75 Ω SSMB Type Connectors SSMB75 Series FEATURE ■ SSMB75 series are connectors for 75 Ω group of SSMB series (50 Ω group). ■ DDK’s originally developed 75 Ω group connectors are super mini size push on type. Frequency Range DC to 1GHz Characteristic Impedance 75 Ω Lock Type Push On ■ Strong against distortion by application of closed entry structure. ■ Right Angle type Receptacle (PCB) has from 1 to 5 continuous type. ■ SSMB series are not compatible with. APPLICATIONS Widely used for test instruments, broadcasting equipment, CATV and HDTV etc. SPECIFICATIONS Characteristic Impedance 75 Ω Rated Voltage 250VAC(r.m.s.) Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 500V AC(r.m.s.)for1 minute Insulation Resistance 1000M Ω Mim. at 500V DC Contact Resistance 10m Ω max. V.S.W.R. 1.3max. at DC to1GHz Operating Temperature -55 〜 +85℃ * The specifications are typical but may not apply to all connectors. Please check the specifications on each item with its drawing from us when you use. MATERIAL/FINISH RoHS Compliant Compliant Item 121226 Material / Finish Shell (Body) Copper Alloy /Gold plating Contact (Male) Copper Alloy /Gold plating Contact (Female) Copper Alloy /Gold plating Insulator PTFE ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp SSMB75 Series Unit:mm ○ Plug Applicable Cable φ5.5 Part Number 1 CR-H-1101 (Sumitomo Electric Industries) (16.55) Applicable Cable Part Number φ4.8 Crimp Tool P/N 1.5CCA-EXBV SSMB75-SP-1.5CCA-EXBV-CF (φ5.5) Assembly Instruction Assembly Instruction Crimp Tool P/N 2 A-R1 1.5C-2V SSMB75-SP-1.5CV-CR1-CF (19) 1.5C-QEV RG-179B/U Part Number Applicable Cable 14 □6 φ5 95.7 1.5C-QEW SSMB75-LP-1.5CW-CR1-CF Assembly Instruction Crimp Tool P/N 3 1.5C-2W DIN-4 φ4.7 ○ Receptacle 4-□0.6 Part Number Mounting Hole SSMB75-SR-PC-CF V 6.0 □5.7 8.5 (12.8) A 6.4 3.55 C 8.2 5.7 φ2.65 2.5 7.62 φ0.65 □0.6 2.54 □0.6 5.7 Part Number D B C E 2.54 Reams Number A B D SSMB75-LR-PC-CF 1 5.70 5.08 SSMB75-LR-PC-2-CF 2 13.30 12.70 7.62 W SSMB75-LR-PC-3-CF 3 20.92 20.32 15.24 X SSMB75-LR-PC-4-CF 4 28.54 27.94 22.86 12.70 15.24 Y SSMB75-LR-PC-5-CF 5 36.16 35.56 30.48 15.24 20.32 Z 2 Mounting Hole V ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp E SSMB75 Series Unit:mm ○ PCB Mounting Dimensions +0.1 0 5.08 5.08 0.1 0.1 2.54 6-φ1.2 2.54 +0.1 0 5-φ1.2 0.05 Mounting Hole W 0.05 Mounting Hole V 2.54 0.05 7.62 0.05 2.54 0.05 (12.7) Mounting Hole X 0.05 +0.1 0 5.08 0.1 7-φ1.2 2.54 2.54 5.08 0.05 0.1 2.54 0.05 0.05 7.62 7.62 0.05 2.54 0.05 (20.32) 取付穴 Y 0.15 +0.1 2.54 10-φ1.2 0 5.08 0.1 12.7 0.05 Mounting Hole Y 2.54 0.05 7.62 0.05 7.62 0.05 7.62 0.05 2.54 0.05 (27.94) 取付穴 Z 0.15 +0.1 0 5.08 0.1 11-φ1.2 2.54 15.24 0.05 Mounting Hole Z 2.54 0.05 7.62 0.05 7.62 0.05 7.62 0.05 7.62 0.05 2.54 0.05 (35.56) Pull-out Tool P/N:18M-SSMB75-11897 (Applicable SSMB75-LP-1.5CCA-EXBV Only) ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp 3 SSMB75 Series Unit:mm ○ Assembly Instruction(1) 50% Outer Conductor ① ① Removing outer jacket Removing outer jacket as left figure. Outer Jacket 8 Ferrule ② ② Insert ferrule and sleeve Insert ferule into the cable, stretch the outer conductor of the cable and insert sleeve. Cut off the outer conductor of the cable along Sleeve Insulator ③ Insulator the sleeve ③ Cutting cable Center Conductor Cut the center conductor and insulator of the cable as left figure. 2.8 ● 1.5 Dies Surface ④ ④ Crimping body Body Surface Insert the body and crimp it by dies. Center Conductor Crimping body should be equal to body surface and dies surface. 0.5∼1 ⑤ ⑤ Soldering contact Soldering Contact Solder the contacts into the insulator and center conductor. Insulator No gap ⑥ ⑥ Assemble connector Screw the connector. (Recommended screw torque : 29.4 N・㎝) Connector ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp 4 SSMB75 Series Unit:mm ○ Assembly Instruction(2) Parts Configulration Insulator Clamp Body Contact Body Contact Insulator Ferrule Clamp Heat-shrinkable Heat-shrinkable tubetubeFerrule ① The cable length required for cable assembly. ① Cable length which require for the cable assembly:L Outer Conductor Outer Conductor 1length Cable which require for the cable assembly:L -6 L=L L1=L-6 L1=L-6 L1 L1 ② ケーブルに熱収縮チューブ、 フェルールを通し、 Insulator Insulator Center Conductor Pre-soldering +0.5 0 0 +0.5 0 8 -0.5 3.7 Unravel the braid ② -1. Pre-soldering the center conductor. 0 9.6 -0.5 0 8 -0.5 図示寸法に処理する。 中心導体に予備はんだを施す。 ケーブルに熱収縮チューブ、 フェルールを通し、 注) 外部導体、 絶縁体、 内部導体に傷を cable as fig. ② . 中心導体に予備はんだを施す。 ② .Cut the 図示寸法に処理する。 付けないこと。 注) はんだの熱により絶縁体 注) 外部導体、 絶縁体、 内部導体に傷を Insert the heat-shrinkable tube and ferrule into the cable. を膨張、 変形させないこと。 付けないこと。 注) はんだの熱により絶縁体 ( Note)Please be careful to not damage the outer を膨張、 変形させないこと。 conductor, insulator and center conductor. Center Conductor Pre-soldering 3.7 ③ Body Body ( Note)Please be careful to not deform the insulator 0 by heat 9.6 -0.5 外部導体を解きほぐし、 クランプボディに挿入する。 外部導体を解きほぐし、 クランプボディに挿入する。 Unravel the braid ③ .Disentanglement the outer conductor inserted into the clamp body フェルールを被せ、 図示位置にてかしめる。 ferrule ④ フェルールを被せ、 図示位置にてかしめる。 ④ .Cover the ferrule on the naked outer conductor ferrule and crimp. 0.5 max. (Crimping Dies : A-R1) Crimping Dies:A-R1 コンタクトと内部導体をはんだ付けする。 注) クランプボディとコンタクト間に隙間の ないこと。 0.5 max. Soldering Contact Crimping Dies:A-R1 ⑤ Soldering コンタクトと内部導体をはんだ付けする。 No gap 注) クランプボディとコンタクト間に隙間の contacts and soldering ⑤ .Internal conductor ないこと。 Note) No gaps between the clamp and the body contact. コンタクトにインシュレータを挿入する。 Contact Insulator No gap コンタクトにインシュレータを挿入する。 ボディを挿入し、締め付ける。 Insulator ⑥ contact. :29.4N・cm) ⑥ .Insert the insulator (締め付けトルク 熱収縮チューブは図示のようにクランプボディの かしめ部に被せ収縮をする。 ボディを挿入し、締め付ける。 (締め付けトルク:29.4N・cm) Heat-shirinkable tube ⑦ .Insert a body and tighten it. ⑦ Screw toque : 29.4N・cm 熱収縮チューブは図示のようにクランプボディの かしめ部に被せ収縮をする。 Cover the heat-shrinkable tube on the root of the connector body and heat up the tube. Heat-shirinkable tube ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp 5 SSMB75 Series ○ 結線方法(3) ① L ① Cut the cable The cable length required for the cable assembly. L=L+0.3 Cable ② ② Insert the ferrule. Insert the ferrule into the cable. Ferrule ③ Insulator Outer Conductor ③ Terminating a cable and soldering. Center Conductor Pre-soldering Sheath 9.6 1 0.5 4 0.5 ( Note)Please be careful to not damage the outer conductor, insulator and center conductor. Pre-soldering the center conductor. ( Note)Please be careful to not deform the insulator by heat 0.5 ④ ④ Insert body assembly Spread the top Spread the top of the outer conductor. ( Note) Insert the root of connector body between outer Outer Conductor conductor and insulator. Contact Slit (Note)The center conductor is caught in the contact slit enough. Body Dies ⑤ ⑤ Crimping Cover the ferrule on the naked outer conductor. Crimp the ferrule. (Crimping Dies : RFD-1) (Note)The gap between body and ferrule is 0.5 max. Ferule ⑥ Soldering ⑥ Soldering Solder the contact with center conductor. Contact ⑦ Plate ⑦ Insert the plate on the top of connector and press-in. 0.1 min. Height after press-in 50% Unit:mm ◎ Please acknowledge that the specification etc. of this catalog might change by the improvement etc. without notice. Moreover, the characteristic and the specification of the published product are the reference values. Please confirm the content with the latest delivery specifications when you use the product. http://www.ddknet.co.jp 6