TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 High-Power Dual-Band (2.4-GHz to 2.5-GHz and 4.9-GHz to 5.9-GHz) RF Front-End • • • • Highly Integrated 802.11 a/b/g Radio Frequency Front End ASIC Fully Integrated Up/Down Converters, LNAs, PAs and T/R Switches Super Heterodyne Architecture for Superior Adjacent Channel Rejection Performance Differential LO and IF Interface for Enhanced Spurious/EMI Performance Common Frequency Plan uses a Single LO and Common IF for Single IF Filter for Both Bands • • • • • • • • Integrated Temperature Compensated TX Power Detectors PA Bias Control Function Lead Free Package (TBD) Antenna Port OP1dB = +23 dBm Typical Antenna Port OIP3 = +33 dBm, Typical Frequency Range: 2.4 to 2.5 and 4.9 to 5.9 GHz Noise Figure: 4 dB ISM Band, 6 dB 5 GHz Bands Typical Typical Gain: 38 dB TX, 20dB RX IF = 374 MHz RSVD2 V+PA1B PABCB 37 36 35 34 33 V+PA2B RFB 39 38 BCIN RXDGC 40 1 TR MXB LOADJB TXGADJB TBD PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 32 31 30 V+PA3B 28 DETN RSVD1 4 27 RFANTB LOP 5 26 V+LNABA LON 6 25 RFANTA IFP 7 24 GND IFN 8 23 GND MXA 9 22 BYPOUT 15 16 17 18 21 19 20 BYPIN BCOUT 14 V+PA2A 12 13 V+IFP 10 11 V+IF V+LOA V+PA3A 3 PABCA V+LOB V+GEN DETB V+PA1A 29 RFA 2 V+IFN ABSEL Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCT PREVIEW information concerns products in the formative or design phase of development. Characteristic data and other specifications are design goals. Texas Instruments reserves the right to change or discontinue these products without notice. Copyright © 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCT PREVIEW • FEATURES • TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 DESCRIPTION The TRF2436 is a fully integrated Dual Band Tri Mode Radio Frequency Front End (RFFE) designed specifically for use in 802.11 a/b/g applications. The TRF2436 is designed to perform RF up and down conversions in the unlicensed ISM and 4.9-5.9 GHz bands. The TRF2436 uses a common IF frequency for both bands, eliminating the need for additional IF filtering. Combined with the TI TRF2432 IF/IQ Transceiver/Synthesizer, the TRF2436 completes the TI WLAN two-chip radio. The TRF2436 incorporates all of the RF blocks for both the “b/g” and “a” bands except for low cost ceramic filters. The ASIC includes LNAs, PAs, mixers, bias circuitry, RX gain control, transmit coupler detectors, and T/R switches. High integration and internal RF matching enhances performance and greatly reduce external part count. The only external components needed (other than simple passives) for operation are RF filters and external low power DC switching FETs. Functional Block Diagram V+ V+ BPF PABCA RFA MXA ABSEL TR PRODUCT PREVIEW PA PA RFANTA T/R RXGC T/R T/R IF T/R 2 A/B RFANTB 2 T/R A/B LO PA PABCB RFB V+ BPF MXB DET 2 DEVICE INFORMATION TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME NO. I/O TYPE DESCRIPTION MXB 1 I/O RF SE B band RF Input/Output to mixer. 50-Ω single ended. Do not apply DC. ABSEL 2 I Digital Band select pin. HIGH = A-band. LOW = B-band. V+LOB 3 I Power B band LO amplifier bias +3.3V RSVD1 4 - - LOP 5 I RF Dif. LO input (differential) Positive, AC coupled LON 6 I RF Dif. LO input (differential) Negative, AC coupled IFP 7 I/O RF Dif. IF input/output (differential) Positive, DC coupled, typical DC Voltage is 2.6V IFN 8 I/O RF Dif. IF input/output(differential) Negative, DC coupled, typical DC Voltage is 2.6V MXA 9 I/O RF SE A band RF Input/Output to mixer. 50-Ω single ended. Do not apply DC. 2 Not connected for normal operation. Leave Open. TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 DEVICE INFORMATION (continued) TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) I/O TYPE DESCRIPTION 10 I Power A band LO amplifier bias +3.3V V+IF 11 I Power IF amplifier bias +3.3V. V+IFP 12 I Power IFP amplifier bias +3.3V. V+IFN 13 I Power IFN amplifier bias +3.3V. RFA 14 I/O RF SE A Band RF Input/Output to PA/LNA. 50-Ω single ended. AC coupled. V+PA1A 15 I Power A band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. V+GEN 16 I Power DC Bias Control Bias +3.3V. V+PA2A 17 I Power A band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. PABCA 18 - - A band PA Bias Control Input V+PA3A 19 - - A band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. BCOUT 20 O Analog Bias Control Output. BYPIN 21 I Analog DC Bias Bypass Input BYPOUT 22 O Analog DC Bias Bypass Output 23, 24 - - RFANTA 25 I/O RF SE A band RF in/out to antennas. AC coupled. V+LNABA 26 I Power A and B Band LNA bias +3.3V. RFANTB 27 I/O RF SE B band RF in/out to antennas. AC coupled. DETN 28 O Analog Negative RF power detector output DETP 29 O Analog Positive RF power detector output. V+PA3B 30 I Power B band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. V+PA2B 31 I Power B band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. BCIN 32 I Analog Bias control input PABCB 33 - - V+PA1B 34 I Power RSVD2 35 - - RFB 36 I/O RF SE B band RF Input/Output to PA/LNA. 50-Ω single ended. AC coupled. RXDGC 37 I Digital Rx Gain Control. HIGH = minimum gain. LOW = maximum gain TR 38 I Digital Transmit/Receive mode control. HIGH = transmit. LOW = receive. LOADJB 39 - - Not connected for normal operation. Leave Open. B band LO amp bias adjust. TXGADJB 40 - - Not connected for normal operation. Leave open. PAB Amplifier bias adjust. NO. V+LOA GND Connect to ground PRODUCT PREVIEW TERMINAL NAME B band PA Bias Control Input B band Power amplifier bias +3.3V. Not Connected for normal operation. Leave Open. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) UNIT DC supply voltage, VCC 0 to 6.9 V DC supply current, ICC RF input power 600 mA Any port and any mode Digital input voltage, VID +10 dBm -0.3 V to 5 V Junction temperature, TJC 175°C Thermal resistance junction-to-case, θJC 35°C/W Operating temperature, TA -20°C to +85°C Storage temperature, Tstg -40°C to +105°C Lead temperature 40 sec maximum +220°C 3 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 DC CHARACTERISTICS TYP ratings are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V, MIN and MAX ratings are over operating free-air temperature and voltage ranges (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 2.7 3.3 4.2 V B Band, RX Mode 65 105 mA A Band, RX Mode 80 120 mA B Band, TX Mode, Max PABC input 410 520 mA A Band, TX Mode, Max PABC input 450 550 mA VCC Supply votlage Specification compliant ICC Total supply current VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage IIH High-level input current IIL Low-level input current 1.7 UNIT V 100 0.5 V 300 µA -50 µA RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS TR = Low, 2dB base band filter loss in RX band, MIN, TYP, and MAX rating are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER fIRF RF input frequency fLO LO input frequency fIF IF input frequency G Gain ∆G Gain step size Noise figure Input P-1dB MAX UNIT B band TEST CONDITIONS 2400 MIN TYP 2500 MHz A band 4900 5900 MHz B band 2774 2874 MHz A band 2637 3137 MHz 374 MHz B Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW 17 19 dB A Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW 18 23 dB B Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH 25 dB A Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH 15 dB B Band. Max Gain 4 5 dB A Band. Max Gain 6 7.5 dB B Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW -16 -13 B Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH Input 3rd order intercept point 4 dBm dBm A Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW -22 -18 dBm A Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH -16 -13 dBm B Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW -6 -2 dBm B Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH 4 8 dBm A Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW -12 -8 dBm A Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH -6 -3 dBm RF input return loss Z = 50 Ω Both Bands, Both Gain modes 8 dB LNA out return loss RF Z = 50 Ω Both Bands, Both Gain modes 9 dB Mixer input MX return loss Z = 50 Ω Both Bands 10 dB TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TR = Low, 2dB base band filter loss in RX band, MIN, TYP, and MAX rating are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Output return loss Measured into 200 Ω differential LO at MX leakage B band -30 dBm A Band (5274-6274MHz) -30 dBm LO at IF leakage Both bands -40 dBm Gain flatness full band B band 1 dB A band 2 dB 10 dB Gain flatness / 22 MHz Both bands Gain settling time Full range to within 0.5 dB final. All bands 0.3 dB µs RF to RFANT isolation In Band: B Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW 30 dB In Band: B Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH 5 dB In Band: A Band High Gain Mode RXGC=LOW 25 dB In Band: A Band Low Gain Mode RXGC=HIGH 35 dB PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER TRANMITTER CHARACTERISTICS TR = High, 2dB base band filter loss in RX band, MIN, TYP, and MAX rating are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER fIF IF input frequency fORF RF output frequency fLO G LO input frequency Gain Output 1 dB gain compression Output 3rd order intercept TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 374 UNIT MHz B band 2400 2500 MHz A band 4900 5900 MHz B band 2774 2874 MHz A band 2637 3137 MHz B Band 37 40 A Band 40 43 B band. max PABC input 22 23.5 dBm A band. max PABC input 20.5 22.5 dBm 5150 – 5350 MHz Max PABC input, V+PA = 2.9V min, Other VCC = 2.7V min 20.5 22.5 dBm dB dB B band 32 35 dBm A band 30 32.5 dBm Noise figure Both bands IF input return loss Measured into 200 Ω differential 8 dB Mixer output return loss MX Z = 50 Ω both bands 10 dB RF input return loss RF Z = 50 Ω both bands 8 dB RFANT return loss Z = 50 Ω both bands 6 dB LO leakage at MX B band -35 dBm A band (5274-6274MHz) -35 dBm Gain flatness full band 8 dB B band 1 dB A band 2 dB Gain flatness / 22 MHz Both bands PA harminics Both bands CW at P1dB dB -20 dBc 5 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 TRANMITTER CHARACTERISTICS (continued) TR = High, 2dB base band filter loss in RX band, MIN, TYP, and MAX rating are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS RFANT to RF isolation MIN TYP MAX UNIT B band 50 dB A band 50 dB PA Off Isolation RF to RFANT In band: both bands 50 dB PA Turn On Time To within 0.5dB max power 0.2 PA Turn Off Time To within -20dB max power 0.2 PA droop From max power after turn-on time, Maximum on duration is 200 ms PA Bias Control Input Range (PABC) Max Current corresponds to max PA bias state µs µs 0.5 dB mA COMMON ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MIN, TYP, and MAX ratings are at 25°C and VCC = 3.3 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TR_SEL switch time MIN PRODUCT PREVIEW Gain within 0.5dB. Not Including PA ramp time TYP MAX 0.3 1 AB_SEL switch time LO input power Reference to 100 Ω differential LO input return loss Measured to 100 Ω differential at 25°C IF port impedance Differential -1 Ω VDETP−VDETN (mV) 100 10 25C −25C 1 85C 0.1 15 Figure 1. A Band Detector Output 6 dBm Ω 1000 Pout(dBm) µs 5 100 A Band Detector Output 10 1 200 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 µs 6 LO port impedance 0 UNIT 20 25 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) B Band Detector Output 1000 10 25C −25C 1 85C 0.1 PRODUCT PREVIEW VDETP−VDETN (mV) 100 −10−5 0 5 10152025 Pout(dBm) Figure 2. B Band Detector Output 7 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 PIN 1 PIN 1 APPLICATION INFORMATION PRODUCT PREVIEW Figure 3. Package Dimensions 8 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 PRODUCT PREVIEW APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 4. Package Dimensions (Lead Free) 9 TRF2436 SLWS176 – APRIL 2005 APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) PIN 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW Figure 5. Recommended PCB Layout W2 P W1 D1 D2 Feed Direction Tape and Reel specifications defined per EIA−481−1A and EIA−481−2A. Package Description Parts per Reel Pitch P (mm) Tape Width W1 (mm) Reel Size D (Inches) Reel Width W2 (mm) 6mm x 6mm LPCC40 Pin 3500 12 16 13 18.2 Figure 6. Tape and Reel Specifications 10 Hub Dia. D2 (mm) 102 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions: Products Applications Amplifiers Audio Data Converters Automotive DSP Broadband Interface Digital Control Logic Military Power Mgmt Optical Networking Microcontrollers Security Telephony Video & Imaging Wireless Mailing Address: Texas Instruments Post Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated