115VAC, 60Hz) Vout (2V/div), Timebase: (5ms/div) Figure 8: Output voltage startup waveform with 390uF hold-up capacitor, no load (115VAC, 60Hz) Vout (100V/div), Timebase: (500ms/div) 435 800 430 700 425 420 Output Voltage (V) Power Output (W) 600 500 400 85 Vac 100 Vac 300 115 Vac 200 Max 415 Typical 410 Min 405 400 395 390 >180 Vac 385 100 380 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 375 85 Base Plate Temperature (ºC) Figure 9: Output power vs. baseplate temperature derating curve Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 110 135 160 185 210 235 260 285 Input Voltage (Vrms) Figure 10: DC output voltage range vs. input voltage Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 6 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Standards & Qualification Testing STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Input/Output to baseplate isolation 2150Vdc CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1/A1:2011 EN60950-1/A2:2013 CE Marked Basic Insulation to Baseplate Note: An external input fuse must always be used to meet these safety requirements. Contact SynQor for official safety certificates on new releases or download from the SynQor website. Parameter # Units Test Conditions QUALIFICATION TESTING Life Test Vibration Mechanical Shock Temperature Cycling Power/Thermal Cycling Design Marginality Humidity Solderability Altitude 32 5 5 10 5 5 5 15 pins 2 95% rated Vin and load, units at derating point, 1000 hours 10-55 Hz sweep, 0.060” total excursion, 1 min./sweep, 120 sweeps for 3 axis 100g minimum, 2 drops in x and y axis, 1 drop in z axis -40 °C to 100 °C, unit temp. ramp 15 °C/min., 500 cycles Toperating = min to max, Vin = min to max, full load, 100 cycles Tmin-10 °C to Tmax+10 °C, 5 °C steps, Vin = min to max, 0-105% load 85 °C, 85% RH, 1000 hours, continuous Vin applied except 5 min/day MIL-STD-883, method 2003 70,000 (21km), see Note Mil-COTS MIL-STD-810G Qualification Testing MIL-STD-810G Test Fungus Method 508.6 Description Table 508.6-I 500.5 - Procedure I Storage: 70,000ft. / 2 Hr. duration 500.5 - Procedure II Operating; 70,000ft. / 2 Hr. duration; Ambient Temperature Rapid Decompression 500.5 - Procedure III Storage: 8,000ft. to 40,000ft. Acceleration 513.6 - Procedure II Operating - 15g’s Salt Fog 509.5 Storage 501.5 - Procedure I Storage: 135°C / 3 hrs 501.5 - Procedure II Operating: 100°C / 3 hrs 502.5 - Procedure I Storage: -65C / 4 hrs 502.5 - Procedure II Operating: -55C / 3 hrs Temperature Shock 503.5 - Procedure I - C Storage: -65C to 135C; 12 cycles Rain 506.5 - Procedure I Wind Blown Rain Immersion 512.5 - Procedure I Non-Operating Humidity 507.5 - Procedure II Aggravated cycle @ 95% RH (Figure 507.5-7 aggravated temp - humidity cycle, 15 cycles) Random Vibration 514.6 - Procedure I 10-2000 Hz, PSD level of 1.5 g2/Hz(54.6grms), duration = 1 hr/axis 516.6 - Procedure I 20g’s peak, 11ms, Functional Shock (Operating no load) (saw tooth) 516.6 - Procedure VI 514.6 - Category 14 510.5 - Procedure I Bench Handling Shock Rotary wing aircraft - helicopter, 4hrs/axis, 20g’s (sine sweep from 10 - 500HZ) Blowing Dust 510.5 - Procedure II Blowing Sand Altitude High Temperature Low Temperature Shock Sinusoidal vibration Sand and Dust Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 7 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section Basic Operation & Features The MPFCQor power factor correction module is an essential building block of an overall high power AC-DC power supply. As shown in Fig. A, a typical power supply would be comprised of a SynQor MCOTS AC Line Filter, a SynQor MPFCQor module, an energy storage hold-up capacitor and one or more SynQor MCOTS DC-DC converters, depending on how many output voltages are required. Fuses are needed in various places to meet safety requirements. The primary purpose of the MPFCQor is to shape the input current that is drawn from a single-phase sinusoidal AC source into a nearly perfect sinusoidal waveform so that the AC-DC power supply will present a very high power factor load (PF > 0.99) to this source. In doing this wave-shaping, the MPFCQor ensures that the harmonic components of the AC current waveform are below the levels called for in MIL-STD-1399. The total harmonic distortion of the AC current waveform is less than 8%. The MPFCQor accomplishes its wave-shaping task by first rectifying the filtered AC source voltage, and then processing the input power through a non-isolated, high-efficiency, highfrequency “boost converter” that both gives the input AC current its sinusoidal shape and provides a regulated DC voltage across the hold-up capacitor. The hold-up capacitor handles the cyclic imbalance between the flow of energy drawn from the AC source and the flow of energy delivered to the DC-DC converters. This energy imbalance has a cyclic frequency twice that of the AC source voltage (e.g. 120Hz for a 60Hz input). This relatively low frequency makes the hold-up capacitor relatively large. Another purpose of the hold-up capacitor is to be a source of energy so that the DC-DC converters can continue to deliver load power during a temporary brownout or dropout of the AC source. A typical power supply will have sufficient hold-up capacitor to give a “hold-up time” in the 20ms range, but longer times can be achieved with yet more hold-up capacitance. Besides shaping the AC current waveform, the MPFCQor performs several other important functions. At start-up it controls the level of inrush current drawn from the AC source to charge the hold-up capacitor. It limits the DC current that can be drawn from its output and it will shut-down if a short circuit appears across the output. It will also shut-down if the AC input voltage is out of its range (either too high or too low) for too long, or if the temperature of the module is too high. In addition, the MPFCQor has several input and output control signals that include PFC_ENABLE, LOAD_ENABLE, (which doubles as a POWER_OUT_GOOD signal), AC_GOOD, CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION, and OUTPUT Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 CURRENT MONITOR. All of these signals are described in more detail below. There is also an auxiliary bias supply that can be used to power a low power control circuit at the output of the MPFCQor . StartUp Sequence When the AC source voltage is first applied, regardless of whether the MPFCQor is enabled or disabled through its PFC_ENABLE pin, the MPFCQor will pre-charge the output hold-up capacitor with a current limited to approximately 100mA. This pre-charging continues until the output voltage is within approximately 10V of the peak voltage of the AC source. If, at this time, the PFC_ENABLE input is logically high, and the MPFCQor is therefore disabled, the MPFCQor will remain in this pre-charged state indefinitely. NOTE: During both this pre-charging time and for whatever time afterwards that the MPFCQor remains disabled it is essential that all the load converters connected to the output of the MPFCQor be disabled so that the total load current seen by the MPFCQor is only a small fraction of the 100mA charging current. To help facilitate this requirement, the MPFCQor’s LOAD_ENABLE output can be used to disable the load converters. When the PFC_ENABLE input pin is pulled low, and after the pre-charging is completed if it is not already, the boost converter within the MPFCQor will start operating and the MPFCQor ’s output voltage will be increased to its nominal regulated value. After this regulated voltage level is achieved, the MPFCQor will provide a logical low signal on its LOAD_ENABLE output pin. This signal should be used to enable the load converters so that they can begin to draw power from the MPFCQor . If the PFC_ENABLE input is de-asserted (pulled high or allowed to float), the boost converter in the MPFCQor will shut down and the LOAD_ENABLE output pin will return to a logic high. This will then disable the load converters. NOTE: The voltage across the hold-up capacitor will remain in a charged state after the MPFCQor is disabled as long as the AC source voltage is present. Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 8 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section Brownout/Dropout Sequence If the AC source voltage falls below the MPFCQor’s specified continuous minimum input voltage, the AC_GOOD output will de-assert (it will become a logic high), although the MPFCQor will continue to operate as described below. This AC_Good output signal can be used as a warning signal to permit a graceful shutdown of the load after some period of time that depends on the size of the hold-up capacitor. If the AC source voltage is present but it is below its continuous minimum input voltage limit, the MPFCQor will still draw whatever power it can (within its current limits) from the AC source. This power may not be enough for the total load power, in which case the hold-up capacitor will provide the balance of the power. The voltage across the hold-up capacitor will therefore drop as it discharges. If the AC source voltage drops below its specified transient minimum input voltage limit, the MPFCQor’s boost converter will shut down and no longer deliver power to the output. Under this condition, all of the load power will be drawn from the holdup capacitor. If and when the voltage across the hold-up capacitor drops below its specified minimum limit, the LOAD_ENABLE output will be de-asserted to a logic high. Besides disabling the load converters, this condition will cause the MPFCQor to return to the beginning of the startup sequence described above. NOTE: Regardless of what happens to the MPFCQor’s output voltage under a brownout or dropout condition, if the AC source voltage drops below its rated under-voltage value for 1 second or more, the MPFCQor will shut down. If, however, the voltage across the hold-up capacitor does not drop below its specified minimum limit before the AC source voltage returns to within its continuous operating range (and it hasn’t been absent for more than 1 second), the MPFCQor will automatically re-establish its power flow. The hold-up capacitor will be recharged immediately to the peak of the AC source voltage (if it has fallen below this value) and to its nominal regulated voltage level within a few cycles of the AC source waveform. NOTE: During the first phase where the hold-up capacitor is recharged (if it this phase exists) there will be an inrush current drawn from the AC source that depends on the details of how quickly the AC source voltage returns to its normal operating condition. When the AC source voltage as been within the MPFCQor’s specified continuous operating range for at least one cycle of the source waveform, the AC_GOOD output will again be asserted low. Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Control Features Auxiliary Power Supply (AUX) (Pin 6): The circuit shown below is an effective model for the AUX bias power supply: The purpose of the AUX power supply is to provide a low level of power to control circuitry at the output of the MPFCQor, such as the circuits shown earlier in this section. The AUX power supply is present and regulated whenever the MPFCQor’s output voltage is greater than approximately 75V. The AUX bias power supply is unspecified when MPFCQor’s output voltage is less than about 75V (it may, for instance, come and go as the output voltage rises on its way to 75V). PFC_ENABLE (Pin 3): The MPFCQor uses the following circuit for this input logic signal: • If this input is floating or tied high the MPFCQor’s boost converter is disabled and the LOAD_ENABLE output signal is de-asserted high. • If this input is pulled low the MPFCQor’s boost is enabled after the pre-charger has charged the voltage across the hold-up capacitor to within approximately 10 volts of the peak of the AC source voltage. Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 9 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section LOAD_ENABLE (also: POWER OUT GOOD signal) (Pin 7): The MPFCQor uses the following circuit for this output logic signal: • When the LOAD_ENABLE pin is internally pulled LOW the load converters are permitted to draw power from the MPFCQor ’s output. • When the LOAD_ENABLE floats all load converters should disabled. • The LOAD_ENABLE can be tied directly to the ON/OFF control pins of SynQor’s DC-DC converters as shown in Figure A. • For loads that are not SynQor DC-DC converters and that do not otherwise have a way to be enabled/disabled, an external power MOSFET can be used to connect and disconnect these loads from the MPFCQor ’s output based on the status of the LOAD_ENABLE signal, as shown below. • For high-side or remotely switched loads, an optoisolator can be employed as shown below. AC_GOOD (Pin 8): The MPFCQor uses this circuit for this output logic signal: • The AC_GOOD signal is internally pulled low whenever the AC source voltage is within the MPFCQor ’s continuous operating range for at least one cycle of the source waveform, regardless of whether the MPFCQor is enabled or disabled. • When the peak of the AC source voltage is outside this continuous operating range (either too high or too low), the AC_GOOD pin will float. • The AC GOOD signal is typically used with a pullup resistor and an opto-coupler (as shown in Fig. A) to provide an isolated signal to the load that the AC source voltage is no longer within the specified continuous operating range. If this condition persists, the load power can only be delivered for the “hold-up time”, and it may therefore be desirable to have the load gracefully shut down. The AC GOOD signal provides a warning for this action to be taken. When the AC source voltage returns to the specified continuous operating range, the AC GOOD signal will re-assert after a 100 ms delay. • The AC_GOOD pin is valid whenever the AUX bias supply power is valid (see above). Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 10 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section Output Current Monitor (Pin B): The MPFCQor uses this circuit for this output analog signal: • The IMON signal monitors the DC average output current, line-frequency components are removed from IMON. • The IMON output voltage is 0V at no-load and increases linearly to 2V at full-load. • Any monitoring of this output should be accomplished with a high input impedance sensor as this pin is also used for current sharing, see below. Clock Synchronization (Pin 2): The MPFCQor uses the following circuit for this input logic signal. • The MPFCQor performs optimally with a 200kHz switching frequency. Deviation from this frequency will result in a reduction of maximum output power. Consult factory for details. Protection Features If the AC source voltage exceeds the maximum peak voltage rating defined in the electrical specifications, the MPFCQor will shut down. However, under this condition the MPFCQor’s precharge circuit will continue to deliver 100mA of current to the output whenever the AC source voltage is higher than the DC output voltage. Care must be taken to insure this condition does not allow the output voltage to rise high enough to damage the MPFCQor or the load converters. Phone 1-888-567-9596 Output Over-Voltage: If the output voltage exceeds its specified maximum limit, the MPFC will remain active, but will stop delivering power through its main boost stage until the output voltage falls below the over-voltage threshold. Under this condition, the MPFCQor’s pre-charge circuit will continue to deliver 100mA of current to the output whenever the AC source voltage is higher than the dc output voltage. Care must be taken to ensure this condition does not allow the output voltage to rise high enough to damage the MPFCQor or the load converters. Output Current Limit and Short-Circuit Shutdown: If the MPFCQor’s output is overloaded such that its output current limit becomes activated, the output voltage will fall as the excess load current discharges the hold-up capacitor. The MPFCQor will continue to deliver power into this overload condition for 100 ms, after which the unit will shut down and automatically return to the beginning of the startup sequence described above. If at any point the output voltage falls below the peak of the AC source voltage, the MPFCQor will immediately shut down and return to the startup sequence. Over Temperature: Input Over- and Under-Voltage: Product # MPFC-U-390-HP If a brownout or dropout of the AC source voltage occurs, and if it lasts long enough for the MPFCQor ’s output voltage to drop below its specified minimum limit, the MPFCQor will shut down. Furthermore, regardless of what happens to the MPFCQor’s output voltage, if the AC source voltage drops below its rated under-voltage value for 1 second or more, the MPFCQor will shut down. After any shutdown, the MPFCQor will automatically return to the beginning of the startup sequence described above. If the internal temperature of the MPFCQor reaches 130°C, the MPFCQor will turn off its boost converter. The LOAD_ENABLE output will simultaneously be de-asserted high. When the internal temperature falls below 110°C, the MPFCQor will return to the beginning of the startup sequence described above. Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 11 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section Energy Storage Hold-Up Capacitor The hold-up capacitor performs two functions: • It handles the cyclic imbalance between the flow of energy drawn from the AC source and the flow of energy delivered to the DC-DC converters. In doing so, the voltage across the hold-up capacitor has a ripple at a frequency twice that of the AC source voltage (e.g. 120Hz for a 60Hz input). The larger the hold-up capacitor, or the higher the frequency of the AC source, the smaller this ripple will be. • It provides a source of energy so that the DC-DC converters can continue to deliver load power during a temporary brownout or dropout of the AC source. The larger the hold-up capacitor the longer it can provide this energy. Often it will be made large enough to allow the load to be gracefully shutdown after the AC source has been outside of its normal range for a set amount of time. A typical “hold-up time” would be in the 20 ms range for a 50/60 Hz system. The total energy stored in a hold-up capacitor having capacitance C at any given voltage V is: E = ½CV2 The amount of energy, ∆E, which can be drawn from this capacitor depends on the capacitor’s starting voltage, Vs, and its final voltage, Vf, where Vs is the MPFCQor’s nominal regulated output voltage and Vf is the MPFCQor’s minimum output voltage limit. This energy equals the amount of power, P, which the DCDC converters draw from the hold-up capacitor times the length of time, ∆t, which it takes for the hold-up capacitor’s voltage to drop from Vs to Vf. This energy can be equated to the hold-up capacitance according to the following formula: For example, if we assume P = 600W, ∆t = 20ms, Vs = 390V and Vf = 200V, then we would want a hold-up capacitance of at least 215µF. NOTE: The MPFCQor is able to operate with a minimum of 100uF of hold-up capacitance, but Synqor recommends at least 330uF if the power system will be required to conform to lightning surge standards. This is because the MPFCQor relies on the hold-up capacitor to absorb most of the energy from a lightning surge. NOTE: Even though the MPFCQor limits the inrush current drawn from the AC source during its startup sequence, it will not necessarily limit this current at the end of a temporary brownout or dropout of the AC source when the hold-up capacitor’s voltage has not dropped below its minimum output voltage limit. In such a condition the MPFCQor will not reinitiate a startup sequence and it will therefore not limit the current flowing through it. If the peak of the AC source voltage is greater than the hold-up capacitor’s voltage at the end of the brownout/dropout period, there will be a large inrush current for one half-cycle as the holdup capacitor’s voltage is charged up to the peak of the AC source voltage. The larger the hold-up capacitor, the larger this inrush current will be. To limit inrush current during this event, limit the charging current of additional hold-up capacitance with a resistor and diode as shown below. ∆E = P∆t = ½C(Vs2- Vf2) This formula can be rearranged to find the minimum required value for C to provide the hold-up time desired for a given power level (note: this power level P is not the load power, but rather the load power divided by efficiency of the DC-DC converters): Cmin = 2P∆t ⁄ ( Vs2- Vf2) Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 12 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section If it is desired to have a hold-up time longer than can be achieved with the maximum specified hold-up capacitance, then the circuit shown below can be used. For example, to calculate voltage and current ripple for a MPFCQor with a 700W output, 500uF hold-up capacitor, and a 60Hz fundamental AC line frequency: 𝐼𝐼𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = In this circuit the total hold-up capacitance is (C1 + C2), and it can be made as large as desired as long as C1 does not exceed the maximum capacitance specified in the Technical Specifications table. The resistor, Rc, in series with C2 is present to limit the current that will charge this capacitor after a temporary brownout/dropout event. Its resistance should be large enough to limit the charging current to a fraction of the MPFCQor’s rated output current. The diode in parallel with the resistor permits the load converters to draw whatever energy they need from C2 without being hindered by the resistor. Output Ripple Considerations: The hold-up capacitor must have a ripple current rating high enough to withstand the ripple current generated on the output of the MPFCQor. Ripple current amplitude is dependent only upon the total MPFCQor output power, PDC, and the operating output voltage VO. It can be calculated using the following formula: 𝑃𝑃𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑃𝑃𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝐼𝐼𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = = √2 ∙ 𝑉𝑉𝑂𝑂 551 The AC line frequency, fac, bulk capacitance, C, operating output voltage, and output power will determine the amplitude of the voltage ripple present on the output of the MPFCQor. It can be calculated with: 𝑃𝑃𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = 2𝜋𝜋 ∙ 𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ∙ 𝐶𝐶 ∙ 𝑉𝑉𝑂𝑂 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 60 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻: 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = Product # MPFC-U-390-HP 𝑃𝑃𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 1.47 ∙ 105 ∙ 𝐶𝐶 Phone 1-888-567-9596 700𝑊𝑊 = 1.3𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 551 700𝑊𝑊 = 9.6𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝−𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 2𝜋𝜋 ∙ 60𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 ∙ 500 ∙ 10−6 𝐹𝐹 ∙ 390𝑉𝑉 In this case, the hold-up capacitor would require a minimum ripple current rating of 1.3Arms, and the output voltage would have a pk-pk ripple voltage of 9.6V. Safety Notes The output of the MPFCQor is not isolated from the AC source, and it is therefore a hazardous voltage. Care must be taken to avoid contact with this voltage, as well as with the AC source voltage. The MPFCQor must have a fuse in series with its AC source. The rating for this fuse is given in the Technical Specification table. If multiple MPFCQors are paralleled, there should be a fuse for each MPFCQor. Thermal Consideration The maximum operating base-plate temperature, TB, is 100ºC. Refer to the thermal derating curves to see the allowable power output for a given baseplate temperature and input voltage. A power derating curve can be calculated for any heatsink that is attached to the base-plate of the converter. It is only necessary to determine the thermal resistance, RTHBA, of the chosen heatsink between the base-plate and the ambient air for a given airflow rate. The following formula can then be used to determine the maximum power the converter can dissipate for a given thermal condition: 𝑇𝑇𝐵𝐵 − 𝑇𝑇𝐴𝐴 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑃𝑃𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 This value of power dissipation can then be used in conjunction with the data shown in the figures to determine the maximum load power that the converter can deliver in the given thermal condition. Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 13 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section MIL-STD-704 Power Level & Power Factor All versions of MIL-STD-704 state that single-phase loads must draw less than 500VA of AC power. To meet this requirement, the MPFC’s output power must be kept below approximately 450W. Section 5.4.3 of MIL-STD-704F states that AC equipment drawing greater than 100VA shall have no leading power factor. Most electronic loads, including the SynQor MPFC, contain a small amount of differential filter capacitance across the AC input, which draws a small amount of leading reactive power. This has a negligible effect on the power factor of the MPFC when it is drawing significant real power. Regardless, a small amount of leading power factor exists, and an exception to MIL-STD-704F section 5.4.3 must be taken. Use Figures 5 & 6 to determine the amount of leading power factor and ensure compatibility with the target AC power system. • • • • To meet various conducted line emission standards, additional Ycapacitors may be needed to attenuate common-mode noise. Synqor recommends that saftey-rated ceramic capacitors be placed across any isolated DC-DC converters on the output of the PFC from Vin- to Vout- and Vout- to ground. See “Typical Application of the PFC Module” (Figure A) for a diagram and suggested parts. Paralleling Multiple MPFCQors In higher power applications, multiple units can be used in parallel as shown below. • To balance load currents evenly between MPFCQor modules, a 0.1 ohm resistor must be placed in series with Vout- on each module. The parallel diagram below shows correct placement of the resistors in relation to other circuitry. Resistors must be rated to handle RMS load return current. • PFC_ENABLE may be driven with a common signal, but a 100 ohm resistor should be placed in series with each input before being connected to the common node. CFILT = MACF filter effective capacitance CPFC = MPFC effective capacitance RPFC = MPFC load POUT = MPFC total output power • AUX Bias outputs can be directly connected together as shown. This is an approximate representation of the input stage of the MPFC and MACF filter for the purpose of calculating the leading reactive power and power factor. The resistor represents in-phase current and varies with the load power. The capacitors represent the reactive current draw and are approximately constant over load. MCOTS AC Line Filter EMI Considerations • AC_GOOD can drive a common signal, but a 100 ohm resistor should be placed in series with each output before being connected to the common node. • The loads should only be enabled when all of the individual LOAD_ENABLE outputs have been asserted low. The circuit shown below combines the individual LOAD_ENABLE outputs into a single master LOAD_ENABLE to achieve this requirement. • Active current sharing is accomplished by connecting all IMON pins directly together. The voltage at the IMON pins is then indicative of the average output current. Again, any circuit used to monitor the IMON voltage should have high input impedance. An AC line filter is needed to attenuate the differential- and common-mode voltage and current ripples created by the MPFCQor , the DC-DC converters, and the load, such that the system will comply with EMI requirements. The filter also provides protection for the MPFCQor from high frequency transients in the AC source voltage. SynQor has a family of AC line filters that will provide these functions. It is recommended that a metal-oxide varistor (MOV) be placed from line-to-line on the input of the filter, and a TVS diode be placed from lineto-line on the output of the filter in order to keep the MPFCQor input voltage from exceeding 575V during all transients. See Figure A for example parts. If a non-SynQor AC line filter is used, the use of an MOV on the input and a TVS diode on the output of the filter is still recommended. Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 14 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Application Section PARALLEL DIAGRAM Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 15 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Encased Mechanical 2.486 [63.14] SEATING PLANE HEIGHT 0.512 0.005 [ 13.00 0.12] 2.000 [50.80] PIN EXTENSION 0.163 [4.14] 0.700 [17.78] 5 6 7 8 9 TOP VIEW 0.004 [0.10] 1.900 2.386 [48.26] [60.60] 0.01 [0.3] 1.900 [48.26] 4 1 0.30 [7.6] THRU HOLE STANDOFFS SEE NOTE 1 (4 PLCS) B 2 1 0.400 0.800 1.000 1.400 BOTTOMSIDE CLEARANCE 0.027 0.010 [ 0.69 0. 25] NOTES [10.16] [20.32] [25.40] [35.56] PIN DESIGNATIONS 1)Applied torque per screw should not exceed 6in-lb. (0.7 Nm). 2)Baseplate flatness tolerance is 0.004” (.10 mm) TIR for surface. 3)Pins 1-4, 6-8, and B are 0.040” (1.02mm) diameter, with 0.080” (2.03mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 4)Pins 5 and 9 are 0.080” (2.03 mm) diameter with 0.125” (3.18 mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 5)All Pins: Material - Copper Alloy; Finish - Matte Tin over Nickel plate 6)Undimensioned components are shown for visual reference only. 7)Weight: 4.9 oz (139 g) 8)Threaded and Non-Threaded options available 9)All dimensions in inches (mm). Tolerances: x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) unless otherwise noted. 10)Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class II Product # MPFC-U-390-HP 3 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Pin 1 2 B Name L1 CLK SYNC IMON 3 PFC ENA Function AC Line 1 Clock Synchronization Input Output Current Monitor / Current Share 4 5 6 7 AC Line 2 / Neutral Negative Output Voltage Auxiliary Bias power supply Negative Logic load enable and power out good signal L2/N -VOUT AUX LOAD ENA Negative Logic PFC Enable 8 AC GOOD Negative Logic AC Good signal 9 +VOUT Positive Output voltage Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 16 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Encased Mechanical with Flange 3.150 [80.01] 0.700 [17.78] 2.950 [74.93] 2.486 [63.14] SEATING PLANE HEIGHT 0.495 0.025 [ 12.57 0.63] PIN EXTENSION 0.180 [4.57] 5 TOP VIEW 7 6 8 9 0.010 [0.25] 1.900 [48.26] 1.300 1.866 2.386 [33.02] [47.40] [60.60] 0.31 [7.9] 4 3 B 2 1 1 0.775 0.020 [19.69 0.50] FLANGE THICKNESS 0.125 [3.18] .130 [3.30] SEE NOTE 1 (6 PLCS) BOTTOMSIDE CLEARANCE 0.005 0.010 [ 0.13 0. 25] 0.400 [10.16] 0.800 [20.32] 1.000 [25.40] 1.400 [35.56] NOTES 1)Applied torque per screw should not exceed 5in-lb. (3in-lb recommended). 2)Baseplate flatness tolerance is 0.010” (.2mm) TIR for surface. 3)Pins 1-4, 6-8, and B are 0.040” (1.02mm) diameter, with 0.080” (2.03mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 4)Pins 5 and 9 are 0.080” (2.03 mm) diameter with 0.125” (3.18 mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 5)Other Pin extensiom lengths available 6)All Pins: Material - Copper Alloy; Finish - Matte Tin over Nickel plate 7)Undimensioned components are shown for visual reference only. 8)Weight: 5.1 oz (145 g) 9)All dimensions in inches (mm). Tolerances: x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) unless otherwise noted. 10)Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class II Product # MPFC-U-390-HP Phone 1-888-567-9596 PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin 1 2 B Name L1 CLK SYNC IMON 3 PFC ENA Function AC Line 1 Clock Synchronization Input Output Current Monitor / Current Share 4 5 6 7 AC Line 2 / Neutral Negative Output Voltage Auxiliary Bias power supply Negative Logic load enable and power out good signal L2/N -VOUT AUX LOAD ENA Negative Logic PFC Enable 8 AC GOOD Negative Logic AC Good signal 9 +VOUT Positive Output voltage Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 17 MPFC-U-390-HP Input:85-264Vrms Output:390Vdc Power:700W Ordering Information Ordering Information / Part Numbering Scheme Family Input Voltage Output Voltage Package Size Thermal Design Screening Level N: Encased MPFC U: 85-264V 390: 390V HP: Half-brick Peta D: Encased with Non-threaded Baseplate S: S-Grade M: M-Grade F: Encased with Flanged Baseplate Example: MPFC-U-390-HP-N-M PART NUMBERING SYSTEM APPLICATION NOTES Contact SynQor for further information and to order: PATENTS The part numbering system for SynQor’s ac-dc converters follows the format shown in the example. Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: Product # MPFC-U-390-HP 978-849-0600 888-567-9596 978-849-0602 155 Swanson Road Boxborough, MA 01719 USA Phone 1-888-567-9596 A variety of application notes and technical white papers can be downloaded in pdf format from our website. SynQor holds numerous U.S. patents, one or more of which apply to most of its power converter products. Any that apply to the product(s) listed in this document are identified by markings on the product(s) or on internal components of the product(s) in accordance with U.S. patent laws. SynQor’s patents include the following: 5,999,417 6,222,742 6,545,890 6,594,159 6,731,520 6,894,468 6,896,526 6,927,987 7,050,309 7,072,190 7,085,146 7,119,524 7,269,034 7,272,021 7,272,023 7,558,083 7,564,702 7,765,687 7,787,261 8,023,290 8,149,597 8,493,751 8,644,027 WARRANTY SynQor offers a two (2) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website or is available upon request from SynQor. Doc.# 005-0006642 Rev. B 05/14/2015 Page 18