Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 DESCRIPTION PT6574 is a 1/4 -duty general purpose LCD Driver IC utilizing CMOS Technology. It can drive up to 264 segments and control up to 8 general purpose output ports. The LCD drive block voltage range is from 2.7V to 6.0V and is independent of the logic block power supply voltage. Under a serial data interface, PT6574 can support 1/4 duty, 1/2 bias or 1/4 duty, 1/3 bias drive techniques. Display data is displayed directly without the need for a decoder circuit. Pin assignments and application circuit are optimized for easy PCB Layout and cost saving advantages. FEATURES • • • • • CMOS Technology RC Oscillator Circuit Up to 264 Segments Supports 1/4 Duty, 1/2 Bias Drive or 1/4 Duty 1/3 Bias Drive Techniques (Serial Data Control) RC Oscillation Circuit APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • Cellular Phone Data Bank/Organizer Electronic Dictionary/Translator P.O.S. Information Appliance Caller ID Pager Electronic equipment with LCD Display Panel PT6574 V1.4 -1- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 BLOCK DIAGRAM COM 1 COM 2 COM 3 COM 4 S G1/P1 S G8/P8 SG 9 S G66 COM MON DRIVER SE GME NT DRIVE R & LATCH CLOCK G ENERATO R SHIF T REGIS TER /INH OS C VDD V LCD V LCD1 A DDRE SS DE TECT OR V LCD2 VSS DI PT6574 V1.4 -2- CLK CE October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 PIN CONFIGURATION SG64 SG63 SG62 SG61 SG60 SG59 SG58 SG57 SG56 SG55 SG54 SG53 SG52 SG51 SG50 SG49 SG48 SG47 SG46 SG45 SG44 SG43 SG42 SG41 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 80PINS, QFP SG65 65 40 SG40 SG66 66 39 SG39 COM1 67 38 SG38 COM2 68 37 SG37 COM3 69 36 SG36 COM4 70 35 SG35 VDD 71 34 SG34 VLCD 72 33 SG33 P T 6574 80 25 SG25 PT6574 V1.4 -3- SG24 DI SG23 SG26 SG22 26 SG21 79 SG20 CLK SG19 SG27 SG18 27 SG17 SG28 78 SG16 28 CE SG15 /INH SG14 SG29 SG13 29 77 SG12 76 SG11 OSC SG10 SG30 SG9 30 SG8/P8 75 SG7/P7 VSS SG6/P6 SG31 SG5/P5 31 SG4/P4 SG32 SG3/P3 32 74 SG2/P2 73 SG1/P1 VLCD1 VLCD2 October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 SG62 SG61 SG60 SG59 SG58 SG57 SG56 SG55 SG54 SG53 SG52 SG51 SG50 SG49 SG48 SG47 SG46 SG45 SG44 SG43 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 80PINS, LQFP SG 63 61 40 SG42 SG 64 62 39 SG41 SG 65 63 38 SG40 SG 66 64 37 SG39 COM1 65 36 SG38 COM2 66 35 SG37 COM3 67 34 SG36 COM4 68 33 SG35 VDD 69 32 SG34 VLCD 70 31 SG33 VLCD1 71 30 SG32 P T 6574L Q VLCD2 72 29 SG31 VSS 73 28 SG30 OSC 74 27 SG29 /INH 75 26 SG28 PT6574 V1.4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SG 12 SG 13 SG 14 SG 15 SG 16 SG 17 SG 18 SG 19 SG 20 SG 21 SG 22 SG23 SG 11 21 8 80 SG 10 SG2/P2 7 SG24 SG9 22 6 79 SG8/P8 SG1/P1 5 SG25 SG7/P7 23 4 78 SG6/P6 DI 3 SG26 SG5/P5 24 2 SG27 SG4/P4 25 77 1 76 SG3/P3 CE CLK -4- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 INPUT/OUPUT CONFIGURATIONS The schematic diagrams of the input and output circuits of the logic section are shown below: INPUT PIN: CLK, CE, DI, /INH VDD VSS OUTPUT PIN: SG1/P1 TO SG8/P8, SG9 TO SG66 VLCD VLCD VSS VSS VLCD1 VLCD2 OUTPUT PIN: COM1 TO COM4 VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 VSS PT6574 V1.4 -5- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name I/O SG1/P1 ~ SG2/P2 O SG3/P3 ~ SG8/P8 SG9 ~ SG66 COM1 ~ COM4 OSC CE CLK DI /INH VLCD1 VLCD2 VDD VLCD VSS Description Pin No. QFP LQFP 1,2 79, 80 Segment Output Driver/General Purpose Output Pin Under the Serial Data Control, these pins may be used O 3~8 1~6 as General Purpose Output Pins. O Segment Output Driver 9 ~ 66 7 ~ 64 O Common Driver Output Pin 67 ~ 70 65 ~ 68 Oscillator Input / Output Pin I/O The oscillation circuit may be constructed by connecting 76 74 external resistor and capacitor to this pin. I Chip Enable Pin 78 76 I Clock Input Pin 79 77 I Data Input Pin 80 78 Display Off Control Input Pin When this pin is set to "LOW", the display is forcibly OFF. SG1/P1 to SG8/P8 are forced to function as the Segment Output Pins and are held at the Vss Level. I 77 75 SG9 to S66 and COM1 to COM4 are all set to "LOW" or Vss Level. (see Notes) When this pin is set to "HIGH" or VDD level, the display is turned ON. LCD Drive Bias Voltage This pin is used to externally apply 2/3 Bias LCD Drive 73 71 Voltage. When the 1/2 Bias Drive technique is used, this pin must be set to VLCD2. LCD Drive Bias Voltage This pin is used to externally apply the 1/3 Bias LCD 74 72 Drive Voltage. When the 1/2 Bias Drive Technique is used, this pin must be connected to VLCD1 Logic Power Supply 71 69 (2.7V to 6.0V) LCD Drive Block Power Supply 72 70 (2.7V to 6.0V) - Ground Pin 75 73 Note: It must be noted that Serial Data Transfer is possible when the display is turned of forcible via the /INH Pin. PT6574 V1.4 -6- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION CONTROL DATA P0 TO P3: Segment Output Port/General - Purpose Output Port Select Control Data Bits P0 to P3 are used to control the function of the pins -- SG1/P1 to SG8/P8. This means that P0 to P3 control data bits are used to select either segment output port or general-output port function for the SG1/P1 to SG8/P8. Please refer to the table below. P0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CONTROL DATA P1 P2 P3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 SG1/P1 SG1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 SG2/P2 SG2 SG2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 SG3/P3 SG3 SG3 SG3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 OUTPUT PIN STATUS SG4/P4 SG5/P5 SG6/P6 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG4 SG5 SG6 P4 SG5 SG6 P4 P5 SG6 P4 P5 P6 P4 P5 P6 P4 P5 P6 SG7/P7 SG7 SG7 SG7 SG7 SG7 SG7 SG7 P7 P7 SG8/P8 SG8 SG8 SG8 SG8 SG8 SG8 SG8 SG8 P8 Notes: 1. SG1 to SG8=Segment Output Port Function. 2. P1 to P8=General Purpose Output Port Function. The relationship between the output pins and the display data when the General Purpose Output Port Function is selected, are shown below. Output Pin Display Data Output Pin Display Data SG1/P1 D1 SG5/P5 D17 SG2/P2 D5 SG6/P6 D21 SG3/P3 D9 SG7/P7 D25 SG4/P4 D13 SG8/P8 D29 For example, the general purpose output port function was selected for output pin SG4/P4, then the corresponding display data would be D13. The SG4/P4 output pin will output a high level (VLCD) when the display data D13 is "1" and a low level (Vss) when the D13 is "0". DR: 1/2 Bias Drive or 1/3 Bias Drive Control Data Bit DR is used to select either 1/2 bias or 1/3 bias drive. Please refer to the table below. DR 0 1 PT6574 V1.4 Drive Technique 1/3 Bias Drive 1/2 Bias Drive -7- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 SC: Segment ON/OFF Control Data Bit SC is used to control the ON or OFF state of the Segment Drivers. SC 0 1 Display State ON OFF Note: When the segments are turned OFF by setting SC to "1" means that the segments are turned OFF by outputting the segment OFF waveform from the Segment Output Pins BU: Normal Mode/Power Saving Mode Control Data Bit BU is used to select either the normal or the power saving mode. Please refer to the table below. BU 0 1 Mode Normal Mode Power Saving Mode When BU is set to "1", the Power Saving Mode is enabled. Under this mode, the OSC Pin operation is terminated, the segment output pins are set to the Vss level. However, the output pins SG1/P1 to SG8/P8 may be used as a General Purpose Output Port via the control data bits -- P0 to P3. PT6574 V1.4 -8- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 DISPLAY DATA AND OUTPUT PIN RELATIONSHIP OUTPUT PIN SG1/P1 SG2/P2 SG3/P3 SG4/P4 SG5/P5 SG6/P6 SG7/P7 SG8/P8 SG9 SG10 SG11 SG12 SG13 SG14 SG15 SG16 SG17 SG18 SG19 SG20 SG21 SG22 SG23 SG24 SG25 SG26 SG27 SG28 SG29 SG30 SG31 SG32 SG33 COM1 D1 D5 D9 D13 D17 D21 D25 D29 D33 D37 D41 D45 D49 D53 D57 D61 D65 D69 D73 D77 D81 D85 D89 D93 D97 D101 D105 D109 D113 D117 D121 D125 D129 COM2 D2 D6 D10 D14 D18 D22 D26 D30 D34 D38 D42 D46 D50 D54 D58 D62 D66 D70 D74 D78 D82 D86 D90 D94 D98 D102 D106 D110 D114 D118 D122 D126 D130 COM3 D3 D7 D11 D15 D19 D23 D27 D31 D35 D39 D43 D47 D51 D55 D58 D63 D67 D71 D75 D79 D83 D87 D91 D95 D99 D103 D107 D111 D115 D119 D123 D127 D131 COM4 D4 D8 D12 D16 D20 D24 D28 D32 D36 D40 D44 D48 D52 D56 D60 D64 D68 D72 D76 D80 D84 D88 D92 D96 D100 D104 D108 D112 D116 D120 D124 D128 D132 OUTPUT PIN SG34 SG35 SG36 SG37 SG38 SG39 SG40 SG41 SG42 SG43 SG44 SG45 SG46 SG47 SG48 SG49 SG50 SG51 SG52 SG53 SG54 SG55 SG56 SG57 SG58 SG58 SG60 SG61 SG62 SG63 SG64 SG65 SG66 COM1 D133 D137 D141 D145 D149 D153 D157 D161 D165 D169 D173 D177 D181 D185 D189 D193 D197 D201 D205 D209 D213 D217 D221 D225 D229 D233 D237 D241 D245 D249 D253 D257 D261 COM2 D134 D138 D142 D146 D150 D154 D158 D162 D166 D170 D174 D178 D182 D186 D190 D194 D198 D202 D206 D210 D214 D218 D222 D226 D230 D234 D238 D242 D246 D250 D254 D258 D262 COM3 D135 D139 D143 D147 D151 D155 D159 D163 D167 D171 D175 D179 D183 D187 D191 D195 D199 D203 D207 D211 D215 D219 D223 D227 D231 D235 D239 D243 D247 D251 D255 D259 D263 COM4 D136 D140 D144 D148 D152 D156 D160 D164 F168 D172 D176 D180 D184 D188 D192 D196 D200 D204 D208 D212 D216 D220 D224 D228 D232 D236 D240 D244 D248 D252 D256 D260 D264 Note: The above table assumes that the Segment Output Port Function is selected for the SG1/P1 to SG8/P8 output pins. PT6574 V1.4 -9- October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 As an example, the table below lists the output states of the SG11 Pin. D41 Display Data D42 D43 D44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 PT6574 V1.4 Output Pin -- SG11 State LCD Segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 are OFF LCD Segments corresponding to COM4 are ON LCD Segments corresponding to COM3 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM3 and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM2 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM2 and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM2 and COM3 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM2, COM3, and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1 and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1 and COM3 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1, COM3, and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1 and COM2 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, and COM4 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, and COM3 are ON. LCD Segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 are ON. - 10 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/4 DUTY, 1/2 BIAS DRIVE TECHNIQUE fosc/512 [Hz] COM1 VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V COM2 VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V COM3 VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V COM4 VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when all LCD segments corresponding to COM1,COM2, COM3 and COM4 are off) VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM1 are on (lit). VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM2 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1 and COM2 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM3 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1 and COM3 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM2 and COM3 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1, COM2 and COM3 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM4 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM2 and COM4 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 are on. VLCD VLCD1, VLCD2 0V PT6574 V1.4 - 11 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/4 DUTY, 1/3 BIAS DRIVE TECHNIQUE fosc/512 [Hz] VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V VLCD VLCD1 VLCD2 0V COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 LCD driver output when all LCD segments corresponding to COM1,COM2, COM3 are off) LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM1 are on (lit). LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM2 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1, COM2 are on. LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM3 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1 and COM3 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM2 and COM3 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1, COM2 and COM3 are on. LCD driver output when only LCD segments corresponding to COM4 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM2 and COM4 are on. LCD driver output when LCD segments corresponding to COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 are on. PT6574 V1.4 - 12 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 /INH PIN AND DISPLAY CONTROL When PT6574 is initialized (power is first applied), the display data D1 to D264 and the control data are not defined. In order to prevent meaningless displays, it is recommended that the following procedures be followed. The /INH Pin must be set to "LOW" level at the same the power is applied to turn OFF the display. This will then set the SG1/P1 to SG8/P8, SG9 to SG66 and COM1 to COM4 pins to "LOW" level. When the /INH Pin is kept at LOW" level, the microprocessor sends the serial data. The /INH Pin is set to "HIGH" Level via an application. Please refer to the diagram below. t2 t1 t3 VDD VLCD /INH VIL tc CE VIL Transfer of display and control data D1 to D68, P0 to P3, DR, SC, BU Undefined Defined Undefined D69 to D136 Undefined Defined Undefined D137 to D200 Undefined Defined Undefined D201 to D264 Undefined Defined Undefined Notes: 1. t1 ≥ 0 2. t2 > 0 3. t3 ≥ 0 (t2 > t3) 4. tc ......10µs min. PT6574 V1.4 - 13 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 POWER SUPPLY SEQUENCES The various applications must observe the sequences when turning the power turn ON/OFF. When turning ON the power, the logic power supply (VDD) must be first turned ON followed by the LCD Drive Power Supply (VLCD). Conversely, when turning the power OFF, the LCD Drive power supply (VLCD) must first be turned OFF, followed by the logic power supply (VDD). During instances when the Logic and the LCD Driver Block share the same power supply, the power supply can be turned ON or OFF simultaneously. DISPLAY DATA CONTROLLER TRANSFER PT6574 accepts four separate transfer operations of display data -- D1 to D264, therefore it is recommended that the applications must complete all four data transfers within a period of less than 30ms in order to prevent visible reduction of display quality. PT6574 V1.4 - 14 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 SERIAL DATA FORMAT CASE 1: WHEN CLK IS TERMINATED AT "LOW" LEVEL CE CLK DI 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 D1 D2 8 ADDRESS BITS 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 D69 D70 D63 D64 D65 D66 D67 D68 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 DISPLAY DATA BITS 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 D137 D138 D139 D197 D198 D199 D200 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 D201 D202 D203 P1 P2 P3 DR SC BU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 DISPLAY DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 FIXED DATA BITS - 15 - 0 0 1 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 0 0 0 14 FIXED BITS D261 D262 D263 D264 0 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 10 FIXED DATA BITS 64 DISPLAY DATA BITS 8 ADDRESS BITS P0 10 CONTROL DATA BITS D129 D130 D131 D132 D133 D134 D135 D136 D71 8 ADDRESS BITS PT6574 V1.4 D62 68 DISPLAY DATA BITS B0 8 ADDRESS BITS D61 D3 1 0 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 CASE 2: WHEN CLK IS TERMINATED AT HIGH" LEVEL CE CLK DI 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 0 D1 D2 D3 D62 D63 D64 D65 D66 D67 D68 0 0 0 68 DISPLAY DATA BITS 8 ADDRESS BITS 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 0 D69 D70 D71 D129 D130 D131 D132 D133 D134 D135 D136 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 P3 DR SC BU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 D137 D138 D139 D197 D198 D199 D200 10 CONTROL DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 0 64 DISPLAY DATA BITS 1 P2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 0 0 0 1 0 A3 8 ADDRESS BITS B0 P1 10 CONTROL DATA BITS 68 DISPLAY DATA BITS B0 P0 A3 8 ADDRESS BITS 8 ADDRESS BITS D61 A3 0 D200 D201 D202 D261 D262 D263 D264 14 CONTROL DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 A3 64 DISPLAY DATA BITS 14 CONTROL DATA BITS 2 DIRECTION DATA BITS Notes: 1. Address: 45H 2. D1 to D264=Display Data 3. P0 to P3=Segment Output Port/General Purpose Output Port Switching Control Data 4. DR=1/2 Bias Drive or 1/3 Bias Drive Switching Control Data 5. SC=Segment ON/OFF Control Data 6. BU=Normal Mode / Power Saving Mode Control Data PT6574 V1.4 - 16 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 Example 1: If 201 or more segments are used, all 320 bits of serial data must be sent. Please refer to the diagram below. 8 BITS 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 BITS 1 0 D1 D2 D63 D64 D65 D66 D67 D68 0 0 0 P0 P1 P2 P3 DR SC BU 0 0 D131 D132 D133 D134 D135 D136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D137 D138 D199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 D201 D202 D263 D264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 D69 D70 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 Example 2: If less than 201 segments are used. 80, 160 or 240 bits of serial data may be sent depending on the number of segments used. For this illustration, D1 to D68 and the control data are sent 8 BITS 1 0 1 0 0 0 80 BITS 1 0 D1 D2 D63 D64 D65 D66 D67 D68 0 0 0 P0 P1 P2 P3 DR SC BU 0 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 A0 A1 A2 A3 PT6574 V1.4 - 17 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Unless otherwise specified, Ta=25℃, Vss=0V) Parameter Symbol Condition VDD max VDD Minimum Supply Voltage VLCD max VLCD VIN1 CE, CLK, DI, /INH Input Voltage VIN2 OSC VLCD1, VLCD2 VIN3 VOUT1 OSC Output Voltage SG1 to SG66, VOUT2 COM1 to COM4, P1 to P8 IOUT1 SG1 to SG66 Output Current IOUT2 COM1 to COM4 P1 to P8 IOUT3 Allowable Power Ta=85℃ Pd max Dissipation Operating Temperature Topr Storage Temperature Tstg PT6574 V1.4 - 18 - Ratings -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to VDD+0.3 -0.3 to VLCD+0.3 -0.3 to VDD+0.3 Unit V V V V V V -0.3 to VLCD+0.3 V 300 3 5 µA mA mA 200 mW -40 to +85 -65 to +150 ℃ ℃ October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise specified, Ta=25℃, VSS=0V) Parameter Hysteresis High Level Input Current Low level Input Current Symbol VH IIH IIL VOH1 High Level Output Voltage VOH2 VOH3 VOL1 Low Level Output Voltage VOL2 VOL3 VMID1 VMID2 Middle Level Output Voltage (see Notes) VMID3 VMID4 VMID5 Oscillation Frequency fosc IDD1 IDD2 Current Drain ILCD1 ILCD2 ILCD3 PT6574 V1.4 Condition CE, CLK, DI, /INH CE, CLK, DI, /INH VI=6.0V CE, CLK, DI, /INH VI=0V SG1 to SG66 Io=-20µA COM1 to COM4 Io=-100µA P1 to P8 Io=-1mA SG1 to SG66 Io=20µA COM1 to COM4 Io=100µA P1 to P8 Io=1mA COM1 to COM4 1/2 Bias, Io=±100µA SG1 to SG66 1/3 Bias, Io=±20µA SG1 to SG66 1/3 Bias, Io=±20µA COM1 to COM4 1/3 Bias, Io=±100µA COM1 to COM4 1/3 Bias, Io=±100µA OSC Rosc=43K, Cosc=680pF VDD Power Saving Mode VDD VDD=6V, All outputs open. fosc=50KHz VLCD Power Saving Mode VLCD VLCD=6V, All outputs open. 1/2 Bias, fosc=50KHz VLCD VLCD=6V, All outputs open. 1/3 Bias, fosc=50KHz - 19 - Min. - Typ. 0.1VDD Max. - Unit V - - 5.0 µA -5.0 - - µA VLCD-0.9 - - V VLCD-0.9 - - V VLCD-0.9 - - V - - 0.9 V - - 0.9 V - - 0.9 V 1/2VLCD-0.9 - 1/2VLCD+0.9 V 2/3VLCD-0.9 - 2/3VLCD+0.9 V 1/3VLCD-0.9 - 1/3VLCD+0.9 V 2/3VLCD-0.9 - 2/3VLCD+0.9 V 1/3VLCD-0.9 - 1/3VLCD+0.9 V 40 50 60 KHz - - 5 µA - 230 460 µA - - 5 µA - 200 400 µA - 120 240 µA October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 Note: The VLCD and VLCD1 internal bias voltage generation divider resistors are not included. Please refer to the diagram below. VLCD1 VLCD2 To The Common / Segment Drivers These resistors are not included. PT6574 V1.4 - 20 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 ALLOWABLE OPERATING RANGE (Unless otherwise stated, Ta=25℃, VSS=0V) Parameter Symbol Condition VDD VDD Supply Voltage VLCD VLCD VLCD1 VLCD1 Input Voltage VLCD2 VLCD2 High Level Input VIH CE. CLK, DI, /INH Voltage Low Level Input VIL CE, CLK, DI, /INH Voltage Recommended Rosc OSC External Impedance Recommended Cosc OSC External Capacitance Oscillation Range fosc OSC Data Setup Time tDS CLK, DI Data Hold Time tDH CLK, DI CE Wait Time tCP CE, CLK CE Hold Time tCH CE, CLK CE Setup Time tCS CE, CLK High Level Clock tH CLK Pulse Width Low Level Clock tL CLK Pulse Width Rise Time tr CE, CLK, DI Fall Time tf CE, CLK, DI /INH Switching Time tc /INH, CE PT6574 V1.4 - 21 - Min. 2.7 2.7 - Typ. 2/3VLCD 1/3VLCD Max. 6.0 6.0 VLCD VLCD Unit V V V V 0.8VDD - 6.0 V 0 - 0.2VDD V - 43 - KΩ - 680 - pF 25 160 160 160 160 160 50 - 100 - KHz ns ns ns ns ns 160 - - ns 160 - - ns 10 160 160 - - ns ns µs October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 CASE 1: CLK IS TERMINATED AT "LOW" LEVEL V IH V IL CE tψH CLK t ψL V IH 50% V IL tr DI tf tcp tcs tch V IH V IL tds tdh CASE 2: CLK IS TERMINATED AT "HIGH" LEVEL V IH V IL CE tψL tψH V IH 50% V IL CLK tf tr tcs tch V IH DI V IL tds PT6574 V1.4 tcp tdh - 22 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/2 BIAS APPLICATION CIRCUIT 44 43 42 41 SG45 SG44 SG43 38 SG39 37 65 COM1 SG38 36 66 COM2 SG37 35 67 COM3 SG36 34 68 COM4 SG35 33 69 VDD SG34 32 70 VLCD SG33 31 SG32 30 P T 6574LQ 40 SG23 21 SG22 22 SG21 SG24 80 SG2/P2 SG20 79 SG1/P1 SG19 23 SG18 SG25 SG17 24 78 DI SG16 SG26 SG15 25 77 CLK SG14 SG27 SG13 26 76 CE SG12 SG28 SG11 27 75 /INH SG10 SG29 SG9 28 74 OSC SG8/P8 SG31 29 SG30 SG7/P7 72 VLCD2 73 VSS LCD Panel 45 SG46 SG52 46 51 50 SG53 SG47 52 SG54 47 53 SG55 SG48 54 SG56 48 55 SG57 SG40 64 SG66 SG6/P6 MCU SG49 56 SG58 63 SG65 SG5/P5 43K SG51 49 57 SG59 SG41 39 71 VLCD1 C SG50 58 SG60 60 SG62 680p SG42 SG4/P4 +5V C 61 SG63 62 SG64 SG3/P3 +5V SG61 59 (FOR NORMAL LCD PANELS) Notes: 1. C≥0.047µF 2. Recommended Capacitor Value: Range: 220<Cosc<2200pF PT6574 V1.4 - 23 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/2 BIAS APPLICATION CIRCUIT 43 42 41 SG44 SG43 37 65 COM1 SG38 36 66 COM2 SG37 35 67 COM3 SG36 34 68 COM4 SG35 33 69 VDD SG34 32 70 VLCD SG33 31 SG32 30 72 VLCD2 SG31 29 73 VSS SG30 28 74 OSC SG29 27 75 /INH SG28 26 76 CE SG27 25 77 CLK SG26 24 78 DI SG25 23 79 SG1/P1 SG24 22 80 SG2/P2 SG23 21 SG22 SG21 SG20 SG19 SG18 SG17 SG16 SG15 SG14 SG13 SG12 SG10 SG11 P T 6574LQ 71 VLCD1 LCD Panel 44 46 45 SG47 SG46 47 SG48 SG45 48 51 50 SG52 SG49 52 SG53 SG51 49 53 SG54 SG50 54 56 55 SG57 SG56 57 SG58 SG55 58 SG59 38 SG39 SG9 MCU SG40 64 SG66 SG8/P8 43K 63 SG65 SG7/P7 680p 39 SG6/P6 10K 0.047 40 SG41 SG5/P5 10K SG60 60 SG62 C SG42 SG4/P4 +5V C 61 SG63 62 SG64 SG3/P3 +5V SG61 59 (FOR LARGE LCD PANELS) Notes: 1. C≥0.047µF 2. Recommended Cosc=680pF. Recommended Cosc Range: 220<Cosc<2200pF. 3. 10KΩ≥R≥1K PT6574 V1.4 - 24 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/3 BIAS APPLICATION CIRCUIT 43 42 41 SG44 SG43 63 SG65 SG40 38 64 SG66 SG39 37 65 COM1 SG38 36 66 COM2 SG37 35 67 COM3 SG36 34 68 COM4 SG35 33 69 VDD SG34 32 70 VLCD SG33 31 SG32 30 72 VLCD2 SG31 29 73 VSS SG30 28 74 OSC SG29 27 75 /INH SG28 26 76 CE SG27 25 77 CLK SG26 24 78 DI SG25 23 79 SG1/P1 SG24 22 80 SG2/P2 SG23 21 SG22 SG21 SG20 SG19 SG18 SG17 SG16 SG15 SG14 SG13 SG12 SG10 SG9 SG8/P8 SG7/P7 SG6/P6 SG11 P T 6574LQ LCD Panel 44 46 45 SG47 SG46 47 SG48 SG45 48 51 50 SG52 SG49 52 SG53 39 SG5/P5 MCU SG51 49 53 SG54 40 SG41 SG4/P4 43K SG50 54 56 55 SG57 SG56 57 SG58 SG55 58 SG59 SG42 71 VLCD1 C 680p 61 SG63 62 SG64 SG3/P3 +5V C SG60 60 SG62 +5V SG61 59 (FOR NORMAL LCD PANELS) Notes: 1. C≥0.047µF 2. Recommended Cosc=680pF. Recommended Cosc Range: 220<Cosc<2200pF. 3. 10KΩ≥R≥1K PT6574 V1.4 - 25 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 1/3 BIAS APPLICATION CIRCUIT 44 43 42 41 SG46 SG45 SG44 SG43 SG40 38 64 SG66 SG39 37 65 COM1 SG38 36 66 COM2 SG37 35 67 COM3 SG36 34 68 COM4 SG35 33 69 VDD SG34 32 70 VLCD SG33 31 SG32 30 72 VLCD2 SG31 29 73 VSS SG30 28 74 OSC SG29 27 75 /INH SG28 26 76 CE SG27 25 77 CLK SG26 24 78 DI SG25 23 79 SG1/P1 SG24 22 80 SG2/P2 SG23 21 SG22 SG21 SG20 SG19 SG18 SG17 SG16 SG15 SG14 SG13 SG12 SG10 SG9 SG8/P8 SG7/P7 SG11 P T 6574LQ LCD Panel 46 45 SG47 47 SG52 SG48 51 50 SG53 48 52 SG54 SG49 53 SG55 SG51 49 54 SG56 63 SG65 SG6/P6 MCU SG50 56 55 SG57 57 SG58 58 SG60 39 SG5/P5 43K 40 SG41 71 VLCD1 R R R 680p SG59 60 SG62 C SG42 SG4/P4 +5V C 61 SG63 62 SG64 SG3/P3 +5V SG61 59 (FOR LARGE LCD PANELS) Notes: 1. C≥0.047µF 2. Recommended Cosc=680pF. Recommended Cosc Range: 220<Cosc<2200pF. 3. 10KΩ≥R≥1K PT6574 V1.4 - 26 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 ORDER INFORMATION Valid Part Number PT6574 PT6574LQ PT6574 V1.4 Package Type 80 Pin, QFP 80 Pin, LQFP - 27 - Top Code PT6574 PT6574LQ October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 PACKAGE INFORMATION 80 PINS, QFP PACKAGE (BODY SIZE: 20MM X 14MM, PITCH: 0.80MM) D D1 A A2 D2 A1 -B- -A- L1 E1 E2 E -D- e c b θ1 C SEATING PLANE θ 0.10 C θ2 R1 R2 -H- GAUGE PLANE 0.25mm S L θ3 PT6574 V1.4 - 28 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 Symbol A A1 A2 b D D1 E E1 e c c1 L L1 S R1 R2 θ θ1 θ2 θ3 Min. 0.00 2.50 0.29 Nom. 2.70 23.20 BSC. 20.00 BSC. 17.20 BSC. 14.00 BSC. 0.80 BSC. 0.15 0.88 1.60 BSC. - 0.11 0.11 0.73 0.20 0.13 0.13 0o 0o 5o 5o Max. 3.15 0.25 2.90 0.45 0.23 0.19 1.03 0.30 7o 16o 16o Notes: 1. All dimensioning and tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. Datum Plane H is located at the bottom of the mold parting line coincident with where the lead exits the body. 3. Datums A-B and D to be determined at Datum Plane H. 4. Dimensions D1 and E1 do not include mold protrusion. Allowable protrusion is 0.25 mm per side. Dimensions D1 and E1 do not include mismatch and are determined at the datum plane H. 5. Details of Pin 1 identifier are optional but must be located within the zone indicated. 6. Regardless of the relative size of the upper and lower body sections, Dimensions D1 and E1 are determined at the largest feature of the body exclusive of mold flash and gate burrs, but including any mismatch between the upper and lower section of the molded body. 7. Controlling Dimension: Millimeters 8. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion. The dambar protrusion(s) shall not cause the lead width to exceed b maximum by more than 0.08 mm. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius or the lead foot. 9. N = No. of leads (N=80) 10. A1 is defined as the distance from the seating plane to the lowest point of the package body. 11. Please refer to JEDEC MS-022 Variation GB-2. JEDEC is the trademark of the JEDEC SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION PT6574 V1.4 - 29 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 80 PINS, LQFP PACKAGE (BODY SIZE: 12X12, PITCH: 0.50, THK BODY: 1.40MM) D D1 A A2 A1 -B- -A- L1 E1 E -D- e c b θ1 C SEATING PLANE θ ccc θ2 C R1 R2 -H- GAUGE PLANE 0.25mm S L θ3 PT6574 V1.4 - 30 - October, 2006 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: LCD Driver IC PT6574 Symbol A A1 A2 b b1 D D1 e E E1 S R1 R2 L L1 C θ θ1 θ2 θ3 ccc Min. 0.05 1.35 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.08 0.08 0.45 0.09 0o 0o 11o 11o Nom. 1.40 0.22 0.20 14.00 BSC. 12.00 BSC. 0.50 BSC. 14.00 BSC. 12.00 BSC. 0.60 1.00 REF. 3.5o 12o 12o 0.08 Max. 1.60 0.15 1.45 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.75 0.20 7o 13o 13o Notes: 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. The top package body may be smaller than the bottom package size as much as 0.15mm. 3. Datum A-B and D to be determined at the datum plane H. 4. Dimensions D1 and E1 do not include mold protrusions. Allowable protrusion is 0.25mm per side. D1 and E1 are maximum plastic body size dimensions including mold mismatch. 5. Controlling Dimensions: Millimeters 6. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion. Allowable dambar protrusion shall not cause the lead width to exceed the maximum b dimension by more than 0.08mm. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius or the foot. Minimum space between protrusion and an adjacent lead is 0.07 mm for 0.4mm and 0.5mm pitch package. 7. A1 is defined as the distance from the seating plane to the lowest point on the package body. 8. Refer to JEDEC MS-026 Variation BDD. JEDEC is the trademark of JEDEC SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY CORPORAITON. PT6574 V1.4 - 31 - October, 2006